Fate/Reawakened Wishes

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Karisviel von Einzbern enters the Holy Grail War convinced of her own perfection and accompanied by her sister Idasviel, a homunculus custom made with endless affection and a twisted understanding of love to best utilize the Heroic Spirit Brynhildr. Their goal is to use the omnipotent wish-granter to regain their family's lost magic and with it eternity. A miracle that'll allow Karisviel to save those dear to her from inevitably being parted from her by their own mortality.
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1: Master Select
Marsh Seran had come to Fuyuki hoping that he may get a chance to probe at the corpse of a miracle, he had not expected the miracle to come back to life. Frankly, he would have prefered the Grail to remain dead after the third war.

Retiring from a life of adventure to raise his daughter meant little, if his new home descended into chaos. No amount of spectacle could make up for that. At least he could hope that his humble little antique shop would remain unscathed. After all, these wars had such a reputation for being well-conducted duels between honorable magi that no bystanders would ever get involved in. Right.

Yet he was an opportunist by heart, almost as much as he was a collector. If the war was going to happen, Marsh could think of a way to benefit from it. One did not generally prepare for what they didn't expect; as such he wouldn't be surprised if some of the Masters to be lacked suitable catalysts. Not that the collection he gathered over the years was filled with the most powerful catalysts imaginable. What he had was simply better than nothing. Maybe that would be enough.

So far it hadn't gotten him a buyer.

Not that he would have gotten anywhere in life if he gave up that easily. Thus, when he closed his shop for lunchtime today, he went over his options again. The first people to turn to were of course the three great families.

The Tohsaka twins visited his shop every now and then, mostly in search for gemstones they could use for their magecraft. The service may have played a part in why they let some random mage stay on their land. Either way, it did give them a rapport somewhat more personal than one would have with a landlord.

As a result they at least rejected his offer in person.

Which was a shame, because he figured he had a decent chance with them. Their family had taken a pretty big hit after the servant they summoned in one of the substitute Grail Wars, that were spreading over the land, ended up backfiring on them rather badly. It hadn't utterly ruined them, but it certainly soured them from trying to participate in another war. Apparently they had a high quality catalyst in reserve regardless.

The Matous were next. What was left of them at least. Their patriarch had died in the defense of the grail against the nazies and from the looks of it, their family had been overly reliant on him. As a result they soon dwindled and all but died out as magi. Shortly afterwards they ended up being absorbed by another family.

The Edelfelts to be exact, who had been motivated more by a desire to spite the Tohsaka's than anything else. The injection of a strong bloodline certainly helped in reviving the Matous, but they had also very clearly been reduced to being only a branch family. Not something that comes to mind when calling them one of the three greats. They had one child,

[] Ayano Luana Matou

A daughter, that was in the same class as his own. Which was how he knew that she had a set of command seals. A rather rough girl, from what his daughter told him, but not necessarily unkind. She just did a bad job of suppressing the love for battle she inherited from her Edelfelt side.

Supposedly her parents pushed her into joining the Homurahara Academy's archery club in hopes that the discipline of kyūdō would help her keeping herself under control. It worked, when she wanted it to, which wasn't very often outside of practice. Although, the fact that she does behave there combined with a good amount of talent apparently earned her quite a fanclub amongst the archers.

So far, she awkwardly tried to dodge the topic of buying a catalyst, whenever she was approached about it. Weird, given her blunt personality, but least she hadn't outright rejected the offer, meaning he still had reason to hope.

The Einzberns he sent a request mostly for completion's sake. They were active enough in the substitute Grail Wars that he had no doubt they would be prepared for the true Holy Grail War. Still, leaving them out would do him no good.

In their case he was fairly certain that the lack of response equalled a rejection.

He couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh. Maybe he should have figured those three were lost causes, but that didn't stop him from being disappointed. Just then something knocked against his window. Looking up he saw a bird. That was glowing? And made from wire? It was holding a letter in its beak.

It took him a moment to process that he was looking at an Einzbern familiar. Huh. He was getting that response after all. He opened the window, took the letter and read it. All while pointedly ignoring that he was quite certain that nobody had moved into the Einzbern's local castle yet. It was better for his sanity.

Dear Mister Seran,

it has come to my attention that you have send a proposal to our family that old man-Acht decided to reject without so much as consulting me. A horrible misconduct on his part, as I am the pinnacle of the Einzbern craft and as such have been granted a brilliant mind unclouded by such things as arrogance or misplaced humility.

I'm sure that you can tell that this makes me the highest quality of Master and much more suited to handling decisions concerning my own Servant than a dusty old man like Acht. Using such superior judgement, I shall be without pride and admit that your offer was insufficient to meet the standards of the Einzbern family. Acht still should have consulted me about it first.

Regardless, I possess an amount of courtesy that such an old geezer could never hope to attain, letting me see that your offer still deserves to be acknowledged and meet with gratitude for its thoughtfulness. While I will not do business with you on this matter, I shall grace you with my presence once I arrive in Fuyuki and see if your store holds anything else that is of interest to me. (I hope browsing is just as enjoyable as receiving a letter. This has been a rather novel experience for me.)

[] Karisviel von Einzbern

By the time he reached the bottom of the page, Marsh couldn't help himself but chuckle. That certainly turned his mood around. He wasn't sure if the girl actually assumed her letter was the height of formality, or if she just wanted the excuse to brag. At least he hoped she was still a girl, that kind of mindset would be worrying from an actual adult. Though her last line implied a level of isolation he'd rather not wish on a child.

Rather than risk getting distracted from his actual work, he moved on to the letters from his Clock Tower associates. This one was a bit more complicated. Officially, it appeared that the head of the Department of Botany, was chosen as a Master to represent them.

A bit of a reclusive fellow, which seemed fitting enough for an expert of one of the less glamorous fields of magecraft. He spent most of his time in a greenhouse that acted as his workshop, leaving it only when he had to interact with his students, none of which had complaints about his competence. His personality, however, had a more divisive reputation.

Marsh also had no real interest in him nor matching the resources of the Clock Tower.

However, as a result of him being a recluse, none of his informants had actually seen his Command Seals. In fact, despite being open about his status as a Master, he had started wearing gloves and similar clothing that could hide potential seals.

Around the same time, a student from the Department of Individual Fundamentals started being seen near him and his workshop near constantly. Now, a student sucking up to one of the Masters of the Holy Grail War wasn't strange in and of itself, but he barely interacted with his own students. A student from another department would need nothing close of a prodigy and... well…

[] Annabella Smith

was not what one would call a prodigy, or talented. Average maybe, if one was feeling generous, at least as far as her grades and lineage were concerned. She still managed to be the, to quote one of his correspondents, "white sheep covered in glitter" of her class on account of being a dense weirdo, that had somehow managed to get stuck with middle school syndrome despite already being a real life magus.

Pretending to have a Mystic Eye of Death Perception hidden under an eyepatch did not get you taken seriously anywhere, much less at the Clock Tower. An upbeat and helpful personality technically kept her from being a complete social outcast, but, given the cutthroat nature of magi society, it was solely as a gofer and not anything resembling friendship.

Yeah, there was a good reason why he settled down somewhat removed from magi society.

Now, while his catalysts didn't quite match what the Mage Association could prepare, the decrease in quality might be worth distancing herself from the control of the association. It certainly would be, if she was even remotely as sick of their games as he'd been at her age. If he ended up dealing with her, he might even come out of having done a good thing.

Though granted, he was holding out on the girl. He did own one potential catalyst that he was rather confident in, when it came to matching quality with a department head. He also knew exactly who he was going to offer it to.

[] Oliver Steube

A freelancing magus that had helped him out quite a couple of times when he got himself into trouble. Now, that had all been business, so he didn't owe him anything concrete, but he was grateful enough for the help regardless that he decided to give him first pick on buying the goods. Reliable business relations are a thing to be nurtured after all.

Oliver getting chosen by the Grail had come as somewhat of a surprise to both of them though. He wasn't the type to strive after some great goal like ending world hunger and generally seemed content with just drifting around from one contract to another. Marsh wondered if it was connected to why he cut ties with her family, but he had predictably refused to comment in their correspondence. Fair enough, seeing how it was none of his business.

Whatever the Grail's reason was, Oliver was the last Master he'd feel the need to worry about. There were after all only one or two other Master left, at this rate, he'd be the only one with any actual combat experience.

On which note, he went over his remaining correspondences and send out some more inquiries to suspected Masters. Most of them were bound to go to completely unrelated magi by default, but it was worth it for the off-chance of reaching an actual Master. At least there currently weren't any preparations for a substitute Grail War going on, so he didn't need to worry about getting a false negative.

He was pulled out of his concentration by the sound of the front door being unlocked. A quick glance at the grandfather clock standing in the corner of his study showed that it was indeed about time to open his shop again. He might as well distract himself with some work while he waited for fresh responses. It's not like he'd suddenly find a Master just by sitting around.

He went to the store at the front of his house and was greeted by the usual sight of his daughter and her friend and his part-time assistant,

[] Naoki Watanabe

Given that there was actual magecraft going in and out of his shop every now and then, he had been concerned about letting the boy work here. It was his daughter that had insisted on giving him the job anyway, because "it's gonna be fiiiine." And so far it had been. He's a hard worker and popular enough with the customers that he repeatedly felt the urge to throw him out, just to make sure he stayed away from his daughter.

Papa bear tendencies aside, it was a shame the boy wasn't a magus. Naoki had the kind of curiosity that reminded Marsh a bit of himself. Chances are that, if he learned about the Holy Grail, he wouldn't be able to resist sticking his nose into it before he even had an idea on how to handle the dangers.

Younger Marsh would have trusted his good sense to keep him from doing anything suicidal, taken him up to a good venture spot and handed him a nice set of binoculars. Now he was considering to give him a vacation just so he couldn't accidentally get into any trouble. It's this kind of situation that made him wonder if parenthood wrecked his ability to have fun.

"Everything okay, dad?" his daughter asked.

"Oh, yes, yes. My mind just wandered for a bit there."

"Must be your age," his daughter said. Before he had a chance to chastise her for the remark, she had given him a peck on the cheek and was rushing towards the door leading to the house proper. "I'll leave you two to your work then."

With a sigh he turned to Naoki, "Go get yourself ready for work."

"Yes, sir. I'm looking forward to it."

Master options reproduced:

[] Ayano Luana Matou
[] Karisviel von Einzbern
[] Annabella Smith
[] Oliver Steube
[] Naoki Watanabe
And thus the curtain rises on my first attempt at a quest. Let's hope it won't go up in flames as badly as the events in story.

As for the vote: Obviously only one potential main character is going to win, but do feel free to vote for multiple of the options, if you can't decide on one favourite.
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Character List

    • Karisviel von Einzbern
      Servant: Idasviel (Lancer)
      Likes: Herself, Idasviel
      Dislikes: Being Lectured
      Talents: Everything (self assessment)

      Age: 20 (?)

      History: An Einzbern homunculus of the highest quality created specifically to win the Holy Grail. During her training she was left to develop a perfectly accurate impression of her own superior abilities.

      Magic Circuits: Karisviel was created to be a Magus of the highest quality, as such 70% of her body consist of high quality magic circuits. Combined with her connection to the land that houses the Greater Grail, Karisviel possesses an effectively unlimited amount of mana, easily allowing her to fuel a high level Servant while also performing magecraft on her own.
      Her magic circuits also serve as her Command Seals, while this means she cannot give the usual three absolute commands, the procedure has strengthened them to a degree that they serve as a continuous compulsion that plays a major role in keeping Brynhildr's mind suppressed.

      Alchemy: The signature magecraft of the Einzbern, dealing with the creation and manipulation of the flow of matter. While not usually a combat oriented magecraft, Karisviel still mastered it in preparation for the Holy Grail War.
      The field of alchemy she specialises in is the transmutation of noble metals. Having focused on applications useful for the Grail War, Karisviel is capable of reshaping metal, forming and controlling metal wires useful for constricting enemies and blocking attacks.
      While she was never given access to the necessary materials, she also possesses the theoretical knowledge needed to create homunculi.

      Healing Magecraft: The type of healing magecraft practiced by the Einzbern is primarily designed for treating the side effect caused by the transplantation of magically enhanced organs. As such, while Karisviel is not able to regenerate missing flesh, she can reknit the remaining flesh to mend wounds and detox bodies of harmful substances and magic.

      Transference of Consciousness: Magecraft Karisviel primarily uses for the creation of familiars. By imparting a fraction of her consciousness into her own hair, she can create autonomous beings. Usually they are in the shape of birds, using the plentiful magical energy they've been given from Karisviel to shoot magical projectiles that have a higher destructive force than most magi could muster on their own. However, given that their body is formed out of hair, they can adapt their shape to fulfill other functions, while using the magical energy coursing through them to reinforce themself.
      If given enough time, she can also transfer the consciousness of another person into a fitting vessel.

      Mystic Eyes: Karisviel's body was constructed with a pair of Mystic Eyes of binding. They're not strong enough to have an effect on most magi, but can easily cripple an ordinary person through the power of suggestion.

    • Oliver Steube
      Servant: Unknown (OOC knowledge: Saber Sigmund)
      Likes: Campfires
      Dislikes: His parents, Magus Traditions
      Talents: Preparing Cold Cuisine

      Age: 26

      History: A magus from Germany. After a fallout with his family, he set out on his own and became a mercenary spellslinger. His work lead him to encountering his good acquaintance Marsh Seran, who has now supplied him with a shard of Gram as a catalyst.

      Elemental Magic: Oliver has an affinity for Fire and Wind magic, which he combines with his family's magecraft of stability, resulting in applications such as flames that can't be extinguished and barriers made out of solidified air.

      Mystic Codes: Lacking a Mystic Crest to help with the activation of spells, he instead relies on the use of Mystic Codes. For reference, the individual codes will be listed as they're encountered in the Quest.

    • Naoki Watanabe
      Servant: Lancer
      Likes: Myths, mysteries
      Dislikes: Arguments
      Talents: Customer service

      Age: 18

      History: A part-time worker at Marsh Seran's antique shop. Despite having been completely ignorant of the moonlit world before, he was selected as Master for the Holy Grail War.

      While he has not yet sworn allegiance to Karisviel, he has so far acted as an obedient ally and attentive student.

      Nothing. Naoki has absolutely no known magical ability and relies on Mara to fuel his Servant. Likewise, he requires a hypnotic aid to make use of the ability to analyse Servants granted to him by the Grail.

    • Mara Seran
      Servant: - (Supplies Naoki's Servant with mana)

      Age: 18

      History: The daughter of Marsh Seran. She is the one that talked him into employing her friend Naoki at his antique shop. After realizing that a set of Command Seals had been bestowed upon Naoki, she palmed her father's best catalyst and set Naoki up to summon his Servant without his knowledge.

      You do not know specifics about her family's magecraft.

    • Ayano Luana Matou
      Servant: Rider

      Age: 18

      History: The daughter of the decayed Matou family that has been acquired by the Edelfelts in a power play against the Tohsaka family. She grew up to have a rather brash personality that her parents have been unable to reign in. Instead they seem content to leave her on her own devices during the Holy Grail War.

      Despite taking a violent dislike Kari, the most perfect person in the world, and Ida, who is rather enamoured with her because of said violence, she does have some friends. Most notably the other members of the archery club and Naoki.

      It is unknown how much of the Matou magecraft—which resolves around absorption, binding and coercion—survived, but it likely got cannibalized into the magecraft of the Edelfelt family.

      What can be reasonably assumed is that she is skilled at transfering magical energy into gemstones to use at a later time to power spells and usage of of the Gandr. A curse that was originally designed to amplify diseases the target was already afflicted with, but has been amplified enough by her family to cause physical damage.

      It is unknown whether or not she inherited the Edelfelt's sorcery trait, but given that it requires a sibling to synchronize with, it ought to be useless to an only child like her.

      She has displayed a significant ability at strengthening her own body.

    • Akihiko Tohsaka
      Servant: Abe no Seimei

      Age: 18

      History: The heir to the prestigious Tohsaka family and the magus in charge of administering the land for the Mage's Association. Despite the loses their family suffered because of the substitute Grail Wars, neither he nor his brother seem deterred from participating.

      Magecraft: The Tohsaka family is skilled in the use of jewel magecraft, which they made significant progress in after the defeat of one of the Edelfelt sisters participating during the third Holy Grail War.

      While not part of their magecraft exactly, it is worthwhile to note that the Tohsaka family has a history of pursuing martial arts alongside the way of magecraft.

    • Annabella Smith
      Servant: Date Masamune (Saber)

      Age: 18

      History: A highly eccentric student of the Clock Tower that claims to be the Grand Duchess of Slaughter. She has started some kind of one-sided rivalry with karisviel after hearing the later's claims of divinity.

    • Amna
      Servant: Rider
      Likes: N/A
      Dislikes: N/A
      Talents: Stubbornness

      A stoic homunculus that lacks an understanding of social norms. She has entered a non-aggression pact with Karisviel. Although she did so out of a general lack of conviction rather than an admiration of the superior homunculus. Her working relationship With Kari is mostly positive, but at times strained by Amna having the nerve to consider the two of them friends.

    • Yumiko
      Servant: Caster
      Likes: Music, the occult, her fans
      Dislikes: [Secret]
      Talents: Her voice, academics

      Age: 18

      History: An idol with an interest in the occult that summoned her Servant by accident. Together they started a tour that brought their performances to Fuyuki just in time for the Holy Grail War.

      Despite having some aptitude, she has no training in how to perform magecraft.

    • Name: Koji
      Servant: Grendel's Mother (dead), Hänsel und Gretel

      History: Presumably he was involved with the Grail War in Kyoto, summoned his Berserker there and then ultimately summoned Avenger here. They do appear to have formed some kind of family bond, but you didn't talk much before you captured him.

    • Class: Lancer
      "True" Name: Brynhildr
      Master: Karisviel von Einzbern
      Likes: Karisviel von Einzbern, Romantic Bloodshed
      Dislikes: Disappointing Karisviel
      Talents: Praising Karisviel, Falling in Love

      Strength: B+
      Endurance: A
      Agility: A
      Mana: C
      Luck: E

      Magic Resistance: B
      The ability to cancel magical effects targeting the servant. Cancel spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for them to be affected.

      Riding: A
      A skill that imparts the servant with instinctual knowledge required to handle vehicles and animals. At this level all vehicles and all creatures but those of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast-rank can skillfully be used as mounts, including vehicles that did not exist in the time period one was alive in.

      Divinity: E
      Thanks to the Grail constructing a Servant's body over Idasviel's own, she can access Brynhildr's Divinity. However, given that in life Brynhildr was deprived of most of her Divine Spirit aptitude by Odin, the rank is low.

      Mana Burst (Flames): B
      A skill that emits Magical Energy that is infused with a flame effect. The intensity of the flames rise with the users passion.
      This Skill that originates from an anecdote where Brynhildr fell asleep, surrounded by a ring of flames in a fire-packed pavilion.

      Primordial Rune: —
      As Brynhildr did not surrender to Idasviel out of her own free will, the Heroic Spirit's knowledge did not transfer to her. Including the knowledge of Runes, as such Idasviel can currently not make use of the skill.
      However, given the close spiritual connection that now exists between the two, it is possible that she might eventually be able to grasp the relevant knowledge from Brynhildr's mind.
      -Raising Divinity

      Hero's Bridesmaid: C
      A skill representing the nature of a Valkyrie. It allows the synchronization of magical energy with a target as a means of carrying them to victory. The target receives a plus modifier to every successful check they make.

      Noble Phantasm:
      Brynhildr Romantia: Until Death Divide the Two Apart
      Rank: B+
      Type: Anti-Unit

      The representation of the deep love and hatred Brynhildr holds towards Sigurd, having manifested by merging with the spear she used in life. As such its very nature is that of a weapon meant to destroy those loved by Lancer. Once released, the spear grows in size and weight to match the feeling of love felt towards the target. Depending on the level of love towards the target, this Noble Phantasm could be effectively useless or grow powerful enough to kill even an existence on the level of Hel.

      Ida can materialize light armor that allows for high mobility, while primarily protecting her limbs, stomach area and neck. It has several ornaments invoking the shape of wings.

      The tip of her massive spear is heart shaped. Within the larger blade there's two holes, forming the shape of a broken heart along the jagged part of the shaft separating them.

    • Class: Lancer
      True Name: Yvain
      Master: Naoki

      Strength: B+
      Endurance: C
      Agility: B
      Mana: C
      Luck: B+

      Magic Resistance: B
      The ability to cancel magical effects targeting the servant. Cancel spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for them to be affected.

      Riding: A
      A skill that imparts the servant with instinctual knowledge required to handle vehicles and animals. At this level all vehicles and all creatures but those of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast-rank can skillfully be used as mounts, including vehicles that did not exist in the time period one was alive in.

      Single-Mindedness: B+
      The ability to completely immerse oneself into a goal. When focused, Lancer can significantly increase his performance and shut out mental interference that would interfere with his goal. Under the effect of this skill, even the greater picture is reduced to a mere distraction, oftentimes leading to Lancer taking rash action without considering the consequences.

      Charisma: D+
      A composite Skill consisting of a person's charm as well as their natural skills as a leader. While Lancer does have a talent for gathering people around him, it would be a mistake to classify his personality to that of a leader. Instead he's at his most effective when coordinating with allies he views as equals.

      Animal Dialogue C
      While complex conversation with animals is impossible, Lancer does have an uncanny ability to reach an understanding with animals. Though, having his orders understood does not guarantee that an animal will follow them.

      Noble Phantasm:
      Red Esclados: A Crack of Thunder Roaring Like a Thousand Cheers:
      Rank: B++
      Type: Anti-Unit

      A weapon tied to the guardianship of a magical storm causing spring within the enchanted forest Brocéliande. Its gnarled wooden hilt can convert magical energy into a powerful storm contained by a thin bounded field shaped like a lance. Any impact is likely to damage the shell, creating a localized opening that allows for the storm within to be released, while concentrating its strength into a small point.

      The exact size and power of this Noble Phantasm is relative to the amount of magical energy used to activate it.

      Knight of the Lion: The knight's loyal companion
      Rank: A
      Type: Anti-Unit

      A majestic lion that aids Lancer in battle. While it is loyal to Yvain, it is capable of storing magical energy of its own to manifest according to its own will without no regard to Lancer's orders. Still, the two are connected on a fundamental level, allowing the lion to appear at Yvain's side regardless of what obstacles are in its way, including those that would otherwise disable the use of Noble Phantasm entirely.

      Besides manifesting at its full size, it can also take a smaller form resembling a stuffed animal.

      Lancer wears full plate armor that is styled in the image of a lion, including a pair of claws and an elaborate helmet.

      Despite being a Lancer, he seems to be in possession of both a sword and a horse, neither of which have displayed special characteristics so far.

      From what you can tell, his behaviour seems to switch between that of a dignified and courtly knight and that of a reckless adventurer without much notice.

    • Class: Rider
      True Name: Unknown
      Master: Ayano Luana Matou

      Strength: C
      Endurance: EX
      Agility: B
      Mana: A
      Luck: E

      Riding: A
      A skill that imparts the servant with instinctual knowledge required to handle vehicles and animals. At this level all vehicles and all creatures but those of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast-rank can skillfully be used as mounts, including vehicles that did not exist in the time period one was alive in.

      In contrast to his Master, he is a rather affable fellow that enjoys conversing with others.

      Some of his behaviour indicates he might know more about magecraft, than one would expect from a Rider.

    • Class:Rider
      True Name: Kamehameha
      Master: Amna

      Strength: B
      Endurance: B
      Agility: C
      Mana: A+
      Luck: C

      Magic Resistance: C
      The ability to cancel magical effects targeting the servant. Cancel spells with a chant below two verses. Cannot defend against magecraft on the level of High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals.

      Riding: C+
      Most vehicles and animals can be handled with above average skill. However, cannot ride creatures that qualify as Phantasmal Species. Rider might show greater skill for a specific type of vehicle.

      Divinity: C
      Rather than having divine blood himself, Kamehameha was designated as the guardian of Ku, a Hawaiian god that holds authority over war. Beyond his close ties to Ku's divinity, he also has access to rituals granting him further favor, including sacrificial practices that allow him to harness the strength of slain enemies from their remains.

      Charisma: B
      A composite Skill consisting of a person's charm as well as their natural skills as a leader. At this rank the Skill is sufficient to lead a nation as its King. The morale of the military forces he commands is extremely high.

      Disengage: A
      The ability to withdraw from the battlefield in the midst of combat or reset the battle conditions.

      Noble Phantasm:
      Lopaka and Kalola: Young and Davis
      Rank: C+
      Type: Anti-Army

      A pair of canons operated by Kamehameha's old advisors. Their lack of mystery means they don't hold as much raw power as most anti-army Noble Phantasm would, even if Rider was able to instill enough magical energy into them to make them a force to be reckoned with. However, the fact that they're effectively remote controlled grants them some amount of versatility to compensate for their relative lack of fire power.

      Dammed Waters
      Most details of this Noble Phantasm are still unknown, but it appears to grant Rider some influence over blood spilled on the battlefield and cause people to sink into it. You currently don't know if anything lurks under its surface.

    • Class: Saber
      True Name: Date Masamune
      Master: Annabella Smith

      Strength: ?
      Endurance: ?
      Agility: ?
      Mana: ?
      Luck: ?

      Instinct: ?
      A sixth sense that allows one to feel the best course of action during combat. While it falls short of true precognition, the ability to sense incoming attacks does reduce one's reliance on the mundane senses.

      Wild Card: ?
      Denotes an unpredictable nature. Applies slight maluses to predicting Saber's next action and weakens the restrictions placed upon Date Masamune by the class system. In combination to the benefits of being summoned in his homeland, he can access a wide arsenal of abilities that don't fit the nature of a Saber.

      Mana Burst (Lightning): ?
      A skill that emits Magical Energy that holds the properties of electricity. He seems to have trouble channeling it consistently during combat, instead preferring to release it in big bursts using objects infused with his magical energy.

      Noble Phantasm:
      Date Sword Chronicles: Dragon's Treasured Claws
      Rank: c
      Type: Anti-Unit

      A collection of swords held in high esteem by Date Masamune. They're granted a set of abilities through a conceptualization of anecdotes associated with them and Masamune's own artistic appreciation of them. He's summoned with six swords:
      -Captivating Sword:
      A katana whose true name is currently unknown. However, even without having its name revealed, the beauty and craftsmanship of the blade have transcended the mundane and stepped into the realm of magecraft. A subtle charm spell is cast on anyone seeing the sword, making it difficult to pay attention to anything but it, including the person wielding it.

      A katana encased entirely in a layer of ice that can grow rapidly to increase his attack range at the cost of the blade's sharpness.

      A katana connected to its scabbard by a trail of light. Upon Impact, the trail snaps forward to the blade and causes a powerful second strike. Doing so depletes the sword's magical energy, requiring it to recharge before it can be used again.

      -Three more unknown swords

      The identity of the other swords and the exact extent of their abilities can be extrapolated through further research

      Saber's Eyepatch:
      Rank: ?
      Type: ?

      A Distortion that blocks out Master clairvoyance to a certain degree, making it harder to fully grasp Saber's abilities and parameters.

      Saber's Helmet:
      Rank: ?
      Type: ?

      A distinct samurai helmet with a crescent moon ornament. It seems to act as a seal for some kind of power.

    • Class: Caster
      True Name: Abe no Seimei
      Master: Akihiko Tohsaka

      Strength: D
      Endurance: C
      Agility: B
      Mana: A+
      Luck: A

      Territory Creation: A
      Creates an area that is advantageous to oneself as a magus.
      Able to create a 'temple' that is superior to a 'workshop' and wards off evil

      Item Construction: A
      Allows the creation of tools that carry magical energy, assuming one has the necessary material.
      Specialises in the creation of Ofuda talismans holding a vast array of magical spells and enchantments, but isn't limited to their creation.

      Divinity: C
      Caster has gained a moderate rank of divinity after being enshrined in the Seimei Shrine in Kyoto.

      Onmyōdō: A++
      Represents Caster's mastery of the various applications of the Japanese school of thaumaturgy Onmyōdō, as well as its philosophical foundations.

      Clairvoyance: A+
      A manifestation of the spiritual powers inhabiting Caster's body as the son of a kitsune, granting him supernatural senses that allow him to perceive spirits and see through all kinds of concealment and illusions. It further aids him with various forms of divination he has mastered.

      Robust Health: B
      Represents a healthy body free of sickness and disease. Enhances the Servants Endurance, while reducing damage taken from physical injury, poison and diseases.
      A result of Caster's spiritual powers having protected him from ever falling sick in life.

      Caster has shown a tendency towards using paper replicates of both himself and his Master to safely interact with others over distance.

      He has set up his workshop in the Ryuudou Temple.

    • Class: Caster
      True Name: [Rejected]
      Master: Yumiko

      Strength: E
      Endurance: E
      Agility: B+
      Mana: A
      Luck: B

      Territory Creation: B
      Creates an area that is advantageous to oneself as a magus. At this rank it enables the creation of a Workshop that boosts the users ability to gather mana and their general magical ability, but does not allow for any feats that would be otherwise impossible.

      Item Creation: D
      Allows the creation of tools that carry magical energy, assuming one has the necessary material.

      Siren Song: A
      A form of fascination magecraft born through the user's beautiful voice. Anybody under the effect of this skill will have their attraction towards the user amplified and become highly susceptible towards them. It's possible to temporarily resist the effects of this skill through a constant application of either magical resistance, or willpower.

      Charisma: B
      A composite Skill consisting of a person's charm as well as their natural skills as a leader. While this Servant's inherent charisma is more suitable to spreading their influence over a city, the synergy with their Master has given them the means to become a sensation capable of sweeping a nation.

    • Class: Assassin
      True Name: Hassan-i-Sabbah
      Master: Unknown

      Strength: C
      Endurance: C
      Agility: A+
      Mana: C
      Luck: E

      Presence Concealment: A+
      Hides one's presence as a Servant. Suitable for spying. It is possible to disappear completely and become almost impossible to be detected, even against a Servant's perception. However, efficiency will decrease once preparations to attack are taken.

      Noble Phantasm
      Unknown Zabaniya

      A divine miracle that serves the Assassin in assuring the death of their target. The specifics are currently still concealed from you.

      Assassin helped you escape from the Tohsaka mansion after it was destroyed. While their motives are unknown, he and his Master have offered you their help. You should be able to contact them by leaving a message behind at the church.

    • Class: Archer
      True Name: Odysseus
      Master: Krone?

      Strength :B
      Endurance: C
      Agility: A
      Mana: B
      Luck: E

      Magic Resistance: A
      Cancel spells of A-Rank or below, no matter what High-Thaumaturgy it is. In practice, the Servant is untouchable to modern magi, so it would not be an exaggeration to title the Servant a "Magus Killer"

      Independent Action: A
      Archer is capable of action without relying on magical energy supplied by a Master. It is possible for Archer to stay in the world for about a week without a Master. However, this is the ideal value achieved by maximally conserving mana and avoiding battle and Noble Phantasm usage.

      Noble Phantasm:
      Unknown Noble Phantasm
      Rank: C+++
      Type: Anti-Fortress

      A conceptual Noble Phantasm that can pass through physical and magical defenses while absorbing their energy to empower itself. Likely tied to the legend of a Heroic Spirit that managed to trick his way inside an enemy's stronghold so they could destroy them from within.

      He wields several high quality axes with decorated heads, each of which has a hole within their blades.

      He attempted to kill the Tohsaka's on the first night of the war, while trying to capitalize on Karisviel visiting their mansion to kill her as well. Despite successfully blowing up the Tohsaka mansion, all of his targets survived.

    • Dead

      Class: Shielder
      True Name: Ajax the Great
      Master: Justine Terrevibrer

      Strength: A
      Endurance: A+
      Agility: C+
      Mana: B
      Luck: C

      Magic Resistance: B
      The ability to cancel magical effects targeting the servant. Cancel spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for them to be affected.

      Riding: B
      A skill that imparts the servant with instinctual knowledge required to handle vehicles and animals. At this level most mounts can be handled with above average skill, even vehicles that did not exist in the time period one was alive in, for they are no exception.

      Divinity: D
      A descendant of a Divine Spirit.

      Protection from Arrows: A+
      Shielder is capable of defending against projectile attacks on a conceptual level. Within the Shielder class he is capable of bestowing the same protection to anyone he's currently able to perceive. This effectively allows him to completely shut down all ranged attacks within his presence, short of high ranked Noble Phantasms.

    • Dead

      Class: Berserker
      True Name: Grendel's Mother
      Master: Her son

      Strength: A+
      Endurance: A+
      Agility: A
      Mana: B
      Luck: C

      Mad Enhancement: C
      Berserker is granted a rank up for all parameters except Luck and Mana, but in exchange, one can no longer think and speak properly. Further there's a possibility that certain techniques, Personal Skills and Noble Phantasms of the Servant are limited.

      Monstrous Strength: A+
      An offensive special characteristic possessed only by monsters and magical beasts. This skill temporarily grants a rank-up to one's strength parameter for a time limit determined by the ranking of this skill.

    • Class: Avenger
      True Name: Hänsel und Gretel
      Master: Koji

      You lack the specifics of their capabilities given you never interacted with them. Supposedly they're not very powerful, but there's two of them and they can summon a gingerbread house.

    • The third maid that was made to take care of Karisviel. Fully blooming in her role, she has become a devout worshipper of her person that has earned Kari's affection not only with her exemplary services, but also thanks to her genuine interest in Karisviel.

      Given that she was partially made to act as a guard for Karisviel in case of the Holy Grail War resurfacing, she has tremendous physical strength that should be able to deal with most human magi and be sufficient to at least stall a Servant. To compensate, she was constructed with a weak ego and only a fleeting lifespan. Luckily, the later will cease to be a problem after Karisviel attains the third magic.

    • A golem acting as the interface for the artificial intelligence controlling the Einzbern Castle. With the human magi of the Einzbern line either dead or scattered, he has taken over the role of family head.

      His pursuit of the various imitates of the Holy Grail appearing over the land has left him partially blind to Karisviel's true greatness and ambition. However, he still ultimately made the right choice in deploying her and Idasviel to win the Fuyuki Grail War.

    • The nun that functions as the church's overseer for the Fuyuki Holy Grail War. Despite appearing very dignified and impressive at first glance, she has failed to pay proper reference to Karisviel, even after having the full extend of her divine ambitions revealed to her.

      Displaying some proaction in her role as the overseer, she has both promised her help in organising an initiative concerning Avenger and put a Command Seal bounty on information concerning the Masters that didn't follow protocol in contacting her.

    • The father of Mara and owner of the antique store that Naoki works at. He appears to be unaware that the two of them are involved in the Holy Grail War.

      He moved to Fuyuki for a chance to investigate the remains of the Holy Grail. Once it reactivated, he decided to use the opportunity to make money, by putting the antiques from his collection that could act as catalysts on sale. In the process he also sent a letter to Karisviel. While the offer was useless to her, the gesture was appreciated.

    • The significantly more laid back brother of Akihiko Tohsaka. Despite not being the family's heir and not having summoned a Servant, he decided against moving to safety and stayed back in Fuyuki and help his brother win.
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Plot Recap
Day One
  • Team Einzbern arrives in Fuyuki.
  • Karisviel and Idasviel visit Mister Seran's antique store where they meet Naoki, Mara, Marsh and Oliver. Ida promises a murder date to Oliver.
First Night:
  • Kari and Ida visit the Tohsaka mansion. An attack by Archer leads to them taking shelter within the Tohsaka's home.
  • The Einzberns discover that the Tohsakas managed to circumvent certain limitations of the Holy Grail to summon the Japanese Caster Abe no Seimei and that the Tohsakas are interacting with them through paper dolls made by Caster without being present physically.
  • Archer explodes the mansion.
  • The Einzberns manage to survive and are approached by Assassin, who helps them to retreat while avoiding further attacks from Archer.
  • They exchange information before settling on the Church as the location to leave messages for each other and splitting up for the night.
  • Assassin notices Lancer, Naoki and Mara in the area and meets up with them to warn them about Archer.
Day Two:
  • Karisviel makes her debut as a perfectly legitimate teacher at Naoki's school
  • She confronts Naoki about his participation in the Holy Grail War.
  • As a result she also learns about Naoki having summoned a second Lancer class Servant. This tips her off to the fact that complications (possibly connected to the means by which Brynhildr was summoned into Ida's body) may have triggered the Great Holy Grail War system and doubled the number of Servants summoned.
  • Further Naoki sets up a conversation between them and Ayano.
  • Ayano agrees to a limited alliance to deal with Archer and the Tohsakas, as well as to investigate the current state of the Greater Grail.
Second Night:
  • Kari, Naoki, Mara, Ayano and their Servants meet up and head to the Ryuudou Temple to investigate the Greater Grail.
  • There they find that Abe no Seimei has claimed the temple as his territory.
  • He and his Master—who is again only present by proxy—join their investigation.
  • Beyond confirming the increased number of Servants, they made the much more important discovery that an Avenger class Servant has been summoned.
  • Given that such a Servant could potentially corrupt the Holy Grail and cause untold destruction as a result, everybody present agrees to work together to neutralize them safely.
  • By Caster's estimate, he should be able to locate Avenger by the end of day four.
  • Karisviel informs the church's Overseer about their findings, so that she can spread the word about Avenger.
  • In turn the overseer realizes that not all Masters have registered with her and offers an open Command Seal bounty for information on any of the rogue elements.
Day Three:
  • Karisviel returns to her position as a teacher.
  • She uses the opportunity to organize for her, Naoki, Mara and Ayano to search for Archer that night.
  • The conversation gets interrupted by Anabella, who wants to challenge Ayano.
  • The others leave Anabella and Ayano alone. Although Karisviel leaves behind a familiar to spy on part of their conversation.
  • Back at home in her castle, Karisviel meets with Amna
  • The Conversation results in Karisviel agreeing to a non-aggression pact with Amna.
  • In return Amna agrees to join your efforts in eliminating Avenger and to go on a date with Idasviel.
Third Night:
  • Karisviel, Ayano, Mara, Naoki and their Servants meet up at the edge of Archer's territory.
  • The group splits up.
  • Kari, Ida, Naoki, Mara and Lancer form one group. They end up encountering Anabella and her Saber, who is revealed to be Date Masamune.
  • Ayano and Rider form the second group. They manage to corner Archer and his Master, leading to Anabella and Saber retreating in an attempt to come to their help.
  • The night ultimately ends without casualties. This is, in part, thanks to the appearance of Shielder, who claims Archer as his own prey and intends to kill him in a duel the following night.
Day Four:
  • Karisviel decides to organize Idasviel's date with Amna.
  • After a short conversation about love, they decide to visit the Monochrome Rainbow Concert.
  • The two idols turn out to be a Master and Servant pair that has managed to lay low despite their concerts.
  • Karisviel's group takes a neutral stance towards the idols for now and puts off dealing with them until after Avenger has been eliminated. Yumiko agrees to join Kari's classes at Homurahara Academy
  • They split up and the Einzberns return back home to prepare for that night's hunt for Avenger.
Fourth Night:
  • Once night hits, the Einzbern sisters meet up with Akihiko, Ayano, Naoki, Mara and Amna, as well as their respective Servants and Assassin to commence their hunt for Avenger.
  • They find that Avenger's Master is also contracted to a Berserker class Servant likely hailing from the incident in Kyoto.
  • While the others stay back to handle Berserker and the enemy Master, Akihiko, Abe no Seimei and Ayano's Rider move ahead to handle Avenger.
  • Kari's group succeeds in killing Berserker and capturing the Master.
  • Akihiko's group gets taken by surprise due to the revelation that Avenger is actually two people summoned together.
  • Ayano and Rider later claim that while Avenger escaped with their life, Rider successfully finished the process to exorcize Avenger's curse. In actuality, he trapped the affected segments of their souls for his own use.
  • Ayano and Rider accompany Karisviel back to her home, ostensibly to help her in case Avenger attempts to stage a rescue for their Master.
  • That night, Kari's dreams are filled with the memories of fallen Servants, namely the Berserker Grendle's Mother and Shielder Ajax the Great.
Day Five:
  • Ayano reveals that her Servant didn't simply exorcize Avenger's corruption, but rather split it off their spirit origin by engraving it in the Matou family's crest worms.
  • Karisviel makes a deal with her that leaves both of them with one gem that can be used to enhance a Servant to be empowered by grudges without risking the Holy Grail War itself being endangered.
  • After Ayano and Rider leave, Kari interrogates Koji, Berserker's Master, about his past and extracts his command seals.
  • Afterwards, she delivers Koji to the church overseer Eliza Kotomine.
  • On their way home, Kari and Ida pick up Amna and Annabella.
  • They spend some time with Kari at her castle in an attempt to cheer up Annabella after the events of last night resulted in her teacher being betrayed by his Servant Odysseus. This involves introducing Kari to the medium of manga.
  • Ultimately, the non-aggression pact is extended to be in effect three ways between Kari, Amna and Annabella and to last until they're the last remaining three Masters. In return, Annabella agrees to go on a date with Idasviel.
  • Once Annabella and her Servant leaves, Kari transfers one of the command seals she extracted from Koji to Amna.
  • Amna proposes the idea to Kari that they should get married, so that Kari can still attain the third magic in case Amna emerges as the winner of the Holy Grail War.
  • Kari does not accept, but is ultimately appeased enough to at least consider the idea.
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[X] Annabella Smith

I'm not going to lie. I read the whole thing, but I made my mind up the moment I saw that she's totally Chuuni. I live for this shit.
[X] Karisviel von Einzbern

Each of the characters has a certain charm to them. This was a difficult choice.
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First off, love the phrase 'white sheep covered in glitter', and I might steal it.

Second, to echo Marshall (Wizard_Marshall? Not sure how formal to be with naming here...) and Nevill, this is a hard choice, since these characters do have so much personality to 'em. My immediate reaction is to vote for Kari since I love the 'hyper-arrogant' archetype, and her letter was amazing... but...

[x] Ayano Luana Matou

I like the set-up you've given for the Matou this time around, and I understand the compelling power of spite on behalf of the Edelfelts and also a member of the Edelfelt with a rough personality and a love of battle?
I'm picturing a bancho using Lancashire-style martial arts style, and sorry Kari, but if it's a toss up between you and the second coming of Forklift Lady, gotta back Pro-Wrestling Magus.

Looking forward to seeing how this quest proceeds!
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[X] Annabella Smith

I'm not going to lie. I read the whole thing, but I made my mind up the moment I saw that she's totally Chuuni. I live for this shit.
She may or may not be whacky enough that a lecture on why trading cards don't make good catalysts was necessary for her.

First off, love the phrase 'white sheep covered in glitter', and I might steal it.

Second, to echo Marshall (Wizard_Marshall? Not sure how formal to be with naming here...) and Nevill, this is a hard choice, since these characters do have so much personality to 'em. My immediate reaction is to vote for Kari since I love the 'hyper-arrogant' archetype, and her letter was amazing... but...

[x] Ayano Luana Matou

I like the set-up you've given for the Matou this time around, and I understand the compelling power of spite on behalf of the Edelfelts and also a member of the Edelfelt with a rough personality and a love of battle?
I'm picturing a bancho using Lancashire-style martial arts style, and sorry Kari, but if it's a toss up between you and the second coming of Forklift Lady, gotta back Pro-Wrestling Magus.

Looking forward to seeing how this quest proceeds!
Thanks and sure, feel free to use the phrase. As for Ayano, yeah, she was taught the Lancashire-style, though it's somewhat mixed up with her Archery practice.

On the vote itself, hedgeing your bets with single vote is perfectly valid, but I'm fine if you put down votes for multiple characters that you like.
[X] Oliver Steube
[X] Naoki Watanabe

I vote for these two for obvious reasons. A person with combat experience but no obvious stake in this war sounds fun to play.

The other would obviously be our Shirou character and we can use this Antique guy as our teacher/mentor figure.
[X] Annabella Smith

Chuunibyou a go! I know the humorous option tends to result in death in these quests, but I'll give her a shot. Just maybe, she'll be so dumb that she loops back into magic. Like Shirou and his swords
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And the votes have died down, so this looks like a good time to call it. Making our protagonist the proud creation of the Einzbern. Let's see how hard they're going to cheat and/or muchkin this time.
2: Servant Select
[x] Karisviel von Einzbern
It had taken years, but the day had finally come for you to summon a Servant worthy of yourself. Which was, of course, impossible.

You contemplate while getting your hair just right. With your heart-piercing red eyes, fair skin, delicately sculpted body and silver hair—that even bed hair could make look adorable at worst—you may be a naturally perfect beauty, but that was no excuse to be sloppy in how you presented yourself. Especially when you were about to make such an important first impression.

Old man Acht may claim he could make the preparations for a fitting Servant, but his attempts to placate you had stopped to work long ago. At least you've had more than enough time to come to terms with the fact that nobody could match Karisviel von Einzbern. With your expectations lowered to a more reasonable level, you could rest assured that your Servant would be satisfactory.

Naturally, you would not blame your Servant-to-be for failing to achieve the impossible. In fact, you're magnanimous enough that you'll treat them as gracefully as possible. Surely your charm will have won their undying loyalty before you've even arrived in Fuyuki. You let out a soft laugh at the thought of them singing your praise as you roam through the streets at night.

Granted, having to eradicate the other contestants in the war would distract from your leisure time, but that's what you were made for. All you had to do was completely dominate the competition and then you could enjoy being allowed to leave your castle for once.

Eventually your hair was styled as perfectly as it could be. There was only one more task you had to complete before the maid came to fetch you for the summoning. You stepped to your window, unlocked the latch and gently slided the window open, careful not to make any noise.

The cold morning air hits you in the face as you lean outside and take in the smell of wet earth carrying over from the forest outside. But now wasn't the time to lose yourself in nature, so you turn to the side and look at the friend you would have to say goodbye to.

"Hello Mister Schnabel, how are you today?" you ask the bird currently feasting out off the bird feeder you placed next to your window.

He looked up at you and chirped happily before going back to his food.

"That's good to hear. You know that today is the day, right? I considered taking you with me to Fuyuki, but that might be dangerous for you. What if somebody tries to attack the castle with a powerful Noble Phantasm while I'm not there to protect you? And I'm sure you'd rather stay out in the forest than spend most of your time locked into a cage, right?"

You knew better than to expect an actual response from a bird, but talking to him had become a habit.

"Don't worry, I made it very clear to the servants that I want them to continue to refill your food after I'm gone. I even made sure to enchant your bird feeder, so it would alarm me if they leave it empty for too long. Meaning the only luxury you'll have to manage without is the sound of my voice. It's horrible, I know, but please don't let it depress you."

It appears that Mister Schnabel had finished his main course and jumped over to your window sill. You run a finger through his plumage, enjoying the soft feel of his feathers for a while. Once you're satisfied, you grab a walnut out of a bowl you've placed on a nearby shelf, crack it open and place it in front of the bird along with some of the shell, so he could train his beak on it.

You spend your remaining time talking to and petting the bird, until a knock at the door sends him flying back to the forest. An abrupt goodbye, but that may have been for the best.

"You can enter," you say as you turn around to face the door, making sure you look perfectly composed.

"Mistress, it's time," Melsritt, your third maid, says as she enters.

"Let us go then, Mel! I'm sure you're excited to see what brilliant Servant I will summon."

"I am. Congratulations on summoning the best Servant, mistress."

"Mel, you're not supposed to congratulate me until after the summoning."

"Oh... I apologize," she said in a dull tone that didn't sound sorry. Though that was usual for her. The resources available for your own creation hadn't been available for any of her maids. As a result their functionality had come at the cost of both a thin ego and a short lifespan.

"I assumed your success was a given," she added after thinking about it for a while.

"Naturally it is. Don't worry too much about it, the sequence is just a formality."

"Understood, I won't worry."

You stand up on your tiptoes so you can give Mel a pat on the head to reassure her. Trouble expressing herself or not, she was a good loyal maid that knew how wonderful her mistress' truely was and would therefore undoubtedly find comfort in the gesture. Because you already knew that the gesture had its intended effect, her lack of noticeable reaction doesn't bother you.

The two of you continued on in silence until you reached the doors of the chapel that had been set up for the ritual. By the looks of it, Jubstacheit hadn't bothered to be present himself, sparring you another one of his lectures about how to perform a ritual you could perfectly recite in your sleep.

Leaving Mel behind you enter the chapel and find-

a catalyst you don't care about. Old man Acht's little tricks and cheats are beneath you and your abilities as a Master. So you would just toss whatever he prepared out of the window and summon a Servant by compatibility. Maybe it was a bit rude to him and all the preparations he had made, but it was ultimately his fault for not consulting you on what you wanted for your Servant. At least your inherent greatness guaranteed that you'd be matched with a Servant of the highest quality.

a shard of the Grail that had been created for the substitute Holy War held in Kyoto. The Einzberns had participated in that war and used it as the testing ground for the Avenger class. The Servant had been utterly useless and lost them the war. At least the substitute Grail for these wars had been easier to clean up than the true Greater Grail would have been.

However, that did not mean the class itself was entirely without merit. Acht had taken great pains to make sure the Grail shard wouldn't spread any corruption into the Greater Grail. Further, during the Einzberns' attempts to restore the Greater Grail's functionality, he had it tampered with so the replaced class would be that of Assassin instead of Berserker. In theory the resulting Servant should be a perfect Master-killer, while using human grudges to strengthen itself to a degree that would allow it to hold its own in open combat against other Servants.

With the catalyst mostly serving to determining the class, the exact Heroic Spirits would be determined by compatibility. Acht had hoped that the resulting similarities would help you in managing what ought to be a Servant with a problematic personality, which was a silly concern. Even the most wretched soul was bound to come to love you.

the gates of Troy, or at least fragments of them. A catalyst the Einzberns had secured in preparations for a potential war in greece. It was a very general catalyst with ties to a multitude of Heroic Spirits, but Acht had figured out a way how to limit the possible Servants. He had used most of the substitute wars they had participated in as testing grounds, including searching for further potential Servant classes. One he had discovered was the Shielder class, the Heroic Spirits of the Shield that were perfectly suited to keeping their Master alive.

While lacking in glamour when compared to other extra classes, it was practical and not something the others Masters would be able to predict. More than that, it limited the Heroic Spirits your catalyst would draw from to the most powerful possibilities.

Acht had already rigged the Grail to replace the Berserker class. All you had to do was add the matching lines to the summoning chant.

the one and only thing that was indeed worthy of acting as your Servant. Another Einzbern homunculus of your quality. She even looked almost exactly like you. While her body shape was identical to yours, her hair had a light teal accent and her eyes were the color of amethysts instead of the usual silver and red. Regardless, you hurried over to her and gave her a hug she lovingly returned.

She explained to you how old man Acht had spared no expenses in her creation. Winning the substitute Grai Wars the Einzberns participated in had never been Acht's priority, as their approximations of the Holy Grail were not nearly powerful enough to fulfill their true wish, instead preferring to use them as testing grounds for when their attempts to restore the Greater Grail of Fuyuki finally bore fruits. That did not mean they lost them on purpose.

One such victory is what lead to the creation of your stunningly perfect younger sister. A masterfully crafted homunculus, refined even further by a miracle to be compatible with a Heroic Spirit. Further he hijacking the system that let the Grail use a human vessel to summon a Ruler class Servant and synchronised her magic circuits with the Command Seal running through your body. All of it combined made her the perfect vessel for a Heroic Spirit, while also being able to suppress most of their personality and freely wield their power herself.

The fact that Acht had apparently forbidden her from telling you which Heroic Spirit the two of you were meant to summon had you slightly worried, but it didn't exactly matter. The two of you would be able to win this war no matter what Servant she ended up being. Even better, the way the Ruler system would layer the Servant over her physical body meant that when the time came to sacrifice the final Servant, it wouldn't actually kill her.

[] Compatibility
[] Avenger
[] Shielder
[] Little Sister

And thanks to the Einzbern's tendency for screwing around with this stuff, the Servant options ended up being a good deal more complicated than those available to the other Master options. Though, just in case any of you are worried, while some of the options come with complications down the line, none of them are trap votes that lock you in for a bad end or anything like that.
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[X] Compatibility

Being able to be compatible with your servant is a boon in the Grail War. As we see the issues of not being compatible with Kiristugu and Gil with Rin's Dad.
[X] Shielder

Off the top of my head, we've got Achilles with his bullshit Shield Noble Phantasm, and I think there's Ajax, AKA that one fucker that literally only got hurt in the entire fucking Iliad because he killed himself.

Also Shields, Fuck Yeah!