[X] Marie. She said the least of any of Jeanne's Servants, and you're not sure what to think.

Definitely interested in this alternative interpretation of Marie.
[X] Marie. She said the least of any of Jeanne's Servants, and you're not sure what to think.
[X] Niamh. Wake your sister up and make sure she's ready. You don't particularly want to do this first thing in the morning, but better safe than sorry.
[X] Marie. She said the least of any of Jeanne's Servants, and you're not sure what to think.
"There are...certain facts and events in my life that were not recorded in the tale of Briar Rose. One such fact is that I was not an only child. My younger brother was a truly exceptional boy, and he grew into a truly exceptional knight, the epitome of chivalry and heroism. It was an honor merely to know that I bore the same blood as him." Her smile grows distant, and even though she hasn't looked away, you get the sense that she's looking past you at something from long, long ago. "But...when I entered my bondage, when he saw me trapped in the briars and brambles and thorns, knew that I was crying out to be saved...he abandoned me. He left me to save others, and my suffering continued. My lonely punishment did not end, though it could have then and there."


'Briar Rose' recognised Edward on sight. She says that her brother was an exceptional knight. Galahad was the product of Lancelot unknowingly having sex with Elaine of Corbenic, who was herself the daughter of the Fisher King whose bloodline had been charged with defending the Grail's resting place. Indeed upon further inspection it appears this element was later expanded so that said bloodline chronically turned up with horrible wounds as some kind of curse or punishment, the Fisher King being the son of the Wounded King who's fucked up even worse and both are chilling at Corbenic being miserable until grail-hunters turn up.

Avenger is Galahad's sister wearing the mantle of Briar Rose because she isn't famous enough to have her own records in human history. Galahad was the first and only person to actually find the Grail, and yet upon seeing it he asked for a Disney FastPass to heaven and was yeeted skyward instead. He could have taken it and finally ended the family's duty, but for some unknown reason somehow linked to saving people he didn't, and Avenger resents him for leaving her to assume the same burden as her father and grandfather.

Let's get some pogs in chat for more messy sibling drama with a side order of kin drama.

"If I may offer some advice in regards to your sister?"

"What?" The sudden swerve makes your stomach lurch a bit. If Niamh had managed to sway even Avenger-

"She is a loathsome creature. It's quite obvious that she craves your attention and affection, and that you spurn her at every moment for reasons that are...equally obvious. She is selfish, self-centered, and representative of the worst excesses the fae have to offer." Avenger's smile is gone once again, even her eyes seeming darker as she speaks. Despite not losing the polite tone, every word that slips past her lips feels like it's covered in thorns. "I can but only give you my advice, Sir Edward. A sickly sweetness is oft the first sign of rot. As one rotten myself, I cannot help but perceive it in her. And as one who was an older sibling… I know her to be a failure as one."
Case in point.

You're nowhere.

Your eyes are open, but you can't see anything. It's just darkness.

A dream, you suppose, and not really a bad one. Those are worse than nothing.

But then why is it so clear?

Something is behind you, but when you turn, you see nothing.

Nothing, in the shape of a man. A void in the void, emptiness that makes other emptiness seem crowded.

You can see it move towards you, but you're not afraid. You can see it reach out to touch you, but you don't react.

You can see it freeze, as though it reached a wall, and you feel...sad?

There's a voice tickling your ears, a voice you know you've heard before in the darkest corners of your mind when you're being reassembled atom by atom to exist in the past.

It's strong, but soft as well. Gentle, but solid. Powerful, but lighter than a feather. You can't make out everything it says.

"...ame...my name…"

Your lips form around a word, but it slips from you as you start to rise from the emptiness. The nothingness before you steps back and you think you see it hang its head.

You feel sad, and you don't know why.

It, he, is nowhere.
Galahad:"imouto... chan..."
Ed: "what the fuck"

<"No, Master. I did not leave this place to greet them. Goemon may be familiar with the dark-skinned one, however.">

<"Wait, what? Why do you say that?">

<"They are cuddling.">


There's a beautiful woman with pale skin and light grey hair framing her delicate features and falling to the small of her back in two curled twin-tails, wearing something like a military uniform. Next to her, a handsome, dark-skinned man with short, cropped hair wearing a set of dark boots and matching pants, his shirt completely covered by the maroon waistcoat, bone-white cravat, and navy blue overcoat covered in gold trimmings that he wears. One arm is outstretched, stirring a heavy pot that hangs over the flame, while the other is wrapped around Goemon, shamelessly caressing the Assassin's hip while Goemon snuggles up to his side.

damn, we stan a biracial bisexual king. edward wishes he had this drip

You can see the other man starting to speak, but you decide to rip the bandage off yourself instead, opening your mouth before he can get a word out.

"Assassin, Charles Henri-Sanson." He blinks at you in surprise, before nodding.

"Correct. I'm surprised you recognised me." His tone is as casual as can be, but he's still curious, you can feel it.

"We've met, sort of. You were in a War I was sent to." You'd shared a conversation with the man, and it still made your skin crawl to think about it. "I doubt you'd remember, but we've already had that talk, the one you're thinking of right now. You decided not to kill me."

"I see. Well, that simplifies things." With a nod, he turns back to staring into the fire, the orange light flickering in his pale-blue eyes. It'd be mesmerising, if the man didn't freak you out so much.

"Don't be rude, Sanson." Marie speaks up again in a lightly chiding tone, and Sanson immediately glances over to her before looking away, finally settling on looking back at you and inclining his head.

"My apologies. I was somewhat unsettled that you knew me already. Jeanne trusts that you are a decent man, Edward, and thus so do I."

You nod. You'll take it, honestly. The last time he judged you, you hadn't been able to sleep for the next few days.
Damn. Now this is a story I kinda wanna hear, even if it's not strictly relevant to the situation. It's also super interesting to actually make use of the whole "each instance of a Servant is a separate copy and there's no continuity of memories" thing that Grand Order spaced the fuck out on.

hhhnnnnnahfuckit I can't resist

[X] Sanson. Maybe letting on that you knew who he was wasn't a good idea. It might help to clarify things.
I think that's a valid theory. Depending on how much Avenger's going to stick around. But if her story's linked just to this Singularity, perhaps a bit of Occam's Razor could make a potential alternative.

So Avenger's pitching that we've got a Live Action Sleeping Beauty situation on our hands. The existence of a sibling is something no version of the fairy tale possesses. But that's minor for Fate, compared to "King Arthur is a woman and a father" and "Frankenstein is a cutie who wants a husbando". But I digress, "Prince Charming" is the brother who fled as Avenger was supposedly locked away. This sealing originally was done to prevent the awakening princess from being "alone", aka everybody she knew and love died over the century of sleep, but if the thorns were made before she fell asleep...

Yeah, OK, this is just me trying to expand my theory of Avenger being Disney's Mistress of All Evil.

Maybe the big "true story" is that Maleficient and Briar Rose were really the same character. The knight, her brother, was charged with getting the hell out of dodge then liberating the land from her "evil". But that admittedly does not answer the question of where then did the curse of sleep, the thorns, and all that other stuff came from. Were the Fairy Godmothers just asshats who abducted and twisted Briar Rose into Maleficient? What would explain why she likes our protagonist, but I need more data. Can't afford to fall for 'too neat' explanation, we're not dealing with fanservice/meme Servants.
[X] Goemon. It's about time you two had a talk.

We need to start talking to him at some point, and it might as well be now. Especially with him getting close to Dumas; I mean it's adorable, but I'd rather not have Goemon's closest connection be to a Servant of currently ambiguous alignment vis a vis our mission if we can at all help it.
[X] Sanson. Maybe letting on that you knew who he was wasn't a good idea. It might help to clarify things.

Part of me does want one of the Goemon / Dumas but picking one seems to imply prying the other off with a crowbar and that just seems cruel.

Best I recall FGO Antionette did not have a sapphire eyeball so I'm a bit '??' about what happened there, but unless this singularity is secretly Oops All Avengers we're probably in the clear there.
[X] Goemon. It's about time you two had a talk.

Definitely tempted to vote for Dumas, buuuut Goemon has been around a bit longer. And if we're gonna interrupt their cuddle session, might as well take the chance to chat with the one we're already bound to.
"You're keeping all these people trapped." It's not a question. You've seen this before. You know what happens when someone with the power to hoard people and make them think that they should want it does something like this. Whatever kindness this woman has offered them, it's just the bait for the hook. It has to be.

Ed: "Genuine kindness and empathy? Seems fake."

I do like Eds constant wariness and suspicion - its a fairly unique perspective for a Quest protagonist.

"I am protecting them." For once, Avenger's voice dips to something sharp and curt, and that alone silences you for a moment, long enough for her to continue. "The people that I guided here are those with nothing at all to their names. They were those cast aside by their fellows, abandoned and left to rot without a care for whether or not they would perish. So forgotten and ignored that they were passed over when the killing began, and thus was I able to save them from the forest's corruption. I have no interest in providing salvation for those that would ignore others so cruelly, and had I granted shelter to such villains I would welcome your suspicion. Yet, I have not."

Avenger feels very strongly about people who have been ignored, passed over. The links to her backstory makes me think shes largely telling the truth, but a degree of circumspection is still possible.

Her being blunt and upfront that she was preferential in who she saved very neatly... not defused, but dampened Eds suspicions . Which tracks with him, I think. Someone presenting a more charming front and ethical practices, but revealing it was for personal reasons rather than more idealistic stuff is probably something hes familiar with.

"She is a loathsome creature. It's quite obvious that she craves your attention and affection, and that you spurn her at every moment for reasons that are...equally obvious. She is selfish, self-centered, and representative of the worst excesses the fae have to offer." Avenger's smile is gone once again, even her eyes seeming darker as she speaks. Despite not losing the polite tone, every word that slips past her lips feels like it's covered in thorns. "I can but only give you my advice, Sir Edward. A sickly sweetness is oft the first sign of rot. As one rotten myself, I cannot help but perceive it in her. And as one who was an older sibling… I know her to be a failure as one."

Avenger pointing at Niamh: "Utterly rancid vibes."

But yeah, this is rather interesting. Theres a genuine exchange, and - to be slightly meta - that her bond level increased shows that this was a genuinely positive development.

THats p good!

You stare at him for a moment before sighing, letting your chains loosen and slip off your chest as you move into the mat as well, maneuvering yourself and Fou until he finally relents and decides to use your stomach as a pillow. You can feel the tiredness prickling your eyes now, feel the slumber sluggishly spreading through your limbs, and by the time you've closed your eyes you're already drifting off.

And Ed immediately has a dream - presumably of Galahad? Which suggests Fou may be being used as a familiar of Merlin...

<"They are cuddling.">

Based. Go for it, Goemon.

"I thought we'd have more time, but that was before what happened yesterday so I'll give you the short version. The witch with my face has been taking people from Paris and Chartres for a few days now, and last night my Servant spotted movement towards Orléans. I don't know why it's happening, but I do know that we can intercept her there and put a stop to all this. Once she's dead, the distortion should disappear, right?"

My first thought was to reenact her burning on a mass scale, but no, if she wanted that, itd be going to Rouen.

Offhand, given the seeming theme of fantasy and reality, the (presumed?) involvement of Gilles... Le Mistère du Siège d'Orléans? Some grand working involving that. Possibly an attempt for a large scale alteration of Jeanne?

"Rider." The woman speaks up next, giving you a polite but warm smile and inclining her head. You notice, now that you're closer, that what you'd taken for a particularly vibrant blue eye seems to be a sapphire set in her eye socket. "Marie Antoinette. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Shit. This is a really cool design choice. Shit.

But yeah, this explains why they all had to run the fuck away from Melusine - none of these guys are, uh, powerhouses.

"We've met, sort of. You were in a War I was sent to." You'd shared a conversation with the man, and it still made your skin crawl to think about it. "I doubt you'd remember, but we've already had that talk, the one you're thinking of right now. You decided not to kill me."

Ah, Ed. Tbf, Im not sure there was a tactful way to cover this topic. But this is till hilariously blunt.

[X] Goemon. It's about time you two had a talk.

Look, I really wanna talk to Marie because she seems like shed be very interesting - Innocent Monster is always fun to see in action. Plus the gemstone stuff, which is incredible as a design choice.

Buuuut Ive been beating this drum for a while, and I cant stop now. And Goemon cuddling a hot guy and eating good food is probably one of the best circumstances to chat with him about.
I'll be closing the vote at around 1 PM GMT, so about 12 and a half hours from now.

Current tally as it stands is 7 for Marie, 6 for Goemon, 3 for Sanson, and 2 for Niamh.
Voting closed, the winning vote was to talk to Marie.
Scheduled vote count started by Squirtodyle on Feb 4, 2021 at 4:42 PM, finished with 21 posts and 18 votes.
Chapter Thirty: Widow Capet
Everyone there is something of a known quantity, excepting Marie. You've met Sanson before, and it's hard not to get a picture of how they are from your interactions with Jeanne and Dumas, but you've never heard of Marie Antoinette being summoned before, and given what you know about her it's a little bit strange. After a moment's hesitation you set down your bowl and walk off after her, promising yourself you'll speak to Goemon soon. You know you shouldn't be putting it off, but you really, honestly cannot stand him, and he seems fine going back to cuddling with Dumas.

You find her close to the edge of the glade, the thorny barricade stretching up easily three or four times your height. When you'd arrived you'd been stressed and tired enough that you'd missed them in the dark, but now that it's brighter and you're not worried that you'll be attacked out in the open you can appreciate the flowers that bloom up around the base. Roses, mostly, but there's a few others as well, petals dyed white and purple and blue melding together into an unkempt but beautiful wall within the wall, doing just a little to hide that vicious brambles that keep the people inside safe. All Marie is doing is looking over the tangle of growth and tapping her foot, one arm propping up her elbow so a delicate finger can rest on her chin, the sharp nail glinting crimson in the morning sunlight.

It's not from polish, you realise after another moment. Her nails are cut gemstone as well, deep, dark rubies grown from her flesh and fashioned into talons, as though she was a statue to be adorned and decorated as her creator pleased.

"It's pretty, isn't it?" Her voice pulls you from your thoughts, but she hasn't turned to look at you yet, still focused on the flowers. "I liked gardening when I was queen. I think I could really brighten up the place with these if we were going to stay...it's a shame we'll be moving on so soon. I hardly get any time for myself since being called."

"I...suppose it is?" You hadn't really expected that to be how she started off, though if you're honest it's not like you know what you expected. Her telling you to eat cake?

"You came all this way to speak to me and that's how you start out? A lady might feel embarrassed if that's all she can coax out of you." This time she turns, and you finally get a closer look at her. Her gemstone eye is as brilliant as any you've ever seen, and you notice a glinting emerald growing from her tongue almost like a piercing. She's really not what you expected.

Besides the ones that are a part of her, the only adornments she has are the fleur-de-lis pins that keep her twintails in place. The deep red, high-collared coat she wears is tightly buttoned at the front over the modest swell of her chest, folding into neat lapels trimmed with black. It cuts off right at the waist in front, but behind it splits into two tapered tails that sway in the slight breeze. The bone-white leggings she wears below are tight enough that you'd probably have stared a little longer if circumstances were different, and they end in a pair of black riding boots that reach to just below her knee. It's vaguely military, from what you can recall of the older uniforms in your history lessons, but it certainly wouldn't convince anyone she was a soldier. She looks like someone's idea of cavalry, but twisted and altered to eliminate any gauche breach of fashion.

"Sorry. I'm not really one for flowers." It's about all you can think to say, though at least she's smiling instead of the alternative. "Dumas is very open, and I've already met Sanson, so I figured I should try speaking with you first."

"So thoughtful!" She looks up at you with a small smile, cheek resting in her palm as she gives you a once-over. It lingers just long enough to make you blink, before a murmur slips through her lips.

"You wanted to see whether or not I was like all the stories, hm?" It's not a question regardless of how she phrased it, so you don't protest. The mild queasiness in your stomach proves she hit the mark anyway. "It's alright. It's to be expected. I'm not exactly the world's most accomplished Rider, despite the court gossip."

The sudden swerve makes you snort in a kind of embarrassed amusement before you can stop yourself, and Marie's grin grows a hair wider in response, and after a brief pause you just give a half shrug and start to speak again.

"Yeah, I guess. I've never heard of you being summoned, and given how things get warped I half-expected something a little wilder."

"You deal with Servants often, then?" Marie tilts her head, blinking in curiosity. "I suppose you must, given that you're acquainted with Charles."

"More often than most." It takes you a second to remember she's talking about Sanson. "I was an agent for the Clock Tower, I suppose you could call it. When the secret of how to make a Grail got leaked, they started popping up around the world, and we started having to deal with those on top of rogue magi. I met Sanson during a war in Glasgow."

"Was he your Servant, then?" You can't quite suppress the shudder you feel at those words.

"No, no. Enforcers didn't participate, we just sabotaged them. We avoid Servants whenever we can, we can't hope to fight them. Meeting Sanson was just a stroke of bad luck." You really don't like recalling it. Managing to get away from that fucking nightmare of a Berserker had taken enough out of you, watching Sanson cut him in half with a single swing before he turned and fixed you with those eyes of his had chilled you to your core.

"I see...bad luck? He's a rather nice man, all things considered. Unless…" She tapped a finger to her chin again, humming softly. "He decided not to kill you, but he'd been considering it. Enforcers are killers, then?"

"Among other things." You give another half-shrug, though this time it's a little more forced. "We're hired by the Clock Tower to hunt down magi that risk the secrecy of magecraft. They happen to be the kind that put people in danger, so them dying helps everyone out." Mostly.

"I think I understand now. You're the same. Sanctioned killers in the name of justice, is that it?" When she smiles again it's bittersweet, enough to make your stomach twist. "I suppose I'll keep an eye on you as well, then. Charles is already bad enough with how he gets."

"Why do you care?" You blurt it out before you can stop yourself, the thought scratching at the back of your mind like a pet begging to be let out. "He-"

"Killed me, I know. I can't exactly forget it." She tugs down the collar of her coat just a bit, enough that you can see the pale white, perfectly even scar that runs all the way around her neck. "He killed my husband too. But I knew him, you understand? Before that unpleasantness, we were close. I was fond of him, very fond, and I assume the feeling was mutual. He'd kill anyone if ordered, and he'd make certain it didn't hurt. After everything, I was a dead woman regardless. I can only imagine he took it upon himself to kill me lest I ended up torn to pieces by an angry mob if he refused."

"I wasn't a perfect queen, I know that. I certainly didn't help as much as I'd intended to, and I may have been selfish here and there." There's a fire in her voice now despite how even she's keeping it, little spikes of venom slipping through her composure as she crosses her arms. "I know all that, but I hardly deserved death. He knew that too, but it was either kill me or let me be killed, and he wouldn't trust anyone else with that duty. I suppose I could just wallow in all the unfairness and tell anyone and everyone I meet that I despise him and all the people who condemned me, but I'd rather do something productive instead of waste away like that wretch who made this place."
"Avenger?" You'd been kept silent by the sudden swerve the conversation took, but even you couldn't hold your tongue at that. You might not trust the woman, but wretch?

"Avenger." Marie's expression twists into a scowl for a moment, as though the word itself was foul. "I could be that, you know? And yet, I'm not. I chose not to be, and I'm certain she could too if she wanted. If she's going to be satisfied defining herself by how much she hates everyone because she suffered, then fine, but I'm hardly going to pretend I think anything at all of her for it."

You don't know what to say to that, and the silence stretches on just long enough to grow uncomfortable before Marie lets out a slow breath and gives you a softer look.

"...Apologies, Edward. Would you believe this is the first chance I've had to talk like this with someone since I got summoned?" She lets her arms drop to her side, eyes flicking back to the main campsite for an instant. "We've been rushing around the last few days, and I didn't want to distract Jeanne or inspire Dumas to write another book about me. And Charles has been...hah, distant. I can't imagine why. I suppose when I realised how similar the two of you are, I just took it out on you when you gave me an excuse. Not very queenly of me."

"It's fine. I came to you first." Not that it's not a little overwhelming, but if she's been keeping all that bottled up out of necessity you can't really begrudge her the chance to let it out. You still kind of want to leave, though.

"...Hah. You two really are similar, you know that?" There's a distant look in her eyes, and you know she's looking right past you, at the man standing elsewhere in the glade, the man standing above her as he prepared to end her life. "He always wanted to be a doctor, but he was forced into ending lives instead of saving them. Incredible at it too, I didn't feel a thing when he killed me. And he's looked fucking miserable ever since the two of us locked eyes here, so now I can't even take comfort in having someone I care about with me."

She turns to you once again, and this time her gaze is intense enough that you can't even think about breaking it.

"As thanks for letting me get all that off my chest, let me give you some advice, Edward." She reaches up and pokes you just below your neck, just hard enough to make certain you can't possibly be distracted. "You didn't start out wanting to become a killer for money. I don't know why you chose it, I know you think you're probably doing the right thing, but don't let it be you anymore. You'll end up just like him, and everyone around you will suffer for it."

You slap her hand away.

You can't help it, it's just pure instinct. The conversation hasn't been comfortable for you since the minute it started and now it's turned from her using you as a punching-bag to her digging into things you never wanted to think about and you- you can't, you just can't deal with that. Not now, not here.

There's a long moment of silence between the two of you, and you think you see a flash of anger on her face for just a moment before she steps back and looks away.

"I'm not going to apologize. You needed to hear it. If you don't believe me, you go speak to Charles. Ask him about me and see if you can stomach whatever nonsense he has to say."

"You should focus on the mission." There's a chill to your tone, but she brushes it off like it's nothing.

"I'm a third-rate Servant who's only useful for maybe getting the rest out of a tight spot now and again. I'll give everything I can to this, I know what's at stake, but I'll be damned if I get a second shot at life and don't take it, Edward. Maybe you just need to focus on yourself a little more."

That's more than you can take. Without a word of goodbye, you spin around and march off, looking for one of the more secluded spots in the glade so you can just sit down and clear your head for a moment.

"<Master, are you-"

"I'm fine."

It takes you a second to realise that you snarled that with your mouth instead of your thoughts, and that on top of everything else is enough to spike your anger up even more. The thought that Archer didn't deserve that writhing its way past that haze of red doesn't help your mood.

Once you've reached the tree you'd been gunning for, you flop down and sit with your back against it, breathing in and out as deeply as you can. You're calmer after just a few seconds, the years of learning how to meditate and control yourself coming in handy now that you're not caught off guard from Marie Antoinette giving you life advice, and as soon as you're able you reach back out with your mind.

<"Archer? I'm fine. I'm sorry.">

<"I apologise for my insolence, Master. I will do better in the future.">

You grit your teeth, strands of grass ripping from the ground below as you ball your hand into a fist. Marie's words flicker through your head, and the petulant thought that you wouldn't have lashed out at Archer if the queen hadn't provoked you first is pathetic enough that even in your anger, you can tell it's bullshit. If it hadn't been her, it would have been Goemon, or Sanson, or maybe even Dumas or Jeanne.

It wasn't the killing that did it to you, you have to remind yourself. Not just the killing, anyway. Even so, she had...something of a point. You reach out again, doing your best to make your thoughts sound as gentle and apologetic as you can.

<"No, Archer, that was my fault. I was angry because of- it doesn't matter, it was my fault. You didn't do anything wrong.">

A moment passes without response, then another. Just when your stomach starts to twist with worry, you hear her voice again.

<"...If you are certain, Master. Please do not hesitate to tell me if I have displeased you in any way, however. I swear that I will do better if I need to.">

<"I will. I promise.">

That's probably the best you're going to get. It digs into you, frustration at Archer's bizarre behavior twisting up with anger at your own inability to control yourself, but you need to- to focus on the mission. That's all.

That's all.

When your heartbeat scales back down to something approaching normal, you open your eyes and glance back from behind the tree. Circe materialized at some point, floating up above and basking in the sunlight without a care for how Avenger's wards point and gawp, and the sight of it draws a small smile from you. Talking with her again probably wouldn't be good for you, not when you still have a bit of time to try to be productive, but seeing her so carefree despite what you're here to do does relax you a little.

Everything else is as you left it, no sign of Niamh or Avenger, or of Jeanne coming to march you all out of the glade at that. You've plenty of work to get done today, not in the least finally connecting to Chaldea, but for the moment you'd be best served by doing something instead of just twiddling your thumbs.

[ ] Speak with Goemon. You've been putting this off too long, you need some sort of understanding to work with the man. Bad mood or no, it's good sense.

[ ] Speak with Sanson. Even if you're mad at her, you can't deny that Marie might have had some semblance of a point. Maybe talking with Sanson would help you sort that whole mess out.

[ ] Speak with Dumas. He's the only one still there you haven't personally spoken with yet, and it might help to get a feel for what sort of man he is.

[ ] Wake your sister. Frankly, the idea of having to put things off because Niamh overslept in that stupid bed is already giving you a headache. Making sure she's up can't hurt anything except your mood.
Apologies for taking so long with this. Between my Master's degree ramping up and my desktop finally giving up the ghost and all the nonsense associated with getting a replacement in the middle of a GPU shortage, it kind of killed the creative spark for a while. I fully intend to continue, but I've given up on giving accurate predictions of when I'll post given that I'm coming up on a bunch of deadlines. I'll attempt to do it every two weeks as I'd intended, but no promises.

Thanks for sticking around!
Welcome back! And don't worry about the delay; life gets the best of all of us, and there's no sense trying to force something you're not inspired for. And this was a fascinating update! I love this Marie; so world-weary and cynical, but also determined to make the most out of her second chance, and disdainful of those who she sees as wasting their lives. Her dislike of Avenger is especially interesting to me, since it doesn't seem to be out of any personal malice or distaste for her character. It's more seems to be frustration that anyone would allow themselves to be summoned in a Class defined entirely by hatred and how one is perceived by others. It's truly fascinating, and I'm excited to see what comes for it. As far as the vote...

[X] Speak with Goemon. You've been putting this off too long, you need some sort of understanding to work with the man. Bad mood or no, it's good sense.

We've been putting this off for a while, and it really needs to happen. It could be argued that given Edward's bad mood that talking with Goemon is a recipe for disaster, but quite frankly, if we keep procrastinating we'll never get around to it.
[X] Speak with Dumas. He's the only one still there you haven't personally spoken with yet, and it might help to get a feel for what sort of man he is.
[X] Wake your sister. Frankly, the idea of having to put things off because Niamh overslept in that stupid bed is already giving you a headache. Making sure she's up can't hurt anything except your mood.

Why pick bad when we can pick worse?
[X] Speak with Goemon. You've been putting this off too long, you need some sort of understanding to work with the man. Bad mood or no, it's good sense.
[X] Speak with Goemon. You've been putting this off too long, you need some sort of understanding to work with the man. Bad mood or no, it's good sense.

What's the worst that he could've possibly done since we got here?
[X] Speak with Goemon. You've been putting this off too long, you need some sort of understanding to work with the man. Bad mood or no, it's good sense.
[X] Speak with Goemon. You've been putting this off too long, you need some sort of understanding to work with the man. Bad mood or no, it's good sense.
[X] Speak with Goemon. You've been putting this off too long, you need some sort of understanding to work with the man. Bad mood or no, it's good sense.