'Well, might as well check that book out.' You thought as you exited the alley.
Your trip back home proved to be relatively normal, save for a few instances of feeling like you were a part of something incredibly poorly written, and dumb, for some reason.
Shrugging it off you finally made it to your home. Sure it was kinda small, and could possibly be infested with angry spirits, but it was yours.
After putting your work gear away, you sat down on the couch, that wasn't previously mentioned, and cracked open the book.
"So you want to summon a spirit...." You read aloud, reclining slightly.
(A few hours later)
After reading through the book (which held a lot of things you really didn't bother to understand), and following a diagram or two, you told in front of the 'summoning circle' (or so the book at called it) that had been in the living room when you had bought the place.
'Alright, now I just need a... Catalyst.'
According to the book, an item needed to be provided to summon a specific spirit.
"Maybe those would work." You said aloud with a snap.
Pulling out the box from earlier, you removed the lid and looked at the armband and ring.
"But which to use....."
Which do you choose?
[] The ring
[] The armband
[] Use both. It's not like it's gonna explode or anything, right?
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