[X]Fight Rider; something about him told you to keep a eye on him. He may be from Greek, but this guy might have a weakness you could expose.
[X]Fight Rider; something about him told you to keep a eye on him. He may be from Greek, but this guy might have a weakness you could expose.
A difficult battle
You stare at the Greek warrior, there is... Something off about him. The green hair grin as he summoned his spears and pointed at you. "I guess I'll fight you ma'am." He declare before summoning his shield on his left arm.

You stared at him before unsheathing your swords.

Saber, the armored servant summoned a silver like sword and point at Lune, who blink in surprised. "You want to fight Lune?" The knight nodded, causing Lune to beam up happily; "Okay then, Lune will fight you." He said as he lift up his shield while unsheathing his long sword from his back, before assuming a defensive position. Drake sigh in annoyance; "Then I'll be facing Archer, no point at fight both Lancer and Berserker." Drake told them as he took a stance, holding the crimson spear, while Archer pulled out her arrow and notches at her bow.

"Hmm, Leiticia, don't you want to fight as well?" Scàthach ask Leiticia while turning to face her, who look at her in surprise; "A-are you sure about that?" You hear her ask your leader, who is giggling in response. "How could I? I want to see how you fight after all." This cause her to sigh while unsheathing her swords; "Then I guess I'll fight." Scáthach smile at this before walking toward Lancer. "Then you won't mind if you face Berserker then?"


Scáthach ignored her protest as she walk toward Lancer, who look with a stern faces.

You shake your head in disbelief before focusing on Rider, who is waiting for you to attack him; you sigh as you took a fighting position, making Rider grin as he hold his shield in a blocking stances.

You begin to sprint toward him, holding your sword with two hand, while yelling at the top of the lung; Rider grin even more as his shield block your strikes. You don't paid attention to the surrounding, as you are focusing on striking Rider, who did nothing but standing there while blocking your strikes. "Is that all you can do? Ha! I bet you couldn't even harm a bears with that!" You gave no response as you suddenly appeared behind him and strike at his back...

You are surprise as the blade didn't neither flinch or harm him, before ducking as he swing his spear at where your neck were be. "Ha! You can't harm my body this way!" Rider taunt as you dodge his spear that are aiming at your feet by jumping; then, in mid-air, you deflect his strike with your sword before landing and jumping away from him, while you projects a Calico in your hand and start shooting him, who deflect and block them.

You throw away your gun as you land, making it disappear as it land on the ground; you stared at him as he made his shield disappear and hold his spear in two hand. "Well? I'm waiting for you." Rider keep taunting you as he spin his spear around him before doing a stance. You just sigh as you release a few of your power, a aura flow around you for a few second before disappear.

For a few second, you and Rider stare at each other, hearing the battle between the rest of the fighter; however, you won't let him have a chance to strike you while your guard is down. When you going for a sprint, you disappear from his view and reappear when you strike his spear, deflecting his blow while rolling to his side and thrust at his hip, however, his spear found his way to your sword and deflect it, making you side step a thrust of his spear and then jump as he attempting to swipe your feet. You land behind him and quickly slash at his back; but like the last time, it didn't seem to affect him. He swing his spear and land at your hip with the pole side of it, causing you to throw onto the wall.

You grunted in pain as you standing up, despite the fact that the blow nearly broke your spine. You shouldered yourself and took a stance to yourself.

[ ]Switch to Drake
[ ]Switch to Lune
[ ]Switch to Scàthach

[ ]Write in
Scáthach, the Witch of Dun Scáith
Scáthach sidestep, as Lancer thrust his spear at where she were, before lashing out by swinging her spear upward at his chest, who quickly bend his knee backward to dodge it before back flipping away from her, who just extend her arm toward him. Suddenly, multiple red streak shot off toward him, who ran toward the pillar and wall run it, all while deflecting it.

"Hmm, you're quick." Lancer jump as Scáthach stab her spear toward where he was before dashing toward Lancer, holding him on deadlock. "But not quick enough."

Lancer and Scáthach then strike each other with their spears, deflecting and parrying each of the blows. Then Scáthach spin herself before smacking Lancer into the ground with her spear, then she try to stab him while he's on the ground. Sadly, he rolled away before he could be pierced on his heart.

Scáthach look around the battlefields, taking note of her comrade, right until she noticed you in trouble; she only just sigh before extending her left arm toward Rider, and a red streak flew toward him, which he quickly raise his shield to block it. This give you the opening you need, as you sprint up toward him and begin a relentless strikes toward him, who can only block with each strikes. Scáthach smile as she spin her spear, blocking a unseen strike from Lancer, before looking at him. "Now, where were we?"

Meanwhile, thank with Scáthach's intervention, you continue your relentless strikes toward Rider, landing a few blow at him despite barely even scratching him. Finally, Rider able to deflected the last blow before jumping away from you, while you were projecting your Calico and fire toward him; he only spin around his spear, deflecting every bullets that are nearer; and then, when your out of bullets, you throw you gun away and hold your sword in a two handed grip.

Rider only stand there, waiting for you to attack you.

[COLOR= Green][ ]Switch to Drake
[ ]Switch to Lune[/COLOR]
[COLOR= Blue][ ]Communicate the two missing members; right now, you wish he is here, he would've be able to handle him on his own.[/COLOR]
[ ]Wait for Rider to attack you first.
[ ]Attack Rider fast, with no hesitation
[ ]Make a conversation with him if possible.
-[ ]Write in(Optional)
The arrival of the two member
You stared at Rider, who only just stand there and looking at you, waiting for you to attack him no doubt. You really wish you haven't stare at him from the beginning, as you won't had to fought against someone who barely get a scratch from your blade. You thought of something that could distract him, a way that could...

Actually, you can make a conversation with him at anytime, since he has patient for it.

"Hmm, I wonder just how strong you are?" You ask Rider as he still stood, waiting for you to attack him; you notice him grin in response to your question. "Just one of the heroes from Greece. Take a guess at who I am?" He taunt you, you think, as he crosses his arm, waiting for your answer.

This man is arrogant, but the fact still stand. You're fighting someone who could barely scratch with any hit, a warrior Greece that is no doubt well know and he is a spearmaster; you were thinking on Herakle, the son of Zeus, but there is others well known heroes from Greece that fit the bill.

"You're um.... Achilles?" You kindly ask him, mentally face palming at your innocent tone. Rider just blinked in response from your question, before chuckle at it; "Ha! If this were some sort of story, someone would criticize for first guessing."

Class: Rider
True Name: Achilles
Master: Shirou Amakusa Tokisada
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Keywords: Hero of Greece, Conquerer of Troy, Trope Namer of Achilles's Heel

Strength: B+
Endurance: A
Agility: A+
Mana: C
Luck: D

Class Skill
Magic Resistance: C

Allow a servant to nullify two-action verse.

Riding: A+

Allow a servant to ride almost anything, including lesser Phantasmal Creature.

Personal Skill

Skill and Noble Phantasm remain hidden.


Now you know who's not to face with at least.

Achilles spun his spear before pointing at you, preparing to go on the offense. This is bad, real bad, you need to think of something, anything, until someone could hel--

You heard the sound of a window breaking as two boys break through it, before landing on the floor. The first person is a black haired boy with dark brown eye, wearing a long white coat underneath his black vest and black leather pant, there's a blue gauntlet on his right arm. The second person is a black long haired boy, tied up in ponytail, his facial is feminine, enough that people would think he's a girl at first glanced; he wore a white uniform, looking as if he's from the renaissance era; a long katana rested on his left hip.

You know them as your two remaining friends, one who is the best engineer, and the other the second strongest.

"Oi! Does someone tell me why no one told me that someone started a party?" Akuseru ask everyone, as he stare at the battlefield that is the church; "And why is there a woman pointing her fingernails at my neck?" He ask again as a long and sharp fingernail is pointed at his neck, belonging to a woman.

You sweat drop as they ignore him, focusing on battling each other; only you and Rider are focusing at him.

"Whatever." Akuseru said as he held out his right hand, where his great sword appear on his hand. "I'm gonna kick someone's ass today." As he said, he move toward you and Achilles, ignoring the bewildered woman. "Namikage will handle her." He told you as he stood a stance, waiting for him to fight. "Well? Let do this!"

The green hair blinked at the mercenary's eagerness, before shrugging and spin his spear, preparing to face him.

Well, what will you do?

[ ]Help Zenka, he's about to fight what's probably a servant. You'll make a mental note to help Akuseru later.

[ ]Help Akuseru. Even if he's capable of fighting a Dead Apostle Ancestor, he's doesn't know about Achilles.

[ ]Let them fight, you need to recover your stamina after all.

[COLOR= Green][ ]Switch to Akuseru
-[ ]Write in(Optional)

[ ]Switch to Zenka
-[ ]Write in(Optional)[/COLOR]
[X]Help Akuseru. Even if he's capable of fighting a Dead Apostle Ancestor, he's doesn't know about Achilles.
[X]Help Akuseru. Even if he's capable of fighting a Dead Apostle Ancestor, he's doesn't know about Achilles.
[x]Help Akuseru. Even if he's capable of fighting a Dead Apostle Ancestor, he's doesn't know about Achilles.
[X]Help Akuseru. Even if he's capable of fighting a Dead Apostle Ancestor, he's doesn't know about Achilles.
Akuseru, the Strongest Mercenary
You just look at Akuseru and Achilles, then at Shiro, then at Zenka and Assassin, and look at Akuseru and Achilles again. You not gonna lied, Akuseru doesn't know who he's dealing with; even though he fought against a Dead Apostle Ancestor, he only just barely drove it back. Fighting a Heroic Spirits won't end well for him.

You sigh in annoyance as you walk beside the young mercenary, Fragarach on your hand.

"I'm helping, not because that I like you." You told him as the two of you goes into a fighting stance. "Bah, you look like you have lost a argument, what make you think you can take this guy down?" You damn know how this gonna end for him, but you should consider that he's about to fight a man who's very well capable of killing him senseless. "Anyway, here I go!"

Akuseru take his first strike by sprinting toward Achilles, while positioning his blade to stab him. Said servant only sidestep to avoid his strike before going for the kick; his eye widen in shock as Akuseru disappear, before he reappeared behind him and kick him on his back. This send Achilles toward the wall, too caught off guard from Akuseru's unexpected attack.

You just stare in shock as Achilles getting out of the wall, grinning at him. "Hah, you got me good buddy, but I won't fell the same trick twice!" Achilles yelled as he sprint toward the grinning Akuseru, who dash away from him.

You heard steel clashing steel as the two fighter trade many blow, with a speed that you didn't even expected Akuseru to be this fast; of course, Achilles is faster than Akuseru, but the latter was able to see where the spear would headed, as he keep deflecting the spear. You never thought that it was even possible to even match the Invulnerable Warrior that is Achilles himself.

Akuseru swung his blade at the left hip of Achilles, forcing the invulnerable warrior block it with his spear, giving him a easy target to his face, as the next thing he know, he felt a fist connected to his face, causing Achilles to stumble back from the force of the fist. Akuseru jump back away from Achilles, who's attempting to retaliate by using his kick.

You turned toward Zenka, who only just stare at what's going on, along with Assassin, you probably think she is, before you turned back toward the two, just as Akuseru deflect another blow; you noticed Akuseru sweating, and his heavy breathing, and you knew that it would only be a manner of time before Achilles overwhelm Akuseru.

You got to think of something.

[ ]Trace your gun and aim at Achilles while he's focusing on Akuseru; you can't let Akuseru being defeated, as he's the strongest one.
[ ]Unleash your trump card; you know that nothing could go through him, you need to use your Noble Phantasm at him.
[ ]Use the smoke grenade, Akuseru can see through the smoke with his ability, he has the advantage at this.
[X]Use the smoke grenade, Akuseru can see through the smoke with his ability, he has the advantage at this.
Not even ten minutes a,d already I got voted! That's a new record.

Here's the second character sheet:

Name: Akuseru Burugosu
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Keywords: Japanese, mercenary, odd Casanova Wannabe

Strength: B-
Endurance: A
Agility: B
Mana: B
Luck: C-

Personal Skill
Berserk: B+

Oddly, Akuseru can go into a state of controlled rage when given the chance.

Magecraft: B+

It could be, without a doubt, near rival to a powerful Magus.

Animal Dialogue: A++

Strange for someone like him to speak with a animal, maybe he's more derange than he let on?

Mental Pollution: A-

Akuseru has more resistant toward mental interference, but there's no one who could even understand of his philosophy.

Witchcraft: A+

What he's excell at, his skill with this magic that was looked downed upon give his advantage over those who doesn't know about Witchcraft. His mastery over Witchcraft could rival his friend's mastery over Runecraft.

Noble Phantasm: N/A

Akuseru has no need for a Noble Phantasm.
Name: Zenka Namikage
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Keywords: A simple job, the blue of Akuseru's red, lucky boy

Strength: C-
Endurance: B
Agility: A
Mana: B-
Luck: A+

Personal Skill:
Riding: A+

Zenka is capable of riding most of the vehicle, including the Suzuki Hayabusa, without a major problem.

Runecraft: A+

Zenka is the master of the Runecraft. As such, he's the one who created the runes with Scáthach's help. He could rival Akuseru's mastery over witchcraft.

Eye of the True Mind: B+

Zenka can analize the battlefield, and can rarely caught him off guard.

Item Contruction: C+

Zenka is the engineer of the group, so he repair any damage vehicles. He can also create potions and poisons.

Noble Phantasm

Donjo Masamune: B-

The legendary sword that his grandfather give him as a gift. It is said that the Masamune has a curse spirit dwell inside it, and would cause any wielded to lose themselves from bloodlust. However, the sword seem to response to Zenka as his master, a rare occurrence for something like the Masamune to act like this; but its ability to harm any spirits, especially anything Evil, is useful against the Heroic Spirits.
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[X]Use the smoke grenade, Akuseru can see through the smoke with his ability, he has the advantage at this.

Trust in servants to do their job with whatever advantages you can give them.