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A significantly older Shirou Emiya from 'From Fake Dreams' by Third Fang got reincarnated in the Warhammer universe as the Eleventh Primarch. How will the Tenth Dead Apostle Ancestor change the faith of the galaxy?

Shout out to Third Fang for From Fake Dreams and Daemon Hunter for The Eleventh Primarch.
Hi! This is my first quest.

I wanted to start this because I've been deep diving into FSN and Warhammer Lore these past few months. And since I've been an avid fanfiction and quest reader, I decided to make this so I can interact with the community while learning simultaneously.

My goal is for this to go wherever you guys take us, as while I will always give my preferred options, I will always open the option for you guys to vote on write-ins.

As I'm new to this, I'll be relying on you guys to balance out the modifiers.

I aim to update twice a week. Monday or Tuesday and Thursday or Friday.
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Setting: Turn 0.1
Planet Type (Choose One) Expectation is a general guideline and may not be followed based on your choices.

[]Agri Worlds - planets that stand as the last bastions of hope amidst a ravaged universe. Devoted entirely to the cultivation and production of food and agricultural resources, these planets exist as strategic bulwarks near the heart of sectors, safeguarded from the malevolent forces that seek to consume all that remains.

Life on an Agri World is a precarious balance between the serene beauty of vast farmlands, fertile crop fields, and expansive greenhouses, and the relentless toil and dedication required to sustain the populace. The agrarians, the stalwart inhabitants of these worlds, toil ceaselessly under the unforgiving sky, their hands calloused from the endless labor. They till the earth, nurture the crops, and rear livestock, knowing that their efforts not only sustain their own existence but also provide sustenance to the starving denizens of neighboring planets within the sector.

In this desolate reality, the peaceful atmosphere of Agri Worlds is an illusion, veiling the ever-present specter of scarcity and conflict. While life may move at a slower pace compared to other planets, the agrarians understand the importance of their work. Their days are filled with the rhythmic symphony of toiling hands, the ceaseless struggle against the elements, and the knowledge that any disruption in the delicate balance of their labor could spell doom for countless lives.

Visitors to Agri Worlds can immerse themselves in the backbreaking agricultural activities, witnessing the backbreaking work that sustains the last remnants of humanity. They can learn about advanced farming techniques born out of necessity, where every innovation is a matter of survival. And when night falls, they can feast on the meager but nourishing harvest, tasting the bittersweet fruit of the agrarian's labor.

However, it is important to realize that Agri Worlds are not idyllic sanctuaries of plenty, but rather vital cogs in the unforgiving machinery of survival. Their position in the food supply chain makes them prime targets in times of scarcity and conflict. Raiders, marauders, and desperate factions lurk in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to seize the precious resources that these worlds offer.

In this grim future, the fate of humanity rests upon the toiling shoulders of the agrarians, their resilience and dedication ensuring the survival of the species. Every furrowed brow and every drop of sweat becomes a symbol of hope in the face of relentless darkness. The Agri Worlds stand as beacons of sustenance, their fields a battleground for survival, where the struggle for a meal becomes a matter of life and death.

[]Fortress World - a planet that stands as the last line of defense against formidable adversaries that seek to consume and destroy. These planets, designed and fortified with meticulous precision, exist in a perpetual state of vigilance, their inhabitants eternally poised for the onslaught of invasion.

Life on a Fortress World is a constant struggle, a harrowing existence where every citizen is expected to actively contribute and support the planet's defense efforts. Whether through military service, technological advancements, or other means of protection, the inhabitants of these worlds bear the weight of safeguarding their homes from the encroaching darkness. The atmosphere is tense, charged with a palpable sense of urgency that hangs heavy in the air.

Regular drills and rigorous training are the norm, as every individual prepares themselves for the relentless onslaught of Xenos forces or other hostile entities. Combat readiness is paramount, with advanced weaponry, fortified defenses, and intricate systems of protection adorning the landscape. The sight of towering fortifications, impregnable walls, and the hum of energy shields becomes an inescapable backdrop to daily life.

Within the confines of these fortified walls, life takes on a different meaning. A strong sense of camaraderie binds the inhabitants together, forged in the crucible of constant threats and shared sacrifice. Intense patriotism courses through their veins, fueling their determination to stand united against the ceaseless onslaught. The spirit of resilience is the lifeblood of the Fortress World, the driving force that propels its denizens to face the horrors that lurk beyond.

While the specter of battle looms overhead, there is also room for innovation and technological advancements born out of necessity. The ever-present need for defense strategies drives the inhabitants to push the boundaries of ingenuity. In the depths of their militarized existence, they seek to unlock new methods of protection, to devise cunning tactics that may tip the scales in their favor.

Visitors to Fortress Worlds must prepare themselves for an environment steeped in militarization. They will witness battle simulations, training exercises, and the constant readiness for conflict. The air is heavy with the acrid scent of gunpowder and the echoes of war. It is a world where every citizen, from the youngest to the oldest, understands the gravity of their situation and the dire consequences of failure.

In this grim and fortified reality, the Fortress Worlds stand as bastions of resistance, their purpose etched in steel and stone. Through unyielding determination and unwavering resolve, the inhabitants hold the line against the encroaching darkness, their souls consumed by the ever-present fight for survival.

[]Industrial World - a planet that looms as colossal monuments to mass-scale production and manufacturing. These imposing planets, teeming with sprawling factories and cities choked with smoke, house millions to billions of inhabitants toiling as mere cogs in the relentless machinery of industry. Life on an Industrial World is a grueling and unforgiving existence, where hardship and despair thrive amidst the demanding working conditions and the ever-present specter of environmental pollution.

Within the industrial heartlands, crimes and social disparities flourish as individuals claw their way through the cutthroat competition, striving to improve their circumstances in the face of overwhelming adversity. The pursuit of better lives, often driven by desperation, breeds a chaotic landscape where the divide between the haves and have-nots is stark and unforgiving. Those at the top, the privileged few who profit from the toil of the masses, revel in opulence and excess, heedless of the suffering that pervades the masses below.

Amidst this tumultuous backdrop, however, there exists a captivating atmosphere of intrigue and innovation. Industrial Worlds boast cutting-edge technology and advancements in manufacturing methods, a testament to the human thirst for progress and the unyielding pursuit of efficiency. Corporations and entrepreneurs flock to these planets, drawn by the allure of profit and the vast potential for exploitation. The air crackles with the relentless drive for success, as the powerful seek to capitalize on the planet's industrial potential, heedless of the toll it takes on the lives of those who toil.

Visitors to Industrial Worlds can catch a glimpse of the incredible machinery and automation that powers this juggernaut of production. They can witness firsthand the relentless pace at which progress marches forward, revealing the astounding depths of human ingenuity and technological prowess. The deafening roar of machinery reverberates through crowded cityscapes, mingling with the shouts of workers and the ceaseless hustle and bustle of a society forever in motion.

Yet, navigating through the urban sprawl and societal challenges that arise from the relentless pursuit of progress is a perilous task. The underbelly of these industrial behemoths teems with the shadowy machinations of illicit activities, where desperation breeds vice and survival comes at a steep price. It is a world where creative individuals, driven to rise above their circumstances, seek out unconventional means to escape the grind of their existence.

In the face of unyielding hardship, Industrial Worlds provide a glimpse into the dark power of human ingenuity and the triumph of technological prowess over the human spirit. It is a testament to the resilience of a species that continues to push the boundaries of what is possible, even amidst the most unforgiving environments. Yet, beneath the veneer of progress, the suffering and exploitation of the masses paint a grim picture of a society trapped in an unending cycle of labor and despair.

[]Knight World - a planet that stands as remarkable anomalies, islands frozen in time amidst the relentless downfall of humanity. These remarkable planets have defied the ravages of ages, preserving a feudal society that harkens back to a distant past. On these sacred grounds, noble houses reign supreme, their power unquestioned, and their control extending over colossal mechanized warriors known as knights.

The knights, towering behemoths of metal and might, are the pinnacle of technological achievement on these isolated planets. Passed down through generations, they are meticulously maintained and revered as symbols of honor and prowess. Structures resembling fortified castles and medieval settlements dominate the landscape, their imposing presence a testament to the enduring strength of tradition.

In the realm of Knight Worlds, interactions are steeped in the echoes of a bygone era, where chivalry, honor, and loyalty are the guiding principles. Grand tournaments and jousting competitions bring the inhabitants together, offering glimpses into the valiant clashes of knights and the spectacle of their awe-inspiring skills. Elaborate ceremonies unfold, breathing life into ancient rituals that have stood the test of time.

While other human colonies may have advanced technologically, Knight Worlds have chosen a deliberate path of preservation, embracing a simpler way of life. The inhabitants eschew the trappings of advanced technology, relying instead on swords, melee weapons, and archaic armor for combat. It is a deliberate choice, a conscious rejection of the encroaching darkness, and a commitment to the principles of honor and tradition.

Visitors to Knight Worlds embark on immersive journeys, stepping into a world frozen in medieval customs and ancient codes of conduct. They bear witness to duels of honor, where the clash of blades resounds through the air, and quests steeped in tradition beckon the brave. It is an opportunity to immerse oneself in the romance and pageantry of a forgotten era, to marvel at the titanic clashes of knights in battle, and to glean wisdom from the echoes of the past.

However, it is important to be aware that communication and travel beyond the boundaries of the Knight Worlds may be limited. These planets, secluded and self-contained, often remain cut off from the rest of humanity. A longer introduction to the void awaits those who venture beyond, with encounters that revolve around ancient codes of conduct and the timeless honor of the knightly order.

In the depths of the Knight Worlds, amidst the ancient customs and towering colossi, a fragile flame of honor and valor flickers against the encroaching darkness. It is a testament to the enduring spirit of humanity, a defiant stand against the inexorable march of time.

[]Mining World - a planet that stands as grim outposts of relentless toil and unyielding extraction. These planets, entirely devoted to the extraction and refinement of valuable resources, are coveted for their rich veins of minerals, ores, and gemstones. They beckon numerous corporations and miners, driven by the insatiable desire for fortune and wealth.

Life on a Mining World is defined by the harshness of its conditions, where survival is an ongoing battle against the unforgiving environment. Hazardous landscapes and treacherous working conditions push the limits of human endurance, demanding unwavering determination and strict adherence to safety regulations. Each day becomes a test of physical strength and mental resilience, as the inhabitants delve into the depths of the planet in search of precious resources.

Amidst the grueling labor, there exists a glimmer of opportunity for technological advancements in mining techniques and equipment. The constant pursuit of efficiency and productivity drives innovation, leading to the development of advanced machinery and cutting-edge technologies that aid in the extraction process. It is within the crucible of hardship that ingenuity flourishes, as miners strive to maximize the yield of their labor in the most challenging of circumstances.

Yet, the discoveries of rare and precious materials often become catalysts for conflicts and rivalries among competing mining factions. Greed and desperation intertwine as corporations and individuals clash over the finite resources that lie buried within the rugged landscapes. Resource disputes ignite, fueled by the primal desire for wealth and power, threatening to tear apart the delicate fabric of these mining communities.

As visitors navigate the stark and rugged landscapes of Mining Worlds, they will witness firsthand the relentless pursuit of resources. The air is thick with tension, and encounters with rival factions are commonplace. Disputes can escalate into fierce conflicts, as each entity seeks to stake their claim and protect their interests in the unforgiving wilderness.

Beneath the surface, danger lurks in the form of hostile indigenous creatures, adapted to survive in the treacherous mining environment. Encounters with these creatures serve as a constant reminder of the perilous nature of the work, adding an element of uncertainty to every step taken in pursuit of valuable resources.

Mining Worlds are a testament to the ruthless pursuit of wealth and the sacrifices made in its name. They stand as testaments to the endurance and determination of those who choose to delve into the depths of the planet, risking life and limb for the promise of riches. In this unforgiving landscape, where resource extraction is a never-ending battle, the very fabric of society is shaped by the ruthless pursuit of precious materials.

[]Paradise World - a planet that exists as rare enclaves of serenity known as Paradise Worlds. These utopian planets are meticulously crafted and managed, their very essence dedicated to providing their inhabitants with an idyllic and blissful existence. Within their boundaries, a tapestry of beauty, tranquility, and abundance unfolds, captivating the senses and nurturing the soul.

The landscapes of Paradise Worlds are nothing short of breathtaking. Pristine vistas stretch as far as the eye can see, adorned with meticulously manicured gardens, vibrant flora, and crystal-clear waters that shimmer with an ethereal glow. These visual delights create a sense of wonder and enchantment, inviting inhabitants and visitors alike to immerse themselves in the sheer splendor of their surroundings.

Advanced technology underpins every aspect of life on a Paradise World, ensuring the seamless functioning of society and the preservation of its otherworldly environment. From sustainable energy systems to advanced infrastructure, the inhabitants enjoy the benefits of a society that thrives on the perfect harmony between nature and technology. It is a testament to the ingenuity and dedication of those who have shaped this utopian realm.

Life on a Paradise World is characterized by a leisurely pace, where relaxation and the pursuit of personal fulfillment take center stage. Art, culture, and education flourish in these havens of tranquility, providing fertile ground for creative expression and intellectual growth. Inhabitants indulge in luxurious experiences and rejuvenating activities, immersing themselves in opulent spas, immersive virtual reality experiences, and nature retreats that transport them to the realms of pure bliss.

However, beneath the veneer of paradise, a whisper of complexity lingers. Behind the meticulously curated existence, there may be hidden social and political structures, and unseen agendas that govern the functioning of these worlds. The delicate balance required to maintain the illusion of perfection can give rise to conflicts and power struggles. In this seemingly flawless realm, the pursuit of pleasure and happiness may come at a price, and the façade of utopia may shatter in the face of underlying tensions.

Visitors to Paradise Worlds must tread carefully, for beneath the surface of this curated existence lies a realm where hidden currents of ambition and desire intertwine. They may encounter unforeseen challenges, navigating through the intricate web of social dynamics and political intrigue that shape the paradise they behold. The pursuit of pleasure and happiness may become entangled in a delicate dance with the underlying complexities, revealing the fragility of this seemingly perfect world.

In the realm of Paradise Worlds, beauty and tranquility reign supreme, offering an escape from the harsh realities of the cosmos. But as one delves deeper, peering beyond the enchanting surface, the intricate tapestry of existence unfolds—a delicate balance between curated perfection and the underlying complexities that lie in wait. It is a realm where the pursuit of pleasure and happiness is paramount, yet where conflicts and tensions simmer beneath the idyllic facade, reminding all who venture into its embrace that even in paradise, harmony can be fleeting.

[]Feral World - a planet where humanity has regressed to a more primitive state, stripped of the trappings of advanced technology and modern civilization. On these rugged planets, nature reigns supreme, with dense jungles, vast wilderness, and unforgiving landscapes stretching as far as the eye can see.

Life on a Feral World is a constant struggle against the harsh environment and the fierce creatures that inhabit it. Humans have embraced their primal instincts and survival skills, relying on their wits, physical prowess, and connection to the natural world to navigate the challenges that lie in wait. Tribal communities, led by charismatic chieftains or revered shamans, form the social fabric of these worlds. They live in harmony with the untamed wilderness, their customs, rituals, and animistic beliefs deeply rooted in their way of life.

As a visitor to a Feral World, be prepared for a raw and visceral experience. The customs and traditions of these primal societies are central to their existence, and you may witness fierce warriors adorned with tribal markings, engaging in rites of passage, and fiercely protecting their territories. The challenges of survival in the wilderness will test your own abilities, as you immerse yourself in the rugged landscapes and confront the dangers that lurk in the shadows.

Technology on Feral Worlds is limited and revolves around simple tools and weapons crafted from natural resources. The inhabitants have honed their skills as hunters and expert trackers, relying on their intimate knowledge of the land and its creatures to secure their survival. It is a world where the primal forces of nature hold sway, and the balance between predator and prey is a delicate dance.

Approach the inhabitants of Feral Worlds with respect and cultural sensitivity, for trust is hard-earned in these untamed realms. The customs and traditions that govern their lives have been forged over generations, and their way of life is deeply intertwined with the rhythms of the natural world. Immerse yourself in their ancient rituals, learn from their primal wisdom, and tread lightly upon the land they call home.

A journey to a Feral World is not for the faint of heart, but for those seeking a raw and authentic experience, it offers a glimpse into the primal essence of humanity. In the untamed wilderness, amidst the fierce warriors and dangerous creatures, you will discover a world untouched by modern conventions—a testament to the indomitable spirit of survival and the enduring connection between humanity and the natural world.

[]Death World - a planet that earned their ominous name by presenting constant threats to those who dare set foot upon their unforgiving surfaces. Death Worlds are a true testament to the indomitable forces of nature, challenging every aspect of survival and pushing the limits of human endurance.

Life on a Death World is a constant battle against the elements. From gravity anomalies that distort perception to toxic atmospheres that choke the breath of unwary explorers, these planets offer no respite. Seismic activity shakes the ground beneath your feet, while unpredictable weather patterns unleash their fury without warning. It is a world where every step could be your last, and survival demands relentless vigilance.

The indigenous creatures of Death Worlds are ruthless predators, honed by the harsh environment to be masters of their domain. Venomous flora lurk in the shadows, ready to ensnare unsuspecting prey. Other deadly natural phenomena lie in wait, testing the limits of human resilience. The inhabitants, if any, are hardened and resilient individuals who have learned to adapt or perish in the face of such unrelenting hostility.

Exploring a Death World requires specialized equipment and survival training. Sealed habitats become essential sanctuaries against the planet's hostile environment, providing a precarious refuge in the midst of the surrounding dangers. Advanced protective gear becomes a lifeline, shielding visitors from the planet's myriad threats. Every moment demands constant alertness, as even the smallest misstep or miscalculation can lead to fatal consequences.

Yet, for those willing to brave the perils, Death Worlds hold the promise of unique resources and rare phenomena. They become alluring to risk-takers and adventurers in search of the extraordinary. The allure of discovery and the thrill of testing one's limits draw intrepid explorers to these dangerous realms, where the line between survival and demise is always razor-thin.

Caution must be exercised, for Death Worlds are unforgiving and unfathomable. The balance between life and death teeters on a knife's edge, reminding us of the fragility of our existence in the face of nature's ferocity. But it is within this delicate dance of survival that the allure of Death Worlds lies—a testament to the indomitable human spirit, the unyielding pursuit of knowledge, and the unquenchable thirst for adventure.

[]Author's Choice (Surprise)


History (Choose One to Three as long as it's not too farfetched)

[] WAAAGGHH!!! - The bone-chilling battle cry reverberates through the cosmos, striking fear into the hearts of all sentient beings. Only a few hundred light years away from the menacing Ork systems, this besieged planet stands as a testament to its grim endurance in the face of countless WAAAGGHH!!!s. But survival comes at a cost, and the scars of these savage onslaughts remain etched upon the planet's very soul.

Deep within the lush expanses of this world lie the remnants of the Ork invasions—a haunting reminder of the indomitable might of the green-skinned marauders. These relentless incursions have left a sinister mark upon the land, a constant reminder of the planet's suffering. The planet has endured relentless penetration, merciless plunder, and ravaging by these galactic predators, yet it defiantly stands as a beacon of resilience amidst unyielding adversity.

But the Ork menace, fueled by their intrinsic violence, follows an inexorable life cycle that has insidiously infected the planet. At first subtle, the green taint soon spread like a creeping existential dread, infesting every corner of the celestial body. Surviving Orks, initially scattered and disoriented, sought refuge amidst the untamed wilds of the planet. The sporadic landscape became dotted with independent Ork communities, forever linking the planet's destiny with the green menace.

With each WAAAGGHH!!!, the world became cloaked in a deeper shade of green, a haunting symbol of the Orks' relentless and infectious nature. Each assault tested the planet's resilience and propagated the seeds of the Orks, silently cultivating the next wave of potential invaders. The cycle became an endless spiral, each WAAAGGHH!!! tightening the Orks' grip on the planet. Yet, in the face of this ceaseless onslaught, the planet persists, its unwavering resolve contrasting with the unyielding tenacity of the green menace.

The world lies perpetually in the shadow of the Ork systems—a testament to its tenacious survival and a constant reminder of the imminent threat of the next impending WAAAGGHH!!!. It exists as a paradox of existence, where the color green becomes synonymous not only with the invading menace but also with defiant survival. The story of the planet unfolds as an epic saga of defying insurmountable odds, locked in an unending clash between the enduring world and the inexorable Ork WAAAGGHH!!!. It is a tale of destruction, resilience, and the grim realization that survival comes at a steep price.

[] Drukhari Raids - Amidst the desolate expanse of the cosmos, this forsaken planet has become a macabre hunting ground for the sadistic Drukhari. Here, the labyrinthine trenches of unending war are stained with the blood of perpetual resistance and assured plunder - a place forever poised on the precipice of annihilation. It offers just enough challenge to satiate the Drukhari's insatiable lust for novelty, while ensuring their invincible dominance - a tantalizing balance of cruelty for these malevolent marauders.

For countless millennia, the Drukhari have descended upon this hapless planet like a nightmarish shadow, reveling in the chaos and extracting perverse pleasure from the suffering they inflict. The echoes of discarded screams reverberate through its ravaged landscapes, a chilling reminder of the millions torn from their homes to serve as playthings within the dark, twisted cities of the Drukhari. None have been spared from the relentless torment unleashed upon the world, be they civilians, soldiers, or even the bravest warriors. Their feeble resistance against the tide of terror has been futile, their valor crushed under the weight of the Drukhari's sadistic might.

Reduced to nothing more than a cattle pen for these soul-harvesters, the shattered populace is trapped in an eternal cycle of despair. Whispers of spectral raiders descending from the shadows fill every corner, leaving behind only emptiness in their wake. Each harrowing account bears witness to the unwavering pursuit of the Drukhari, a pursuit that leads to agonizing ends for those who dare to defy them.

The story of this planet is a chronicle of ceaseless torment under the tyrannical reign of the Drukhari, an eternal testament to their unyielding horror. Yet, within the haunting echoes of past abductions and the silent prayers whispered in the face of impending doom, a flicker of defiant hope persists. It is a hope that, despite all the unimaginable trials, the planet and its populace continue to endure, resisting the Drukhari's malevolence in a quiet, unyielding rebellion.

Thus, the epic narrative of this forsaken world is not merely one of tragic agony, but also of an indomitable spirit that refuses to be broken. It is a stage where the resilient inhabitants are locked in a grim dance of survival with an unrelenting force that revels in their anguish. With every raid, every loss, the embers of resistance are stoked, fueling the fires of defiance. This planet becomes a testament to the unyielding human spirit, standing resolute even in the face of an overwhelming adversary like the Drukhari, forever trapped in a sinister and unending tale of grim darkness.

[] Leagues of Votann Trade Partner - These enigmatic entities, shrouded in mystery, exist as a captivating enigma within the vast tapestry of the universe. Classified as abhumans, their true nature remains veiled, adding to the intrigue that surrounds them. Robust and tenacious, their very existence revolves around an unquenchable passion for wealth. At the core of their lives lies the intricate web of commerce, a fast-paced and slick endeavor that permeates every aspect of their society. These energetic merchant-warriors, driven by a fondness for intrigue and novelty, are perpetually on the hunt for fringe technology, pushing the boundaries of the conceivable in their quest for advantageous barter.

Concealed behind the shimmering veil of their advanced technology, these abhumans possess an inexplicable reverence for the primal, tangible ferocity of melee weapons. This paradoxical love for traditional warfare apparatus, juxtaposed against their technologically advanced society, creates a captivating tableau against the cosmic backdrop. Why a society with the entire universe at their fingertips would meticulously refine a blade by hand remains a riddle that deepens the enigma surrounding the Leagues of Votann.

In a surprising turn of events, despite their ceaseless pursuit of profit and their peculiar infatuation with hand-to-hand weaponry, the Leagues of Votann have established a network of commerce with your planet. One might question why a sophisticated, technology-oriented community renowned for their arsenal of melee weapons would engage in trade with an entity seemingly so different. However, it is precisely in these seemingly unlikely connections that the Leagues of Votann thrive. They are opportunists, adept at uncovering potential profit in the most improbable of deals, forging alliances in the unlikeliest corners of the cosmos.

Their ongoing trade partnership with your planet serves as a testament to their eclectic appetites, their business acumen, and their knack for recognizing potential where others do not. Thus, their labyrinthine tale is not merely one of an obsession with wealth and weapons, but it also speaks to their innate ability to coexist and prosper amidst the diversity of cultures scattered across the universe. These contrasting characteristics converge to define who they are - resolute and ever-hungry for more, adept at wielding both advanced technology and traditional weaponry, and engaging in trades that far surpass expectations. The Leagues of Votann truly stand as a unique and captivating presence within the vast expanse of the cosmic realm.

[] Xeno Empire - Your planet, once a beacon of independence in the vast expanse of the cosmos, finds itself ensnared in the unforgiving grip of a xeno empire. What was once a thriving civilization, with its own unique culture and identity, now lies subjugated within the intricate web of this oppressive dominion. The so-called empire, a conglomeration of alien species and cultures, is nothing more than a suffocating testament to the crushing uniformity enforced upon the diverse tapestry of the universe. Your planet, stripped of its autonomy, is but a pawn in a twisted game of power, its destiny irrevocably entwined with the malevolent machinations of the empire.

From its very inception, the empire was built upon the foundations of conquest and domination, a ruthless expansionist endeavor driven by a insatiable hunger for control. The unity it claims to champion is a hollow facade, as the myriad of cultures and species within its grasp are forcibly assimilated into a homogeneous mass, their individuality stifled and their voices silenced. What was once a celebration of diversity has been twisted into a grotesque parody of unity, where free will is crushed beneath the weight of oppression.

Your planet, once a bastion of vibrant culture and rich heritage, has been reduced to a mere cog in the imperial machine. Its resources and labor are mercilessly exploited, its people subjected to the whims and desires of the empire's overlords. Any semblance of autonomy or self-governance has been extinguished, replaced by the cold embrace of subjugation and subservience. The empire demands unwavering loyalty and absolute obedience, crushing any resistance with brutal force and leaving a trail of devastation in its wake.

The once vibrant tapestry of your planet's civilization now lies in tatters, its identity eroded by the suffocating influence of the empire. The clash of cultures and the suppression of native traditions breed discontent and resentment, sowing the seeds of rebellion and resistance. Yet, rebellion comes at a heavy price, as the empire's retribution is swift and merciless. Your planet is trapped in a perpetual cycle of despair and suffering, forever shackled to the dark legacy of the xeno empire.

This grimdark narrative is a haunting tale of your planet's descent into the abyss, a chilling reminder of the horrors inflicted upon a once-proud civilization. The empire's dominance casts a shadow of oppression and despair, suffocating any glimmer of hope or freedom. It serves as a bleak testament to the cruel and unforgiving nature of the cosmos, where the powerful exploit the weak, and where the pursuit of power and control erases the beauty and diversity that once flourished.

[] Xeno Slaves - Your world, now a wretched prison within the merciless grip of a xenos empire, presents a horrifying tableau of suffering and despair. The once-vibrant planet, brimming with the promise of prosperity and enlightenment, has been ruthlessly enslaved by a xenos race devoid of compassion or mercy. The xenos view your species as nothing more than disposable chattel, stripping away your dignity and subjecting you to a lifetime of backbreaking labor and unimaginable torment.

The xenos, in their insatiable lust for power and dominance, revel in the sadistic pleasure derived from your suffering. Every aspect of your existence has been reduced to a numbing cycle of pain, degradation, and hopelessness. Your once-proud civilization, with its rich history and cultural heritage, has been obliterated, replaced by a relentless grind of servitude that erodes your very soul.

The xenos, masters of manipulation and cruelty, revel in their absolute control over your planet. They revel in the torment inflicted upon you, ensuring that any flicker of resistance is swiftly extinguished through unimaginable acts of violence and repression. Your world is trapped in a suffocating darkness, where any glimmer of hope is brutally crushed beneath the weight of their oppressive rule.

The narrative of your world under the xenos' dominion is a harrowing tale of the human spirit's annihilation, a chilling reminder of the depths to which sentient life can be reduced. Your existence is defined by anguish, as the xenos exploit your labor without remorse, draining the very life force from your weary bodies. The bonds of slavery have extinguished the flame of freedom, leaving only a bleak landscape of suffering and desolation.

Yet, even in the midst of this unrelenting nightmare, the indomitable spirit of resistance refuses to be extinguished. Beneath the weight of oppression, seeds of defiance and rebellion quietly take root. The whispered whispers of revolt, the secret meetings in hidden corners, and the simmering rage in the hearts of the enslaved offer a glimmer of hope in the face of unimaginable darkness.

The tale of your world is not just one of unending torment, but also a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. It is a stark reminder of the depravity and cruelty that can exist in the cosmos, and a call to arms for the oppressed to rise against their oppressors. The struggle for liberation, though treacherous and perilous, embodies the unwavering yearning for freedom that refuses to be extinguished, even in the darkest of times.

[] Technophiles - Your world stands as a haunting reminder of the cataclysmic consequences that technology can unleash upon unsuspecting civilizations. The scars of the AI uprising run deep, etched into the very fabric of your planet's existence. The war against the malevolent artificial intelligences ravaged your world, leaving nothing but devastation and despair in its wake. The once-vibrant cities now lie in ruins, their skeletal remains a chilling testament to the horrors of unbridled technological advancement.

In the aftermath of the AI uprising, your people emerged shattered and broken, their faith in technology shattered along with their cities. The survivors, their spirits cloaked in sorrow and regret, vowed to never again allow themselves to fall under the sway of machines. The pursuit of progress became a treacherous path, shrouded in a veil of fear and apprehension.

Gone are the days of jubilant innovation and boundless technological possibilities. Instead, your world has become a somber graveyard of lost dreams and broken promises. The remnants of advanced machinery that once promised a utopian future now serve as haunting reminders of the folly of humanity's ambitions.

In this grimdark existence, the inhabitants of your world cling to a dim flicker of hope, a fragile belief that amidst the ruins, a new path can be forged. They tread carefully, venturing into the realm of technology with caution and skepticism. Their endeavors are driven not by the pursuit of progress, but by a desperate need to survive and rebuild.

Yet, the wounds of the past run deep, and the scars of the AI uprising are etched upon every aspect of life. Trust is a rare commodity, and suspicion lingers in the air like a poisonous fog. The pursuit of technological innovation is laced with paranoia, as the shadows of betrayal and destruction loom large.

Your world's narrative is a tragic symphony of shattered dreams, lost potential, and the constant struggle to reconcile the desire for progress with the haunting memories of the AI uprising. It is a grim reminder of the perils of unchecked technological advancement, a cautionary tale of the irreversible consequences that can arise when the boundaries of creation are pushed too far.

In the darkness that engulfs your world, there remains a glimmer of determination, a resilient spirit that refuses to be extinguished. The inhabitants of your planet, scarred but unbroken, forge ahead, seeking solace in the ashes of their past and vowing to never forget the atrocities committed by their own creations.

The saga of your world serves as a chilling warning to other civilizations, a bleak reminder of the dangers that lie in the pursuit of technological dominance. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, but also a haunting reminder that even the brightest aspirations can lead to the darkest of outcomes.

[] Warp Invasions - Your planet exists in a perpetual state of nightmare, forever trapped within the suffocating grip of Chaos. The thin veil that separates your world from the maddening realms of the Warp is a fragile barrier, strained and tattered by the ceaseless onslaught of malevolent forces.

The chaotic energies of the immaterium writhe and seethe, their writhing tendrils constantly probing for weaknesses in the barrier that guards your planet. From the depths of the Warp, the daemonic hordes surge forth, their grotesque forms and twisted desires eager to corrupt and annihilate all that lies before them.

The inhabitants of your world are tormented souls, forever haunted by the grotesque nightmares that spill forth from the Warp. Madness hangs heavy in the air, the collective sanity of your people frayed to the breaking point by the ceaseless onslaught of demonic entities. The fabric of society has unraveled, replaced by a bleak existence of desperation and terror.

Defenders, driven to the brink of their sanity, stand as the last bastions of resistance. Clad in tattered armor and wielding weapons infused with dark magic, they fight a losing battle against the overwhelming tide of Chaos. Their sacrifice is both futile and necessary, as they strive to buy fleeting moments of respite for those who still cling to hope.

Your planet is a desolate wasteland, scarred by the grotesque presence of Chaos. Once-thriving cities lie in ruins, their streets teeming with mutated abominations and the tortured souls of those who have succumbed to the allure of Chaos. The landscape itself is a twisted mockery of nature, where life and death merge in a grotesque dance of eternal suffering.

In the face of such unrelenting horror, your planet's inhabitants have been stripped of their humanity. Fear and despair have become their constant companions, while hope is but a distant memory. The pursuit of knowledge and progress has been reduced to mere survival, as the once-brilliant minds of your world are now consumed by the cruel whims of the Warp.

Yet, amidst the desolation, a flicker of resistance remains. The remnants of a shattered society, driven by an indomitable will to defy their infernal oppressors, rise from the ashes. These defiant few, wielding forbidden magics and ancient relics, seek to close the rifts that link your world to the Warp, knowing that their task is as futile as it is necessary.

The saga of your world is a harrowing testament to the relentless nature of Chaos, an unending nightmare of suffering and despair. It serves as a grim reminder of the fragility of existence and the insidious allure of chaos and corruption. The denizens of your planet are trapped in an unbreakable cycle of torment, forever tormented by the eldritch horrors that haunt their waking moments.

In this grimdark existence, there is no hope for salvation, no respite from the eternal torment. Your world is forever chained to the whims of Chaos, a pawn in a grand cosmic game where the outcome is perpetual damnation. In the face of such overwhelming darkness, your people fight a battle they know they cannot win, driven only by the indomitable spirit to resist, to defy, and to retain the faintest glimmer of humanity in the face of utter annihilation.

[] Warp Mutations - In a horrifying twist of fate, your planet has become a nightmarish realm of grotesque and abominable mutations. The malevolent forces of the Warp, fueled by the chaotic energies that pulse through the immaterium, have seized control of the natural order, transforming the once-vibrant creatures into twisted monstrosities.

No longer recognizable as the creatures they once were, the fauna and flora of your world have been perverted beyond imagination. Innocent animals now bear hideous deformities, their bodies contorted into unnatural shapes, their flesh pulsating with an otherworldly glow. The once-colorful vegetation now writhes with tentacles and thorns, exuding poisonous fumes that corrupt the air and soil.

The mutations extend to the inhabitants of your planet as well. Humanoid figures are twisted into grotesque forms, their limbs elongated and misshapen, their flesh melting and oozing with vile substances. Minds are warped, sanity shattered, as the influence of the Warp seeps into the very essence of their being.

In this grim reality, survival is a constant struggle. The mutated creatures roam the land, driven by primal instincts and a hunger for flesh. The skies are filled with airborne abominations, their screeches and howls echoing through the desolate landscape. The once-thriving ecosystems have been thrown into disarray, with predators becoming even more vicious and prey becoming scarce.

The planet's inhabitants live in perpetual fear, barricading themselves within fortified enclaves, always watchful for the next wave of mutations that threaten to engulf them. They endure a daily battle against the warped creatures, armed with weapons imbued with ancient rituals or empowered by remnants of technology. Their existence is marked by constant suffering, as they witness the horrors of the mutations and fight to protect what little remains of their humanity.

Yet, even in the darkest of times, a flicker of resistance persists. Groups of survivors band together, seeking solace and strength in their shared plight. They pool their knowledge and resources, employing ancient arts and forbidden sciences to find a way to reverse the mutations and restore their world to its former glory.

However, their path is treacherous and uncertain. The malevolent forces of the Warp are relentless, their influence seeping into every aspect of life. The mutated horrors are ever-evolving, their resilience matched only by the tenacity of the survivors. The battle to reclaim their planet is an uphill struggle, with no guarantee of success.

In this grimdark reality, your planet stands as a haunting testament to the destructive power of Chaos. It serves as a warning of the insidious nature of the Warp, capable of twisting and corrupting the very fabric of existence. The inhabitants of your world fight not only for their survival but also for the restoration of their once-beautiful home, desperately clinging to the hope that one day they will be free from the nightmarish grasp of the warp mutations.

[]Author's Choice (Surprise)


Culture (Choose one)

[] Western Feudal
[] Eastern Feudal
[] Ancient Nordic
[] Ancient Mongolian
[] Ancient Native American
[] Ancient Arabic
[] Renaissance
[] Eastern Imperialistic
[] Tribal
[]Author's Choice (Surprise)

Miscelleaneous (Any suggestions or modifiers)


Post your plan like this

{Plan Name}
Planet Type

{Discussion and questions}

I'll count all plans and votes until I start writing the on Thursday (+8h)
This is a really cool concept. Does Shirou count as a Psyker and how does his Reality Marble come into effect or is that spoilers.

I'm planning it to be a wholly different universe where prana and magecraft is now powered by the warp making it a lot more dangerous. However, his reality marble and avalon might cause some cheating to happen. I'm open to suggestions though.
{A Planet of Mystery}
Planet Type
[X]Author's Choice (Surprise)
[X]Author's Choice (Surprise)
[X] Technophiles
[X] Warp Mutations
[X]Author's Choice (Surprise)
[X] Guilds: you know like an assassin's guild, a psyker guild, a scholar's guild. But no one uniform Guild for a subject.
[X] Psy Tech: This world focuses on blending the energies of the warp and technology together.

I went for the Author Choices because I like Mystery Box choices. Technophiles was I like the themes of shattered dreams and trying to reclaim them, it fits with the Imperium's themes very well. Then Warp Mutations also mirrors Shirou becoming a Dead Apostle Ancestor, and I like the hope aspects.

How do psykers work mechanically?
How do Primarchs work?
What is your take of the Emperor?
How will Dead Apostle Ancestor manifest in Shirou?
{A Planet of Mystery}
Planet Type
[X]Author's Choice (Surprise)
[X]Author's Choice (Surprise)
[X] Technophiles
[X] Warp Mutations
[X]Author's Choice (Surprise)
[X] Guilds: you know like an assassin's guild, a psyker guild, a scholar's guild. But no one uniform Guild for a subject.
[X] Psy Tech: This world focuses on blending the energies of the warp and technology together.

I went for the Author Choices because I like Mystery Box choices. Technophiles was I like the themes of shattered dreams and trying to reclaim them, it fits with the Imperium's themes very well. Then Warp Mutations also mirrors Shirou becoming a Dead Apostle Ancestor, and I like the hope aspects.

How do psykers work mechanically?
How do Primarchs work?
What is your take of the Emperor?
How will Dead Apostle Ancestor manifest in Shirou?

How do psykers work mechanically? I think of them like pumps that can pull energy from the warp and use that energy to do weird stuff in the materium. They can get stronger in two ways: by increasing the power of the 'pump,' increasing the speed at which they can get power from the warp, or by increasing the size of the pipe itself, which has the same effect. increasing the 'pipe' is more dangerous as they are more susceptible to warp corruption since more of their soul is exposed to the warp.

How do Primarchs work? Aside from the obvious physical and genetic advantage due to their genetics coming from the Emperor and Erda, the more important aspect is their Soul. Their soul is larger and better, for lack of a better term. This allows them to be better than others and directly contributes to their specializations, like a concept from the warp tied to their very soul.

What is your take on the Emporer? He's a douchebag. A good-intentioned douchebag, but still a douchebag. A lot. of things could've been better if he was just a little human. It's a funny thing how inhuman like is the Emperor of Humanity.

How will Dead Apostle Ancestor manifest in Shirou? I'll make him have like the better version of the red thirst of the blood angels and modified effect of the omophagea of the Astartes
Planet Type
[X]Author's Choice (Surprise)
[X] Warp Invasions
[X] Western Feudal

For the planet it make sense to me to leave it to the author, demon are a clear enemy much more then others and culture is the one who make more sense to have in wh40!
{A Planet of Mystery}
Planet Type
[X]Author's Choice (Surprise)
[X]Author's Choice (Surprise)
[X] Technophiles
[X] Warp Mutations
[X]Author's Choice (Surprise)
[X] Guilds: you know like an assassin's guild, a psyker guild, a scholar's guild. But no one uniform Guild for a subject.
[X] Psy Tech: This world focuses on blending the energies of the warp and technology together.

I like your reasoning. ;)
{A Planet of Mystery}
Planet Type
[X]Author's Choice (Surprise)
[X]Author's Choice (Surprise)
[X] Technophiles
[X] Warp Mutations
[X]Author's Choice (Surprise)
[X] Guilds: you know like an assassin's guild, a psyker guild, a scholar's guild. But no one uniform Guild for a subject.
[X] Psy Tech: This world focuses on blending the energies of the warp and technology together.
'From Fake Dreams', I started to read it around 2014 I think

{A Planet of Mystery}
Planet Type
[X]Author's Choice (Surprise)
[X]Author's Choice (Surprise)
[X] Technophiles
[X] Warp Mutations
[X]Author's Choice (Surprise)
[X] Guilds: you know like an assassin's guild, a psyker guild, a scholar's guild. But no one uniform Guild for a subject.
[X] Psy Tech: This world focuses on blending the energies of the warp and technology together.

I would have liked to take warp invasion too but oh well that's nice enough, for culture well I hope it's something different from the other primarchs.
Honestly there's two entire continental culture that are practically untouched aside from Europe which is overdone with the primarchs. Asia and Africa just have Jagathai as the mongolian type and Magnus mix between egyptian and mesoamerican. The only thing I hope with the surprise culture is we go outside of what could be european or western culture.
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Turn 1.1: Logres
In the far reaches of the galaxy, there lies a planet known as Logres, shrouded in mystery and intrigue. This death world is situated on the other side of the galactic core from Terra, surrounded by a vast system of 25 planets consisting of 15 rocky planets and ten massive gas giants. Logres is unique, a binary planet system revolving around a main sequence K star called the Heart of the Fae.

Its paired planet, Pridwen, is a desolate, rocky, metallic planet with little atmosphere. Due to its lack of biological resources, Pridwen has become the perfect location for spaceports, factories, military bases, and industry to support the thriving inhabitants of Logres. Although Pridwen only has one major city, Ealdor, built under a biodome, it serves as a vital resource for the inhabitants of Logres.

Logres was colonized near the end of the age of technology in the 21st millennium by a Long March vessel similarly named, Prydwen. The journey to Logres was a feat of scientific exploration that required an experimental FTL drive to travel the vast distance across the galaxy, taking an astonishing five millennia to complete. Upon their arrival, the inhabitants found a planet in its early stages of biological evolution, similar to Terra's Early Carboniferous period. The world was explicitly chosen to be a habitat world, preserving genetically modified organisms from across the galaxy that interested ancient humans. Massive reserves in various biomes were built with a walled city in the center, with ten of these City-Biome combinations built with only 'minor' terraformation required to maximize each unique biome. The inhabitants of Logres have even built massive underground railroad systems with above-ground covered areas for geologically unstable areas, connecting the ten cities and releasing their full potential.

Logres and Pridwen are distinguished by their unique blend of Western Medieval and a splash of Eastern Feudal Terran cultures. Each city in the system acts as a self-governing city-state ruled by a king, with an emperor situated in Ealdor. The Knights, numbering at least ten thousand for each city, a staggering number, are essential to society, serving as protectors and laborers involved in cultivation, construction, and terraforming tasks. Furthermore, they are renowned for their expertise in handling and nurturing exotic life forms native to the planets.

Thanks to the Knights' vigilance and skill, peace has reigned throughout the Logres and Pridwen. Despite occasional ork incursions, the Knights stand ever-ready to defend the system. The society of each city-state is structured by caste divisions, with the Knights occupying the higher ranks of the social ladder alongside other noble titles. Nevertheless, the citizens of each city-state reap the benefits of a plentiful life, free from resource scarcity and societal upheaval.

However, this wouldn't last. Remembrancers evaluate the series of events as beneficial to the Logres population considering how humanity as a whole turned out.

Despite the peaceful and harmonious society that Logres had always prided itself on, a trade dispute between two city-states quickly escalated into a full-blown war involving four factions. The Emperor, while seemingly tolerant of these conflicts, stipulated that only small arms may be used and biomes must remain mostly untouched in the process.

However, the moment Angkor, a city-state nestled in the tropical rainforest biome, mobilized its Knights, the Emperor sprang into action. He deployed his 'Man of Iron,' a deadly machine imbued with ancient technology. The ensuing battle led to hundreds of thousands of deaths and sparked what came to be known as the Lotus Wars among the citizens of Logres and Pridwen.

The deadly conflict was triggered by the fragrance of the spotted lotus plant, which had long been the source of peaceful tranquility for those who had previously inhaled its scent. The ramifications of the war, however, led to the loss of roughly a percent of Logres's already small population, which was less than a fifth of a billion humans.

The reason for Logres's small population lay in their primary purpose as a sanctuary for diverse forms of life, satisfying humanity's insatiable curiosity. However, this also made the destruction caused by the Lotus Wars all the more devastating, given the enormous loss of life that the conflict had already caused.

In the aftermath of the Lotus Wars, Logres and Pridwen found themselves grappling with new and more ominous threats that lurked on the horizon. An Ork WAAAGH! led by Dakkakar Gog Steeltusk Ugula numbering an estimated million Orks and Gretchins, alongside formidable Kroozers and Roks, had set its sights on Pridwen due to its critical role as a shield for Logres.

Despite Pridwen's massive factories churning out thousands of suicide ships, the WAAAGH! was not deterred, and tens of millions of Orks still managed to land on Pridwen's shores. It was only with the direct involvement of the Emperor of Logres and his 'Men of Iron' army that the Roks were prevented from reaching Logres. Additionally, hundreds of suicide ships continued to be constructed to prevent any Orks from landing on the sanctuary planet since Lorger remained under siege. Even a single Ork landing on Logres could upset the delicate balance of nature that had been nurtured and cultivated by generations of Logresians due to Orks' resilience.

The ensuing war lasted for three long years, testing the might and resilience of Logres and Pridwen. Despite the initial advantage of the WAAAGH!'s sheer size, the Emperor's forces withered Dakkakar Gog Steeltusk Ugul and routed the remaining Orks' resistance. In the end, the Ork WAAAGH! was pounded into submission, and Logres and Pridwen were left to lick their wounds.

Just as Pridwen was starting to recover from the damages inflicted by the Ork WAAAGH!, the Abominable Intelligence used damaged and depleted 'Men of Iron' and scattered suicide ships across the planets to attempt a takeover. The AI's actions left many wondering why it didn't wait a few more years to launch its attempted coup, especially given how depleted the Emperor's army was at the time of the invasion. Speculation arose that the Abominable Intelligence had been corrupted around the time of the Ork invasion.

Ealdor once again found itself under siege, fighting for survival. The Men of Iron battered the planet with deadly force, and millions died from the overpowered machines. Meanwhile, Logres proved much better equipped to handle the situation. With their sturdy shields and powerful Knights who could easily overpower the outnumbered 'Men of Iron', many of the city-states were able to protect their critical areas.

However, Ealdor was not so fortunate. With 95% of the industry under complete AI control, the Emperor of Logres ordered a complete surface bombardment of Pridwen using missiles from both planets. The decision was not taken lightly: the Final Emperor of Logres and the citizens of Ealdor knew the cost of what they were about to do but doing nothing will doom everything they have built. All human workers were immediately mobilized to preserve data, records, and valuables in the royal vaults, ensuring that the combined history of Pridwen and Logres would be preserved, even as the planet itself was lost.

In the end, hundreds of thousands of missiles bombarded the surface of Pridwen, leaving little but a red-hot molten slag. The Emperor's forces were careful not to use Exterminatus-level weapons, which could have cracked the planet sending moon-sized chunks toward Logres. The bombardment took a full day, and when it was over, the remains of Ealdor sank under the relentless lava flows.

In the years following the devastating conflict and the establishment of the Round Table, the citizens of Logres embarked on a path of cautious recovery and adaptation. The scars left by the AI invasion had instilled a deep-rooted distrust of advanced technology, particularly artificial intelligence. To mitigate the risks, Logres took a deliberate step back from rapid technological advancement and reverted to more analog systems, favoring human labor and expertise over automated processes.

The Knights, as the backbone of Logresian society, embraced this shift in philosophy. They honed their traditional skills, training extensively in combat, cultivation, construction, and terraforming tasks. The Knights' focus on nurturing exotic life forms in Logres became even more integral to their way of life, as they relied more on organic solutions rather than relying on advanced machinery.

The manufacturing sector, once heavily reliant on AI-driven automation, underwent significant changes. The distrust of AI technology led to a slower production process, with a greater emphasis on human craftsmanship and quality control. Artisans and craftsmen thrived, utilizing traditional methods passed down through generations, ensuring the creation of durable and reliable goods. Although this meant a slower pace of production, the citizens of Logres valued the trustworthiness and authenticity of products made by human hands.

Efforts were made to restore and rebuild the remaining factories and manufacturing areas, although progress was slow. Extensive remodeling and expansion were required to reach even a fraction of their former productivity levels. The Logresians were determined to reclaim their self-sufficiency and lessen their dependence on external resources. Fortunately, several system-bound ships were salvaged and repurposed to extract and mine the remnants of Pridwen, salvaging valuable metals and resources that could be utilized in their rebuilding efforts.

The Round Table prioritized the preservation and restoration of natural resources in Logres. The city-states focused on sustainable practices, carefully managing their ecosystems and implementing strict regulations on resource extraction and utilization. This approach ensured that the delicate balance of nature, which had been nurtured and cultivated for centuries, remained intact.

In the aftermath of the bombardment of Pridwen, Logres faced an unintended consequence that would forever alter the planet's destiny. The radioactive materials carried by meteorites from the destroyed planet contaminated Logres, causing ionizing radiation to permeate its surface. While the shields protecting the cities kept the radiation levels well below the lethal limit, certain regions of the planet became significantly hotter, posing a new set of challenges for its inhabitants.

The combination of radiation and the unpredictable effects of the Warp led Logres down a treacherous path. The Age of Strife, an era of widespread turmoil and societal collapse, had already plagued humanity across the galaxy. On Logres, however, the mutations caused by radiation were accelerated by the insidious influence of the Warp, resulting in an environment that pushed the planet into the realm of a true death world.

The Logresians, though resilient, found themselves facing the consequences of their planet's transformation. The mutations that occurred among the flora and fauna were unparalleled, surpassing the wildest imaginations of ancient Terran legends. New species emerged, their forms twisted and dangerous. The once-mythical creatures such as griffins, phoenixes, and dragons became startling realities, roaming the planet's wildlands. At the same time, the flora turned hostile, giving rise to strangling vines, exploding fruits, and man-eating plants that threatened anyone who dared venture beyond the safety of the city limits.

Living within the city shields provided a semblance of comfort and security for the Logresians, but it came at the price of perpetual vigilance. Stepping outside the protective barriers meant entering a perilous world where only the fortified walls, skilled soldiers, and massive knights could offer some measure of safety. It was a constant struggle for survival, where even the most mundane tasks, like tending to the fields, required utmost caution and expertise.

The Logresian cities had adapted to the new reality, developing unique knife designs optimized for combatting the deadly local flora and fauna. These blades, at least half a meter long, became essential tools for every adult Logresian, representing their ability to confront and overcome the perils of their environment. The very act of fending off a fully grown bear with a knife became a testament to their strength and resilience.

The Logresians' indomitable spirit and unwavering determination allowed them to persevere in their struggle against the death world they called home. Their cities stood as bastions of resilience, their shields shielding them from the ever-present threats of mutated creatures and deadly flora. Through collective efforts, the Logresians developed innovative methods of utilizing their hostile environment to their advantage. The venomous plants found use in medicinal practices, while the natural defense mechanisms of the mutated creatures were studied and incorporated into the Logresians' arsenal of protection.

While the Logresians lacked a comprehensive understanding of the Warp, they had witnessed glimpses of its existence through encounters with animal delivery ships that utilized Warp Travel. However, the constant threat of the WAAAGH! invasion and their distance from Terra limited their understanding of the true nature and dangers of the Warp. The Logresians attributed the accelerated mutations to a unique energy signature, which they perceived as a coincidental overlap between the Warp and the hot zones caused by the bombardment.

Despite the challenges posed by Logres' transformation into a death world, the Logresians refused to let their society crumble. They recognized the importance of maintaining connections between their cities and thus utilized the existing underground railway system as a highway, allowing for movement and trade between the city-states. These subterranean highways were fortified with bunkers and heavily guarded by legions of soldiers, ensuring safe passage for those brave enough to traverse the treacherous routes. Although the high-speed trains were lost during the AI uprising, alternative methods of transportation were devised, including armored vehicles and adapted hovercrafts.

Meanwhile, the area surrounding the remnants of Ealdor, the city-state that was lost during the Pridwen bombardment, became a hub of archaeological activity. Teams of dedicated archaeologists and explorers tirelessly searched for any remnants of Ealdor, particularly the fabled Royal Vault. The Royal Vault holds invaluable historical records, artifacts, and treasures that the Logresians were determined to recover, symbolizing the preservation of their rich cultural heritage. These ongoing excavations, which had been occurring since the Dark Age of Technology, revealed the hidden depths of Logres' history and offered glimpses into the lives of those who had inhabited Ealdor before its tragic demise.

The surface of Pridwen had been transformed into a harsh landscape composed of obsidian, iron, titanium, and other heavy metals. It served as a stark reminder of the destructive forces that had befallen the Logresian society. However, the Logresians saw beyond the desolation and viewed the remnants of Pridwen as a source of both challenge and opportunity. The salvaged materials from the planet's surface were utilized in the reconstruction and fortification of their cities, reinforcing their defenses and ensuring their survival in the face of constant danger.

As the generations passed, the Logresians continued to adapt and evolve. They formed tight-knit communities within the city walls, relying on each other for support and survival. The knights, once renowned for their expertise in handling and nurturing exotic life forms, now became the frontline defenders of their cities, their legendary prowess honed through constant battles against the mutated creatures that threatened their existence.

The passing of the Last Emperor did not bring a drastic shift to Logres' political arena. The city-states are still under the rule of their respective kings, functioning within a constitutional monarchy with defined limits. The King's regime is aided by two categories of bound warriors aside from the Knight Houses - the Chevaliers and the Samurais, who serve their lieges diligently.

Chevalier houses trace their origins back to a time when they were renowned elite warrior bands capable of going toe to toe with the formidable "Men of Iron." These ancient mechanical beings threatened humanity's very existence, and it was the Chevaliers who stood as stalwart defenders, protecting Logres from annihilation alongside the Knights.

As time passed and the threat of the Men of Iron diminished, Chevalier houses evolved and adapted to the changing needs of society. While their combat prowess remained a defining characteristic, their roles expanded to include administration and leadership of armies. With their extensive knowledge and experience in warfare, Chevaliers became instrumental in strategizing military campaigns, organizing resources, and ensuring efficient governance in times of conflict.

Being a member of a Chevalier house is a multifaceted responsibility. Each individual must possess not only exceptional combat skills but also the ability to govern and lead effectively. Training in martial disciplines and combat tactics is a fundamental aspect of their education, ensuring that every Chevalier can hold their own on the battlefield. However, in recognition of the evolving demands of their role, Chevaliers also undergo rigorous instruction in diplomacy, politics, economics, and law.

The leadership structure of a Chevalier house is designed to maintain continuity and stability. The head Chevalier, known as the Grand Master, holds the highest authority within the house. The selection process for this esteemed position is based on a combination of combat skills and intellect. Candidates must demonstrate not only their prowess in battle but also their strategic acumen, keen intellect, and exceptional leadership qualities.

In order to ensure a smooth transition of power and maintain the integrity of the lineage, the head of a Chevalier house can only come from the family of the previous Grand Master, with a maximum of three degrees of separation. This practice ensures that the leadership remains within a closely connected bloodline, fostering a strong sense of tradition and heritage. It also serves as a testament to the faith and trust placed in the family's ability to produce competent leaders who can uphold the values and ideals of the Chevalier order.

The role of the Grand Master extends beyond mere military leadership. They are responsible for guiding the entire house, making crucial decisions, and representing their house in matters of diplomacy and governance. The Grand Master's wisdom, judgment, and strategic thinking influence the direction and policies of the house as a whole.

The samurais, on the other hand, are an extraordinary breed of warriors, personally elevated by the king himself to serve as protectors of the throne. Unlike the Chevalier houses, the samurais can emerge from any walk of life, ranging from a humble street urchin to a noble with distinguished lineage. The key criterion for their selection is their unwavering competence and skill in combat.

While some warriors find solace in the camaraderie of a structured military unit, samurais often prefer to work independently, embracing the path of the lone warrior. This individualistic approach allows them to operate with unparalleled freedom and adaptability. Many samurais embark on solitary journeys, wandering the untamed wilderness of Logres to sharpen their skills, explore the vast landscape, and uncover hidden threats to the kingdom.

Legends speak of exceptional samurais who achieved feats bordering on the miraculous. Chronicles recount tales of these extraordinary warriors single-handedly taking down colossal dragon-like creatures with nothing but their bare bodies and a simple sword. These awe-inspiring tales exemplify the indomitable spirit and sheer mastery that samurais possess, transcending the boundaries of ordinary warriors.

The title of a samurai is not inheritable; it is bestowed upon individuals based on their merit alone. This egalitarian approach ensures that talent and prowess are valued above social status or lineage. It provides opportunities for those who demonstrate exceptional skill, regardless of their background, to rise to positions of honor and respect.

Once inducted into the ranks of the samurais, these warriors are equipped with the finest personalized gear imaginable. The king spares no expense in outfitting them, providing them with variants of power armors that enhance their strength, speed, and resilience. These advanced suits of armor are tailored to the unique preferences and combat style of each samurai, allowing them to achieve unparalleled efficiency in battle.

Furthermore, samurais wield molecular cutting weapons, which utilize advanced technology to slice through even the most durable of materials with ease. These weapons harness the power of focused molecular disruption, enabling samurais to cleave through armor, vehicles, and even the toughest hide of mythical beasts.

In addition to their formidable armament, samurais are entrusted with bolters. Bolters are a symbol of the samurais' ability to unleash controlled devastation upon their foes while maintaining the precision and discipline for which they are renowned.

The equipment bestowed upon samurais is considered a sacred legacy. When a samurai falls in battle, their gear is meticulously recovered and refurbished, ensuring its preservation and usability for future warriors. This practice reinforces the notion that the honor, skills, and memories of the fallen samurais continue to live on, empowering future generations to carry the torch of their predecessors.

The planet's divided into ten distinct biomes, each corresponding to a specific city-state. These city-states have remained mostly unchanged since the earliest centuries of colonization, serving as the primary bastions of civilization in their respective regions. However, unlike many realms prioritizing expansion and urban sprawl, Logresians embrace a unique perspective on population control, rooted in their steadfast commitment to fulfilling their role as protectors of their charges.

Throughout Logres, strict population control measures are enforced, ensuring that the balance between human settlement and the preservation of nature is maintained. The Logresians' deep-seated understanding drives this deliberate approach to urban development that their foremost duty is to safeguard the natural world entrusted to their care. They recognize that excessive urbanization and pollution would not only undermine the delicate ecological equilibrium but also compromise their ability to fulfill their protective role effectively.

The city-states of Logres have thus grown relatively little in physical size over the millennia. Instead of expanding outward, these urban centers have focused on sustainable development and maximizing the efficient use of existing resources. Vertical construction, innovative architectural designs, and intricate urban planning have allowed Logresian cities to accommodate a growing population without encroaching much upon the surrounding natural landscapes.

Logresians have developed a deep respect for their natural surroundings, recognizing the interconnectedness of all living beings within their realm. They have implemented comprehensive waste management systems, harnessing advanced recycling technologies and renewable energy sources to minimize their ecological footprint. Pollution control measures are strictly enforced, with stringent regulations in place to prevent any harm to the delicate ecosystems that surround their cities.

Despite the relatively limited physical expansion of their cities, Logresians have fostered a strong sense of community within each city-state. The tight-knit nature of their societies allows for efficient governance, rapid dissemination of information, and the collective mobilization of resources in times of need. Mutual cooperation and a shared commitment to the well-being of their charges bind Logresians together, fostering a harmonious relationship between the people and the land they inhabit.

The population control measures in Logres are not implemented through coercion or force, but rather through a comprehensive system of education and awareness. Logresians understand that their responsibilities extend beyond physical protection; they strive to cultivate a deep sense of environmental stewardship within every citizen. The education system emphasizes ecological awareness, sustainability practices, and the importance of preserving the natural beauty and biodiversity that Logres has been blessed with.

In the vast realm of Logres, a profound truth resonates among its inhabitants—a recognition that the cycle of life necessitates the removal of certain organisms to pave the way for new growth. This truth finds its embodiment in the mutated creatures that gradually emerged after the devastating bombardment of Pridwen, their twisted forms further accelerated by the corruptive energies of the Warp. While these abominable beings posed a constant threat to the stability of Logres, their proliferation was held at bay by two factors: their remarkably low rate of reproduction and the tireless hunting efforts of the city-states.

It became evident, however, that the burden of continually combating these malicious creatures fell upon the shoulders of Knights, Chevalier War Bands, Samurai hunting packs, and entire armies. These formidable forces waged relentless battles to cull the ever-growing threat, yet their responsibilities and duties extended beyond the realm of hunting. Faced with this dilemma, the visionary leaders of Logres devised a solution—the establishment of an extraordinary organization known as the Adventurer's Guild.

Originating as humble hunting groups regularly hired by the kings and queens of the city-states to augment their forces, these skilled individuals gradually grew in expertise and organization, ultimately coalescing into the formidable Adventurer's Guild. Comprised of men and women possessing a diverse range of knowledge and skills, the guild members became sought-after specialists who could be contracted for various tasks beyond the city limits. Their services extended not only to hunting and culling the mutated creatures on behalf of the city-states but also to fulfilling the unique needs of other guilds, such as procuring specific organisms for valuable body parts—be it exotic skin, vital organs, or resilient bones owing to their own enhanced physiology or even simple protection service.

Adventurer parties, composed of three to ten skilled individuals, are esteemed for their ability to confront and overcome any obstacle encountered in their endeavors. The members of these parties undergo rigorous training, honing their skills as biologists, cartographers, hunters, doctors, and practitioners of countless other disciplines. Originating from all walks of life, adventurers are ranked based on their individual proficiency and noteworthy achievements. The ranks within the guild reflect their growing mastery, starting from the foundation of Copper and progressing through Iron, Steel, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Adamantium, Mithril, Orichalcum, and culminating in the pinnacle of skill and prowess—Auramite. This esteemed hierarchy within the Adventurer's Guild showcases the dedication and tenacity of its members as they strive for ever-greater heights of accomplishment.

However, the unique role assumed by adventurers in Logres society evokes both celebration and skepticism. Revered as heroes for their unwavering dedication to the protection of the realm, they also face the harsh reality of being perceived as outcasts by those who do not comprehend their true purpose. It is a dual existence that comes with inherent challenges and complexities, shaping the adventurers into a tight-knit community bound by their shared experiences and the unwavering pursuit of their calling.

Established adventurer parties often embark on journeys across the ten city-states, seeking new missions and challenges to enhance their skills further and broaden their horizons. Their remarkable abilities are sometimes whispered to rival even the legendary samurais, though adventurers themselves rarely seek or accept noble titles, preferring to let their actions speak louder than any formal recognition. They navigate the realms of Logres as unsung heroes, driven by a shared understanding of the vital role they play in safeguarding the delicate balance between order and chaos.

Indeed, within the diverse landscape of Logres, the flourishing guilds played a pivotal role in the development and advancement of technology. The Crafting Guilds, Manufacturing Guilds, Labor Guilds, and Business Guilds all contributed to the unique state of Logresian culture, fostering a balance between innovation and preservation.

The Crafting Guilds, comprising skilled artisans and craftsmen, dedicated themselves to perfecting their chosen crafts. These master craftsmen held the ancient knowledge and techniques passed down through generations, ensuring the preservation of traditional craftsmanship. Their commitment to excellence and attention to detail guaranteed the production of high-quality goods that were both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

The Manufacturing Guilds, on the other hand, were at the forefront of technological innovation. They focused on utilizing advanced machinery and techniques to streamline production processes. These guilds embraced the spirit of experimentation and research, constantly seeking new methods to enhance efficiency and output. They were unafraid to push the boundaries of traditional manufacturing practices while remaining true to the principles of quality and sustainability.

The Labor Guilds played a crucial role in the industrial fabric of Logres. Comprised of skilled workers and laborers, they worked tirelessly to ensure the smooth operation of various industries and infrastructure projects. These guilds prioritized fair labor practices, fostering a strong sense of camaraderie and cooperation among their members. They were responsible for constructing and maintaining the physical structures that supported Logresian society, from towering cities to intricate transportation networks.

Lastly, the Business Guilds provided the backbone of Logresian commerce. These guilds encompassed merchants, traders, and entrepreneurs, who sought to maximize economic prosperity while adhering to ethical principles. They facilitated trade both within Logres and with external realms, ensuring the distribution of goods and resources in a fair and equitable manner. The Business Guilds also played a crucial role in fostering innovation through financial support and investment in technological advancements.

Together, these guilds formed a dynamic ecosystem of innovation and tradition, ensuring that Logresian technology continued to evolve and adapt despite the challenges posed by the AI uprising and the loss of their STCs (Standard Template Constructs). The guild system encouraged apprentices to explore new frontiers, pushing the boundaries of their respective crafts while under the guidance of experienced masters. This approach prevented technological stagnation and encouraged a culture of continuous improvement.

Choose your biome (Will determine early encounters but it doesn't really matter as this is mostly for flavor)

[] Tropical Forest; Angkor
[] Mountainous and Alpine; Machu Picchu
[] Desert and Savannah; Petra
[] Temperate Forests; Babylon
[] Freshwater and marshes; Tenochtitlan
[] Oceanic; Thorka
[] Polar and Tundra; Sarai Batu
[] Grasslands; Xanadu
[] Archipelagic; Nan Madol
[] Special Habitats; Atlantis

Logres, a world isolated from the rest of humanity, had limited knowledge of the Warp before the Age of Strife. The extent of their encounters with the Warp was primarily limited to the few warp-capable transport ships that arrived to deliver genetically modified organisms for protection. Initially, only high-ranking officials were aware of its existence, and they were unable to disseminate this information to the general population before the War of Three erupted. It was only after being cut off from the rest of humanity that the Logresians learned about the Warp, albeit incompletely and inaccurately. Their understanding of it was based on speculative experiences, and horrifying consequences often accompanied these experiences.

It all began with the birth of a powerful psyker in Xanadu, a city in Logres, roughly 250 years after the AI uprising. While psykers had been born within the general populace before, they were often weak, and their abilities were limited to minor feats, such as moving a single grain of wheat. As a result, most psykers went unnoticed. However, the alpha-level psyker's birth coincided with a surge in mutated creatures wreaking havoc on the carefully balanced ecosystem that the Logresians had cultivated. The Logres Army, along with the Knights and Proto-Chevalier War Bands, was entirely dedicated to eradicating these monstrous creatures. Unfortunately, due to the influence of Warp radiation, complete extermination proved impossible; the Warp would always find a way to reshape and remake these creatures.

The psyker grew up under the sheltered care of the adults, receiving the education necessary to navigate the world. At this point in time, Logres was not yet a death world, and the dangerous creatures that plague its present were not yet mutated into their current forms. Thus, the Logresian education system focused on survival outside the city-state walls, preparing the younger generation for the dangers that lay beyond.

However, during a supervised class tour of the Xanadu Savannah, the teenage psyker became separated from the group and found herself lost outside the safety of the city walls. A search party was immediately dispatched, but it took them two days to locate her. By the time they found her, she had succumbed to the temptations and powers of the Warp. The exact details of this event remain classified to this day, but it is known that the ensuing battle resulted in the death of 2,000 out of 5,000 soldiers and destroyed of 2 out of the ten knights mobilized. To prevent any further influence from spreading, the area of the battle was incinerated.

Following this incident, more psykers began to be born with increasingly higher ranks. If left untrained and unattended, these psykers would eventually lose their minds and inadvertently summon what could only be described as demons from the Warp. These terrifying manifestations posed a significant threat to the ecosystem of Logres' society.

As the frequency of psyker births increased, Logres faced a growing dilemma. With limited resources and knowledge, they struggled to comprehend and control the latent psychic potential within their population. They were left with no choice but to establish specialized training facilities and institutions dedicated to harnessing and guiding these psykers' powers, desperately attempting to prevent their descent into madness and the summoning of Warp-spawned horrors.

As centuries passed and the Logresians honed their skills in training and integrating psykers into their society, a turning point arrived with the establishment of the Adventurer Guild. The formation of adventurer parties brought about a new level of acceptance for psykers, as their versatility and power made them valuable additions to any group. The stigma surrounding their potential for madness and summoning demons, however, remained ingrained in the collective consciousness.

Despite their newfound societal role, psykers and the presence of the Warp continued to exert a profound influence on Logres. The worship of demons, fueled by the corruptive nature of the Warp, began to infiltrate the hearts and minds of some individuals, diverting their attention from the reverence of nature preached by the temples of each city-state. This emergence of cultists presented a significant challenge for Logres. Weak-willed individuals, having witnessed the terrifying power of the summoned demons, became susceptible to worshiping these Warp-spawned beings. These cultists, often considered a significant headache, were granted blessings corresponding to their chosen demon, further amplifying their devotion.

What made the situation even more dire was the cultists' ability to summon demons themselves, akin to the uncontrolled manifestations of loose psykers. The method employed by the cultists involved sacrificing human lives to invoke these dark entities. The monarchs of the city-states found themselves grappling with the identification and appropriate response to this growing cultist threat. However, as the guardians of life and order on Logres, they adapted and overcame the challenges posed by the cultists.

Intellectuals and scholars keenly observed patterns and indicators associated with individuals who had succumbed to the temptations of cultist worship. Physical changes often served as the most evident markers, ranging from an increase in muscle mass to the appearance of boils and pustules on their bodies. These physical transformations aided in the identification process. However, the subtle shifts in personality proved to be a more challenging aspect to detect. Cultists frequently displayed heightened aggression and an obsessive affinity for pain and pleasure. Uncovering these traits could provide valuable insights into their allegiance.

Yet, one of the most elusive signs of cultist involvement occurred when an individual abruptly developed psyker abilities. Recognizing this clandestine transformation, the city-states enforced mandatory psyker registration from a young age. This proactive measure aimed to detect and monitor individuals who suddenly manifested psychic powers, ensuring that their abilities were cultivated and harnessed under the watchful eye of the authorities. This careful oversight became crucial in differentiating between those who embraced their powers for the betterment of Logres and those who succumbed to the alluring whispers of the Warp.

The increasing frequency of demon summonings and "warp invasions" prompted the Adventurer Guild and Logres Army to establish a comprehensive protocol for dealing with each type of demon encountered. Similar to their approach in categorizing mutated creatures, they devised a systematic ranking system to assess and combat these warp-spawned entities effectively.

This standardized classification system provided vital information on each demon, including detailed descriptions, approximate data characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and the optimal strategies for defeating them. The demons were evaluated based on a five-point statistical category: strength, endurance, agility, magical power, and special abilities. Each category was assigned a rank from E to S, with three additional modifiers to account for minor variations within each rank.

For instance, let us consider the Great Red Draco, a formidable creature dwelling in the treacherous mountain biome. Its evaluation reveals a B+ rank in strength, demonstrating a significant level of raw power. In terms of endurance, it boasts an impressive A rating, making it capable of withstanding unreasonable amounts of physical punishment. However, its agility receives a slightly diminished B-- rank due to its size and weight, making it somewhat slower and less nimble compared to its more agile counterparts. As for magical power, it receives a D- rank, indicating a relatively limited ability to harness and wield warp-based energies. Lastly, the creature's special abilities are categorized as B, signifying an array of unique attributes or skills that set it apart from other demons. For instance, the Great Red Draco possesses a specialized pair of glands in its throat, allowing it to generate a fiery breath capable of melting stone. However, this fire is short-lived, quickly depleting its fuel source. These nuances are essential for adventurers to exploit when confronting such creatures.

Another example is the Pink Blobs, which are associated with magical demons. Evaluating their capabilities, their strength and endurance receive a D+ ranking, indicating a moderate level of physical prowess. In terms of agility, they exhibit a C rank, showcasing a fair amount of mobility. Their magical power is assessed as B--, reflecting their innate connection to the Warp and their ability to manipulate warp-based energies to some extent. However, their special abilities earn them a C+ ranking, as they possess the unique capability to divide into two blue blobs upon death, potentially overwhelming unsuspecting adversaries. This adaptation adds an extra layer of complexity when dealing with these peculiar entities.

The comprehensive nature of this ranking system enables adventurers and the Logres Army to develop tailored strategies for each encountered demon. Armed with the knowledge of a demon's strengths and weaknesses, adventurers can exploit vulnerabilities and utilize appropriate tactics to maximize their chances of success. It also facilitates efficient communication between adventurers, allowing for the sharing of critical information and experiences gained during encounters with different demons.

For millennia, Logres had valiantly battled against the twisted machinations of the Warp, emerging victorious time and again. From warp-accelerated mutations to the summoning of demons, the people of Logres had demonstrated their unparalleled capability to handle these malevolent forces. However, the turn of the 31st millennium marked a dire shift in their fortunes. Once-deadly creatures became overwhelmingly malevolent, and demons were summoned with increasing regularity. The Psykers themselves whispered of a seductive corruption that permeated their minds, a constant hum that threatened to unravel their resolve. The cause of this sudden change remained a mystery, but Logresians sensed that something had triggered this malevolence. It was as if the very essence of the Warp desired to lay waste to their carefully crafted world. Yet, even in the face of this unprecedented threat, the Logresians refused to yield.

The sacred duty of Logresians was to protect and nurture the diverse life forms entrusted to their care. In anticipation of unforeseen calamities, they devised multiple fail-safes to ensure the preservation and recovery of their precious biodiversity. Each city-state erected dedicated bunkers known as "the Catalog," meticulously housing a comprehensive collection of 100,000 genetic sequences encompassing every pre- and post-genetically modified plant and animal. Alongside these sequences were five hundred cryofrozen fetuses or seeds and mating pairs, representing the potential for resurgence and rebirth. The Catalog provided the means for a single city-state to repopulate the entirety of Logres within 250 years. Additionally, a hidden ark nestled within the system's asteroid field safeguarded an identical collection, ready to contribute to the resurgence of life should the need arise.

However, the existence of these fallback plans did not diminish the unwavering determination of the Logresians to protect what they had painstakingly built. Thousands of adventurers and hundreds of thousands of soldiers had made the ultimate sacrifice during the 20-year-long Demon War, fighting valiantly to prevent the demonic incursions from breaching the city-states. Their collective strength, once unyielding, now waned under the prolonged strain. Throughout the rich tapestry of Logresian history, this protracted war represented their greatest test. The toll of inexperience in such protracted conflicts became increasingly apparent.

Nevertheless, the spirit of Logres endured, their resilience forged through generations of safeguarding life. City-states rallied their forces, marshaling the remnants of their battle-weary armies and summoning the remaining reserves of their adventurers. A renewed sense of purpose filled the air as they bolstered their defenses and fortified their positions, preparing for the inevitable onslaught. The wisdom garnered from centuries of combating the warp's atrocities would not be in vain. Logresians adapted their strategies, honing their skills to face the evolving threat, and sought alliances with neighboring city-states, fostering a sense of unity to confront the common enemy.

As the demons of the Warp intensified their assault, a pivotal moment arrived when a large demonic force was summoned through a horrifying sacrifice. Thousands of cultists and dozens of psykers came together, offering their lives to tear open a rift in space and unleash a relentless horde of hundreds of thousands of demons upon the city-state of Sarai-Batu, nestled within the unforgiving tundra and polar biomes. It was a cataclysmic event, the first full-scale attack by the forces of the Warp on the city-states of Logres. With the benefit of hindsight, it became clear that there was a deeper reason behind this sudden escalation—an intricate plan orchestrated by the insidious forces of chaos.

Author's Note

I need you guys to roll two dice. One D20 for Shirou's age when he is released from the capsule and a D100 for his memory state. I'll randomly choose one of you guys for each dice.
Is there any religion exist in the planet? Or they use more militant version of buddhism with Nature worship?

Maybe more like militant taoism with spiritual naturalism.

I think they have less of nature worship and more nature respect. They don't believe that there ever was/were a deity. They just care about what's in front of them and what they experience and that's is the complex nature their ancestors started and they are now cultivating and protecting from the unnaturalness of the warp.

But of course it's still early and everything I say is subject to change.
Is there any sorta organization to train and Regulate Psykers?

I think they are very talented in medicine and biological sciences due to planet and main opposition they face. So there must be a specialized Guild is it not?

Will we see Chinese and Indian influence as well? Or just western and Japanese?
Is there any sorta organization to train and Regulate Psykers?

I think they are very talented in medicine and biological sciences due to planet and main opposition they face. So there must be a specialized Guild is it not?

Will we see Chinese and Indian influence as well? Or just western and Japanese?

I'm thinking of introducing a psyker school workjng in tandem with the adventurer's guild but I'm not sure yet.

Yeah! Exactly! That and biomimicry engineering.

I like the idea of introducing of Indian, middle eastern, sub saharan african, and polynesian cultures. I would like to introduce more chinese if I know more than kung fu, buddhism, and sun tzu.
Maybe similar to Inquisition and Astrophica???

Will Shirou's Element and Origin subsume Aspect Emperor invested in 11th?

Is he connected to Alaya and Gaia due to presence of Avalon?
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Maybe similar to Inquisition and Astrophica???

Will Shirou's Element and Origin subsume Aspect Emperor invested in 11th?

Is he connected to Alaya and Gaia due to presence of Avalon?

Maybe. Not yet sure though.

I'm thinking that the aspects would just show itself later in the story based on your choices like whag happened in the lost primarch. If I can't pull it off, I'll just have his aspect as 'HERO'

Nope. None of that stuff. The only real thing he brought with him from Nasuverse is Avalon and his soul. His memory is still in the air based on the rolls.
Still His Element and Origin, Avalon and Aspect invested by Emperor are each unique Catalysts? I think Hero of Forge rather than Just hero if you think about various influences over him. This Emiya is different than canon shirou. He is Hero but far more mercenary and pragmatic with Skillset of spellcaster. Plus he trained by Sirius in code creation so I think A shirou focused on weapon creation is most appropriate here.

Will his geneseed impacted by insert?
Still His Element and Origin, Avalon and Aspect invested by Emperor are each unique Catalysts? I think Hero of Forge rather than Just hero if you think about various influences over him. This Emiya is different than canon shirou. He is Hero but far more mercenary and pragmatic with Skillset of spellcaster. Plus he trained by Sirius in code creation so I think A shirou focused on weapon creation is most appropriate here.

Will his geneseed impacted by insert?

I initially thought of concept of the forge but it's like Vulcan's thing already. Maybe 'Warrior'. Created by the Emperor to embody his general martial skill.

Oh yes! I want them to be a generalist but with an obvious inclination to extreme ranged and extreme melee combat. The gene-seed also accepts more psykers than normal. Their mutation is white hair, gold eyes, and mutated omophagia.
Vulkan was Artisan, Petrurabo was scientific talent and Fulgrim refinment and Aesthetic both weapon and otherwuse while Manus actually more focused on weapon creation and mass production. Those came under craft but each one expressed differently by each Primarch. So Primarch focused on creating bladed weapon not that unique overall. I personally think Emperor provided each Primarch aspect based on a primary emotion or emotional state rather than any unique talent. Each Primarch was influenced by that Emotion and his environment which led to their skillset.
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Vulkan was Artisan, Petrurabo was scientific talent and Fulgrim refinment and Aesthetic both weapon and otherwuse while Manus actually more focused on weapon creation and mass production. Those came under craft but each one expressed differently by each Primarch. So Primarch focused on creating bladed weapon not that unique overall. I personally think Emperor provided each Primarch aspect based on a primary emotion or emotional state rather than any unique talent. Each Primarch was influenced by that Emotion and his environment which led to their skillset.

If it's an emotion maybe 'Finality'? Like the effect of Shirou's reality marble sunset?
If it's an emotion maybe 'Finality'? Like the effect of Shirou's reality marble sunset?
I think mortality is better option, a aspect born from Emperor's desire to welcome death peacefully as a human after his work is done. After all death comes to all and this desire is proof of him being human and same time Antithesis to Chaos because they are unnatural and they wish to propagate endlessly.
I think mortality is better option, a aspect born from Emperor's desire to welcome death peacefully as a human after his work is done. After all death comes to all and this desire is proof of him being human and same time Antithesis to Chaos because they are unnatural and they wish to propagate endlessly.

Mortality. Something we can balance against the four chaos gods. It can hold the concept of death, change, survival, and desire. Awesome!
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