Fate: The Curators

Part 5 Rebellion

Olus Diuseiusius is a male manticore from the planet Essear. Essear is united under one kingdom that apparently is perfectly similar to the Roman Empire on Earth. Olus was recruited into the Curators at the age of 4 in human years, which is 400 in manticore years. Olus was recruited because he was able to awaken an Old One and become good friends with it.

Olus has been with the Curators for a year now, and has continued to dabble in ancient forbidden arts in hopes of reaching spiritual enlightenment.

You proceed to walk out of the room and head toward the cafeteria believing that to be the current location of Olus. You make sure to leave the room as quietly as possible to make sure you don't wake up Lyria. You're pretty sure, she wouldn't take kindly to recruiting an Avatar of a Old One.

Random Event Roll = 24

You begin walking to the cafeteria taking the shortest route possible. You continue walking, strangely the hallway is rather void of life. You're the only person currently walking around.

Garen Notice Roll: -1 vs Attacker's Stealth Roll: 0 + Stealth +2

Attacker Succeeds with style

You continue walking unphased by the strange silence that fills the hallway. The hallways are normally full or at least active, but today they aren't.

Your train of thought comes to a halt when the entire hallway is covered in darkness.

Attacker has created an advantage.

Garen Notice Roll: 2

Attacker Notice Roll: 3

Attacker goes First

Attacker Magic Roll: -2 + Magic 3 = +1 average

Garen Fighting Roll: 0 + Fighting 1 = +1 average


It takes a while for you to see anything, but when your eyes begin to adapt you notice a ripple in the shadows. As if someone just started a fire, but it produced no light at all. It simply made that area darker. It takes you a moment too late to realize that it was some kind of black fireball heading right toward you. It collided with you chest but it has no apparent affect on you. The person must have underestimated you or believed you to be a human.

Garen Ferromancy Roll: 0 + Ferromancy 3 = +3 good

Attacker Magic Roll: 0 + Magic 3 = +3 good


You need to end this quickly. After the black flame hits you, you counter attack the fool who thought they could take you by sending electricity throughout the walls hopefully hitting the stranger. When you can't smell the scent of burning ash or hear any screaming you infer that you missed the target or they succeeded at blocking your attack.

Attacker Magic Roll: -1 + Magic 3 = +2 fair

Garen Ferromancy Roll: -2 + Ferromancy 3 = +1 average

Attacker Wins by 1 shift, Garen takes 1 point of physical stress damage

Garen Ferromancy Roll: -1 + Ferromancy 3 = +2 fair

Attacker Magic Roll: -2 + Magic 3 = +1 average

Garen Wins by 1 shift, Attacker takes 1 point of physical stress damage

Attacker Magic Roll: +1 + Magic 3 = +4 great

Garen Ferromancy Roll: +3 + Ferromancy 3 = +6 fantastic

Attacker missed their attack

Garen Ferromancy Roll: +1 + Ferromancy 3 = +4 great

Attacker Magic Roll: +2 + Magic 3 = +5 superb

Garen missed their attack

Attacker Magic Roll: +1 + Magic 3 = +4 great

Garen Ferromancy Roll: +1 + Ferromancy 3 = +4 great


Garen Ferromancy Roll: +3 + Ferromancy 3 = +6 fantastic

Attacker Magic Roll: -1 + Magic 3 = +2 fair

Garen Wins by 4 shifts, Attacker takes 4 points of physical stress damage

Attacker is dead

Garen Wins

After a long and rather boring match of tug of war, you finally manage to get a decisive blow on the attacker and impale their ass on 3 scorching hot metal spikes you shot out of the walls.

The darkness vanishes and the hallway returns to normal...well minus the shishkebab you made.

You continue on to the cafeteria with hundreds of questions floating around in your motherboard or brain. Why did they attack me? Who were they? Questions like those keep resurfacing in your mind no matter how hard you try to focus on the task at hand. You'll have to ask Prisca or someone else later to hopefully shed some light on this mystery.

It takes you some time to get to the lunchroom, but when you do it takes only a matter of seconds before you spot your target. A tall male figure covered in brownish fur is standing all the way in the back. It has bat like wings with a scorpion tail, and two dragon like horns coming out of its head. It has the face of a man and stands on two hind legs like a normal human.

You can tell that it's Olus because it is wearing a roman like occult robe with two roman greatswords on its back. He seems to have a black book on his side and a staff made from bones that radiate a greenish glow. He seems to be talking to it as if it's alive.

You walk up to him and poke his side. "Excuse me, Are you Olus Diuseiusius?"

The Manticore looks away from his staff and down at you. He speaks with the voice of an experience warrior that has survived a great many battles.

"Indeed I am little one. Olus Diuseiusius of House Diuseiusius at your service. Now then Archon, I know why you've come and before you ask the answer is yes. I will join you and Lyria Lightsong. I will meet you at room 210 on the 4th floor of the Alpha Newton Sector. Farewell."

Before you can even say anything Olus walks up in the direction of your room.


One Day Later


Prisca voice came on over the intercom, "ATTENTION ALL LOYAL CURATORS!! We have been betrayed! The Golden Crusaders, Gray Falcons, and the Crimson Covenant have betrayed the Curators and have started a rebellion! They currently have control over the Sunlight District and Sector Charlie Zeta!! ALL LOYAL CURATORS BATTLE STATIONS!!!

When the announcement ends, You stand up and grab your sword. Lyria and Olus are both already equipped. You all stare at each other, you all know that this could be your final day.

Lyria is the first to break the silence her armour on and her weapons drawn. "When, I walk into the valley of death, I shall fear no evil for I know that I am the deadliest fucker in there."

You and Olus both nod at her in agreement.

You're all determined to come out of this alive and destroy those foolish enough to betray you.

One question remains:

What do you do now?

[ ] Go Find Prisca

[ ] Find Other Loyal Curators

[ ] Go straight to the enemies and fight

[ ] Flee the Curators Base

[ ] Join the Rebels Side

[ ] Write In


Sorry this took so long, my internet is a bitch.

Ally gained: Olus Diuseiusius

Last edited:
[X] Find Other Loyal Curators

Yeah, we're not made for combat. We'll have to train up some combat/magic skills.
Hello my fellow Curators.
Sorry I haven't been pumping out updates like before, but I've been awake for 24 hours straight and still can't sleep.
I'll probably update tomorrow. There is like a 90% chance that I will, until then to keep your interest you guys can discuss your plans with Garen and his newly acquired allies or make omakes, or do something I don't fucking care.
Part 6 Upgrades and Allies

All three of you have decided to pull out your map of the Curator's base which was given to all members. Olus, Lyria, and you begin to look over it trying to come up with a plan of action.

"The Sunlight District and Sector Charlie Zeta are both located in the southwestern hemisphere. If they have control of those two areas then they have completely taken over Wyldfall's South West Areas. Also, I doubt that they're just going to stay in one place, so I suggest we get moving and fast."

It doesn't take long for you all to come to an agreement of finding more loyal curators that will hopefully assist you three.

You decided to head to the neighboring sector, Sector Bravo Newton.

Random Event Roll: 100 (HOLY FUCKING SHIT)

Surprisingly the hallways leading to Bravo Newton are clear and easy to traverse. Looks like the traitors haven't reached this sector yet. You guys continue walking until you take a left and enter a ruined battlefield.

It's just a hallway, but it looks like a major battle took place here and turned it into a living hell. The walls are cracked and painted scarlet with blood, and the floor is littered with shattered items and broken bodies. Scorch marks have completely covered the ceiling in blackened ash. The air is heavy, thick filled with the combine toxic of melting organisms and pure ungodly corruption.

Lyria Will Roll: +4 great

Needed: +3 good

Lyria succeeds

You continue walking down the hallway eager to get out of this accursed place. When you reach the end, you find the monster that caused all of this.

The Stellar Monarch Class Droid known as Primordial.

It sat at the end of the hallway deactivated. It's visor cracked, sparks shooting out of open wounds here and there, its blades covered in blood, and its body has cracks around it with dents and blade/scorch marks. Inside of its chest were two contrasting blades. One of the blades was a longsword with a hawk handle made of pure onyx colored starmetal. Its pommel were the hawk's talons and its guard were the wings. Out of the hawks mouth/beak was a long obsidian colored starmetal blade with a white glow around its edges.

The other blade was the exact opposite. Its handle was that of a dove made of a snow white starmetal. Its guard was of course the wings, and the pommel were the talons. The only real difference beside the color and type of bird is that the blade was shorter than the other one and was pure white with a black glow around its edges.

As you guys walk up to the droid, you feel a strange urge to interact with it. The Dove blade calls to Lyria, the Hawk blade calls to Olus, and the droid calls to you Garen.

What do you do?

[ ] Take the Items

[ ] Take only some of the items

[ ] Leave all of the Items


It takes some time, but you guys are finally able to reach Sector Bravo Newton. The area is rather abandoned. The Curators here must have gone off to the traitors or went off to find other loyal curators.

You continue walking around the place, until you come across a large wooden door the size of a wall. With nowhere else to go, you guys open the wooden door.

Behind the door is nothing, but an arcane tunnel to a strange place at the end. You walk into the tunnel heading toward the end.

Random Event Roll: 69

Nothing happens to you guys and you're able to reach the end without any trouble.

When, you reach the end you enter into a large open room that replicates that of a archmage quarters.

Garen Notice Roll: -2 terrible

Lyria Notice Roll: +2 fair

Olus Notice Roll: 0 + Eldritch Eyes 2 = +2 fair

Stranger Stealth Roll: -1 poor

When you guys walk into the room, Garen just proceeds to walk around looking for anything of use. He apparently doesn't see the obvious black knight looking stranger walking toward him. Fortunately, his two comrades do and charge at the figure pinning them down with their combine might.

It takes a couple of minutes for Garen to realize that his friends have a person pinned down. He walks over to them and looks at the stranger.

You examine them and see that they don't have the coat of arms or symbol of the traitorous groups.

"Lyria, Olus get off of them. They aren't a traitor. If you look, you'll notice that they don't have any of their symbols."

"How can you be sure, Garen? They may have just taken it off to deceive people like us."

"I have to agree with Lyria. For all we know, they could be the leader of the Crimson Covenant."

You crouch down staring the stranger dead in the face.

"Tell us your name or I'll make sure that the manticore feeds your corpse and soul to his eldritch god, and believe me the eldritch are very unpredictable people. No telling what they'll do."

Garen Intimidation Roll: +4 + Joyeuse 2 = +6 fantastic

Stranger Will Roll: 0 + Will 2 = 2 fair

Garen Wins with additional benefits

The stranger doesn't speak. They simply stop moving and go limp. After a while, a little gnome appears and speaks with a rather noble voice.

"The name is Greyda Halledotr. I'm the last surviving member of The Knights of Wihyrst."

You all stare at the gnome in confusion, looking between it and the knight pinned down.

"Okay, if you're Greyda Halledotr then who is this they have pinned down?"

"That's me as well. You see unfortunately that body is blind, deaf, and mute. As, such I use this gnome to see, hear and talk."

"I'm not exactly sure if I believe that."

"Well, believe it or not I don't care. But, would you kindly get off of me. I can feel my armor caving in."

With the lift of your hand, Lyria and Olus get off of…..Greyda.

You all stare at the gnome and the body.

The gnome climbs onto the back of the knight and the knight proceeds to shake each of your hands.

"Since, my group is dead you guys wouldn't mind if I tagged along would you?"

"Not at all, you are welcomed to join us."

You all walk out of the room back into the hallway with the wooden door.

"Guessing by the arcane tunnel, you're a mage."


With Greyda accompanying you guys, you set out to..........

[ ] Go Find Prisca

[ ] Find Other Loyal Curators

[ ] Go straight to the enemies and fight

[ ] Flee the Curators Base

[ ] Join the Rebels Side

[ ] Write In


Feedback is appreciated

Ally gained: Greyda Halledotr

Gold = Lyria

Orange = Olus

Green = Garen

Blue = Greyda
Hey Guys, I'm going to be updating this quest later on today, I'm not going to give a time because last time I did Stellar Monarch yelled at me for missing it.
Part 7 Captured

We waste no time getting a move on with our newly acquired companion Greyda. We all decided to head toward the Magelight Tower, so we could meet up with Prisca. We were pretty sure that with us four together no one would be able to beat us. My intelligence, Lyria's leadership, Olus' strength, and Greyda's magic were all that was needed to turn this little rag tag group of Curators into a well-oiled death machine. Of course, I'm not even mentioning the two new blades and form Lyria, Olus, and I got out of the deactivated Primordial.

We decided to meet up with Prisca, so we could expand our knowledge on the current situation that plagued all of Wyldfall. Of course, we already know the basics like who the traitors are and what areas they controlled but we needed specifics like their strengths and weaknesses. If we learned those then we could hit a hard and decisive blow against the rebel Curators.

Random Event Roll: 57

It's rather easy for us to make it to the Magelight Tower. Thanks to my database of all of the routes and hallways connecting each of the sectors together; we were able to avoid any possible conflicts and get to the tower in one piece.

Garen Notice Roll: +2fair

Lyria Notice Roll: -1poor

Olus Notice Roll: -2terrible + Notice2 = 0mediocre

Greyda Notice Roll: +2fair

Enemies Notice Roll: -2terrible + Notice3 = +1average

Garen Athletics Roll: 0mediocre

Greyda Athletics Roll: -2terrible

Unfortunately when we arrived at the tower, Lyria and Olus didn't notice that army of Crimson Covenant fuckers encircling it. Greyda and I were perceptive enough to spot them, but Lyria moved too fast for me to grab her and Olus was just too strong for Greyda and pulled her out with him. Thankfully, I was able to stay hidden from all of the enemy forces.

Lyria and Olus finally realized what was going on when they were surrounded by Red Hoplites holding spears at their necks and javelins at their heads.

Great, I'll have to rescue them now. It doesn't take long for the Covenant soldiers to disarm and strip them; it looks like they're taking them to their main camp or wherever the leader currently is.

Great Now what do I do?:

[ ] Maybe I can disguise myself as one of the guards and infiltrate the base. (Use Disguise)

[ ] Maybe I can come up with some plan of action. (Use Tactics)

[ ] Maybe I can talk my way in and convince them to release them. (Use Persuasion)

[ ] Fuck it! CHARGE! (Use Fighting)

[ ] Write In


Pretty short update, well it isn't my fault your teammates got caught.

Also, if you guys want you can make a omake of something happen through the eyes of someone. Maybe Prisca, one of the leaders of the rebels, one of the Curators leaders, or someone from another faction outside of the Curators.

[X] Maybe I can disguise myself as one of the guards and infiltrate the base. (Use Disguise)

When you're a shapeshifting robo fleshcrafter, you go Terminator, always.
[X] Maybe I can disguise myself as one of the guards and infiltrate the base. (Use Disguise)
Part 8 plan making

Roll: 2 + Ferromancy 3 + Fleshcraft 2 + Disguise 1 + Shapeshift Stunt 2 = 10 legendary

I could feel it all over me. My entire body shifting and contorting in ways that shouldn't be physically possible. My atoms, cells, and molecules were exploding and separating at incredible speeds. My arms and legs reformed into organic human like appendages, while the rest of my body transformed into ruby like armor that perfectly replicates the armor wore by the Hoplites.

With the transformation finished I accessed my database on the Curators to see if I had anything on the Crimson Covenant because without basic knowledge this disguise would do nothing.

Roll: -1 + Amulet of Intelligence 2 + Learning 3 = 4 great

Needed 2 fair

Total: 2 fair

According to my database the Crimson Covenant follows the same culture as the Grand Dynasty, most notably the Onassis who are a greek family that defeccted from the Federation and joined the Grand Dynasty.

I'll have to examine that later when this rebellion is over.

With my body resembling that of a Crimson Covenant and the understanding of their culture, I began to sneak my way inside of their siege camp.

Enemy Notice Roll: -1 + Notice 3 = 2fair

Needed 10 legendary

Total -8 XD

Apparently, I overestimated the Crimson Covenant because I was able to sneak into their prison tent without even having to…..well really hide or try.

Inside I found my companies who were apparently out cold. When the fuck did they get knocked out? Questions for a later time.

Before I was able to untie and free my unconscious comrades a massive deafening explosion erupted from outside of the tent. Shouts of fear, panic, and commands were everywhere as the Hoplites tried to understand the event that has just taken place and the Generals during their best to restore order.

I rushed outside as quickly as possible to see what the hell just happened and I was amazed by the destruction that was taking place.

Elementals of all shapes and sizes were on the new-formed battleground tearing Crimson Covenant Hoplites to pieces.

Knowing that the elementals had this battle under control, I discarded the disguise and rushed into the Magelight tower with my companions on my shoulders.


"Hey wake up. Come on guys wake up." When I made it inside I started lightly smacking my friends in order to wake them up, so I wouldn't have to drag them anymore. It took a while, but after a total of 25 slaps each they woke up.

With them now awake, we rushed to the top of the Tower where Prisca was most likely to be found.

When we reached the top we encountered Prisca up their with other high level looking mages.

Prisca greeted us and lead us to the war table, where the massive map was.

We started to dispense plans in order to defeat the Rebel Curators who apparently started calling themselves the Swords of Keheath.

Prisca was the first to present: "The Crimson Covenant mostly focuses on heavily armored spear infantry, while the Golden Crusaders focus on Heavy armored paladins trained in the way of light. The Gray Falcons focus on shock and awe tactics with lightly armored shock troops. Our best course of action would be to mobilize the entirety of the Curator's army and completely overwhelm the Swords of Keheath."

When Prisca finished telling us her plan the next to speak was Lyria, "Yes, we could do that if you want to lose half of our forces. I suggest we don't go on a suicide mission and wait for the Swords to come to us. We already have them boxed in, our best interest is to fortify our defenses and let them send themselves to their deaths."

Both of them provided decent plans that are very likely to succeed, but unfortunately my two companies Olus and Greyda were divided and took opposite sides. Olus sided with Prisca while Greyda sided with Lyria. I was the only person there to break the tie or come up with a new plan.

What did I do?

[ ] Agree with Prisca

[ ] Agree with Lyria

[ ] Write in Plan


Sorry this took so long to get posted.

I understand that this was a very meh and mediocre update (Pretty sure it was terrible)

Next update should be way better.