"Dungeon Keeper" was probably the first thing I thought of when reading the first few lines. So I guess this fits just fine.
Could you give us a little more detail on what the rooms do? I would rather not decide based on guesswork.
There's definitely going to be some similarities to Dungeon Keeper, but there isn't the same 'evil is its own reward' sort of thing.
The rooms are reasonably self-explanatory; they'll be influencing the theme of your dungeon and the theme of the minions/monsters that'll be working for you initially (and maybe some of your back story as well). Mechanically, they won't be actually changing anything.
For a little more clarity of the specifics of each area.
The Crypt - A place for dead bodies, natch. A crypt is a basic necessity for most kinds of undead creatures; you need a nice, malevolent location to raise a quality zombie (which is why it's usually the 'plague' part of a Zombie Plague that's scary). They need to marinade in the malevolence. Beyond that, while Vampires are usually okay with laying their caskets anywhere, they prefer such a place to get their beauty sleep.
The Vault - The place where you put the money, as well as any magical artefacts. If you could, you'd just raid it for all its stuff, but unfortunately, the door seems 'rusted shut' (the bane of any adventurer's existence). Making the Vault the centre of your dungeon is usually considered very tacky.
It's the sort of thing an optional boss would do.
The Lab - Whoever used to own this place was probably some nouveau riche idiot that just wanted a lab for the sake of having one, since it's not actually focused towards anything. There's some alchemy stuff and some torture equipment and some arcanist equipment and half of it seems completely unused. Still, you can probably make use of it.
The Mines - Not really a room, per say; the mines will still be there if you don't save them, but the infrastructure used to actually obtain the ore and smelt it will dissipate. The obvious mineral deposits are mostly depleted, but there's still plenty of gold to get out of the ground. Also spiders. Spiders love mines.
The Chapel - The dungeon's previous owner wore the fabric of reality a little thin in this room, giving them a direct line to their dark god of choice. As far as you can tell, the god they were talking to is dead, but you can easily repurpose it to talk to your own god of choice. Or you could make it a demon-spawning pit... But that'd just be a waste, right?
Edit: If you need another reserved post, I can delete this one and put it up afterwards.
No worries; two reserved is enough (I think).