A Full Moon 1.3
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- záhadný
In spite of the fact of their Master just dying the Red Faction Servants showed no signs of stopping their battles, you didn't really hold it against them though as your own team was equally guilty. You could try to help your… friends defeat Kotomine's former Servants, but you feel that would just be unwanted considering the wide smiles plastered on everyone's faces as they fought.
This wasn't really a strange notion to you considering the fact that you also greatly enjoyed a good fight, it was in short, exhilarating. Still you didn't want your friends to get hurt too seriously but also didn't want to get in the way of their fun.
The simplest solution would be to take Kotomine's Seals to become the Red Factions main Master and then make them stop when they went too far either by Command Seal or Force, either one worked but the Seals would definitely help.
Looking down on the cooling corpse of your enemy you couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment, he was just as underwhelming as Roa.
While it was nice that everything didn't blow up in your face, it was still dissatisfying to have everything be so, so… easy. While many would say having everything go your way was a good thing, to you well it was boring, dreadfully so in fact.
Okay so maybe you were still a bit bitter as to how your earlier encounter with Roa went but still why couldn't you get a decent challenge!? You carefully shifted your gaze away from the two Servants you incapacitated, you couldn't help but admit that maybe having your full-strength back wasn't totally a good thing, perhaps you were a bit too strong?
As you leaned down you paused to consider which hand you were supposed to use. On one hand you had a golden ring and on the other you bore a ring portraying a serpent eating its tail. Now you were pretty sure it was the golden ring that you had to press against the dead priests severed hand, which wasn't on his body great.
Luckily it didn't take long to spot where the Command Seal bearing arm was, well that was to be expected with your abilities, you'd be far more surprised if you couldn't find it. It took less that a dozen seconds to spot and retrieve Kotomine's arm.
Now where were you… Right, while you were pretty sure that it was the golden ring on your left hand that let you take another's Command Seals for your own, you just wanted to make sure you got them, on the off chance you were wrong.
It was a bit shameful, but you sort of forgot about these items after all the crazy things that had happened today, storming the Black Faction castle that Roa took over, fighting Arjuna and beating him with a cool toy; Then charging straight at Roa after claiming the enemy Archer as your own, killing Roa and claiming the Black Faction for your own. Until finally going after and now taking the Red Faction as well. It was honestly crazy to think this all happened in just a few hours, so it was totally understandable if you forgot some… minor details on which ring did what, yeah!
You blinked and blinked again well this was awkward, how exactly were you supposed to press both your hands on an arm anyways, well you could always put it on the ground and hunch over it.
That was stupid though, not to mention embarrassing instead you'll just move both rings to one hand but that leaves the question which one?
Your left hand had two Red Command Seals while your right revealed a tapestry of seven Black Seals, you're not sure if it really matters which hand you take the Seals with but just in case, you'll put both rings on your left hand.
Uhhh huh? You… can't pull it off!! Tugging the ring with the snake motif did absolutely nothing at all regardless of how much strength you used, it just didn't budge!
Still that answers that question the ring you want to use, it's definitely the golden one and not this accursed trinket that was stuck to your finger like a lamprey. You hope no one saw that though, taking a quick glance at everyone it seems they're still occupied, good.
Hmm, wait it seems Astolfo and the other pink haired midget have stopped fighting, perhaps it's because of the comradery they share over their ridiculous hair color?
At least they weren't paying attention to you…
Absently you pressed your left hand on the severed arm, it's actually the second time you've done this tonight. By that you mean taking command seals from a severed arm, perhaps it's a common occurrence in these Grail Wars.
You didn't particularly care about that, what did interest you was the items that Gil gave you, why? Well you didn't want to have to ask Gil what they did, only for him to tease you after all!
So first of all you have an immaculate white dress that's indestructible along with dimensional pockets to hold stuff, that's what Gil told you at any rate but you're sure there's more to it. The dress not having any stains is surely a sign that it has more abilities, Gil's just trying to have you figure it out for yourself.
You can't help but think that the dress is related to how you blew through Kotomine's defenses earlier, as executor blades shouldn't have crumpled that easily. There was the chance you could simply be underestimating your returned strength instead.
Next was the golden tracking amulet, the first Item your tiny Archer gave you, it can track things that belong to you, maybe? On second thought you're not exactly sure what is does other than find things somehow. That wasn't a good showing, but you think that's right.
Okay next is… you give yourself a glance and decide figuring out the rings would do. The golden one uhmm it, it did uhhh it took command seals, yup! You're starting to lose confidence in this whole remembering what items did what thing, No! You've got this, the other ring you couldn't take it off because it was cursed, you're sure of that and that it destroyed souls!
You feel your chest swell with pride at that, after all that was right on the money! Well you think it was at any rate, you shift your attention to the bracelet around your right arm.
You didn't really pay attention to it until now, but it also matched your dress however it had large red gems adorning it in a circular pattern, you weren't really an expert on rocks or gems or whatever people wanted to call them. Your first thought was that they were rubies, but they could easily be glass for all you knew but that probably didn't matter, what did was that the item was supposed to conceal your scent or something.
Next up was, you didn't spot anything else but taking a quick peek into your pocket reveals a jagged dagger shaped like a lightning bolt, it had something to do with Servants and you poked them with it to make them yours? This was another item you didn't really get how it worked, only that it was helpful somehow.
Finally there was… you look everywhere on your person but don't find anything else, that seemed to be it, wait now that you think about it there was that pendant that shielded you from arrows until it broke.
That was actually a bunch of stuff, more than you've ever worn before which now that you mention it wasn't a hard feat at all considering you never wore any kind of jewelry before Gil came along with all his shiny trinkets. That's not to say you didn't like them or anything, in fact they were amazing it's just it seemed a bit… much.
Still you felt like you were missing something, but you couldn't put your finger on it, frustrated you ran a hand through your hair; Wait that was it the hat! It was supposed to make you invisible and it… was nowhere on your person, you must've dropped it after your small episode with Roa.
You wince at that realization, telling Gil that you lost one of his treasures wasn't a conversation you were looking forward to. Well you had a ton of good news to go along with it, so it shouldn't be that big of a deal or it should at the very least serve soften the blow.
Six bonds snap into place marked by the intricate red engraving of thirteen seals upon your left arm, by this time you were used to the customary feeling of gaining a Servant if by nothing but the drain each one of them took from your reserves. While having a ton of Servants might be cool at first glance, each of them actually took quite a big chunk of mana, while some like Astolfo didn't take nearly as much, it still was enough to be concerning and with five new ones it should've been extremely taxing. What was strange though is that you could feel prana filtering into you at the exact same rate as the drain, making you feel if you didn't have a small army of ancient heroes.
Was this the support of the Grail? That was your first guess, but you didn't have much of an idea of what was helping in fact you could be totally wrong but now that you think back on it, this might've been happening for quite some time. Galling as it was to admit it, you only noticed the filtering energy when you called down your Marble Phantasm which you shouldn't have had enough energy to manifest.
In other words you only noticed the Prana help when It smacked you right in the face, it was subtle in an odd way as now that you could focus on it, there was no denying it was there but at the same time it felt natural, as if it was to be expected.
It was baffling to say the least but honestly you could barely get worked up over it at this point, too many strange events happening so close together has already inured you to the wackiness that came with this Holy Grail War.
Still it would be a hell of a story to tell Uncle Zel, when you met him again, you were betting it would be pretty soon though. Now that you think about it you probably have to unless you wanted some Magi bother you for taking over the Grail war. While that might not seem like a big deal since Magi didn't stand a snowballs chance in hell to actually hurt you in a meaningful manner, they could still be very annoying when they wanted to be.
That was off topic though, you shake your head as you return to the present, looking around it seems Astolfo and the other pinky were still cordially conversing, but your vampiric acuity could pick it up as if you were right next to them.
"-ppogriff even took me to the moon once! Pretty cool huh! Oh there was even that time that…" You tuned out Rider's blathering as she continued on about nonsensical topics that didn't seem to have any significance, you looked towards the two before shrugging, might as well head towards the only pair that weren't fighting.
Astolfo was eventually cut off by her conversation partner "Focus Astolfo, I would say that is pretty amazing and I would love to see your Hippogriff, it would be an opportunity I've unfortunately never had before, as most phantasmal beasts of that rank had either disappeared or become so rare you couldn't find them even after a century of searching when I was alive…" at that the diminutive girl looked forlorn, it was almost as if looking at a kicked puppy, you had an urge to pick her up and squeeze her to death, maybe not that hard.
Pinky two seemed to regain her spirits before the strange urge overwhelmed you continuing "Still it's taken you to the moon? That's an incredible feat, tell me what exactly did you find there?" At that Astolfo's annoying voice started up again but you simply blocked it out this time, didn't want your brain to fry.
It seems both were so caught up in their little conversation that they didn't notice you sneaking up on them until you got a little fed up with them not noticing you and spoke up "Hey Astolfo and other pinky."
The other pinky seemed a bit miffed but then she smiles brightly after a moment "So you're my new master, as well as most every other Servant in this war, I guess it couldn't have gone any other way considering who you are."
You tilt your head; how did she know who you were? did her master tell her? It seems she caught onto that as she answered your unasked question "It's nothing that strange, not every hero is a millennia old legend after all" She points at Gil and Achilles still fighting which they're enjoying a bit too much in your opinion, if their expressions are anything to go by
"I was actually born centuries after you were, where I became a Magi of some repute, so it isn't strange that I actually know about you; The White Princess is well known amongst those in the moonlit world."
Heroes of legend could be younger than you?! That made you feel old, were you old? You'd have to ask Uncle Zel, wait never mind he'd just call you a kid again and spout something, something my cute niece.
Who else could you ask though? The second thought that popped into your mind was Gil since he was so wise, yet he wasn't even an adult yet, of course you'd be old to him, hmmm.
"Arcueid are you there?" Well there was always Arjuna, he seemed reliable enough but then again, he was a human with a mortal life span so that probably wouldn't work either.
"Let me try, HELLO, Earth to Master!" That voice, it was like nails on a chalkboard to your senses, turning to glare at the nuisance you gaze right into Rider's eyes daring her to continue. It seems Astolfo was a bit smarter than she appeared as before your eyes even met, she became suspiciously silent.
"Truly you have a way with our Master, Astolfo but if I may have your attention I would like to apologize." Huh? What did midget #2 have to apologize for? "I Helena Blavatsky am sincerely sorry for attacking you earlier with my Noble Phantasm, it wasn't my intention, but I was under the orders of a Command Seal at the time, since I didn't agree with that errant Servant Kotomine's wish."
Now that she mentioned the Dead Priest's wish didn't Gil say the same thing about it?
"What was so bad about his wish anyway?" You can't help but ask.
At that Helena's face scrunched up in distaste "Only that it was monumentally short sighted and stupid, the Priest obviously didn't have the first clue as to what would've really happened if he got his way, of course when someone just tries to help him make a wish that won't explode in everyone's faces, he uses a command seal on me to make me shut up and follow his stupid plan because he's oh so determined and won't be swayed from his path! What a load of bull, worst Master ever!"
You try to say something, but she figuratively runs over you as she continues her venting "The general idea was good I mean every human transcending into mahatmas sounds amazing but there are reasons why that hasn't happened yet, even with figures that surpass this grail's power. It's because everyone knows that if you tried speeding up the process, GAIA and ALAYA won't simply just lie down an let it happen, no! They'll instead designate this timeline for removal because it deviates too far from the quantum time lock, destroying our reality in the process! How is the supposed to save anyone! HOW?!"
Uhh, Mahawho? The what lock? Sparing a look at Astolfo you could also see that's she's just as confused as you are. You just shrug, all you got from that was the wish was bad which Gil already told you.
The movement of your shoulder's seems to attract Helena's attention back to yourself and it doesn't seem to take her long to notice just how lost both Astolfo and you were.
"Ah, my bad you two aren't Magi unless…" She had the decency to look a bit sheepish there but she suddenly trails off an excited glint entering her eyes "Hey I know it would be impossible for Astolfo, but would you be interested in learning Mage Craft from me!"
Her demeanor does a 180 as all of the sudden she seems to beam at you, brimming with excitement "I mean to teach a nature spirit of your caliber is even rarer than a once it a life time opportunity, I'll be a good teacher I swear Oh! I wonder if you'd be interested in learning about that Cauldron of Dagda since it's close in nature to the Grail… Wait I'm getting ahead of myself, that can come after learning about quantum time locks, yes I have a lesson plan already good to go!"
You learn Magecraft, is that even possible? In the first place did you even want to learn something like that from someone you just met?! You take a quick glance at Astolfo only to find her still mysteriously silent, the one time you need her to be annoying to bail you out and she doesn't deliver!
Well, you look back towards Helena who somehow has sparkles twinkling around her eyes… is that some sort of Magecraft? More importantly how exactly are you going to handle this situation?
Arcueid decides…
[X] Well Magecraft has always interested you a tiny bit, might as well learn some while waiting for everyone to finish their fights.
[X] You weren't touching Magecraft with a ten-foot pole nor would like to be Helena's student, you'll pass.
[X] You'd decide later you had more important things to do like…
-[X] Stop everyone fighting with a Command Seal, it would likely anger some of your Servants and use a Seal up but it's better that they stayed safe.
-[X] Check up on Siegfried to see how he's doing, you're a bit worried about him.
-[X] See how the Elf's doing, she does seem a bit volatile but how to handle her?
--[X] (Write in how do you deal with Semiramis?)
[X] You'll simply go over to one of the fights and intervene if it looks a little dicey but whose?
-[X] The Indian brother's battle.
-[X] Gil's fight with Achilles.
-[X] Try to get Shuten to help out?
--[X] (Write in how and with what)
[X] Write in (Beware a complete write in is subject to veto if I feel it doesn't make sense or is too OOC)
A/N: So this chapter was mostly an inner monologue as to what I'd call a but of a recap chapter for a few of the minor things that might've gotten forgotten in the shuffle and to clarify a few points. Do be aware this isn't everything and only what Arc herself can Recall IC, this is no omniscient POV after all so it's subject to Bias and Fallacies.
Another point to touch on is the votes, a lot of options aren't there? I did it mainly because each vote I see a huge bandwagon on what to do so I hope this makes things a bit more engaging for people to participate in, if you need any clarification just ask me in the comments and I'll be happy to oblige.
Finally point any mistakes, OOCness and inconsistencies and I'll try to fix them to the best of my ability, and that's it I hope you like this chapter, although I feel it is a bit choppy since I rushed it out after only 2 hours of sleep =/ couldn't go back to bed for whatever reason.
This wasn't really a strange notion to you considering the fact that you also greatly enjoyed a good fight, it was in short, exhilarating. Still you didn't want your friends to get hurt too seriously but also didn't want to get in the way of their fun.
The simplest solution would be to take Kotomine's Seals to become the Red Factions main Master and then make them stop when they went too far either by Command Seal or Force, either one worked but the Seals would definitely help.
Looking down on the cooling corpse of your enemy you couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment, he was just as underwhelming as Roa.
While it was nice that everything didn't blow up in your face, it was still dissatisfying to have everything be so, so… easy. While many would say having everything go your way was a good thing, to you well it was boring, dreadfully so in fact.
Okay so maybe you were still a bit bitter as to how your earlier encounter with Roa went but still why couldn't you get a decent challenge!? You carefully shifted your gaze away from the two Servants you incapacitated, you couldn't help but admit that maybe having your full-strength back wasn't totally a good thing, perhaps you were a bit too strong?
As you leaned down you paused to consider which hand you were supposed to use. On one hand you had a golden ring and on the other you bore a ring portraying a serpent eating its tail. Now you were pretty sure it was the golden ring that you had to press against the dead priests severed hand, which wasn't on his body great.
Luckily it didn't take long to spot where the Command Seal bearing arm was, well that was to be expected with your abilities, you'd be far more surprised if you couldn't find it. It took less that a dozen seconds to spot and retrieve Kotomine's arm.
Now where were you… Right, while you were pretty sure that it was the golden ring on your left hand that let you take another's Command Seals for your own, you just wanted to make sure you got them, on the off chance you were wrong.
It was a bit shameful, but you sort of forgot about these items after all the crazy things that had happened today, storming the Black Faction castle that Roa took over, fighting Arjuna and beating him with a cool toy; Then charging straight at Roa after claiming the enemy Archer as your own, killing Roa and claiming the Black Faction for your own. Until finally going after and now taking the Red Faction as well. It was honestly crazy to think this all happened in just a few hours, so it was totally understandable if you forgot some… minor details on which ring did what, yeah!
You blinked and blinked again well this was awkward, how exactly were you supposed to press both your hands on an arm anyways, well you could always put it on the ground and hunch over it.
That was stupid though, not to mention embarrassing instead you'll just move both rings to one hand but that leaves the question which one?
Your left hand had two Red Command Seals while your right revealed a tapestry of seven Black Seals, you're not sure if it really matters which hand you take the Seals with but just in case, you'll put both rings on your left hand.
Uhhh huh? You… can't pull it off!! Tugging the ring with the snake motif did absolutely nothing at all regardless of how much strength you used, it just didn't budge!
Still that answers that question the ring you want to use, it's definitely the golden one and not this accursed trinket that was stuck to your finger like a lamprey. You hope no one saw that though, taking a quick glance at everyone it seems they're still occupied, good.
Hmm, wait it seems Astolfo and the other pink haired midget have stopped fighting, perhaps it's because of the comradery they share over their ridiculous hair color?
At least they weren't paying attention to you…
Absently you pressed your left hand on the severed arm, it's actually the second time you've done this tonight. By that you mean taking command seals from a severed arm, perhaps it's a common occurrence in these Grail Wars.
You didn't particularly care about that, what did interest you was the items that Gil gave you, why? Well you didn't want to have to ask Gil what they did, only for him to tease you after all!
So first of all you have an immaculate white dress that's indestructible along with dimensional pockets to hold stuff, that's what Gil told you at any rate but you're sure there's more to it. The dress not having any stains is surely a sign that it has more abilities, Gil's just trying to have you figure it out for yourself.
You can't help but think that the dress is related to how you blew through Kotomine's defenses earlier, as executor blades shouldn't have crumpled that easily. There was the chance you could simply be underestimating your returned strength instead.
Next was the golden tracking amulet, the first Item your tiny Archer gave you, it can track things that belong to you, maybe? On second thought you're not exactly sure what is does other than find things somehow. That wasn't a good showing, but you think that's right.
Okay next is… you give yourself a glance and decide figuring out the rings would do. The golden one uhmm it, it did uhhh it took command seals, yup! You're starting to lose confidence in this whole remembering what items did what thing, No! You've got this, the other ring you couldn't take it off because it was cursed, you're sure of that and that it destroyed souls!
You feel your chest swell with pride at that, after all that was right on the money! Well you think it was at any rate, you shift your attention to the bracelet around your right arm.
You didn't really pay attention to it until now, but it also matched your dress however it had large red gems adorning it in a circular pattern, you weren't really an expert on rocks or gems or whatever people wanted to call them. Your first thought was that they were rubies, but they could easily be glass for all you knew but that probably didn't matter, what did was that the item was supposed to conceal your scent or something.
Next up was, you didn't spot anything else but taking a quick peek into your pocket reveals a jagged dagger shaped like a lightning bolt, it had something to do with Servants and you poked them with it to make them yours? This was another item you didn't really get how it worked, only that it was helpful somehow.
Finally there was… you look everywhere on your person but don't find anything else, that seemed to be it, wait now that you think about it there was that pendant that shielded you from arrows until it broke.
That was actually a bunch of stuff, more than you've ever worn before which now that you mention it wasn't a hard feat at all considering you never wore any kind of jewelry before Gil came along with all his shiny trinkets. That's not to say you didn't like them or anything, in fact they were amazing it's just it seemed a bit… much.
Still you felt like you were missing something, but you couldn't put your finger on it, frustrated you ran a hand through your hair; Wait that was it the hat! It was supposed to make you invisible and it… was nowhere on your person, you must've dropped it after your small episode with Roa.
You wince at that realization, telling Gil that you lost one of his treasures wasn't a conversation you were looking forward to. Well you had a ton of good news to go along with it, so it shouldn't be that big of a deal or it should at the very least serve soften the blow.
Six bonds snap into place marked by the intricate red engraving of thirteen seals upon your left arm, by this time you were used to the customary feeling of gaining a Servant if by nothing but the drain each one of them took from your reserves. While having a ton of Servants might be cool at first glance, each of them actually took quite a big chunk of mana, while some like Astolfo didn't take nearly as much, it still was enough to be concerning and with five new ones it should've been extremely taxing. What was strange though is that you could feel prana filtering into you at the exact same rate as the drain, making you feel if you didn't have a small army of ancient heroes.
Was this the support of the Grail? That was your first guess, but you didn't have much of an idea of what was helping in fact you could be totally wrong but now that you think back on it, this might've been happening for quite some time. Galling as it was to admit it, you only noticed the filtering energy when you called down your Marble Phantasm which you shouldn't have had enough energy to manifest.
In other words you only noticed the Prana help when It smacked you right in the face, it was subtle in an odd way as now that you could focus on it, there was no denying it was there but at the same time it felt natural, as if it was to be expected.
It was baffling to say the least but honestly you could barely get worked up over it at this point, too many strange events happening so close together has already inured you to the wackiness that came with this Holy Grail War.
Still it would be a hell of a story to tell Uncle Zel, when you met him again, you were betting it would be pretty soon though. Now that you think about it you probably have to unless you wanted some Magi bother you for taking over the Grail war. While that might not seem like a big deal since Magi didn't stand a snowballs chance in hell to actually hurt you in a meaningful manner, they could still be very annoying when they wanted to be.
That was off topic though, you shake your head as you return to the present, looking around it seems Astolfo and the other pinky were still cordially conversing, but your vampiric acuity could pick it up as if you were right next to them.
"-ppogriff even took me to the moon once! Pretty cool huh! Oh there was even that time that…" You tuned out Rider's blathering as she continued on about nonsensical topics that didn't seem to have any significance, you looked towards the two before shrugging, might as well head towards the only pair that weren't fighting.
Astolfo was eventually cut off by her conversation partner "Focus Astolfo, I would say that is pretty amazing and I would love to see your Hippogriff, it would be an opportunity I've unfortunately never had before, as most phantasmal beasts of that rank had either disappeared or become so rare you couldn't find them even after a century of searching when I was alive…" at that the diminutive girl looked forlorn, it was almost as if looking at a kicked puppy, you had an urge to pick her up and squeeze her to death, maybe not that hard.
Pinky two seemed to regain her spirits before the strange urge overwhelmed you continuing "Still it's taken you to the moon? That's an incredible feat, tell me what exactly did you find there?" At that Astolfo's annoying voice started up again but you simply blocked it out this time, didn't want your brain to fry.
It seems both were so caught up in their little conversation that they didn't notice you sneaking up on them until you got a little fed up with them not noticing you and spoke up "Hey Astolfo and other pinky."
The other pinky seemed a bit miffed but then she smiles brightly after a moment "So you're my new master, as well as most every other Servant in this war, I guess it couldn't have gone any other way considering who you are."
You tilt your head; how did she know who you were? did her master tell her? It seems she caught onto that as she answered your unasked question "It's nothing that strange, not every hero is a millennia old legend after all" She points at Gil and Achilles still fighting which they're enjoying a bit too much in your opinion, if their expressions are anything to go by
"I was actually born centuries after you were, where I became a Magi of some repute, so it isn't strange that I actually know about you; The White Princess is well known amongst those in the moonlit world."
Heroes of legend could be younger than you?! That made you feel old, were you old? You'd have to ask Uncle Zel, wait never mind he'd just call you a kid again and spout something, something my cute niece.
Who else could you ask though? The second thought that popped into your mind was Gil since he was so wise, yet he wasn't even an adult yet, of course you'd be old to him, hmmm.
"Arcueid are you there?" Well there was always Arjuna, he seemed reliable enough but then again, he was a human with a mortal life span so that probably wouldn't work either.
"Let me try, HELLO, Earth to Master!" That voice, it was like nails on a chalkboard to your senses, turning to glare at the nuisance you gaze right into Rider's eyes daring her to continue. It seems Astolfo was a bit smarter than she appeared as before your eyes even met, she became suspiciously silent.
"Truly you have a way with our Master, Astolfo but if I may have your attention I would like to apologize." Huh? What did midget #2 have to apologize for? "I Helena Blavatsky am sincerely sorry for attacking you earlier with my Noble Phantasm, it wasn't my intention, but I was under the orders of a Command Seal at the time, since I didn't agree with that errant Servant Kotomine's wish."
Now that she mentioned the Dead Priest's wish didn't Gil say the same thing about it?
"What was so bad about his wish anyway?" You can't help but ask.
At that Helena's face scrunched up in distaste "Only that it was monumentally short sighted and stupid, the Priest obviously didn't have the first clue as to what would've really happened if he got his way, of course when someone just tries to help him make a wish that won't explode in everyone's faces, he uses a command seal on me to make me shut up and follow his stupid plan because he's oh so determined and won't be swayed from his path! What a load of bull, worst Master ever!"
You try to say something, but she figuratively runs over you as she continues her venting "The general idea was good I mean every human transcending into mahatmas sounds amazing but there are reasons why that hasn't happened yet, even with figures that surpass this grail's power. It's because everyone knows that if you tried speeding up the process, GAIA and ALAYA won't simply just lie down an let it happen, no! They'll instead designate this timeline for removal because it deviates too far from the quantum time lock, destroying our reality in the process! How is the supposed to save anyone! HOW?!"
Uhh, Mahawho? The what lock? Sparing a look at Astolfo you could also see that's she's just as confused as you are. You just shrug, all you got from that was the wish was bad which Gil already told you.
The movement of your shoulder's seems to attract Helena's attention back to yourself and it doesn't seem to take her long to notice just how lost both Astolfo and you were.
"Ah, my bad you two aren't Magi unless…" She had the decency to look a bit sheepish there but she suddenly trails off an excited glint entering her eyes "Hey I know it would be impossible for Astolfo, but would you be interested in learning Mage Craft from me!"
Her demeanor does a 180 as all of the sudden she seems to beam at you, brimming with excitement "I mean to teach a nature spirit of your caliber is even rarer than a once it a life time opportunity, I'll be a good teacher I swear Oh! I wonder if you'd be interested in learning about that Cauldron of Dagda since it's close in nature to the Grail… Wait I'm getting ahead of myself, that can come after learning about quantum time locks, yes I have a lesson plan already good to go!"
You learn Magecraft, is that even possible? In the first place did you even want to learn something like that from someone you just met?! You take a quick glance at Astolfo only to find her still mysteriously silent, the one time you need her to be annoying to bail you out and she doesn't deliver!
Well, you look back towards Helena who somehow has sparkles twinkling around her eyes… is that some sort of Magecraft? More importantly how exactly are you going to handle this situation?
Arcueid decides…
[X] Well Magecraft has always interested you a tiny bit, might as well learn some while waiting for everyone to finish their fights.
[X] You weren't touching Magecraft with a ten-foot pole nor would like to be Helena's student, you'll pass.
[X] You'd decide later you had more important things to do like…
-[X] Stop everyone fighting with a Command Seal, it would likely anger some of your Servants and use a Seal up but it's better that they stayed safe.
-[X] Check up on Siegfried to see how he's doing, you're a bit worried about him.
-[X] See how the Elf's doing, she does seem a bit volatile but how to handle her?
--[X] (Write in how do you deal with Semiramis?)
[X] You'll simply go over to one of the fights and intervene if it looks a little dicey but whose?
-[X] The Indian brother's battle.
-[X] Gil's fight with Achilles.
-[X] Try to get Shuten to help out?
--[X] (Write in how and with what)
[X] Write in (Beware a complete write in is subject to veto if I feel it doesn't make sense or is too OOC)
A/N: So this chapter was mostly an inner monologue as to what I'd call a but of a recap chapter for a few of the minor things that might've gotten forgotten in the shuffle and to clarify a few points. Do be aware this isn't everything and only what Arc herself can Recall IC, this is no omniscient POV after all so it's subject to Bias and Fallacies.
Another point to touch on is the votes, a lot of options aren't there? I did it mainly because each vote I see a huge bandwagon on what to do so I hope this makes things a bit more engaging for people to participate in, if you need any clarification just ask me in the comments and I'll be happy to oblige.
Finally point any mistakes, OOCness and inconsistencies and I'll try to fix them to the best of my ability, and that's it I hope you like this chapter, although I feel it is a bit choppy since I rushed it out after only 2 hours of sleep =/ couldn't go back to bed for whatever reason.
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