Fell Omens [Dungeon Quest]

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A Dark and/or Stormy Night (Preferably Both) [Part 1]

Ye find yeself in yon dungeon.

Ahem. Not...
A Dark and/or Stormy Night [Part 1]
A Dark and/or Stormy Night (Preferably Both) [Part 1]

Ye find yeself in yon dungeon.

Ahem. Not 'yon'. Your. It's your dungeon. You own all of it, from its crumbling throne room to the ransacked library to the barren conservatory. You're pretty sure it used to have a tower at some point (probably occupied by a princess), but that was probably the first thing to go when the master of the house vanished. Now, it's yours, bequeathed to you via the traditional, ancient rite of 'Finders Keepers'.

Unfortunately, as with many things, you get what you pay for. The evil spirits™ have all but deserted this place in the absence of its master. You're pretty sure if you try to make anything new with the Malevolence of this place, it'll start collapsing just as surely as if its original owner had been decapitated by a kid with dangerously spiky hair. Really, your average Dark Lord would probably find it easier to start from scratch, but you don't really have the Villain capital to just go out there and just find something better. You'll make do with what you have.

By your estimate, you can probably salvage one room if you sacrifice the rest. While there's a certain allure to keeping the dungeon's centre in the Throne Room (whoever owned this before you had a real ego on him), you really do need something more practical than that.

Instead, you pick...


[] The Crypt.
[] The Vault.
[] The Lab.
[] The Mines.
[] The Chapel.
[] 'I have my own ideas' (Write-In)

* * * * * * * *

So yeah. Back again. Did a month and half of FFXIV (I kinda want to do a FE:A/FFXIV cross-over where Robin becomes the warrior of light), then a bunch of Shadowverse (which I'm still playing), then I tried to get back into DotA...

I tend to write when I'm morose and/or frustrated.

Anyway, I really, really should just go back to the other quests I'm running (or Learnset)... But I kinda just want to try out one of these more base-build-y style of quest. If you can't tell, I've also been re-reading DKA.

Also, a note that this isn't quite a Dungeon Keeper setting, nor is it exactly the same thing as 'You're a Dungeon Final Boss'.
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Dungeon Information
Overall Malevolence: 1/4

Chapel (BOSS)

Status: Active
Traits: [Boss Room - YOU]
Connects To: Corridors

Corridors (Lower)
Status: Unfortified
Traits: None
Connects To: Chapel, Empty Room, Corridors (Upper)

Pointless Room
Status: Active
Traits: Storage I
Connects To: Corridors (Lower), Forest Entrance

Corridors (Upper)
Status: Unfortified
Traits: None
Connects To: Corridors (Lower)

Forest Entrance
Status: Unfortified
Traits: Exits to South Forest
Connects To: Corridors (Upper)
Under Construction
Research & Tech
The Curious Tome (Location: Dungeon)
???: 0/10 Research Pts

The Ritual Grounds (Location: Forest - 1 Time Unit)
???: 0/t0 Research Pts

The Chapel (Location: Dungeon)
???: 0/100 Research Pts
Zinay: I
Arbitbit39: I
Naron: I
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Character Sheet
Name: Amelia Pemburton
Age: ??
Class: Witch
Personal Stats
Base Stats
Might: 2 (+X)
Mettle: 2 (+X)
Intellect: 6 (+X)
Attention: 2 (+X)
Charm: 3 (+X)
Cunning: 3 (+X)

Battle Stats
HP: 3/8 (+X)
MP: 7/8 (+X)
ATK: (1d0)+3
SKL: 3 +1 (MP>0)
Knowledge & Skills
Core Skills
Mother of Invention
You have access to the 'Anachronism' research/tech tree.
Golemcraft (Gear - Basic)
By spending an hour of time working on the raw material, you can create a Golem Shell that can be turned into a Gear Golem with the suitable Animate spell. Golems created with a Golem Shell receive +1 to all battle stats.
Basic Skills/Knowledge
Scientific Knowledge - Novice, Arcane Training - Novice
Scientific Knowledge - Novice
You have an assumed knowledge of the basic elements of natural world. That's physics, chemistry, etc.
Arcane Training - Novice
You're just capable enough to call yourself a 'witch'. Most would probably scoff, but you got 53% on your final exam, damn it! (Grants 2+INT Mana)
You have the touch! You have the power! You can do basic chores using your magic! In battle, you can annoy your opponents for a +1 bonus to Skill.
Animate Golem, Earthshape, Stone for Stone
Animate Earth (Basic)
[Arcane] [Geomancy] [Slow]
Cost: 2 Mana (Continuous)
Raise an Earth Golem with 5 HP/3 ATK/1 DIF. Requires direct supervision.
[Arcane] [Geomancy] [Quick]
Cost: Varies (Out of Combat) | 1 Mana per Round (Combat)
Allows for the manipulation of loose earth/dirt. Mana cost is usually immaterial, but increases with speed of movement and volume of dirt. +1D3 ATK per Round when used in combat.
Stone for Stone
[Arcane] [Geomancy] [Deliberate]
Cost: None/All
Allows for the conversion of one kind of stone into another. Mana cost varies on amount of stone converted and the type of stone being converted to. Not currently capable of creating gemstones.
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"Dungeon Keeper" was probably the first thing I thought of when reading the first few lines. So I guess this fits just fine.

Could you give us a little more detail on what the rooms do? I would rather not decide based on guesswork.

Edit: If you need another reserved post, I can delete this one and put it up afterwards.
[Loading Screen] Basic Room Info
"Dungeon Keeper" was probably the first thing I thought of when reading the first few lines. So I guess this fits just fine.

Could you give us a little more detail on what the rooms do? I would rather not decide based on guesswork.

There's definitely going to be some similarities to Dungeon Keeper, but there isn't the same 'evil is its own reward' sort of thing.

The rooms are reasonably self-explanatory; they'll be influencing the theme of your dungeon and the theme of the minions/monsters that'll be working for you initially (and maybe some of your back story as well). Mechanically, they won't be actually changing anything.

For a little more clarity of the specifics of each area.

The Crypt - A place for dead bodies, natch. A crypt is a basic necessity for most kinds of undead creatures; you need a nice, malevolent location to raise a quality zombie (which is why it's usually the 'plague' part of a Zombie Plague that's scary). They need to marinade in the malevolence. Beyond that, while Vampires are usually okay with laying their caskets anywhere, they prefer such a place to get their beauty sleep.

The Vault - The place where you put the money, as well as any magical artefacts. If you could, you'd just raid it for all its stuff, but unfortunately, the door seems 'rusted shut' (the bane of any adventurer's existence). Making the Vault the centre of your dungeon is usually considered very tacky. It's the sort of thing an optional boss would do.

The Lab - Whoever used to own this place was probably some nouveau riche idiot that just wanted a lab for the sake of having one, since it's not actually focused towards anything. There's some alchemy stuff and some torture equipment and some arcanist equipment and half of it seems completely unused. Still, you can probably make use of it.

The Mines - Not really a room, per say; the mines will still be there if you don't save them, but the infrastructure used to actually obtain the ore and smelt it will dissipate. The obvious mineral deposits are mostly depleted, but there's still plenty of gold to get out of the ground. Also spiders. Spiders love mines.

The Chapel - The dungeon's previous owner wore the fabric of reality a little thin in this room, giving them a direct line to their dark god of choice. As far as you can tell, the god they were talking to is dead, but you can easily repurpose it to talk to your own god of choice. Or you could make it a demon-spawning pit... But that'd just be a waste, right?

Edit: If you need another reserved post, I can delete this one and put it up afterwards.
No worries; two reserved is enough (I think).
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Hmmm. Can I choose this?

[X] Kitchens

I kind of want to make food themed monsters.
It says we have little money at hand, so going for the vault might be a good idea. Or do we want to go for Necromancer?
We can put the mines back into business later on, those will not go away...
Agh, whatever.

[X] The Crypt

[jk] collapse the walls and save all the rooms made into one
[x] The Mines.

Perfect for goblin slaves to mine. If we don't have any of those, we should get some.

I'm having a lot of fun with Faeria. You might want to check it out. Though it's not like Shadowverse is a bad game, take 2 is really fun.
I played Faeria quite a bit and I enjoyed it a lot, but I find it to be a little too slow/involved to play at work. Shadowverse is a pretty good middle ground between Faeria and Hearthstone, I feel.
[X] The Chapel

Need that +3 Resolve bonus for Speech checks. Waitwronggame

At work, so I can't access Vote Tally, but suffice to say, Chapel won at 3 4 votes.

Crypt & Mines were at 2.

Vault & Kitchens were at 1.
Adhoc vote count started by Flintlock on Mar 28, 2017 at 1:45 AM, finished with 313 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Walk home in the dark (Cost: Possibly sleeping on the altar again)
    [X] Find a carpenter. You refuse to entertain sleeping on that altar for any longer than is necessary.
    [X] Find an inn and go home in the morning (Cost: One time unit and 3 Gold coins).
    [X] Stick with the heroes. Apparently, they have a celebratory dinner at this burrow place whenever they finish a mission.
    [x] The food stalls. A couple of gold coins will have you a week's food, even with the inflated prices.
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A Dark and/or Stormy Night [Part 2]
The chapel is a curious place. Despite being three floors underground, the room is wall to wall stain-glass windows, though you can't make heads nor tails of the pictures involved. It's really all just pretty colours without any real pattern. Though it should logically be pitch black, eerie sunlight-substitute shines through them, highlighting the even layer of dust coating most surfaces. It's more melancholy than spooky, which is perhaps a little depressing in and of itself. This once great bastion of dark power, reduced to naught but a light show and a faint sadness.

For now.

Being new as you are to dungeon ownership, your connection to this place is still a little tenuous, but this act should cement your control. You reach out your mind, envisioning the entirety of the dungeon. You hesitate for a moment, as you take in the enormity of the place. Though it's perhaps not the best design (it's really a bit of a mess), there's still the feeling that whoever once owned it put a lot of time and hard work into making it.

Still, there's nothing for it.

You grasp hold of the power around you and…


First, the ground begins to shake, as the room returns itself to working order. Dust shakes itself from the walls. The colours in the windows start to shift before your very eyes. Outside, the sound of falling rocks is muffled by the dark magic that's keeping the room intact. Once you're sure everything's done, you'll go about personalising this place, but for now, it's probably best not to mess with anything while the rest of the dungeon is busy collapsing.

So anyway, while you're waiting, what sort of dark lord are you, that the one room you save is a place of worship?


[] An Unbroken Cleric. The 'Light Gods' may have converted your country, but they can't convert your freedom! (…That didn't sound right)
[] A Mercenary Shaman. If there's a steady paycheque involved, you'll believe anything they say. And there's plenty of dark gods that just want someone to talk to, y'know?
[] A Theologian Ascendant. Knowing what you know, a place of worship is the best place to start on becoming a god.
[] A Licensed Diabolist. You graduated six months ago. You assumed you were going to intern under an experienced dungeon boss, but then this position came up and it was too good to pass up.
[] Write-In
[] "I kinda just wanted a chapel."
[X] A Theologian Ascendant. Knowing what you know, a place of worship is the best place to start on becoming a god.
Side note, btw. I intend to go for short, but very frequent updates (initially at least) to keep myself moving/engaged; the next one will hopefully be before I go to bed (so, I'll probably call it in around 10 hours or so). I'll also be starting the drip feed of mechanic stuff shortly. Hopefully.
[X] A Theologian Ascendant. Knowing what you know, a place of worship is the best place to start on becoming a god.
[x] An Unbroken Cleric. The 'Light Gods' may have converted your country, but they can't convert your freedom! (…That didn't sound right)


I really don't want to go for the become a god choice, but I'm going to start accepting it now because it seems like the kind of thing people will vote for. grumble grumble
[X] "I kinda just wanted a chapel."
