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Once upon a time there was a little incident in a city call Fuyuki. It involved multiple deaths...


That One Guy
Once upon a time there was a little incident in a city call Fuyuki. It involved multiple deaths, a large amount of property damage, and involved an elder god at some point.

Quite fun stuff.

This incident is known as the Holy Grail War. A war between Magi and the summoned spirits of long dead heroes and legends.

All fighting over a device that could grant any wish imaginable. And all it takes to use said device is the wholesale slaughter of the competition.

Fun times to be had, eh?

One such incident how come to a close with just an incredibly minor detail.

The grail was corrupt.

Any wish made would be granted, but only through an untold amount of destruction.

Unfortunately, it was used, and the surrounding city is burning. The air is filled with the screams of the injured and burned

Also Type-Moon fans at this poor attempt at humor and violation of any standing canon.

You have the (mis)fortune of being in the immediate vicinity of the destruction.

Who are you?

[] A small child. Why is everything burning?

[] A certain conquerer. Possibly heavily intoxicated.

[] A inconvenienced mail man.

[] Write in
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[X] A certain conquerer. Possibly heavily intoxicated.
Broskandar the underused.
[X] A certain blue haired persona user...wait how did you get free and why are you a child again!? No better yet why hasn't humanity died yet!?
Kiritsugu Emiya clenched his hand. This was it. This whole mess would finally be over. All he had to do was use a command seal.

"By the power of my comm-"

His sentence was cut off by approaching footsteps.

(Your perspective)

Today had been a relatively decent day. You ran a few packages to various parts of Fuyuki, nothing to difficult.

It was a fairly normal day. Well, aside from the creepy old man that almost radiated malice.

Come to think of it that one was a little strange. But, back to the task at hand. You had one note delivery to make.

This one was rather difficult. For some reason the one the one you were delivering for had insisted that you gave it in person, instead of just dropping it off at the place of residence.

It was hard to actually find the guy, One Kiritsugu Emiya.

Kept disappearing every time you almost got to him.

But, luckily with your Mailman senses you were able to find him. In a rather out of the way part of the city, but you really didn't care.

You hear a voice, and decided to walk to it. Hopefully you weren't interrupting something important.

"By the power of my comm-"

Oh dear.

It seems you've interrupted something. There were about two people a man in a suit and a woman in....


There was also a massive chalice thing looming in the background.


They both seem confused and somewhat surprised by your arrival.

What do you say?

[] "What."

[] "Are you Mr. Emiya?"

[] Write in

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[X] "Are you Mr. Emiya?"
Poor Broskandar, the random crack was too much for SV to resist...
Meh, whatever.
"Are you Mr. Emiya?" You ask.

While you are tempted to react to the general strangeness, you bite it down. You want today to be over with.

"Y-Yes I am." The now named man seems to be a little confused.

"Who are yo-" He begins to ask, but you intervene.

"Sign here please." Holding a clipboard and pen.

He hesitantly signs his name.

"What's this f-" He again tries to ask you a question.

You don't want to drag this out longer than you need too. This time you cut him off with the package.

"Here you go sir." You more or less shove the package into his arms.

He looks down at it briefly, and then looks back up to you. Or rather, where you would be if you hadn't started to walk away.

"Who are you?" He asked confusion still evident in his voice.

How do respond?

[] Don't say anything, keep walking.

[] "No one special."

[] "Just your friendly neighborhood mailman."

[] Write-in