The Final Holy Grail War took place in 2004 AD, and although it was more devastated than the last four, the grail was destroyed for good. After the destruction of the grail, the lives of the remaining masters has live in peace for almost half years... Until a unexpected accident occurred.
Tohsaka Rin, former master of Archer, tried to replicated the Jewel of Azoth, in a attempt to make it stronger and become famous. It didn't work, and not only failed to created it, but somehow merged with two others world. Because of that incident, every servants and masters that dies in the final grail war was brought back from the death. Despite this incident, they decided to live in peaceful life, since the holy grail war is no more, even if a certain incident has occurred.
However, they never realize it until it is too late.
Before the creation of the Holy Grail, one of the three founding families tweaked the grail, so that in the event that the grail should be corrupted, the grail would quickly turn into a different fragment of the lesser grail, each of them assigned with a servant to make sure that the lesser grail would be safe. However, due to Angra Mainyu's corrupt most of the fragment when he find out, only ten of the lesser grail remained.
Although the destruction of the corrupted grail and the disappearance of the greater grail has cause shift in the lesser grail, none of the lesser grail went to reunite with the greater grail, either been found and taken by the churches or due to a different circumstance.
For a year and a half since the fifth grail war, the lesser grail that aren't found by the churches had been hidden in a public place with their Ruler, making sure not to interfere the mortal people unless it necessary.
But that has been all but changed.
You are...
[ ]Male
[ ]Female
You and your friends went into London, off into a vacation after the jobs that involved hunting a family of three death apostle, with one of them being the Tenth Ancestor. It may be suicide to everyone, but to you and your friends, it just another normal mission.
After all, you are...
[ ]A Homunculus, created by a unknown Magus. You are base off of the long deceased Magu Killer, with a family crest being given by the Mages Association. Despite having almost to no knowledge of magecraft, you learn how to manipulate time, projecting weaponry and reinforcing. And thank with a rune one of your friend give you, you can wield, albeit a weak one, a Noble Phantasm.(Normal difficulty)
[ ]The infamous mercenary that most people fear. Although you always go on a mission because you was bored, being the only one who can use the forbidden magic, combined with almost limitless supply of mana, you may be the most dangerous threat in the world.(Not recommended for those that doesn't want to be easy)
[ ]The Witch of Dun Scaith. You may have left Avalon in your own device, you still wish to find a way to be mortal again. You are surprise that your friends would do anything to help you become mortal, you decided to make their life better day training them.(Available only on female)
[ ]The infamous thief. You have the record of committing the highest heist and the most intelligent of all. With the help of one of your friend, you create a rune that not only be able to fight on par with a certain Death Apostle, but can allow them to use Noble Phantasm depending on the rune's strength.
[ ]Just a young teenage fellow. You can't remember who you were, nor your past, you just pop into existence. You accompanying your friend because you have nothing else to do. You only just learning some advance magic after learning to use reinforce, however, you been taught how to use a sword and shield thank to the rune they give you.(Recommended for challenges)
[ ]A man who has been taught by the Witch of Dun Scaith. You wield the spear of Cú Chulainn after being able to pass her trial, while other can't. You are a wise man who make a careful plans to deal with enemies.
[X]A Homunculus, created by a unknown Magus. You are base off of the long deceased Magu Killer, with a family crest being given by the Mages Association. Despite having almost to no knowledge of magecraft, you learn how to manipulate time, projecting weaponry and reinforcing. And thank with a rune one of your friend give you, you can wield, albeit a weak one, a Noble Phantasm.(Normal difficulty)
[X]A Homunculus, created by a unknown Magus. You are base off of the long deceased Magu Killer, with a family crest being given by the Mages Association. Despite having almost to no knowledge of magecraft, you learn how to manipulate time, projecting weaponry and reinforcing. And thank with a rune one of your friend give you, you can wield, albeit a weak one, a Noble Phantasm.(Normal difficulty)
[X]A man who has been taught by the Witch of Dun Scaith. You wield the spear of Cú Chulainn after being able to pass her trial, while other can't. You are a wise man who make a careful plans to deal with enemies.
I really like the idea of being a guy so baddass they decided he was good enough to use Gáe Bolg. Sure it means our existence will no doubt be suffering but still it seems like it would be fun and rather unique.
[X]The infamous mercenary that most people fear. Although you always go on a mission because you was bored, being the only one who can use the forbidden magic, combined with almost limitless supply of mana, you may be the most dangerous threat in the world.(Not recommended for those that doesn't want to be easy)
You felt something poke you as you slowly stirred awake. "Come on Emiya, we're here." A man told you as you got up, all while stretching and yawning. You release the seatbelt as you open the door and getting out of the car from the passenger seat.
London, that where you are now.
It has been a days since the last mission involving Louvre and his children. You and your friends didn't get the kill, because someone is able to kill them without being noticed by anyone--including Lorelei.
You sight in disappointment, right before one of your friend suddenly went to the other way. "I'm gonna go to the Clock Tower if you need me." The black short hair boy told you and the other before heading straight toward the tower, making a peace sign along the way. "Then I'll be going with him, to make sure he doesn't do anything outrageous." The ponytail boy name Zenka said before chasing after him.
You don't complain, as you know what happened if both Lorelei and that boy were to be in the same room.
"Now that the situation with Louvre has been settle, what should we do now?" Lune, the adorable teenage boy, ask to everyone. You look at Drake, who seemingly thinking of something. "You know, come to think of it, I happen to hear a rumors that involved about the Holy Grail." You and the other perked up at his statement. "Holy Grail? You mean the wish granting device?" You had to ask him to see if that what's he's talking about. "Yes. From what I gather here, the Church has discover a three grail that seemingly appeared from out of nowhere." You raise your eyebrows. "Really?"
"Yes. In fact, I am just about stealing the fourth grail they recently uncovered." Everyone blinked at his response. "I'm quite curious about that particular grail, as I heard that they stole it from a girl... the very same girl who give us a job for it."
"Eh!?" You yelled in shocked as you stared at him.
It is at this point that someone came in.
Now you're jealous of her.
Because Lune blushed at seeing her. You can't blame him, though, because she's drop dead gorgeous, to the point that it felt unreal. Amethyst-colored eyes, long braided hair and her chest is probably a D cup. You stared at your own chest, wishing that you have a D-cup instead of C-cup.
"Um... Its nice to meet you." The girl greet to everyone shyly while bowing to you and Lune. Okay, her moe level is rising, not good for you and probably Keybi.
"I-i-its a ple-pleasure to meet you miss." Oh boy, you know how Lune has a habit when he has a polite tone instead of his usual childish side when either embarrassed or when speaking with girl that can be distracted. "The name's Lune." He introduce himself while holding his hand out, to which she shake. "My names Laeticia, it nice to meet you Lune." She then smile, making her moe level increased in every seconds.
In your mind, you're crying in the corner of your mind in despair.
"As I was saying." You were brought back to reality as Drake continue, "Laeticia here has ask me to help her get the Holy Grail back, despite the church's authority." Drake brief you as Scáthach, the Witch of Dun Scaith and the leader of the group, lean back at the wall. "So in theory, she want it back because she's protecting it. But that raised me a question, why do you want to protect it." At this point, she look down, saddened. "I promise a friend that I would protected, and I can't fail, not after everything we been through" She then look at them with determination in her eyes. "So please, help me get it back, I want to fulfilled my promise." She said, desperately in hope to have a partner
You sighted, you know Lune can't say no to people in need, and one of your friends is suffering a "disease" called "Chronic Hero Syndromes".
"I guess we'll help." You agreed to her, who look at you with hope in her eyes. "Re-really? You would help me? Even if I'm a stranger?" She ask you, which you nodded.
She sighted in relief.
"If I don't mind, who are you?" She politely ask for your name.
Well, seeing as she introduce herself, you decided to introduce yourself.
"Lina; Emiya Lina is my name." You introduce your name to her as you show your smile. She smile back, which you notice that Senjin blushed at seeing you two smile.
"Well, since she introduce her name, allow us introduce ourselves." Drake told her as Lune immediately straighten himself. "M-my name is Lune. That the only name I know." He introduce himself as he bow to Laeticia, who giggle at him; "Likewise, the name is Drake Fraga McRemix, I operate the briefing." Drake introduce as he lean back on the wall. "Well, my name is Scáthach, the leader of the group." She introduce herself as she shake her hand.
"Well, all's that'd left is to find the two and introduce them." Drake said as he walk to the direction the two boys has taken. Knowing that boy, he might be dueling Lorelei by now.
You sight as you and the others follow him. ====
Well, your assumption is right once again.
Your friend, Akuseru Burugosu, is once again dueling with Lorelei. You shook your head in dismay as Akuseru's and Lorelei's fist collide on each other's face, before being thrown into the wall. Not a second later, they came out of the wall crater and dashed toward each others before let out a furry of punches into each other, not caring about their body.
"You know what? I think we'll be managed without them." You made up your mind as everyone agree right before you leave the fighting ring.
You will deal with that crazy boy later. ====
The sun is set and night will come soon.
You and your friends walk through the empty twilight in the streets of London. You're getting nearer to the church, and the places is silent.
Honestly, you can't handle with this long silent; maybe you could ask Laeticia a questions or two.
"Hey Laeticia..."
[ ]"How did you find the Grail?"
[ ]"What happened to that friend of your?"
[ ]"Is what Drake said about the Holy Grail is true right?"
[ ]Write in
"What happened to your friend?" You ask Leiticia, who look down with sadness. "She's... Gone a long time ago." You look at her, wondering why is she acting, before deciding to change the subject; "Anyway way, about what Drake say, is it really true?" It was at this question that Leiticia perk up.
"Ah! You mean about the holy grail?" You nodded in response. "Yes, what he's say is true; although the grail itself can't be use for a wish, the grail can store the energy of a servant that are slain, so that it can be use to summon either the same servant or a different one." You raised your eyebrow at her explanation.
"Really? So what the point of protecting the lesser grail if it doesn't grant wishes?" You ask her, who is about to answer your question when--
"We're here." Drake announced as he everyone stop at the front entrance of the church; the holy church where the Executioner, better known as Mage-Hunter, would reside as their headquarters. You shiver at the thought of facing them; you once nearly got yourself killed facing them before, even with the rune; surely they are someone not to be underestimated, Akuseru even almost died twice from fighting them.
"Well then, let go inside shall we?" Drake said as he pushed the door open, into the holy church that would eventually lead into a difficult battle.
And the place where everything changes.
The chapel itself may considered to be holy, a rows of column on both side, many large seat organized neatly on each size and the altar is decorate with red carpet, with two grail made of pure gold sat atop of it.
"Oh? No one's home? Then who let the door unlock?" Drake amusingly wondered himself as you and the other look around the chapel. "Ah, I see I have a visitor." A voice said as a person suddenly materialize in front of the altar, causing you and the other to quickly took a stance.
This one is a young man with tan skin and white long hair, wearing a priest coat with a sacred sacrament on his shoulder and a holy cross sat on his neck.
"My, is that a actual servant I see?" Scáthach ask herself as she give a interested look, contrast to Drake's calm face and the shocked faces of the others; "Is he really is a servant?." Lune said, perplexed by the fact that it is the Holy Grail.
You look at the young man before you.
[ ]Ask him to who he is; this servant seem different, despite encountering one for the first time.
[ ]Ask him about who his master; if he really is a servant, then his master should be here somewhere.
[ ]Ask him to see if he's with the church; something about the way this servant dressed made you curious.
"Are you with the church?" You ask the young man in front of him; the way he dress mean that he's one of them, but this man is a servant, not a executioner, meaning that the church knew that it is the grail itself, and summon one of them.
The man chuckle at your blunt question.
"If this is about whatever or not that they knew who I am, then you're sadly dissapoint that they do not." The man began speaking; "But I am with them, just that they think I am a normal being and not a servant." He state to you and the other.
You narrow your eye at him.
"Who are you?" You ask the servant in question, getting right on the point; if no one know who he is, then how can he stay in this world.
You stare at the two golden cup, using your six sense to see which one of them is it. You feel the mana in the grail, both of them radiate a holy aura, mixed with prana; you realize that both of them are the holy grail itself.
"Ah! So you noticed?" The man ask you as you focus back to him; "You're eye isn't deceiving you, the two of them are the Holy Grail themselves." He revealed them to everyone, who are quite amaze at the revelation. "So there are two of them?" Drake questioned to the man, who just shake his head; "There is more of them, maybe a total of ten-elevent if you count the Holy Grail of Fuyuki." Drake whistle at this. "But, since I know of yourself, allow me introduce myself, Drake Fraga." Everyone focus on the man who say the name of their member.
"My name is Shirou Kotomine, also known as Amakusa Shirō Tokisada, former Saint Apocrypha and Servant class Ruler." He introduce himself as he bow to you and the other, with Drake whistle in amaze; "Amakusa? Interesting indeed, and the fact that your servant class is Ruler too." Drake said as he folded his arm.
"Hmm, I never expected the lesser grail to summon a servant neither." Scáthach spoke out, making you look at her. "What do you mean?" Lune ask Scáthach, which is then answered by Drake; "Ruler is the servant who being summon in the times of crisis; the Ruler serve as the mediator of the Greater Grail when that times happen. But this lesser grail is able to summon a servant, meaning that the grail are in a crisis." Drake explained to you and Lune while staring at Amakusa, who still smiling.
"You are half-right Fraga, although now the Grail summon Ruler as their guardian." He then stare at Leiticia; "But what I'm curious is that this normal girl is safe keeping the Lesser Grail instead of Ruler; so tell me, what happened to the Ruler?" Amakusa ask Leiticia, who just look at the ground; "She's dead." she answer lightly, a single tears falling down.
Amakusa sight sadly. "So she died? And I was hoping to actually meet her in person too." He then shift back at looking at you; "But enough of that, I heard many thing about you all, so I would like to see your strength; Saber, if you would be so kind?" Right as he spoke, you heard the door behind you close, making you turn to see a armored knight has close the door before turning to face yyou
"Lancer; Archer; Rider; Berserker, you can come out now." Then three servants materialize at the column, a Greek Warrior with green hair, a odd half-naked man with a overly long spear, a large gladiator like servant and a girl with cat ear and tail.
You and the others prepare themselves for what may be come.
[ ]Fight Saber; this Knight is wielding a sword and seem strong, and easy to take on by yourself.
[ ]Fight Lancer; that man may be half-naked, but you can feel a large amount of prana from him, making him dangerous. Taking him on would may be suicide if doing it alone.
[ ]Fight Rider; something about him told you to keep a eye on him. He may be from Greek, but this guy might have a weakness you could expose.
[ ]Fight Berserker; Berserker is possibly the most strongest, but its also mean the most dangerous of all; you ready to when to strike em.
[ ]Fight Archer; this archer may not be a pushover, but with her advantage with bow and you would rather facing her head on.
Lina has once went with her friends to bought a bike for her to learn. At one point, she has been practicing riding a motorbike and motorboat as a getaway personnel. At this rank, she can be able to ride with certain vehicle type she has the advantage to uses.
Eye of the True Mind= B-
A skill normally possess by servants; Lina, thanks with the runes on her skin, can use this skill to learns the enemies' pattern without getting caught off guard.
Magic Resistance= D
Because she is base of Kiritsugu, the infamous Magus Killer, she has a slight resistance against a single action spell, with or without the runes.
Clairvoyance= C>>C+
Because she has to use a range weaponry at some point, Lina can keep up with moveable object faster than her in a certain distance. Her rank can go to + if she temporary reinforce her eyes.
Human Observation= C+
Lina has a habit of observing people to understand her friends more and learning to be like them, due to being a homunculi base off from the Magus Killer himself. At this rank, she can barely understand the humans' emotions and will try to act like them.
Magecraft= B-
Lina is not only capable to use third-tier spell, she can also use projection without penalty if the target's weapon is lower than A+; if the target's weapon is C+ or below, its rank will immediately increased to B rank.
Noble Phantasm: A->>C+
Fragarach, the sword of Lugh(Anti-Unit)= A->>C+
The rune that is engraved into her skin had allow her to be able to used a certain Noble Phantasm; in her case, she is able to used Fragarach, a sword being given by the Fraga families. Its effective may have been reduced, but it would temporary raise if successfully counterattack a strongest blow from swordman. The sword has a bonus effect, it would allow her to be able to interrogate people successfully by pressing the sword into it's throat, preventing them from lying.
Drake Fraga's character sheets.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Keyword: Apprenticeship, Second in Commands, Irishman.
Drake does not afraid of people, and even barely faze with Scáthach, making him having this skill for able to succeed Scáthach's trial. It has a bonus effect that allow him to double his speed temporary.
Charisma= C-
Drake was Scáthach's second in command, thus it his job to raise his allies and doing the briefing. At this rank, he can potentially lead them like a general.
Magecraft= C+
Drake is capable to use magic that are under third-tier.
Noble Phantasm= A+>>B+
Gáe Bolg: Barbed Spear that Pierced with Death= A+>>B+
Drake has once owned Fragarach before Lina's "birth". He doesn't feel that his sword suit him much, despite being one of the few families to be able to use a Noble Phantasm. Until he met Scáthach one day, he being given Gáe Bolg for passing her trials.
The Barbed Spear that Peirce with Death is a states that Drake used to stab the target's hearts no matter the obstacle unless certain ability could used. Because he has yet to master it, it rank has been decreased from A+ to B+, its secondary ability, The Soaring Spear that Strike with Death, cannot be useful at the moment.
Lune's character sheet:
Alignment: Lawful Good
Keywords: Good boy, Frenchman, shield.
Lune never really like being hostile, to the point that he can take a normal conversation with the enemies without showing hostility or intent to kill. At this rank, Lune is rarely outed by the enemies due to his innocent look.
Guardian Knight= A+
Lune has only one wish: to have everybody never fall victim of the abused; until then, he want to protect his friend from danger. With this, his defensive power will boost significantly for a long limited time when he is protecting others.
Magic Resistance= B+
Lune is able to resist magic that aren't stronger than himself, this skill can further boosted to A+ while defending people.
Miracle= B+
Lune believe in miracles, it doesn't matter how are why, but Lune believe that he can protect his friends. At this rank, so long as he believe in it, Lune can perform a feat that would be impossible.
Summoning= D-
Lune was currently trying to be a summoner to have a friends; although he can summon a lesser creatures at this rank, he can summons up to three creatures that he can summons.
Noble Phantasm: N/A
Lune doesn't have a Noble Phantasm as of yet.
Scáthach's character sheet:
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Keyword: Witch of Dun Scaith, Irishwoman, Gáe Bolg
Strength= B
Endurance= A
Agility= A
Mana= C
Luck= D
Noble Phantasm= A+
Personal Skill:
Godslayer= B
Scáthach, in her life, has killed many beings on her own, whenever it is a normal human or a gods, she will slay it. At this rank, she can harm and kill a lesser gods by herself.
Primordial Runes= A
Scáthach has knowledge of magic from the lost time, and can teach certain mages with her knowledge.
Wisdom of the Haunted Ground= A+
With the exception of a certain heroes, almost all of Scáthach's skill will be displayed to A~B rank, due to slaying gods and surpassing Humanity. During combat, this skill serve as a Clairvoyance, meaning she can predict the opponent's move with just foresight.
Noble Phantasm= A+
Gae Bolg= A+
The spears that she has created in her life, Scáthach give this very spear to Cú Chulainn before his departure. When she invoke this spear, no matter what obstacle lay in front of her, her spear would always found itself into the victim's heart; if invoke it while using it like a javelin, it will turn into a Anti-Army.