Kiritsugu Emiya clenched his hand. This was it. This whole mess would finally be over. All he had to do was use a command seal.
"By the power of my comm-"
His sentence was cut off by approaching footsteps.
(Your perspective)
Today had been a relatively decent day. You ran a few packages to various parts of Fuyuki, nothing to difficult.
It was a fairly normal day. Well, aside from the creepy old man that almost radiated malice.
Come to think of it that one was a little strange. But, back to the task at hand. You had one note delivery to make.
This one was rather difficult. For some reason the one the one you were delivering for had insisted that you gave it in person, instead of just dropping it off at the place of residence.
It was hard to actually find the guy, One Kiritsugu Emiya.
Kept disappearing every time you almost got to him.
But, luckily with your Mailman senses you were able to find him. In a rather out of the way part of the city, but you really didn't care.
You hear a voice, and decided to walk to it. Hopefully you weren't interrupting something important.
"By the power of my comm-"
Oh dear.
It seems you've interrupted something. There were about two people a man in a suit and a woman in....
There was also a massive chalice thing looming in the background.
They both seem confused and somewhat surprised by your arrival.
What do you say?
[] "What."
[] "Are you Mr. Emiya?"
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