Faunuisance - White Fang CK2-Style (Kinda) - [RWBY AU]

Vote Tally : Faunuisance - White Fang CK2-Style (Kinda) - [RWBY AU] | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 4-25]
##### NetTally 3.1.4

[X] Choosing the Face => The Mutt
No. of Votes: 7

[X] Choosing the Face => the tiger
No. of Votes: 6

[X] Choosing the Face => The Water Snake
No. of Votes: 5

Total No. of Voters: 17

Alright, this is it. Vote closed, see you later.
Creation 2 - Familiar Faces
Vote Tally : Faunuisance - White Fang CK2-Style (Kinda) - [RWBY AU] | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 4-25]
##### NetTally 3.1.4

[X] Choosing the Face => The Mutt
No. of Votes: 7

[X] Choosing the Face => the tiger
No. of Votes: 6

[X] Choosing the Face => The Water Snake
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Choosing the Face => Write-in;The Water Snake
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 17

The airflow from the open window gushes by you, bringing in the fresh air from the outside and blowing out the stuffiness and smells of the meeting room. It feels crisp and almost crunchy in the lungs, a bit above the freezing point.
Not too cold, not too warm – just in that perfect spot. Or, maybe, this is the mind playing tricks again – you were starting to get light-headed back there.
Good thing they decided on the fifteen-minute break.

After that – back to the meeting room, you especially.

…You actually made it, huh. You. How did that happen?
Good bloody question – you, personally, have no idea whatsoever. You just… came out, said the words you worked on for the past couple of days, argued with others, argued some more, maybe raised the voice a couple times – a lot – and then…

Well, turns out it only takes a good set of lungs – just like your mentor said, back in the mines. The old coot was right, after all… Who would've thought?

It's not self-deprecation if it's true. You were never that good of a leader material, not on such a scale. Running a brigade is mighty different from an multi-continental organisation. Sure, the White Fang's numbers went down the drain in recent years, but still – that's a lot of work and responsibility.
On the other hand… that's also a chance if you ever saw one.

Well, it's either you or Sienna anyway, and the tiger does not exactly inspire confidence right now. Sure, she's a lot of spunk and a good head on her shoulders, but… A bit too idealistic, in your opinion, and also too full of herself.
Some of it is deserved - she's the rising star, after all, the fate's favorite, but...

…It wouldn't have ended well. No evidence to it, just a gut feeling. Like getting stabbed a wee bit.

That boy by her side was glaring at you something fierce, though. Or maybe he was just trying to see what you look like through that silly mask… and failing. No wonder - there's a thick metal piece right where the eyes are supposed to be.

Why did Ghira even let him get a Grimm mask in the first place, doesn't it undermine the message? Then the rest started wearing those too, because it looks cool or something?
No joking – spat your drink out when you heard about that new radical trend. For Brothers' sake… Real peaceful-looking organisation you running there, panther-boy.

If they wanted face-concealment or something like that… Why not just get balaclavas or something? Hide the face real good, you can see stuff through the big eyeholes, pretty warm and comfy if made and sized right. Fear-inspiring, if you want it to be. Can sew things into it, toothy maws and such, if you're into all that stuff.

But nooo, we're going to get ourselves some stupid masks and walk around looking like a bunch of ice-lickers. That's how we win.You don't get it, old man – Adam's a bloody genius, a hero of faunus everywhere.
Just… holy hell.

Kids these days.

…Ha-ha-ha, alright, cut it out. That's a bit too soon, Chrizo, wait a decade more.

Still, the brat's gonna be trouble, you just know it. Gonna get him away from Sienna and to some doctor, see if the head's screwed on right. If it isn't – get him the prescribed meds, before he stabs someone.
Ounce of prevention, and all.

Speaking of 'gonna', better start thinking about what's coming. It won't be pretty.

Sienna won't take this lying down, neither will Percy. Marion and Sizz are unlikely to cause trouble, so the flanks are safe, at least. Kali had left when the meeting ended – that direction is safe too.

The problem is, you don't want a confrontation with them. Sure, you disagree with some things, but having them onboard will be for the best of everyone. They have skills and connections you lack, after all, and you need every advantage if you want to fight this one and have a chance of winning.
Also, more hands on deck means more work being done.

Problem is, those hands will get more work done only if you'll somehow make them work together. If you won't – they'll just start pulling the blanket in all directions until it tears apart.
And, the more of them you get on board – if any at all – the harder it will be to ensure cooperation. At least, until you'll have enough influence to just order them around.
Provided they won't do the same to you or even start a coup.
After all, Sienna already did all this re-electionary mess once, what makes you think she won't do it again?

…On the other hand, nothing stops you from just hiring other capable people, who'll be loyal to you directly and not be as ambitious as this here bunch. Sure, they probably won't be as good or special, but they'll do the job and they'll learn, eventually.
There's some friends you can ask, new and old. Better to do that, really, than saddle yourself with this bunch.

Options. Good to have them, bad to have too many. And the break is ending soon…

[ ] [Familiar Faces] Converse with => [Write-in];

[ ] [Familiar Faces] On your own;

A/N: By having other leaders on-board, you will still get access to their special talents, if in slightly weakened state. They'll also help you with stuff, allowing to perform more actions per Turn.

There's a problem, though. They, too, were recognized as leader candidates at some point.

So, inside the organisation there are two parameters you have to worry about: 'Support' and 'Influence'.
'Support' means how many people, well, support you and what you are doing.
'Influence' means your ability to make people do stuff – it's mostly used when controlling separate cells around the world, but there are other possible occasions when it might be needed.

Here's the thing about any other leader you invite – they'll have these too. Therefore, the reward in 'Support' and 'Influence' you receive per successful missions, will be split between you and whoever performed it. They won't hesitate to do their own stuff at your expense if you start disagreeing on things or even act against you.

If they have more 'Support' than you for too long – there might be a leadership transition. Depending on who and how, it won't necessarily be a Game Over for the Mutt here, but… you know. Better not let that happen.

At the same time, if you are cordial with each other, they might run operations on the side to help you out in little ways. It all depends.
Too bad Mutt isn't very diplomatically flexible and, by the virtue of being old, doesn't like to take shit from people.

Essentially, more leaders on-board means more opportunities, but also a lot more work to keep it all together. Whether you want it or not – is up to you.


When the last people exit the building and leave the door open, allowing the place to properly ventilate, you can't help but lean back in your chair and sigh in relief.
What a day. What a night.

The sigh echoing yours from the other end of the table is even more relieved, though. He no longer has to be in the center of this mess, no matter how much he wanted to preserve this grand undertaking.

You can sympathise… and can't help but be a little disappointed. You placed hopes in this man, years back.
As it turned out – for naught. The brave and uncompromising leader turned out to be too indecisive to actually make a difference, and the revolution he ran barely made a dent.

The good memories still outweigh the bad, however, so you don't hold a grudge. In fact… you might still be friends.
At least, you hope so.

"So," You start, not bothering to turn. There's only two of you now, after all. "That's it."

"Yes," Ghira Belladonna answers in the same manner, closing his eyes. "That's it."

The lamp under the ceiling attracts a couple moths, who fly in through the doorway and start banging against the glass with short, dull sounds. The wind outside swirls through the empty streets and creaks the door a bit, like a shy guest.
With the town now mostly asleep, the night ambience reigns undisturbed over the Kuo Kuana. The moon and the stars shine brightly in the pitch-black desert sky, clearly visible. Up to this day, you sometimes walk at nights, only to find a scenic place and look up, thinking yourself unbelievably lucky to witness this.

Sometimes you wonder, when was the last time a Schnee saw the stars, in their ivory Atlesian towers. Probably never.
And it makes you smile a bit.

Nevertheless, the nights such as these are perfect to do shady business and dark dealings, so... might as well get on with that.

"The fourth spot looks promising," You break the silence, still not looking at the man across the table. "Can't say for sure yet, we are still looking, but there are grains in the sand – Fire Dust. All that's left now is digging deeper – they can handle that just fine."

"Good, good." Ghira nods to that, looking ahead of him.

"I'll stay for a week or so, make sure the boys are ready to work on their own." With a clank, your right hand plops on the table, as you turn to him. "Might take a few with me, just in case."

Ghira throws a side-glance, before too turning to face you.

"Chrizo, I… I don't mean to insult, but it would be better for Menagerie if you – and the White Fang - left as soon as possible." The face hardens. "And, after that, avoided the island in general. You know why."

You huff at that, shaking the head.

"That won't do much, you know? They won't care."

The moment you start really doing something – the bastards will know. Then, they will learn who is responsible for the current course the White Fang – the unfunny circus animal – took. Then, they'll start looking where you came from and stumble upon Menagerie.

After that, they'll dig just a bit more and then backtrack.

Because Schnees are S(c)hit at taking responsibility for their fuck-ups. Better pretend that you are nothing but an unhinged Menagerie beast than a worker scorned – the public will have easier time swallowing that, with some vocal minorities immediately calling for a counter-terrorist action.

And if Ghira thinks that you keeping away will protect anyone here – well, heh, no.

"It will still cost them time."

"To man-up a battleship and burn the town to ashes, yeah." You stare right into his eyes. "Or send Huntsmen after you and your family. Or hire some mercs to just gun people down on the streets." Lean over the table, a bit. "And no one will come to help. Except us."

Yeah. 'Us' now. You are not the only person in the Fang, after all.

He disagrees – you can see it in his eyes, as tired as yours. But, at the same time, he knows all too well that there is no persuading you.
Because you are right on all fronts, obviously.

Does anyone here really believe that SDC won't do any of that? That Atlas won't, if pissed hard enough or given enough money? That any other bastard with power and brain-fart to do whatever they want will somehow let the island be?

Someone does? Great! You have Moon Dust to sell.


As you said a bit before - you were going to leave, in a week. Menagerie has been your home for a long, long while, but it simply won't do as an HQ – there is no CCTS tower and the landmass is an island. It will be impossible to communicate effectively across the pond, nevermind transport stuff there and back.

At the same time, leaving the toothless panther here to do whatever is not an option either, Menagerie is just too much of a symbol and too good of a recruitment center to simply let it be. You need to have at least some say in whatever around here, so at least a permanent station in the nearby desert won't hurt. A training center, maybe, for the volunteers.

So. It will be…

[ ] [Zoo Zone] Unrestrained;
No. The White Fang will operate in the Menagerie at full capacity, whether the cats like it or not. This is the best decision possible, for Brothers' sake.

[ ] [Zoo Zone] Restrained;
Alright, fine, you'll throw Ghira a bone – the man is clearly too tired to think properly. The White Fang will not put too much of a presence here and will limit recruitment, with Ghira being informed of most operations run on the island.

[ ] [Zoo Zone] Abandoned;
Hell no. You are not leaving this daisy-sniffing fool and his family to die alone and defenseless. He may hate it all he wants, but you really do know better.
I want to talk to Marion on various ways the WF can earn money. Cause he has a point, we are nearly broke and if we are broke no one gets paid which means lots of people quitting and WF is starved of manpower to do anything. For the 2nd choice, I am not sure. Unrestrained means that Atlas and Schnee can just wipe us out by sending a Battleship here, but they had to pass over Vale or Mistral so it would be expensive on the fuel, but the Schnees can probably pay for it. If we pick Restrained, we won't get wiped out but the Schnees can hire assassins or mercs to sneak into Menagerie and cause damage. Of course the more martial members would be on the other continents if we pick Restrained so they won't be able to help Menagerie if it comes under attack. I'll read what you guys think about before making a decision

[X] [Familiar Faces] Converse with => Marion
[x] [Familiar Faces] Converse with => Percy Obraj
[x] [Zoo Zone] Unrestrained;

A list of important characters would be nice. Also, 'selling Moon Dust', love verse specific idioms in fics
[x] [Familiar Faces] Converse with => Percy Obraj
[X] [Familiar Faces] Converse with => Marion

Both options are good in their own way. Although at first I lean towards Percy as she is a fanatic about fighting class inequality and working with people. If you leave her unattended, she can do stupid things because of her nature(but at the same time it is too useful and true asset), so it is worth taking over her, and then go to Marion. Yes, it will be more difficult than if we went straight to Marion in the early stages, but it will save us from problems in the long run. And we will have something to offer him. Indeed, unlike Percy, he is a materialist, not a fanatic. He can and will work for free ... but then he will take it twice.

[X] [Zoo Zone] Restrained;

Alright, fine, you'll throw Ghira a bone – the man is clearly too tired to think properly. The White Fang will not put too much of a presence here and will limit recruitment, with Ghira being informed of most operations run on the island.

You don't need to stay where Sienna and her pet animal are. Seriously, I would feel much safer in the place of a hero among assassins than a fascist faun. At least you know what to expect from them.
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[X] [Familiar Faces] Converse with => Sienna
[X] [Familiar Faces] Converse with => Marion

Tiger lady would still have the loyalty of most of the White Fang rank and file. Best to get her on board ASAP. But Marion is also a viable option.

[X] [Zoo Zone] Restrained;
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[X] [Familiar Faces] Converse with => Marion
[X] [Familiar Faces] Converse with => Percy Obraj

Let's try and get both on board to get a pretty effective triumvirate up and running. Between Chrizo's class consciousness, Marion's financial connections, and Percy's scientific expertise, the New White Fang would have a strong financial and ideological foundation to launch off of. Chrizo can also act as a mediator between Marion's pragmatism and Percy's idealism.

[X] [Zoo Zone] Restrained;

I don't want to get in a fight with Ghira, but obviously abandoning Menagerie isn't an option. No matter what the other Kingdoms will see the island as a White Fang stronghold, and will treat it as such. It'll probably be for the best to limit recruitment on the island and instead use it as a training ground/hiding place for agents who've attracted too much heat. Protecting the citizens from the Grimm can easily double as combat/anti-grimm/wilderness survival training after all!
Sienna is too popular and most likely to coup us, Percy is too "visionary" for the Old Mutt which will only cause friction, and Sizz is too radical.

[X] [Familiar Faces] Converse with => Marion
[X] [Familiar Faces] Converse with => Sienna[X] [Familiar Faces] Converse with => Sienna

[X] [Zoo Zone] Restrained
[X] [Familiar Faces] Converse with => Sienna
[X] [Familiar Faces] Converse with => Marion

[X] [Zoo Zone] Restrained;
Vote Tally : Faunuisance - White Fang CK2-Style (Kinda) - [RWBY AU] | Page 2 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 28-37]
##### NetTally 3.1.4

Task: Familiar Faces

[X][Familiar Faces] Converse with => Marion
No. of Votes: 2

[X][Familiar Faces] Converse with => Sienna
[X][Familiar Faces] Converse with => Marion
[X][Zoo Zone] Restrained;
No. of Votes: 2

[X][Familiar Faces] Converse with => Marion
[X][Familiar Faces] Converse with => Percy Obraj
[X][Zoo Zone] Restrained;
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Familiar Faces] Converse with => Marion
[X][Zoo Zone] Restrained;
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Familiar Faces] Converse with => Percy Obraj
[X][Zoo Zone] Unrestrained;
No. of Votes: 1
[x] krahe

[X][Familiar Faces] Converse with => Percy Obraj
[X][Familiar Faces] Converse with => Marion
[X][Zoo Zone] Restrained;
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Familiar Faces] Converse with => Percy Obraj
[X][Zoo Zone] Restrained;
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Familiar Faces] Converse with => Sienna[X] [Familiar Faces] Converse with => Sienna
[X][Zoo Zone] Restrained
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 10

Alright, so, the vote looks like this if not partitioned. A tad messy, yeah.

However, if we partition by block...

Vote Tally : Faunuisance - White Fang CK2-Style (Kinda) - [RWBY AU] | Page 2 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 28-37]
##### NetTally 3.1.4

Task: Familiar Faces

[X][Familiar Faces] Converse with => Marion
No. of Votes: 7

[X][Familiar Faces] Converse with => Percy Obraj
No. of Votes: 4

[X][Familiar Faces] Converse with => Sienna
No. of Votes: 3

Task: Zoo Zone

[X][Zoo Zone] Restrained;
No. of Votes: 7

[X][Zoo Zone] Unrestrained;
No. of Votes: 1
[x] krahe

Total No. of Voters: 10

It suddenly looks a lot better. So, as I probably won't work on the update tomorrow (been busy, will be busy) - I'll do a pro-gamer move.

I will only account for the 'Converse' option with the highest amount of votes... but I will also not break the tie, should it happen, accepting both.

If you have any problems with it - do tell me. If not - then not, I guess. See you later.
Creation 3 - Facing Finance and Finalizing
Vote Tally : Faunuisance - White Fang CK2-Style (Kinda) - [RWBY AU] | Page 2 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 28-37]
##### NetTally 3.1.4

Task: Familiar Faces

[X][Familiar Faces] Converse with => Marion
No. of Votes: 7

[X][Familiar Faces] Converse with => Percy Obraj
No. of Votes: 4

[X][Familiar Faces] Converse with => Sienna
No. of Votes: 2

[X][Familiar Faces] Converse with => Sienna[X] [Familiar Faces] Converse with => Sienna
No. of Votes: 1

Task: Zoo Zone

[X][Zoo Zone] Restrained;
No. of Votes: 7

[X][Zoo Zone] Unrestrained;
No. of Votes: 1
[x] krahe

Total No. of Voters: 10

The resulting talks with others weren't pretty, but still went better than expected… If one would consider a hot, bubbling swamp with noxious gasses an improvement over a peat fire.
You pulled through. Not effortlessly, but you did, through standing your ground and refusing to budge no matter how hard some people glared at you... Even if Sizz probably didn't mean anything special by it - 'gloomy glare' seems to be her default expression.

Didn't earn yourself much goodwill with that, but… oh well. Something to work on later. Until then – better not to walk alone, else you just might get shanked by some punk.
Or cut to pieces with a katana.

Nevertheless, after all that you had a short conversation with Marion and agreed to meet near Kuo Kuana port, at a neutral enough place. As few followers as possible, kept at a distance – it all should be rather casual.
You'll bring a couple of home-made Dust poppers anyway, just in case. Nothing serious, practically non-lethal, but still capable of throwing your hide out of a tricky situation. Literally - they are mostly Grav Dust.

If he won't do the same – you'll be surprised. Both of you are in a dangerous business now, so it's only proper.

Well, gotta say, this might be one of the few cases when a merchant didn't lie.
The calculations on the piece of paper are all in smooth, round handwriting, with a steady hand and complete belief in own accuracy. Income and its sources…

  • Total Month Income= +~8 Funds:
    • Donations = +~8 Funds;

…the spending and on what…

  • Total Month Spending= -28 Funds:
    • Ongoing Operations = -5 Funds;
    • Personnel = -23 Funds;

…and the resulting sum at the end of it all.

  • Total Organization Funds as of 31.11.23 = 126;

This is what all the fuss was about. The situation… yeah. Tch.

With a sigh, you look up and away, at the port in the distance. The people look small from here, but still recognizable, even with all the bright colors surrounding it and an all-encompassing endless blue sea on the horizon.

If you go out there right now, show a random person this very sum with no other information provided, and then ask what do they think - the poor victim will never understand why you are so worked up about it. After all, that's a lot of money.
Like, more than a lot of people would ever see in their entire lives. Gradually, bit by bit - maybe, all at once - never.

And yes, you agree, in any other situation you wouldn't have worried at all… But it's all about perspective and scale.
The number's big and, say, for an average middle-class Valean citizen it's about a couple decades of all living costs covered. That sure is amazing... But it's already less than ten years for a family of two. Around four years for a group of five people. Less than two years for ten.

See the problem here?
And the White Fang numbers in a lot more than ten people at the moment. Them not being middle-class Valeans - else they probably wouldn't have joined - and working for a living helps a lot, but still… If things continue like this, then the whole organization will be under rubble in half-a-year.

The lanky, tall man in front of you nods at the sour expression and turns his face to the sea breeze, middle-line Mistralian jacket slightly flapping and the thin yellowish neck-band glistening under the daylight's sun. You can't help but stare for a second, unsure of why exactly Marion wears anything metallic under direct sunlight in such a weather, before deciding to not even bring it up. The man, evidently, doesn't have a problem with it.
Unlike you, dressed in as light of a clothing as possible. Your usual expeditionary attire, just cleaned and fixed a bit. You have to be present at the digs, being a brigadier and all.

…And, being a brigadier, whose duties for the past couple years also involved supplying the brigade, you see two ways to solve this issue.
First – make more money, somehow.
Second – spend less… except it probably will work only as a supplementary measure to the first one.

The easiest way to make money is to sell something you don't need. But, to sell something you don't need, first you need to acquire something you don't need – and you can't spare any money on that. Sure, you can probably persuade the White Fang members in close vicinity to pawn off their personal belongings… But what kind of leader would you be in that case and what kind of message would send it?
Definitely not a 'good' one, in both cases. No, just no.

What else… Well, there's always asking for a loan. Good thing there's a trustworthy enought 'benefactor' standing right beside you.

"Since we are in this together now…" You turn to Marion and nod at the paper in your hand. "Any ways your company can help?"

"I can make a modest one-time donation and transport small cargo by sea, but nothing more." The man shrugs apologetically. "My company is not big enough to fully shoulder both its own operations and the White Fang, financially… or politically."

"That's fair. How modest are we talking about?"

"It is hard to say." Another shrug. The man's faunus heritage must have something to do with bones or joints – the movements are almost uncannily fluid. "I will have to look through the books one more time and ask for advice on the legality – the Kingdom might consider it a form of tax evasion - but 'Carala Seafaring' should be able to spare… About half of the current budget, maybe a little more. Still better than nothing, isn't it?"

"Of course, but…" You give him a side-glance. "You wouldn't have to cut paychecks or anything, right?"

"No, but this would gut our reserve fund. The company will become… a lot more vulnerable, shall we say." Marion responds in kind, his greenish-brown eyes looking into yours. "It might require assistance in the future."


The stare-down continues, calm and effortless on both sides, as you mull it over.

You expected something like this to come up.

Marion Carala, the sole owner of 'Carala Seafaring' does not have much competition in trading goods across the pond and to nearby Mistralian shore-towns, but… well, it's not a smooth sailing in the slightest, and the Leviathan is ever-near.
You are talking about MTC, of course – SDC's Mistralian knock-off.
Mistral Trading Company is one of the reasons why there are so few medium- and big-sized businesses in Southern Mistral (and Mistralian Frontier in general) – the bastards ate them all. The monopoly may have retreated from Vacuo and abandoned whatever holdings it had in Vale, but the ever-hungry beast would rather die than let go of its home continent.
If some start-up would attract its attention - the MTC would simply open its maw and inhale, ending both the company and the person in charge, if they won't cooperate. Wouldn't be the first time some entrepreneur suddenly landed in jail or disappeared without a trace.

To survive, Marion needs a stick to make himself look more dangerous. Or, better yet, a concealed dagger to stab the beast if it gets too close... and to occasionally shank the other small-timers to grab their stuff and expand.
This is where you'd be coming in, a seemingly unaffiliated force to help out with whatever problems he may have and generally do dirty work.

And, on the one hand, it doesn't sound that bad. As you said before – you expected something like this. Since Marion would be your ally and would help the cause, it would only be fair to compensate him for the trouble. One man can't work two jobs at once without proper reward and satisfaction of a job well-done can only carry him so far.

On the other hand… do you even need to say out-loud how much damage this can potentially deal both to you and the White Fang in general? Revealed by some investgiation or not, this right here has a potential to become one hell of a slippery slope. An avoidable one, sure, but still – better not even approach it.

Personally, you would rather not let the White Fang become an puppet in the hands of this here businessman, but… well, it's not about just you anymore. The Fang does need money. Starting off will require making purchases, lots of them, and the sum currently on balance will seriously limit it.

Tch. So… Let's see.

[ ] [Snake Support] Agree => Receive 50 Funds;
Cheers for the mutually-beneficial agreement. Let's hope you won't ever have to drink on its breakage.

[ ] [Snake Support] Ask for More => Receive 70 Funds;
In for a for a crystal – in for the lode. He'll ask for way more in return, but… Heh. No one says you'll have to do all he asks, right?

[ ] [Snake Support] Ask for Less => Receive 30 Funds;
Sounds like he needs the money more than you. You'll take some to last you the first month – then you'll see.

[ ] [Snake Support] Refuse;
Better not get entangled in this mess from the start. If Marion would need help – you'll discuss the payment there and then.

[ ] [Snake Support] Show Generosity;
You know, might as well help him just because it's the right thing to do, no strings attached. The Fang will manage somehow… and who knows, maybe it would win you some good rep?


That aside…

"Any ideas how to slow down the bleeding?"

"Yes, a couple." The snake nods, standing a bit straighter. He thought about this before, totally. "As you can see…"


…So, this is how it usually went for the last couple years in the Fang.

Step one - something big enough happens and the local White Fang alerts Ghira or local faunus populace simply has enough of the bullshit.
Step two – either Ghira himself organizes a protest action, with marches, people coming from other cities, etc.; or people on the ground organize themselves and the White Fang joins the already forming crowd.
Step three – whoever came march, shout the words, sing the songs, wave the posters, cause a ruckus, get beaten and end in the slammer. Powers That Be then make some minor concessions for a couple months, the local populace is irritated, nothing of value is achieved. The end.

All three steps, in one way or another, require money. Some more, some less, but the most costly one is step three – the 'slammer' part of it. Mass bailouts – which you have to pay, because cops cannot be trusted on this - are one of the several reasons why the 'Personnel' section is so costly.
The other reasons are less important, but they too siphon money – financing local supporters, bringing in whatever media can be scrambled on a short notice, establishing communication, getting transport, etc.

Marion's offer is pretty simple – stop. Just stop. No more useless marches all around Remnant, no more being pulled in all directions, no more paying the cops to let the boys and girls out.
Consolidate power, build up a proper foundation – and then start coming back in force and with proper backlines. Maybe start a RemNet forum to run propaganda efforts, buy a typography, provide security - anything, just not what Ghira was doing.

At this point anything would be better than just lightly slapping the steel-faced opposition with a spread-out palm.

You kind of agree with him on that. Sure, turtling down can be seen as a defeat – and many will spin this exact message – but the benefits down the line should eventually bring it all back. If you make it that far down the line, of course.

There's also the problem of the people left outside the shell. Once you withdrew the financing and support, the White Fang members, sympathizers and whoever's involved in other Kingdoms will be left-out, abandoned. Sure, they'll probably be safe – the police isn't breaking down doors yet to look for terrorists – but the harassment from 'civilian' groups and corporations will continue stronger than ever now that your attention is gone.
At the same time, it will only make the left-outs angrier and more hardened. Some will leave, but others should welcome you back with open arms and work even harder once you reconnect. Hopefully.
Or you can just give some of them the coordinates of the new HQ and find them work in whatever place you settled, that's an option too.
Or you can continue with the protests… but smarter this time. It will drain the money – probably even faster – but it will allow you to maintain at least some degree of pressure and whatever small footholds to capitalize on later.

Speaking of 'capital', by the way.

"Assuming we shut everything down, how much we'd be spending?"

"How much people do we currently have here, in Menagerie?" Marion asks back, looking at you expectantly.

You wonder if this is a test of some sorts. Well, if it is – then too bad, you came prepared. Visited the gathering not too long ago.
...Lots of young people. No surprise there - the old guard is, well, too old for this. A lot of people also wants to join Sienna in whatever she'd be planning. Oh well, gotta work with what you have.

"In Menagerie, huh? Well, as of couple hours ago..."

Total Current Personnel:
1. Civilians = 4;
2. Combat Groups = 1:
2.1. White Fang Thugs => 1;

A/N: Each civvie eats 1 Fund per Turn, each Thug eats 2.

"...I see. In that case about a quarter of what we are spending right now – not counting in the costs of settling down and acquiring resources to establish the HQ."

Hm. Alright then, makes sense.

Now, about closing the operations… What to do?

[ ] [Turtle Fist] Full Out => Additional +1D3 units of Civilians and +0-1 unit of WF Thugs for the first 3 Turns;
Call-in whoever can travel, help those that can't. These men and women were with the Fang through thick and thin - you ain't abandoning them.

[ ] [Turtle Fist] Withdraw Support => Half the cost of establishing new Cells in other Kingdoms, lose some Support;
This is for the best. You will come back.

[ ] [Turtle Fist] No Retreat => Same spending, half the cost of establishing new Cells in other Kingdoms, special 'Diplomacy' operations;
If it doesn't work – rethink the approach and try again. Show no weakness, give no ground, pretend there's no blood in the water and hope to pull through.

A/N: No need to copy the after '=>' part, just the option's name will do.


Also, an HQ… Gotta decide where it's going to be. You can't settle in Menagerie – you promised Ghira at least that, nevermind the communication and transport problems, so… It's other Kingdoms.

And you need to make the choice as soon as possible to start organizing the move-in, which doesn't exactly make it easier.
Alright, let's think about this.

So, specific qualities of each Kingdom aside, there are four… let's call them 'zones' to each Kingdom – the Core, the Outskirts, the Frontier, and the Wild.

The Core is within the walls of big cities - capitals and such. Densely populated, well-defended and regularly Huntsmen-patrolled, these are where the majority of people leave and work. No Grimm, moderate-to-low crime, lots of opportunities to snatch… and a lot of law enforcements to thwart whatever you come up with. Fastest reaction time, fastest trip to prison.

The Outskirts are right beyond the walls, usually within the hundred-kilometers radius, mostly occupied by farms and other facilities too big to fit inside the walls. Still close enough to be regularly patrolled by Huntsmen, but not nearly well-enough defended, so there are some Grimm roaming the countryside. Nothing serious, though.
Also some bandits, either too stupid to find a better turf or good enough to actually resist the eviction by the law enforcements for some time.

The Frontier is beyond the Outskirts, the last piece of the Kingdom territory that can be controlled in any measure. Low population density, with people mostly hiding in fortified villages and small towns… which doesn't help much, as settlements get destroyed all the time, for the new settlers often arriving a couple months later to pick up the pieces and see where it went wrong.
Moderate Grimm presence, bandits, corporations doing whatever they want with mostly untouched resources… Yeah. Funny place. Lots of stuff to do, lots of stuff wanting to kill you.

The Wild... is The Wild. Technically belongs to a Kingdom, but practically it belongs to wild animals, wild nature, really wild bandits, and wild teeming hordes of Grimm that converge in droves at anyone soul-bearing the moment they sneeze.
Well, at least no cop, corp or Huntsman will come here unless they really have to.

You'll have to settle in one of those places. And, since this is an HQ we are talking about, there is no room for failure. Poor placement, quite literally, will mean the end of this story.


[ ] [WF HQ] [Write-in Kingdom] => [Write-in Core/Outskirts/Frontier/Wild];

A/N: I'm just… going to let you choose this one on your own. Yeah, sounds like a plan.


And one more thing, the final thing, with you once again returning to the budget concerns.

You, naturally, won't be leaving Menagerie right now. It will take at least a week to properly organize everything, chart the course, find the transports - Marion will help - and do other leadership-concerning things.
However, just because you will spend some time here – it doesn't mean that possible opportunities will do the same. Some of them can wait, some need to be grabbed right now, some won't cost any money at all… But, if you want to catch a couple, then you need to act as soon as possible.
For example, you kind of wanted to speak with Percy before she leaves the island – and her Bullhead to Mistral will be leaving this evening.

Gotta get moving. Not only after her. Moving in general.

What's going to happen in the next couple weeks is just a prelude to the real work ahead of you. It will lay the foundation and influence the first decisions you make.

So, gotta be at your best when making them.

Choose 3:

[ ] [Last Preparations] Hire additional help => [Write-in Officer/Operative] => [Write-in Attribute] => -10 Funds;

Someone to either lessen the workload or fit the boots on the ground should be useful. Don't expect much, though, the real unique personalities are setting their own plans right now. Speaking of which…
A/N: Essentially, Officers give you +1 Action in the chosen Category, while Operatives can be assigned to participate in tasks as, well, 'hero' units.

[ ] [Last Preparations] Convince a not-to-be => [Write-in Whom] => [Write-in Arguments];

…While they are still here, you might as well approach them and offer to join the group. Better not let this opportunity run away.

[ ] [Last Preparations] Procure materials => -25 Funds;
If you want to settle anywhere further than Outskirts, then you'll need a fortified base. This will allow to build a proper wall and basic necessities right off the bat, instead of sitting in a clean field all nature-friendly and shit.

[ ] [Last Preparations] Procure equipment => [Write-in N Funds] => Get 1D(N/5) 'Thug' and 1D(N/10) 'Poacher' kits;
If you want to actually fight the good fight, then you'll need weapons. Sure, Menagerie won't give you much in terms of firearms, but even old swords and hunting rifles are better than nothing. After that you'll simply have to give them out and get combat groups ready.

[ ] [Last Preparations] Hire Bullheads => -30 Funds OR -10 Funds with >40 Diplomacy Roll;
Your brigade often used services of a couple pilots to move the prospecting equipment around, and the chaps are sympathetic to the cause. Not sympathetic enough to work for free and the sum does bite, but buying used cargo Bullheads through official channels will cost you a lot more than this.

[ ] [Last Preparations] Establish Menagerie Outpost => [Write-in 10/20/30/40 Funds];
The more money and time you spend on this – the sooner it will become operational. The sooner it becomes operational – the sooner you'll start getting recruits from Menagerie on a reliable basis. People here should get it working in four months on their own anyway, but your personal investment will help a lot.

[ ] [Last Preparations] Recruitment Drive => [Write-in 3/6/9/12/15 Funds];
Will have to give a lot of speeches, but… if you want for more people to follow – this is the only way. They'll also need money to move and settle… Ugh.

A/N: You can choose the 'Recruit' and 'Converse' options several times if you want. No moratorium, as there's simply not enough of you for any real bandwagoning to happen.
Sorry for the wait - it's been one hell of a week. Next one will too be hell.
Hope you are enjoying this, at least... Not that there's much to enjoy.
Anyway, see you... sometime later.
Last edited:
[Х] Plan: On the edge.

[Х] [Snake Support] Ask for Less => Receive 30 Funds;
Sounds like he needs the money more than you. You'll take some to last you the first month – then you'll see.

[Х] [Turtle Fist] Full Out => Additional +1D3 units of Civilians and +0-1 unit of WF Thugs for the first 3 Turns;
Call-in whoever can travel, help those that can't. These men and women were with the Fang through thick and thin - you ain't abandoning them.

[Х] [WF HQ] [Vail] => [Frontier];
Vale is a very tolerant country (at least compared to others), so it would be logical to build a base there. There is less chance that the locals will want to report on us, and given that we are on the outskirts and can provide them with our protection when we get stronger there, they would rather send hunters and others like them to the grimms than betray those who protect them, and not come to the ashes check their corpses. And there will be an opportunity both to move towards the city for the extraction of new recruits and purchase materials, and towards the grimms to get new resources for sale, possible "clients / workers" and combat experience for the soldiers.

[Х] [Last Preparations] Convince a not-to-be => [Percy Obraj] => [Mutually beneficial cooperation will benefit both parties. If we can get a foothold on the fringes, the grimm won't let humans and fauns fight each other, forced to watch each other's backs if they want to survive. Yes, it is dangerous, but a common enemy unites and we need to bring this enemy "in the face". To do this, we need those who can protect them at first. Gradually, from the general threat, they will fray, and then we will begin to expand and search for resources. And although it will be risky, but will ensure that people and fauns unite in the shortest possible time, the few villages that are located there will be an excellent place for recruiting. So either we do it or we die trying];

[Х] [Last Preparations] Procure materials => -25 Funds;
If you want to settle anywhere further than Outskirts, then you'll need a fortified base. This will allow to build a proper wall and basic necessities right off the bat, instead of sitting in a clean field all nature-friendly and shit.

[Х] [Last Preparations] Procure equipment => 50] => Get 1D(6/5) 'Thug' and 1D(2/10) 'Poacher' kits;
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[Х] Plan: On the edge.

[Х] [Snake Support] Ask for Less => Receive 30 Funds;
Sounds like he needs the money more than you. You'll take some to last you the first month – then you'll see.

[Х] [Turtle Fist] Full Out => Additional +1D3 units of Civilians and +0-1 unit of WF Thugs for the first 3 Turns;
Call-in whoever can travel, help those that can't. These men and women were with the Fang through thick and thin - you ain't abandoning them.

[Х] [WF HQ] [Vail] => [Frontier];
Vale is a very tolerant country (at least compared to others), so it would be logical to build a base there. There is less chance that the locals will want to report on us, and given that we are on the outskirts and can provide them with our protection when we get stronger there, they would rather send hunters and others like them to the grimms than betray those who protect them, and not come to the ashes check their corpses. And there will be an opportunity both to move towards the city for the extraction of new recruits and purchase materials, and towards the grimms to get new resources for sale, possible "clients / workers" and combat experience for the soldiers.

[Х] [Last Preparations] Convince a not-to-be => [Percy Obraj] => [Mutually beneficial cooperation will benefit both parties. If we can get a foothold on the fringes, the grimm won't let humans and fauns fight each other, forced to watch each other's backs if they want to survive. Yes, it is dangerous, but a common enemy unites and we need to bring this enemy "in the face". To do this, we need those who can protect them at first. Gradually, from the general threat, they will fray, and then we will begin to expand and search for resources. And although it will be risky, but will ensure that people and fauns unite in the shortest possible time, the few villages that are located there will be an excellent place for recruiting. So either we do it or we die trying];

[Х] [Last Preparations] Procure materials => -25 Funds;
If you want to settle anywhere further than Outskirts, then you'll need a fortified base. This will allow to build a proper wall and basic necessities right off the bat, instead of sitting in a clean field all nature-friendly and shit.

[Х] [Last Preparations] Procure equipment => 50] => Get 1D(6/5) 'Thug' and 1D(2/10) 'Poacher' kits;

...Alright, so, gotta strangle my pride a bit and go tell people at Quest Advertising. Having at least 5 votes total would be very nice.
Turn 1 - Choices
Vote Tally : Faunuisance - White Fang CK2-Style (Kinda) - [RWBY AU] | Page 2 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 40-42]
##### NetTally 3.1.4

[X] Plan: On the edge.
[X][Snake Support] Ask for Less => Receive 30 Funds;
[X][Turtle Fist] Full Out => Additional +1D3 units of Civilians and +0-1 unit of WF Thugs for the first 3 Turns;
[X][WF HQ] [Vail] => [Frontier];
[X][Last Preparations] Convince a not-to-be => [Percy Obraj] => [Mutually beneficial cooperation will benefit both parties. If we can get a foothold on the fringes, the grimm won't let humans and fauns fight each other, forced to watch each other's backs if they want to survive. Yes, it is dangerous, but a common enemy unites and we need to bring this enemy "in the face". To do this, we need those who can protect them at first. Gradually, from the general threat, they will fray, and then we will begin to expand and search for resources. And although it will be risky, but will ensure that people and fauns unite in the shortest possible time, the few villages that are located there will be an excellent place for recruiting. So either we do it or we die trying];
[X][Last Preparations] Procure materials => -25 Funds;
[X][Last Preparations] Procure equipment => 50] => Get 1D(6/5) 'Thug' and 1D(2/10) 'Poacher' kits;
No. of Votes: 3

Total No. of Voters: 3

A/N: On the other hand. three is a magical number, so... I can work with that.

[X] Convince a not-to-be => [Percy Obraj];

You visited her hours after meeting with Marion, yet hours before her departure. Percy rented out a small room near the aerodock, on a third floor of the Kuo Kuana's third motel. You sent a messenger a couple hours prior, informing the woman that you want to talk… Yet, when the door opened and your eyes met, it became clear that Percy either forgot or didn't care in the first place. The former, though, was much more likely, seeing the overall tired look, multiple blue splotches on her fingers and a pen still clenched in them.

The next second she scowled and took a step forward, her angrily thrust-out chin almost hitting you just above the stomach, as Percy looked up.
She asked if you came to gloat.
You didn't.

That made the following a bit easier.

Gotta be honest here, you two… don't mix that well. Hell, you work better with Marion than with her – the snake is mostly concerned with money and not ideology, while Percy is the opposite. The girl – twenty years younger than you, so it counts - proudly boasts a vision in which all this fight is but a stepping stone on the Remnant's road to greatness. She looks past it and is, strangely, almost proud of that.
For you – this fight is truly larger than life, considering that you haven't that much of it left.

For her, worker rights, proper laws and beating down the Schnee are things that will happen inevitably, as the mankind develops. They still need to be done, but she isn't overly concerned.
For you – it's the basis of the ideology, the reason to fight in the first place.

She is, well, a member of intelligentsia, while you are but a prole with some education.

You can continue listing these for a while, but the main gist is thus - there is a disconnect between you, in a lot of things, and even in places you agree there is still a firm 'but'.

Yet, if you want to really, truly make it – then you need to work together.

So, you relay the plan. Where you go, where the HQ is going to be, what you are going to do with the White Fang operations around the Remnant, etc. She listens, then asks a couple questions, then huffs in annoyance. You argue a bit more, with neither willing to give ground.
Eventually, exhausted but mutually satisfied, you two shake hands under the orange light of the setting sun, with you leaving the motel and Percy going back to crumple the unfinished article into some Valean scientific newspaper about close-mindedness and bigotry, or something like that.

About a week later you hear rumors that Sienna and a large group of faunus had left the Menagerie on a ship to Mistral, with Belladonna's daughter following them... for some reason, no idea why. The family was worried sick, though, so you can't in good conscience approve of that.
Sizz, too, disappeared without a trace, but you have a strong suspicion you will hear of her, eventually.

Are these missed opportunities? Probably. Do you care? Not really. Water under the bridge, now.
And beyond that bridge is cruel and glorious future, expecting your arrival with a smile full of sharp teeth.

Let's not keep it waiting.

[X] Procure Materials => -25 Funds;

126 + 30 – 25 = 131 Funds Total;


[X] Procure Equipment => -50 Funds;

131 – 50 = 81 Funds Remains;

WF 'Thug' Kits = +1D(50/5) = +1D(10) = 7 Available;

WF 'Poacher' Kits = +1D(50/10) = +1D5 = 3 Available;

  • 1. Location => Vale Frontier;
    2. Status => Walled-Of Village;
    3. Grimm Threat = 17;
    3.1. Increase = +1 Turn;​
    4. Facilities:
    4.1. Defenses => Wooden Wall + Earthworks;​
    4.2. Basic Living Accomodations;​

  • 1. Civilian = 4;
    1.1. Expected Increase next Turn = +1 + 1D3;​
    2. Combat = 1:
    2.1. WF Thugs = 1;​

  • 1. Funds = 81;
    1.1. Income = +1D8/Turn;​
    1.2. Expense = -6/Turn;​
    2. Weapon Kits:
    2.1. WF Thug = 7;​
    2.2. WF Poacher = 3;​

  • 'Inner':
    1. Support:

    1.1. Chrizo Sochen = 65%;
    1.2. Marion Carala = 25%;
    1.3. Percy Obraj = 10%;
    2. Influence = 0 => +5 per Turn;

    1. Political Power = 0;
    2. Fame/Infamy = 0/0;

Weeks later, after travelling first by ships and then by trucks, fighting off Grimm and working yourself into dreamless sleep each night, you finally take a look at the settlement in front of you and smile.
It was a lot of effort, but it was worth it. Those materials were a great buy, allowing you to build up basic defenses immediately after arriving, which saved a lot of hides from stray Grimm crawling out of the woods.

The food has been stockpiled, the mini-CCTS relay has been set-up, the cots were assigned and the nearest surroundings were sufficiently mapped. At this point, if this was a prospecting expedition, you would've given an order to start digging in and look for Dust outcroppings.
Not today. Today, you give out not one, but several orders, determined to see each of them through. It all begins now.

First month, of the first year. Go.



Your 'armed forces' – if you can even call the poor sods that – are just a bunch of thugs with primitive weaponry, currently huddled around a campfire and throwing hostile glances at the surrounding woods. Something needs to be done about that.

Pick 1:

[ ] [Combat] Grimm Removal => Roll>40 – Grimm Threat ;

Send your 'combatants' to take a stab at the Grimm presence around the HQ. They are not experienced, strong, or equipped enough to cull the beasts in significant numbers, but the activities near base should become a bit safer.
Or the poor sods might die. That, too, is a possible outcome.

[ ] [Combat] Distribute Weapons => [Write-in N Weapon Kits] => -N Weapon Kits, -N Civilians, -1*N Funds => FREE ACTION;
The solution to a small armed force is as simple as a rock – just get more guys into it. Training takes time and effort, sure, but you do have these weapons from Menagerie with you – so might as well distribute them and conduct a couple drills. That should suffice for now.

[ ] [Combat] Construct - Simple Training Field => -5 Funds, 1 Civilian;
If you want your Thugs to ever become something more than just ex-civilians with sharp objects, then you should start with making a proper training place. Or, at least, a first stage of it - some basic equipment and training dummies. Should suffice for now.

[ ] [Combat] Construct - Simple Firing Range => -5 Funds, 1 Civilian;

While your Poachers should – theoretically – hit a broad side of a barn, it will not be enough in a real combat scenario. You should begin with setting up a firing range where they can train, then work from there.

[ ] [Combat] Construct - Simple Workshop => -10 Funds, 1 Civilian;
The weapons you have right now will not last long, so it's either buying new ones or making your own. Nothing big or impressive, of course: spears, simple shields, clubs, hatchets, cleavers, single-shot firearms and such… But still better than nothing.
Besides, even simple weaponry can do wonders in experienced hands, if you'll ever have any. Also, any in-house research will require in-house parts in some capacity, so… Useful, this one.



At the moment, despite ever-present CCTS connection with the rest of Remnant, your HQ is essentially isolated. It's no use sending panicked messages if there is no one nearby to come and help… nevermind the situation strongly cutting into information you receive and amount of options you have.
So, it's time to make some friends. Or, at least, get to know future targets.

Pick 1:

[ ] [Diplomacy] Contact Nearby Settlements => Roll>20 – Grimm Threat;

You noticed several splits in the dirt road as you traveled and have a reasonable suspicion that there may be other settlements in close vicinity. Make contact with them and see if you can start establishing positive relationships.

[ ] [Diplomacy] Contact Vale Outskirts => -5 Funds, Roll >30;
It's a bit of a long road, but if you want your agents to have easier time operating inside Vale – then you need to become friends with people who live close. Or, at least, get some sort of trade going.
First the outskirts, then – the city proper. Small steps.

[ ] [Diplomacy] Enter Vale City => -10 Funds, Roll >40;
You are not nearly strong enough to move in as the White Fang, so your agents will need fake IDs and other papers to infiltrate the city and settle down there. After that the real work will begin – finding sympathizers to the cause and gathering information.

[ ] [Diplomacy] Contact Vale Underground => -10 Funds, Roll >40;
While Vale is not as crime-ridden as Mistral and Vacuo, there are still less-than-savory groups both within and without the city. You need to get a hold of one, if only to ask questions and compile a target list.

[ ] [Diplomacy] Contact Mistral Underground => -15 Funds, Roll >40;
Mistral, among other things, can boast the most developed black market in all of the Kingdoms. Getting in contact with a representative will be difficult, but, technically, doable. Marion had conducted business with them before, after all, so he at least knows where to start.

[ ] [Diplomacy] Contact Valean Scientific Communitiy => -5 Funds, Roll >40;
Percy may not be too liked in the brightly-lit halls of Valean University, but she is still a part of the usual crowd and her name is recognized by many. Like any gathering of intellectuals it's full of hot air and empty posturing, but you can still gain something from them.
For example, up-to-date information on Valean city elites, maybe even a scrap of some obscure patent or technology. Although, let's be honest, it'll probably be heartfelt – and worthless – moral support.

[ ] [Diplomacy] Browse Freelance Hutnsmen Board;
With Beacon right there and pumping out young Aura-charged hopefuls like rubble from under a jackhammer, there is a decent amount of Huntsmen on RemNet looking for jobs all around the Kingdom. Sure, the majority of them are (for now) dogs of the Council, but there is still a chance of finding someone smart enough to see that the system is, indeed, rigged against them and other honest folks. Those tend to desert sooner or later… so, you have to find them and offer support, both monetary and ideological.
While vetting out an appropriate candidate within your monetary capabilities will take time, it should still be a huge boon to the Fang, especially without Sienna, Adam and the rest. The Grimm are not going away anytime soon.

[ ] [Diplomacy] Establish RemNet Presence => Roll>30;
With the White Fang pulling out and consolidating here, in the HQ, you need to make sure the organisation's name isn't tarnished in the Kingdoms. Look for experienced people and then look what can be done about it on the RemNet, set up a website or something.
…Well, they'll be the ones doing the second part. You stopped getting all this RemNet stuff a while ago, when it was just a bunch of forums, so the best you can do is direct and inspire.



People are still donating money to the cause and are going to keep donating for a bit longer, but, unless you start showing the work, that uneven trickle will dry-out pretty soon. It's in your best interests to find other sources of income, and quick.

Pick 2:

[ ] [Management] Close-by Dust Prospecting => -10 Funds, 1 Civilians, 1 Combat Group, Roll>30 – Grimm Threat;

Surprisingly enough, Dust is fairly commonplace. Sure, most of the time the surfacing veins are too small for SDC or other big players to move in and start mining, but what's small for them might be just enough for you. Should you secure a vein – a lot more interesting options will suddenly be open.

[ ] [Management] Close-by Mineral Prospecting => -10 Funds, 1 Civilians, 1 Combat Group, Roll>40 – Grimm Threat;
The two tasks go hand-in-hand, usually, but require different sets of equipment to perfrom. And yes, you know a trick or two – mostly to distinguish a Dust vein from something else, so it's doable.
However, making much use of whatever you find will be rather difficult. Selling should still be an option, though.

[ ] [Management] Local Deforestation => -5 Funds, 3 Civilians, Roll>20 – Grimm Threat;
This should both allow you to clear up space around HQ and process a certain amount of material for further expansion, manufacture or trade. All things considered – not bad.

[ ] [Management] Valean Market Study => Roll>20;
Marion, good partner that he is, can look through available information on Valean economics and see if there is anything he can start working on without disturbing the big players. This can give you an upper hand in local trade over other small-time competitors… or make them point a finger and laugh.
You won't know for sure without doing this one.

[ ] [Management] Unorthodox Income Sources => Roll>50;
Perhaps there is something that you are missing. Perhaps, there is a way to earn money that's so unconventional that your aging prole brain just doesn't consider it. Good thing Marion's here, otherwise it would've been lost.
It's a good thing, right?



At the moment, you are simply too weak and too blind to events around you to properly engage in asymmetric warfare with anyone. However, it doesn't mean that you should just sit and do nothing. Who seeks will always find, so you shall seek… anything of use, really.

Pick 1:

[ ] [Subterfuge] Identify Available Targets - Frontier => -10 Funds, Roll>30 – Grimm Threat;

It's common for corporations and other sufficiently developed businesses to expand into the Frontier, for various reasons. Timber harvesting, Dust mining, mineral mining, quarries, etc – there are all sorts of facilities that one simply can't put inside the city due to space constraints and lack of resources. Usually, these facilities are run like labor camps, with the workers too far from any support to really do anything about their miserable situation. You can become that support.
But, first of all, you need to look out for available targets.

[ ] [Subterfuge] Identify Available Targets - Outskirts => -10 Funds, Roll>20 – Grimm Threat;
The Outskirts-placed farms in Kingdoms are usually owned by one-two massive agricultural conglomerates, with properties numbering in dozens. Vale is not an exception.
If one thinks that working on a farm is simple and honest – they need to go there and look around, past the candy-coated pastoral façade. Like you will be doing.

[ ] [Subterfuge] RemNet Scouting => Roll>40;

Perhaps, the endless deluge of information will bring something interesting to the surface? Like, for example, an opportunity you can exploit? Or, maybe, one of those funny pictures?



With Percy travelling light, there isn't much for her to do around camp, other than exchange messages with some acquaintances, write articles about stuff you don't understand, and sulk. Let's change that.

Pick 2:

[ ] [Knowledge] Vision of the Present => [Write-in other Action] => Roll>30;

As of now, there's not much for her to do, so Percy offered her help in observing other activities and helping however she can. This may give her an idea for future improvements. It also may not – you can never tell with them scientists.
A/N: Can be taken twice.

[ ] [Knowledge] Construct – Simple Laboratory => -15 Funds, 1 Civilian;

Like it or not, but any decent science cannot be done in a cramped hut. At this point, you cannot provide Percy the best laboratory equipment and working conditions, but something simple should suffice for immediate research and development… Even if transporting all them beakers here will be a bit costly.
Also, something to store the books in - the girl carries a whole bloody library with her.



There isn't much time to do anything else, but… You are trying to claw out at least a couple hours each day. The success is limited, so far.
Gotta make use of whatever minutes you have.

Pick 1:

[ ] [Personal] Personal Combat Training => Roll>20;

You never were a good fighter, really. Losing an arm, growing old and becoming short-sighted didn't help matters in the slightest. However, you need to at least learn how to shoot straight with the remaining hand.
In case of an emergency.

[ ] [Personal] Call-in the Old Boys => Roll>30;
You still have some friends in Atlas, who hadn't kicked it. Long retired, of course, spending time sitting around and doing nothing of value with whatever pensions the Council scrounged up. Might as well chat a bit, brag about how you are doing a revolution here. Make them jealous and eager to join the action... Or make them laugh at the efforts, because old people are jerks - you know that for a fact.

[ ] [Personal] Read-up on Aura => Roll>40;
Aura is a subject of interest for you. There wasn't really an opportunity in life to learn more about it or see much of it in action, but the soul-stuff always had this air of... desirable mystery, if it makes sense. The chances of this dry and shriveled soul pumping out any of that are incredibly low, but, well, some people have it – so you must know more.
You'll have to fight Huntsmen, after all. How good is Aura against gunfire, again?

[ ] [Personal] Physical Exercise;
All this work makes your body cranky and very disagreeable, so you need to take care of it. Some stretching now and again should do you good. Maybe breathing exercises, gymnastics, all that stuff. An orthopedic chair too would be nice, but those cost a fortune. Oh well, tired back it is.

A/N: You can abandon a 'Personal' action for +1 Action in any other category. Don't recommend doing it often, though.
Other than that... Again, no moratorium. Do the vote here and we'll see how it goes.
[X] Plan: Setting Up Shop
[Combat] Construct - Simple Training Field => -5 Funds, 1 Civilian;
-[X] [Combat] Construct - Simple Firing Range => -5 Funds, 1 Civilian;
-[X] [Combat] Distribute Weapons => 1 WF Poacher Kit => -1 Weapon Kits, -1 Civilians, -1 Funds => FREE ACTION;

-[X] [Diplomacy] Contact Nearby Settlements => Roll>20 – Grimm Threat;
-[X] [Management] Close-by Dust Prospecting => -10 Funds, 1 Civilians, 1 Combat Group, Roll>30 – Grimm Threat;
-[X] [Management] Unorthodox Income Sources => Roll>50;
-[X] [Subterfuge] Identify Available Targets - Frontier => -10 Funds, Roll>30 – Grimm Threat;
-[X] [Knowledge] Vision of the Present => Contact Nearby Settlements => Roll>30;
-[X] [Knowledge] Vision of the Present => Unorthodox Income Sources => Roll>30;

Total cost: -31 Funds

Before anything else, we need to make sure that we can survive out here. Which means that we need troops that can protect the HQ, and enough Funds to stay afloat. To those ends I've used our personal action to construct both training facilities, in order to start improving our troops as soon as possible.

On top of that, I've chosen the Dust Prospecting and Unorthodox Income Sources to hopefully make some headway on our income issue.

Additionally, I believe that Contacting Nearby Settlements and Identifying Available Targets in the Frontier will synergize, as the former will provide a reason to approach/enter the places we'll be looking into.

Finally we have too little Funds to afford building a Laboratory right now, not to mention that we don't have the Civilian manpower to take it with everything else we're building. So instead I have Percy (potentially) assisting with Contact Nearby Settlements and Unorthodox Income Sources to see if there's any improvements she can think of for them.