And calling the vote. Given the tie, I'm going to split the difference in favour of the side that gave their reasonings and go with asking Assassin some questions.
[] Yes, you have a question and/or request for Assassin
"So to summarize," Ida says after having talked to Assassin for a while, "Using my spear to impale somebody is the best way to end a passionate night of bloodshed and strangulation is the most romantic method of murder, ideal to end a lover after a quiet date."
"That is not what I said," Assassin responds.
"You did use a lot of words. Don't worry, I'm good at distilling things down to the important points."
"I did not get that impression, when you digressed about your sister during your explanation of the Tohsaka situation."
Ida stares at Assassin in confusion. "But… everything about my elder sister is important?"
"Right. My mistake," Assassin concedes. "Maybe it would be best if we let her talk as well, instead of simply going on and on about murder."
"Ah yes, of course. Elder Sister, I apologize for not first making sure if it's okay for me to talk," Ida says to you, growing slightly panicked.
"Don't worry," you reassure her along with petting her head. "Your enthusiasm is simply adorable. But I do have some questions for Assassin myself, so I'll gladly take over from here."
"Go ahead, Elder Sister. I love listening to your voice."
"So do I. It sounds so magnificent," you say and Ida nods vigorously. "Now then Assassin, let's start with the most obvious question. There is a plethora of reasons why somebody might want to assist me, which one motivates you and your Master?"
"I have already given up on understanding my Master's reasons, which is—in a sense—impressive given how recently I was summoned. All I can tell you is that my Master currently wants you alive," Assassin says.
"You can hardly call that a satisfying answer," you say.
"Maybe not, but I'm afraid I was summoned to serve, not to question."
You sigh. "Do you at least know if your Master has given up their claim to the Grail?"
"I certainly hope my Master hasn't. There would be little point in me following his orders otherwise."
That wasn't nearly the answer you had hoped for. It's better than lying about how they're utterly devoted to your victory, even if that's exactly the stance they should be genuinely holding. Still, there seems little point in pressing further. Even if Assassin is lying, it's unlikely he'll budge from his current claim of ignorance. "Fine then. Do you know why the area we just passed through is blacked out?"
"The blackout happened shortly before Archer's Noble Phantasm hit. If nothing that happened in the house damaged the electric grid, maybe it feeds on electricity much the same way it absorbed the bounded field? Although, that does feel off as an explanation, the timing doesn't quite match up either."
"I see. At least the next question is in your area of expertise. Was there any point to the cloaks and masks you made us wear beyond being hard to see?"
Assassin hesitates before answering, so there ought to be some information he's considering telling you about this time.
"Just out with it, Assassin," you order. "You won't gain anything by keeping secrets from me anyway."
"They do to some extent have a presence concealing effect, though not nearly to the same level as my own Skill. The effect was mostly relevant to your sister, although your white hair and skin are rather easy to pick out at night as well," Assassin says.
"The curse of a radiant beauty such as mine. Not that it would ever fail to attract the eye at any time of day," you correct him. "But let's not get hang up on such details, no matter how important they are, after you finally managed to give me a satisfying answer."
"I knew you could do it, Assassin," Ida says cheerfully. "You must be so proud of yourself right now."
"It's almost exhilarating," Assassin says with a low growl that doesn't match the joyous occasion.
"How fortunate for you, especially given that it's time for us to come to an end. I just have one final matter. How can we contact you on our own? I'd rather not have to rely on you constantly sneaking around and following me."
"That is understandable, but I can't give you a direct line to my Master. For as concerned as they're about you, they're even more concerned about their privacy. The church would be a good spot to leave a message, I suppose. It being neutral territory means you won't have to worry about an ambush and it can be visited without arousing suspicion. I hope that is satisfying."
"It is acceptable," you say. "Although-"
"Wait," Assassin interrupts you. He looks towards the center of the city. "Is that a Servant I'm sensing?"
At first you think he's simply trying to distract from your well justified complaints about him expecting you to cross the entire city to get to the church, every time you intent to contact them. Then you pick up on the faint presence of another Servant yourself.
They aren't actively projecting their presence, but they weren't worrying about being stealthy either. It is rather impressive for Assassin to notice them so easily during your conversation.
That doesn't mean you have to forgive him for cutting you off like that.
"Go investigate them," you order Assassin.
"As you wish," he says and moves towards the Servant.
You decide to wait for Assassin to return from his scouting mission and indeed he returns rather quickly.
"The Servant is not heading directly for us," Assassin starts once you prompt him to talk. "Instead they seem to be heading towards the Tohsaka mansion. The Servant is a knight in full armor and riding a horse, though the Servant also has a sword, so I suppose it could be either Rider or Saber. There's two people riding along on the horse, a boy with black hair and a girl with red hair and glasses."
Ida excitedly squeals next to you. "Elder Sister, do you think that sounds like Naoki and Mara? Does that mean I get to kill them after all?"
"It does sound like it. It's only fair that my wonderful little sister should be lucky like that," you say while petting her.
Now then, how to deal with the situation.
[] Go back to your mansion regardless. You know where you can find Naoki, so you can deal with the matter tomorrow when you're rested.
[] Send Assassin to give Naoki a warning, so he doesn't end up potentially wandering into Archer's range and being injured. That's Ida's privilege.
[] Meet up with Naoki. After your last conversation, he owes you an explanation for how he got involved in the war.
Arguably yes. Though in some rare cases it does happen that non Riders are summoned along with their horse, so until you've confirmed the horse to be their Noble Phantasm, it isn't conclusive evidence.
Arguably yes. Though in some rare cases it does happen that non Riders are summoned along with their horse, so until you've confirmed the horse to be their Noble Phantasm, it isn't conclusive evidence.
I think it say's a lot about how much FGO has added that I don't know if this is a ruling you've decided for this war, or if that's actually canon amongst one of those options.
[x] Send Assassin to give Naoki a warning, so he doesn't end up potentially wandering into Archer's range and being injured. That's Ida's privilege.
Once you decide on how to deal with Naoki's group, you tell Ida, "I fear you'll have to wait a bit longer until we meet up with Naoki again. We're going back home for the night."
"As you wish, Elder Sister," Ida says.
"As for you, Assassin, go warn Naoki. We wouldn't want him to blindly run into Archer's firing range after all. Feel free to let him know who just saved them."
"It seems the boy is quite lucky to have you care for his well being," Assassin says.
"He did put forth some effort in lauding my virtues, so it would be a shame to lose him this quickly. More importantly, it's my sister that's invested in his well being. We can hardly let anyone take that from her," you say and dismiss Assassin.
As soon as he disappears into the shadows, Ida eagerly addresses you, "Elder Sister, does that mean I get to kill Naoki?"
"Maybe," you say. "We should give him one chance to dedicate himself to me first, don't you think?"
"That sounds wonderful as well. I don't know which I would like more. Ah, no, of course the turn of events where he serves you is preferable. Fulfilling your needs is much more important than my own pleasure after all, Elder Sister."
"Excellent priorities, as expected such a wonderful little sister," you say, drawing a giggle from Ida. "Let us return to the mansion."
"As you wish, Elder Sister. Shall I carry you to make up for the destruction of our car? I promise that I'll be more gentle than Assassin."
"I don't doubt your intentions, but I've had quite enough of being carried around. I'll send a message for Mel to fetch us." You pull out one of your hairs to turn into a familiar and send it off so it can lead Mel to you.
"Such a brilliant idea, Elder Sister. I'm sure Mel will be happy to drop whatever she's doing right now to rush to your aid. I know that would be the most important thing for me in that moment."
"That goes to show that your priorities are in order."
What Melsritt's dedication to you cannot change is that you have to wait. You spend the time working on healing Ida's wounds, for which she thanked you in loving and accurate detail, and mentally going over the events of the night again. Archer's Noble Phantasm was especially problematic. You don't quite know the exact detail, but it was worth considering ways to reprogram the Bounded Field around your forest to avoid Archer using it to attack your home. You make sure to keep your discussion with Ida telepathic. While there's no sign of Assassin returning, that doesn't mean he didn't return to silently stalking you. At the same time, his Presence Concealment didn't break and the presence of the Servant in Naoki's group faded away, which you take as a sign that Assassin managed to talk them down without provoking a fight. It seems you would have to find out the details of what happened at a later time.
The pain in your legs and back grow more unpleasant thanks to all the standing, but you ignore it. Ida would throw herself down on all fours to act as a seat for you and her dignity was worth slightly more than that, even if it would be for a noble cause.
Barely under half an hour later, your familiar returns, closely followed by Mel driving a car. She comes to a stop in front the two of you and exits the car to hold the passenger door open for you.
"Good work tonight, Mistress and Mistress' little sister."
"Of course," you say with a happy hum as you enter the car. Finally being able to sit down does wonders in easing your discomfort. "Ida, explain just how wonderful we were to Mel, so that she can appreciate on more than just general principle alone." Assassin shouldn't be able to listen in on your conversation inside the car, so the three of you can talk freely.
"My pleasure, Elder Sister," your sister says as she enters the car after you. The moment Mel is seated in the driver's seat again, Ida starts her recap.
"And that's how my elder sister foiled the Tohsakas' dastardly plan, managed to use her ingenuity to defend us against a Noble Phantasm and made first steps towards setting up alliances with her boundless charisma," she eventually concluded.
"Impressive. You must be tired after all that work, Mistress," Mel says.
"I'm still perfectly energetic," you say while pointedly ignoring whatever ache you might be feeling. "I am simply looking out for my little sister."
"I apologize for troubling you like that, Elder Sister. I'll aspire to be more useful to you in the future."
"Don't worry, Ida, you did just fine," you reassure her. "You helped me greatly in uncovering the Tohsakas' trick."
"Yes, that was the power of love at work. Punishing those that would use their wiles to betray the spirit of romance. Really, passing us off to somebody else to kill, who does that? Not that anyone should ever want to kill you, Elder Sister. You're special."
"I agree," Mel says. "It's good to know my mistress has somebody at her side that properly appreciates her."
"And I think it's lovely how dedicated you're to serving my sister," Ida says. She's blushing and intently staring at the reflection of Mel's face in the rearview mirror. "What's something you like about my sister?"
"It's hard to pick one…" Mel trails of and looks at you in the rearview mirror. "Mistress Kari is very beautiful."
"I know," Ida agrees. "A cute round face, fair skin and each strand of hair perfection itself."
"Well said, Ida," you say. "Of course, you're beautiful yourself, right Mel?"
"Naturally, she looks like you after all, Mistress."
"Ah, thank you," Ida says, now blushing even more. "Now it's my turn. I think that my sister is very kind and generous."
The two of them continue like that, taking turns listing your many positives. Every now and then you interject to reward them with your own praise. They have barely scratched the bounds of your glory by the time you arrive at the mansion, but you let them stop regardless. The three of you would die of age long before they could complete the list.
Despite Ida's and Mel's concern that you should rest, you first implement the changes you decides on for the Bounded Field. Then you finally lay down to a well deserved rest.
Meanwhile, sometime earlier that night, somebody had summoned
[X] a Dragon
[X] a Lion
[X] a Wolf
[X] No interlude
This update took me much more time to write than it had any right to, so apologies for that. Anyway, the first night is over, so that seems like a god time to have an Interlude, assume there's interest.
I forgot, did we let Naoki know that Ida was our Servant? I suppose their Servant could have pointed that out, provided they contracted before we showed up at their door...
Mostly wondering if Naoki currently considers us Assassin's master instead.
Those choices feel like someone just watched Game of Thrones.
[x] a Dragon.
I don't think we let Naoki know Ida was our servant; we danced around the whole 'magic wish-granting grail filled with the spiritual blood of seven fallen heroes' thing with him. Actually, I don't know if he know's about mages period, period given how the shop owner treated him.
Well, not at the time anyway. Presumably, he's figured it out since then.
If anyone on that horse knows that Ida is our servant, it's Mara. She was there during the full interview, and while I think Kari didn't go as far as saying 'this is my sister, she was amde very recently to serve as the vessel for Lancer', Mara might have been quick enough to pick up on something being different about Ida, at the very least. Bare minimum, they know that Ida is probably some sort of combat-mage.
(Of course, Mara and Naoki both being there makes me wonder whether her father knows. Which could either be very bad for us, if he gives them information... or very good, if we confront him with this reveal and get his kids grounded. Certainly be a unique way to knock enemies out of the Holy Grail War.)
I forgot, did we let Naoki know that Ida was our Servant? I suppose their Servant could have pointed that out, provided they contracted before we showed up at their door...
Mostly wondering if Naoki currently considers us Assassin's master instead.
Given that the Servant in question is unlikely to have Presence Concealment, it's safe to assume they they were not around when you visited the antique shop. As for Mara, she did ask you if you were willing to show her your Servant in a way that implied she didn't catch on to Ida. Of course, she could have been playing stupid.
(Of course, Mara and Naoki both being there makes me wonder whether her father knows. Which could either be very bad for us, if he gives them information... or very good, if we confront him with this reveal and get his kids grounded. Certainly be a unique way to knock enemies out of the Holy Grail War.)
Oliver stepped outside the antique shop. Away from Marsh, his daughter and assistant, all of which would be better off taking a vacation. Not that he'd openly complain about Marsh's boneheaded decision after getting a catalyst out of it.
He was also stepping away from the Einzbern and her rather out of touch ego. That one was a nutjob if he had ever seen one, even if she wasn't the craziest he had come across, or particularly malicious. Arguably even slightly bemusing. He didn't get the same impression from the even crazier Servant she'd summoned.
Not that he interacted that much with her, but even the slightest eagerness towards random murder is a big fat red flag. At least, as a Servant, she was already on his kill list. He wouldn't have to go out of his way, if she took the idea of a killer date literal and binding.
For now he stashed away his catalyst and drove to his current lodging. He didn't hurry, instead just drifting through the traffic, taking a small detour to make sure the Einzbern hadn't sent a familiar after him. He arrived at the apartment faster than he'd like anway.
It was a rather nondescript place, hard to find for others and easy to abandon if they did. The interior matched that philosophy, a pair of plain rooms filled only with the bare necessities for furniture. The only thing that could be personal effects is the makeshift workshop he set up in his bedroom.
He set down the box containing his catalyst on his living room table and opened it. On top of a bed of straw laid a tiny fragment of a blade, small enough that somebody could reasonably overlook it when gathering the parts of a broken sword. The metal had an odd brown hue and Oliver had to again run his thumb over it to convince himself it wasn't some kind of treated piece of wood. Carefully so, to make sure he didn't accidentally cut himself on the edge.
He considered testing the blade by cutting something, but he could tell an attempt to stall for time when he saw one. Swallowing his hesitation he picked up the sword fragment, moved over to his bedroom and placed the piece of metal in the center of his already prepared summoning circle.
Before starting the ritual proper, he pulled down his right sleeve to uncover his Command Seals. They took the shape of three jagged circles twisted together to form a chain. A design that matched the magus they were granted to good enough that Oliver found them frankly revolting. Still, no way left but forward. It's not like he'd just return them, even if he could.
Therefore he summoned his Servant.
As the surge of energy from the summoning circle faded, he could make out a man standing in the center of his circle. His face was handsome with smooth skin and round cheeks, bright green eyes and long carefully tied back blond hair. He wore green gambeson with ornate golden buckles and a brooch in the shape of a stylized wolf head on his chest. Instead of the sword Oliver was expecting, the Servant was holding a bundle of straw that he was leaning against his shoulder.
"Are you my Master?" the Servant asks.
"I am," Oliver answers.
And thus their pact was sealed.
"You're Sigmund, correct?" Oliver asked.
"That's me alright. Saber class," Sigmund says. He lazily lets his arm fall to his side and dismisses the bundle he was holding during the movement. After sparring the fragment of Gram a short glance, Sigmund walked over to Oliver and puts an arm around his shoulder, spinning him around in the process.
"What's wrong, Master? You don't look nearly ecstatic enough for a guy that just hit the jackpot," Sigmund asks with a quirk of his eyebrow.
Oliver had to hold himself back from scoffing, why would one egomaniac be enough for today? At least a hero has deserved somewhat of an ego. "Well, I did know more or less who I was getting thanks to the catalyst, so I'm afraid that took away some of the excitement." He was smart enough not to say he was hoping for Sigurd instead.
"Pfft. You're lucky I like your face, so I'm going to let this slide. I should get a chance to show off soon enough anyway."
"I'm counting on you when that time comes."
"Now you're talking." Saber let go of Oliver's shoulders to pat him on the back, pushing him towards the door. "Let's get out of this dreary room. I hope that if you can't bring the excitement yourself, you at least got some bottled up."
Oliver agreed and lead Saber to the other room, being silently relieved that—even if the fridge's contents were as bare bones as the place overall—he at least stacked up for this eventuality. Despite the bossy first impression, Saber has showed enough humor so far, but he didn't exactly want to test what happened when he got into a foul mood. He didn't expect a Norse hero to have an even temper.
"Great, this room is just as dull," Saber commented once they made it into the living room.
"Yeah, but it does the job. There's some clothes for you on the table," Oliver said, pointing towards a couple of folded up black suits in various sizes, as he makes his ways towards the cupboard holding the alcohol.
Saber unfolded one of them and held it up in front of himself. "Better, but I'm putting more clothes on the 'to get' list, next to some decoration."
"I'm not paying for decorating the place."
"That's the spirit, Master!" Sigmund said with a boisterous laugh.
Right, he was dealing with a hero from a raiding culture that spent parts of his life as an outlaw and it was dawning on Oliver what that actually meant. Chances are, he would have to pay for his Servant's whims after all, if he wanted to avoid the fallout of a crime spree. At least that would cost him less in the long run, when compared to getting into a fight with his Servant. Another thing to worry about later.
Oliver put down a collection of bottles in front of Sigmund to distract him from imagining a horde of highly fashionable loot. "How about before that we talk about the important bits?"
"I'm loving the language you're speaking right now," Saber said, shifting through the bottles. He ultimately picked out a bottle of beer first. A casual flick of his thumb was enough to pry the cap off.
"So, about the war-"
"Nope!" Saber interrupted his Master. "Wrong topic to start with, don't go ruining the moment now."
"Right. We probably should do proper introductions first. I'm Oliver," he said and extended a hand towards Saber.
Saber firmly took his hand and gave it a good shake. Then he picked up another bottle of booze, flicked the cap off and pushed it into his Master's hand. "You better know my story already, so how about you tell me yours."
"Really? You want my entire life story?" Oliver asks.
"The interesting parts at least. You gotta have some of those, or you would have summoned the junior instead of me."
Oliver took a big sip from his bottle, he's about to need it. "That's still a long story."
Saber rolled his eyes. "Fine then, then let's get right to the point. Why're you in this war? Give me the short version, if you don't know where to start."
Oh wow, Sigmundand Gram? That's going to have some interesting interactions with Brynhildr. Though probably not the good kind of interesting, for us at least.
One of the heroes of the Völsunga saga, Sigmund was the oldest son of the titular Völsung, an Icelandic king. At his twin sister Signy's wedding, Sigmund draws the sword Gram from a tree after it is placed there by a disguised Odin, earning the envy of his new brother-in-law and inadvertently laying the groundwork for an overlong series of murders and revenge-murders! Like any good hero does, really.
In the course of his adventures, he kills his brother-in-law's mother, who was in the form of a great she-wolf at the time, is seduced by a disguised Signy so she can give birth to their son, Sinfjötli, whose pure Völsung blood lets him help Sigmund in his quest for revenge (incest has its benefits, I guess?), and, especially relevant to the vote leading into this interlude, is briefly cursed with lycanthropy after putting on an enchanted wolf skin.
Towards the end of his life, Sigmund marries a princess named Hjördís and is eventually attacked by the army of one of her other suitors. In the course of the ensuing battle, Sigmund ends up squaring off against a disguised Odin (who just really likes messing with this one guy, apparently) whose attacks shatter Gram, leaving Sigmund defenseless against his other foes. Mortally wounded, he passes Gram's shards onto Hjördís and tells her that their unborn son, Sigurd/Siegfried, will one day reforge the sword.
Though Sigmund himself doesn't have much interaction with Brynhildr, outside of his link to Odin anyway, his son Sigurd (going with the Völsunga version of his name) most certainly does. After reforging Gram/Balmung, avenging his father, and slaying the dragon Fafnir, he's drawn to Hindarfjall, a mountain where Brynhildr lies in a cursed sleep (because, again, Odin). After riding across a field of flames, he finds the enchanted Valkyrie surrounded by rings of shields and wearing mithral armor, seemingly grown into her skin. The reforged Gram is able to slice through both shield and armor, awakening Brynhildr and allowing her to swear to marry Sigurd.
Long story short, after a series of wacky misunderstandings involving memory-erasing potions, magic disguises, and rings, they did not end up marrying each other and Brynhildr convinced her husband to murder Sigurd out of envy and spite! And then killed herself and was immolated on Sigurd's funeral pyre!
The long and short of it is that Gram's legend involves cleaving through Brynhildr's armor, so Saber here has an almost guaranteed one-shot against Lancer. However, while it's definitely not assured, Sigmund's relationship to Brynhildr's beloved might mean that Lancer has the highest potential "love" for Saber out of any other Servant in this War.
Off the top of my head and wildly theorizing, I'd guess that a Lancer-Saber battle as things stand now wouldn't end well for us. Gram has a more powerful and applicable legend than Brynhildr Romantia's possible use against Saber. If we exploit the rest of the War's participants though, that same legend can be used against Saber. Gram was shattered right before Sigmund's death, so if Saber is forced into a similar position here (possibly needing to use Gram as a Broken Phantasm), he's all but doomed.