Also, Don't forget Cash-Shop items XD
Because nothing makes holy grail more fair then stack of overpriced/overpowered items :)
Honestly, it'd be super amusing if Momonga ended up using one of the World-Class items and literally changed the metaphysical underpinings of the world, like how those guys in the manga ended up adding Yggdrasil magic to the world from their world class item
Interesting premise, I'm definitely watching this.

Also; a few of the mistakes I noticed...

"What appeared from the mist once it cleared out, cause the child to scream in terror,"
Should be something like;
"What appeared from the mist once it cleared out would have caused the child to scream in terror,"

"What's in front of Ryuunosuke can be describe in a single words: Overlord. It a best way to describe a walking undead skeleton -- lacking any skins and flesh -- "
"What's in front of Ryuunosuke can be described in a single word: Overlord. It's the best way to describe a walking undead skeleton -- lacking any skin and flesh -- "

Hopefully you can get someone to beta/spellcheck for you.
Chapter 1: The Return of Nazarick, A New Enemies
A/N: The whole world is screwed the moment Ainz Ooal Gown came. But after reading this, you'll realized that everyone is fucked.
[Outskirts of Fuyuki City, faraway from the Einzbern Castle and the boundaries fields]

Ainz Ooal Gown look around the open clearances among the forest he found himself in. Despite the trees being dead -- due from Ainz's "negative touch" ability -- the place is covered with mist so dense, the likeness of people being stumble upon this area is slim at best.

It also help that there's still a lot more trees that aren't even dead to begin with.

"Yes, this could be the perfect place to set a base." Holding his staff, the Servant of Magus have begun chanting.

"Hear me, my brethren!

For that I have return from the world of dead itself.

Come forth to your master, and serve to me once again!"

As the Overlord chant, a small ball of light appeared in the middle of the field; it start to grow bigger as he keep chanting. Eventually, it three times bigger than Caster as it glow brightly.

"Rise up, my loyal families, my loyal friends, and my loyal servants!

I summon thee!


Just as he finished chanting, the glow explode in a pillar of light, envelope the area the Lich was standing. When the light receded, the area is no longer empty; instead, a temple-looking tomb stood in the clearances.

Ainz would have smile if he had any flesh and skin.

"Nazarick being surrounded by death trees and mist; it feel just like home back in Yggdrasil." Ainz spoke to himself, before he move toward his old home.
[Great Tomb of Nazarick, Throne Room]

"Ainz-sama! You return!"

When Ainz has reach the throne room, he was met with a tackle as someone start hugging him, giving an "oompf" from the Overlord.

"Shalltear, it good to see you again." Said Ainz as he stared at the Vampire; if he was human, he would have smile at this.

"Ainz-sama!" The Lich heard another woman's voice, before he turned toward the source. There, stood the Guardians themselves, along with the Pleiades Maids of course.

And Sebas, we don't forget about the badass butler.

There can't be a badass Overlord without an equally badass butler after all.

"Ah, everyone is here after all," Ainz said happily, being glad to see his loyal servants here, "I glad to see you all again."

It was true, as it has been a long time since he has last seen them when he was unalive(no pun intended). He may have been an Elder Lich since he's was transported into the New World, but he was still a human at heart, and he cared for his servants like a families.

"Welcome back, my Lord."

"Welcome. Back. Lord. Ainz."

"Ainz-sama, welcome back."

The rest of the Guardians and the Pleiades Maids welcomed the Lich before they all bow to him.

"Rise," Ainz ordered them, and they obeyed, "We have much to discuss."
"Holy Grail War?"

"Yes, that what I learned once I have returned."

The Guardians, the Maids and Sebas are in confusion once their master explained the situation, wondering what is this "Holy Grail War" he's talking about.

"Ah yes, you all aren't a proper Heroic Spirits, so it would make sense that you didn't get the information about this." Ainz muttered quietly before he began explanation.

"This... "Holy Grail War" -- if there's anything holy about this -- is a bloody ritual that act as a competition for the seven Mages of this world, known as Magus in their terms, along with the seven spirits of the legendary figured called "Heroic Spirit". From what I have learned, the ritual consists of seven Heroic Spirits -- known as Servants -- fight against each other to the death, using the seven Mages as their anchor to keep them in this world."

"What do you mean by "keep them in this world", Ainz-sama?"

"Ah, I'm glad you asked, Mare," Ainz said before he continue, "You see, Heroic Spirits aren't meant to stay in this world, as they're dead long ago; they need mana to sustain themselves in this world, by using the low-life humans as their "master". Do not worry, I took care of our "master"."

Ainz shivered as he remember the way Uryuu reacted when the Lich use grasp heart on him.

"However, there's other ways to sustain themselves, by killing the humans and use them as a food supply -- which I would rather avoid it if I can -- or do a very dirty ritual called "mana transfer". Don't ask about that." Ainz explained, feeling glad that he's a Skeleton Lich.

"What the hell kind of ritual that make you exchange bodily fluid to sustain yourself anyway!?" Ainz's human though flooded in his mind, before he make it go away.

"Now back to the topic, it would seem that this War only end with a single pair of a master and a servant, with the prize been gaining a single wish from the Holy Grail itself."

"To gain a single wish from the Holy Grail, people wouldn't resist getting the prizes."

"That's right Albedo; however, I find it suspicious about this so-called "wish granting" prize. It could be a trap that we may not know about."

"I agree with you, Lord Ainz," Demiurge acknowledge his master, "this bloody ritual would required the death of six spirits of the legend to gain the prize, which contradict to the name."

"That's right Demiurge, which is why I want to investigate more about this rituals," Ainz stated to all, "of course, all of you have a different task."

"Sebas, Nabe; I want you two to go and scout the city, you two are the only one that resemble a human the most. However -- Nabe -- you do not act as an adventure, but rather as something else; and I want you to not stand out, we wouldn't want to attract attention after all."

"Cocytius, Demiurge; you two are in charge of building the defense perimeter of Nazarick. Make sure that everything that can be use to defend itself is both usable and stable."

"Shalltear, Albedo; you'll be acting as my bodyguard when I travel around the town during the night. However, we're going to restrain ourselves until we test our opponent's fighting capabilities, and we need to learn more about this Holy Grail War that's happening."

"Mare, Aura; I want you two to conceal our base the same way we concealed it back when we arrived at the world. We're surrounded by the forest this time, but we can't be too sure; use the environment to our advantage."

"And Yuri; I entrust you to watch over Nazarick while I'm gone, as you have more skill in leadership."

"That is all; you can now go and rest."

[Somewhere around Tokyo]

The dark night consume the town as the light's was off, as everyone was in their home after working. There aren't any vehicles neither, as they're in either stationed or abandoned.

The reasons?

A unknown criminal is on the lose around the town, either kidnapping people or murdering them in cold blood before it dispose of their body. The polices are trying to find the criminal responsible for the murder, but it was no longer a case, as it leave no traces. The only clues that it is the criminal they're chasing was the bite on the victim's neck.

What they don't know, however, is that they aren't chasing an ordinary criminal.

Said criminal was a Dead Apostle, a creatures of the night that hunt and kill humans to consume their flesh, capable of using magics no normal men could handle.

Basically, he's a vampire.

However, said vampire was currently on the ground on the pool of his own blood, surrounding by corpses of his servants, and staring at the red coated man in terror.

Said man grin evily.

"Well, well; today is an interesting days. First I was summoned into another world for a competition that'll give me a single free wish if I win, then I went on an enthusiastic walk around Tokyo on my own, right before I encounter a hot chick fighting you," As he said it, he slowly walk toward the retreating Dead Apostle, "and then you send a horde after her, right before you noticed me and decide that I was an easy prey to kill. Boy, you were wrong, along with the fact that you think she's alone."

"Wh--who the hell are you!?" The Dead Apostle shriek in terror as he limp away from the grinning red coated man, who slowly pulled out a silver gun.

"I'm Avenger..."

Then, with a pull of the trigger, he shoot at the vampire....

And a total of 37 shot was fire at the vampire, shredding his body to pieces and killing him instantly. The man then store it back into his coat, before he turn and walk toward a red-headed woman and a blonde girl, after he deliver this line:

"And I'm a real fucking vampire."
[The Matou Residences, Fuyuki City]

A man watches in amusement as he witness Assassin getting shredded to pieces by Archer, whom only throw weapons at it.

The man is around the thirties, with black hair that reach his neck and a dark crimson eye staring at the mirrors that shows what's happening, the man wear only a red longcoat and dark black pant, not wearing a shirt underneath It.

He then bring a cup to his mouth, tasting this nice flav--

He spit the fuck out of it.

"Gah! I was right; that old man's blood taste horrible!" The man said, spitting the taste of the horrible blood he just drink.

"Oh well, at least I gotten rid of him; that old man really tick me off." He said before getting up from the bed, decided to walk toward his "partner" to report of what's going on.

As he leave the room, he let out a smirk.

"It would seems that this "Holy Grail" brought me an interesting opponent for me to face."
[On a Hotel Suite]

"Hmm, it's seem Assassin was killed by Archer," Kayneth Archibald El-Meliot murmured as he watched the events that has happened just now, "Lancer, how do you think?"

"Ah, the fool of the master of Assassin was foolish enough to think he could take out the master of Archer by himself, and pay the price," said Lancer as he stared at the event before him, "it would seem fight Archer would the most difficult of all. We may had to be careful on this one."

Kayneth nodded in response.

"Then we will had to act the next night by luring any servant to us."
[On the road to Fuyuki City]

A black-colored Honda CBR9 bike is seen moving on the road, it's destination is Fuyuki City. The rider, wearing a black hooded-coat with a helmet, stared down the road in focus, intending to get there.

Then the sound of a telephone ringing is heard, signalling that someone is calling the rider. On the rider's visor, a HUD appeared on it's eye, right before the rider somehow answer the call.

A corner of it lips rose, the rider spoke to the caller.

"Would you like to tell me why are you still awake at this hour?"

"Ota-chan! I miss you~!"

The man, who is the father, smile at the voice of a little girl.

"Hah! I've been gone for a few hour, my little princess. Have you been good to your older brother?"

"Hai! Oni-chan was sleeping on his bed, and I get to play with a puppy!"

Then she brags at lot about what's happened while he was away, causing him to sweat drop at this. The girl really took after her mother, if she didn't get tired from talking all the time wasn't an indication.

"And how was your babysitter?"

"Haa~ she's nice! Ms. Tudoshijimoari-chan was really good at cooking too!"

"Yeah, she's gotten used to cooking for her little boy after all, have Kamerakuta been good to you and your brother?"

"Yep! And both of them were playing outside too!"

Well, the two boys do get along so well since they met in elementary school.

"Anyway dear; I'm near Fuyuki, so how about we spend time together along with your brother?"

"Do you mean to!?"

"Yes, and don't worry, I'll arrive in Fuyuki in a minute."


The man shook his head as he focus on the road.

"I'll call you later, okay?"

"Hai! I'll be in bed, goodnight ota-chan!"

"Goodnight my darling." And with that, the call ended. Focusing on the road, he suddenly hear the sound of sirens in front of him, making the father smirk at this.

"Well, I was wondering if they have gotten the messages of my." Gaining speed, the man zoom past a group of police, who started to chase him from behind.

"Let's get this party started!"
End of Chapter 1

A/N: And now you know that, with the exception of the last one, the world of going to be fucked up, my friend.

The next chapter will be the first battle between servants, and Ainz Ooal Gown will be watching it.
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It would appear that our neighborhood lich isn't the only alternate servant in this war.

Of well, as long as it involves the complete and utter humiliation of Gold-boy, I'm not going to worry too much.
The vampire that can fuck beings like Momonga up on a daily weekend.... And made his existence a historical fact by nuking it up the battlefield.
The thing is that Momonga comes from universe where vampires are a real things, there are quite a few methods of disposing of them (which might or might not work on our very enthusiastic Vampire), plethora of sealing ritual and most important, world items.

nevertheless I'm more for a balanced battle between op opponents.
The thing is that Momonga comes from universe where vampires are a real things, there are quite a few methods of disposing of them (which might or might not work on our very enthusiastic Vampire), plethora of sealing ritual and most important, world items.

nevertheless I'm more for a balanced battle between op opponents.
Then you're probably understand what I mean when the next chapter come up.

Also, when I release it, don't get hype.
Main character of the Worm web-series. The meme about her is that despite her powers not being seen as 'strong' (she controls bugs) she can easily beat much much more powerful foes because they are idiots and she is Miss Escalation.
Okay, that's actually make sense.

Unfortunately, I'm unfamiliar with the Worm web-series, so no.