Fight Under The Moonlight

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What if, in a world where countless issues have nearly pushed the brink for Humanity, that the Magical Girls suddenly exist (or rather, reintroduced) and the consenquences is not one expected of an typical Mahou world?

A reboot to my (technically speaking) first TL that I ever made. Update schedule will be of intermittent one.

Warning: Especially in the later chapters of this TL, there will be graphic scenes and occassional slurs that will be spoken by various characters (for which this author doesn't condone the usage of these slurs by any means.)
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Opening and a Foreword

Mister Anemone

"Why is Dab made Jay disappear in Lacey Games?"
"Magical girls defeat the final boss and bring peace to the world... it's quite the common scenario in stories. But what happens to the magical girls after that? Do they go back to being normal girls? Or do they continue their heroic activities? These stories don't understand a thing."
  • Brigadier, Magical Spec-Ops Girl Asuka

"To explain the history of the introduction of Magical Powers and their users into our humanity, there is an outline that many are familiar with thanks to the various points in our history where polarization over things that were introduced into human society such as innovative technology and social ideas have been recorded in countless history books such Protestant Reformation, the introduction of the internet and computers in general, and common sense social ideas…

…But the difference between those two concepts is that the concept of Magical Powers existed well before the birth of rigid rules that the concept of society provided; and when the concept of Magical Powers was reintroduced back into the planet, it led to events ranging from massive changes of the society that once followed by the rules that were set during the Victorian Era, and to several nations collapsing into conflict or revolutions as the society that once powers it became irreconcilable to the reality that they, the people who practiced Magical Powers, were present long before they existed at the first place."

  • Excerpt from "Side By Side, Hand To Hands: The Deep Examination Of The Connection Between Magic And Society", Jameson E. Yeller, circa 2051

"To all of humanity that have gathered here today to discuss the issues and suggest solutions that the planet is facing right now and the future of the existence of those who make wonders for this planet that has the potential to grow and repair the issues that our kind have faced as of this moment such as constant warring between different groups of people, to discrimination of all kinds, to the continued economic woes, to ordinary people becoming apathetic to the nasty political games, and so much more. That the Higher Ones, the creators of our kind, would have to cry about what we have done to ourselves and this planet the moment the miracle that They have created in the hopes of solving the issues that we brought into the world, have finally returned to this planet after millennia of hiding beneath the shadows while fighting darkness from behind to keep the light open. Until now.

Let me tell you a single story that I remembered from the days past. A story of where all things on this planet had begun such as the hardship we experienced and the success that we received. A story that would inspire generations to come…"

  • Excerpt of an opening speech of the UN-led 1st International Conference Of Magical Issues, Solutions, and Beyond by [REDACTED], circa 2028

"I just want to become a Magical Girl. Not…not like this!"
  • A typical reaction of one person given a Magical Powers

[Q: What is this TL is all about, honestly?]

A: This TL is a rebooted version of the very first TL that I wrote on this site in mind (technically speaking, since my actual first TL is a crossover TL) with a title, while it is a reference to a favorite TL that I used to read, that is long and not an unserious so much that I wrote the new name of the original TL instead. The reason it is a "reboot" of that particular TL of mine is that I, honestly speaking, both lost track of the plotline that I have laid out and had issues over the escalating events that I wrote in that TL…which is a reason why I kinda lost track to the laid-out plotline and why I have entered a very long month hiatus after the last TL I wrote halted due to the issue of escalating events and other kind of things. This rebooted version very much hoped to change the writing that I have, due to me re-reading favorite TLs of mine during my spare time that allowed me to structure the plotline (semi-)perfectly and prevent early escalating events from happening.

[Q: How will the TL play out as new chapters are published?]

A: I would say, it would be more similar to the famous 2020: Shots Fired and TLs directly, or indirectly, inspired by that TL. I dunno about the later chapters, but I'll hope that it stays 2020: Shots Fired-style of plotline…that is completely sprinkled with elements of a favorite HoI4 mod of mine known as Twilight of The Anthropocene in terms of "insane" events and what-not.

[Q: How will the TL of yours last?]

A: That'd depend on me either being exhausted or having problems with my writer's block. But be sure to check the chapter tracker of mine!

[Q: Chief inspiration for this TL?]

A: Many. So many that I'll gonna list it for posterity sake:

-. 2020: Shots Fired by Dab Master

-. An Age of Heroes or Darkness by Mr. Gatsby (probably the main inspiration of why this TL exists; except it's all about Magical Girls instead of Superheroes suddenly becoming present in the world.)

-. Leaving The Cradle: An Orion's Arm Timeline by Addemup

-. Fear, Loathing, and Gumbo of '72 Elections/Rumsfeldia by Drew

-. To all the TLs made by an group of users that I personally call "PolChat Test Thread Clique" (especially to Shearsforest and AstroRangerBeans)

-. Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka

-. Motherland: Fort Salem

-. Sleepless Domain (without this work, then I wouldn't be fascinated with Magical Girl things.)

[Q: What are the PODs for this TL?]

A: Won't gonna list anymore unlike in the original version, and instead I'll gonna put notes instead to explain the PODs and other intricacies that will be present in my TL.
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List of Chapters of Fight Under The Moonlight
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Part 1 - Return of Magic

Part I

Return of Magic

(June 5, 2021 - February 7, 2022)

"When the Magic reappeared, Earth was facing a tumultuous string of events that nearly pushed the planet to the brink of destruction from the devastating global COVID-19 Pandemic to the intense political and societal polarization that had divided the globalized civilization, economic pressures, new conflicts popping out in various conflict-prone regions, and the issue of global warming that has transformed the once normal weather patterns into a dangerous one. Events that could have pushed the planet into a brink of destruction that were never seen before since the spark of World War 1…

…So when Magic suddenly appeared, some saw it as a "hope" or a "miracle" that could prevent Earth from reaching its breaking point and others saw it as an issue that worsened the dire situation of the planet by adding new issues stemming from the return to its users as well. But whatever the opinions may be, Magic served as an arbiter of how things would run on the planet and re-wrote a new chapter of our history now that Magic has become a common thing in every civilization across the planet. For better or for worse…"

  • A New Hope: How Magic Saved The World From The Brink Of Destruction, Karin Allstrom, 2035
Chapter 1 - The Beginning
Chapter 1: The Beginning

[Can you tell us what happened that day you found the infamous photos? What are you doing at the time?]

Before I stumbled on those photos that sparked a massive change for us humans for years to come, I was just an ordinary space enthusiast like everyone else who took a liking to a subject that could pave the way for us to finally expand beyond our planet after centuries of being stuck here and causing misery as time passes. Of course, being a space enthusiast has made me so passionate about it that I was always very devoted to looking up the current development of newer space technologies or discoveries either in news sites that are devoted to space or various forums that talk about space stuff all the time while my focus such as work has been, um, completely distracted by the subject that gave me in times when I am stressed at work. But at least, I didn't waste my days being a space fan to give some personal insights to other people who wanted to become one.

You could say that my curiosity about space stuff has led me to this kind of stuff that I truly didn't expect to happen. So one day, while I was stationed in my office cubicle trying to work on tiring office stuff, I decided to visit a forum that talks about the space stuff to unwind myself and possibly join by typing my insights on threads that I found worthy. While browsing on the forum, I noticed a single thread that many people have flocked into and it is unusual because the discussion about the space subjects in every thread, aside from long threads, would typically last for 10 or 14 comments depending on how passionate the users are.

So I decided to click on the thread to see what the hell is going on and I…I have stumbled upon something that shouldn't have happened that led the FBI to investigate me because many believed that I hacked into NASA servers and leaked those photos for fun. Yeah, for fun. Bullshit. That is all I have to say.

[So what happens next after you click on that thread?]

You know the typical things of what the forum users would do: shock at seeing those photos showing the pristine Greek-like…or Roman-like ruins in an area of the Moon that many, inaccurately, called the "Dark Side of the Moon" and typing in usual comments such as jokes that sarcastically confirms that aliens are real or asking the original poster of where did they get those photos from. In this case, I chose the latter route by sending a private message to a user who has posted the photos by asking "Where did you get these photos from?" type of question.

It took less than a single week for the user to finally answer my private message that I sent by sending an invite link to a Signal chatroom and having a little chat over the photos they've posted and some other things. During the discussion that we had, and one that I didn't expect, the user in question was a staff member working at the Chinese National Space Agency and knew those photos. The user directly said to me that every space agency across the world was stumped at what they were seeing, in which they added that the reason why these photos existed was because NASA had silently launched a Moon probe into that location as part of a recon-type mission to determine the possibility of a location where it could perfectly land a landing probe in the future. When they took those photos and analyzed them over and over again, you could imagine the shock of the people who are working at NASA after seeing the impossibility of all impossibility. My only reaction to the information that the user gave to me was a resounding silence; because I was shocked that those ruins existed and shocked that they could be part of an ancient civilization that humanity hadn't known about, which became a reality when Magical Girls came out of the woodwork.

[So how do you feel, when all things considered, that the rediscovery of the ruins that are purported to be the ruins of a long-gone civilization have suddenly led to the reintroduction of Magic and the events that surround it?]

I'll gonna honest with you, and everyone who is watching this documentary; if I had known that Magic existed in the first place and not hiding within the shadows, then the world wouldn't experience countless wars and bad cases of balkanization, countless cases of Magical Rampage Incidents, the threat of political extremism that had utilized those who have Magic either willfully or not, and Nighters prowling in the countryside across the world and targeting people as if they were a souped-up Vietcong and many other things. But hey, at least the Magical Girls managed at least to help us fight climate change from happening, or simply softened its effects to bearable levels I would say.

But at the time before all the shit happened, I simply wanted to spread these photos that we had on our hands and tell the general public to know that these things exist. It took me weeks to find a reliable news source for the photos to be posted all across the internet for people to see.

I have no regrets about doing it, but I just wished that those things wouldn't exist in the first place. Not because of my personal opinion about Magic or Magical Girls; but I felt that those things simply worsened everything that this planet experienced at the time. And I think everyone who had lived before the Age of Magic would have agreed with this view I had.

  • Excerpt from an Atlas+ documentary film "A Tragic Miracle: The Full and Complicated Story of the Age of Magic", circa 2038

NASA silently sent a probe to the dark side of the Moon and took several photos. What they saw shocks them.
  • SpaceNews; June 4, 2021

"Ar-are those real? Lemme post it everywhere on the 'net right now!"
  • EternalHaughty (Twitter); June 4, 2021

The images of mysterious ruins on the Moon have taken the Internet by storm.
  • Reuters; June 5, 2021

NASA is still silent over the viral images from the Moon as the debate over its authenticity rose.
  • CNN; June 5, 2021

Delving the discussions, memes, and conspiracies. Countless conspiracies of it. Of the mysterious ruins on the Moon.
  • Kotaku; June 5, 2024

A minor demonstration taking place in DC by a group claiming that the mysterious ruins on the Moon "confirm" the long-outdated fake Moon landing conspiracy.
  • AP; June 6, 2024

"Seriously? The fake Moon landing theory? That is what they are protesting about on the street right now instead of protesting about the lack of government action to the Omicron Wave, the inflation crisis, and extremists running rampant in the street! Plus DC is on lockdown mode, how the hell the authorities managed to let them through!? I am done!"
  • Hal Jordan (; June 6, 2021

"This is what the Deep State has been hiding us from for decades, people. They have hidden these structures in the Moon because they will use it in their nefarious purposes such as opening the portal to Hell and use it as a gallows to those who criticized them! Now I can feel that the Deep State will arrest anyone who has seen the photos! Brace yourself, they are coming into your homes!"
  • Alex Jones (Twitter); June 6, 2021

"Why did every new discovery and strange things that had become viral on the internet always had conspiracy theories that always attached with it. I don't truly understand and it's insane to think about it."
  • Vanessa McCoy (Twitter); June 6, 2021

An armed man with alleged QAnon sentiments was subdued by the police after attempting to trespass on the Johnson Space Center in Houston.
  • Axios; June 7, 2021

The FBI says they will investigate the source who leaked the infamous Moon photos for possible criminal charges.
  • The Verge; June 7, 2021

"I could see this coming. The Federal government now wants us to wipe our minds that these photos didn't exist so suddenly. Don't let it happen!"
  • UnrepentantDowner (Twitter); June 7, 2021

  • Elon Musk (Twitter); June 7, 2021[1]

NASA confirms the Moon photos that were leaked to the public as "authentic", but claims that the investigation is still under way.
  • MSNBC; June 8, 2021

Are we truly alone in this universe?
  •; June 8, 2021

Gunfire was reported near the Tufts Medical Center as Boston Police rushed towards the scene.
  • Boston Herald; June 8, 2021

Police battle against an unknown group of armed men attempting to seize the hospital.
  •; June 8, 2021

An armed extremist group has seized the emergency wing of Tufts Medical Center after an initial firefight left 4 policemen, 2 attackers, and 3 civilians dead.
  • CBS News; June 8, 2021

"To all of the patriotic Americans who are watching this video that we made inside the temple of Satan. We are the members of the Divine Army USA, and we are on a mission to stop the spread of satanic principles by injecting a vaccine that is made by the blood of the innocents that were killed by those who uphold the satanic ideas of globalism. We demand the Massachusetts State Government and the Boston City Government to completely destroy those vaccines in the amount of time that we gave to you. At exactly 2 hours each. If the demands are made, we will release every 2 people safely. If the demands were not met in those given hours each, we will execute every 2 people right in front of you. And if you make any moves against us, don't expect that those satanic followers that we hold will not gonna live for another day."
  • Excerpt from a video that was posted across Parler, Gab, 8Chan, and other minor right-wing social media sites during the Boston Hostage Crisis; June 8, 2021

MA Gov. Charlie Baker defies demands to destroy COVID vaccines; vows to end the crisis "in a way that could end the continuing threat of extremism and save everyone's lives".
  • Boston 25; June 8, 2021

Reports of 4 hostages within the besieged Tufts Medical Center were executed by the Divine Army USA.
  • MSN; June 8, 2021

Local police and newly arrived FBI agents quickly repositioned for a rescue operation as the hostage negotiations began to deteriorate.
  • Fox News; June 8, 2021

Pres. Joe Biden calls for a "peaceful" resolution of the hostage crisis in Boston and condemns violent actions made by political extremists.
  • Politico; June 8, 2021

"Yes. The situation here is getting more intense as the nighttime rolls in just as the negotiations between the authorities and the hostage takers have completely broken down as their demands to destroy a cache of available COVID vaccines by the State Government fell on deaf ears and we could fear that they could execute another 2 hostages, or possibly more, just like they did to six unfortunate ones a couple of hours ago. The police, members of the SWAT team, and members of FBI-HRT are positioned around the Tufts Medical Center and they are on standby for any possible confrontation with the-

What the hell is that? That's…that's a shooting star coming towards-holy shit! The shooting star crashed into the windows of the Tufts Medical Center! This could get any worse so far. The police and FBI agents are now moving towards breaching the hospital. I don't know for…wait, y-you see and heard that folks right now? That is the sound of gunfire coming from within the building! The police and the FBI immediately rushed from their positions to try and rescue the remaining hostages from whatever the hell it was…"

  • A CNN correspondent live on the scene; June 8, 2021

Police and Federal agents quickly rush to storm the embattled hospital after an intrusion by a mysterious individual leading to a gunbattle.

  • U.S News; June 8, 2021

"Wh-who the hell are you! You killed those men who have chosen themselves to save this nation from the specter of satanism! I-I am gonna kill her with my gun on her head if you decide to do just a single step towards me! Just tell me who the hell are you, you satanic wrench!

I'm just a savior. A savior with a mission to restore what it once existed. If you shout those threats on me, which you did, your fate has finally sealed per the wishes of every Spirit that looked towards me right now.


You son of a-urk!

Am I safe? Am I safe? Am I going to die?

You are safe with my hands. You don't have to be feared. The light will always guide you, and there will be more light in the coming days, as prophecy foretold…"

Hostages inside the hospital are reportedly "safe and sound"; all 21 members of the Divine Army USA are "violently subdued" by a mysterious individual wearing white dress.
  • WCVB; June 8, 2021

The mysterious individual is seen flying away into parts unknown after rescuing a total of 41 remaining hostages from a harrowing event.
  • CNN; June 8, 2021

The death toll in the tragic hostage incident in Boston reaches 36.
  • Vox; June 8, 2021

"Real-life Superman (or Superwoman, as some witnesses on the ground suggest)? Ruins of a mysterious civilization on the Moon? This is getting more strange for this world right now. And I don't like it."
  • Shaun (Twitter); June 8, 2021

Who is the mysterious "Woman in White"?
  • Vice; June 8, 2021

[1] - Some technological things that should have happened in OTL 2022 and 2023 takes place much earlier in this TL due to either economic crisis due to the COVID-19 Pandemic that is worsened by an early spread of Omicron Variant in the Spring (which meant that, due to continued lockdowns, had allowed devs to constantly work on their products while at home) or minor PODs that happened.

One of the examples for this change is Elon Musk buying Twitter much earlier (hence the presence of unbanned Alex Jones in this chapter); but Elon opted not to change the name of Twitter into an bland name of X partly because of familiar branding…and partly because of him not wanting to give his critics an ammunition to his anti-Trans screed by deadnaming the name of the site (this actually happened in OTL, by the way).
Can we at least get a American Trouble
Yeah. There will, thanks to worst January 6th that leaves 41 dead due to some participants bringing in guns.

Though for now, things are calm for a moment before the after effects of [REDACTED] and Magical Girls becoming more common happened. Just you wait.
Chapter 2 - Whispers
Chapter 2 - Whispers

The mysterious individual known as "Woman in White" became an international sensation after a harrowing crisis.
  • Reuters; June 9, 2021

The mysterious appearance of "Woman in White" leaves more questions than answers.
  • The Atlantic; June 9, 2021

"I was just standing outside of the police cordon when this figure, wearing a white long dress, suddenly came out of nowhere and hit directly straight to the window of that hospital like lightning hitting a tree. And I am here like: 'holy shit, I guess I can say that superheroes are real now!'"
  • An individual interviewed by CNN; June 9, 2021

Survivors of the Boston Hostage Crisis revealed what happened when "Woman in White" suddenly appeared to help them.
  • The Daily Beast; June 9, 2021

MA Gov. Charlie Baker congratulates "Woman in White" for saving an "insurmountable" amount of lives.
  • Boston 25; June 9, 2021

"Woman in White is a savior this world needs. I hope that many people appreciate her efforts in stopping things like what happened in Boston yesterday and saving civilians who were in danger. Remember to stay decent at all times!"
  • Vanessa McCoy (Twitter); June 9, 2021

"Today I am gonna give you a brief commentary of what happened yesterday in a hospital in the city of Boston that killed 36 people in its wake and had…shaken the country since J6th happened. Yes, what happened yesterday is a horrible one considering what the armed group known as the Divine Army USA did and it was revolting for all of us, and yes - and I mean it - is that I support what the mysterious individual that media and people in the street call as the "Woman in White" did to rescue those hostage without any bloodshed and managed to end the crisis as quick as possible.

But let me tell you something dear viewers; yes, I acknowledge that what Divine Army USA did yesterday was very wrong, but let us not forget the reason why they instigated the hostage crisis in the first place is because of the insistence of the Massachusetts State Government to force every person to go out and vaccinate. The reason for this is that they wanted to stop the so-called Omicron Surge that has been allegedly spreading across the country for the past few months! Why those in power are crying right now when they aren't doing anything when Omicron came out last mid-March and now they're in a rush to stop it because, let us be honest, the anti-COVID lockdown protocols aren't working anymore now that the so-called globalized economy is suffering turmoil and a supply shortage at the same time and many people wanted to go back to normal life at this point. Heck, their insistence of anti-COVID restrictions is also hurting their base and some of them are speaking out to lift it right now in some parts of the social media. What the hell is the Biden Administration doing right now about the issue the ordinary Americans are facing at this moment???

As for the mysterious "Woman in White"...[sigh] I am gonna say this out loud right now. I very much agree with what you did yesterday to rescue those hostages and I applaud you for it. I applaud you with a genuine sense of respect. But…it could set off a bad precedent where any moment notice that the "Woman in White" could flaunt the laws of this land and it could make the government of this country irrelevant now that the so-called superheroes are real. But it's not. This is real life and I think everyone knows the consequences of doing it in the real world and not some kind of a fantasy world that is written in the comic books…

  • Tucker Carlson (Fox News); June 9, 2021

FBI raids a hideout allegedly used by Divine Army USA members. What they discover instead are 2 "bloodily beaten" bodies.
  •; June 9, 2021

Could "Woman in White" restore hope in a hopeless world?
  • The New York Times; June 9, 2021

"Woman in White" is not a solution to our global problems despite what naysayers say.
  • The Daily Wire; June 9, 2021

The global economy is in a state of uncertainty due to the Omicron Wave, shortage crisis, and internal unrest in some parts of the world.
  • Forbes; June 9, 2021

10 members of the mine removal team were killed in a gruesome attack by alleged IS-KP members in Baghlan, Afghanistan.
  • The News International; June 9, 2021

France scraps planned lift of mask requirements as Omicron continues to spread across the country.
  • Euronews; June 9, 2021 [1]

Seattle fails to reach the required number of vaccinated people due to threats by anti-vax groups and ongoing lockdowns.
  • The Seattle Times; June 9, 2021

El Salvador adopts Bitcoin as a legal tender in a first for the world.
  • Gizmodo; June 9, 2021

Anti-lockdown protests intensified across America after clashes between protesters and police took place in Lansing, Michigan.
  • The Federalist; June 9, 2021

Fighting began in the city of Néma, Mauritania between recently entered IS-GS(W) militants and local forces struggling to put up a fight.
  • Morocco World News; June 9, 2021

A botched demolition resulted in the collapse of a five-story building in Gwangju, South Korea. Casualties expected.
  • CNA; June 9, 2021

The mysterious "Woman in White" came out in South Korea and rescued five people before the debris hit the ground.
  • BBC News; June 10, 2021

Pres. Biden says the US will donate 100 million Pfizer vaccines "with no strings attached".
  • Politico; June 10, 2021

Afghan Junta calls the US for more air support and materiel as Taliban forces continue to make ground in the southeast.
  • National Review; June 10, 2021 [2]

Drought continues to worsen after Lake Mead drops to its lowest levels.
  • The Nevada Independent; June 10, 2021

Shortages of essential goods could slowly end by autumn, but continuing lockdowns due to the Omicron Wave threaten recovery.
  • The Wall Street Journal; June 10, 2021

An alleged member of Antifa was killed in a drive-by shooting in another case of political violence that has gripped Portland since J6th.
  • KGW; June 10, 2021

A UNICEF report reveals the number of child laborers "skyrockets" due to COVID-related disruption and general apathy.

  • CNBC; June 10, 2021

A hospital in a small town in Iowa is overflowing with patients infected by COVID. Then all of a sudden, they were mysteriously cured, but why?
  • Huffington Post; June 11, 2021

COVID cases during the Omicron Wave have peaked with North and South America, Asia, and Europe reporting its highest number of infections.
  • Science News; June 11, 2021

The suspect who allegedly participated in the J6th Insurrection is killed in a shootout attempting to evade arrest from the FBI in Wyoming.
  • Yahoo News; June 11, 2021

"Fake Pres. Biden is going to kill every America-loving patriot he could see! He stole my victory and this is the price we pay for freedom in this country! Support MAGA at all costs in 2024!"
  • realDonaldTrump (Twitter); June 11, 2021

"Thank you, Elon, for allowing this traitorous orange asshole here on this site."
  • JustTired (Twitter); June 11, 2021

Violence in the West Bank escalates after an IDF raid on an alleged PIJ hideout leaves 3 dead and a blistering riot in Nablus.
  • Al-Jazeera; June 11, 2021

Tigrayan forces are gaining effective control of the Tigray Region as they are gearing up for an offensive against Ethiopia.
  • VOA News; June 11, 2021

Conflict in the Sahel Region intensifies as Mali and Niger nearing collapse, increased French air support to curb militant gains, and IS-GS(W) continued assault in southeastern Mauritania.
  • DW; June 12, 2021

Etheria sent additional supplies and volunteers to northeast Mali and northwest of Niger as IS-GS(E) continued their encroachment.
  • Etherian Daily News; June 12, 2021

Ryan Reynolds, the star of Deadpool, has passed away due to complications relating to COVID-19.
  • Hollywood Reporter; June 12, 2021

A female teenager was arrested by authorities in Eastchester after destroying a home that killed the entirety of her ex's family after a breakup.
  • New York Post; June 12, 2021

Why the green industry sector is having a good time this year despite economic turmoil and continued low prices of oil.
  • Ars Technica; June 12, 2021

The Director of MassHealth is shot to death outside his home.
  • NBC News; June 12, 2021

The Reformed Army of God's Law claimed responsibility for the shooting death of the MassHealth director; and claimed the shooting was a "retaliation" to the destruction of Divine Army USA.
  • MassLive; June 13, 2021

Will Americans weather the worsening American Troubles?
  • The Washington Post; June 13, 2021

Police in Bangkok, Thailand are investigating a bullying incident that led to 4 alleged perpetrators being "gravely" hospitalized by their victims.
  • The Independent; June 13, 2021

Donbass separatists make an incursion into Svitlodarsk resulting in a clash with the Ukrainian military.
  • Kyiv Post; June 13, 2021[3]

Tracking every last location the mysterious Woman in White was last seen across the world since Boston happened.
  • Medium; June 13, 2021

Days after the Moon Photos and Boston Hostage Crisis whispers within countless family group chats of their daughters suddenly having a "miracle".
  • Vice; June 14, 2021

The Woman in White swoops in and saves several motorists after a fuel truck was ignited on a ramp in I-465 and I-70.
  • IndyStar; June 14, 2021

The combined Black Fungus and COVID-19, worsened by the Omicron Variant, have spread in Telangana, Goa, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh.
  • Times of India; June 14, 2021

Herat, the last city under the control of the Afghan Junta in the western part of the country, falls to the Taliban.
  • CNN; June 14, 2021

This shocking viral video shows desperate Afghani soldiers fleeing into US-held Shindand Air Base.
  • Newsmax; June 14, 2021

A bomb goes off in an empty gay bar. No confirmed casualties due to the lockdown. Northwest Aryan Defense Force claimed responsibility and called all "degenerates" to clear out from the Cascadia region.
  • KTVB; June 14, 2021

Even during Pride Month, many are feeling intense cynicism due to threats, continued marginalization, and mental health issues related to continuing lockdowns.
  • LGBTQNation; June 15, 2021

Pro-Fujimorista protests over Castillo's recent win led to vicious street battles between them, Castillo's supporters, and the police across Peru.
  • Latin American Reports; June 15, 2021

Vermont fails to reach the required 80% vaccination as Omicron Variant continues to tear the state apart.
  • MSNBC; June 15, 2021

Karenni rebel group announces a halt of its anti-Tatmadaw operations in a blow to PDF's ongoing offensive against the military junta.
  • South China Morning Post; June 15, 2021

Ukraine pushes Donbass separatists back to areas under the control of separatists after clashes around Svitlodarsk leave 32 dead.
  • The Guardian; June 15, 2021

Glitch Production is in talks with Netflix to produce an exclusive series known as Murder Drones that will be released in early 2022.
  • CBR; June 15, 2021

Cracks appear within the defenders in Néma as IS-GS(W) continues its assault.
  • France 24, June 15, 2021

Ordinary Sri Lankans continue to sink into despair as the dead economy continues to tear apart due to the spread of COVID-19, the death of the tourism industry, changing climates, supply shortages, inflation, and bad decisions made by the current government.
  • The Economist; June 16, 2021

COVID casualties in the United States passed 700,000.
  • MSNBC; June 16, 2021

IDF carry out airstrikes against Hamas positions in Khan Younis and Gaza City.
  • Jerusalem Post; June 16, 2021

The House votes down to make Juneteenth a Federal holiday, attracting criticism by Pres. Biden and various activists.
  • CBS News; June 16, 2021

NASA and SpaceX say they will launch another Moon probe to the area where the infamous photos have been taken to examine the mysterious ruins "next week".
  •; June 16, 2021

Experts warn the homeless rate will significantly increase in the next few months as the national economy continues to dither.
  • Business Insider; June 16, 2021

Taliban forces staged a multi-wide assault in Lashkar Gah as the Afghani forces were too disorganized to fight back.
  • Military News; June 16, 2021

Hope for a withdrawal from Afghanistan cracks after Pres. Joe Biden orders additional air strikes to support the beleaguered Afghan Junta.
  • Politico; June 17, 2021

The idea of peace in Afghanistan was just a ruse made by the United States.
  • Jacobin; June 17, 2021

California Gov. Gavin Newsom says the months-long lockdown will end "unless day-by-day cases of COVID drop by 50%".
  • AP News; June 17, 2021

Continuing activities by Woman in White sparked a heated national debate over unrestrained vigilantism.
  • Fox News; June 17, 2021

Etherian Air Force launches surgical strikes on suspected IS-GS(E) camps as Etherian Pres. Lamine Ag Donadei says sending troops to sensitive areas in Mali and Niger is "still on the table".
  • Etherian Daily News; June 18, 2021

Governors of Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, and Wyoming announce the end of unconstitutional lockdowns by next month.
  • Fox News; June 18, 2021

"What the hell are those Republican Governors thinking??? I understand that putting society into a prolonged lockdown isn't as decent as many thought would be, but deciding that 'COVID-19 doesn't exist' and that we are going back to normal before COVID-19 happened could lead not only more cases and more deaths, but more days to the lockdowns that everyone knows are tired of it."
  • Vanessa McCoy (Twitter); June 18, 2021

"What the Republican Governors in Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, and Wyoming did today is a suicide pact. Luckily, this administration won't spare a nickel for them when their population starts dropping like flies because of that decision."
  • Rachel Maddow (MSNBC); June 18, 2021

A tale of two countries: Wallonia managing to contain the spread of Omicron and North Belgium is struggling due to sheer incompetence.
  • Euronews; June 18, 2021[4]

Someone is keeping the levels of embattled Lake Mead afloat despite harsh drought conditions.
  • Ars Technica; June 18, 2021

Pres. Biden condemns IDF storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque; but for many, it's not enough.
  • The Washington Post; June 18, 2021

Something is going on in families across the world as reports that their daughters suddenly gain the strength of a typical superhero.
  • The Daily Beast; June 19, 2021

Utah Jazz advanced to the first NBA Conference Finals after defeating the Los Angeles Clippers.
  • ESPN; June 19, 2021

A liberal case for anti-lockdown sentiments.
  • DailyKos; June 19, 2021

The United States confirms it will not withdraw its Patriot batteries in the Middle East due to a "tense security situation".
  • National Interest; June 19, 2021

As every good suffered shortages and high prices due to COVID-related issues, why does oil remain cheap?
  • The Wall Street Journal; June 19, 2021

7 dead after an IDF outpost near Bethlehem was bombed. Hamas claimed responsibility as a "divine revenge" for the recent storming of Al Aqsa Mosque.
  • The Jerusalem Post; June 19, 2021

The nation's economy is facing further strife after Fitch downgraded the Philippines' outlook due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and supply issues.
  • GMA News; June 19, 2021

A hiker was found badly mutilated near McCall; local authorities say it was probably the work of an enraged bear.
  • Idaho Press; June 20, 2021

An IED destroys a bar purportedly used as a hideout by the Proud Boys leaving 2 dead and 1 injured.
  • OregonLive; June 20, 2021

OpenAI says they are appreciative of the "positive uses" of the DALL-E model as attention on generative art continues to grow.
  • The Verge; June 20, 2021[5]

British Columbia and Ontario provinces are seeing signs of a slight decline in COVID cases as the rest of the country continues to climb into record numbers.
  • CBC; June 20, 2021

The Nigerian Army pocket in Bajoga collapses; paving the way for ISWAP to advance towards Gombe.
  • Vanguard News; June 20, 2021

An anti-lockdown protest in Amsterdam turns into a riot as protesters clash with police and burn stores that are tacitly supporting the lockdown.
  • Euronews; June 21, 2021

A recent poll shows the majority of America wanted the continued COVID lockdowns to be lessened or removed.
  • ABC News; June 21, 2021

21 people are killed after Tropical Storm Claudette makes landfall in Alabama.
  • USA Today; June 21, 2021

Several videos show Woman in White saving people trapped during the landfall of Tropical Storm Claudette.
  • Kotaku; June 21, 2021

An artillery duel between separatists and the Ukrainian Army near Novotroitsk leaves a dozen casualties both servicemen and civilians.
  • 1+1; June 21, 2021

A worsening COVID Pandemic, an economy in turmoil with shortages and rising inflation, and perceived unwillingness to withdraw from Afghanistan; how the Biden Administration copes with challenges facing today.
  • The Atlantic; June 21, 2021

A family of 5 in Arizona miraculously survived a car crash after getting a direct hit by a trailer truck.
  • Sky News; June 21, 2021

One of the survivors of a shocking car crash says a daughter used some sort of "impossible" powers to cover everyone before the crash.
  • Buzzfeed News; June 22, 2021

Israel agrees to halt their air strikes in Gaza and several raids in the West Bank as negotiations taking place in Egypt to end the crisis are now underway.
  • Al-Jazeera; June 22, 2021

Dr. Anthony Fauci claims that the Omicron Wave is beginning to taper off in the next couple of weeks, but warns that the cases "will remain in a peak position" if the vaccination drive is slowing down.
  • NBC News; June 22, 2021

The Afghani Junta remains defiant against the Taliban as the defense of Lashkar Gah continues.
  • CNN; June 22, 2021

The reality of the post-Brexit United Kingdom began to hit hard as the Omicron variant began to kill more people and goods were hard to come by.
  • ITV News; June 22, 2021

IS-GS(W) successfully routed the Mauritanian forces from Néma as they advanced towards Walatah.
  • Africanews; June 22, 2021

"Hello everyone and to my subscribers who have eagerly waited for me, I am sorry that I haven't posted for a couple of days due to the problem that I have encountered. A problem that has a bit of strangeness to it. So look at me for what I am trying to do. It was shocking when I did this…transformation the last time. So here we go. One. Two. Three!

[The video then shows the clothes that the young woman is wearing is suddenly transform into an magical outfit]

You see that, folks? That is the problem that I have right now, and you know what I am thinking about it. I think that I am a real-life magical girl now, and I couldn't believe ot with my own eyes..."

  • An excerpt from a viral Instagram video; June 22, 2021

Anti-lockdown protests across the United States continue unabated as some liberal groups are joining the fray.
  • Newsweek; June 22, 2021

ECOWAS is in "serious talks" with its member states to try and contain the gains made by IS-GS(W), IS-GS(E), and ISWAP.
  • Reuters; June 22, 2021

FBI foiled a plot by an antivax movement Eternal Wellness Association to bomb a pharmacy assigned to distribute COVID-19 vaccines in San Bernardino, California.
  • USA Today; June 22, 2021

This viral video shows a person suddenly transforming into what the uploader called it a "Magical Girl".
  • Vox; June 22, 2021

Welp. Magical Girls are real now. Hope Kyubey is not real!
  • A thread in Anime News Network forums; June 22, 2021

[1] - Due to the early appearance of the Omicron Variant, whatever plan of lifting anti-COVID requirements such as mandating the wearing of face masks they have as it was in OTL in the timeframe that this TL is taking place in some nations was mostly scrapped as a result. This resulted in an upsurge of anti-lockdown and anti-vax sentiments now that some liberals are beginning to take part in those movements that they formerly hated because of increasing economic turmoil such as high prices and supply shortages (though, they mostly gravitated to the former movement instead).

[2] - One of the major PODs in this TL is that Pres. Joe Biden, instead of an quick withdrawal of American and other foreign troops just like in OTL, opted to utilize the phased withdrawal that Trump Administration favored (after finding it out from an user who had an family member working in CENTCOM and had knowledge in the withdrawal) alongside pressuring Taliban into abiding the peace and increase air strikes in the country (mostly IS-KP cells and "rogue" Taliban cells).

Except that the Taliban still launched an offensive as it was in OTL, but with more speed that allowed them to capture nearly the entirety of southwest and some parts of the north; which was worsened when Ashraf Ghani was suddenly assassinated by an IS-KP last May. This resulted in a power struggle that ended in the establishment of an military junta led by Yasin Zin and more American airstrikes that are now targeting the Taliban forces as a way to forcefully abide by the peace treaty once again. Strangely enough, despite punitive airstrikes, Taliban opted not to assault on U.S bases they've encircled (esp. those in the southwest) and instead characterize increased American airstrikes launched against them as a work to clear out their "rogue cells" and IS-KP cells who are reinvigorated to the perceived weakening of Afghanistan (privately, Taliban really don't want for huge number of Americans to return back to Afghanistan if they kill one of them within their bases the Americans are currently in control...Oops, foreshadowing).

[3] - The initial build-up of Russian forces near Ukraine (from March 3 to April 30, 2021) still happens ITTL…but Donbass Separatists saw the build up as an opportunity to weaken Ukrainian defenses before Russia decided to renew their build-up of forces again in the next few months.

[4] - A minor POD for this TL. Let just say that Belgium's "Royal Question" went wrong and resulted in a bloody civil war that ended in an division between pro-Royalist North Belgium and pro-Socialist/Republican Free Wallonia Republic…in exchange for both of them giving NATO membership and purging pro-Soviet elements within the Free Wallonia Republic to ensure that CIA won't gonna overthrow them any time soon because Commies (in which the FWR did). Currently, both of the nations are still pissed off with each other and they kinda have a dispute (esp. over the control of Brussels) that sparked various military build-ups and continuing Troubles-like conflict as a result.

[5] - Remember the note on the first chapter, in which some of the technological events that happened in 2022 and 2023 have happened early ITTL due to the tech industry being hot right now in the global stocks despite the ongoing economic turmoil and the continued lockdown kinda increased their focus on further improving the products; the AI industry is one of them.
So suddenly, crazy magic events are happening in an already chaotic world. This is going to get much worse isn't it?

Glitch Production is in talks with Netflix to produce an exclusive series known as Murder Drones that will be released in early 2022.
  • CBR; June 15, 2021
Lmao, what? why doing that on netflix? What made them change?

[4] - A minor POD for this TL. Let just say that Belgium's "Royal Question" went wrong and resulted in a bloody civil war that ended in an division between pro-Royalist North Belgium and pro-Socialist/Republican Free Wallonia Republic…in exchange for both of them giving NATO membership and purging pro-Soviet elements within the Free Wallonia Republic to ensure that CIA won't gonna overthrow them any time soon because Commies (in which the FWR did). Currently, both of the nations are still pissed off with each other and they kinda have a dispute (esp. over the control of Brussels) that sparked various military build-ups and continuing Troubles-like conflict as a result.
Belgium literally fell apart beforehand?? What was the timeline and month of that Civil War? That ain't a minor POD.
Lmao, what? why doing that on netflix? What made them change?
Glitch Production is facing some sort of funding issues because of, well, due to economic turmoil and prolonged lockdowns as a result of early appearance of Omicron. So they got no choice but to partner with Netflix for help.

Belgium literally fell apart beforehand?? What was the timeline and month of that Civil War? That ain't a minor POD.
The Royal Question is actually an real event, and it involves an actual attempt by Wallonian people to secede if the Belgian King, accused of collaborating with the Nazis after Belgium got invaded, didn't step down immediately in favor of his son; something that he actually he did at the end.

In this TL, the Belgian King resisted any efforts to step down that resulted in a civil war before getting stalemated due to intervention of NATO (esp. by Netherlands and France). The king stepped down though, but that's because it is part of an peace agreement that ended hostilities between the now divided North Belgium and Wallonia in exchange of having both of them to be part of NATO and giving Wallonia a chance to purge pro-Soviet groups within their government (after all, Wallonia was an hotbed of socialist ideas at the time that was grown due to the Nazi occupation).
Glitch Production is facing some sort of funding issues because of, well, due to economic turmoil and prolonged lockdowns as a result of early appearance of Omicron. So they got no choice but to partner with Netflix for help.
Well this will be interesting, can't really say I have that much sympathy for GLITCH, considering recent events that have happened.

edit: outdated

The Royal Question is actually an real event, and it involves an actual attempt by Wallonian people to secede if the Belgian King, accused of collaborating with the Nazis after Belgium got invaded, didn't step down immediately in favor of his son; something that he actually he did at the end.

In this TL, the Belgian King resisted any efforts to step down that resulted in a civil war before getting stalemated due to intervention of NATO (esp. by Netherlands and France). The king stepped down though, but that's because it is part of an peace agreement that ended hostilities between the now divided North Belgium and Wallonia in exchange of having both of them to be part of NATO and giving Wallonia a chance to purge pro-Soviet groups within their government (after all, Wallonia was an hotbed of socialist ideas at the time that was grown due to the Nazi occupation).
Wait a second. That event took place in 1946-1950. An entire country was split apart for half a century and history would barely change? That is very odd how history managed to stay the same despite Belgium, a Western European country, fell in a civil war with few historic butterflies.
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Wait a second. That event took place in 1946-1950. An entire country was split apart for half a century and history would barely change? That is very odd how history managed to stay the same despite Belgium, a Western European country, fell in a civil war with few historic butterflies.
Yeah, the world in this TL managed to stay on course until early Omicron appearance and a worst January 6th Insurrection hits; aside from few instances such as the very existence of Etheria (which will expand their information about them in the upcoming literary interlude after Chapter 4 in this TL).
Setting the actual divergence from the events that the timeline started from is a unique choice. What's you reasons for doing it?
Setting the actual divergence from the events that the timeline started from is a unique choice. What's you reasons for doing it?
Mostly because a narrative choice (esp. to the origins and the first welders of Magical Powers) and it is an reboot of an old TL (which featured events of divergence in the opening that is too similar to an 2020: SF chapter that detailing the events that happened between mid-2023 to early-2024. And I hate it).
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Chapter 3 - Strange Things That Happened...
Chapter 3: Strange Things That Happen…

Imagine yourself floating as if you are in the middle of an ocean. As you slowly close your eyes while your face is looking up in the sky, you could feel the heartbeat but not as your own, but to many people who speak with their heartbeats about the current thought they have from being happy, to being scared. And once you slowly open your eyes, you feel the passion of wanting to save them from an uncertain fate that could befell them.

Basically, that's what I did for the past few decades of me floating not on the ocean, but to the higher skies in between the skies of planet Earth and the distant skies that the Humanity called space ever since I got these powers of mine. Powers that I believed to be the only thing that partly saves the humanity as a whole, but to keep the eternal balance no matter how straining it is when Humanity faced countless wars, famine, natural disasters, and general hatred to each other, something that was worsened when Magical Girls suddenly came out of nowhere after I decided to go down on Earth and saved those hostage that were in the process of being killed by fanatics in Boston.

In Boston. [Sigh] I could still remember that event, isn't it?

But the reality is that, for the past few decades, I haven't mostly used my powers for good of the planet and instead I kept mostly floating in the middle between sky and space aside from me witnessing several events that the Humanity on the planet has made from the vantage point: such as American dropping two nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the first human in space, the saga of moon landing missions, and the creation of International Space Station. Well, if you include some things that I made in the ground such as helping this young warrior fighting to free Etheria from French overlords and I am not always floating above as I had my own personal life here on this planet that…that…I would rather speak about that later on, because remembering it makes me feel of why I became Woman in White at the first place, and the people who adored me as a superhero that the planet needs will be shocked when I show my true appearance on live television. I simply, simply hated that.

But back to the point, I wasn't ready to become Woman in White as I was today. The only thing I felt when someone gave me this power was embarrassment and a feeling that even with this powerful power I have, I still felt empty after all I faced in my entire life before I became the one. So I simply floated above, thinking of what am I going to do with the powers you have and still feeling the heartbeats of every person that I wanted to save. It kept me that way for the past few decades until a thundering sound came right through me.

A sound of innocent civilians that were slowly getting executed by fanatics who believe that simple precaution is the threat to freedom of all humanity.

Not taking any chances. Not wanting to become an apathetic person after seeing the horrible events that happened on the planet for the past few decades. And the whispers of the Higher One telling me that since someone rediscovered their Homeland on the Moon, that the Prophecy of Return will finally be real and the magic that once existed on the Moon will be returning in what they've called "Forbidden Land" known as Earth. So I did what Superman does in the comics, I zoomed myself towards the place where the scream is coming from.

I arrived in Boston and saw a crisis that was happening in a hospital that was taken over by a group of fanatics alongside the trapped civilians that they used as hostages, and executed when their demands didn't meet. Well, I wasn't greeted by the people who were shocked that not only that "superheroes are real now" or "look! A female superhero is coming to save them!" type of reaction or causing a jaw drop when saw the supposedly fictional character becoming real. No, that's not what really happened that day. What really happened is that I simply flew straight towards the hospital and I did what I could charitably call it as an intense fight between me and those agitated fanatics who are willing to kill everyone that didn't bend to their narrowed views, especially to those hostages that were completely scared because, in the eyes of the fanatics, have committed an unspeakable act of sin by helping people getting through COVID and vaccinating those that aren't. I immediately fled afterwards when I completed my act not because I was adverse to media attention or not wanting to inflame people's perceptions at the time when Magical Girls started, but because it was bloody in subduing those fanatics. So bloody that my iconic long, white dress that I wore is fully covered with the guts of the fanatics I killed because I was so angry at them killing innocent people without remorse or care.

But at the same time, that's where I realize that I have a duty to commit to the people and to this world at the moment Magical Girls started to come out to the shadows and they need some figure of inspiration to motivate them into doing their job they liked. I suddenly realized that thought when I cleared those fanatics and rescued those people at the time because of the memory I have. A bad memory. A bad memory about the First Day that I wished that I...shouldn't be there.

Yet, I didn't have to regret that moment that I faced in the past and instead I remember a motto that I made up. To remind you that you and I are not different when it comes to things like I did in Boston and other places that I've gone to. It was a recent one, but it was so very memorable that it fully reminded many that, while there are differences in our skill sets and our heroics, the goals still remain the same in the end.

"A man in a service uniform is no different to a woman in a magical dress."

  • The Face of a Savior: The Personal and Unedited Recollection Of The Woman in White, Jack K. Anderson, 2031

Afghan Pres. Yasin Zin calls on "faithful citizens" to take up arms and resist the Taliban's attempt to return to power.
  • Fox News; June 23, 2021

The Swedish Government's "Open-Air Policy" begins to harm its citizens as infections due to the Omicron Wave increase significantly.
  • The Local Sweden; June 23, 2021

U.S Supreme Court rules in favor of school in a shocking defeat for free speech advocates.
  • Politico; June 23, 2021

Ordinary Americans are getting more hungry as shortages bite due to Pres. Biden's unwillingness to resolve the Omicron Wave.
  • The Federalist; June 23, 2021

Britney Spears requested the judge to end her conservatorship, sparking debate over her current welfare.
  • TMZ; June 23, 2021

Post-election protests in Peru calms, but it exposes the fragility of the Peruvian Government to unchecked populism.
  • MercoPress; June 24, 2021

More families across the world are getting more worried about a phenomenon that the netizens called it: the "Magical Girl Phenomenon".
  • The New Yorker; June 24, 2021

The FBI publishes a report that shows a "marked increase" of memberships towards leftist or anarchist militant groups since J6th.
  • The Hill; June 24, 2021

Another remains of dozens of indigenous children were found in a former residential school.
  • CTV News; June 24, 2021

Second discovery of unmarked graves in former residential schools sparked outrage and several protests across Canada.
  • Global News; June 24, 2021

A young female was arrested after killing an alleged abusive ex-boyfriend by "freezing to death".
  • Fox 5 Atlanta; June 24, 2021

Pres. Macron approves sending French advisors, relief aid, and more airstrikes to help Mauritania in its fight against IS-GS(W).
  • France 24; June 24, 2021

A condominium in Surfside, Florida reportedly collapsed.
  • Miami Herald; June 24, 2021

First responders rushed to the scene of the collapsed Champlain Towers South as family members hoped for a miracle.
  • CNN; June 25, 2021

Videos from the site of recently collapsed Champlain Towers South shows two unidentified young females wearing "strange clothing" attempting to help the first responders before telling them to "get out".
  • WPLG Local 10; June 25, 2021

"I just wish the Woman in White was here. She is the only hope we have to save our loved ones that are currently trapped right now. If she saved a lot back in Boston, why not here?"
  • An family member whom their loved ones was trapped in the collapsed Champlain Tower South being interviewed by CBS News; June 25, 2021

Judge assigned to Derek Chauvin's case says "there will be no extension" on the July 15 date.
  • The New York Times; June 25, 2021

WHO confirms Omicron Variant is the most dominant in terms of other variants of COVID-19 by 90%.
  • Scientific American; June 25, 2021

4 killed and 11 injured after a mass shooting at a vaccine distribution center. Suspect with alleged antivax sentiments arrested on sight.
  • KRQE; June 25, 2021

Scattered fighting took place across Donbass region between separatists and Ukrainian Forces.
  • Ukraine Pravda; June 25, 2021

A gun battle ensued between members of Antifa and the Proud Boys in the streets of Portland. Both groups flee with no casualties on either side after Portland Police intervene.
  • The Oregonian; June 26, 2021

Hope grows for the families whose members are currently trapped in the collapsed building after reports of Woman in White saving dozens of children from a fire in China.
  • MSNBC; June 26, 2021

Tensions within the Democrat Party over support of continued COVID lockdowns grew after AOC and Sen. Bernie Sanders called for unilateral end of lockdowns "right now".
  • Vox; June 26, 2021

An American transport plane attempting to send supplies to Shindad Air Base was harassed by drones possibly operated by the Taliban.
  • Reuters; June 26, 2021

A man opens fire and kills two African-American bystanders in Winthrop, Massachusetts.
  • USA Today; June 26, 2021

Man was arrested on the scene after being subdued by a female wearing mysterious clothing before disappearing after cops arrive.
  • ABC News; June 26, 2021

Winthrop Police say the attacker was influenced by the rhetoric of Northwest Aryan Defense Force.
  • AP; June 26, 2021

Mali starts an attempt to stall IS-GS(W) advances in Mauritania by launching a large counter-offensive operation.
  • DW; June 26, 2021

South Africa's announcement of another lockdown due to the Omicron wave resulted in violent anti-lockdown protests in various cities.
  • News24; June 26, 2021

As the threat of possible intrusion by IS-GS(E) looms into our lands, Etherians must not forget the sacrifices we made during the Spillover Event.
  • The Etherian Times; June 27, 2021[1]

Magical Girls are now a fact, not a fiction. Why must we pay attention to them right now before it's too late?
  • Vice; June 27, 2021

TPLF is on the verge of retaking Mekelle after successfully cutting the last EDF supply line into the city.
  • Borkena; June 27, 2021

OpenAI is making money off the success of the Dall-E model; will they revolutionize the growing AI scene?
  • Ars Technica; June 27, 2021

After months of staying low, oil prices began to slightly increase due to OPEC price adjustments.
  • Bloomberg; June 27, 2021

Across America, the decision for small business owners to either close down permanently or cut their operating expenses as the effects of continued lockdown began to seep in.
  • Fox Business; June 28, 2021

Tigrayan forces recaptures Mekelle from Ethiopian forces, Ethiopian Government condemns their defeat to "illegal support by Etheria".
  • The Independent; June 28, 2021

Lashkar Gah still holds on despite intense Taliban assault.
  •; June 28, 2021

Afghan refugees have increased to 3 million, yet they have nothing to settle on in neighboring countries due to fear of COVID spread, fears of terrorism, and xenophobia.
  • Al-Jazeera; June 28, 2021

Riot broke out in Jenin after an unannounced IDF raid led to 3 deaths and dozens arrested.
  • Haaretz; June 28, 2021

Woman in White intervenes in the search-and-rescue operation in a collapsed building in Surfside, Florida by lifting debris up and rescuing a total of 17 people from the ruins.
  • The Daily Beast; June 28, 2021

"That's all I have done here. I rescued those people based on the heartbeats that I could still hear. The rest of those trapped in the ruins are no more. They are completely gone. Trust me with the words that I spoke.

That's all I have to say. I have to go now, but you need to remember the face of a savior who can save this planet and ourselves. Bye."

  • Woman in White to the rescuers of collapsed Champlain Towers South before flying away once again; June 28, 2021

First responders broke down in tears after Woman in White seemingly tells them the fate of the people currently trapped in the ruins.
  • CNN; June 29, 2021

"If what Woman in White told us about the current state of those who are still trapped in the ruins, then we have no choice but to follow what she says. It's…heartbreaking that she has said that, but somehow she manages to sooth us about the current condition while preventing us from getting a tear. As a matter of fact, the Woman in White actually teared herself when she said those words to us."
  • An first responder interviewed by Fox News; June 29, 2021

"It doesn't matter if the Woman in White is immoral by saying to those people who are still waiting for their loved ones to come back days after the building collapsed that they are dead. She had superpower sense, so she probably knows right away their current condition while being trapped in the ruins. Most of us don't have that power. So please, be decent to the people who don't know about you."
  • Vanessa McCoy (Twitter); June 29, 2021

"Bull. Shit. It is clear for many that the Woman in White is a complete threat to our way of life here in our country. Don't let the so-called "good deeds" she acts fool you! You have to remember that the only people who have that power are God and His Son only! Republicans must investigate this matter right now!"
  • Nick Fuentes (Twitter); June 29, 2021

Healthcare systems in Texas, Oklahoma, Wyoming, and Alabama constantly crippled by Omicron surge as the date of lift-up COVID restriction nears.
  • Buzzfeed News; June 29, 2021

Former South African Pres. Jacob Zuma was sentenced to 15 months in prison due to contempt of court charges.
  • Reuters; June 29, 2021

A bomb goes off on a police station in Charleroi leaves 1 dead and 12 injured. The group "Belgian Reunification Army" claimed responsibility for the attack and called for the dissolution of Wallonia.
  • Free Wallonia Press; June 29, 2021

Economic crisis, ongoing tensions between North Belgium and Wallonia and Omicron Wave fueling the return of Belgian Troubles.
  • Euronews; June 30, 2021

CDC says they are investigating the reports of several COVID patients across America getting cured by their female family members.
  • Newsweek; June 30, 2021

There is a massive increase of bullying incidents directed against young girls for the past few days. So is the rise of hospitalization incidents of every bullies.
  • The Guardian; June 30, 2021

A roadside bomb hits a vehicle carrying FBI agents on their way to arrest an J6th participant near Pueblo, Colorado. 3 dead and 1 gravely injured.
  • MSN; June 30, 2021

Allison Mack was sentenced to three years for her role in participating in a sex cult.
  • Hollywood Reporter; June 30, 2021

Bill Cosby's conviction was overturned by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court and was released immediately.
  • Entertainment Tonight; June 30, 2021

"This is why we don't have good things goddamnit!"
  • AlwaysResisting (Twitter); July 1, 2021

Inflation of basic goods began to slightly decrease as supplies began to arrive and cases of COVID slightly declined.
  • Business Insider; July 1, 2021

Texas, Oklahoma, Wyoming and Alabama officially remove lockdowns as some Red states plan to remove the lockdown as well.
  • Newsmax; July 1, 2021

Cases of combined Black Fungus and COVID began to decline in northern India while it is spreading rapidly in the south and northeast India.
  • Times of India; July 1, 2021

The whole anime industry exploded after countless reports of magical girls becoming real slowly spread across Japan.
  • SoraNews24; July 1, 2021

Despite the economic turmoil and decreased police enforcement, why is SanFran's crime rate remains low?
  • San Francisco Chronicle; July 1, 2021

Police in Charleston, South Carolina arrested two members allegedly part of the New Confederate Army after being connected to a string of arsons targeting various black-owned churches.
  • The Root; July 2, 2021

Recently released CCTV footage of a recent bank robbery shows three females wearing strange clothing entering then robbing its content.
  • WRIC; July 2, 2021

Bolsonaro's strongman image is slowly tarnishing as increased cases of COVID-19 and economic recession cause tensions within Brazil.
  • MercoPress; July 2, 2021

Pres. Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine calls on the United States to send lethal aid as clashes ratchet up in conflict-ridden Donbass and Luhansk.
  • The Washington Post; July 2, 2021

A grenade was thrown and exploded near a police station in Ardoyne District of Belfast. No injuries. New IRA suspected.
  • Belfast Live; July 3, 2021

The failures of post-Brexit society could cause tension and antagonism within the United Kingdom.
  • The Economist; July 3, 2021

4 dead and dozens injured after a car bomb hits near a postal office in Brussels. Authorities suspect the attack was the work of Brussels-Wallonia United Front.
  •; July 3, 2021

Rising COVID cases due to Omicron strains hospitals across the Midwest, the Great Plains, West Coast, and Southern regions.
  • MSNBC; July 3, 2021

Libertarians, left-leaning groups and student activist groups staged an anti-lockdown protest in Berkeley.
  • Sacramento Bee; July 3, 2021

Woman in White assists rescuers in finding people after a mudslide hits the town of Atami, Japan.
  • The Japan Times; July 3, 2021

A miracle and a monster: interviewing a magical girl whose transformation led to a split of her family.
  • Atlas News; July 3, 2021

Pres. Biden says his administration "will find a way" to accommodate the Afghan refugees fleeing from Afghanistan.
  • Politico; July 4, 2021

Abandoned by North Belgium and despite high prices of rare earth minerals, Congo Commonwealth is facing rising insurgent threats in the east and a collapsing economy.
  • The Financial Times; July 4, 2021[2]

The Woman in White safely lands a military plane carrying troops in Jolo, Sulu after suffering a malfunction.
  • GMA News; July 4, 2021

Yesterday anti-lockdown protests in Berkeley turned into a riot after the police clashed with the anti-lockdown protestors.
  • ABC7 San Francisco; July 4, 2021

Antifa gangs brutally loot or burn stores to the ground while beating several store owners to the pulp in Berkeley!
  • OANN; July 4, 2021

California sends the Californian National Guard to quell the riots in Berkeley as Gov. Gavin Newsom calls for calm.
  • MSNBC; July 4, 2021

Progressives' surprising turn from pandemic social mores they've established.
  • Vox; July 5, 2021

As reports of several women across the planet transforming into "Magical Girls"; for women in the Middle East, their transformations were met with ostracization and violent reprisal.
  • Vice; July 5, 2021

Only small island nations, Etheria and Wallonia maintain the high positivity rate for vaccine utilization to their population.
  • BBC News; July 5, 2021

Biden says America needs at least "45% vaccination rate" to at least halt the spread of Omicron variant.
  • CNBC; July 5, 2021

A member of Boogaloo Movement was arrested on the scene after opening fire on National Guard troops in Berkeley killing 1 and injuring 4.
  • U.S News; July 5, 2021

Tatmadaw control in northern reaches of Myanmar began to weaken as EAOs and PDF began to close in.
  • The Irrawaddy; July 5, 2021

Multiple incidents of cattle mutilations in Montana alarms cattle ranchers and local authorities.
  • Yahoo News; July 6, 2021

PM Boris Johnson says all COVID restrictions will be removed by July 19 despite high rates of hospitalization due to the Omicron variant.
  • ITV News; July 6, 2021

IS-KP assault, then seized, an Taliban-held small town of Ghurmach as rivalry between the two continues.
  • Radio Free Asia; July 6, 2021

As Omicron surge begins to slowly decrease and supplies start to fill again in the shelves, experts say one must expect a wave of lay-offs in the future.
  • Wall Street Journal; July 6, 2021

IS-GS(E) restarts their offensive against what's left of Niger.
  • AFP; July 6, 2021

ECOWAS asks their member states to send troops to Niger as IS-GS(E) could arrive at Niamey by next few days.
  • Al-Jazeera; July 6, 2021

Rate of refugees coming towards Europe could increase as the crisis in the Sahel Region begins to turn hot.
  • TRT World; July 6, 2021

Taliban gains half of Lashkar Gah as Afghani troops are suffering from supply issues and the spread of Omicron within its ranks
  • RT; July 6, 2021

Anti-lockdown riots in Berkeley finally ended after police and National Guard restored order and pushed anti-lockdown protesters away.
  • CBS News; July 7, 2021

A viral TikTok video of a police officer participating in the crackdown of Berkeley protests says several female protesters showed signs of "out-this-world strength" and a bad case of witchcraft.
  • New York Post; July 7, 2021

Pres. Biden agrees to send monetary aid to Ukraine as discussion on whether or not sending military equipment to them or their allies in Afghanistan.
  • The Washington Post; July 7, 2021

Police arrested two female individuals wearing colorful clothing after attempting to trespass a water distribution facility near Lake Mead.
  • KTNV; July 7, 2021

There is an increase in the presence of trans women across social media sites. Maybe linked to "Magical Girl Phenomenon"?
  • LGBTQNation; July 7, 2021

Gunfire reported near the residence of Haitian Pres. Jovenel Moise.
  • Caribbean News Now!; July 7, 2021

Huge explosions were reported inside the home of Haitian Pres. Jovenel Moise as Haitian authorities rushed towards the scene of the incident.
  • The Independent; July 7, 2021

Haitian Pres. Jovenel Moise was subjected to an attempted presidential assassination inside of his home that left dozens dead or getting captured.
  • Reuters; July 8, 2021

Reports spread across the social media stating that the Haitian President's daughter personally stopped the assassination attempt "with magical powers".
  • Vice; July 8, 2021

Prominent Republicans called for an alarm, stating that the spread of "Magical Girl Phenomenon" must be stopped "for the sake of every family across America".
  • Politico; July 8, 2021

"Oh come on, really? Republicans are now going to scrutinize us now that their endless attempts to scrutinize the trans, drag shows, and things looking so-called "woke" ended nothing but to make the ordinary people appreciate those things further? This country is going somewhere really bad, I am gonna say."
  • ShiningStarandStuff (K.Chan); July 8, 2021[2]


If you have recieve a draft letter that was sent by an entity known as 'United States Army - Salem Military Administration Office', DO NOT REJECT IT!! If you decide to reject the draft letter, you will be liable for imprisonment and could sentence you to an immediate DEATH SENTENCE per the terms of the Salem Accord and the US Army-SMAO will be deploying their personnel with psychic powers wherever you go as they could track you to the ends of the Earth!

And because honestly, I hear things in Afghanistan are getting worse…"

  • CoolDress4Me (K.Chan); July 8, 2021

Pro-Taliban or pro-IS-KP partisan attacks on supply lines hampers Afghan Junta's efforts to defend Lashkar Gah.
  • VOA News; July 8, 2021

Street clashes broke out between anti-lockdown protestors and black vest-wearing anti-lockdown protestors in Nancy over territorial dispute.
  • Le Monde; July 8, 2021

Global death toll for COVID-19 passes 5 million.
  • AP News; July 8, 2021

A border crossing between Niger and Etheria was struck by a truck bomb resulting in dozens of casualties. IS-GS(E) suspected.
  • Etherian Daily News; July 8, 2021

Etheria launches massive military operations to clear out IS-GS(E) presence in northern Niger as Etherian Pres. Lamine ag Donadei vows to avenge the deaths of 32 people in yesterday's terror attack.
  • The Etherian Times; July 9, 2021

"[Kneeling] Your Majesty, why do you call me in the time when our nation is facing a great enemy that is approaching near to our border, something that I made a vow to avenge those deaths of our people that those monsters made, Queen Mirna?

I hear that you've launched a military operation against the Daesh without my permission, am I correct, High Advisor Lamine?

[Stands up] Yes…yes that I have launched an operation without your official authorization from your throne. I apologize for that particular mishap, Your Majesty and it won't happen again in the future. But the problem-


The problem is, Your Majesty. Is that Daesh is just one step away from stepping in our lands and could unleash chaos like the days when the monstrous GIA trespassed our nation and our people brutally witnessed them committing those atrocities that were never seen since the French burned and poisoned our lands and killed our people by the tenfold! I have witnessed our neighboring nations of Mali and Niger slowly collapsing by the monstrous march of Daesh, one-by-one, in the last few months. As a matter of important fact, Your Majesty, I witnessed an nearby Nigerien city of Assamaka, a city full of desperate refugees trying march into our nation without food, water, or their belongings, violently fell without a fight two months ago and could have marched towards our border if it wasn't for you ordering me to to bribe the local Berber militias to fight back with such ferocity that the Daesh was forced to get stalemated as a result. I understand that you have a deep concern about our current status of our country that has recently came out from our isolationist period thanks to the dying last order spoken by the Great Liberator and Savior, Queen Adora, thanks to the troubling circumstances that had befell the world since the collapse of the USSR and the concerns that-

Alright, alright, High Advisor Lamine. I know all the problems that I inherited when the Great Liberator gave me the crowd that she wore and made a vow to continue observing the world from this little place our people called it home, without ever going back to the shadows that the Great Liberator herself instituted when the sweet taste of our victory from the French decades ago have turned bitter in the end. I understand that the whole world will look towards us when they somehow discover the greatest marvels that we built in our hands since our independence and they will exploit to feed the already tired and broken society, and I understand that today's threats like climate change, COVID Pandemic, political polarization and an economic turmoil that could break this world at any moment now. What I want to ask that every one of my people wants to know is: is Etheria ready to become a great power on its own? Perhaps you could answer this question since you, like every other High Advisor before you, knows how the outside world works.

Your Majesty, I think…the answer will be a complicated one. I understand that in this today's world that the great powers that exist outside of this country is slowly experiencing some sort of issues that could make it or break it in the end: Russia is desperate to relive the glory days of the USSR and they are antagonizing every nations that the USSR once part of by manipulation or direct annexation, China has seen its attempts to become an global power to start showing its cracks as their continued hostile engagements in their disputes with neighbouring countries, botched attempt to transition from an industrial economy into an service-related economy, Premier Xi Jinping's creeping authoritarianism, and the fact that the COVID Pandemic started right in their homeland, and of course, the United States of America is facing an uncertain time as they try to fan the dying flames of their involvement of Afghanistan by attempting to give their enemy some-sort of an binding peace agreement, the beginning of American Troubles, creeping authoritarianism of the Republican Party thanks to former Pres. Donald Trump and his rabid supporters, and many other things that are too long to reveal here. The point is, Your Majesty, that Etheria could become one of them in the future…if we could play the right cards and have the right friends like Wallonia on our side. This is why I decided to show to the world that Etheria would not stand to the chaos that is happening down in the Sahel Region and would not be budged from the days we once still lived in the shadows, even if I did without the authorization of yours. I apologize for what I did, Queen Mirna.

[Sigh] No need to apologize to me, High Advisor, I kinda understand why you decided to act without my words. Rules supposed to be simple, but in a world like this? There is no such option but to do what needs to be done. High Advisor Lamine, you may return to your job while I will observe our military along with this nation's esteemed officers and will be having a meeting with the Princesses of Etheria in the next couple of hours to discuss to the conflict in the Sahel Region that has ravaged for quite a while now and to discuss the future of our state.

You are dismissed.

[Kneels, then standing up again and bows at her] Understood, Queen Mirna. Glory to the Grayskull.

Glory to the Grayskull, High Advisor.

[Sigh] I could have wished the Great Liberator was still here, if it wasn't for those damned Algerians that destroyed her dreams."

Runaway incidents are increasing at an alarming rate across America, and most of them are young females that are possibly affected by the "Magical Girl Phenomenon".
  • Fox News; July 9, 2021

Seth McFarlane says the Family Guy will end its run by mid-2022.
  • CBR; July 9, 2021

Billionaire James Testarossa, the president of the well-known Testarossa Corporation, alongside his wife have died in a car crash, leaving their only daughter as its heir.
  • Forbes; July 9, 2021

SanFran police discover three alleged members of NADF bound, gagged and beaten. Police say the members are planning to conduct a mass shooting in SanFran City Hall before getting ambushed by a mysterious individual.
  • KRON4; July 9, 2021

Riots broke out across cities in South Africa after court upholds sentence for former Pres. Jacob Zuma.
  • Africanews; July 10, 2021

Johannesburg gripped by intense riots, looting, gunbattles, and small-scale violent pogroms against South African Indians.
  • Sky News; July 10, 2021

Couple of reports of mysterious "Magical Girls" fighting for, and against, the bloody unrest in South Africa.
  • Huffington Post; July 10, 2021

Apple, Microsoft, and Google are scrambling to build an alternative to OpenAI's successful GPT-3 model.
  • The Verge; July 10, 2021

Despite high expectations, sales of EV cars remain low due to continued low prices of oil and shortages of necessary things such as batteries and chips.
  • WIRED; July 10, 2021

After months-long COVID surge, cases in Taiwan begin to decline causing hopeful expectations for the economy.
  • South China Morning Post; July 11, 2021

An high-ranking LPR official killed in a recent air strike launched by the Ukrainian Air Force.
  • Kyiv Post; July 11, 2021

IS-GS(W) northern advance in southeastern Mauritania stalls due to renewed confidence by Mauritanians, France's continued aid, and Malian counter-offensive in the south.
  • Today News Africa; July 11, 2021

Etherian forces mostly gained ground in empty deserts in the northwest-central Niger as they continue to engage IS-GS(E) militants in Assamaka with allied militias.

  • DW; July 11, 2021

As the Woman in White continues to do good deeds for the world, for some nations and some religious figures saw it as a threat to the entire world.
  • Times; July 11, 2021

Novak Dokovic fails to claim his 20th Grand Slam title after getting defeated by Matteo Berretteni in a closed-door match.
  • ESPN; July 11, 2021

Richard Branson flies near to the edge of space in a major development for the growing space tourism industry
  •; July 11, 2021

Whatever happened to further updates about the ruins of the Moon? Did the Federal government manage to cover it up?
  • A thread in r/Space; July 11, 2021

Pro-democracy groups took to the streets across Cuba calling for reform and an end of economic hardship caused by COVID pandemic.
  • The Miami Herald; July 12, 2021

Unrest in the streets of South Africa further escalates after the SANDF repulsed an attempt by a gang to ransack an military base in Pretoria.
  • The Africa Report; July 12, 2021

South African police involved in the say they didn't expect a "strong resistance" from rioters who used some sort of magical powers on them.
  • National Review; July 12, 2021

America needs to contain the empowered people spreading within our nation. Right now.
  • American Conservative; June 12, 2021

Dozens injured in Hamas rocket attacks in Tel Aviv as their leaders vow to continue attacking Israel until they give up control of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
  • Arab News; July 12, 2021

As China managed to weather the Omicron surge, cracks within the real estate industry began to show.
  • Channel News Asia; July 12, 2021

"Recently, I have read a letter given to me from a father from Arkansas about the concerns of his daughter that has shown some sort of magical powers. According to this letter quoted that his daughter was wastefully playing water from their home to make shapes in the air or suddenly making water with her hands to garden the plants that his family is tending to; then all of the sudden, while taking her to an fishing trip which was an favorite of his, her daughter suddenly deciding to play with water by lifting every water up to the air before crashing back down to the ground, and unquote. What does the letter mean, viewers? This means that the things you always see in the comic books like playing with fire or water with your hands, managing to bend steel, fly up to the sky and even wearing ridiculous costumes, are becoming real on this planet. And it is concerning to all of us. For all the countless videos that I have seen about the so-called "Magical Girl Phenomenon" like this young female suddenly can fly like a plane from Turkey, or the shock on their faces that their ordinary clothes can be transformed into something magical by just closing their eyes instantly, I could only say that this powers that is currently spreading right now across the globe, can be used for nefarious purposes. And it can be destructive if one gives those powers to a person who has mental issues right now."
  • Tucker Carlson (Fox News); July 13, 2021

Several State Governors in both Red and Blue states are floating an idea to pass a state law that would end the supply shortages by reorganizing the broken supply lines.
  • The Atlantic; July 13, 2021

Local authorities foil a plot by members of Belgium Reunification Army to bomb the Presidential Castle of Monceau-sur-Sambre.
  • Free Wallonia Press; July 13, 2021

BLM, Antifa, Blue Lives Matter, and other protesting groups of all stripes are gearing up for the upcoming Derek Chauvin's conviction trial.
  • The New York Times; July 13, 2021

ATF says someone is targeting drug supply lines of CJNG south of the border.
  • Vice; July 13, 2021

Taking notes from recent Berkeley protests, several center-left groups that are opposed to the lockdowns plan to stage wide protests across the Midwest and New England.
  • DailyKos; July 13, 2021

Etheria gains effective control of Assamaka from IS-GS(E) as their forces and allied local militias surge south.
  • The Independent; July 14, 2021

Foreign observers attached to Etherian operations in Niger are shocked by the deployment of "advanced weaponry" in the battlefield.
  • Task and Purpose; July 14, 2021

Meet the magical girls who are volunteering to soften the effects of the drought that is affecting the western part of America.
  • Magical News Daily; July 14, 2021

An outpost controlled by Congolese National Defense Force was attacked by Kivu militants outside of Kitshanga, Congo Commonwealth.
  • WION; July 14, 2021

The European Union plans to up the vaccination campaign as the Omicron surge continues to strain every nation's healthcare system except Wallonia and Portugal.
  • Euronews; July 14, 2021

A hostage situation is taking place after 4 alleged members of a local Neo-Nazi group "Iron Wolves" attack a local migrant shelter in Irvine, California.
  • MSNBC; July 14, 2021

Woman in White once again arrived at the scene of the ongoing incident as the attackers threatened to kill more hostages.
  • Los Angeles Times; July 14, 2021

"This? Again!? Seriously? Are you sure you want to learn the lesson of not harming humans despite the differences they have again?

Don't worry, there are other individuals - though not as powerful as I am - who could sort this out that the mess you made. I'm just here to save and inspire people…and to restore balance that the Guardians would have wanted for this planet."

  • Woman in White's scathing statement to the attackers before making her move; July 14, 2021

Woman in White saves the day once after she dispatches the attackers and rescues 17 hostages.
  • Huffington Post; July 14, 2021

Pres. Emmanuel Macron vows to send additional boots to the ground and additional air strikes to prop-up Niger as IS-GS(E) continues their offensive.
  • France 24; July 15, 2021

South Africa places Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal under martial law as the SANDF moves in to break up the bloody unrest that killed an estimated 450 people.
  • Al-Jazeera; July 15, 2021

Why could the presence of Magical Girls worsen the current situation the world is facing right now?
  • Medium; July 15, 2021

Protest groups gather in the streets of Minneapolis as they will witness the closure of the George Floyd saga.
  • Vox; July 15, 2021

Minnesota places their National Guard under high alert and placed in positions across Minneapolis as tensions in the street start to get heated.

  • The Washington Post; June 15, 2021

  • CNN; July 15, 2021

"At long last, the true justice has been finally achieved to an ordinary American who simply did their job on their line."
  • Jack Posobiec (OANN); July 15, 2021

"What the judge did was horrible. Very horrible. Where is the decency of that judge after making the very worst decision in the history of mankind that allowed a cop who had killed an unarmed man to set free? I will pray that this will not get worse."
  • Vanessa McCoy (Twitter); July 15, 2021

Protests in the streets of Minneapolis turn into violence in the aftermath of a controversial ruling.
  • CBS News; July 15, 2021

U.S State Sec. Anthony Blinken to visit Pakistan to discuss the ongoing situation in Afghanistan.
  • Newsweek; July 15, 2021

[1] - Spillover Incident is an event that heralded the end of the Isolation Period that was imposed throughout Etheria by late Queen Adora in the aftermath of the Etherian War (which was intertwined with the Algerian War) due to increasing hostilities between them and Algeria over several things (esp. the expulsion of Pied-Noirs and Harkis living within Algeria and wanting to force Etheria to expel the Lesgens-Lune (Moon People, named after Etheria's current capital, Bright Moon) - or French people living within Etheria).

The event in question takes place in 1997 when several cells of GIA, in the eve of Algerian Civil War, illegally entered into Etheria and established several bases until a small Etherian village nearby to one of their bases was mercilessly massacred for being "heathens". This resulted in a 6-month military operation that ended in the deaths of 210+ GIA militants, 162 Etherian troops, and 300+ Etherian civilians and a wake-up call for Etheria that their isolationist policies won't help them in the long run now that Cold War has ended and the threats of destabilization in the Sahel Region could threaten their nation in the future (which…it did happen, unfortunately enough).

Of note, the event was the last thing that was overseen by late Queen Adora and she was so haunted by the tragedy that at the time before she died the next year after the event took place that her last words, as told to some foreign diplomats who visited her deathbed, are: "I just kinda wished that the Algerians understood us on why we are doing this for the sake of stopping the bloodshed that has completely run it course towards mindless revanchism. Something that my people couldn't stomach for any longer."

[2] - One of the unfortunate effects of "Royal Question" gone wrong is that North Belgium, partly due to peace treaty and partly wanting to recoup the economic losses after the loss of Wallonia Region, was that it managed to maintain its stranglehold of Belgium Congo, later renamed to Congo Commonwealth after North Belgium deciding to give them self-governance (inspired from the Commonwealth nations) in the aftermath of the Congo Crisis that still happens ITTL.

Because of relative stability and preventing Mobutu from gaining power thanks to an convenient assassination by an pro-Wallonia terrorist, the bloody First and Congo Wars were mostly butterflied away; with North Belgium and the Congo Commonwealth intervening the Rwandan Civil War, an event that was mostly considered as one of the inciting factor of the Second Congo War, in 1992 on the side of Rwandan Patriotic Front rebels and prevented Rwandan Genocide from happening after Etheria (through an third-party nation of Germany) casually leaks plans and tapes of some French officials talking about supplying Interahamwe which was planning to start an genocidal campaign against the Tutsis, sparking major outrage across the world (something that France was accused of doing it in OTL).

But despite the divergences, however, in the ground things aren't as rosy now that the discovery of rare earth minerals in eastern part of the nation saw tensions brewing and even some cases of unrest, rising presence of ethnic militias such as Kivu, Ituri, Hutu (caused by sheer revanchism against the Congo Commonwealth and North Belgium for intervening against them), IS-CAP (yes, there is an Muslim community in the Congo), and Tutsis under the banner of M23 Movement (caused by Rwanda being pissed off towards Congo Commonwealth and North Belgium for its betrayal of not persecuting the Hutu figures who were allegedly planning to enact an genocidal campaign against the Tutsis, something that North Belgium accused Wallonia and Etheria persuading Rwanda to fund the armed group), economic problems stemming from risks of investments caused by simmering insurgencies in the east, widespread corruption and general lack of care by their nominal overlord of North Belgium whom they began to see as an future dumping ground for deported refugees that the increasingly right-wing North Belgian government wanted to do in the future.

Overall, the Congo (or Congo Commonwealth) managed to spare the worst events that have happened in the OTL…while building tensions inside that could turn for the worse if circumstances of the current problems didn't stop.

[3] - K.Chan, or Kyubey.Chan as it was officially called, is an social media site tailor made for magical girls…and can be only accessible if they are an magical girl in real life through a technique that is considered by any as an work of an magi-tech based programming that is undecipherable to non-empowered computer engineers and coders at the time.

The name of the site came from a certain entity that gives powers to an magical girls in an anime show that is beloved by many (if you are an non-empowered persons) or having an mixed opinions over the portrayal (if you are an magical girl) known as Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Yes, the users understood the irony of naming the site from an entity who acts like a typical recruiter of the United States Armed Forces.
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So magic is now increasingly commonplace. The world is shocked and many responses are going on. I can't imagine all the shock that is happening.
Magical Girls are now a fact, not a fiction. Why must we pay attention to them right now before it's too late?
  • Vice; June 27, 2021
That second line right there seems weird. MAybe is should be "Why we must pay attention to them right now before it is too late?"
There is a massive increase of bullying incidents directed against young girls for the past few days. So is the rise of hospitalization incidents of every bullies.
  • The Guardian; June 30, 2021
"There has been a massive increase of bullying incidents directed against young girls over the past few days. As well as a rise in the hospitalization of their bullies." seems like a better quote grammatically.
Despite the economic turmoil and decreased police enforcement, why is SanFran's crime rate remains low?
  • San Francisco Chronicle; July 1, 2021
"Why has SanFran's crime rate remained low?"
Recently released CCTV footage of a recent bank robbery shows three females wearing strange clothing entering then robbing its content.
  • WRIC; July 2, 2021
Well, is was only a matter of time until someone got the bright idea to do this.


If you have recieve a draft letter that was sent by an entity known as 'United States Army - Salem Military Administration Office', DO NOT REJECT IT!! If you decide to reject the draft letter, you will be liable for imprisonment and could sentence you to an immediate DEATH SENTENCE per the terms of the Salem Accord and the US Army-SMAO will be deploying their personnel with psychic powers wherever you go as they could track you to the ends of the Earth!

And because honestly, I hear things in Afghanistan are getting worse…"

  • CoolDress4Me (K.Chan); July 8, 2021

K.Chan, or Kyubey.Chan as it was officially called, is an social media site tailor made for magical girls…and can be only accessible if they are an magical girl in real life through a technique that is considered by any as an work of an magi-tech based programming that is undecipherable to non-empowered computer engineers and coders at the time.
So has magic been gone for a while, and only just returning? Or has it been a thing forever, just now suddenly popping in the open. Because a month seems like a very short time for someone to whip up a social media website just for Magical Girls, or to do so using magi-tech coding no one has ever seen before?

Also, if I receive a "Draft letter" from an organization I have never heard before and can't look up on an easy to access public wiki or library, fuck em, letter in the trash.
So magic is now increasingly commonplace. The world is shocked and many responses are going on. I can't imagine all the shock that is happening.
Yeah. With the presence of internet and fictional works, the world is in for a shock that they couldn't handle the various crisis that the world is facing ITTL. As a matter of fact, the return of magic should have been slower if it wasn't for the internet itself.

Yeah, there has been a oversight of grammar issues. I'll gonna fix it up when new chapter drops.

Well, ShockedPikachuFace.jpg

K.Chan exists before the TL began (and it had an different name before Magical Girl Community decided to rename it as Kyubey as an ironic appreciation to the PMMM that has gained an mixed reception by those at the community). Also, magical powers didn't actually disappear, it was just reduced to the point of calling magical powers a work of fiction by the muggles; as a matter of fact, the only population that have openly have magical powers are those who are living in Etheria, and the only most powerful entity that still exist at the time before the Age of Return is Woman in White herself. Hence, in the world of ITTL, many newer Magical Girls in later time would like to call the return of magic as more of an "reappearance" than an "return".

Also trashing the draft letter would result in an instant death sentence as part of the terms of the Salem Accord, which more of an ceasefire agreement and more appeasement of giving those Magical Girls (or witches, at the time of American Revolution) a chance to fight for the American Revolution before their public records were wiped out as part of keeping the masquerade shut. And they will track you down no matter if you are hiding in any parts of the world - even North Korea.
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Some News
Hello everyone, I have some important news to share.

I'm gonna put this TL in hold for a while due to the upcoming semestrial exams that took away my focus on writing this TL of mine. Plus I have to rework Chapter 3 (namely the opening excerpts featuring the main character which was cut due to partly time constraints and partly wanting to be part of an upcoming Interstitial portions of this TL that I changed my mind about) and had to restart writing for Chapter 4 due to some things that I found confusing.

Don't worry, when semestrial exams come to an end and fixes on my TL are done, the update will back to normal (albeit in an intermittent fashion).
Very curious to hear more about the social upheaval, especially regarding gender politics, if it's revealed that powers can only manifest in women (assuming "Magical Girl" is very literal).

Could be very influential for trans rights too, if transwomen are included or excluded from receiving powers. (Sounds like it might be the former.)
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Very curious to hear more about the social upheaval, especially regarding gender politics, if it's revealed that powers can only manifest in women (assuming "Magical Girl" is very literal).

Could be very influential for trans rights too, if transwomen are included or excluded from receiving powers. (Sounds like it might be the former.)
There will be in future chapters after the first Interstitial in this TL, since the events in first three chapters where their presence are begininng to be felt which later culminated in the penultimate event that was teased in last headlines of the third chapter.

Yeah, there will be social upheaval an Suprising Realistic Outcome way. And yes, either transwomen or trans men (yes, trans men, consider this statement as Word of God) can become a Magical Girl. Though, not all of the women around the world is an Magical Girl as the total rate of population of Magical Girls - if one using the total female population of the whole world - since the appearance are currently clocked at 40%...and it will increased until it reached the limit of 60%.
Also trashing the draft letter would result in an instant death sentence as part of the terms of the Salem Accord, which more of an ceasefire agreement and more appeasement of giving those Magical Girls (or witches, at the time of American Revolution) a chance to fight for the American Revolution before their public records were wiped out as part of keeping the masquerade shut. And they will track you down no matter if you are hiding in any parts of the world - even North Korea.
Well, that is dystopian as fuck. Also seems like something easier to enforce when only a small fraction of people have magic, instead of a good sized chunk of the population.
Well, that is dystopian as fuck. Also seems like something easier to enforce when only a small fraction of people have magic, instead of a good sized chunk of the population.
Yeah. Though, with 40% of total female population in the United States suddenly becoming Magical Girls (and will increase until it reaches to 60%, same as the number of total female population in the planet), having a tumor known as Afghanistan and concerns over the shenanigans that the Magical Girls did in the first months after the "reappearance", the draft will be finally expanded to them...and the result would not be an nice one in the end.
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Yeah. Though, with 40% of total female population in the United States suddenly becoming Magical Girls (and will increase until it reaches to 60%, same as the number of total female population in the planet), having a tumor known as Afghanistan and concerns over the shenanigans that the Magical Girls did in the first months after the "reappearance", the draft will be finally expanded to them...and the result would not be an nice one in the end.
Liike, my nice ending for this is the people responsible for enforcing this "draft" getting yeeted from existence by most of the population. Like, not even thinking about the Magical Girls, the parents and families of those involved are likely going to raise a massive stink about, with the the level of ire proportionate to weather or not the Accords give a shit about if the target is 18 or not. Like, if a 13-year old gets a draft letter, I imagine heads will begin to roll.

Like, thinking about it, but the "Salem Accords" as a thing, are a nice device that basically can not last beyond the immediate situation they were conceived in. At some point, someone important was gonna get slapped by this, and would have enough weight to slap back at the people involved, either in influence or funding.

Edit: Getting off my chest, the main problem I have with this timeline is that, for a timeline about Magical Girls suddenly appearing in the real world, there seems to be a whole lot of backstory involved that I don't know about. Usually, in a timeline like this, I can assume that there was nothing overall massively different about the past before the TL started. Here, just within the comments mind you, I find out that magic has been a thing forever, and also there is an entire nation/world called Etheria with magic, and that the Women in White was around before the POD? It kind of leaves me not caring about the overall events of the timeline, because it feels like you can just throw anything you want into the timeline with the excuse of unknown backstory.
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