-Kill Assassin
No. There's no way you can trust Assassin. It's in the name- and with how he's kept attacking you and with how Ruler feels about him, there's no chance you'd take his offer. Ruler hasn't steered you wrong so far. You'll take her judgement on Assassin- And hell, even if he wasn't lying about his Master's name, what would you do with it? Sell them for your own sake, the same as you did with Lainur? Just like how any mage would do?
You can't do that. You won't.
You shake your head, your voice clear as you call out, taking the lead as Izabetha's glancing up to her Archer, mulling over Assassin's offer. "Ruler- finish it!"
"I shall." Ruler murmurs, voice calm and her expression flat, controlled. She's trying to keep her cool. To not let her hate for Assassin get in the way, to make sure she doesn't leave any opening.
Her gaze fixes on Assassin as she charges towards him, a vicious pair of punches streaking for him. He takes one on his already wounded shoulder with a desperate twist of his body, the sound of shattering bone filling the night as his ruined arm flops limply by his side, pain painting his face. The second drives into his gut, forcing him backwards with a sharp exhalation, driving him further away from the river.
His arm blurs with motion as he hurls his last broken knife- towards you and Izabetha, not at either of your servants- faster than you can react, Izabetha moves, her halberd gleaming in the moonlight as she parries the knife, sending in spinning into the sky in a harmless arc. As she catches her breath, Assassin scrambles to the side, a series of desperate dodges as he tries to avoid the lethal rain of arrows Archer is pinning him with.
"No-" Assassin gasps, a lance of flame from Ruler drilling through Assassin side, a frantic leap sideways all that stopped it from burning through his heart. "Not like this-"
"It's not going to end like this- I can't- I won't-" He gasps, frantically rolls over from where he lies on the round, the arrow from Archer that would have pierced his neck now pinning his ruined shoulder to the concrete. "I can't be out of tricks- I can't have nothing left I've got to have something else up my sleeve-."
"Even here- at [A Schemer's End]!"
With Assassin's words, for a brief moment time seems to slow as you feel mana surge from him, shaping itself with lethal intent. His one good arm emerges from behind his back, where he'd been propping himself upwards, the moonlight gleaming off the dark metal of the gun he's holding, a bulky, intimidating revolver with the briefest sparks of mana still crackling off it.
You saw him before- he didn't have it. There's no way he could have had it. But it's there. You try to shout a warning as his aim tracks across the street, Izabetha dashing in front of you, desperately shaping her blade into a shield. But there's no time, and the words die in your mouth as the deafening retort of Assassin's shot fills the night.
You stumble backwards as Izabetha's half-formed shield shatters, your ears ringing from the gunshot as something punches you in the chest. Shrapnel from her shield? Some piece of debris?
You want to ask if she's okay. You try to.
You just can't quite get yourself to say anything.
You stagger sideways, a numb weakness spreading through your body.
Your limbs shake and your scrollcase falls to the ground as you bring a hand up to your chest, touching the place you felt that impact. There's something hot there. Something sticky.
You force your gaze downwards, away from the shocked faces of everyone else, to see what you know you'll see. The deep red of blood, spilling out across your chest.
Assassin wasn't aiming for Izabetha- she'd just realised his target before you did.
He was aiming for you all along.
Your legs fail you, and you collapse to the ground, head cracking against the concrete as your vision blurs and you gasp for breath. It's hard- really hard to breathe- you just know you need to. It's all you can think of.
You see Izabetha crouched beside you, desperately covering your woung, applying pressure on it in a frantic attempt to step the flow. She's yelling something- to you? To Archer? You can't quite make it out. She's glancing back and forth between you and Archer, who's also kneeling beside you. She's thumbing the gourd at her waist- reluctantly, you think. It's hard to tell with your blurring vision, blackness creeping in from the corners of your sight. You don't know what she's saying either, as you just stare upwards at the skies.
The only thing you can hear is the heartbreaking wail that spills from Ruler's lips, seventeen-hundred years worth of grief pouring out in a single scream as she ignites, a blinding blue light filling the street, melting glass and stone and steel as two great plumes of blue flame unfurl from her shoulders, the heat so potent that even you can feel it through the numbness, a warmth that manages to reach your so-cold heart. Wrapped in this pyre, Ruler descends upon the crippled form of Assassin, tears pouring from her eyes as her talos tear into his neck, carving him apart even as the flame wraps around him, charring flesh and bone to ash and then that ash to nothing but a faint trickle of golden light
And with the last trace of Assassin vanishing in Ruler's blaze, the numbness vanishes from your body.
Only to be replaced by a pure, burning agony as if every last nerve in your body is ablaze, a hoarse, wordless scream coming from your lips as your muscles contort. It only lasts for but an hour-long second before it's too much for your mind to bear and you pass out, your consciousness diving into the cool blackness of blissful unconsciousness. With the last thing your eyes see before you pass out the shattered-glass of your circuits, flaring brighter than they ever have before.
Shining with the gleam of purest gold
[] You see your past. You remember the last time you died, burning yourself away as the last of the seven
[] You see the present, as you drift along dark waters.