- Location
- I got lost so.....Where are we?
[X] Get out of the Car, once you're outside Saber can get to you.
-[X] Tell him about your little Assassin issue via mental link as you do so
--[X] All of it, especially the parts about getting stabbed
As the knife edged closer to your throat you quickly rack your brain for options. Something, anything to get out of this alive. What you came up with was...nothing. There was nothing you could do without Assassin slitting your throat like paper. He wanted you to get out of the car, but that would make you the easiest target for Berserker.
But Saber was also out there as well. With his Guardian Knight skill, there was a chance he could get the two of you out of here. So with that in mind, you grit your teeth and do what Assassin told you to do. After a quick click the seat belt slides to your side allowing you to get out. You move your hand to the door handle and the red eyes of Assassin are joined by a glowing white smile "You're doing wonderfully. Now, if you would continue?"
You shake slightly, the fear and disgust of the situation hitting you. You're about to open the door when a thought occurs to you. You couldn't use magic, Command Seals were right out but Assassin couldn't hear what goes inside your head. His voice was reaching your head but that wasn't the same as reading your mind (you hoped), which meant that you could still talk to Saber. He needed to know what was going on, right now!
Please let Assassin be unable to hear this.
<Saber!> you scream in your head.
<What is it Sigyn?> Saber asks, his mental voice not at all discouraged that you were distracting him from fighting Berserker. <I sense your fear, are you in danger?>
You slowly open the door to the car, you had a part to keep up after all <Yes, Assassin has a knife at my throat.> You respond as you start to step out of the car <He's going to make me run into the fight and get ripped apart by Berserker. If I don't do what he asks, he'll kill me, slowly by the way he talks.>
Saber was silent for a few moments while you stepped out into the street <Saber, you can get to me fast enough to get away from Berserker and Assassin, right?>
When Saber didn't say anything the fear in you grew to even greater heights <Saber?>
An explosion of force rang out, stopping any conversation from happening between you and your servant. The explosion brought out a gust of wind that forces you to cover your eyes from the dust and rock. When you didn't feel any more wind you open your eyes and you see Saber and Berserker.
Saber looks completely fine, there wasn't a wound anywhere on his body. Not even a scratch was on his armor. Berserker however, had clearly seen better days. Its armor was broken and cut in several places and black blood flowed from the wounds. Despite the grievous wounds it was raging just as fast and just as strong. It swung its sword arms in wide, crazy arcs that Saber had little trouble dodging. He retreated back a few steps to allow both servants a chance to catch their breath, so to speak.
Saber glances back at you for a second and then his attention turns back to Berserker, pretending like he didn't notice you getting out of the car. You feel something on your back, it felt like a hand but nothing was behind you. It kept prodding you on but you didn't feel any presence behind you. So this was the famed Presence Concealment of the Assassin class.
You glance backward and again, nothing was there but the prodding continues. You slowly take a step towards Berserker and Saber, fast enough to play the part, but slow enough for Saber and you to come up with something.
Another step forward and still no word from Saber. Berserker roars again and being so close to the sound makes you flinch. The dark servant charges Saber again and the two go into a fury of close ranged blows and strikes.
Another prod from Assassin. You grit your teeth slightly, they were starting to get really annoying! You're already marching to your death what more does this servant want!?!
<Anything?> You ask, the situation wasn't getting any more desperate.
Another shockwave rings out as Saber dodges another of Berserker's blow that shook the ground. You jump back on pure reflex and the hand of Assassin pushes you forward causing you to stumble towards the battle. You catch a glimpse of Saber deflecting Berserker sword swing before delivering a punch to the servant's helm sending it flying backwards.
<I have a plan.>
You perk up, finally some good news! <I'm all ears.>
<Come closer to the battle, so close that Berserker could strike you down with barely a swing.>
<Saber, are you sure that's a plan that get us both out of here alive?>
Was Saber really serious? That plan sounded like something a madman would come up with, it would take one to pull it off as well!
A moment of silence passes <Yes.> Saber responds, his mental voice devoid of any sarcasm.
It took all of your self control not to groan, or laugh or do anything that indicated you were talking to Saber. Assassin had to still be behind you so you couldn't do anything but at the moment that wasn't a very good reason to keep quiet.
The only thing you risk doing is shake your head. It served the dual purpose of expressing your confusion and act like a scared fool to Assassin. The second act wasn't to hard to pull off thankfully.
<Ok, so how does this plan get us out of this situation?>
Saber rolls to the side of Berserker and cuts a deep gash into its arm. It roars again and tries to attack but Saber was to far away from it to do any damage.
<As you edge closer, Assassin waits for the right opportunity to leave your side in order to escape the fury of Berserker.>
Another block, and another shower of sparks erupts between Saber and Berserker.
<As soon as Assassin knows that you are surely to die, he will leave you. And the moment he does, I will take you away from this place. I'm sorry that's all I have but I have no other option. I have no phantasm capable of protecting you from this beast, nor can my speed get you from Assassin's grasp fast enough. I'm sorry Sigyn.>
You think it over, it was a risky plan, but it was better than waiting for Assassin to just kill you right there. It was incredibly insane, but if anyone could pull it off, it was Saber.
You keep yourself from nodding in agreement as you take another step forward <Don't be sorry, I can't do anything in this situation either.>
You steel yourself <Ok, let's do it.>
You catch a quick glimpse of Saber smiling but it could have been your imagination. He returned to Berserker and positioned himself so that he was away from you and the black servant had no obstacles to attack you.
<I will scream your name, that will be the mark to charge towards Berserker.>
You swallow fear and a bead of sweat runs down your neck.
<Don't worry master, I promised that I would get you back to your family. And in the lord's name, I will never break that promise for as long as I draw breath.>
Again, you don't show any sign of your thanks.
<Ready?> Saber asks.
Here it comes <Ready.> you say back.
You take another step forward, a small stone gets crushed by your foot causing a small cracking sound to right out. Berserker tilts its head in confusion but he kept attacking Saber.
<On three. One.>
You tense, Berserker was close enough that you could hear its ragged breathing.
'Don't think, don't feel fear. Just. Run.' You think to yourself.
<Great plan, but does this show come with popcorn? It'll be boring without the snacks you know.>
You instantly stop walking towards Berserker. He knew, Assassin heard everything!
Saber's eyes widen in surprise and this hesitation causes him to slow down just a bit. But that bit was enough for Berserker to grasp Sabers throat with its hand and slam your servant down into the ground. The ground shatters and Saber couldn't even scream in pain.
Through the dust you see Saber cough up blood. Faster than you could even shout a word, Berserker turns his other arm into a sword and runs the dark blade through the shoulder that Saber held his blade. Saber brought his other arm over in a desperate attempt to knock Berserker off of him.
But right before his fist might have connected with Berserker's head, another hand formed itself from the dark aura of Berserker's helm and caught Sabers strike. Instead of fading into Berserker like the last hand did, the arm continued to grow. From the dark energy the arm was joined by a shoulder, then a torso, then a leg and then finally a body. It looked like an exact copy of Berserker, right down to the dark aura and mad gaze. Both of its arms turned into swords and it stabs through both of Saber's hands pinning him to the ground.
Berserker, the first, lets go of Saber's neck and slowly pulls its blade out of Saber's shoulder. Saber let out a cry in pain but he quickly bit his lip stopping the sound from going any further. Berserker than slowly walks towards you, even through the madness it knew you were it's.
Saber weakly glances between you, Berserker and Berserker Two "How?" he asks weakly.
"Oh it's quite simple." Berserker Two said.
It spoke with an age and intelligences that the original Berserker didn't have. It sounded experienced, mercilus and completely in control.
"My master there said we. I am merely one the hundred 'we'. His mind is clouded by madness but mine and the other's are the screams that drove him to that dark place."
Berserker Two's helm twisted and morphed until the eye slit was now at the mouth and two red eyes replaced the slit. The slit curved itself up until a red smile was made over its face.
"Who are you?" Saber asks.
Berserker Two let out a crazy laugh "We are nothing but the darkness in the memories of man. We are the demons that cause woman to scream and brave heroes to run in fear."
From Berserker Two another copy of its crawls out of the black mass. Then another, and another, and another, they just kept coming until you counted at least twenty Berserker's. Ten were guardian Saber, the other nine disappear into shadow and reform around you, making a big circle.
"We are Legion," they all say except for the original "For we are many!"
As the original Berserker steps closer, one thing runs through head "RUN! GET AWAY FROM THIS THING! IF YOU DON'T MOVE YOU'LL DIE! RUN!"
You try and take a step back but the hand of Assassin grabs you around the throat. The grip cuts off all the air in your system, choking you. You desperately claw at the force you knew was there but your fingers feel nothing but your own flesh.
"Did you think I was going to leave without seeing the show I was promised? Oh, I'm going to remember you my little friend. As the bitch who thought she could get out of this alive."
As dark spots grow in your vision you see Berserker right in front of you. It raises its sword arm, someone screamed something at you, but you were too far gone to hear. Before you close your eyes for the last time, Berserker swings its arm down.
And the world explodes.
You can't see what caused it, you barely hear the sound, but the feeling of force pushing you back is unmistakable. The force choking you stops and you fall to the ground gasping for air. You look around but your vision was too hazy to make out everything in perfect detail. You see Saber break away from the Berserkers, then another explosion erupts next to you.
It knocks you to the side and causes your ears to ring to the point that everything sounded in one mad symphony of pain.
Something grabbed you and threw you away but you couldn't tell what it was.
Someone was talking, but the ringing hadn't stopped yet.
You shut your eyes tight, forcing your senses to focus on what was around you. When everything clears up, you find yourself leaning against the side guard of the highway with Saber next to you.
The road, or what was left of it, was on fire. Broken chunks of concrete and metal burned with, wait? Why was the fire teal? You faintly remember Saber scream something before the explosion, was this his doing? If so, what kind of Saber had fire that was colored teal?
The broken, burning wreck of a tire slowly rolls up next to you. Despite the situation the tire actually draws your attention away from the fire for a second. You blink to get the final dots out of your eyes and you glance between the fire and the tire.
"The car blew up." you say.
Saber nods "You know master, there was a chance you could have summoned me in the Rider class. This," he glances back at the burning street "Is not the best opening ride to a journey I've had."
He thinks for a second "Not my worst either."
You crack a small smile "Saber, we really need to talk about when we should and shouldn't tell jokes."
Saber smirks "The lesson will be quick and painless I'm sure."
He slowly helps you to your feet and as you stand up you can't stop yourself as you let out a slight gasp at seeing Saber. Both of his hands were broken with a large hole in the center of both palms. His neck had a dark bruise and it was bleeding slightly. The worst of it was the shoulder where Berserker stabbed him. It was bleeding horribly and you could see straight through the wound.
"Saber! Sit down you need healing!" you command.
Saber blinks in confusion before following your gaze to the hole. He nods but remains standing "Sigyn, only heal my shoulder and do it quickly."
You start your healing spell and focus the prana into Saber shoulder. The wound closes surprisingly fast for the damage made to it but you only got through a healing before Saber grabs you around the waist with his good arm.
Before you could either protest or say anything for that matter Saber jumps over the small barrier built up around the highway. As soon as his foot touches the ground on the other side, the wind and g-force hit you.
It felt like you were running faster than sound but you could still see if you squinted your eyes. The dark night provided little to no light to guide Saber's way but the colored flame of his attack was the perfect way to light the way.
"Saber why are we running! We got away from Assassin, your attack worked!" You scream over the wind.
Saber slows down and comes to a stop. You look up to his face and you see a battle hardened warrior. Saber looked angrier than when he saw Lord Hildebrand.
"Sigyn, I'm sorry." Saber whispers.
Saber sets you down and points towards the fire. You were about half a mile away but the light from the fire was bright enough for you to see the surrounding area. He lowers his hand "I have only been reborn in this time for only six hours, but in that time I have made two grave mistakes. The first is promising that nothing will touch you,"
Your head snaps away from the fire to look at Saber "That wasn't your fault! If Assassin hadn't shown up you would've kept your promise easily."
Saber smiles slightly but it quickly goes away, replaced by the hard gaze "That is the second mistake I have made."
The sound of an rage fueled roar draws your attention and shakes you to the core. There, standing in the middle of the flames completely unharmed was Berserker. As you look at it, you see that it was completely fine. The damage he sustained from fighting Saber was gone and it looked at ease in the searing hot flames.
You feel your entire body shake in fear "You can hurt it right?"
Saber nods "I can, but his wounds were only a ruse. No matter how fast I inflict damage on him, Berserker could heal twice as fast. The fire was a creation of someone else's doing, they were watching all along."
Your breath quickens "Do you have a phantasm able to take him out in one go?" you ask desperately.
"I do," hope grows in your chest "But I can't use it in my current state. At best my secondary Noble Phantasm will be able to greatly injure him, but I doubt it will kill."
You couldn't breath, you told Adam you were ready for this. How far out of your depth were you really? Berserker couldn't be killed! Assassin played both you and Saber for fools! And they were only a taste of what was to come. You didn't want to be here, this wasn't were you were supposed to be!
You feel yourself breathe faster and faster. Your legs give out but you don't even feel hitting the ground. Saber put his hand on your shoulder "We need to move."
You don't say anything; you don't even nod. Saber picks you up and carries you bridal style, running away from the battlefield. As Saber moves you look out at the countryside rapidly running by. The light from the fire was slowly dimming so you couldn't see everything in the detail that you wanted to.
You were outside, out from the manor away from any controlling father. You would've given anything to be here. This was the world, it was so big, so vibrant even in the night. These large structures running by were trees, the things flying out from their branches were birds, no, bats. Everything had its place and a reason for being there, it was a beautiful, strange system that worked in perfect tandem with one another. This was the world.
But, it was also far less welcoming than what Adam said it was.
You keep looking around and in the shadow you catch a glimpse of something. In the shadow of one of the trees something was glowing. There were two of them and they were red. They almost looked like ey-"SABER, THE SHADOWS!"
Saber's gaze snaps around just in time for Berserker to form from the shadows next to you and lunge at you. Saber tightens his grip on you and jumps just in time for Berserker to fly right under you. As soon as the dark servant crashes into the ground, every dark space that held a shadow glowed with the same pair of red eyes that belonged to the same servant.
"Damnation," Saber whispers.
With that, the shadows erupted and hundreds of Berserkers shot out at you and Saber. Saber stabs his sword into the ground bringing the both of you to a sudden stop. In the space where you would have been, five Berserkers crash into one another. Instead of forming a somewhat comical pile of black metal like you expected, as soon as the Berserkers touched they became one again.
From behind, another set of Berserkers rush at you. Saber brought his blade out of the ground and slashes at the line of Berserkers, expertly cutting each of their heads off. They fell to the ground defeated and you waited for them to get up, but they stayed dead instead of healing.
You made a quick note in your head, "The copies can be killed." You think.
More Berserkers charge you and Saber but it was clear that the only advantage they had was strength in numbers. Saber moved with inhuman speed befitting a servant, striking down any and all that came close enough to hurt you. As soon as an opening in the formation of Berserker opened up Saber rushes through.
This speed was a dimension above what you experienced before. The wind was so bad that you couldn't see. A few seconds pass like that before Saber slows down enough so that you could actually see again.
You and Saber were coming up on an old dirt road that lead deep into the forest leading away from the distant lights of a city. On the side of the road you could see a car that if you remember correctly from your readings, was an small oldsmobile. Saber made his way to the car and sets you down next to the car.
Saber turns to face the Berserkers but one appears in the shadow near the car and punches Saber. It only sent him back a set before Saber retaliates with a swift swing of his sword. The Berserker shadow goes down but so many more rush to replace their fallen brother. It only took a second for Saber to be surrounded but he seemed to be holding his own for now.
The amount of Berserkers seemed to be endless. How can a servant like this exist?
"So...on a scale from one to Jesus, how affiliated with the Church are you? Because I have an upside-down cross and I'm not afraid to use it."
You turn your head to the voice and it just so happen to come from the car you were hiding behind. The source was a man sitting in the driver's seat - somewhat skinny, with short blonde hair. He was dressed fairly unremarkably, wearing jeans and a t-shirt underneath a hooded jacket. About the only thing out of the ordinary was a bandolier he was wearing, which had...sticks of chalk loaded into it rather than bullets.
"So, what brings you and your many, many friends to my neck of the woods?" he says without a hint of worry.
Your jaw drops, how casual could this man be?
"You need to get out of here!" you warn "It's too dangerous to be here!"
The man raises an eyebrow "Dangerous relative to what exactly?"
"Go!" you scream; if this guy didn't move he was going to die.
One of the Berserkers landed on the man's car and his response? Stick his head out the window and glare at the black servant "You're with the Church, aren't you?! Get the hell off my car!"
Berserker only tilts its head and the man just rolls his eyes "Well, I always wanted a convertible."
From the glove compartment the man pulls out...well, it looked like a pistol, but too bulky and covered in formalcraft etchings - wait, what the hell?
He points the pistol up at the ceiling and pulls the trigger. The pistol heats up with power before firing a blast of magical energy so big it incinerates the roof of the Oldsmobile along with Berserker.
The blast lights up the night and sends your jaw crashing to the ground yet again. The man hums a little tune before unbuckling himself and standing up on the seat so that everyone could see him, and since everyone and their dog saw the blast, they were indeed looking at him. He flips his hood back and grins a shit-eating grin so big that even Adam would have a hard time competing with him.
He spreads his arms wide "Ladies and gentleservants! I have a question for you all! What is the airspeed velocity of twenty Berserkers after they get hit with truck filled to bursting with C4?"
Pure silence. He sighs and looks disappointed "No takers? Damn, looks like we have to figure it out ourselves. Oh, Rider~!"
From the woods a truck crashes straight through the trees and runs straight for the Berserkers and Saber. Saber had the good sense to jump out of the way as fast as he could but the Berserkers weren't as lucky. The car plowed through the line of shadow servants and kept going. As soon as it was far enough away the man next to you smiles before clicking a small button on his pistol. Then, the truck explodes.
The Berserkers were sent flying and the burning truck continued to move forward hitting more Berserker as they came out of the woods. Something jumped out of the burning wreckage, tumbled across the ground and came to a stop next to the car. "You know, Master," it said, picking itself up and dusting itself off, "next time I decide when we blow up the car."
Servant Rider was a tall, impressive looking man with windblown hair and golden eyes. His armor was mostly leather with metal plates at the shoulders and upper body, plus forearms. On his hip was a brazen short sword but it didn't carry the weight or power of a Noble Phantasm.
Your masters clairvoyance activated and the information came to you.
"You have magic resistance, you big baby. Quit complaining," Rider's master countered, before glancing at you. "I feel like you're not from the Church. What's your name?"
You look between Rider and Troy and for a second you wonder if you hit your head somewhere on the way here and these were just hallucinations. "....Sigyn."
He blinks. "Sigyn? Nice name." he says with a smile "I'm Troy Forthill and this spoilsport is Rider."
Rider rolls his eyes "I am not a spoilsport."
"We had to leave the bar because you got pissy; ergo, you're a spoilsport." Troy says.
"At least I actually got lucky." Rider says with a suggestive smile.
"Sure, with the drunk chick dressed like an elf. Real high bar you're setting."
Rider narrows his eyes at his master "Low blow master, low blow."
You glance behind Troy and Rider and just as you feared, the Berserkers were still coming. You flinch as someone taps you on the shoulder but it was just Saber.
"We need to move now." he says
"Oh don't be that guy Saber." Troy says "The show's just about to start."
Despite the need to leave right now, you ask "What show?"
Troy smiles "This one."
He presses another button on his pistol and several more explosions erupt to life in the field where the Berserkers were charging towards you. It looked like a bad scene from one of the old action movies Adam liked to watch. It seemed that every time that a Berserker took a step an explosion blossomed from under it. It was like a symphony of fire and force but the Berserkers kept coming and the explosions were slowing down.
"How did you set this up?" Saber asks.
Troy laughs "Well, a fight between a Saber and a Berserker is kind of hard to miss. Figured I couldn't let all your effort go to waste, so I was going to give all this as a prize to the winner."
Your eyes narrow slightly as a thought occurs to you "But you had a chance to kill us when we came through the field to get here. Why didn't you?"
"Call it chivalry."
Troy grins like a madman and if the last few minutes have been any indication, he was one. Possibly a genius, but a madman. For some odd reason you thought about how many times the two of those words went hand in hand in history but thankfully Rider was the voice of reason "Hey Master, I like fighting an army of raging darkness Berserkers as much as the next guy but can we please get to the part where we get out of here alive?"
Troy frowns "We've been through worse today Rider, don't be such a drama queen."
"You made me ram into Berserker at mach speeds before blowing me up! This is a perfectly reasonable amount of drama!"
Troy raises an eyebrow in thought, "Eh don't be so mad. Besides, it was only a rental."
He glances back at you "So, Sigyn, you have a literal army of Berserkers after you, who I think are trying to re-enact the book of Revelation on us - though admittedly it wouldn't be the first time I've been wrong about that sort of thing. Also, item of interest: you have no car and my Oldsmobile seats four. Need a lift?"
You blink in surprise for what feels like the millionth time in this many minutes. Was this guy for real? He had just run a servant over with a car, turned a disturbingly large swathe of Japanese countryside into a smoking hole in the earth and was talking like it was a common occurrence.
He said his name was Troy Forthill, wait, that was the name of the master that even William and the Church knew nothing about. The reports speculated that he was only human, but that gun had to be a Mystic Code if you'd ever seen one. He was an unknown, but he also had a way to get out of here. And he was the Master of Rider; with his help you could get to Fuyuki in half the time!
You think for a moment. You now have an easy way out of here...but it's with a nutcase.
Tory was holding out his hand to offer you a seat in the oldsmobile. You…
[] Take the offer and go with Troy to safety.
-[] "Drive far, drive fast!"
--[] Write in
[] Stay, you'd rather take your chances with Berserker than this madman.
[] Write in
A/N: See what happens when you get out of the car?
-[X] Tell him about your little Assassin issue via mental link as you do so
--[X] All of it, especially the parts about getting stabbed
As the knife edged closer to your throat you quickly rack your brain for options. Something, anything to get out of this alive. What you came up with was...nothing. There was nothing you could do without Assassin slitting your throat like paper. He wanted you to get out of the car, but that would make you the easiest target for Berserker.
But Saber was also out there as well. With his Guardian Knight skill, there was a chance he could get the two of you out of here. So with that in mind, you grit your teeth and do what Assassin told you to do. After a quick click the seat belt slides to your side allowing you to get out. You move your hand to the door handle and the red eyes of Assassin are joined by a glowing white smile "You're doing wonderfully. Now, if you would continue?"
You shake slightly, the fear and disgust of the situation hitting you. You're about to open the door when a thought occurs to you. You couldn't use magic, Command Seals were right out but Assassin couldn't hear what goes inside your head. His voice was reaching your head but that wasn't the same as reading your mind (you hoped), which meant that you could still talk to Saber. He needed to know what was going on, right now!
Please let Assassin be unable to hear this.
<Saber!> you scream in your head.
<What is it Sigyn?> Saber asks, his mental voice not at all discouraged that you were distracting him from fighting Berserker. <I sense your fear, are you in danger?>
You slowly open the door to the car, you had a part to keep up after all <Yes, Assassin has a knife at my throat.> You respond as you start to step out of the car <He's going to make me run into the fight and get ripped apart by Berserker. If I don't do what he asks, he'll kill me, slowly by the way he talks.>
Saber was silent for a few moments while you stepped out into the street <Saber, you can get to me fast enough to get away from Berserker and Assassin, right?>
When Saber didn't say anything the fear in you grew to even greater heights <Saber?>
An explosion of force rang out, stopping any conversation from happening between you and your servant. The explosion brought out a gust of wind that forces you to cover your eyes from the dust and rock. When you didn't feel any more wind you open your eyes and you see Saber and Berserker.
Saber looks completely fine, there wasn't a wound anywhere on his body. Not even a scratch was on his armor. Berserker however, had clearly seen better days. Its armor was broken and cut in several places and black blood flowed from the wounds. Despite the grievous wounds it was raging just as fast and just as strong. It swung its sword arms in wide, crazy arcs that Saber had little trouble dodging. He retreated back a few steps to allow both servants a chance to catch their breath, so to speak.
Saber glances back at you for a second and then his attention turns back to Berserker, pretending like he didn't notice you getting out of the car. You feel something on your back, it felt like a hand but nothing was behind you. It kept prodding you on but you didn't feel any presence behind you. So this was the famed Presence Concealment of the Assassin class.
You glance backward and again, nothing was there but the prodding continues. You slowly take a step towards Berserker and Saber, fast enough to play the part, but slow enough for Saber and you to come up with something.
Another step forward and still no word from Saber. Berserker roars again and being so close to the sound makes you flinch. The dark servant charges Saber again and the two go into a fury of close ranged blows and strikes.
Another prod from Assassin. You grit your teeth slightly, they were starting to get really annoying! You're already marching to your death what more does this servant want!?!
<Anything?> You ask, the situation wasn't getting any more desperate.
Another shockwave rings out as Saber dodges another of Berserker's blow that shook the ground. You jump back on pure reflex and the hand of Assassin pushes you forward causing you to stumble towards the battle. You catch a glimpse of Saber deflecting Berserker sword swing before delivering a punch to the servant's helm sending it flying backwards.
<I have a plan.>
You perk up, finally some good news! <I'm all ears.>
<Come closer to the battle, so close that Berserker could strike you down with barely a swing.>
<Saber, are you sure that's a plan that get us both out of here alive?>
Was Saber really serious? That plan sounded like something a madman would come up with, it would take one to pull it off as well!
A moment of silence passes <Yes.> Saber responds, his mental voice devoid of any sarcasm.
It took all of your self control not to groan, or laugh or do anything that indicated you were talking to Saber. Assassin had to still be behind you so you couldn't do anything but at the moment that wasn't a very good reason to keep quiet.
The only thing you risk doing is shake your head. It served the dual purpose of expressing your confusion and act like a scared fool to Assassin. The second act wasn't to hard to pull off thankfully.
<Ok, so how does this plan get us out of this situation?>
Saber rolls to the side of Berserker and cuts a deep gash into its arm. It roars again and tries to attack but Saber was to far away from it to do any damage.
<As you edge closer, Assassin waits for the right opportunity to leave your side in order to escape the fury of Berserker.>
Another block, and another shower of sparks erupts between Saber and Berserker.
<As soon as Assassin knows that you are surely to die, he will leave you. And the moment he does, I will take you away from this place. I'm sorry that's all I have but I have no other option. I have no phantasm capable of protecting you from this beast, nor can my speed get you from Assassin's grasp fast enough. I'm sorry Sigyn.>
You think it over, it was a risky plan, but it was better than waiting for Assassin to just kill you right there. It was incredibly insane, but if anyone could pull it off, it was Saber.
You keep yourself from nodding in agreement as you take another step forward <Don't be sorry, I can't do anything in this situation either.>
You steel yourself <Ok, let's do it.>
You catch a quick glimpse of Saber smiling but it could have been your imagination. He returned to Berserker and positioned himself so that he was away from you and the black servant had no obstacles to attack you.
<I will scream your name, that will be the mark to charge towards Berserker.>
You swallow fear and a bead of sweat runs down your neck.
<Don't worry master, I promised that I would get you back to your family. And in the lord's name, I will never break that promise for as long as I draw breath.>
Again, you don't show any sign of your thanks.
<Ready?> Saber asks.
Here it comes <Ready.> you say back.
You take another step forward, a small stone gets crushed by your foot causing a small cracking sound to right out. Berserker tilts its head in confusion but he kept attacking Saber.
<On three. One.>
You tense, Berserker was close enough that you could hear its ragged breathing.
'Don't think, don't feel fear. Just. Run.' You think to yourself.
<Great plan, but does this show come with popcorn? It'll be boring without the snacks you know.>
You instantly stop walking towards Berserker. He knew, Assassin heard everything!
Saber's eyes widen in surprise and this hesitation causes him to slow down just a bit. But that bit was enough for Berserker to grasp Sabers throat with its hand and slam your servant down into the ground. The ground shatters and Saber couldn't even scream in pain.
Through the dust you see Saber cough up blood. Faster than you could even shout a word, Berserker turns his other arm into a sword and runs the dark blade through the shoulder that Saber held his blade. Saber brought his other arm over in a desperate attempt to knock Berserker off of him.
But right before his fist might have connected with Berserker's head, another hand formed itself from the dark aura of Berserker's helm and caught Sabers strike. Instead of fading into Berserker like the last hand did, the arm continued to grow. From the dark energy the arm was joined by a shoulder, then a torso, then a leg and then finally a body. It looked like an exact copy of Berserker, right down to the dark aura and mad gaze. Both of its arms turned into swords and it stabs through both of Saber's hands pinning him to the ground.
Berserker, the first, lets go of Saber's neck and slowly pulls its blade out of Saber's shoulder. Saber let out a cry in pain but he quickly bit his lip stopping the sound from going any further. Berserker than slowly walks towards you, even through the madness it knew you were it's.
Saber weakly glances between you, Berserker and Berserker Two "How?" he asks weakly.
"Oh it's quite simple." Berserker Two said.
It spoke with an age and intelligences that the original Berserker didn't have. It sounded experienced, mercilus and completely in control.
"My master there said we. I am merely one the hundred 'we'. His mind is clouded by madness but mine and the other's are the screams that drove him to that dark place."
Berserker Two's helm twisted and morphed until the eye slit was now at the mouth and two red eyes replaced the slit. The slit curved itself up until a red smile was made over its face.
"Who are you?" Saber asks.
Berserker Two let out a crazy laugh "We are nothing but the darkness in the memories of man. We are the demons that cause woman to scream and brave heroes to run in fear."
From Berserker Two another copy of its crawls out of the black mass. Then another, and another, and another, they just kept coming until you counted at least twenty Berserker's. Ten were guardian Saber, the other nine disappear into shadow and reform around you, making a big circle.
"We are Legion," they all say except for the original "For we are many!"
As the original Berserker steps closer, one thing runs through head "RUN! GET AWAY FROM THIS THING! IF YOU DON'T MOVE YOU'LL DIE! RUN!"
You try and take a step back but the hand of Assassin grabs you around the throat. The grip cuts off all the air in your system, choking you. You desperately claw at the force you knew was there but your fingers feel nothing but your own flesh.
"Did you think I was going to leave without seeing the show I was promised? Oh, I'm going to remember you my little friend. As the bitch who thought she could get out of this alive."
As dark spots grow in your vision you see Berserker right in front of you. It raises its sword arm, someone screamed something at you, but you were too far gone to hear. Before you close your eyes for the last time, Berserker swings its arm down.
And the world explodes.
You can't see what caused it, you barely hear the sound, but the feeling of force pushing you back is unmistakable. The force choking you stops and you fall to the ground gasping for air. You look around but your vision was too hazy to make out everything in perfect detail. You see Saber break away from the Berserkers, then another explosion erupts next to you.
It knocks you to the side and causes your ears to ring to the point that everything sounded in one mad symphony of pain.
Something grabbed you and threw you away but you couldn't tell what it was.
Someone was talking, but the ringing hadn't stopped yet.
You shut your eyes tight, forcing your senses to focus on what was around you. When everything clears up, you find yourself leaning against the side guard of the highway with Saber next to you.
The road, or what was left of it, was on fire. Broken chunks of concrete and metal burned with, wait? Why was the fire teal? You faintly remember Saber scream something before the explosion, was this his doing? If so, what kind of Saber had fire that was colored teal?
The broken, burning wreck of a tire slowly rolls up next to you. Despite the situation the tire actually draws your attention away from the fire for a second. You blink to get the final dots out of your eyes and you glance between the fire and the tire.
"The car blew up." you say.
Saber nods "You know master, there was a chance you could have summoned me in the Rider class. This," he glances back at the burning street "Is not the best opening ride to a journey I've had."
He thinks for a second "Not my worst either."
You crack a small smile "Saber, we really need to talk about when we should and shouldn't tell jokes."
Saber smirks "The lesson will be quick and painless I'm sure."
He slowly helps you to your feet and as you stand up you can't stop yourself as you let out a slight gasp at seeing Saber. Both of his hands were broken with a large hole in the center of both palms. His neck had a dark bruise and it was bleeding slightly. The worst of it was the shoulder where Berserker stabbed him. It was bleeding horribly and you could see straight through the wound.
"Saber! Sit down you need healing!" you command.
Saber blinks in confusion before following your gaze to the hole. He nods but remains standing "Sigyn, only heal my shoulder and do it quickly."
You start your healing spell and focus the prana into Saber shoulder. The wound closes surprisingly fast for the damage made to it but you only got through a healing before Saber grabs you around the waist with his good arm.
Before you could either protest or say anything for that matter Saber jumps over the small barrier built up around the highway. As soon as his foot touches the ground on the other side, the wind and g-force hit you.
It felt like you were running faster than sound but you could still see if you squinted your eyes. The dark night provided little to no light to guide Saber's way but the colored flame of his attack was the perfect way to light the way.
"Saber why are we running! We got away from Assassin, your attack worked!" You scream over the wind.
Saber slows down and comes to a stop. You look up to his face and you see a battle hardened warrior. Saber looked angrier than when he saw Lord Hildebrand.
"Sigyn, I'm sorry." Saber whispers.
Saber sets you down and points towards the fire. You were about half a mile away but the light from the fire was bright enough for you to see the surrounding area. He lowers his hand "I have only been reborn in this time for only six hours, but in that time I have made two grave mistakes. The first is promising that nothing will touch you,"
Your head snaps away from the fire to look at Saber "That wasn't your fault! If Assassin hadn't shown up you would've kept your promise easily."
Saber smiles slightly but it quickly goes away, replaced by the hard gaze "That is the second mistake I have made."
The sound of an rage fueled roar draws your attention and shakes you to the core. There, standing in the middle of the flames completely unharmed was Berserker. As you look at it, you see that it was completely fine. The damage he sustained from fighting Saber was gone and it looked at ease in the searing hot flames.
You feel your entire body shake in fear "You can hurt it right?"
Saber nods "I can, but his wounds were only a ruse. No matter how fast I inflict damage on him, Berserker could heal twice as fast. The fire was a creation of someone else's doing, they were watching all along."
Your breath quickens "Do you have a phantasm able to take him out in one go?" you ask desperately.
"I do," hope grows in your chest "But I can't use it in my current state. At best my secondary Noble Phantasm will be able to greatly injure him, but I doubt it will kill."
You couldn't breath, you told Adam you were ready for this. How far out of your depth were you really? Berserker couldn't be killed! Assassin played both you and Saber for fools! And they were only a taste of what was to come. You didn't want to be here, this wasn't were you were supposed to be!
You feel yourself breathe faster and faster. Your legs give out but you don't even feel hitting the ground. Saber put his hand on your shoulder "We need to move."
You don't say anything; you don't even nod. Saber picks you up and carries you bridal style, running away from the battlefield. As Saber moves you look out at the countryside rapidly running by. The light from the fire was slowly dimming so you couldn't see everything in the detail that you wanted to.
You were outside, out from the manor away from any controlling father. You would've given anything to be here. This was the world, it was so big, so vibrant even in the night. These large structures running by were trees, the things flying out from their branches were birds, no, bats. Everything had its place and a reason for being there, it was a beautiful, strange system that worked in perfect tandem with one another. This was the world.
But, it was also far less welcoming than what Adam said it was.
You keep looking around and in the shadow you catch a glimpse of something. In the shadow of one of the trees something was glowing. There were two of them and they were red. They almost looked like ey-"SABER, THE SHADOWS!"
Saber's gaze snaps around just in time for Berserker to form from the shadows next to you and lunge at you. Saber tightens his grip on you and jumps just in time for Berserker to fly right under you. As soon as the dark servant crashes into the ground, every dark space that held a shadow glowed with the same pair of red eyes that belonged to the same servant.
"Damnation," Saber whispers.
With that, the shadows erupted and hundreds of Berserkers shot out at you and Saber. Saber stabs his sword into the ground bringing the both of you to a sudden stop. In the space where you would have been, five Berserkers crash into one another. Instead of forming a somewhat comical pile of black metal like you expected, as soon as the Berserkers touched they became one again.
From behind, another set of Berserkers rush at you. Saber brought his blade out of the ground and slashes at the line of Berserkers, expertly cutting each of their heads off. They fell to the ground defeated and you waited for them to get up, but they stayed dead instead of healing.
You made a quick note in your head, "The copies can be killed." You think.
More Berserkers charge you and Saber but it was clear that the only advantage they had was strength in numbers. Saber moved with inhuman speed befitting a servant, striking down any and all that came close enough to hurt you. As soon as an opening in the formation of Berserker opened up Saber rushes through.
This speed was a dimension above what you experienced before. The wind was so bad that you couldn't see. A few seconds pass like that before Saber slows down enough so that you could actually see again.
You and Saber were coming up on an old dirt road that lead deep into the forest leading away from the distant lights of a city. On the side of the road you could see a car that if you remember correctly from your readings, was an small oldsmobile. Saber made his way to the car and sets you down next to the car.
Saber turns to face the Berserkers but one appears in the shadow near the car and punches Saber. It only sent him back a set before Saber retaliates with a swift swing of his sword. The Berserker shadow goes down but so many more rush to replace their fallen brother. It only took a second for Saber to be surrounded but he seemed to be holding his own for now.
The amount of Berserkers seemed to be endless. How can a servant like this exist?
"So...on a scale from one to Jesus, how affiliated with the Church are you? Because I have an upside-down cross and I'm not afraid to use it."
You turn your head to the voice and it just so happen to come from the car you were hiding behind. The source was a man sitting in the driver's seat - somewhat skinny, with short blonde hair. He was dressed fairly unremarkably, wearing jeans and a t-shirt underneath a hooded jacket. About the only thing out of the ordinary was a bandolier he was wearing, which had...sticks of chalk loaded into it rather than bullets.
"So, what brings you and your many, many friends to my neck of the woods?" he says without a hint of worry.
Your jaw drops, how casual could this man be?
"You need to get out of here!" you warn "It's too dangerous to be here!"
The man raises an eyebrow "Dangerous relative to what exactly?"
"Go!" you scream; if this guy didn't move he was going to die.
One of the Berserkers landed on the man's car and his response? Stick his head out the window and glare at the black servant "You're with the Church, aren't you?! Get the hell off my car!"
Berserker only tilts its head and the man just rolls his eyes "Well, I always wanted a convertible."
From the glove compartment the man pulls out...well, it looked like a pistol, but too bulky and covered in formalcraft etchings - wait, what the hell?

He points the pistol up at the ceiling and pulls the trigger. The pistol heats up with power before firing a blast of magical energy so big it incinerates the roof of the Oldsmobile along with Berserker.
The blast lights up the night and sends your jaw crashing to the ground yet again. The man hums a little tune before unbuckling himself and standing up on the seat so that everyone could see him, and since everyone and their dog saw the blast, they were indeed looking at him. He flips his hood back and grins a shit-eating grin so big that even Adam would have a hard time competing with him.
He spreads his arms wide "Ladies and gentleservants! I have a question for you all! What is the airspeed velocity of twenty Berserkers after they get hit with truck filled to bursting with C4?"
Pure silence. He sighs and looks disappointed "No takers? Damn, looks like we have to figure it out ourselves. Oh, Rider~!"
From the woods a truck crashes straight through the trees and runs straight for the Berserkers and Saber. Saber had the good sense to jump out of the way as fast as he could but the Berserkers weren't as lucky. The car plowed through the line of shadow servants and kept going. As soon as it was far enough away the man next to you smiles before clicking a small button on his pistol. Then, the truck explodes.
The Berserkers were sent flying and the burning truck continued to move forward hitting more Berserker as they came out of the woods. Something jumped out of the burning wreckage, tumbled across the ground and came to a stop next to the car. "You know, Master," it said, picking itself up and dusting itself off, "next time I decide when we blow up the car."
Servant Rider was a tall, impressive looking man with windblown hair and golden eyes. His armor was mostly leather with metal plates at the shoulders and upper body, plus forearms. On his hip was a brazen short sword but it didn't carry the weight or power of a Noble Phantasm.
Your masters clairvoyance activated and the information came to you.
Class: Rider
Master: Troy Forthill
Titles: ???
True Name: ???
Keyword: Crazy Master, ?
Noble Phantasm: ???
Strength: A
Endurance: B+
Agility: C +
Mana: B
Luck: A++
Master: Troy Forthill
Titles: ???
True Name: ???
Keyword: Crazy Master, ?
Noble Phantasm: ???
Strength: A
Endurance: B+
Agility: C +
Mana: B
Luck: A++
"You have magic resistance, you big baby. Quit complaining," Rider's master countered, before glancing at you. "I feel like you're not from the Church. What's your name?"
You look between Rider and Troy and for a second you wonder if you hit your head somewhere on the way here and these were just hallucinations. "....Sigyn."
He blinks. "Sigyn? Nice name." he says with a smile "I'm Troy Forthill and this spoilsport is Rider."
Rider rolls his eyes "I am not a spoilsport."
"We had to leave the bar because you got pissy; ergo, you're a spoilsport." Troy says.
"At least I actually got lucky." Rider says with a suggestive smile.
"Sure, with the drunk chick dressed like an elf. Real high bar you're setting."
Rider narrows his eyes at his master "Low blow master, low blow."
You glance behind Troy and Rider and just as you feared, the Berserkers were still coming. You flinch as someone taps you on the shoulder but it was just Saber.
"We need to move now." he says
"Oh don't be that guy Saber." Troy says "The show's just about to start."
Despite the need to leave right now, you ask "What show?"
Troy smiles "This one."
He presses another button on his pistol and several more explosions erupt to life in the field where the Berserkers were charging towards you. It looked like a bad scene from one of the old action movies Adam liked to watch. It seemed that every time that a Berserker took a step an explosion blossomed from under it. It was like a symphony of fire and force but the Berserkers kept coming and the explosions were slowing down.
"How did you set this up?" Saber asks.
Troy laughs "Well, a fight between a Saber and a Berserker is kind of hard to miss. Figured I couldn't let all your effort go to waste, so I was going to give all this as a prize to the winner."
Your eyes narrow slightly as a thought occurs to you "But you had a chance to kill us when we came through the field to get here. Why didn't you?"
"Call it chivalry."
Troy grins like a madman and if the last few minutes have been any indication, he was one. Possibly a genius, but a madman. For some odd reason you thought about how many times the two of those words went hand in hand in history but thankfully Rider was the voice of reason "Hey Master, I like fighting an army of raging darkness Berserkers as much as the next guy but can we please get to the part where we get out of here alive?"
Troy frowns "We've been through worse today Rider, don't be such a drama queen."
"You made me ram into Berserker at mach speeds before blowing me up! This is a perfectly reasonable amount of drama!"
Troy raises an eyebrow in thought, "Eh don't be so mad. Besides, it was only a rental."
He glances back at you "So, Sigyn, you have a literal army of Berserkers after you, who I think are trying to re-enact the book of Revelation on us - though admittedly it wouldn't be the first time I've been wrong about that sort of thing. Also, item of interest: you have no car and my Oldsmobile seats four. Need a lift?"
You blink in surprise for what feels like the millionth time in this many minutes. Was this guy for real? He had just run a servant over with a car, turned a disturbingly large swathe of Japanese countryside into a smoking hole in the earth and was talking like it was a common occurrence.
He said his name was Troy Forthill, wait, that was the name of the master that even William and the Church knew nothing about. The reports speculated that he was only human, but that gun had to be a Mystic Code if you'd ever seen one. He was an unknown, but he also had a way to get out of here. And he was the Master of Rider; with his help you could get to Fuyuki in half the time!
You think for a moment. You now have an easy way out of here...but it's with a nutcase.
Tory was holding out his hand to offer you a seat in the oldsmobile. You…
[] Take the offer and go with Troy to safety.
-[] "Drive far, drive fast!"
--[] Write in
[] Stay, you'd rather take your chances with Berserker than this madman.
[] Write in
A/N: See what happens when you get out of the car?
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