Bad News: The 21 and 6 are bad rolls. Expect lowered inhibitions and the urge to conquer the world now.
Meh News: The 40-50s didn't do much other than improve you generally. Not super-humanly so, but enough that you're probably above-average in all aspects.
Ok News: Except that the two 60s and 70 mean that two of those things are even better and can be considered top-tier while a third can be verging on Servant tier. If that Servant was nothing but E-ranks.
Good News: The high 80 means you can into magic now and the 99 basically skyrocketed you into someone worthy of being a subject of Uruk. So now you're above-average in most aspects, top-tier in two, and low-Servant tier in one using the magitech civilization of Uruk as the standard of what 'average' is. Oh, and you're possibly on the level of an Uruk Archmage. I guess.
Oh, and you wanna take over the world while engaging in a never-ending party.
Of course, all of this is subject to GM veto, but that's the gist of it from the hastily set up spreadsheet table I set up for this.