I feel the need to point out that 1; that's an unnatural state brought on by using a Stone Mask, and 2; they prefer to eat vampires.
You got it backwards. The mask was created to eliminate a natural limitation of the Pillar Man species - they turned to stone under the light of the sun (and reverted to normal when out of its light).
You got it backwards. The mask was created to eliminate a natural limitation of the Pillar Man species - they turned to stone under the light of the sun (and reverted to normal when out of its light).
I never said anything about the sun, I was talking about the "eating people" thing.
Although I can see where you got that from.
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I never said anything about the sun, I was talking about the "eating people" thing.
Although I can see where you got that from.
Ah, sorry about that. But I'm not sure if this is correct. I don't remmeber any of the pillar men stating that their diet was limited to humans or vampires. They might have preferred those as food sources, but that could easily be due to taste or cultural mores or something along those lines. Further, I'm not sure if JJBA vampires are limited to eating humans.

Also, another thought on Gilgamesh and how humanity in his age was "greater" - he likely knows hamon, and, in fact, might consider hamon to be the correct way of breathing (" did you think, mongrel, that I would commend you for the basic achievement of learning to breathe? Don't make me laugh!" could be his reaction).

And if Joestars get mixed in somehow, one has to remember that they are British nobility. Quite possibly old British nobility and one very clearly marked by mystic forces (their star shapes birthmark). Now, they are unlikely to be Arturia's descendants (through Mordred), but maybe one of the knights of the round table could be their progenitor.
And if Joestars get mixed in somehow, one has to remember that they are British nobility. Quite possibly old British nobility and one very clearly marked by mystic forces (their star shapes birthmark). Now, they are unlikely to be Arturia's descendants (through Mordred), but maybe one of the knights of the round table could be their progenitor.
There was that Goddess who was supposed to be the Patron of the Joestar Line, was that supposed to be Minerva or...?
I have to disagree here on the account of one very important thing: Stone Mask works similarly for humans and Pillar Men. It isn't "powerful" enough for pillar men, but it produces same, or similar enough effects that we can probably reasonably state that humans and Pillar Men are, in fact, closely related species with a similar brain structure. So, internally the two species should be closely related too.

Even if they share enough similarities in brain structure for the Stone Mask to have an effect on them, that doesn't make them "human." For all we know, the Stone Mask would have some effect if it was used on an ape.

Anubis, on the gripping appendage, is probably a legendary "magical" sword. Depending on the interpretation of how Gate of Babylon works, a version of him might be inside.
Isn't Anubis both? I thought he was a sword which had developed a stand that granted it consciousness and ability to control its wielders. Who is the Stand User of Anubis? Personal theory is that Anubis was crafted using the same or similar meteorite to the ones that produced Arrows.

Anbuis is a sapient (if simple-minded) Stand. 500 years again, a man named Caravan Serai forged a sword, and that sword became the focus of his Bound-type Stand, Anubis. Anubis is essentially like Cheap Trick, another Stand that can "change" users and survive on its own.

Gilgamesh might have a copy of the sword if the sword itself is especially noteworthy or Caravan Serai did anything notable with it, but it wouldn't have Anubis bound up in it.

Personally, I would say that Stands are to Third Magic is what Tsubame Gaeshi is to the Second. A limited non-magical manifestation of the same grander phenomenon / aspect of reality / ability.

Something like that, yeah.

While Anubis is the oldest Stand in existence

Well, he's the oldest Stand to have actually been encountered (not counting the Stands created by the Corpse Parts, since that's another universe entirely).

I feel the need to point out that 1; that's an unnatural state brought on by using a Stone Mask, and 2; they prefer to eat vampires.

Actually, it was stated that even before Kars' rise they fed on humanity. They were the true apex predator and consumed what was directly below them on the food chain - humans. They probably ate other stuff too, but they definitely ate humans.

Also, another thought on Gilgamesh and how humanity in his age was "greater" - he likely knows hamon, and, in fact, might consider hamon to be the correct way of breathing (" did you think, mongrel, that I would commend you for the basic achievement of learning to breathe? Don't make me laugh!" could be his reaction).

Well, Hamon was never something commonplace, so even in Gilgamesh's time someone who could use it would have stood out from the rest. You're probably totally right about Gilgamesh's attitude toward it, but that's kind of just Gilgamesh being a prick. After all, an entire clan of Ripple Users were wiped out doing what Joseph ended up accomplishing pretty much by himself (if I have one criticism of Part II, it's that Joseph is the only person who's allowed to have a win).

And if Joestars get mixed in somehow, one has to remember that they are British nobility. Quite possibly old British nobility and one very clearly marked by mystic forces (their star shapes birthmark). Now, they are unlikely to be Arturia's descendants (through Mordred), but maybe one of the knights of the round table could be their progenitor.

Only if they're Welsh or Cornish (and maybe if they're from northern England/southern Scotland, a region once known as "Hen Ogledd" or "The Old North"). All extant English nobility are ultimately of either Saxon or Norman stock.

Actually, judging from the Joestar Mansion itself, they actually might have been fairly recent. The mansion was built in Liverpool, which only gained any substantial level of wealth and importance during the 19th century (in fact, it was only incorporated as an official city in 1880). And the mansion itself is built in the Queen Anne style, which might suggest it was built in the early 18th century, except that the style had a revival in the last quarter of the 19th century up to the early years of the 20th.

It might just be a coincidence, but since Joestar Manor was built in a city that only became a city in 1880, and built in a style that was undergoing a revival during that time, it's possible that George Joestar wasn't of the old nobility, but rather a self-made man (he is mentioned as being involved in trade). It's quite possible that George came into his wealth and nobility through his own efforts in his lifetime.

Not that that necessarily rules out that the ancestors of the Joestars were around in England long before being officially recognized as nobility. I mentioned Hen Ogledd, and I think there's a portrait in the Joestar Manor of George wearing a kilt. For all we know...

Huh. Now I kind of want to play as the Joestars in CKII.

There was that Goddess who was supposed to be the Patron of the Joestar Line, was that supposed to be Minerva or...?

Venus; that statue is called the Statue of the Goddess of Love, and is built in a Greco-Roman style. Incidentally, Julius Caesar claimed to be descended from Venus.

Of course, as we all know, the Joestars date all the way back to Joshua bar Joseph.;)
Venus; that statue is called the Statue of the Goddess of Love, and is built in a Greco-Roman style. Incidentally, Julius Caesar claimed to be descended from Venus.

Of course, as we all know, the Joestars date all the way back to Joshua bar Joseph.;)

Obviously, the Joestar Family is the TRUE Holy Grail (at least according to the da Vinci Code Definition of it.)

Why was Saber in the Throne of Heroes anyways? I thought she was in Avalon prior to being summoned by Shirou and is technically still alive which is why she can't astralize and can remember previous wars she has been in.
Why was Saber in the Throne of Heroes anyways? I thought she was in Avalon prior to being summoned by Shirou and is technically still alive which is why she can't astralize and can remember previous wars she has been in.
This is correct, the version of Saber summoned in the Forth and Fifth Holy Grail Wars wasn't in the Throne of Heroes until after she was returned to her place/time of death.
This is correct, the version of Saber summoned in the Forth and Fifth Holy Grail Wars wasn't in the Throne of Heroes until after she was returned to her place/time of death.
I'll be honest... I forgot that part when I wrote it.:(

Look, if it makes people feel better, we'll just say that Avalon itself is connected to the Throne of Heroes, due to the fact they would both qualify as outside of normal spacetime. This also lends to Saber's unique condition upon Avdol's first encounter with her, neither in stasis but with limited awareness of their surroundings(Heroic Spirit) or active but mindless (Counter Guardian).
I don't like most fanon or fanon terms, but if they're actually make sense or are useful, I'll use it.
I can accept that, I suppose.
I'm not particularly sure how useful it is as a term, as an Origin of Sword and an Element of Sword seem to do different things, practically.
I was under the impression that Origin wasn't in fact a subject widely studied amongst magi.
Accepting Incarnation as a valid term within-setting, would Shirou even know what it is if he hears it mentioned?
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I was under the impression that Origin wasn't in fact a subject widely studied amongst magi.
Because it's IIRC difficult to do much study on the subject.
I'm not particularly sure how useful it is as a term, as an Origin of Sword and an Element of Sword seem to do different things, practically.
It's the interaction between them that causes a unique effect, just one or the other isn't really that special.
Look, you can make her hate Avdol for the reason Caesar hates Joseph; Avdol is a kind of unhinged trickster figure, and Saber, being an honorable knight, dislikes them because they lack honor...

Which means she'll try to stab Joseph where the sun don't shine and then Excaliblast him once it's shoulder deep, won't she?
The ONLY Spoiler
Which means she'll try to stab Joseph where the sun don't shine and then Excaliblast him once it's shoulder deep, won't she?


It depends on when and if Joseph makes his glorious appearance. I have plans.

I am going to give ONE spoiler about this story, and only ONE: Reality Marbles aren't actually Magecraft. After all, skewed perception of reality is a sign of mental illness...

If you want an explanation of what they really are, you're going to have to slog through Jorge Joestar. You have three guesses after you do so, and the first two don't count.