Fate/Reawakened Wishes

[X] Compatibility
Adhoc vote count started by A_Knight on Jan 14, 2019 at 1:21 AM, finished with 32 posts and 26 votes.
3: Meeting Your New Sister
[] Little Sister
You throw open the doors of the chapel with a strong push, revealing the same old pews and the same old altar now shining in the glory of a true miracle. On the altar sits the second most beautiful woman in the world, a near perfect recreation of you. Only the light teal accent in her hair and violet eyes differentiated her from you.

You hurry down the isles as fast as you can, while still keeping up a graceful appearance. Noticing your fast approach, your little sister looks up from her place on the altar. "Welcome, Elder Si-"

You barrel into her for a hug, but the momentum of your mad dash pushes both of you over the altar and tumbling to the ground. A short fall later you discover that your sister is very soft and makes for an excellent cushion and pillow. You mentally add cuddly to the list of your many positives. It is amazing how that list never stops growing.

"Are you hurt, Elder Sister?" she asks, frantically squirming around under you and trying to inspect you for bruises.

"I'm unscathed," you reassure her. That does not appear to calm her however, so you pull her head against your shoulder and soothingly pet her. "Don't worry, nothing is wrong and your precious sister is in pristine condition."

It takes a moment, but she soon calms down and starts to nuzzle against your shoulder. You pull the two of you up to a standing position, which was slightly complicated by your sister simply clinging to you. You consider peeling her off you, but ultimately can't bring yourself to do it. She clearly has been deprived of your glory for far longer than is conductive to her mental well-being.

Still, proper introductions are in order. "I am Karisviel von Einzbern. Who exactly do I have the joy of meeting today?"

That seemed to snap her out of her revery. She lets go off you, takes a couple steps back and curtsies. "I am Idasviel von Einzbern. Your devoted younger sister and loyal Servant. I am so happy that I can finally meet you, Elder Sister."

"I'm happy for you as well. Although, I do wonder, how did old man Acht manage to produce something else of my quality?"

"Ah yes, it was a rather sudden alteration of the Einzberns' plans. In essence, Grandfather used the wish from one of the lesser substitute Grails to create me along with the alterations described in the last post to make me your perfect Servant."

"I see. A very succinct explanation, you're indeed worthy of my praise."

"Ah, thank you, Elder Sister."

"Of course, greatness deserves to be acknowledged. Which is why you should never forget to constantly shower me in whatever compliments I happen to deserve at the moment."

"Gladly! The only act more pleasurable for me than thinking about your many positives—such as beauty and generosity—is brutally slaughtering whatever opposition you may face."

"Aw, how delightful of you. Talking about slaughter, which Heroic Spirit exactly are we going to summon for you?"

Idasviel seems to wilt at that question. "I'm sorry, Elder Sister, I want to answer your question, but Grandfather decided it would be best if I did not tell you. He was worried you would not li-"

"Worry not, Little Sister! Something like the gates of troy and their promise of Achilles might be trivial enough that I would simply chuck them out of the window, but you've already surpassed whatever Servant I could hope for by merely existing. If it distresses you, you do not have to tell me beforehand. Our victory is assured regardless."

"You're so compassionate. I swear that I will carry you to victory!"

"Hm, good. Then let us perform the summoning ritual." With that the two of you take your respective place around the summoning circle and you start chanting.

"Fill, fill, fill, fill, fill! Repeat five times, but destroy each when filled. For the base, silver and steel. For the foundation, stone and the archduke of contracts. For the ancestor, the Grail's core, Einzbern.

"Raise a wall to block the rising wind. Close the gates of the cardinal directions. Come forth from the crown and follow the forked road leading to the kingdom."

With the feeling of a frozen river's surface cracking open as boiling water is poured over it, mana starts flowing into the magic circuits running through your body. Pushing through the pain searing your nerves you connect to your sister, letting the magical energy refined within your body flow to her and through her to the summoning circle.

"Heed my words. My sister creates your body at my will, and you shall surrender your sword to her so that she may create our destiny. If you heed the Grail's call and obey my will and reason, then answer me. I hereby swear. That I shall be all the good in the world. That I shall defeat all evil in the world.

"Thou Seventh Heaven, clad in the three great words of power, come forth from the circle of binding, Guardian of the Scales!"

The Grail reaches out to the anchor you have created and answers your call. A vortex of energy accompanies the Servants arrival in the physical world. Within the raging wind and lights, you lose sight of Idasviel ever so slightly as her body is overlaid with an elemental Void that even your peerless vision refuses to perceive.

Then the world around you calms. Within the summoning circle stands your sister, now wearing the armaments of a Servant. Her arms, legs and sides covered in metal armor colored in the dark blue of the night sky. Her stomach and neck likewise were covered in purple metal plates. It wasn't the most protective suit of armor you could imagine, but—along with a hair ornament stylised in the shape of wings—it certainly was well suited to Idasviel majesty and beauty.

You could only catch a glimpse of a massive spear with a purple heart-shaped tip, before your sister tossed it away. Her body convulsed in pain as the Servant within her refused to surrender control.

She twitches and the next thing you know is her standing before you. Her hands slowly extending towards your throat. Blue flames flicker from the tip of her fingertips, their heat licking at your cheek. Refusing to flinch, you meet your sister's eyes. She, however, is unable to fully meet your gaze, as her eyes fall in and out of focus between waves of pain. It'd be best finalize the contract quickly.

"Are you my Master?" she manages to ask in a shaky whisper.

"I am. You may return to rejoicing."

Your Command Seals sting as they fully connect to your sister and start assisting her in gaining full control of her body. The magic circuits running through her body respond in kind, channeling enough magical energy that their brilliant red glow becomes visible even through her skin.

Then she throws herself to the side, into the pews. Her body violently thrashes around in response to her mind's final push to wrestle the Heroic Spirit into submission. Her swinging limbs casually shatter the pews and ground they come into contact with. Splinters and dust dance through the air only to be reduced to ash by bursts of flames erupting from Idasviel.

You get distracted from the spectacle by Mel bursting in through the doors and calling out for you in worry. She grabs one of the pews, lifting it as a makeshift weapon with ease and seems all but ready to jump at the destructive inferno raging around your sister to defend you. She's such a good girl.

"It's fine, Mel. My Servant is going to be ready any second now."

"I see." With the need to defend you gone, she sets the pew back where it had stood before.

Both of you watch in silence and Idasviel struggles. It takes a bit longer than you would have suspected, but after about a minute the flames had died down and your sister stood victorious. She walks towards the two of you with a tired smile. "I'm sorry it took me so long, Elder Sister. I hope the heat from the flames didn't inconvenience you."

"Worry not, a bit of heat isn't nearly enough to faze me," you say and give her a reassuring pat on the head. Her smile grew a little bit wider at that.

"Congratulations, mistress. Your Servant is very beautiful."

"Of course I am beautiful. I was made to look as much as my elder sister as pos-" Idasviel didn't manage to finish her sentence before she collapsed against you. Apparently the summoning had left her entirely exhausted, but she should quickly recover with a bit of rest.

Mel carries her outside the castle and to the car for you. From there you drive to the private plane already prepared for your flight to Fuyuki. Idasviel is seated next to you, but she remains exhausted, so you simply let her rest her head on your shoulder and sleep. Without her, you spend the flight reading, much like most of your time. Specifically, you read over accounts of various historical figures, myths and accounts of former Holy Grail Wars. None of the information is new to you, but the coming days likely would be too preoccupied with the war to go over any of the information again. Making sure you would have as much knowledge as possible fresh on your mind couldn't hurt.

Every now and then you take a short break and look out of the plane's window. You're likely much higher than Mister Schnabel ever has been in his life, but you still like to think your current view compares to how he sees the world.

Idasviel wakes up just in time for your arrival in Fuyuki. By the local time, it's late enough that school would likely be over already, but still early enough that you could take a quick trip through the city, while Mel could prepare the castle for your arrival.

[] Visit Seran's antique shop. You did promise him the honor after all.
[] Just explore town and have a random encounter.

Class: Lancer
Master: Karisviel von Einzbern

Strength: B+
Endurance: A
Agility: A
Mana: C
Luck: E

Magic Resistance: B
The ability to cancel magical effects targeting the servant. Cancel spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for them to be affected.

Riding: A
A skill that imparts the servant with instinctual knowledge required to handle vehicles and animals. At this level all vehicles and all creatures but those of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast-rank can skillfully be used as mounts, including vehicles that did not exist in the time period one was alive in.

Mana Burst (Flames): B
A skill that that emits Magical Energy that is infused with a flame effect.
I imagine some of you can already figure out which Heroic Spirit got installed in Idasviel, given that is one of the few canon Servants that made it into my potenetial line up. Either way, it's not going to be a secret going forward, so that Information Matrix will be filled out soon enough.
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To be fair, the heart-shaped spear is quite iconic, along with the purple hair and the skills.

Now the question is, her NP works best based on how much she loves someone. With Brynhildr, that was fine because she loves heroes. But... I don't know much about our little sister beyond that she loves us, which is kinda counter-productive with that NP...
To be fair, the heart-shaped spear is quite iconic, along with the purple hair and the skills.

Now the question is, her NP works best based on how much she loves someone. With Brynhildr, that was fine because she loves heroes. But... I don't know much about our little sister beyond that she loves us, which is kinda counter-productive with that NP...
You're correct in that, despite what she may claim, Idasviel's love for you isn't going to be quite enough win the war. Time will tell how exactly she's going to take to the other contestants of the war, but it's worth keeping in mind that she was quite literally made to handle this Heroic Spirit. So, you know, fun.

As for the NP's effectiveness against you... man, it's sure good she's loyal to you.
You're correct in that, despite what she may claim, Idasviel's love for you isn't going to be quite enough win the war. Time will tell how exactly she's going to take to the other contestants of the war, but it's worth keeping in mind that she was quite literally made to handle this Heroic Spirit. So, you know, fun.

As for the NP's effectiveness against you... man, it's sure good she's loyal to you.
Oh. So it's like in Strange/Fake when they dosed her with a shit ton of aphrodisiacs but... slightly... more ethical?

Jeez. So she was made to fall in love with everyone, except to really be loyal to us.

[X] Visit Seran's antique shop. You did promise him the honor after all.
[X] Visit Seran's antique shop. You did promise him the honor after all.

Always pays to keep your promises. And we might meet our first other Master, if Naoki is there. And anyone else looking for a last minute catalyst.

And heck, a Lancer Servant and a Valkyrie. Good stuff there. Shame about that Luck stat, but everything else is looking good.
The best choice of Servant. It allows us to indulge in narcissism with plausible deniability.
"Ah yes, it was a rather sudden alteration of the Einzberns' plans. In essence, Grandfather used the wish from one of the lesser substitute Grails to create me along with the alterations described in the last post to make me your perfect Servant."

"I see. A very succinct explanation, you're indeed worthy of my praise."
Is 4th Wall Breaker one of our Noble Phantasms?
Something like the gates of troy and their promise of Achilles might be trivial enough that I would simply chuck them out of the window
What, she tossed out the entire gate? Einzberns sure have wide windows in their castles!
She twitches and the next thing you know is her standing before you. Her hands slowly extending towards your throat. Blue flames flicker from the tip of your fingertips, their heat licking at your cheek.
Probably not our fingers, unless we are doing the Yuno pose while fangirling about our sister's performance.

[x] Visit Seran's antique shop. You did promise him the honor after all.
The best choice of Servant. It allows us to indulge in narcissism with plausible deniability.

Is 4th Wall Breaker one of our Noble Phantasms?

What, she tossed out the entire gate? Einzberns sure have wide windows in their castles!

Probably not our fingers, unless we are doing the Yuno pose while fangirling about our sister's performance.

[x] Visit Seran's antique shop. You did promise him the honor after all.
Idasviel's just training in case she ever has to appear in a dojo segment. :p On a more serious note, I just made a gag out of it given last vote's set up. It's not going to be a regular thing.

I mean, with Idasviel around it's only a hypothetical in the first place. If Compatability edged out the victory, she probably would have first made a couple of familairs to break the gate down for her and then toss out the chunks, or maybe have Melsritt get rid of it for her.

Good catch, fixed.
Very happy with the result. I mean, Brynhildr is a power-house anyway, but the set-up for character dynamics is really interesting. Definitely looking forward to how this play's out.

Anyway, choices... I think the antique shop is the best option. Seran seem's to be pretty well connected, so trying to get him on side (or at least, not actively against us) seems a good idea. As Heir say's, we might end up running into another master or someone looking for a catalyst, which would either let us give LancSis a combat test-drive, let us get some information about other masters or servants, or lead to the possibility of us making alliances before the sudden, yet inevitable, betrayal.

Does Kari have an evil laugh? Eh, side note.

[x] Visit Seran's antique shop. You did promise him the honor after all.
4: Learning About Brynhildr And Arriving At The Antique Shop
[X] Visit Seran's antique shop. You did promise him the honor after all.
Being the well prepared genius that you are, you had already researched the best route to your destination before you had even started your journey. The antique store's located in the Mount Miyama shopping district. A series of small stores located on the east of Miyama Town's central street, placing it between the traditional japanese and the foreign housing districts, that occupied the suburb's north and south respectively, and near Homurahara Academy.

In fact, several students, still in their uniform, are taking a stroll through the area. Mostly groups of girls gathering around food vendors that had managed to attract them with the delicious smell of their food, though there were more than a few male students entering the various business as well.

None of them looked interesting enough for you to devote any significant amount attention to them. The opposite did not apply, as the majority of the crowd could not help but pay attention to you and Idasviel walking past them. You couldn't blame them for it, while Fuyuki had its fair share of foreigners, the two of you cannot be compared to anyone commoners like them might meet in their daily lives.

Idasviel still looked a bit tired, but she was happily walking next to you and carrying a box of high-quality chocolate that you had gotten as a little gift for Seran. "Isn't it wonderful, Elder Sister? So many people and none of them can resist admiring your beauty."

"I suppose. However, simple glances and whispers amongst themselves hardly provide the level of adoration I deserve."

"Ah, you're right, Elder Sister. They should be falling to their knees so they can properly worship you."

"I'm not some arrogant fool that would demand the masses to prostrate themself before me, but yes, it would be nice if at least some of them did something to return the favour I am doing them by exposing myself to them, instead of merely drinking in my presence."

"I should have realized that myself, Elder Sister. I have a tendency to become enamoured quickly, especially when it comes to you."

"That's fine, there's nothing wrong with being positive and you can always rely on me to give you a correct evaluation of any situation."

"I'll happily follow your guidance."

"A very wise decision. However, even I need accurate information. As such I hope you can finally tell me what Heroic Spirit we summoned."

"Yes, of course, Elder Sister. I should have told you right away instead of resting first. Please let me correct my mistake immediately. The Heroic Spirit now dwelling within me is Brynhildr."

She timidly glances at you, looking for some kind of reaction. You simply give her a reassuring smile and gesture her to keep talking.

"As a Master, you can of course already read my parameters and class skills. As for personal skills, there is the flame based Mana Burst you already witnessed. The flames burn with a heat matching my passion, so I'll always make sure to remember who I'm fighting for. Then there's the Hero's Bridesmaid skill, which allows me to use my magical energy to enhance the performance of others. It's not enough to let you stand up against a Servant, but I'll do my best to support you every way I can. Brynhildr is also in possession of the Primordial Runes, but she refused to surrender the knowledge of their usage to me. But don't worry, Masters' dreams sometimes allow them to glance at their Servant's past. I'm sure that I can extract the relevant knowledge out of her using the same method. It's only a matter of time. I apologize for not being able to offer you her full potential from the start."

"I told you, you're already plenty," you say along with giving her shoulder a comforting squeeze. "Wanting to do your best for me is only proper, but you don't have to constantly apologize for things outside your control."

Idasviel nodded.

"That's my wonderful and brilliant little sister. Now, there's still the matter of your Noble Phantasm."

"Its name is Brynhildr Romantia: Until Death Divide the Two Apart. It is the spear you've already seen, an Anti-Unit weapon that increases in size and weight in accordance to how much love I feel towards the target."

"Hm, truth be told, Little Sister, that doesn't sound very practical against opponents we haven't even met yet."

Idasviel blushed at that and looked away from you, instead fiddling with the box of chocolates. "Well, to be entirely honest with you, I was installed with a personality to solve that problem. Not only do I grow infatuated with others quickly, but my sense of romance is also… abnormal. For example, while I am utterly content with just serving you, I feel bliss simply thinking about a Heroic Spirit lying in a puddle of their own blood after I stabbed them. Then, as they fade, I'll be all they can focus on. It's like this entire war is one big dance to make the other contestants yours."

She put a hand against her cheek and let out a wistful sigh. The expression on her face was adorable, even if it was inappropriate of her to fantasise about other people with you right next to her. You're about to call out to her—not out of jealousy of course, you simply know her well enough already to tell that the guilt of ignoring you would be disastrous for her—but just then she snaps out of her revery herself.

She turns back to you and grabs on of your hands. "But don't worry, nothing of that is nearly as important to me as you're, Elder Sister. My love for you is the strongest force in this world." A sudden realization seems to come to her and she continues talking more hurried. "No, the first reason why you don't need to worry is that my love for you is that of a sister, pure of any such fleshly desires as wanting to gut you. There isn't even a need for you to trust me. With how much I love you, me trying to use the Noble Phantasm against you would certainly split the planet."

"Of course you wouldn't hurt me," you say, while squeezing her hand. "My mere existence enriches the world so much, that harming me is a sin only the most vile individuals would consider. A wonderful and perfect Einzbern homunculus would never stoop that low."

"Ah, Elder Sister, you're so understanding."

"Finally you're talking sense again. Now come, we've almost reached our destination," you say as you speed up your steps and pull her along behind you.

Class: Lancer
True Name: Brynhildr
Master: Karisviel von Einzbern
Likes: Karisviel von Einzbern, Romantic Bloodshed
Dislikes: Disappointing Karisviel
Talents: Praising Karisviel, Falling in Love

Strength: B+
Endurance: A
Agility: A
Mana: C
Luck: E

Magic Resistance: B
The ability to cancel magical effects targeting the servant. Cancel spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for them to be affected.

Riding: A
A skill that imparts the servant with instinctual knowledge required to handle vehicles and animals. At this level all vehicles and all creatures but those of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast-rank can skillfully be used as mounts, including vehicles that did not exist in the time period one was alive in.

Divinity: E
Thanks to the Grail constructing a Servant's body over Idasviel's own, she can access Brynhildr's Divinity. However, given that in life Brynhildr was deprived by most of her Divine Spirit aptitude by Odin, the rank is low.

Mana Burst (Flames): B
A skill that that emits Magical Energy that is infused with a flame effect. The intensity of the flames rise with the users passion.
This Skill that originates from an anecdote where Brynhildr fell asleep, surrounded by a ring of flames in a fire-packed pavilion.

Primordial Rune: —
As Brynhildr did not surrender to Idasviel out of her own free will, the Heroic Spirit's knowledge did not transfer to her. Including the knowledge of Runes, as such Idasviel can currently not make use of the skill.
However, given the close spiritual connection that now exists between the two, it is possible that she might eventually be able to grasp the relevant knowledge from Brynhildr's mind.

Hero's Bridesmaid: C
A skill representing the nature of a Valkyrie. It allows the synchronization of magical energy with a target as a means of carrying them to victory. The target receives a plus modifier to every successful check they make.

Noble Phantasm:
Brynhildr Romantia: Until Death Divide the Two Apart
Rank: B+
Type: Anti-Unit

The representation of the deep love and hatred Brynhildr holds towards Sigurd, having manifested by merging with the spear she used in life. As such its very nature is that of a weapon meant to destroy those loved by Lancer. Once released, the spear grows in size and weight to match the feeling of love felt towards the target. Depending on the level of love towards the target, this Noble Phantasm could be effectively useless or grow powerful enough to kill even an existence on the level of Hel.


Shortly afterwards you throw open the door of the antique shop, free hand on your hip and Idasviel right behind you. A little bell rings to announce your arrival, as you survey the interior. Your first instinct was to call it tiny, though the building wasn't any smaller than the other stores you've passed on your way here. Apparently poor people had even lower standards than you imagined.

There aren't any other customers, just one boy standing behind the counter. He's in his late teens, has black hair and, on first impression, appears likable. Much like a dog.

He doesn't immediately greet you—no doubt stunned by your beauty—so you speak up first. "Rejoice, boy! Karisviel von Einzbern has just entered your life. Not only that, you're even allowed the honor of assisting me, for I am in search of the owner of this store."

By the time you've finished, the boy has gathered his wits and is smiling at you, which is exactly the expression someone meeting you should wear. "Welcome, Miss. I'm afraid the boss is currently having a private conversation with another customer. Is he expecting you?"

"Naturally he is. In our correspondence I mentioned that I might visit his store. The mere possibility must have him bursting with excitement. I'm sure he mentioned it?"

"I am afraid he did not. Maybe he wanted to save me the unbearable anticipation?"

"How thoughtful of him," Idasviel says. "I had to wait over a week until I was finally allowed to meet my elder sister and it almost drove me insane. Really, Elder Sister, you're so blessed. You never have to live with the anguish of being separated from yourself."

"Indeed, the world truly is unfair. Alas, the only thing I can do alleviate the suffering of others is to let them quench themself on the eternal spring that is myself. But enough about that. Boy," you say as you walk past the old furniture, statutes and other antiques until you reach the counter, "while it is unfortunate that your employer is occupied, you did answer my question. As a reward, I'll make sure to remember you. Feel free to tell me your name." You offer him your hand.

"I'm Naoki Watanabe," he says. His handshake has just the right amount of firmness. "It's an honor?"

"Indeed it is. How astute of you to notice yourself." You give him a winning smile, causing him to get flustered and pull his hand back faster than was necessary. His blush was rather adorable, but you refrain from petting him. He wasn't actually a dog after all.

Regardless, for now you would:

[] Let Naoki entertain you until Seran is finished with his meeting. Maybe he could also assist you with browsing the antiques.
[] Interrupt Seran's meeting with the other customer. Clearly both of them would agree that meeting you is much more important than their business.
[] Leave. If Seran can't properly welcome you, he would have to live with being deprived of your presence.
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[X] Let Naoki entertain you until Seran is finished with his meeting. Maybe he could also assist you with browsing the antiques.
I wonder who our compatibility summon would have been... perhaps even the King of Heroes?
Probably depends on the nature of compatibility summons. Is it the Heroic Spirit whose personality matches yours the closest, or the one who'd be best suited to fighting alongside you? To my knowledge, the only Servants that have been summoned via compatibility are Gilles d Rais to Ryuunosuke (pure compatibility there) and partially Mordred to Kairi (since she was judged the most compatible knight of the Round Table for Kairi by... the Grail? Is the Grail the one who decides compatibility?).

I'd like to believe compatibility is whoever you're most suited to fighting alongside, so hopefully a Servant who's able to function with, or even be bolstered by, Karisviel's self-confidence.

If it's the former case, however, where it's based on similar personalities and Gilgamesh is the one who shows up, keep in mind that he does not like homunculi. ...Or most modern humans. ...Or anyone aside from Enkidu. I do not see that ending well for us.

On topic though:

[X] Interrupt Seran's meeting with the other customer. Clearly both of them would agree that meeting you is much more important than their business.

Definitely a bad idea, but feels decidedly more IC.
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It's name is Brynhildr Romantia: Until Death Divide the Two Apart.
as you survey
the interior.
Erroneus line break
He was in his late teen, has black hair and gave off an, on first impression, appeared likable.
A part of the sentence is... missing?
You never have to life with the anguish of being separated from yourself.

Talent: Falling in Love
Luck: E
And that is really all you need to know about Ida.
"Naturally he is. In our correspondence I mentioned that I might visit his store. The mere possibility must have him bursting with excitement. I'm sure he mentioned it?"

"I am afraid he did not. Maybe he wanted to save me the unbearable anticipation?"
That boy will go far. It's frightening how quickly he caught on and started playing along. The old man has a good eye for shop assistants!

[x] Let Naoki entertain you until Seran is finished with his meeting. Maybe he could also assist you with browsing the antiques.

Does the shop have sufficiently big windows? :V
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[X] Let Naoki entertain you until Seran is finished with his meeting. Maybe he could also assist you with browsing the antiques.

"It's name is Brynhildr Romantia: Until Death Divide the Two Apart. It is the spear you've already seen, an Anti-Unit weapon that increases in size and weight in accordance to how much love I feel towards the target."

"Hm, truth be told, Little Sister, that doesn't sound very practical against opponents we haven't even met yet."

Idasviel blushed at that and looked away from you, instead fiddling with the box of chocolates. "Well, to be entirely honest with you, I was installed with a personality to solve that problem. Not only do I grow infatuated with others quickly, but my sense of romance is also… abnormal. For example, while I am utterly content with just serving you, I feel bliss simply thinking about a Heroic Spirit lying in a puddle of their own blood after I stabbed them. Then, as they fade, I'll be all they can focus on. It's like this entire war is one big dance to make the other contestants yours."

It takes a very special kind of person to install Tragic Love Amusement in someone else...
I love everything about this. Such an ego! I wonder who our compatibility summon would have been... perhaps even the King of Heroes?
Ha, thanks. I suppose there's no harm in giving you guys that information, seeing how that Servant isn't going to appear anymore anyway.
The Servant I had planned for your compatability summon was Bellerophon. Seemed like about the right amount of ego and made for a good Rider.

I did consider some canon Servants after I actually started writting her, but Gilgamesh got dismissed pretty quickly for various reasons. Ranging from his power level, to the ego struggle potentially getting you killed and some parts of their personalities not properly matching up.
So, if I had decided to go with a canon Servant, it probably would have been Nero, who would have been rather amusing for some other reasons, but that's for later.
[X] Let Naoki entertain you until Seran is finished with his meeting. Maybe he could also assist you with browsing the antiques.