Looking at the wiki, and Holy Shit, its like he was predestined to be a tank.
You picked one of the OC servants I had ready but everyone else chose the shroud. This is my first quest, so you expect me to be original with every single one of the servants? A little harsh man. I have classes I need to study for and work towards, so making seven plus original character sheets is hard for anyone. Sorry I didn't meet your expectations.
I'm sorry, but I was typing on a fun that doesn't allow to use the advanced typing options on SB/SV, so don't take it seriously.
Guardian Knight (守護騎士, Shugo Kishi): A+
The Servant receives a temporary attribute bonus if acting in the defense of others. A protector of numerous nations and expansive regions in life, the Servant is capable of deriving effectively unlimited defensive capabilities from those who place their faith and expectations in him.

For those not checking.
[X] Allow Saber to remain silent.

So tempted to use a command seal on killing Lord Hildebrand. Why fight a war for what we can have right here and now?
Time of Posts
So since everyone went [X] Allow Saber to remain Silent, Ima closing the vote.

And I might as well put it here, but the story posts will probably be coming out weekly. Friday's and Saturday's most likely.

Sorry is this is a long wait but as much as I want to show you how messed up my imagination can make a grail war, school, and family comes first. I apologize for the wait and I hope you guys can continue to enjoy.
First Choice, Last Goodbye
[X] Allow Saber to remain silent

Saber waits for your answer and the choice weighs on you. William was making Saber hostile for some reason. Was it the anger you saw? Does Saber sense something that humans (or homunculi) just can't see? He is the reason Saber is here; without him, you don't know what you would have gotten. But that doesn't matter right now.

In the end, it's Saber's choice whether he wants to give his name. Admittedly you were curious too. But you'd spent enough of your life acting under someone else's orders to know how bad it felt. After all that, you wouldn't force Saber into the same position.

"It's your choice, Saber."

Saber's expression shows his gratitude, giving a nod to acknowledge your order. He turns to William and his murderous expression returns.

"It is my master's will that I make this choice for myself. So my choice is this." Saber sheathes his sword and turns his back on William. "I will give you nothing, sinner. And you will not waste words on your own name, either."

You look at William for his response and his face flashes with annoyance before returning to its neutral state. Adam walks by him wearing the biggest grin you've ever seen him have and mimes getting slapped. You smile slightly at the action, watching it made the realization that you were walking into hell go away.

For about a second, anyway.

Saber walks up to you and smiles again "If I might be so bold my lady, could you grace me with the name that you wish to be called?"

You reply:

[] Just Sigyn.

[] Lady Hildebrand.

[] I am your Master. You may address me as such.

[] Write-in

"With that, our contract is complete." Saber nods, satisfied, and glances around himself "Master, I assume that we will be heading towards the destination for the war?"

"You assume correctly, Servant." Everyone turns and there's Lord Hildebrand, metal cane in hand, observing everyone in the courtyard. On his face is pure excitement but he doesn't even spare you a glance as he approaches Saber. You sigh internally. Maybe you were hoping that this once, just this once he would actually see you as a success. As a person and not a weapon. Seems he'll never change.

As Lord Hildebrand approaches, Saber's gaze turns murderous. He looks like a Knight starring down a murderous villain. It held no hesitation, no fear.

And absolutely no mercy.

"A Saber, perfect! My victory is even more guaranteed."

Saber steps forward, unsheathing his blade and his intent is clear. "Saber, don't!" you yell.

He stops immediately, allowing Lord Hildebrand to come closer. When he hears you tell Saber to stop his advance he smiles. "And an obedient one at that. Yes, you will do nicely."

He turns to William. "Who is this servant?"

"He declined to share that information with me." The Executor looks at you accusingly. "And your little weapon here refuses to order him to comply."

Lord Hildebrand's smile fads instantly to be replaced by hateful disappointment aimed solely at you - a rather familiar look. Under his gaze, you flinch "Listen here, to deny the name of your servant to William is to give offense to the lessons I so graciously gave you. Now," he sticks his cane into the ground just before your foot "What is your servant's name?" he demands.

"I-I d-don't know," you admit "I gave Saber the choic-."

"You gave a corpse a choice in matters that don't concern it!?!"

You stagger back, impelled by the almost physical force of his anger, and in your haste you trip and fall on your back. The impact didn't hurt, but it still left you slightly dazed and when you looked up the hateful gaze of Lord Hildebrand was staring down at you.

"Pathetic," he says, his tone one of pure disgust "You are supposed to be a weapon, not another worthless failure."

He raises his cane and spiderweb lines of reinforcement run along the metal. You felt your heart skip a beat and as the cane comes down you close your eyes. It won't hurt for long. It usually doesn't, anyway.

You wait for the familiar pain of the cane hitting your head. He would always do that, whenever he was angry at you. Whenever you failed a spell, spoke a mantra wrong, he would hit you. Only once though, as if to keep you in perfect condition. If that one hit didn't satisfy him, he would move on to the others. For years you wanted to speak out against it, but what could you do? If you angered him, he would just go after the others.

You wait for what seems like an eternity but instead of pain you hear the sound of bones cracking. You hesitantly open an eye and right in front of your face was a hand blocking the cane. Like the metal it's blocking it has spiderweb designs of reinforcement but they're sloppy and weak. Your gaze travels along the arm and Adam's pained yet determined face meets you "Adam..." you say in shock.

Lord Hildebrand scoffs. "What are you doing, worm?"

"She gave you a Saber, you selfish bastard!" Adam said through gritted teeth "You don't need to do any more to her"

Lord Hildebrand's eyes narrow but he lowers his cane and steps away. Adam releases the magic in his hand and he bites back a scream as his hand smokes. Quickly, you get to your feet, standing next to the injured homunculus "Adam, you can't use reinforcement without your circuits burning up!"

Adam shrugs like it was no big deal but the action brings a wince to his face. You cup his injured hand in yours and like all those days in training, you send soft whispers of prana into the wounded hand. The bones mend themselves in an instant, but this time the damage was too great "Adam...y-you won't be able to use that hand properly for the rest of your life."

Adam looks a little startled but he quickly hides it behind a smirk "So? There's plenty I can do with one hand anyway."

It takes you a second to get the meaning behind his words, but when you do you roll your eyes "Are you serious?"

"What? Best excuse I've had in a long time to make a joke like that."

At that you smile and the action causes a sound of disgust from Lord Hildebrand. Adam looks at the head of the house. "Have a problem old man?"

"You're teaching her weakness. My weapon has no use fo-."

Before anyone in the courtyard could react, Adam does something no one has ever seen anyone do before.

He walked up to Lord Hildebrand and punched him in the face as hard as he could with his uninjured hand. Your jaw drops and you cover it with a hand while a collective gasp could be heard from the surrounding homunculi. Lord Hildebrand falls to the ground while Adam stood over him "For the last. Fucking .Time. She. Is. Not. Your. Weapon."

You hear the sound of laughter and you turn to see William smiling "I was wrong about you kid, you're going places."

Lord Hildebrand slowly gets up and using his cane he slowly straightens himself. He wipes the blood off of his face. A tense moment follows as Adam and Lord Hildebrand star one another down. Then, fast as a snake Lord Hildebrand slashes at Adam with his cane. The metal cuts deep along his left eye causing him to scream and double over in pain.


You start running toward him but Lord Hildebrand raises his cane to strike you causing you to falter.

"I don't go back on my word," he says "I said the next time he interrupts me I was going to crush his head. I said as such, so I shall."

He walks forward to Adam's pron form. He raises his cane and brings it down. The sound that follows was not one of pain, it was one of metal hitting the ground with a clunk. You look down at Lord Hildebrand's cane, or what's left of it. It was cut off at the hilt just before his fingers.

It wasn't hard to guess who the culprit was. Saber stood next to Lord Hildebrand holding his golden blade at the house head.


Saber raises his blade until its point was at Lord Hildebrand's neck "When I was summoned I sensed something I thought I would never feel again. I felt from my master a purity that only came with the purist of saints. I knew instantly that she was a master that I would follow to the end, but it seems I was mistaken. She doesn't not have her purity from the light of the lord, she has gained it from the innocence of her choices. I see now," his grip tightens on the sword "that you are a devil in the skin of man. I can feel it all over you, the blood of the innocents that you have slaughtered. The cruelty of your character. Such sins the Lord can forgive, so as his knight I should forgive as well."

You feel a tug as Saber's prana slowly rips the power from you. It wasn't painful by any means but it still felt that a tiny bit of your strength was being used despite you not doing anything.

"But denying my master - your own daughter - of the freedom to enjoy life as the Lord wishes. That, you worm, is the insult that I cannot take."

Lord Hildebrand glances at Saber with the same rage that stopped you in your tracks. But Saber meets the glare with his own, and honestly, everyone watching took a step back. Lord Hildebrand scoffs "So what will you do servant? Kill me? Smite me in the name of your god? HA! If I die everyone you see around you dies with me. They cannot live without me, so you can take your sword, put it down, and learn your place."

Saber's sword doesn't move an inch.

Lord Hildebrand rolls his eyes "Get that out of my face," he orders.


Another tense moment. Lord Hildebrand looks at the door "Morgan, get this blade out of my face."

Morgan bows "At once my lord."

Morgan swiftly approaches Saber and raises a finger. Prana condenses around the digit forming a small black orb. Saber's gaze doesn't move from Lord Hildebrand "I do not with to harm you my lady, but you need not obey this man."

Morgan's face remains emotionless "I don't know anything else."

She fired the spell, and Saber did nothing to stop the attack. The explosion of force causes a small dust cloud to cover Saber's form. When Saber doesn't say anything in response to the attack you start to worry. But then you feel the master servant connection, it was exactly the same. No sense of pain, anger or alarm.

When the dust cleared Saber stood with the same expression he had before he was attacked. Hell, he was still looking at Lord Hildebrand like nothing had happened.

Your jaw drops, that spell was at least rank A in power. While Saber's usually had high magic resistance Saber should've felt something. You look at Saber closely and information flows into your head.

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance (A++): The servant is unaffected by any spell that does not rank at least A++ in power. In practice, the servant can only be affected by magic at the level of EX rank. It is no exaggeration to label this servant as a near perfect Magus Killer.


"Magic Resistance A++?" You ask no one.

Lord Hildebrand's confident smirk fades away and William whistles "I'm liking this Saber already."

"So then," Saber starts "Will you cower behind those you have enslaved? Or will you meet the Lord's judgement standing proud?"

Lord Hildebrand laughs "I will do neither. Listen here servant, everyone you see hear is a weapon. I can use and dispose of them as I wish, I have allowed one of them to think that they have a soul and look at the trouble it has caused me. You cannot kill me, and I have weapons to spare. So for the final time, before I start making these weapons drop dead. Get your blade off of my neck and step asid-"

He was cut off by an electronic ringing sound and looked around him for the source, irritated.

"Oops. Sorry, that's mine," William says, pulling out a phone.

He flips the cover and scans the message "Oh that's nice."

He puts the phone away and approaches Saber, Lord Hildebrand and Morgan "Lord Hildebrand I have some unfortunate news."

Lord Hildebrand was tired of things like this coming up. "What!?!"

There was a dull thud, and the hilt of a Black Key sprouted from his chest. William, smiling politely, replied"The money has reached my account, so I believe I can nullify our contract now. You don't mind, do you?"

Lord Hildebrand didn't respond, being dead doesn't exactly leave much room for talking. William pulls out his Black Key and the corpse of Lord Hildebrand falls to the ground. You look at the sight before you, and you couldn't believe what was happening. He was dead, he was really dead! Was this a good thing? A horrible omen? You didn't know.

You didn't even know if you should be happy or not.

"You killed him..." you say.

William cuts off a piece of Lord Hildebrand's suit and uses it to clean the blood off of his blade "Yeah? What's your point?"


William tilts his head while pondering the question "Why? Well for starters he was a stealing, abusive, murdering psychopath that has been on my job board for years now."

"But he had an agreement with you, didn't he?" Saber asks.

William nods "Yeah he did, but it only lasted until the Servant was summoned; that's you, big guy. And when I got my money. After that, it was free game."

William looks at you "Lady Sigyn, I might be a worthless, lying, manipulative bastard who has no right to live in the world of the innocent. But, I have a wife and son that I would trade the world for."

Adam groans as he slowly gets up "Adam you shouldn't be getting up!" you chide.

Adam waves the comment off with his free hand "I'm fine," he looks at William with his good eye "I have to say, Sorry about earlier man. You just made my second biggest dream a reality."

William bows "I aim to please."

"Wait a second," you say, realization and fear washing over you "What's going to happen now?"

Adam's eye widens in realization "Holy shit. You're right."

Saber sheaths his blade "What is the problem? Your tyrant master is gone. While I do not approve of the method and reasoning," he shoots a glance at William "I fail to see the problem."

"As much of an ass the old man was, he knew what he was doing to keep us under control." Adam says "Every homunculi here survives on an extract liquid that the only the old bastard could make. Sigyn here is the only one capable of living like a normal human, drinking water and eating like normal. The rest of us are like plants, without the extract we'll die in a week."

Saber's eyes widen. He lowers his head and bows "Forgive me, I intended to end his life unless ordered by command seal to stop. If I had known, my actions would have been different."

You shake your head "It doesn't matter any more Saber. He's dead, so there's nothing we can do."

The homunculi hang their heads, what we they supposed to do?

William coughed into his hand "As much as I appreciate all of the doom and gloom, that isn't much of a problem."

Everyone's gaze was instantly on William. Adam gave a short laugh "Really? How could having only a week to live be not much of a problem?"

"You have extras of this extract correct?" William asks "If I have a vial I could have it sent to a friend of mine for duplication. Shouldn't take more than a day or two, I mean, it's not like he's going to stop us from going through his notes."

"That means-"

"Everything is going to be fine." William says "All I need is the old man's notes, a sample of the extract you talked about, a five minute call and I can get everything here set up."

You smile and look at Adam, who's happy smile made yours look small in comparison. He ran towards you and hugs you tight "This is fantastic! Without this everything is solved! The bastards dead! We can all live! And the best part, you don't have to fight in the war!"

Your smile grows as the information sinks in. Adam's right, with Lord Hildebrand gone you don't have to do anything!

"...About that." William says "You still have to fight in the war."

You freeze and Adam rounds on William "WHAT!?!"

"Well just look at it this way. You lovely people might not want to fight in the war, but you should've found a way to stay alive without the old guy before the lady summoned Saber here. Your forced reason might be gone but you still have to fight. If you leave, the other servants will come after you so that they can win. Which means you're bringing a war between heroic spirits right to your doorstep. Saber here might be the most powerful man in history, but I'll put my money on the six on one team up. Plus, if someone is able to beat all the other servants, one more isn't going to be much of a problem if the target doesn't have the strength to fight back."

"Then I'll take her place!"

William nearly busts a gut "You take her place? No offence kid but your hand is basically dead because you used basic reinforcement. You wouldn't last two minutes in a real fight; determination and guts alone will just get you killed on the battlefield. Plus, your going to last how long anyway?"

Adam, seething, tries another option. "She could give her command seals to someone else or forfeit her command seals to the overseer-" William interrupts "But it's a three day car trip to Fuyuki, if what I'm gathering is correct, everyone here will be starving and or dead by then."

"So just take her to Fuyuki and have her give up her command seals!"

You shake your head "He can't do that, if he takes me straight to the overseer with a servant his helping of me summoning Saber will be known. He'll be questioned and killed."

"I can take her."

You turn your head to the voice and Saber's determined expression "I have a sufficient rank in riding to qualify for the Rider class. It will be more than enough to get us to the city. In fact I can decrease the time of the trip if I use all of my power. We should be there in no later than 10 pm tomorrow."

"That's fantastic! I could be back here in five days then."

You could be without these seals by the end of the day! You could be back home so soon!

"Yeah yeah happy times but you better get started." William says "You still need to pack for the return trip."

"We can see to that." Megan and Morgan say.

William raises an eyebrow "Really? Excellent, well hop to it then."

They bow and ran off to the door. You look around and everyone breaks into a frenzy. They were shouting things like "What are we going to do now?"

"Anyone up for traveling?"

You laugh as you watch them run around and you look to see Adam standing over Lord Hildebrand's corpse. He looked down it with his one eye and he smiled. It was a cruel smile, one that you really didn't want to see on Adam's face. But as you watch his smile turns to a convulsion of pain. He clenches his chest and coughs up blood. It was black, like burnt charcoal and it kept coming with each of the coughs.

You run towards him and he falls to his knees just as you get to him.

"What's going on?" you ask.

You wait for an answer but Adam was already out cold. You quickly check his pulse, and it was so weak.

You feel a presence behind you and William and Saber look down at you.

"H-his heart beat isn't very strong."

William nods "It was probably due to that reinforcement spell he used earlier."

"Do you know what is wrong with him?" Saber asks.

You shake your head "No, this is the first time this has happened."

"That you've seen."

You blink in surprise "What?"

William nods sheepishly "I was a little dishonest with you. I knew exactly who everyone here is, I did my research on my employers. And what I found concerning this guy, isn't exactly the nicest news. According the the files that I've been able to read, his circuits, hell his entire body was falling apart at the seams from the moment he was born. He can't cast a spell, and even if he could he wouldn't last more than ten years at most. But here the bastard is, at twenty one years old still kicking. His lifeforce is so burnt out that his blood is black and he still kept a reinforcement spell up to stop you from getting hit. By my count, he has...oh, about two days left to live, but he still put himself in harm's way. That takes some serious balls."

Two Days.


This isn't fair! Everything was going to be all right! Everything was just starting to be perfect.

"Adam has two days to live?" you ask, the information not getting to you.

William nods "I might be wrong, but he won't live through the week."

He turns and flips open his cell phone "I guess now you have a choice, master of Saber." his tone was almost mocking "Do you give up your command seals and go for a quiet life like your brother wanted? Or do you fight to win the grail, for a wish that will save his life? Oh, such wonderful choices, I look forward to witch one you make."

You watch as he goes through the open door of the courtyard and into the mansion. When the door closes only you and Saber remained in the courtyard. He looks down at you before his form starts to fade into spirit form "You let me make my choice, so I shall do the same and let you make yours. Whatever choice you make master, if you believe that it is the right one. Then you made the choice that was the right one."

He fads and you were left alone with Adam.

You don't remember much about the next couple of hours. Only that a few of the homunculi took Adam to the infirmary and Megan escorted you to bed. You didn't sleep, you couldn't. Too much has happened so soon. You finally have the chance to make your own life, but you still need to fight in a war. Time seems to bend as you think through your thoughts and when you finally realize where you are, you're sitting on the front doorstep of the manner.

You watch wordlessly as Megan and Morgan pile in a bag after bag of luggage for the trip. Saber stands beside you like a silent guardian, letting you watch the world in silence. You don't know how long it took but some time later you feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn and Adam was smiling down at you, his damaged eye now behind a set of patches and a white eye-patch. Before you could stop yourself you wrap your arms around him in a tight hug. Adam nearly trips backwards as the "Attack" almost knocks him over "Wow, If all it took to get a hug out of you was to get my hand broken and lose an eye I would've hospitalized myself years ago." He jokes.

He returns your hug with his own and sets you down before looking you up and down "I don't really want to say it but, I guess this is goodbye."

"If it is the lord's plan that you and Sigyn do not meet again, then it shall be so." Saber says.

Adam rolls his eye "Making me feel real nice big guy."

Saber smiles at the jab "Please allow me to finish Lord Adam. While I know not the lord's will, I do know of his mercy and kindness. Even if the gates of Saint Peter bar your way, you will meet your sister again."

You feel a smile grace your lips and Adam gives Saber a thankful smile.

"Well if the mighty Saber thinks so, I guess it's meant to be."

Saber bows "It is simply my belief, and in times such as ours. To loose faith is to lose hope, I will not allow us to loose either."

Adam chuckles "If you keep that up big guy, you just might make me a believer."

"I must endeavor harder than."

You blink "Saber, was that a joke?"

Saber smiles "I fail to see why you must ask that?"

All three of you share a laugh in that. In that moment, you feel like the three of you there were a group of normal people. Two siblings and their close friend sharing a laugh before one or more of them separate for a long journey. It was an experience you didn't know much about, but you now saw why so many people live their lives for moments like these. Unfortunately, the moment was cut short when Morgan cleared her throat loudly "Lady Hildebrand, Master Saber, it is time."

Your smile fades, and Saber's does as well but Adam, despite the time being over still looked as happy as ever. The moment hits you, and you realize that now, was possibly one of the last moments you could see Adam.

No, your brother.

You feel the start of a tear begin to form itself in your eyes as you face Adam. But you can't cry, crying is a sign of weakness, and you couldn't be weak.

"Why?" You ask him.

Adam's smile doesn't waver for an instant from the question "Why what?"

"T-This could be the last t-time we ever see one another." You choke out.

"So why," you gaze falls to the floor, the sadness weighing you down "Why are you still smiling?"

Adam shakes his head at the question. He takes his unbroken hand and lifts your chin so the two of your were seeing eye to eye, or eyes to eye in Adam's case. His crimson eye held only caring and determination as he looks at you "I regret two things about my life so far." he says "The first is that I couldn't be the weapon daddy dearest wanted. If I wasn't a failure-,"

"You're not a failure!" you scream.

Adam chuckles "Well if you say so. But anyway, if I was the weapon, you wouldn't have to have been born like this. You wouldn't be driving off to a war, you would be sitting in school. Learning physics, ignoring the teacher because you're looking at that one cute guy sitting near the window. Your worries wouldn't be what could kill me, who do I have to kill. They would be 'When can I have some free time with my friends?' and 'How much studying do I need to do tonight to stay at the head of the class?'. The second thing I regret,"

He looks down at your hand where your command seals glowed "Is that my determination to keep you from all of this didn't keep those stupid seals from appearing on your hand instead of mine. There is so much in this world that I want to control, but I can't. So I'll make the most of what I can control, if this moment here is your last memory of me. So when you think of me, I want you to remember me smiling. Smiling at the beautiful woman you've become, and how happy I am to call you my sister."

[X] Thank Him

You stand there for a moment, wondering if you should remain strong.

As soon as the first tear started falling down, you didn't want to be strong anymore. You wrapped your arms around him in one last hug. It happens again, another moment that you want to last forever. You're in Adam's arms, and it was the happiest moment of your life. You reach into your pocket and take out the emerald necklace that he gave you earlier "Thank you, for being here for me. And thank you for the birthday gift."

You hear Adam laugh "I tried getting it to you for your sixteenth, but I couldn't crack the safe."

You disengage from Adam and you hold up the necklace "Is it just a normal necklace?"

Adam snorts before looking at Saber "It's it just a normal necklace she asks? I give her one birthday present her whole life and it's just a normal necklace? That's just pitiful."

"So you say, and so it is." Saber jokes.

Adam turns back to you "No, its a charm. Supposedly it's supposed to ward off demons that cause bad luck. It was mom's."

You nearly drop the necklace "This, this was mom's?"

"Why do you think I said I needed to crack the 'Safe' to get it? You never met her, but if you did, I doubt anyone could tell the two of you apart. You look exactly like her."

Morgan coughs into her hand again and Adam rolls his eye in frustration "Give us a minute yah hard ass!"

He smiles sheepishly at you by way of apology before holding a hand out "Mind if I take it back for a second?"

You raise an eyebrow but you do as he asks. He takes the necklace and unlocks the two silver end pieces. He motions a turnaround gesture with his figure. His intent clear, you turn around and you move your hair out of the way as he puts the necklace around your neck. As soon as you hear the sound of the two end pieces click together you look down to see the emerald's shine illuminates the space. You start to turn around but Adam stops you "I said I wanted you to remember me smiling, I don't want any tears in that memory."

You nod "Goodbye Adam."

"Goodbye Sigyn."

You walk forward, using every ounce of self control you had to not turn around. Morgan gestured at the open car door and you get in. You close your eyes and try your best to get comfortable. You hear the sound of Saber opening the driver's door and the sound of it closing comes later.

The engine starts, and you leave your home for the first time in your life. But this wasn't a joyous occasion, you might never see Adam again. And, you might not be able to see another sunrise. You open your eyes and In front of you was a set of personal files.

"Information on the other masters that Mr. Gate was able to retrieve for you. He said it might still be proven useful even if you do not intend to fight." Saber says from the front seat.

"Thank you." you say in response.

You look around, blackened windows, files and Saber. Not much to do.

With that in mind, in the car you…

[] Look through the files and see what you can learn about the other masters.

[] Talk to Saber, discuss strategy and what he thinks on the war.

[] Sleep. This is going to be taxing, might as well sleep without the chance of getting killed or something bad happening.

[]By my Command Seal

[]Write in
[X] Just Sigyn.
[X] Look through the files and see what you can learn about the other masters.

I'm actually tempted to use that CS for the dragon NP. :V
I can't bring myself to make a command seal joke vote. :cry:
The feelz are real.

[X] Just Sigyn.
[X] Look through the files and see what you can learn about the other masters.
[X] Just Sigyn.
[X] Look through the files and see what you can learn about the other masters.
[X] Just Sigyn.
[X] Look through the files and see what you can learn about the other masters.
[X] Just Sigyn.
[X] Look through the files and see what you can learn about the other masters.
[X] Just Sigyn.
[X] Talk to Saber, discuss strategy and what he thinks on the war.

Getting to know our Servant tops knowing the other Masters...mostly because it's never as simple as their available information.
[X] Just Sigyn.
[X] Talk to Saber, discuss strategy and what he thinks on the war.

Even if we know about the enemy masters their servants are a even greater unknown therefore coming up with strategies has priority imo.
Information and Danger
[X] Just Sigyn.

[X] Look through the files and see what you can learn about the other masters.

Ok, so about a day trip by car and the only options were sleeping, talking to Saber or looking through the files. You think your choices over. Saber you could talk to at any time, and there was plenty of time to sleep in the next few hours. You think about the ups and downs for all of ten minutes before you make up your mind. With nothing else to do, you took hold of the stack of files and removed the contents. They looked like standard personnel files that you would find for a police report. They had details about their past and a picture of them but other then that there was nothing. The files don't say what Servant class they summoned. To make up for this, the files had relative threat levels that indicated how powerful they were in a fight, and some rough outlines of their favored type of magecraft.

You sigh, at least it was better than nothing.

Anyway, the first file:

Name: Adrian Bunker

Age: 35

Background Report: Few things can be said about Adrian that haven't already been said. Born as the first son of the Bunker household of the Mage Association, Adrian was born to be a genius magus. He graduated top of his class at the Clock Tower at age sixteen and afterwards he was offered a full time professorship. He turned it down and then for two years he vanished into obscurity only to return two years later and take up the professorship position. Since then he has been teaching advanced elemental manipulation to his students.

He has a wife by the name of Mary who is expecting his firstborn by the end of the year.

Upon reading this you feel something drop into the pit of your stomach. You don't know anything about his personality but you do know one thing. He has a wife, a child.

A family.

And if you were going to fight you would have to beat him, maybe even kill him. You might have to take away a newborn's fath- You shook your head - don't think about that, just keep reading. You'll have time to think about that later, for now just focus on what you could learn.

His father, Henry Bunker was the master of Caster in the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Element: Lightning

Threat Level: 8/10

Engage in a fight only if his servant is being dealt with. As a professor at the Clock Tower, you can expect him to be a powerful opponent in terms of magical ability but nothing you can't handle. Expect to behave like the honorable mage and fight you on fair terms. Word of advice, don't use fair terms.

Ok, first master: somewhat threatening but still manageable. Ok, next we have.

Name: Rin Tohsaka

Age: 18

Background Report: The final member of the famed Tohsaka line. As you probably already know, the Tohsakas along with the Matous and the Eiznberns created the Holy Grail War. Tohsaka has been groomed from an early age to be a master in this war. She is currently in high school and will use the school as a means of protection if needed. A genius in the ways of Gem magic, she is currently on the very short list of possible full ride Scholarships to the clock tower.

Elements: All five.

Threat Level: 8/10. Fighting one on one is advised with caution. I estimate Tohsaka is skilled enough to fight on par with you in terms of skill but cannot overpower you. Can and will become a formidable foe if left unattended. Remember, subject has little to no actual battle experience in the field.

And second master isn't looking to bad either, of course not. Well, guess you shouldn't expect anything less. This was a war for a wish granting artifact, so it stand to reason that everyone here is pretty powerful.

Next file has..

Name: Shinji Matou

Age: 18

Background Report: Is an idiot and makes funny faces. No really, there's nothing else to say.

You reread that last sentence a few times and the thought occurs to you that William might not be the best source of information out there.

Threat Level: 1/10: Shoot at earliest convenience to you.

Well that makes things easier.

Ok, hopefully the last files is a bit like the first two and actually contains useful information.

Name: Troy Forthill

Age: Unknown

Appearance: Unknown

Background Report: No records exist of a Troy Forthill within any magus community moderated by the Clock Tower or the Church. This indicates he's untrained and raised in mundane society

Threat Level: ?/10 but likely very low.

You blink in confusion as you read over that again. Nothing, the entire database of the church at his disposal and William only had his name? Helpful. Before you could ask out loud, Saber slams on the brakes causing the files to fly out of your hands from the backlash. You shake your head and right yourself in the seat "Saber what's wrong?"

Saber doesn't answer you, his gaze was on something ahead. You follow his gaze and it leads you to the darkened form of a nightmare. It looked like a knight in black and red armor but it emanated a dark aura that made you feel scared and cold just by looking at it. Its entire form seemed to shift in the dim light of the full moon.

"Master, Stay here." Saber says as he gets out of the car.

You watch as he steps out onto the street and stand between the enemy servant and your car. He raises his blade and points it at the servant "I am the servant Saber, name yourself servant." Saber orders.

The servant doesn't answer him, instead it focus all of its attention on you through the car window. You look inside the black visor to see a mask of cold red, sadness? And hesitation? You don't know why but it felt like it was resisting something, that if it had the choice it wouldn't be here.

"I asked that you name yourself servant! I will not ask again!" Saber shouts.

The servant's head twitched to the side as if it was just noticing something. It's head then snapped to Saber. You waited for a tense moment and then, it spoke.

"W-we..Ar-are," it slowly sounded out. It sounds like it was running through the words like it wasn't used to them. Like speaking words was a forgotten concept to i-Wait did it just say we?

Saber noticed the wording as well "You are alone on this night servant, who is this we of which you speak?"

The servant spasms slightly "We..Are."

It looked straight at Saber, and all traces of hesitation were gone "Berserker."

It reached out his hand and its dark aura concentrated and morphed the shape of its arm. In an instant, the red and black metal of Berserker's armor was changed into a pitch black sword arm.

"And we must kill you!"

Berserker charged forwards, swinging his sword arm in an overhead strike. Saber met his attack with his own. The golden blade met that shadow arm and the shock wave created shook the ground and the car making you jump in your seat.

Saber steps to the side letting Berserker's blade fall to the ground while he attacks his now open side. You watch as Saber run's Berserker through the chest with his sword, and nothing happens. Literally nothing happens, Saber's sword is hilt deep in Berserker's body but the servant doesn't even look inconvenienced. It looked down at the blade then Saber before tilting its head as if asking Really?

With its other arm it slaps Saber away sending the servant flying back. Saber twirled in the air like a ragdoll before he spun gracefully mid air landing on the ground. He didn't wait for Berserker to continue, he charges forward while muttering something that you couldn't make out.

Berserker roars in challenge and met Saber's charge head on with his own. The two servants crash into one another and the exchange of force sends you and your car skidding back. After you feel everything stand still again you look out to see Saber fighting Berserker in the center of the street.

Your servant is fighting, you…

[]Get out of the car and Help Saber


[]With your magecraft?


--[] Write in

[]Stay in the car like Saber ordered.

[]Run, you need to get away so that Saber can fight unhindered.
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[x]Stay in the car like Saber ordered.

Georgie can face tank this by himself.

Also, Troy..... hehehheh