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You are a disgraced loser of the previous War but you aim to overcome the trials of this Liar's Grail War. With your Ninja sidekick (Servant) by your side, embark on a journey of murder, murder and more murder!

This is Fate/Blackened Sugar
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December 1st


Rabbit Faced
Fate/Blackened Sugar

It was 2am.

You were chained to a wall and you opened your eyes to find yourself in a cell. Your throat was dry and your head was aching.

The only source of light came from the bars outside of your prison. Lifting up your hand, you rattled your chains before looking at your left shoulder, finding that you were missing an arm.

You were going to be judged now. They caught you. At least they caught only you. You didn't matter. You never did. But you did your best to make them angry, to waste their time on you.

You were a petty person after all.

You looked at the hole in the wall, a tiny passage in this rotten cell. You stared at it and golden eyes stared right back. The sound of scales filled your ears and out slithered a serpent. This thing...


It struck and went for your thr-


It was 2am.

You just woke up from your dream. You felt your shaggy unshaven beard and stroked it as you gasped for breath.

A dream.

You stared at the ground and at the cardboard box with your sign on it.

It was 2am and you were homeless. Leaning against the wall you watched as many passerby went about their businesses. How peaceful. You haven't been caught yet and you weren't facing judgment for any particular reason. You were just cold and hungry.

You felt your right hand throb.

This was a busy city, it never slept. This was your home now. Well, for now, you supposed. You held on to your cane lying on the ground as you watched cars pass by your street.

What do you do?
[] Set up your sign and beg for money. Money made the world go around after all.
[] Lean back and relax. You still had some candy on you. Eat one.
[] Try to find a new spot to sit at. It was getting a bit loud here.
[] Those kind people at the relief center may need help again. Go there.
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It's you
Name: Hans Derrinsmith
Status: Alive

Command Seals: 0
Mystic Code: Black Cane
  • Aegis Suprema {A powerful barrier of light}
  • Runic Knowledge (Intermediate) {A gift of runes given by a Shadow Queen}
  • Faux Pandora {The Curses of the world stored in a Black Box/A White Weapon that would expel the Curses
  • Magecraft (Advanced) {The knowledge of advanced spells and rituals.}
  • Study of Curses (Intermediate)
  • Alchemical Principles (Basic)
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December 1st, Part 2
[] Those kind people at the relief center may need help again. Go there.

Watching the cars go by was fun and all, but those who do not work will not eat. Life may have been easy before but now, you needed to work. Picking up your cane, you used it as support and got to your feet. You winced at the pain coming from your bum leg but you endured it.

You leaned down to pick up your sign and hold it beneath your right arm. It was difficult to move when two limbs were outright unusable. You began to limp down the street as the cold winter air caused your breath to smoke.

The night grew darker these days but that was only normal. You were after all smack dabbed in Winter after all. It helped that you acquired a number of coats to keep you warm.

You avoided people as much as possible while keeping a good pace. Eventually, you reached the little trailer being used as a relief center. It wasn't an office or even a proper building but more of a mobile soup kitchen and supply depot the Homeless could make use of.

You drew closer to it and were greeted by the volunteers working there.

"Oh, Mr. Smith. Good evening," a youthful volunteer said as they were hauling their supplies.

You chuckled as you replied, "I'm only 27. Don't Mr. me yet."

"Must be the beard then. How can we help you? Breakfast is in 4 hours," the volunteer told you with a curious look.

"I was hoping I'd get to do some work for you. Perhaps get myself a midnight snack from your stores?" You guessed with a raised eyebrow.

"Ah. Well, we would appreciate the extra pair of eyes. Some punks have been going around making things difficult for the Homeless. A couple days back, Mr. Sanders was brought to a hospital due to being mugged," the volunteer said with a worried tone.

Ah, that's what happened to Jerry. No wonder you haven't seen him.

"I see. Have the police been involved?" You asked with a frown.

"They're on the lookout but our organisation's told volunteers to back off until this is resolved. But, we can't. People need our help, especially in these times," the volunteer said with a nod.

"I see. I might not be much but I'll holler if anything comes up," you told him as you leaned on your cane.

"Then would you like an omelette once we've finished here?" The volunteer asked as he crossed his arms.

"That would be great," you said with a nod before you took your place before their trailer.

Life was difficult but if one were resourceful, they could survive in the city. You stood before the trailer as the volunteers finished bringing in the supplies for the day. They were good folk but some punks just couldn't help themselves. You supposed that there lay pleasure to be derived from corrupting the good... Or destroying it.

Those people were the worst.

Half an hour later, they came.

"We have company," you warned and the two volunteers tensed up as a group of five youths holding bats emerged.

They couldn't have been a few years younger than you were. Late teens, possibly at the cusp of adulthood.

"W-What do you want? Stay back, we're a private organisation!" One of the volunteers yelled from within the trailer, "We'll call the cops!"

"Hey now, we're part of an organisation too! We're just here to clean up the streets a bit," the rough looking youth said with an arrogant smirk, "Isn't that what we're supposed to do? Picking up the dregs of society and giving them warm beds?"

You grimaced beneath your beard, "If you mean hospital beds, then that doesn't make it right."

"Oh so you disagree with that, huh?" The rough youth growled as he swung his bat at you.

Lifting up your cane, you braced yourself and blocked his blow.


You turned and swept him off with a low kick, tripping him up. The youth fell, hitting the ground and groaning as his friends backed up. You stabbed him lightly with your cane as you looked down on him.

"You better leave before you get hurt," you warned him just as one of the youths pulled out a gun.

"Mister!" A volunteer warned you just as you threw your cane at the youth and sidestepped a swing from another. Flicking your wrist, your cane flew back to your grasp before you jammed it into the stomach of another enemy.

You kneed his face before whipping your cane at his knees and shattering his kneecap.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" The youth yelled as he fell. The boy with the gun tried crawling to it just as you smacked it away.

Police sirens rang in the distance. The bodies of your would be assailants sprawled on the ground groaning. The volunteers stepped out with fearful looks.

"You all right, Smith?" The volunteer said as he checked you for injuries.

"I'm fine. Can't say for these boys, though," you noted with a raised eyebrow.

"We'll vouch for you. We don't know what would have happened if you didn't... Fuck, that was cool," the volunteer said as he nodded in approval, "Almost like magic or something."

"Just martial arts. Not magic," you chuckled as you tapped his shoulder.


The cops carted off youths having gotten video evidence of their assault. You were cleared of anything that would have made you suspicious with the help of the relief people.

You were eating omelettes thanks to your heroics. You had just gotten done with your meal when a new arrival came by. A black car drove by the street and stopped, a few men in dark suits stepped out.

The Volunteers perked up at the sight of them but you simply held up your hand.

A man stepped out from the passenger's seat. He was a mousy looking individual dressed in a pinstriped suit while having balding hair. Your eyes narrowed as you stared at him before he stopped in front of you.

"We have finally found you, Mr. Derrinsmith. A pleasure to finally see you in the flesh," the man said with a polite tone.

"What do you want?" You asked as you lifted up your water cup and washed down your meal, "Depending on where you're from, I might have to get violent."

"We mean you no harm as of the moment. We simply require your expertise in some matter regarding the events that are about to unfold in the city," the man said with a small smile.

You felt your hand ache beneath the bandages you covered it with.

"And that is?" You asked.

"We wish to summon a Servant for the Liar's Grail War with a particular catalyst. Do this for us and we might just be able to hide you from your pursuers," the man said with a nod.

You blinked. So they want in on the action too. Well this makes things simpler, especially with their catalyst.

"You're not with the Clocktower and you're too scummy to be with the church. Are you sure you want to dip your toes in this bloody affair?" You asked as you stood up.

"We would be grateful for your assistance," the man said with a smile.

You limped past him, "Fine. Take me to your place."

"Of course, sir," the man replied as you stepped into his car.


You were seated in the backseat with the streets rolling by your window. You can't help but wonder what kind of catalyst they have to summon a Servant with but... Liar's Grail War? Was that a different format from the other Petty Wars?

"Forgive the later introductions. My name is Luther Valses, a candidate for the position of Master in this War. Our family has been eyeing this area as a possible battlefield for the Petty Grail predicted to manifest here," Luther said from the passenger's seat, "But worry not, Mr. Derrinsmith, we will make this endeavour worthwhile."

You were being transported to the summoning grounds of this man.

What do you do now?

[] "What is this Liar's Grail War? How different is it from the others?"
[] "This catalyst you wish me to see. What can you tell me about it?"
[] "What servant do you intend to summon that needs an outsider like me to assist with?"
December 1st, Part 3
[] "What is this Liar's Grail War? How different is it from the others?"

You already had an idea on what Grail Wars were like. You expected this next one to be the same as the others but it would seem that whoever manifested the Grail here had interfered and created this whole new mess. You needed to know more about this or else you'll trip up badly in the future.

"What is this Liar's Grail War?" You asked with a narrowed look, "How different is if from the others?"

"Well, that would be simple. This Grail War would proceed as normal with the usual set up. There would be 7 Servants with their 7 Masters," Luther explained as the car traveled through the city, "The Seven Servants would consist of Saber, Lancer, Archer, Rider, Caster, Assassin and Berserker. Nothing changed there, yes?"

"That checks out," you agreed with a raised eyebrow.

"They would do battle together in a battle royale fashion while under the command of their respective Masters. Upon death, their essence returns to the Grail and fills it with power in order to allow the final wish," Luther continued as he crossed his arms.

You thought back to the past. As you were lying on the streets bleeding out following your battle with that girl, you realized that a wish had been made. It signaled the end of the War in full with the disappearance of the Servants.

You didn't know what wish she that girl made but it certainly stuck to you. None of the people under your employ recalled nor knew of the incident which transpired that month. Their memories of December 2019 vanished except for you.

That War did happen and at the center of it all was that Doll. A very clever Doll.

"The Grail would manifest itself in full only at the end," you said as you watched the road ahead.

"Indeed. Normally that would be the case. Except under these circumstances... The Grail has already manifested and has been provided a vessel this time," Luther explained with a chuckle, making you frown.

"A vessel?" You asked.

"Indeed. The Grail has manifested in the form of an individual being. While that may be the case, it is bereft of any sort of wish granting power, requiring the deaths of Servants still," Luther said as he glanced at you, "It can think, walk, speak and live."

"A living Holy Grail. It's reminiscent of the Einzbern's methods. Were their secrets pillaged somehow?" You asked with a frown.

"It matters not. But it certainly provides its own twist to it, don't you think?" Luther said with a thoughtful tone.

"I think it only brings about the risk of the Grail breaking during battle higher. Especially between Servants," you told him with a narrowed look.

"Whatever the case, the Grail should be well protected with powerful magecraft. The important thing to know is that the Grail can decide. And the winner of this war would depend on the Grail's decision," the man said as he leaned on his seat, "It's just a matter of protecting, defending and convincing it to allow you to win."

"All while other Masters seek to take it. It's a capture the flag event... But why? The ritual could become less convoluted than it already was," you replied with an annoyed tone.

"Perhaps the winner would have the most resources, or perhaps the Grail would deign to let the virtuous win, or... The Grail could be tricked into granting one's wish in the end," Luther said as he held up his hands to list off his points.

You didn't like where this was going.

"Where is it now?" You asked.

"No one knows. Perhaps it will reveal itself once the War truly began. But it's out there," Luther nodded in response.

A Liar's War. If it was to deceive a wish granting machine, then of course it would be called that. You shouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

Silence filled the car as it traveled down the road.

What do you say?

[] "What's your wish, Mr. Valses?"
[] "Are you up for this bloody affair?"
[] "It's not too late to back out, sir."
[] Write in...
[] "What's your wish, Mr. Valses?"

You decided to break the silence once more, judging the man before you.

"What's your wish, Mr. Valses?" You asked with a firm tone.

The man laughed and spoke, "Why to reach the root of course. But this Petty Grail will not be enough to open a path. No. I will need more and I will certainly find strength to win consecutive Wars as a victor!"

You kept silent then.

This man wasn't a threat...

That just made things easier. You idly drew a rune on your seat as you looked out the window.


You arrived at a manor at the edges of the city. You stepped out and were led through the gate. You noticed the bounded field which isolated the area from the outside. Whatever happened here would be unknown to outsiders, since they would be grappled by the compulsion to leave.

You walked into the front door of the manor where more guards were stationed. It seemed that this man was more than prepared. It would be difficult to get out of this place once they found no more use for you. You held on tight to your cane as you followed Luther to the second floor.

It must be here.

You were led into a waiting room where you sat down and rested your feet. Luther had gone off to fetch his catalyst for you to inspect. While he was gone, you tapped your cane once and dispelled any charms that you would have tripped while traveling through the house.

That's about much all you could do.

You were all alone with just your mystic code.

You felt a little embarrassed coming here on your rags and coats. It was a nice place but you would have preferred a shower or something before coming here.

The door opened and Luther stepped in with a pot on a black tray. You immediately raised an eyebrow as you noticed the negative energy which seemed to see from it.

"Your catalyst?" You asked with a frown.

"Yes. Gu. A cursed poison made from inserting several venomous creatures until one survivor remained. It venom being a potent poison or curse reagent," Luther said as he sat before you.

"And the creature which survive?" You asked as you glanced up at the man.

"A serpent. A peculiar one too. It lives still within the pot exhuding venom and curses. We believe that it would make a perfect catalyst for a flexible Heroic Spirit," Luther said as he smiled at you.

You didn't want to touch it. There was resentment and hatred sealed within this pot.

"Curses... Tend to bite back. Whatever you draw from this particular catalyst may just strike you without warning. Curses are to be respected, not taken for granted. My family thought to replicate Pandora's box in their wish to create an imitation of Pandora by stuffing a curses upon a single box. They failed and the magecraft was considered a dead end but their products remained," you said as you tapped the floor and revealed a black box floating before you, "No doubt you would draw a praiseworthy Heroic Spirit but given you asked for my advice, I'm warning you. Curses may seek sacrifices in order to work. Be they a finger, a function of your body, or even life."

"Duly noted. As expected of one who wields such a magecraft," Luther said as he clapped his hands.

You tapped the floor and Faux Pandora vanished. It dissipated into black particles.

"We would have to take into account the possible ramifications but with a Command Seal, even the most rebellious of Servants could be restrained," the man said with a satisfied look.

"I see. Do you mind if I inspect this catalyst some more?" You requested with a raised eyebrow.

"By all means, the safer the summoning goes, the better. Thank you for your assistance," the man said as he stood up, "We will be fixing the summoning circle now. Will you be staying for the ritual?"

"If you would have me," you nodded as you met his gaze, reaching out for him.

The two of you shook hands, yours firmly shaking his as a small smile left your lips.

"Then good. We will prepare you... A midnight snack then," Luther said as he turned to the door, "Enjoy your stay, sir."

Seems like you were staying here then. You closed your eyes and set your cane before you.


"Yes. We have him. We will secure him soon enough. Take care not to rouse his suspicion."


You smiled while in your seat. That just makes this funny.

You raised your cane and tapped it on the ground.


Their meals weren't bad. You felt like a pig for slaughter, being fattened up before being killed. Silverware scraped against white porcelain as you took a bite of the steak.


Setting down your fork, you sighed.

It should be beginning soon enough. He must be so happy to finally get the Servant he wanted. If man would heed warnings, they would be in a much better place now.

Wiping your lips, you thought that it was time to go. Rising up from your seat, you took your cane and pushed onward. You made your out of the dining room and walked to the back of the manor.

You dragged your cane along the ground as you moved. Small lingering magical sparks were left in your wake as you whistled under your beard.

"Let silver and steel be of the essence. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation," you murmured as you walked.

There was a burst of magical energy and cries of panic beyond you.

"Let this curse be our binding tie," you continued as you walked forward, "Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall. Let the gates of the four winds shut. Let the three-forked road from the Crown reaching unto the Kingdom turn."

You reached the backdoor and raised your cane. You tapped it on the ground and the chaos outside ceased.

You held your cane up and tapped the door, letting it crumble. You passed through as mages and Luther Valses found themselves on the ground.

You spoke and they spoke with you, the cursed catalyst pulsing before them.

"Let it be declared now; your flesh shall serve under me, and my fate shall be with your sword. Embrace to the call of the Holy Grail. Answer, if you would submit to this will and this truth," you declared as you watched the mages stare at you in shock.

The magic circle shined and it appeared.

With a flash of light, the Servant manifested in full in the form of a lithe young woman. Her black hair flower down her body as she stood at the center of the circle.

A frail young woman clad in dark ribbons and thin lattice. Markings scarred her flesh as she stood with her head held high, her lone eye meeting yours. The two of you stood before one another as the air grew tense.

A powerful murderous aura came from such a small and frail looking frame.

You raised your cane and tapped it once, freeing the Mages from your hold.

"What is the meaning of this?! Derrinsmith!" Luther roared as the mages moved to restrain you.

They weaved spells and chanted curses but you remained still. You kept your eyes on her-


Faster than the human eye could catch, she moved and struck with her treacherous blade. Her movement so quick that you only registered her pulling her sword out. Such a feat from a mortal being would have been praised genius or god-like but for Servants it was of no consequence.

Genius Swordmasters wielding the Saber class would have done more though. But for the girl, it was enough for these rabble.

Blood sprayed from the wounds she inflicted upon the Mages before she stood before you.

You were bathed in red as the Mages died one by one, the girl unfazed as she sheathed her sword.

She knelt a few feet from you and lowered her head.

"You... Thief... You will pay..." Luther choked as he clutched his bleeding neck before falling.

You tapped your cane once and let it stand in place.

"I am Servant Assassin, answering your summons, My Lord," Assassin introduced herself before looking up, "Tell me... Are you my Master?"

[] "Yes. My name is Hans Derrinsmith. Nice to meet you, Assassin. Let's get along, okay?"
[] "It should be obvious enough. I hope you're up for the job. Now get up, we have a War to win, Assassin."
[] "A bit too stiff, aren't you? Chin up, Assassin. Just call me Hans. I'm looking forward to working with you."
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[] "A bit too stiff, aren't you? Chin up, Assassin. Just call me Hans. I'm looking forward to working with you."

The rain of blood had ceased and there was only silence for a few moments. You looked down at the girl, at your Servant, while you leaned on your cane. She was ready and waiting for your next order despite her own query.

You decided to reply to her to begin this relationship.

"A bit too stiff, aren't you? Chin up, Assassin," you told her with a nod, "Just call me Hans. I'm looking forward to working with you."

"Master Hans..." Assassin said as she lowered her head, "I understand. With this our contract is complete."

"Good," you said as you heard footsteps come up behind you.

The doors opened and guards stepped out with their guns raised. It took them one second to look at the bodies on the ground before turning to you in surprise.

Before any of them could react, you tapped your cane once and ignited the rune you drew along the floor of the mansion alongside the one you drew on the car you rode in.



Cries and shouts erupted, causing chaos to reign.

"Assassin, this is your first order. Silence anyone you find in that manor. I will procure some currency for us to use for the night," you told her as you limped towards the dead mages.

Assassin bowed before vanishing. How useful.

You knelt down and turned Luther over to check his clothes. You found some mystic codes and a wallet. Tossing aside the mystic codes, you opened his wallet and pilfered the credit cards and money he had.

You did the same for the other bodies and looted them before the manor started to burn harder. Looking up at the flames reminded you of the Wars you fought and nearly died in.

Winning each one took every bit of your humanity with you and the one time you lost, you nearly lost everything. That was how easy it was to fail in the world of Magi. You've been in this world for 27 years and that was the greatest lesson you learned.

You took your leave and moved out to the front. Bodies littered the ground of those that sought to escape. Assassin sure worked fast.

She might even be done.

"Assassin, are you finished?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

Her presence reappeared by your side as she knelt down, "Yes, Master. There are no living beings in this estate save for us both."

"Good. Let's leave. I hope you don't mind me driving," you said as you limped towards a car.

Assassin raised her head and gave you a confused look, "Driving, Master?"

You simply have her a knowing smile.


The car nearly hit a truck as you drove it.

Assassin clung to the backseat with the eyes of frightened cat as you swerved to avoid crashing into another car.

"It's fine. I can drive with one arm, don't worry," you said as you tried manipulating the wheel with magecraft and adjusting with your remaining arm.

"Is this wise?" Assassin asked with an uncertain tone.

"Oh I think so," you said just as a familiar blue and red light followed you behind.


"Oh for fuck's sake," you cursed before slowing down.

You pulled over the side of the road and stopping just as a highway patrol mobile drove up to you. You kept your hand on the wheel while setting up your illusion runes.

"Master, this individual is armed. Shall I say them?" Assassin requested.

"No, no it's just a police person," you told her before a man in blue walked by and shined his light on you. He gave a confused look to your appearance, your matted beared and clothes before looking in the back seat at Assassin in her... Attire.

The police officer frowned and turned to you, "Good evening sir. Have had any drinks tonight?"

"Oh I'm... No. No sir. There was a company costume party. We were just getting home," you told him with a friendly tone.

"Your costume is... What exactly?" The cop asked suspiciously.

"I am a magical hobo," you replied with a straight face.

"Oh. Oh! I see. That's certainly clever," the coo said with a chuckle. You smiled as you tapped on to your cane.

The officer blinked before nodding, "Well, it seem that everything is in order. I will leave now and not bother you."

"Good man," you said as he walked back to his vehicle.

Assassin sat at the back with a curious look, "Costume?"

You waved her off before you started the car again and drove off.


The two of you stopped by a motel and paid for a room. You had Assassin stand guard outside for any foes while you tidied yourself up. You trimmed down your facial hair and shaved off what remained. You ran water on your razor before you rinsed yourself off.

Cutting off your longer hair, you managed to return to your appearance before you went incognito. You wiped your mouth as you looked into the mirror.

What stared back at you was a man in his late twenties with jet black hair but striking blue eyes. This was you and without your beard you looked like you haven't aged a day.

You didn't plan on getting a Servant this soon but circumstances could no longer be controlled. You stared at yourself before reaching up to your stump. It had been torn off in your last true battle... And the phantom pain still lingered.

You should have taken Aozaki's offer to give you an arm.

You walked away from the bathroom sink and sat down on your bed. You should start pulling your resources again and move. You placed wards around the room you were in and nothing would get past Assassin from the outside.

No doubt that Valses' death would cause some stir especially with his friends.

[] Go to sleep. You need the energy for tomorrow. The church will be waiting for you.
[] Call for Assassin. You need to speak with her and get to know her. You want a full rundown of her abilities.
[] Make a phone call. Get your secretary on the line. It was time to fight. You need resources and safe places to stay.
Snake Skin
[] Call for Assassin. You need to speak with her and get to know her. You want a full rundown of her abilities.

The night was still on. There was still a few hours till sunrise. You suppose you could do something productive in the mean time. You fixed what clothes you had until you were in just a single layer of a buttoned up shirt and jacket.

Now that you had a Servant on you, you didn't have to worry about the Family trying to kill you in your sleep. You're much more inclined to trust a Servant watching over you than your own employees and allies. Fighting your grandfather's Dolls was just out of the cards.

You weren't a gorilla like a certain Cheese.

Hm... You've been thinking about her a lot. Was it because you're finally participating in a new war? December 1st, that was when the war truly began in the previous year too. If things played off like some sick joke, it should end at Christmas day as well.

You sat on your bedside and brought your hands together.

"Assassin, show yourself," you ordered before noticing your servant step out of the shadowy corner of your room.

She knelt down and lowered her head, "Master, I've arrived."

"Anything to report outside?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"None. I've also taken the initiative of investigating the other tenants of this Inn. None of them are threats to us," Assassin reported with a firm tone.

"Good. That should give us a few hours of rest," you said as you rubbed your chin, "In any case, you should take a seat. We could allow ourselves a few moments of reprieve."

Assassin blinked and raised her head, "My Lord?"

"Sit, Assassin. I wish to speak with you," you clarified clearly, causing the Servant to stand from where she was and take her place on the floor in a seiza position.

This will take some getting used to it would seem.

"Right. Why don't we start from the top? My name is Hans Derrinsmith. I come from a mediocre pencil pusher family of Magi," you told her with a friendly tone, "Though not only that but I'm also member of the Luctworths, renowned Automata Makers of the Moonlit World, I've been disgraced and tossed out. I've participated in 7 Petty Grail Wars and won six of them. At the seventh, I lost my arm and was forced to retire at the final battle."

Assassin stared at you from where she was seated. She was listening. She took a glance at your loose sleeve where your left arm should have been.

You still remembered the way that girl just outright ripped it off its socket. It would have killed you from the shock had you not inscribed some runes to kill the pain back then.

"Well... If you wish to know more, you can ask. Now it's your turn. I know you're Assassin, you just said that when we met. But who are you, really?"

Assassin hesitated before lowering her head, "Is my Lord asking for my True Name?"

"Yes. Tell me who you are. I believe it would benefit us both if we got to know one another. Trust and bonds bring both Master and Servants a great way through trials," you told her with a nod. You leaned back and added, "You may speak freely."

".... Is it wise?" Assassin asked.

"It's a risk I'm willing to take. Names have power and now that you know mine, you would be able to discern the type of person I am. Simply uttering a name would draw their attention, call people to your side or even rally warriors. Names are powerful things indeed and I understand the gravity of simply bearing the knowledge of yours," you replied as you tapped your foot, "So what do you think?"

Silence reigned between the two of you once more. You waited and waited, your eyes never leaving hers.

Assassin met your gaze before replying, "Mochizuki Chiyome. I bear the curse of Kouga Saburou and serve as shinobi for the Lord I serve under. I am proficient in the Shinobi Arts and reconnaissance missions. Infiltration and Spying are my greatest strengths. However I will not be able to disclose my Noble Phantasm yet. I apologize...For the duration of this War, I will serve under you, Master."

"Shinobi," you blinked in surprise. That explains her movements and weapons, "The first Kunoichi. And you said you were the descendant of Kouga Saburou? The man who descended into a mystical cave and emerged as a Serpent?"

"Yes. The very same. Though his transformation was less a product of his travels but a curse cast upon him. A curse our clan continued to carry till my time," Assassin said as she lowered her head, "I would like to ask for your forgiveness, this Shinobi carries this grotesque sin that should be left well alone. As Shinobi, my duty was to serve within the shadows out of sight of my Lord's eyes so that I may not taint them with my appearance. I ask forgiveness for being unsightly."

You were surprised by this before cracking a gentle smile, "Well, I don't think I agree. While it may be true that you carry a curse you find foul, I refuse to let it get between our rapport as Master and Servant. You do not offend me with your presence, Assassin. You have nothing to apologize for."

Assassin blinked before bowing her head, "You are most generous, Master."

"It's not being generous. It's being a decent human being to others," you told her with a nod, "Though I suspect that our foes wouldn't be as kind."

"I agree. But regardless, I will be your blade should you make use of me," Assassin said as she looked back at you.

Well, she's certainly less enthusiastic than Ferdiad but this was a change of pace. You won't push her to socialize.

For a Shinobi, she seems to be the introverted type. Still, she seemed to be bothered by something.

"Do you not like war, Assassin?" You asked her with a curious tone. Assassin seemed surprised by that before she tried forming an answer.

"No one would truly desire wars. These battles, they just be fought for a reason. They are not something to like or enjoy, I trust that your reasons for battle are not like that?" Assassin said as she gave you a look, "You've waved seven wars, you said so yourself."

"You're right. I don't like it either. But it is necessary if my wish were to be granted," you told her as you looked at your command seals, "That's why we're here. You answered the Grail because you had a wish. So do I. It's a wish worth losing an arm and leg for."

You chuckled as you joked of your crippling scars from your previous battles.

You cleared your throat and said, "And it's certainly a wish worth going to war for."

"I... I see," Assassin said as she looked to the side.

"Miss Mochizuki, I'll be counting on you from now on," you said as you smiled her way.

"Understood, Master. Have a good evening," Assassin said as she stood up and vanished from your sight.

You closed your eyes and fell back on your bed. You were tired. It was time to get some shut eye...


A Doll sat on the edge of a building, looking down the city of canals and lights beneath her. She looked down before taking her phone out and listened.

"Yes? Huh? Popping in and vanishing again, he sure is making this hard," the Doll said as she smiled, "It's fine. He must have a Servant now. He's becoming bold."

She looked down at the city and swung her legs.

The Doll nodded her head and said, "It's fine, Father. He won't get away this time. Saber will deal with him in due time. For now... We have to do something about the Caster that's turned the entire city into their playground."


You woke up.

Nothing. You dreamed of nothing.

That was good. You weren't ready to look into a Servant's past just yet. You held your forehead before stepping off your bed. You stumbled to the bathroom and opened the faucet.

Splashing your face, you felt less drowsy before wiping the water off.

Your blue eyes stared back at you before you walked out.

Looking down on yourself, you grimaced as you saw the state of your clothes. This won't do... This will definitely not do.

Walking to the drawer, you pulled out a smartphone used by one of the Magi last night. You went to an online store and picked out some clothes.

It should take an hour.


"Master. A man is approaching your room."

"It's fine," you said as you walked up to the door. You opened it and was greeted by a man holding a box for you.

"Mr. Derrinsmith? Please sign here," he said as you did as he told you.

You then took the package and went back in.


"Just a moment, Assassin," you assured her as you opened the box.


You buttoned up your vest and stepped into your shoes. Putting on your blazer, you tried making yourself as presentable as you could before you picked up your cane.

Assassin showed up a moment later and blinked, "You changed."

"The suit makes the man, Assassin," you told her as you leaned on your cane, "When we're settled, we'll get you some clothes too."

"My attire is sufficient. Shinobi don't get to choose their outfits," Assassin said as she looked at herself, "That aside, only my Master may see me. Anyone else are either targets or Servants. So where are we going?"

Snake Skin
[] "My employees should be waiting in their respective positions. They can provide us with a safe base of operations. Supplies, manpower and a good hiding spot while you scout outwards."
[] "We'll be going incognito today and walk through the city. I want to give you free reign on exploring today, I want to mark leylines in the city we can use."
[] "I have a safehouse of my own cut off from the network my employees had made. I have some items I need to procure that may aid us."
[] "Visiting the police station may be a good choice. Strange occurrences, murders and even sightings could lead us to potential servants. Once we have a trail, you would be able to make better use of your talents."
Snake's Den
[] "I have a safehouse of my own cut off from the network my employees had made. I have some items I need to procure that may aid us."

You had a few ideas.

Contacting your employees now would only show your hand. You didn't spend the last few months preparing for your carefully laid plans to go unused. You had several things in play and you should use your employees as a last resort.

You didn't want a repeat of Arjuna's assault straight at your base. With Assassin, she should be able to make use of her ability while you were safely hidden. You needed to change tactic a bit to adjust to your Servant.

"I have a safehouse cut off from the network my employees had made," you explained as you limped towards the door, "I have some items I need to procure that may help us."

"Are... Are you going to drive again?" Assassin asked with a wary tone.

"We'll be taking the taxi. Or rather I will be. Can you keep up on foot?" You asked her with a raised eyebrow, "You don't seem find of vehicles good."

"No. They resemble metal coffins," Assassin said as you chuckled at her words.

"Well... You're not wrong," you said as you walked out the door, "Let's go."


The city remained more or less the same but that was to be expected. You didn't walk through it as a homeless individual but as yourself. Disguising yourself and going off radar allowed you to evade the advances of the Luctworth household. You still carried the secret of their magecraft after all so it was obvious they wanted it back.

You limped forward using your cane as Assassin no doubt kept herself hidden and out of sight. Your command seals were hidden away with a black glove and you were wearing glasses which obscured your face with an illusionary trick.

Making your way through some buildings, you entered downtown where you normally stood around before. Here you hid away a hideout for you to use when the homeless life grew too tiresome for you. It was a hidden passage between a dark alleyway sealed by your wards and runes.

The hideout was more or less an abandoned cellar beneath an apartment which you refurbished and kept people away from. It was by no means a luxury suite but it was useable for long stays. You just didn't stick around for fear of it being discovered before the war even started.

Turning on the lights you were greeted by a single room with a bed, a table, a chest and a corkboard on the wall. The objects in it were minimal but it served their purpose. The Inn room you just left was bigger than this.

The room was maintained by some charms to keep it fresh and clean, you didn't have to worry about dust. You walked over to the chest and opened it, setting your cane aside before picking up some maps.

It detailed the location of leylines in the area. You had an idea on which to target first but you could easily made these spots possible hunting grounds for Assassin. Masters would no doubt gather in these spots to perform their magecraft and initiate their own reconnaissance.

You set aside the map and took a mystic code from the chest. You constructed this one out of the scrap you gathered from trash and you were quite proud of it.

"Hey little buddy, wake up," you whispered to the automata as it shuddered before spreading its wings.

You named this particular one Scrap Bird. You were inspired by the drones modern humans love to make these days and decided to make your own spin on the concept. With the Bird, you would be able to see what was going on from the comfort of this hideout without being present.

You utilized a similar move in the previous war to keep tabs on more inexperienced Magi. It was more or less a familiar you can turn on and off.

And finally, you had a list of Magi present in the city. You couldn't pin them all down one by one but the more prominent ones have been highlighted by your employees as they passed the information along. You took a pen and crossed out Valses' name among the many on the list.

Many of them were crossed out already by virtue of being assassinated by your people. On the off-chance a civilian with no experience was chosen by the Grail, you would have an easier time disposing of them than a Magus.

You looked at the names at the top of the list and one in particular caught your eye.

"Phamrsolone," you murmured with a grim tone, "Not gonna deal with that. Let's just hope that family stays out of this mess."

You continued looking through your chest until it was emptied of anything important. You stood up and stepped out into the entrance of your hideout. You let the Scrap Bird spread its wings and take flight.

"Master, are you finished?"

"Yes. You can come in if you like," you said as you slipped back in.

You got in just as Assassin went past you and stood by the armchair. You decided to sit by the work desk you made and sighed.

"Well, until something discovers this place, we'll be staying here," you said as you leaned on your cane.

"I see. Then what will be my next orders? Should I begin my search for the Grail?" Assassin asked with a curious tone.

"That is an important thing to consider given the format of the war. Prep work to stay hidden is mostly done," you said as you rubbed your chin, "Have you seen anything out of the ordinary?"

"Nothing I could discern. I did not sense the presence of magecraft or servants nearby," Assassin said with a tilt of her head.

"I can't be the only who summoned their servant..." You said with a frown.

It was quiet. Almost too quiet.

"Whoever we're up against must be some very cautious Masters. I'm sure that as soon as the Grail is found, things will start getting chaotic," you said as you stared at the floor.

"It... It bothers me as well. Should I make a thorough investigation?" Assassin asked with a curious look.

"That would be wise," you said as you considered your options.

Snake's Den
[] Order Assassin to scout out the city. Have her report back to you on any anomalies she finds.
[] Give Assassin the list of Magi you have. Investigate them and if they have openings, kill them.
[] Send Assassin to the prominent leylines in the city and investigate if there's been activity in them. If they find a Magus summoning something, kill them.
[] Lay low for the night. Have Assassin stand by while you look through the news. You don't want her out and about until someone else makes the first move.
The Beginning
[] Order Assassin to scout out the city. Have her report back to you on any anomalies she finds.

"Assassin, I need you to scout out the city. Report to me about any anomalies you may find," you told her as you met her gaze, "I'll be conducting my own scouting using my Scrap Bird. Be sure not be detected or found."

"I will, my Lord. I will not disappoint you," Assassin agreed as she lowered her head.

"No. It's not about disappointing me. It's making sure you're safe as well," you told her with a nod.

Assassin blinked at that before a light if determination sparked in her eye. She stood up and vanished from your sight.

Assassin was talented and a wonderful information gatherer. When it came to reconnaissance missions, she came up on top. The Takeda trusted her enough to train young women to become like her and being a part of the Koga clan was just the icing on the cake.

You took some candy out of your pocket and popped one in your mouth. The sweetness filled your taste buds as you leaned back on your seat. Something had to break. It was only the day after you got your Servant, you shouldn't expect something yet.

But what was this feeling of foreboding weighing down on you?

You looked down at your Command Seals and grimaced. Chiyome must be feeling it too but you couldn't risk exposing yourselves now. Everything had to be tempered, meticulous and calculated.

Only a wrecking ball of a Master can trip you up again. No, you won't let it happen.

You won't get caught by the same mistakes as the last. You held your left shoulder and grimaced at the phantom pain of your missing limb. Next time you see her, she better be ready.


You let your mind soar. Right now, you connected your senses with your automata. It flew over the city and banked right before landing on the side of the building. You looked around and flapped your wings while activating some cloaking runes to conceal its presence if just a bit.

Your real body was slouched over at the study in your hideout but your consciousness should be controlling the automata. You decided to take flight and check on the general area where your employees would be the most.

Feeling the wind under your wings, you glided over buildings and dipped down into alleyways before escaping out the street. The sun shined down brightly from the sky as you moved.

Assassin should be making good ground now. You can expect a report later. You flew by the docks and studied the area. It didn't seem like your safehouse there was compromised yet.

You continued surveying the city as you took off towards downtown. You flew towards the direction of the church as sirens blared beneath you. From the air, there seemed to be an apartment on fire. You decided to take the detour and investigate it.

Any disaster was worth looking out for. You came upon the fire and inspected it. The firefighters were hard at work putting out the flames from the windows while a few others broke in to rescue those trapped. You decided to leave once there was nothing out of the ordinary.

You went back to the direction of the church and glided towards it. Clouds began to gather and rain would soon fall. You reached the church and found that there were few people coming and going. You blended alongside the other birds while watching the entrance.

Enhancing the Scrap Bird's sight, you studied the people stepping out.

You caught sight of two women walking together. One was dressed in an eye catching blue coat as her blonde hair were curled into fine drills. She seemed to be in deep conversation with her companion, a woman with light purple hair. They walked out of the church before you flapped your wings and glided into a hole in the church's roof.

Hopping through the upper attic, you came out below the church's ceiling. Flying about, you glided towards where the other birds were and blended alongside them.

Beneath you, there was a beautiful nun with snow white hair in the middle of her prayer. You looked around for the local Priest but found him nowhere. When you looked back at the nun, staring straight at you.

Her golden eyes looking past the mechanical eyes of your automat and straight at you. Ah... Could this be the Admin for the War?

She gave you a long hard look before you spread your wings and took off out the nearest window. Seems like the church was already active at this point. You flew and evaded something as it brushed past you.

You didn't know what it was but you didn't turn to check. You shot straight through an apartment building and kept flying inside it.

You distinctly recognized the sound of chains.


It was around the evening when you flew the Scrap Bird on the tallest building of the city before cutting off your connection with it. No need to bring it to your hideout, that was just inviting trouble. Even if it did get found, it won't be traced to you so easily.

You tapped into your connection with your Servant as you held your head, "Assassin?"

"I am here," Assassin declared as she stepped out from the dark shadows of your hideout, "I did not wish to disturb your rest."

"Oh. I wasn't resting but it's fine. I made my own investigations," you told her as you turned towards her, "Do you have anything to report?"

"Yes. There seems to be a swarm of familiars moving through the city. They seem to be small crystalline orbs of unknown origin. I wasn't able to track them down but they did not notice my presence either," Assassin replied as she held her arm, "It would be wise to be careful of these familiars."

"Seems like I wasn't the only one doing recon. I checked in on the church. Something tried to attack me as I was leaving it, I didn't know what but I didn't try to find out," you told her as you placed your hand over your knee, "The Administrator seems to be a woman with white hair and golden eyes. Next time you're out, you might want to observe her."

"I see. The Overseer of this war then?" Assassin said with a curious tone.

"Ruler doesn't seem to be around. That in itself is concerning," you admitted with a sigh, "We'll lay low for the night. You should get some rest."

"Servants do not require rest, Master," Assassin said as she shook her head, "I can remain in my spirit form and guard you."

Stubborn one, this Servant.

You were about to tell her off when your Command Seal burned bright. Your eyes widened as a sudden fiery sensation went through your body. It was like someone turned your nerves into searing hot rods.

"Master?!" Assassin cried out as you gasped and held your stomach.


Your vision faded and you felt like you were looking... Elsewhere.


You could see it. A vision?

No. You could see...

A child. A young girl.

Sitting on a swing set at the park.

Turning her gaze to the sky, you knew who she was. You knew what she was.


The horns of war reverberated in your mind as you held on to Assassin's shoulder.

"The Grail... The Grail has manifested," you told her with a serious tone.


"Will you be okay? That was the signal," a mature woman said to her companion. She fixed her golden hair as she turned to the other lady in the room.

The purple haired woman nodded, "This... Isn't my first war."


"It's starting, boy," the old man said to his grandson, "A toast to the Holy Grail War, hm?"

"We won't lose, grandpa," the young man seated before him replied. They toasted and the clink of their glass echoed in the room.


A young woman held her hand as she looked out the window. Her lone eye stared down at the city before she held her hand against the glass.

A masked man stood behind her, his weapon ready, "Your orders, Master."

"Find the Grail," the young woman replied, "Bring her to me. We'll protect her."


Within a bedroom, a young man held his hand as it burned. He gasped and endured the pain while his command seal grew hot.

Sweat dropped down his face before a pair of hands covered his own.

"Miss?" He murmured with a wary tone.

"It's begun, Master. This story is only beginning. Will you see it through?" The woman said as the moonlight showed her veil.

"I will... I have to," the young man said as he closed his eyes.


The man set down his massive swords as he hit the floor. He stared at the girl passed out before him as he looked up the broken windows of the abandoned building.

"Looks like it's starting. Sorry, lil' Master. I think I'll take executive decision to move out," he said as he watched the girl's face contort into pain, the red marks on her hand burning bright, "Can't just leave the Grail wandering out there."


A young woman held out her hand, relishing the pain that coursed through her body. She smiled before a voice spoke behind her.

"Minerva. Should we move?" A tall and imposing man asked, his hand resting upon his blade.

Minerva turned to him and smiled, "Let's give them all a good welcome party... Saber."


Assassin let you sit down back on your bed as you got used to the pain. Where was that park? How far was it? Could Assassin get there in time?

"Master?" Assassin asked as she held your shoulder.

"That girl, did you see her?" You asked with a rough tone.

"I did. The information came in a split second. That park is not far. If we act now we can retrieve the Grail," Assassin said as she stepped back.

You needed to think. You felt like your blood was rushing to your head.

The Beginning
[] Order Assassin to stand by. Other Servants would surely step out to investigate. A clash was going to happen.
[] Order Assassin to scout but to stay away from the Grail and the battle that will undoubtedly occur. You need to know what you're dealing with.
[] Order Assassin to use the inevitable clash to steal the Grail away. She has the kit and skillset for a kidnapping. Get the Grail away from that area.
[] Write in...
Last edited:
[] Order Assassin to scout but to stay away from the Grail and the battle that will undoubtedly occur. You need to know what you're dealing with.

"Assassin, I need you to go. This might be our chance to go see what the other servants are like," you told her as you met her gaze, "We need to know what we're dealing with."

"Will I be joining the battle?" Assassin asked you with a frown.

"No. You'll be observing. Make your presence scarce," you clarified as you rubbed your chin, "Let them take the Grail if they wish but until the situation changes, keep a close eye on the events that will occur. We'll play this smart."

"I understand. I will go," Assassin replied as she stepped back, "Will you be staying here?"

"Yes. I trust that you'll return safely. Good luck," you told her as she vanished from your sight.

You need to go as well. You'll tag your consciousness into the Scrap Bird and follow Assassin. You knew where the park was, you should be able to get a bird's eyes view from the air.

You sat back on your bed and laid down. You closed your eyes and extended your consciousness to your automata.


You opened your eyes to look down at the evening cityscape. You spread your wings and dived from your perch and took off to glide down. The wind howled past your body as you sharply made your way towards the park where the Grail should be. This was it, the real start for this war.

You just hoped that Assassin could stay out of sight. You flew down and through the buildings before flapping your wings and ascending once more. The park was in sight, you could see it. Enhancing your vision, you saw the playground.

"Assassin, are you close?"

"Yes. I'm at the park now. Two servants have appeared."

"Right on schedule, huh."


Assassin blended the darkness and killed her very presence. She had been too late and two Servants have already stepped in the Grail's presence. One of them was a talk man with rough looking features. He was bare chested and carried with him two massive swords as if they weighed nothing.

He stood by the Grail's side... That young child and stepped between her and the second servant.

The Servant was a man in his prime, wearing a kimono over his shoulders. His hakama was colored sea green as his sandals rose and fell with each step, his movements as light as a feather. His straw hat concealed his eyes but Assassin felt a deep pit of dread take form in her stomach.

She looked down at her hands and felt a primal fear upon gazing upon that man. It was like the very cursed blood which coursed through her veins churned on terror.

"Assassin. Focus. I'm here," her Master's gentle voice kept her steady as she hid.

So long as she remained hidden, that man with the straw hat would not see her.

She watched as the two Servants sized one another up. One wore the appearance of rough brute with his massive swords while the other remained stoic with his hand resting upon the hilt of his katana.

"Say, lil' Grail. You should step back. The grown ups have a bit of talking to do," the rough looking man said.

"Step aside, Berserker," the straw hat man ordered as he remained where he was, "You do not want this fight."

"Oh... I think I do, Saber, is it? Think your little sword can hold against mine?" Berserker asked with a low chuckle.

Saber cracked a smile, "One way to find out. But we can make this easy on the both of us. Simply hand us the Grail and we will leave you for last."

"Tempting. You know what they say about saving best for last," Berserker said as he lowered his swords, "But..."

He then raised one towards Saber.

"It's just not my style, buddy," Berserker said with a smirk.

"Such hubris. Your arrogance may just trip you up," Saber replied as the two Servants stared each other down.

The girl watching them took a step back just as a violent wind erupted from Saber. The girl's hat flew away and her black hair danced about as Berserker protected her from the harsh winds.

"Not going to make this eas-" Berserker hissed just as Saber vanished.

Lightning blasted through the immediately area before Berserker raised his blade. He blocked a devastating blow which was enough to push the mountain of a man back.

Saber grinded his blade against Berserker and the two men cracked equal grins. Berserker kicked him in the stomach before forcing him away from the child. The Grail watched in awe as two Servants dueled before her, each blow hammering through the air like Artillery fire.

Berserker slammed down his sword upon Saber and the katana wielder parried it easily. Berserker used his second blade to block the next strike and the two men were locked together.

"Not bad for a shortie," Berserker chuckled as he pit his strength against Saber.

"I'm impressed. It is an honor to face a Hero of your caliber," Saber replied as the two of them broke contact.

Berserker flew and hit a fountain while Saber smashed into a pond. Berserker dragged himself on his feet as he chuckled while Saber used his sword as a crutch to pull himself out of the waters. A heartbeat passed and Saber turned into lightning, smashing into Berserker's guard.

He raised his sword and disarmed Berserker in one stroke, robbing him of both his swords. Saber moved to cut but was met with a fist to his face.

Saber was pushed back as Berserker's swords fell on the ground.

"That all?" Berserker taunted as he cracked his knuckles.

"You amuse me," Saber replied as he sheathed his sword.

The awestruck girl found it in herself to move away from the fighting. She began to move towards the trees to hide from the Servants. Assassin watched her go and was cut between following her and watching the battle.


You had the scrap bird perch itself on a tree while observing the battle.

"Master, what should I do?" Assassin asked as she turned her attention between the Grail and the fight.

[] Order her to grab the girl and run for it.
[] Order her to follow the girl and observe.
[] Order her to stay and watch Saber and Berserker's bout.
[] Write in...