After the 4th War for the Holy Grail ended in disaster, Kiritsugu tries to settle down in Fuyuki for working retirement... He's on a clock to live, but hopefully he can set Shirou on the right path, destroy the Holy Grail, and save Illya before he dies, right?
A man looks up at you from where he was sitting behind a desk.
"It was too much, last cycle," he admitted with a sigh. "Much too much. Escalation, neglect, and the world burning. Few of those you cared about actually got happy endings last cycle. Not even me, turned into a Dead Apostle and doomed to follow the whims of the story, slain when a Counter Guardian wiped away Fuyuki, and the rest of Hokkaido, in order to prevent the Grail from manifesting."
You look at him in intense curiousity, pleading for an answer. "Oh, that Shirou? Never married, got executed in the Middle East, and died a virgin. Shortly after his death, Nanoha slapped the Emiya name on an orphan she found to keep people away from her, dropped the clone of the Sankt Kaiser with the torn remains of the Emiya family claiming that Vivio was Nanoha's and Shirou's daughter, and then killed Jail before being killed by his daughters."
"But this cycle... it will be more localized, won't it?" the man inquired. "The 4th War here turned out the same as it should have been. Kritsugu is settling into his home in Fuyuki, not seeing a real need to move elsewhere. Both wife and mistress are dead. Previously extra-terrestrial beings have local backgrounds."
"Now, my native counterpart might show up if certain actions are taken, but until then, I'll only come back once the man you are guiding has passed on."
"So, I'll say this:" the man stated, before giving a final warning. "There are things you want to do. There are things you need to do. Want and need, want and need. Do not neglect the needs for the wants."
"Now... Velocity... it is time you started with your guidance of your chosen this cycle."
With that, the man and desk faded.
Fate: A Father Above the Grail
It is February 1994.
The Fourth War for the Holy Grail has ended in disaster.
Several blocks of Fuyuki have burned down. Many lives were lost in the conflagration, where corrupted flames and oil spilled over the area. And it was all your fault. You had seen what laid in the Grail, and how it would have twisted any wish made towards destruction. And so, you, Kiritsugu Emiya, rejected it.
You sought to make amends, searching the burning wreckage for one life. Just one life. And you found him.
That is how you adopted Shirou, a boy with no family to claim him.
You refurbished one of your safehouses in Fuyuki, turning it from a run-down hiding place into a place to live. Although it was originally meant for a family, or perhaps a clan, it was a bit much for a just the two of you. But still, it was a place for you to live until the last of your days.
You might not see your daughter again, but at least you could nurture hope that might have otherwise died in the wake in your actions.
But still… the Grail still lingers. You will need to take action to make sure it does not activate again, in sixty years time. You know that you will not see that day, but have to make sure it does not come about.
What shall you do?
Voting for Turn 1 out of 10 has begun.
(Choose 3; Vote By Plan Name)
[X] In the Grail's Wake: Wealthy Donor
The Great Fuyuki Fire has claimed many lives, and you had a hand in it. Perhaps, to amend for all the blood you have spilled, you can donate some of your wealth to help clean-up efforts. It's not like you're hurting in the purse strings, anyway; there were a lot of well-paying assassination contracts in your past.
Note: Repeatable, but will eventually expire.
Cost: 1 Point Financial Damage; Roll: Rapport; Target Number: N/A; Effects: Improved Relationship with Fuyuki Politicians, Start In Memory Questline
[X] In the Grail's Wake: Cleaning Up
The Great Fuyuki Fire has claimed many lives, and you had a hand in it. Perhaps, to amend for all the blood you have spilled, you can join the volunteers clearing away the rubble of the destroyed neighborhood. You helped cause it, you might as well help clean it up, since the other survivors of the War won't.
Note: Repeatable, but this Choice will expire in short order.
Roll: Rapport; Target Number: N/A; Effects: Improved Relationship with Fuyuki Civilians, Start In Memory Questline
[X] The Corrupted Grail Rises: Samples of Corruption
Your claims of death and destruction may be more… accepted in the magus community if you had some physical evidence to back those claims up. While you're not handing over your body, you can certainly go to the rubble and pack up some of the cursed materials there.
Note: This Choice is only available this turn.
Roll: N/A; Target Number: N/A; Effects: Samples of the Grail's Corruption available for sending to interested parties
[X] The Corrupted Grail Rises: Shatter the Ley Lines
While you can wait, you do want to take action against the Grail sooner rather than later. Using a few explosives should do the trick, causing a small earthquake (common enough in Japan) and nudging the ley lines to move away from Fuyuki. You just need to use your connections to get a hold of enough explosive material…
Note: Repeatable.
Cost: 1 Point Financial Damage; Roll: Connections; Target Number: 10; Effects: Minor Earthquake, Ley Lines start to move to slow Grail's Charging
[X] The Corrupted Grail Rises: Put Out the Word
The Grail is Corrupt. Disaster will befall the world should a wish be made on the Holy Grail. The problem is, no one who knows about it has enough power to deal with it, or simply doesn't care about it. You may be hated by the Magus Community, but if you start spreading the word, there is a slight possibility that someone will believe you.
Note: Repeatable.
Roll: Rapport; Target Number: ???; Effects: Draw attention among the Moonlit World to yourself and Fuyuki, maybe get someone who will do something about the Grail to take a look
[X] Adoptive Son Ties Down: Learn About Shirou
Spend time with the boy you adopted, Shirou. You know little about him, but perhaps you can spend some time fixing that. Learn his hobbies, what he's good at, what does he like…
Note: Repeatable.
Roll: Empathy; Target Number: 5; Effects: Learn about Shirou's Aspects
[X] Underneath a Moonlit Sky: Second Owner
You're not well liked among the magus community, to put it lightly. That said, you do know enough about their culture that it is considered polite to drop by the spiritual watcher of a land, the Second Owner, to let them know of your presence and ask permission to set up a workshop there. Lucky for you, then, that the Second Owner of Fuyuki is a child of Shirou's age, and unlikely to know of your past. You may not want to set up a workshop now, but you might want to later.
Roll: Rapport; Target Number: 5; Effects: Get permission to officially set up a workshop in Fuyuki, Rin Tohsaka knows of your presence, maybe get an Aspect from her
[X] All the World's Curses: Curse Breaking
Its… unlikely you can get rid of all of these curses you received. But maybe… you can see one of your old contacts, and reduce their potency. They're in Misaki, and its close enough you can take Shirou on a weekend trip there.
Roll: Rapport; Target Number: 5; Effects: Confirm information about curses, start Tohno questline
[X] Captive Daughter Waits: Try to Save Illya
Jubstacheit von Einzbern will never let you see your daughter again willingly. The only way to rescue her will be by force… before it is too late. Before she becomes the next lesser Grail.
Roll: Skill Challenge; Target Number: Varies; Effects: Skill Challenge, starts Einzbern questline
[X] Captive Daughter Waits: Decoy Assassins
You don't expect them to succeed. But perhaps you can hire a few mundane assassins to try and raid the Einzbern lands. They might just get Illya out, and even if they don't, the way they die might tell you something about how the head strengthened the defenses.
Cost: 1 per multiple of 5; Roll: Resources; Target Number: 5; Effects: Gain information about Einzbern defenses, ???, starts Einzbern questline
[o] Captive Daughter Waits: Edelfelt Mercenaries
If you were more well-liked among the Magus community, the Edelfelts might have granted you an audience so you could hire them. As it is, those in charge of the family simply don't trust you.
[o] Retired Magus Killer: Magecraft Lessons
You are trying to retire. The Moonlit World has taken away from you everything you cared about, and you don't want your son to risk his own life in it.
[X] Perhaps another idea?
So it begins... hopefully, we can manage without losing those that people care the most about.
Please wait until I post Kiritsugu's Character Sheet before posting votes, all right?
Bad Reputation (Moonlit) (Majority of members of group will not willingly deal with you)
Consumed Feats (Grand Dark Destiny, Nine Lives) (You had the listed feats before, but lost them)
Corrupted Mana (Permanently reduces Mana Track by 3, inflicts Magical Consequence)
Incompetent (Athletics, Crafts, Deceive, Drive, Empathy, Investigate, and Provoke): Use only the related Attribute for the listed skills (do not roll dice), and cannot Invoke Aspects when using the listed skills.
Body Language Reader (You can use Notice in place of Empathy to learn the aspects of a target through observation.)
Born Hero: You start each adventure with 1 additional Luck point, assuming that you didn't already have more stockpiled and your Luck cap is not 1 or 0.
Demolition Expert (Knowledge Specialization: +2 to Crafts and Lore checks involving explosives)
Gun Nut (Knowledge Specialization: +2 to Crafts and Lore checks involving Guns)
Magical Lore (Knowledge Specialization: +2 to Crafts and Lore involving Magic)
Sniper (You can use Stealth to make ranged attacks, provided the target is not aware of your presence)
Stealth Carry: When in a group, an ally can spend a point of Luck to use your Stealth result in place of their own.
Best Foot Forward: Twice per session, you may upgrade a boost you receive with Rapport into a full situation aspect with a free invocation.
Spells Known:
Detect Magic (Cantrip): Learn about the presence of magic.
True Strike (1 Mana): Next turn, if you make a Fight or Shoot attack, gain +12 to the roll; if you don't make such an attack next turn, the bonus is lost.
Notice (Cantrip): Make a Magic attack against a target's Will defense; Success means that you gain the target's attention.
Suggestion (2 Mana): Make a Magic attack against a target's Will defense; Success means you can convince a target to take a (non-suicidal) action.
Mage Hand (Cantrip): 5 pound telekinesis.
Reinforce Object (Deadliness) (1 Mana): Increase the damage done of the melee or explosive weapon by 1. At the end of the combat turn, the object gains the Broken Aspect.
Physical Boost (Variable): Pay Mana and take Physical damage equal to the Mana paid. Increase Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution by the amount of Mana paid for 1 hour.
Shirou Emiya:
Owe Father Everything
Just a Child
Only Lives for Others
Miyu "Illyasviel" Emiya:
Previously Isolated From the World for Magecraft
Long-Hospitalized Teenage Girl
Pierced Through the Lung (Physical Consequence Stage 3)
Fuyuki was awake. Multiple disasters over a short period of time, culminating with the destruction of the Grail and the Great Fuyuki Fire, had startled the city to take action to pull itself together. Already, construction companies were placing bids on the contract for the chance to build the new hotel. Politicians were spending money to take advantage of the situations that had developed (for the good of the city, of course). And then there were the volunteers gathering to try to clean up the rubble that the fire had caused.
Gained Materials of Corruption, with 1 Free Boost
First time there is a situation where the Materials can be used to improve odds of success, you gain a +2 bonus to that roll. Afterwards, you need to spend a point of Luck to gain the +2 bonus… and Kiritsugu's maximum Luck is 0, so the later part is currently irrelevant.
Experience Gained: 1
You joined them a couple of times, admittedly. You did have a small hand in gathering the debris to be carted away to the dump, but that was not your focus. Most of what you picked up was tossed in the large garbage bins, but you did take away a few things for yourself. A few pieces of charred wood, a melted piece of metal, some dark mud. It was not much that you gathered, but it was from plentiful materials that no one noticed you taking. After you got your samples, you stopped volunteering in order to focus on other activities.
Mainly, getting to know your son.
Empathy: 1d6+4 = 3 + 4 = 7 VS 5
Something you learned quickly about him was the fact that he was determined to become a decent cook quickly. Your first night in your new home, you nearly burned the kitchen down, and then got take out for both your son, yourself, and the local fire department. Afterwards, Shirou declared that he was going to learn to cook so that neither of you starved. There was a week of take out more before he managed to make a passable meal.
It might take a few years, but if he keeps at it, he might actually make a decent cook… if only because he keeps kicking you out of your own kitchen to avoid starving.
You didn't notice much else about him, until the night before you were going to depart for a journey to try to rescue Illya. You had trouble sleeping, and woke up in the middle of the night, only to find that Shirou was also up, crying on the porch.
The Fire. The Great Fuyuki Fire. Friends, family, all devoured before his eyes. He couldn't save them; all he could do was just keep walking forward until you found him. They begged and pleaded for help, but Shirou had abandoned them to the flames.
You held him, silently comforting him and telling yourself that you had saved someone from the disaster you caused.
Shirou: Aspects Revealed: Survivor's Guilt of the Great Fire (Mental Consequence Stage 3), Just a Child
On Physical and Mental Consequences: These are gained as damage is taken to the Physical or Mental Damage tracks, or the singular damage tracks in the case of Mooks. Stage 1 consequences tend to disappear in comparatively short periods of time (in this case, at the end of the Turn), while Stage 3 (and 4, for those who can take them) tend to stick around unless dealt with, becoming permanent Aspects of their characters in some form (Broken Leg might develop into Crippled Leg if untreated).
That said, while they are on a character, they can be invoked by the bearer (for beneficial effects) and others (for allies and opponents) by spending a point of Luck, and can be used to help refill the bearer's Luck, just like the rest of Character's Aspects.
Experience Gained: 1
With that, you dropped a note to the Fujimura girl to keep an eye on Shirou while you were out, and headed off to Germany to try to save your daughter.
The problem was actually locating an entrance with few guards. The fewer people that knew of your entry location, the better your efforts to Illya would be.
Attempt 4, Stage 6: Investigate: 1d6+4 = 5+4 = 9 VS 5, and 10; SUCCESS and FAILURE
The kitchen entrance, if not the best bet, would work for your purposes. Just two Homunculi guards, and, with surprise on your side, you would be able to take them out in short order.
Attempt 4, Combat Start, Surprise: 5d6+6 = 1+2+2+4+6+6 = 21 VS ??? UNAWARE ENEMY, SUCCESS
Elite Homunculus Guard 1 takes 21-9 = 12 to Physical Damage. Unconscious and Bleeding out!
One fell with the first shot, falling to the ground, bleeding out, before they even knew you were there. The other took three shots to put down. You likely pierced a lung of theirs before they finally saw you, and then you began a game of cat and mouse as they tried to approach you with their halberd. You did not want to let them get too close with that thing.
The second shot you managed to get in just bounced off of the homunculi's arm, but then you managed to get in a lucky shot where the enemy seemed to forget to dodge.
Stepping over her headless corpse, you entered the Castle.
Attempt 4, Stage 7: Stealth 5d6+6 VS Lord and Castle Are One; Jubstacheit von Einzbern Wins Notice Automatically
There would be no hiding from Jubstacheit while you were in the Castle. You weren't sure of the specifics of how he had pulled it off, but somewhere along the line, he had bound himself to it. He was the castle, and the castle was him. As long as he remained in the Castle, he was immortal, but if he left, he'd die. As long as the Castle stood, he'd live, but if it was reduced to rubble, he'd die as well.
The point was, he knew where everyone was within its walls.
For a normal Magus, they'd be faced with a horde of Homunculi and a Magus who'd been gathering knowledge for several centuries in short order. But against you, who had a weapon that could destroy a mage's circuits, and he knew about it… well, Jubstacheit would go out of his way to avoid you, and instead send Homunculi to your location.
They may have known your area, but they did not know your exact location. You were able to hide away as they searched, and sneaked away when they moved on.
Homunculus stands down and falls back in confusion!
Combat ends!
So you tried to run, but it caught up to you quickly, when Illya decided to speak.
And even though her grandfather held command, Illya was able to convince the Homunculus to stand down. That bought you enough time to get away, and get lost in the Castle again.
But at that point, you were nearly out regardless. The last barrier was the Bounded Fields… but Illya had some basic magecraft training, and was able to guide you through with no trouble.
Illya spends Luck to invoke Isolated From World For Magecraft to guide through the Bounded Fields
Against all odds, you had succeeded. You had rescued your daughter.
Experience Gained: 5
Jubstacheit von Einzbern will remember this.
A little hypnotism, a little shopping around, and you managed to get Illya enough clothes and identification documents to get to Fuyuki. Illya was thrilled with Shirou, while your adoptive son was stunned that he had a smaller big sister.
Aspect Captive Daughter WaitsLost.
Aspect Adoptvie Son Ties Downhas changed to Children Tie Down.
1 Point Financial Damage for identification and supplies for Illya.
Financial damage recovers 1 per Turn, assuming that it was not damaged that turn.
Illya will be joining Shirou in school come the fall. Hopefully she won't cause too much of a stir.
Oh, that was stressful. You went for what should have been the most difficult challenge in the quest right off. I fully expected you to make attempts right away, like in the previous quest. Unlike the previous quest, I wanted it to be difficult, when it wasn't just roll one die and done. Jubstacheit wasn't stupid, after all, and so I'd expect that he'd work to stop you without exposing himself. I was expecting you to try, fail, and then come back at a later time. It was purposely hard, most likely the hardest challenge you'd face all throughout the quest.
I was not expecting you to succeed this soon.
Now, while I try to get turn 2 up and ready for you, I'll give a chance for you to see if you want to improve Kiritsugu to make things easier for him in the future.
And one more thing...
Next turn, there will be Feats available for choosing, I think, and based on what you want, you'll likely be presented Feats similar to your requests. The more people that focus on a Feat, the more likely I'll give an option for that Feat along the lines as what was suggested (but too powerful, and there will be changes to it).
Total Experience: 7
[X] Plan: Save (don't spend)
[X] Plan: (Write-In)
[X] Riot: Feat Suggestion: (Write-In Suggested Feat Name Here)
- [X] (Write In Feat Effects here)
Improve Attribute: 5 Experience * next number
Kiritsugu's cap for attributes is 6, with the exception of Luck, which is 7.
Currently, you can only improve Luck from 0 to 1. (5 Experience)
Improve Skill: 2 Experience * next number of dice
Currently, you can improve Crafts, Drive, Empathy, Investigate, Lore, Provoke, or Rapport to 2d6. (4 Experience)
You've recently been having dreams of the Lancer of the Fourth War dying, repeatedly. Sometimes it is through a Command Seal to kill himself, other times it is in a variety of ways. Stabbed in the back by Assassin, killed in the backswing of Saber's sword while allied, and even, in one instance, grabbed by Berserker and used as a weapon to kill all of the other Servants before being allowed to die himself.
Lancer, in your dreams, appears to be a, well, a chew-toy for the world. If he played poker, you could have cleaned him out easily before you killed him.
Regardless, in the material world, you succeeded in rescuing your daughter from the Einzberns. Your skills were deteriorating, but they hadn't deteriorated to the point where you couldn't find your way through the bounded fields Jubstacheit von Einzbern had put up. They merely… slowed you down a few days. After that, you were able to sneak in and out with few confrontations.
Now, Miyu "Illyasviel" Emiya is joining a local elementary school in the fourth grade to give a semblance of a normal life, while Shirou tries to get used to having a big sister.
It is not all good times, however. While Jubstacheit von Einzbern may be behind the times, he will retaliate eventually. That said, due to the sheer distance from Germany to Japan, you do have a bit of a lead to prepare against his assaults.
It would be a good idea to use that lead wisely.
Voting for Turn 2 out of 10 has begun.
(Choose 3; Vote By Plan)
[X] In the Grail's Wake: Wealthy Donor
The Great Fuyuki Fire has claimed many lives, and you had a hand in it. Perhaps, to amend for all the blood you have spilled, you can donate some of your wealth to help clean-up efforts. It's not like you're hurting in the purse strings, anyway; there were a lot of well-paying assassination contracts in your past.
Note: Repeatable.
Cost: 1 Point Financial Damage; Roll: Rapport; Target Number: N/A; Effects: Improved Relationship with Fuyuki Politicians, Start In Memory Questline
[X] In the Grail's Wake: Cleaning Up
The Great Fuyuki Fire has claimed many lives, and you had a hand in it. Perhaps, to amend for all the blood you have spilled, you can join the volunteers clearing away the rubble of the destroyed neighborhood. You helped cause it, you might as well help clean it up, since the other survivors of the War won't.
Note: This choice expires this turn.
Roll: Rapport; Target Number: N/A; Effects: Improved Relationship with Fuyuki Civilians, Start In Memory Questline
[X] The Corrupted Grail Rises: Shatter the Ley Lines
While you can wait, you do want to take action against the Grail sooner rather than later. Using a few explosives should do the trick, causing a small earthquake (common enough in Japan) and nudging the ley lines to move away from Fuyuki. You just need to use your connections to get a hold of enough explosive material…
Note: Repeatable.
Cost: 1 Point Financial Damage; Roll: Connections; Target Number: 10; Effects: Minor Earthquake, Ley Lines start to move to slow Grail's Charging
[X] The Corrupted Grail Rises: Put Out the Word
The Grail is Corrupt. Disaster will befall the world should a wish be made on the Holy Grail. The problem is, no one who knows about it has enough power to deal with it, or simply doesn't care about it. You may be hated by the Magus Community, but if you start spreading the word, there is a slight possibility that someone will believe you.
Note: Repeatable.
Roll: Rapport; Target Number: ???; Effects: Draw attention among the Moonlit World to yourself and Fuyuki, maybe get someone who will do something about the Grail to take a look
[X] Children Tie Down: Learn About Shirou
Spend time with the boy you adopted, Shirou. You know little about him, mainly that he's got survivor's guilt, but perhaps you can spend some time learning more. Learn his hobbies, what he's good at, what does he like…
Note: Repeatable.
Roll: Empathy; Target Number: 5; Effects: Learn about Shirou's Aspects
[X] Children Tie Down: Learn About Illya
Spend time with your daughter, Illya. You know a lot about her, but perhaps in your absence she had some changes in some part of her personality. Did her grandfather let her keep her hobbies, how much magecraft does she know…
Roll: Empathy; Target Number: 5; Effects: Learn ALL of Miyu "Illyasviel" Emiya's Aspects
[X] Children Tie Down: Learn About Illya and Shirou
Spend time with your children. One of them has survival guilt, while the other was once held captive by her grandfather. You know a bit about your son, but you don't know how much her captivity changed your daughter. Spend time with them, without focusing on one of them, to see what you can learn about them.
Roll: Empathy; Target Number: Multiples of 5; Effects: Learn Aspects from both Shirou and Illya, one Aspect per 5 +1
[X] Children Tie Down: Legal Guardian
When you rescued Illya, you paid to get your daughter into the system. That said, if you look at it one way, you did kidnap Illya, which means that there is an opening to for the man to possibly order the extraction of Illya by mundane methods. It probably won't stop Jubstacheit von Einzbern completely, but by going through the legal channels, you can prevent all attempts for him to do the same.
Cost: 1 Point Financial Damage; Roll: Contacts; Target Number: 10; Effects: Jubstacheit cannot use legal methods to retrieve Illya
[X] Survivor's Guilt of the Great Fire: Psychiatrist for Shirou
You've taken advantage of mages not being entirely there in the past, so you know how dangerous a mental problem can be. It might be a good idea to take Shirou to a psychiatrist to help him heal. However, if the neighbors find out, it could kill your family's reputation in Fuyuki…
Cost: 1 Point Financial Damage: Roll: Stealth; Target Number: 10 (Just don't roll all 1s); Effects: Shirou goes to Psychiatrist to begin healing, don't get Bad Reputation (Fuyuki)
[X] Underneath a Moonlit Sky: Second Owner
You're not well liked among the magus community, to put it lightly. That said, you do know enough about their culture that it is considered polite to drop by the spiritual watcher of a land, the Second Owner, to let them know of your presence and ask permission to set up a workshop there. Lucky for you, then, that the Second Owner of Fuyuki is a child of Shirou's age, and unlikely to know of your past. You may not want to set up a workshop now, but you might want to later.
Roll: Rapport; Target Number: 5; Effects: Get permission to officially set up a workshop in Fuyuki, Rin Tohsaka knows of your presence, maybe get an Aspect from her
[X] All the World's Curses: Curse Breaking
Its… unlikely you can get rid of all of these curses you received. But maybe… you can see one of your old contacts, and reduce their potency. They're in Misaki, and its close enough you can take Shirou and Illya on a weekend trip there.
Roll: Rapport; Target Number: 5; Effects: Confirm information about curses, start Tohno questline
[o] Retired Magus Killer: 'Magecraft' Lessons
There was a passable idea to teach Shirou magecraft wrongly, in order to discourage him from pursuing it too deeply. With great pain every time he performed magecraft, he'd have to give it up sooner rather than later, right? However, with Illya around, and knowing the basics of magecraft, she'd catch on quickly and correct the damage done. Besides, anyone Jubstacheit sends will take advantage of any weaknesses they can.
[X] Retired Magus Killer: Possible Magecraft Tutors
Being good at something does not mean that you are good at teaching it. With Illya hitting a roadblock due to a lack of teachers, Shirou seeking to learn magecraft, and you being a bad teacher, it might be a good idea to start poking around in Japan to see if there are any families that might be willing to teach a couple of students. No family secrets, of course, but the basics of Alteration, Projection, and Reinforcement. Of course, they likely won't do this for free, but right now you need to find them first.
Roll: Contacts; Target Number: ???; Effects: Gain list of families in Japan who might be willing to tutor your children
[X] Underneath a Moonlit Sky: Crash Course
There are a number of threats out there that could put an annoyance into a fate worse than death. Perhaps a run-down of the common threats, the big threats, the local threats, and the big names of the Moonlit World would help keep your children from poking something that they shouldn't.
Roll: N/A; Effects: Shirou and Illya know where not to stick their noses
[X] The Lost Decade: Konbini Sales Clerk
Your family is well off, but constant expenses could make your wallet too thin at a critical point. If you get a decent legal job, you could reduce the strain there is on your finances. Of course, with the times there are, you can't exactly be picky…
Note: As Financial Damage recovers at a rate of 1 per tun, assuming damage is not taken that turn, you cannot take this if you don't take something which inflicts damage this turn
Roll: Crafts; Target Number: 7; Effects: Reduce Financial Damage Taken this turn by 1
[X] Something else? (Write-In)
Later than I had anticipated, but between a new distraction at home and the need to review my notes and come up with new options to replace the Einzbern options, well, I hope this proves satisfactory.
I've also updated Kiritsugu's character sheet, and added the known Aspect list for both Shirou and Illya, on top of correcting that typo that was pointed out to me.
As Shirou headed off to school and Illya joined him, you turned to help finish off cleaning up the damage of the Great Fuyuki Fire. It was simple work, really; just remove the debris and place it in the dumpsters that were brought over to get rid of it.
The length of the cleanup only served as a testament to how much destruction the Grail wrought, and how few people actually kept volunteering to see the cleanup through.
Rapport: 1d6+2 = 2+2 = 4
You didn't make too much of an impression on people while you were cleaning up. Just one more person in the crowd, helping out to clean up the disaster that was made.
By the end of the year, the area of destruction had finally been cleared up. Now, debates were starting on what to do next with the plot of land that had been tainted. Some politicians wanted to rebuild the destroyed neighborhoods, others wanted to make it a park, and a couple more wanted to push for a large office building or perhaps a new shopping district.
Experience Gained: 1
Beyond that, you also took a little time to better get to know your two children. Helping them with their homework, eating Shirou's dishes, watching anime together with Illya… Just calming down and relaxing with the two of them.
Empathy: 1d6+4 = 5+4 = 9
It was during this time that you realized that your son looked up to you. Despite calling you an old man from time to time, he looked up to you more than you thought he did at first. In the fire you had caused, he had lost almost everything; the only thing that he kept was his life. And then, in the aftermath, you had given him a new place, where he could live and grow, and a new 'family' of sorts to grow with.
You had saved him, and for that, he looked up to you.
Shirou: Aspect Revealed:Owe Father Everything
As for your daughter, "Miyu", she had been isolated in the Einzbern castle for most of her life, only experiencing what her grandfather permitted. Now, free from captivity, she devoured any form of entertainment she could get her hands on, be it the latest anime or an older manga.
Illya: Aspect Revealed:Just a Child Illya: Aspect Changed:Isolated From the World for Magecraftchanged toPreviously Isolated From the World for Magecraft
More information on Character Aspects: As a guideline, characters typically have about three base Aspects. These Aspects fall into three different categories: the High Concept, which tends to describe the character in a nutshell; the Trouble, which typically is connected to the most likely method in which the character faces difficulties; and the Connection, which tends to reference the character's relationship with another.
Characters can have more or less than three base Aspects, but as a guideline, three are expected on character.
Experience Gained: 1
But your daughter wasn't entirely safe. Isolated the Einzbern may be, they would stop at nothing to achieve their goals of winning the Holy Grail, and they'd put almost that same determination to get Illya back.
With that, you threw yourself and your Yen into making sure Miyu "Illyasviel" Emiya wasn't just in the system, but established enough that any legal action against separating the two of you would at least hit a few roadblocks.
Invoke: Children Tie Down
Contacts: 3d6+2+2 = 1+6+6+2+2 = 17
People bribed for audiences, paperwork received, filled, and filed, connections were made, and lots of convincing. You even got the Fujimura Yakuza's lawyer to support you. In the end, everything was solid enough to potentially stop legal methods of separating you from your children.
There was still a lot to do in the coming days, as both your children prepare to move to the next grade in school, but hopefully the time spent was spent wisely.
Not too much going on here, really.
I'm thinking that I should make an Invoke grant an additional 1d6 instead of a flat +2 bonus or penalty, so it has more of an impact. Thoughts?
And Skill Feats… well, I think I need to revise and retrieve a couple; I had originally removed Physique and Will, and after adding them back in, I'll need to add Feats for those as well.
As I mentioned elsewhere, I have drawn from Dungeons and Dragons, Fate, GURPS, Pathfinder, and Shadowrun, so some of the Feats may be similar to source materials.
[X] Plan: Save (don't spend)
[X] Plan: (Write-In)
[X] Riot: Feat Suggestion: (Write-In Suggested Feat Name Here)
- [X] (Write In Feat Effects here)
Unspent Experience: 5
Improve Attribute: 5 Experience * next number
Kiritsugu's cap for attributes is 6, with the exception of Luck, which is 7.
Not enough experience at this time.
Improve Skill: 2 Experience * next number of dice
Currently, you can improve Crafts, Drive, Empathy, Investigate, Lore, Provoke, or Rapport to 2d6. (4 Experience)
Skill Feats: 7 Experience Each (Current Preview, not enough experience at this time.)
Always a Way Out: Gain +2 to Burglary involved in escaping a location.
Master Pickpocket: Gain +2 to Burglary involved in picking pockets.
Security Specialist: If you work on security measures, as long as they remain in good standing (that is, they can't be decayed), you use your active Burglary to oppose those looking to bypass them.
Talk the Talk: You can use your Burglary dice in place of Contacts dice when dealing with thieves, burglars, and other criminal elements (you still use Charisma for your roll).
You're Never Safe: When using Burglary, you can do so in a way that reduces confidence in a target (ex: head of security, or the man you pickpocket). Use Burglary to make an attack roll against Will, and inflict damage to their Mental Stress Track based on the result.
Ear to the Ground: When someone initiates a conflict against you in an area where you have a network of contacts, you can use Contacts instead of Notice for the first round of initiative, because you got tipped off ahead of time (you still use Notice for all subsequent initiative rounds).
Rumormonger: Gain +2 to Contacts to plant vicious rumors about someone else.
Weight of Reputation: You can use Contacts in place of Provoke when creating an advantage on someone who knows your reputation.
Fast Talk: Gain +2 to Deceive when trying to pass a person obstacle, provided you don't say more than a few sentences to them.
Lies Upon Lies: Gain +2 to Deceive when trying to create an aspect on someone who has already fallen for your Deceive.
Master of Disguise: Gain +2 to Deceive checks involving putting on disguises on yourself.
Mind Games: You can use Deceive in place of Provoke for mental attacks, provided you make up a clever lie as part of your attack.
One Person, Many Faces: Whenever you meet someone new, you can spend a point of Luck to say you met that person before, but under a different name and identity. That person gains a situation Aspect to represent your cover story, and you use Deceive instead of Rapport whenever interacting with that person.
That Liar Lies!: You can use Deceive in place of Empathy to discern or discover lies, whether directed at you or someone else.
Attack the Mind: As long as the target has at least one physical consequence, you can use Fight to inflict damage to the target's Mental damage track.
Backup Weapon: Whenever someone is going to inflict the Disarmed situation Aspect (or something similar), you can spend a Luck point and declare you have a backup weapon. Instead of the situation Aspect, you opponent gets a single boost to reflect the momentary distraction of you having to switch.
Double Strike: When attacking with Fight, you may make two attacks in quick succession, dividing your Fight dice how you see fit and adding your Strength to each roll (ex: a base of 3d6+2 can be divided to 1d6+2 and 2d6+2). You can have one attack have 0 dice, but not below 0. Inflict damage for each attack that hits.
Natural Weapons: You may use your fists as natural weapons, and cannot be disarmed of them without taking a consequence relating to those natural weapons.
Power Attack: When using Fight, you can reduce the number of dice rolled (minimum of 0). If you hit, increase the damage done by 1 for every attack die sacrificed.
Warmaster: Gain +2 to Fight rolls made to create an advantage against an opponent, provided the opponent has a fighting style or weakness she can exploit.
Weapon Focus: Choose 1 weapon type; you gain +1 on all Fight rolls involving that weapon type.
Body Language Reader: You can use Notice in place of Empathy to learn the aspects of a target through observation.
Danger Sense: You have an almost preternatural capacity for detecting danger. Your Notice skill works unimpeded by conditions like total concealment, darkness, or other sensory impairments in situations where someone or something intends to harm you.
Incredible Initiative: When using Notice for Initiative rolls, gain +2 to those rolls.
Quick Search: When searching an area with Notice, gain results in half the time.
Stealth Carry: When in a group, an ally can spend a point of Luck to use your Stealth result in place of their own.
Fearsome Will: You can use your Will dice in place of Provoke dice to scare someone (you still use Charisma for your roll).
It occurred to you that, since you are moving more into the open, your words would become more important than before. Your skill with shooting enemies from the shadows was becoming less vital, and a life set in one place, particularly in Japan, will require connections with the neighbors. At least Shirou was able to imprint a few words of advice to you; hardly anyone disliked him in Fuyuki.
Still, as your children prepare to move up in grades, you know that the Einzbern family will strike soon. Whatever lead you had on them was coming to an end, and you could only hope that whatever you did would be enough to keep your family alive, together, and free.
There are things you need to do, and any grace period that you had has surely run out.
Voting for Turn 3 out of 10 has begun.
(Choose 3; Vote By Plan)
[X] In the Grail's Wake: Wealthy Donor
The Great Fuyuki Fire has claimed many lives, and you had a hand in it. Perhaps, to amend for all the blood you have spilled, you can donate some of your wealth to help with whatever project is done in the wake of the cleanup.
Note: Repeatable, but will eventually have less of an impact.
Cost: 1 Point Financial Damage; Roll: Rapport; Target Number: N/A; Effects: Improved Relationship with Fuyuki Politicians, Continue In Memory Questline
[X] The Corrupted Grail Rises: Shatter the Ley Lines
While you can wait, you do want to take action against the Grail sooner rather than later. Using a few explosives should do the trick, causing a small earthquake (common enough in Japan) and nudging the ley lines to move away from Fuyuki. You just need to use your connections to get a hold of enough explosive material…
Note: Repeatable.
Cost: 1 Point Financial Damage; Roll: Connections; Target Number: 10; Effects: Minor Earthquake, Ley Lines start to move to slow Grail's Charging
[X] The Corrupted Grail Rises: Put Out the Word
The Grail is Corrupt. Disaster will befall the world should a wish be made on the Holy Grail. The problem is, no one who knows about it has enough power to deal with it, or simply doesn't care about it. You may be hated by the Magus Community, but if you start spreading the word, there is a slight possibility that someone will believe you.
Note: Repeatable.
Roll: Rapport; Target Number: ???; Effects: Draw attention among the Moonlit World to yourself and Fuyuki, maybe get someone who will do something about the Grail to take a look
[X] Children Tie Down: Learn About Shirou
Spend time with the boy you adopted, Shirou. You know little about him, mainly that he's got survivor's guilt, but perhaps you can spend some time learning more. Learn his hobbies, what he's good at, what does he like…
Note: Repeatable.
Roll: Empathy; Target Number: 5; Effects: Learn about Shirou's Aspects
[X] Children Tie Down: Learn About Illya
Spend time with your daughter, Illya. You know a lot about her, but perhaps in your absence she had some changes in some part of her personality. Did her grandfather let her keep her hobbies, how much magecraft does she know…
Roll: Empathy; Target Number 5; Effects: Learn ALL of Miyu "Illyasviel" Emiya's Aspects
[X] Children Tie Down: Learn About Illya and Shirou
Spend time with your children. One of them has survival guilt, while the other was once held captive by her grandfather. You know a bit about your son, but you don't know how much her captivity changed your daughter. Spend time with them, without focusing on one of them, to see what you can learn about them.
Roll: Empathy; Target Number: Multiples of 5; Effects: Learn Aspects from both Shirou and Illya, one Aspect for each per 5
[X] Survivor's Guilt of the Great Fire: Psychiatrist for Shirou
You've taken advantage of mages not being entirely there in the past, so you know how dangerous a mental problem can be. It might be a good idea to take Shirou to a psychiatrist to help him heal. However, if the neighbors find out, it could kill your family's reputation in Fuyuki…
Cost: 1 Point Financial Damage: Roll: Stealth; Target Number: 10 (Just don't roll all 1s); Effects: Shirou goes to Psychiatrist to begin healing, don't get Bad Reputation (Fuyuki)
[X] Underneath a Moonlit Sky: Second Owner
You're not well liked among the magus community, to put it lightly. That said, you do know enough about their culture that it is considered polite to drop by the spiritual watcher of a land, the Second Owner, to let them know of your presence and ask permission to set up a workshop there. Lucky for you, then, that the Second Owner of Fuyuki is a child of Shirou's age, and unlikely to know of your past. You may not want to set up a workshop now, but you might want to later.
Roll: Rapport; Target Number: 5; Effects: Get permission to officially set up a workshop in Fuyuki, Rin Tohsaka knows of your presence, maybe get an Aspect from her
[X] All the World's Curses: Curse Breaking
Its… unlikely you can get rid of all of these curses you received. But maybe… you can see one of your old contacts, and reduce their potency. They're in Misaki, and its close enough you can take Shirou and Illya on a weekend trip there.
Roll: Rapport; Target Number: 5; Effects: Confirm information about curses, start Tohno questline
[X] Retired Magus Killer: Possible Magecraft Tutors
Being good at something does not mean that you are good at teaching it. With Illya hitting a roadblock due to a lack of teachers, Shirou seeking to learn magecraft, and you being a bad teacher, it might be a good idea to start poking around in Japan to see if there are any families that might be willing to teach a couple of students. No family secrets, of course, but the basics of Alteration, Projection, and Reinforcement. Of course, they likely won't do this for free, but right now you need to find them first.
Roll: Contacts; Target Number: ???; Effects: Gain list of families in Japan who might be willing to tutor your children
[X] Underneath a Moonlit Sky: Crash Course
There are a number of threats out there that could put an annoyance into a fate worse than death. Perhaps a run-down of the common threats, the big threats, the local threats, and the big names of the Moonlit World would help keep your children from poking something that they shouldn't.
Roll: N/A; Effects: Shirou and Illya know where not to stick their noses
[X] The Lost Decade: Konbini Sales Clerk
Your family is well off, but constant expenses could make your wallet too thin at a critical point. If you get a decent legal job, you could reduce the strain there is on your finances. Of course, with the times there are, you can't exactly be picky…
Roll: Crafts; Target Number: 7; Effects: Recover Financial Damage by 1
[X] Stretched Wallet: Bank Heist
Most magi are in relatively well-off positions in society. Between the wealth that their ancestors gathered, on top of their normal abilities above mundanes, it would take a bout of bad luck to actually lose a significant amount of wealth. To that end, you don't know of any magus who had a need to rob a bank for mere wealth. Still, with skills that the mundane side doesn't know of, you might be able to pull it off.
Roll: Large Skill Challenge; Target Number: Varies; Effects: Attempt to rob a bank
[X] Lord and Castle Are One: Jubstacheit Must Die!
There is one way to make sure Jubstacheit keeps his hands off your family; kill him. Of course, saying that is one thing, but actually doing it would require you to raze the Einzbern Castle to the ground. Stealing something you can carry from there was relatively simple, but putting enough explosives at the castle to level it? While preventing the Homuncli from disabling them? That would be tricky…
Cost: 1 Financial Damage; Roll: Large Skill Challenge; Target Number Varies; Effects: Attempt to kill Jubstacheit von Einzbern by destroying the Einzbern Castle
[X] Lord and Castle Are One: Death and Taxes
It occurs to you that, as isolated the Einzbern were, they might have been avoiding paying taxes. Pay a visit to Germany, drop a few notes, hypnotize a few people, and then draw back to allow Jubstacheit work out how to deal with tax collectors.
Roll: Small Skill Challenge; Target Number: Varies; Effects: Jubstacheit is slowed down and angered
[X] Underneath a Moonlit Sky: Mad Magus Offering Assistance
Your feuding with the Einzbern hasn't gone entirely unnoticed. There's this crazy woman from a thought extinct line that is willing to help you out. She'll move to Fuyuki and fight against the Einzbern with you. All she wants is her presence hidden from the Second Owner, and a few Einzbern Homuncli to dissect and vivisect…
Roll: N/A; Effects: ??? moves to Fuyuki and joins in defense against the Einzbern, Start Replacement Questline
[X] Something else? (Write-In)
Slow paced, yes, but now that the timeline is advancing, and that you've rescued Illya and 'cooled down' from your trip to Germany, you have a couple options open up for you. Also, based on an idea in the thread, I've also tossed in a couple more options for you.
The '[o]' means that it might be a choice in other circumstances, but not this one. The description usually explains why the choice is not allowed. However, there are no 'non-choices' this turn.
Illya is still growing. You managed to rescue Illya before Jubstacheit could convince her to undergo the modifications for the Lesser Grail. As much as I am tempted to 'Yank the Dog's Chain' with having her looks be limited to her late teenage years and her age limited to her forties, due to her Homunclus nature, that's not going to be a problem for the quest… either its not a problem at all, or not a problem that will reveal itself in Kiritsugu's remaining lifetime (4 years).
Invocation and Boosts (Free Invocations) will now give +3. Invoke for a hinderence (and replenish Luck) will give -3. Burning still gives 4d6.
For most of the first half of the year, you mainly kept your efforts close to your family. Between spending money quickly and an across-seas adventure, you wanted to calm down. Even then, you still wanted to be somewhat productive.
With that last point in mind, you taught Illya and Shirou about the threats of the Moonlit World.
Elves, demons, dwarfs, youkai, dead apostles. Even how typical mages worked and thought. You taught your children everything you could about the threats that they could face. You let Illya skip a few lessons about European monsters, considering that she already knew about a few of them, but when it came to more local threats, you had her sit alongside Shirou as a student.
Despite your best efforts, every time your lectures eventually devolved into 'how do we kill this particular beast without getting screwed over in the process.' None of it may save their lives today, tomorrow, or even next year, but they'll have a decent chance of staying free and alive if they do run into anything in the future.
At least your children seemed eager to learn, even if they're starting to look for magecraft training in particular. Illya has started to consider starting to teach Shirou a couple of the basics, if only to prevent a decline in her own skill with magecraft.
In regards to the wider moonlit world, you made contact with a few, a very few, magi who didn't turn away at your mere presence. With them, you dropped word of the status of the Grail, plainly stating that it was corrupt. The first magus you met, you also showed the samples you had gathered last year.
You don't think word is spreading very far right now. The general consensus is that something happened in Fuyuki, but its just the expectations of the Grail War; only those looking to prepare for the next Holy Grail War need to be concerned, as well as Fuyuki's Second Owner. Even so, the word of the corruption is now out, and eventually, eyes will turn towards Fuyuki.
Experience Gained: 1
With that done, you turned towards the Second Owner of Fuyuki, a young Tohsaka Rin. Hopefully, you'd be able to get an in with her, and eventually get her assistance, or at least blessing, in taking down the Holy Grail. The first step was announcing your presence on her lands, and then asking permission to set up a couple Workshops for your family, one for each of your children and yourself.
Of course, since the girl is the Second Owner, it was no real surprise that others would be trying to speak with her as well.
Also, because she was Shirou's age, it also should have been no surprise that her guardian was there to advise her.
Because of those two factors, you managed to walk into the tail end of a meeting between a couple of other magi and the Tohsaka girl, and Kotomine Kirei.
The other two guests were of the Scrya family, archaeologist magi who, rather than focus their magecraft on reaching the Root, focus on defensive magecraft so that they can explore the ancient ruins that magi left behind and pull up old and forgotten mysteries, mystic codes, and general treasures. Any clues for a lost True Magic that they found would be kept for themselves (no word on if they found anything in that regard yet), and anything they can't use is then sold to other magi, and then the profits are turned to future expeditions.
Lore: 1d6+4 = 3+4 = 7 VS 10 FAIL
Either way, they'd likely fall with little trouble to an Origin Bullet.
Shirou's Rapport Against Yuuno: 5d6+4+4 = 3+3+3+4+6+4+4 = 27
Shirou's Rapport Against Rin: 5d6+4+4 = 1+2+3+4+5+4+4 = 23
You had managed to bring your children with you to the meeting, and Shirou managed to make a good impression with both Tohsaka Rin and Scrya Yuuno, the girl being Shirou's age and the boy being Illya's age.
Empathy Against Tohsaka: 1d6+4 = 1+4 = AUTO FAIL
Empathy Against Kotomine: 1d6+4 = 4+4 = 8
Kotomine: Aspect Revealed:Man of the Cloth, Heart of Evil Empathy Against Elder Scrya: 1d6+4 = 3+4 = 7
Elder Scrya: Aspect Revealed: Magus Archaeologist Empathy Against Yuuno Scrya: 1d6+4 = 1+4 = AUTO FAIL
Kotomine has Invoked Retired Magus Killer
Of course, the other local adult decided to let drop your name.
Rapport: 2d6+2-3 = 2+5+2-3 = 6
With that, the archaeologist hastily made excuses to end discussion of the deal, grab his son, and get out, taking a loss of expected profits if only to get away from the magus killer.
Although Kotomine didn't explain why the other adult grabbed his child and fled, it was enough to put his charge on edge. As much as your presence had gotten her an exceptional deal on old gemstones, it also alerted her that you were possibly dangerous.
In the end, Tohsaka reluctantly relented in letting you build workshops for yourself and your children in Fuyuki… if only because she realizes she's not strong enough to deny you.
Roger Scrya will remember this.
Yuuno Scrya will remember this.
Kirei Kotomine will remember this.
Rin Tohsaka will remember this.
Experience Gained: 1
The world marches on, and it seems that the Einzbern in Germany finally got their act together to try to retrieve your daughter. Partway through June, two Einzbern Homuncli showed up on your doorstep, and attempted to simple solution of politely asking for Illya to be returned. When you denied them, the Einzbern tried to get the government involved, only to be rebuffed by your previous efforts to make sure they couldn't do anything legally.
Experience Gained: 1
Relatively quiet these six months have been, you know that you have caused sparks. Attention is being drawn slowly to Fuyuki and yourself, slowly increasing in pace. Word of yourself, and the corrupt grail, is leaking out. You only hope that whatever fire the sparks cause, it will not consume the life you are working to create for your family.
Recovery: Financial Damage +1
Lost Aspect Stretched Wallet
That took more time than it should have for me to write.
At any rate, I was able to pull together more feats for you, even if you can't take any of them at the moment. Wording may be awkward, but the intent should be easily implied from them. I'll have the next turn choices up in a couple of days.
Oh, the Scryas? I did mention before that old faces would have local origins in this new world. Here's the first of them.
[X] Plan: Save (don't spend)
[X] Plan: (Write-In)
[X] Riot: Feat Suggestion: (Write-In Suggested Feat Name Here)
- [X] (Write In Feat Effects here)
Improve Attribute: 5 Experience * next number
Kiritsugu's cap for attributes is 6, with the exception of Luck, which is 7.
Not enough experience at this time.
Improve Skill: 2 Experience * next number of dice
Currently, you can improve Crafts, Drive, Empathy, Investigate, Lore, or Provoke to 2d6. (4 Experience)
Skill Feats: 7 Experience Each (Current Preview, not enough experience at this time.)
Always a Way Out: Gain +2 to Burglary involved in escaping a location.
Master Pickpocket: Gain +2 to Burglary involved in picking pockets.
Security Specialist: If you work on security measures, as long as they remain in good standing (that is, they can't be decayed), you use your active Burglary to oppose those looking to bypass them.
Talk the Talk: You can use your Burglary dice in place of Contacts dice when dealing with thieves, burglars, and other criminal elements (you still use Charisma for your roll).
You're Never Safe: When using Burglary, you can do so in a way that reduces confidence in a target (ex: head of security, or the man you pickpocket). Use Burglary to make an attack roll against Will, and inflict damage to their Mental Stress Track based on the result.
Ear to the Ground: When someone initiates a conflict against you in an area where you have a network of contacts, you can use Contacts instead of Notice for the first round of initiative, because you got tipped off ahead of time (you still use Notice for all subsequent initiative rounds).
Rumormonger: Gain +2 to Contacts to plant vicious rumors about someone else.
Weight of Reputation: You can use Contacts in place of Provoke when creating an advantage on someone who knows your reputation.
Fast Talk: Gain +2 to Deceive when trying to pass a person obstacle, provided you don't say more than a few sentences to them.
Lies Upon Lies: Gain +2 to Deceive when trying to create an aspect on someone who has already fallen for your Deceive.
Master of Disguise: Gain +2 to Deceive checks involving putting on disguises on yourself.
Mind Games: You can use Deceive in place of Provoke for mental attacks, provided you make up a clever lie as part of your attack.
One Person, Many Faces: Whenever you meet someone new, you can spend a point of Luck to say you met that person before, but under a different name and identity. That person gains a situation Aspect to represent your cover story, and you use Deceive instead of Rapport whenever interacting with that person.
That Liar Lies!: You can use Deceive in place of Empathy to discern or discover lies, whether directed at you or someone else.
Attack the Mind: As long as the target has at least one physical consequence, you can use Fight to inflict damage to the target's Mental damage track.
Backup Weapon: Whenever someone is going to inflict the Disarmed situation Aspect (or something similar), you can spend a Luck point and declare you have a backup weapon. Instead of the situation Aspect, you opponent gets a single boost to reflect the momentary distraction of you having to switch.
Double Strike: When attacking with Fight, you may make two attacks in quick succession, dividing your Fight dice how you see fit and adding your Strength to each roll (ex: a base of 3d6+2 can be divided to 1d6+2 and 2d6+2). You can have one attack have 0 dice, but not below 0. Inflict damage for each attack that hits.
Natural Weapons: You may use your fists as natural weapons, and cannot be disarmed of them without taking a consequence relating to those natural weapons.
Power Attack: When using Fight, you can reduce the number of dice rolled (minimum of 0). If you hit, increase the damage done by 1 for every attack die sacrificed.
Warmaster: Gain +2 to Fight rolls made to create an advantage against an opponent, provided the opponent has a fighting style or weakness she can exploit.
Weapon Focus: Choose 1 weapon type; you gain +1 on all Fight rolls involving that weapon type.
Body Language Reader: You can use Notice in place of Empathy to learn the aspects of a target through observation.
Danger Sense: You have an almost preternatural capacity for detecting danger. Your Notice skill works unimpeded by conditions like total concealment, darkness, or other sensory impairments in situations where someone or something intends to harm you.
Incredible Initiative: When using Notice for Initiative rolls, gain +2 to those rolls.
Quick Search: When searching an area with Notice, gain results in half the time.
Another Round?: +2 to Rapport when you're drinking with someone in a tavern.
Best Foot Forward: Twice per session, you may upgrade a boost you receive with Rapport into a full situation aspect with a free invocation.
Break Them By Talking: When using Rapport to attack a target, gain +2 to attack rolls.
Child of the Court: You gain a +2 bonus to any attempt to overcome obstacles with Rapport when you're at an aristocratic function, such as a royal ball.
Demagogue: +2 to Rapport when you're delivering an inspiring speech in front of a crowd.
Friendly Liar: Can use Rapport in place of Deceive to create advantages predicated on a lie.
Popular: If you're in an area where you're popular and well-liked, you can use Rapport in place of Contacts. You may be able to establish your popularity by spending a Luck point to declare a story detail, or because of prior justification.
Words Can Kill: As long as the target has at least one mental consequence, you can use Rapport to inflict damage to the target's physical damage track.
Money Talks: You can use Resources instead of Rapport in any situation where ostentatious displays of material wealth might aid your cause (roll your Resources dice and add your Charisma modifier for your final Rapport check).
Small Investments: Recover from damage to your Financial Track twice as fast.
Backstab: You can use Stealth to make physical attacks, provided the target is not aware of your presence (you still use your Strength modifier for damage).
Face in the Crowd: Gain +2 to Stealth when trying to blend into a crowd. Note that there has to be enough people in the environment for this to work; a subway station needs more people than a bar.
Ninja Vanish: Once per scene, you may spend a Luck point to vanish in plain sight (through mythical techniques, smoke bomb, or some other method), gaining the Vanished boost. While you have that boost, no one can attack you or create an advantage on you until you attack, someone's Notice beats your Stealth check, or the end of the scene.
Quiet Steps: Gain +2 to Stealth when trying to move silently.
Stealth Carry: When in a group, an ally can spend a point of Luck to use your Stealth result in place of their own.
Fearsome Will: You can use your Will dice in place of Provoke dice to scare someone (you still use Charisma for your roll).
Indomitable: Gain +2 to Will when using it to defend against Provoke attacks specifically related to intimidation and fear.
Ability Feats: (Locked)
Grappler: Gain +2 to Strength checks to grapple or wrestle with someone.
Intimidating Prowess: Add Strength to Provoke skill.
Reprise of Strength: Any time you roll all 1s on a Strength skill and accept failure (that is, no burning Luck), you gain 1 Luck point.
Reprise of Dexterity: Any time you roll all 1s on a Dexterity skill and accept failure (that is, no burning Luck), you gain 1 Luck point.
Weapon Finesse: You can use Dexterity instead of Strength when making Fight attack rolls (damage is still based on Strength).
Tough as Nails: Once per adventure, you can spend a Luck point to reduce the severity of a physical consequence by one rank (or remove a physical consequence of the lowest rank altogether).
Toughness: Extend the Physical Stress track by 1.
Reprise of Intelligence: Any time you roll all 1s on an Intelligence skill and accept failure (that is, no burning Luck), you gain 1 Luck point.
Precise Strike: You can use Intelligence instead of Strength when making Fight attack rolls (damage is still based on Strength).
Common Sense: When a player has their character about to perform an action that the GM thinks is foolish, the GM rolls a base Wisdom check (1d6+Wisdom modifier) against DC 5. Success means that the GM must let the player know that the action is a bad idea; persisting in the action regardless inflicts three points of damage to the character's mental track, and mental consequence similar to Silencer of Common Sense. Survival of the ill-conceived action grants 1 Luck point.
Reprise of Wisdom: Any time you roll all 1s on a Wisdom skill and accept failure (that is, no burning Luck), you gain 1 Luck point.
(ASSET) First Impression: The first time you meet someone, you gain +4 for all Charisma-based checks against them for the duration of the scene.
Lord of the House: Gain +2 to all Charisma-based checks when interacting with a target in your own home.
Reprise of Charisma: Any time you roll all 1s on a Charisma skill and accept failure (that is, no burning Luck), you gain 1 Luck point.
Will to Live: Extend the Damage Overflow track by 1.
(ASSET) Born Hero: You start each adventure with 1 additional Luck point, assuming that you didn't already have more stockpiled and your Luck cap is not 1 or 0.
Minor Jinx: When you are a target of an opponent's skill roll, you may spend a point of Luck to have all of the dice for that roll that come up as 1 be treated as 0 instead.
(ASSET) Nine Lives: The first time you would die, you survive as though you had burned a point of Luck; you lose this feat instead.
Word of the status of the Holy Grail has begun trickling out of Fuyuki. It is not very persuasive, but at least word is slowly getting out. Something needs to be done, before the next war takes place. Yes, its not scheduled to occur within the next couple decades, but you will be unable to see the fruits of your efforts if it takes place after your death.
More immediate concerns relate to the Einzbern, most relevantly the head Jubstacheit. Bound to the Einzbern castle he may be, he has homuncli that can do his bidding from afar. Over the past few months, he had agents try to politely request the return of your daughter to them, and, when that failed, tried to go through the mundane government to force a surrender to them. Thanks to your determination and prior preparation, they failed, but that just means that they'll have to try alternate methods in the future.
Leaves will be falling soon, like your life is slowly fading. It is your hope that you can pave the way for the spring, your children, to flourish.
Voting for Turn 4 out of 10 has begun.
(Choose 3; Vote By Plan)
[X] The Corrupted Grail Rises: Alert the Second Owner
Its clear to you that the only reason that the Tohsaka girl lets you stick around is because she's not strong enough to do anything about it; she does not trust you at all. Even so, it might be a good idea to let her know about the status of the Greater Grail directly instead of hearing it sometime down the grapevine.
Roll: Rapport: Target Number: 10; Effects: Rin Tohsaka is made aware of the status of the Grail
[X] The Corrupted Grail Rises: Shatter the Ley Lines
While you can wait, you do want to take action against the Grail sooner rather than later. Using a few explosives should do the trick, causing a small earthquake (common enough in Japan) and nudging the ley lines to move away from Fuyuki. You just need to use your connections to get a hold of enough explosive material…
Note: Repeatable.
Cost: 1 Point Financial Damage; Roll: Connections; Target Number: 10; Effects: Minor Earthquake, Ley Lines start to move to slow Grail's Charging
[X] The Corrupted Grail Rises: Put Out the Word
The Grail is Corrupt. Disaster will befall the world should a wish be made on the Holy Grail. The problem is, no one who knows about it has enough power to deal with it, or simply doesn't care about it. You may be hated by the Magus Community, but if you start spreading the word, there is a slight possibility that someone will believe you.
Note: Repeatable.
Roll: Rapport; Target Number: ???; Effects: Draw attention among the Moonlit World to yourself and Fuyuki, maybe get someone who will do something about the Grail to take a look
[X] Underneath a Moonlit Sky: Mad Magus Offering Assistance
Your feuding with the Einzbern hasn't gone entirely unnoticed. There's this crazy woman from a thought extinct line that is willing to help you out. She'll move to Fuyuki and fight against the Einzbern with you. All she wants is her presence hidden from the Second Owner, and a few Einzbern Homuncli to dissect and vivisect…
Roll: N/A; Effects: ??? moves to Fuyuki and joins in defense against the Einzbern, Start Replacement Questline
[X] The Lost Decade: Bank Heist
Most magi are in relatively well-off positions in society. Between the wealth that their ancestors gathered, on top of their normal abilities above mundanes, it would take a bout of bad luck to actually lose a significant amount of wealth. To that end, you don't know of any magus who had a need to rob a bank for mere wealth. Still, with skills that the mundane side doesn't know of, you might be able to pull it off.
Roll: Large Skill Challenge; Target Number: Varies; Effects: Attempt to rob a bank
[X] The Lost Decade: Konbini Sales Clerk
Your family is well off, but constant expenses could make your wallet too thin at a critical point. If you get a decent legal job, you could reduce the strain there is on your finances. Of course, with the times there are, you can't exactly be picky…
Roll: Crafts; Target Number: 7; Effects: Recover Financial Damage by 1
[X] In the Grail's Wake: Wealthy Donor
The Great Fuyuki Fire has claimed many lives, and you had a hand in it. Perhaps, to amend for all the blood you have spilled, you can donate some of your wealth to help with whatever project is done in the wake of the cleanup.
Note: Repeatable, but will expire next turn.
Cost: 1 Point Financial Damage; Roll: Rapport; Target Number: N/A; Effects: Improved Relationship with Fuyuki Politicians, Continue In Memory Questline
[O] Retired Magus Killer: Kotomine Must Die!
NO! Last time you fought him, you won by the skin of your teeth, and that was before you got cursed. He survived, so he knows firsthand more about how you fight than is safe, and you are on the decline. To attack him would be signing your own death warrant.
[X] Retired Magus Killer: Not Me This Time!
Thanks to her guardian, Tohsaka knows who you are. Even though she is smart enough to not try anything directly, due to her father's death in the Holy Grail War, she might be holding a large grudge against you. Perhaps by speaking with her, you can convince her that there is no need for a quest of vengeance against you. After all, you'd be more likely to shoot her father rather than use a blade to stab him in the back.
Roll: Rapport; Target Number: 10; Effects: Hostilities from Tohsaka become not personal
[X] Retired Magus Killer: Possible Magecraft Tutors
Being good at something does not mean that you are good at teaching it. With Illya hitting a roadblock due to a lack of teachers, Shirou seeking to learn magecraft, and you being a bad teacher, it might be a good idea to start poking around in Japan to see if there are any families that might be willing to teach a couple of students. No family secrets, of course, but the basics of Alteration, Projection, and Reinforcement. Of course, they likely won't do this for free, but right now you need to find them first.
Roll: Contacts; Target Number: ???; Effects: Gain list of families in Japan who might be willing to tutor your children
[X] All the World's Curses: Curse Breaking
Its… unlikely you can get rid of all of these curses you received. But maybe… you can see one of your old contacts, and reduce their potency. They're in Misaki, and its close enough you can take Shirou and Illya on a weekend trip there.
Roll: Rapport; Target Number: 5; Effects: Confirm information about curses, start Tohno questline
[X] Children Tie Down: Learn About Shirou
Spend time with the boy you adopted, Shirou. You know little about him, mainly that he's got survivor's guilt, but perhaps you can spend some time learning more. Learn his hobbies, what he's good at, what does he like…
Note: Repeatable.
Roll: Empathy; Target Number: 5; Effects: Learn about Shirou's Aspects
[X] Children Tie Down: Learn About Illya
Spend time with your daughter, Illya. You know a lot about her, but perhaps in your absence she had some changes in some part of her personality. Did her grandfather let her keep her hobbies, how much magecraft does she know…
Roll: Empathy; Target Number 5; Effects: Learn ALL of Miyu "Illyasviel" Emiya's Aspects
[X] Children Tie Down: Learn About Illya and Shirou
Spend time with your children. One of them has survival guilt, while the other was once held captive by her grandfather. You know a bit about your son, but you don't know how much her captivity changed your daughter. Spend time with them, without focusing on one of them, to see what you can learn about them.
Roll: Empathy; Target Number: Multiples of 5; Effects: Learn Aspects from both Shirou and Illya, one Aspect for each per 5
[X] Children Tie Down: The Bloody Path of the Magus Killer
In the past, you were not a nice person. Everywhere you went, a trail of bodies was left in your wake, and only a handful knew your reasons. Now, with enemies slowly making their way out of the woodwork, it might be a good idea to explain your past in a controlled manner without enemies dropping bombshells on them that might turn the family against each other.
Roll: Rapport; Target Number: 10; Effects: Illya and Shirou gain your side of the story before another magus can explain how the moonlit world views the Emiya name
[X] Survivor's Guilt of the Great Fire: Psychiatrist for Shirou
You've taken advantage of mages not being entirely there in the past, so you know how dangerous a mental problem can be. It might be a good idea to take Shirou to a psychiatrist to help him heal. However, if the neighbors find out, it could kill your family's reputation in Fuyuki…
Cost: 1 Point Financial Damage: Roll: Stealth; Target Number: 10 (Just don't roll all 1s); Effects: Shirou goes to Psychiatrist to begin healing, don't get Bad Reputation (Fuyuki)
[X] Lord and Castle Are One: Jubstacheit Must Die!
There is one way to make sure Jubstacheit keeps his hands off your family; kill him. Of course, saying that is one thing, but actually doing it would require you to raze the Einzbern Castle to the ground. Stealing something you can carry from there was relatively simple, but putting enough explosives at the castle to level it? While preventing the Homuncli from disabling them? That would be tricky…
Cost: 1 Financial Damage; Roll: Large Skill Challenge; Target Number Varies; Effects: Attempt to kill Jubstacheit von Einzbern by destroying the Einzbern Castle
[X] Lord and Castle Are One: Death and Taxes
It occurs to you that, as isolated the Einzbern were, they might have been avoiding paying taxes. Pay a visit to Germany, drop a few notes, hypnotize a few people, and then draw back to allow Jubstacheit work out how to deal with tax collectors.
Roll: Small Skill Challenge; Target Number: Varies; Effects: Jubstacheit is slowed down and angered
The Einzberns were going to come. That said, they are but one family of one set of mysteries. One of the reasons you were so successful with killing magi was because any who might oppose you fought without calling in assistance. By their very nature, mages tended to be reclusive and untrusting, so any that opposed you directly were individuals. Until Kotomine, that kept working for your advantage.
So, when a magus offered their assistance in opposing the Einzberns, you decided to take it.
Lore: 1d6+4 = 3+4 = 7 VS 5: PASS
Precia Testarossa was presumed dead, alongside the other Testarossas, after a magecraft accident in 1972. She somehow survived, but spent most of the next two decades doing research on homunculi instead of her family's original research. Because of that, when the Einzbern noticeably turned against you, Precia saw an opportunity she wanted to exploit.
If she aligned with you, there was an opportunity to get a hold of Einzbern homuncli for her own research, instead of risking it against another group which also used homuncli. Even better for her, if she kept to the shadows, any homuncli she grabbed from the Einzbern would be blamed on you, and be just written off as a casualty of war.
That said, you did put down a condition of leaving your daughter alone. Precia agreed, saying that gaining your anger would be counter-productive to her goals.
Regardless, the first mission the two of you had was to stick a bunch of tax collectors on the Einzberns.
For governments, a majority of problems tended to be solved at the speed of, well, government. A few problems tended to be stuffed away in drawers someplace, or shuffled between departments and then tossed aside to be conveniently forgotten about. But there were a few veryspecific problems that make governments move so fast that even TYPE-MOON at its prime would be hard pressed to stay ahead of. You believed that this little 'problem' was one of those cases.
Although it slipped your mind originally, after some asking around, you were pointed towards the Federal Central Tax Office in Germany. From there, you dropped a few hypnosis mysteries to convince the tax collectors to check the Einzbern territory out.
6 Mana Spent
3 Suggestion Used
Magic 3d6 = 1+2+4 = 7 VS Will 1d6+2 = 1+2 KIRITSUGU AUTO-WINS
Magic 3d6 = 1+3+6 = 10 VS Will 1d6+2 = 6+2 = 8 KIRITSUGU WINS
Magic 3d6 = 4+5+6 = 15 VS Will 1d6+2 = 2+2 = 4 KIRITSUGU WINS
Precia Assist:
Magic 4d6 = 1+2+3+6 = 12 VS Will 1d6+2 = 2+2 = 4 PRECIA WINS
Magic 4d6 = 2+2+2+4 = 10 VS Will 1d6+2 = 3+2 = 5 PRECIA WINS
Magic 4d6 = 3+4+6+6 = 19 VS Will 1d6+2 = 1+2 PRECIA AUTO-WINS
Magic 4d6 = 2+3+4+4 = 13 VS Will 3d6+3 = 2+2+5+3 = 12 PRECIA WINS
Not all of them took; surprisingly, there was a strong-willed man determined to do things by the book, and not even your mental manipulation was able to push him in the direction you wanted. His coworkers, however, fell more easily, and those were enough to push in the right direction. Precia helped out, grudgingly, by getting a few more officials to look into the matter.
Gained Consumable Situation Aspect With Boost:Eyes Towards Einzbern Rapport 2d6+2+3+3 = 2+6+2+3 = 16 VS Resources ?d6 = ??? EINZBERN WIN
It turns out that the Einzbern actually were paying taxes. They were 'on the books' from long ago, even if they didn't interact with the world save to buy supplies. However, they were still paying a tax rate from centuries ago, and drawing attention to them only made collectors realize that they needed to update the taxes gained from them to a modern rate.
What you gave to the Einzbern was a speed-bump; they'll get over it in short order.
Invoke and Consume:Eyes Towards Einzbern Contacts: 3d6+2 = 1+1+3+2+3 = 10 SUCCESS
As you headed back to the airport, you received a disturbing piece of news from one of your contacts.
You are well hated and feared among the magus community. Years ago, if you were known to be in the area, mages tended to think twice about what they did.
And yet, the Einzbern had attempted to put a bounty on the head of… Illyasviel. The only thing that stopped them was the fact that the funds that were supposed to go to the bounty had to be diverted to deal with tax collectors for the time being.
Experience Gained: 3
As what appeared to be a half-joke, someone else had placed a ten-thousand Yen bounty on Shirou's head. While its comically small enough that no one with any sense will go for it, the fact that a bounty was placed at all is a concern.
Time was running out for your children's safety; you needed to find someone to teach them to defend themselves. So you had those you know look throughout Japan for possible tutors.
Contacts: 3d6+2 = 2+6+6+2 = 14
Precia Testarossa is one of those willing to teach your children the basics. In fact, she won't even charge a single yen for it for the first six months. Instead, she'll accept payment in a copy of Illya's medical files, and a couple interviews from you about Einzbern homonculi, to better make adjustments for her own research. Any more, and she'll start charging you in terms of yen or Einzbern homonculi bodies.
Rin Tohsaka is also local, but even though she is allowing you to stay on 'her' lands, her current grudge against you in particular makes her unwilling to teach your children.
Zouken Matou is also an option that comes to mind, even if he doesn't seem to be currently aware of your presence in Fuyuki at the moment. Still, he's more secretive than the current Second Owner of Fuyuki, so you don't know much about him. On the other hand, while you did threaten his family during the Grail War, you didn't actually kill any of them, so they might be more willing to teaching.
Outside Fuyuki, you managed to get two names.
Lore: 1d6+4 = 5+4 = 9 PASS
Masahiko Akemi is the head of the Akemi family after his father tried to rob the Einzberns during your employment with them. Previously mercenaries for some unknown reason, after the family was reduced to just Masahiko, he's been very cautious. The man married the daughter of a perfectly mundane clockmaker, and has tried to keep his head down since then. You've managed to locate him in Mitakihara, and although you can hire him to teach your children, you can also simply cow him into submission to force him to do it for free, or a combination of the two.
Lore: 1d6+4 = 3+4 = 7 PASS
The last name you managed to turn up in the timeframe was merely a by-product of coming across the remains of the Akemi family. Nello Tomoe is the Second Owner of Mitakihara, a third-generation mage whose family focuses on the basic magecrafts of alteration, reinforcement, and especially projection. Although they don't have any personal grudges against you, due to your reputation, you'll need to convince them to come to the negotiating table first, and then likely pay a hefty amount to get the man to teach your children a fragment of his family's specialization.
Experience Gained: 1
As the new year dawns, threats against your family continue to rise. You managed to keep ahead of those threats so far, but eventually, you're going to be unable to push back any further. Your personal clock was ticking; despite your skills, and spot training, you were weakening.
You have no idea how much time you have, but it was clear to you: time was running out.
Took longer than it should have; this should have been done in about a day, but for some reason, it took multiple days. On the other hand, not only are we closing in on the midpoint of the quest, we're finally opening up some time-based activities options and options that are a result of your previous choices.
Also there will be a forced slowdown again towards the end, so get things done before you can't do them anymore.
Total Experience: 8
[X] Plan: Save (don't spend)
[X] Plan: (Write-In)
[X] Riot: Feat Suggestion: (Write-In Suggested Feat Name Here)
- [X] (Write In Feat Effects here)
[X] Riot: Activity Suggestion: (Write-In Suggestion for possible choice next turn)
Improve Attribute: 5 Experience * next number
Kiritsugu's cap for attributes is 6, with the exception of Luck, which is 7.
Not enough experience at this time.
Improve Skill: 2 Experience * next number of dice
You can improve Crafts, Drive, Empathy, Investigate, Lore, and/or Provoke to 2d6. (4 Experience)
You can also improve Athletics, Deceive, or Rapport to 3d6 (6 Experience)
You could also improve Burglary, Fight, Physique, or Shoot to 4d6 (8 Experience).
Skill Feats: 7 Experience Each
Always a Way Out: Gain +2 to Burglary involved in escaping a location.
Master Pickpocket: Gain +2 to Burglary involved in picking pockets.
Security Specialist: If you work on security measures, as long as they remain in good standing (that is, they can't be decayed), you use your active Burglary to oppose those looking to bypass them.
Talk the Talk: You can use your Burglary dice in place of Contacts dice when dealing with thieves, burglars, and other criminal elements (you still use Charisma for your roll).
You're Never Safe: When using Burglary, you can do so in a way that reduces confidence in a target (ex: head of security, or the man you pickpocket). Use Burglary to make an attack roll against Will, and inflict damage to their Mental Stress Track based on the result.
Ear to the Ground: When someone initiates a conflict against you in an area where you have a network of contacts, you can use Contacts instead of Notice for the first round of initiative, because you got tipped off ahead of time (you still use Notice for all subsequent initiative rounds).
Rumormonger: Gain +2 to Contacts to plant vicious rumors about someone else.
Weight of Reputation: You can use Contacts in place of Provoke when creating an advantage on someone who knows your reputation.
Fast Talk: Gain +2 to Deceive when trying to pass a person obstacle, provided you don't say more than a few sentences to them.
Lies Upon Lies: Gain +2 to Deceive when trying to create an aspect on someone who has already fallen for your Deceive.
Master of Disguise: Gain +2 to Deceive checks involving putting on disguises on yourself.
Mind Games: You can use Deceive in place of Provoke for mental attacks, provided you make up a clever lie as part of your attack.
One Person, Many Faces: Whenever you meet someone new, you can spend a point of Luck to say you met that person before, but under a different name and identity. That person gains a situation Aspect to represent your cover story, and you use Deceive instead of Rapport whenever interacting with that person.
That Liar Lies!: You can use Deceive in place of Empathy to discern or discover lies, whether directed at you or someone else.
Attack the Mind: As long as the target has at least one physical consequence, you can use Fight to inflict damage to the target's Mental damage track.
Backup Weapon: Whenever someone is going to inflict the Disarmed situation Aspect (or something similar), you can spend a Luck point and declare you have a backup weapon. Instead of the situation Aspect, you opponent gets a single boost to reflect the momentary distraction of you having to switch.
Double Strike: When attacking with Fight, you may make two attacks in quick succession, dividing your Fight dice how you see fit and adding your Strength to each roll (ex: a base of 3d6+2 can be divided to 1d6+2 and 2d6+2). You can have one attack have 0 dice, but not below 0. Inflict damage for each attack that hits.
Natural Weapons: You may use your fists as natural weapons, and cannot be disarmed of them without taking a consequence relating to those natural weapons.
Power Attack: When using Fight, you can reduce the number of dice rolled (minimum of 0). If you hit, increase the damage done by 1 for every attack die sacrificed.
Warmaster: Gain +2 to Fight rolls made to create an advantage against an opponent, provided the opponent has a fighting style or weakness she can exploit.
Weapon Focus: Choose 1 weapon type; you gain +1 on all Fight rolls involving that weapon type.
Body Language Reader: You can use Notice in place of Empathy to learn the aspects of a target through observation.
Danger Sense: You have an almost preternatural capacity for detecting danger. Your Notice skill works unimpeded by conditions like total concealment, darkness, or other sensory impairments in situations where someone or something intends to harm you.
Incredible Initiative: When using Notice for Initiative rolls, gain +2 to those rolls.
Quick Search: When searching an area with Notice, gain results in half the time.
Another Round?: +2 to Rapport when you're drinking with someone in a tavern.
Best Foot Forward: Twice per session, you may upgrade a boost you receive with Rapport into a full situation aspect with a free invocation.
Break Them By Talking: When using Rapport to attack a target, gain +2 to attack rolls.
Child of the Court: You gain a +2 bonus to any attempt to overcome obstacles with Rapport when you're at an aristocratic function, such as a royal ball.
Demagogue: +2 to Rapport when you're delivering an inspiring speech in front of a crowd.
Friendly Liar: Can use Rapport in place of Deceive to create advantages predicated on a lie.
Popular: If you're in an area where you're popular and well-liked, you can use Rapport in place of Contacts. You may be able to establish your popularity by spending a Luck point to declare a story detail, or because of prior justification.
Words Can Kill: As long as the target has at least one mental consequence, you can use Rapport to inflict damage to the target's physical damage track.
Money Talks: You can use Resources instead of Rapport in any situation where ostentatious displays of material wealth might aid your cause (roll your Resources dice and add your Charisma modifier for your final Rapport check).
Small Investments: Recover from damage to your Financial Track twice as fast.
Backstab: You can use Stealth to make physical attacks, provided the target is not aware of your presence (you still use your Strength modifier for damage).
Face in the Crowd: Gain +2 to Stealth when trying to blend into a crowd. Note that there has to be enough people in the environment for this to work; a subway station needs more people than a bar.
Ninja Vanish: Once per scene, you may spend a Luck point to vanish in plain sight (through mythical techniques, smoke bomb, or some other method), gaining the Vanished boost. While you have that boost, no one can attack you or create an advantage on you until you attack, someone's Notice beats your Stealth check, or the end of the scene.
Quiet Steps: Gain +2 to Stealth when trying to move silently.
Stealth Carry: When in a group, an ally can spend a point of Luck to use your Stealth result in place of their own.
Fearsome Will: You can use your Will dice in place of Provoke dice to scare someone (you still use Charisma for your roll).
Indomitable: Gain +2 to Will when using it to defend against Provoke attacks specifically related to intimidation and fear.
Ability Feats: (7 Experience for non-Asset feats)
Grappler: Gain +2 to Strength checks to grapple or wrestle with someone.
Intimidating Prowess: Add Strength to Provoke skill.
Reprise of Strength: Any time you roll all 1s on a Strength skill and accept failure (that is, no burning Luck), you gain 1 Luck point.
Reprise of Dexterity: Any time you roll all 1s on a Dexterity skill and accept failure (that is, no burning Luck), you gain 1 Luck point.
Weapon Finesse: You can use Dexterity instead of Strength when making Fight attack rolls (damage is still based on Strength).
Tough as Nails: Once per adventure, you can spend a Luck point to reduce the severity of a physical consequence by one rank (or remove a physical consequence of the lowest rank altogether).
Toughness: Extend the Physical Stress track by 1.
Reprise of Intelligence: Any time you roll all 1s on an Intelligence skill and accept failure (that is, no burning Luck), you gain 1 Luck point.
Precise Strike: You can use Intelligence instead of Strength when making Fight attack rolls (damage is still based on Strength).
Common Sense: When a player has their character about to perform an action that the GM thinks is foolish, the GM rolls a base Wisdom check (1d6+Wisdom modifier) against DC 5. Success means that the GM must let the player know that the action is a bad idea; persisting in the action regardless inflicts three points of damage to the character's mental track, and mental consequence similar to Silencer of Common Sense. Survival of the ill-conceived action grants 1 Luck point.
Reprise of Wisdom: Any time you roll all 1s on a Wisdom skill and accept failure (that is, no burning Luck), you gain 1 Luck point.
(ASSET) First Impression: The first time you meet someone, you gain +4 for all Charisma-based checks against them for the duration of the scene.
Lord of the House: Gain +2 to all Charisma-based checks when interacting with a target in your own home.
Reprise of Charisma: Any time you roll all 1s on a Charisma skill and accept failure (that is, no burning Luck), you gain 1 Luck point.
Will to Live: Extend the Damage Overflow track by 1.
(ASSET) Born Hero: You start each adventure with 1 additional Luck point, assuming that you didn't already have more stockpiled and your Luck cap is not 1 or 0.
Minor Jinx: When you are a target of an opponent's skill roll, you may spend a point of Luck to have all of the dice for that roll that come up as 1 be treated as 0 instead.
(ASSET) Nine Lives: The first time you would die, you survive as though you had burned a point of Luck; you lose this feat instead.
You put out a couple of feelers among your contacts, searching Japan for possible magecraft teachers for your children. As you expected, the two they managed to locate outside of Fuyuki seemed to be predispositioned against you at best, and terrified of you at worst. In Fuyuki, the three people that might be capable of helping… well, one has an unusual focus on Einzbern homuncli, one hates your guts over the perceived murder of her father, and the last is even more secretive than usual for a magus.
They need magecraft training you can't provide, and quickly, before someone actually gets too close for you to protect the two of them.
Still, while your world revolves around the two of them, that does not mean the rest of the world will. There are things that need to be done, if you are ever going to do them.
Voting for Turn 5 out of 10 has begun.
(Choose 3; Vote By Plan)
[X] The Corrupted Grail Rises: Alert the Second Owner
Its clear to you that the only reason that the Tohsaka girl lets you stick around is because she's not strong enough to do anything about it; she does not trust you at all. Even so, it might be a good idea to let her know about the status of the Greater Grail directly instead of hearing it sometime down the grapevine.
Roll: Rapport: Target Number: 10; Effects: Rin Tohsaka is made aware of the status of the Grail
[X] The Corrupted Grail Rises: Shatter the Ley Lines
While you can wait, you do want to take action against the Grail sooner rather than later. Using a few explosives should do the trick, causing a small earthquake (common enough in Japan) and nudging the ley lines to move away from Fuyuki. You just need to use your connections to get a hold of enough explosive material…
Note: Repeatable.
Cost: 1 Point Financial Damage; Roll: Connections; Target Number: 10; Effects: Minor Earthquake, Ley Lines start to move to slow Grail's Charging
[X] The Corrupted Grail Rises: Put Out the Word
The Grail is Corrupt. Disaster will befall the world should a wish be made on the Holy Grail. The problem is, no one who knows about it has enough power to deal with it, or simply doesn't care about it. You may be hated by the Magus Community, but if you start spreading the word, there is a slight possibility that someone will believe you.
Note: Repeatable.
Roll: Rapport; Target Number: ???; Effects: Draw attention among the Moonlit World to yourself and Fuyuki, maybe get someone who will do something about the Grail to take a look
[X] The Lost Decade: Bank Heist
Most magi are in relatively well-off positions in society. Between the wealth that their ancestors gathered, on top of their normal abilities above mundanes, it would take a bout of bad luck to actually lose a significant amount of wealth. To that end, you don't know of any magus who had a need to rob a bank for mere wealth. Still, with skills that the mundane side doesn't know of, you might be able to pull it off.
Roll: Large Skill Challenge; Target Number: Varies; Effects: Attempt to rob a bank
[X] The Lost Decade: Konbini Sales Clerk
Your family is well off, but constant expenses could make your wallet too thin at a critical point. If you get a decent legal job, you could reduce the strain there is on your finances. Of course, with the times there are, you can't exactly be picky…
Roll: Crafts; Target Number: 7; Effects: Reduce Financial Damage taken this turn by 1
[X] In the Grail's Wake: Wealthy Donor
The Great Fuyuki Fire has claimed many lives, and you had a hand in it. Perhaps, to amend for all the blood you have spilled, you can donate some of your wealth to help with whatever project is done in the wake of the cleanup.
Note: Expires this turn.
Cost: 1 Point Financial Damage; Roll: Rapport; Target Number: N/A; Effects: Improved Relationship with Fuyuki Politicians, Continue In Memory Questline
[X] Retired Magus Killer: Homunculus Hunt
Exotic, foreign, white-haired women with little emotion. They'll stick out in a crowd when they appear. Catch them before they get too close to your family.
Note: Repeatable
Roll: Notice and Combat Rolls; Target Number: Opposed; Effects: Enter combat against Einzbern Homuncli
[O] Retired Magus Killer: Kotomine Must Die!
NO! Last time you fought him, you won by the skin of your teeth, and that was before you got cursed. He survived, so he knows firsthand more about how you fight than is safe, and you are on the decline. To attack him would be signing your own death warrant.
[X] Retired Magus Killer: Not Me This Time!
Thanks to her guardian, Tohsaka knows who you are. Even though she is smart enough to not try anything directly, due to her father's death in the Holy Grail War, she might be holding a large grudge against you. Perhaps by speaking with her, you can convince her that there is no need for a quest of vengeance against you. After all, you'd be more likely to shoot her father rather than use a blade to stab him in the back.
Roll: Rapport; Target Number: 10; Effects: Hostilities from Tohsaka become not personal
[X] Retired Magus Killer: Possible Magecraft Tutors
As you expected, all the possible tutors you can get in touch don't really like you, or are of questionable stability. There's got to be one magus in Japan that is stable, willing, and doesn't hate you…
Roll: Contacts; Target Number: ???; Effects: Increase list of families in Japan who might be willing to tutor your children
[X] All the World's Curses: Curse Breaking
Its… unlikely you can get rid of all of these curses you received. But maybe… you can see one of your old contacts, and reduce their potency. They're in Misaki, and its close enough you can take Shirou and Illya on a weekend trip there.
Roll: Rapport; Target Number: 5; Effects: Confirm information about curses, start Tohno questline
[X] Children Tie Down: Learn About Shirou
Spend time with the boy you adopted, Shirou. You know little about him, mainly that he's got survivor's guilt, but perhaps you can spend some time learning more. Learn his hobbies, what he's good at, what does he like…
Roll: Notice; Target Number: 10; Effects: Learn Shirou's Aspects and Character Sheet
[X] Children Tie Down: Learn About Illya
Spend time with your daughter, Illya. You know a lot about her, but perhaps in your absence she had some changes in some part of her personality. Did her grandfather let her keep her hobbies, how much magecraft does she know…
Roll: Notice; Target Number 10; Effects: Learn Miyu "Illyasviel" Emiya's Aspects and Character Sheet
[X] Children Tie Down: Learn About Illya and Shirou
Spend time with your children. One of them has survival guilt, while the other was once held captive by her grandfather. You know a bit about your son, but you don't know how much her captivity changed your daughter. Spend time with them, without focusing on one of them, to see what you can learn about them.
Roll: Notice; Target Number: Multiples of 5; Effects: Learn Aspects and pieces of character sheets from both Shirou and Illya, one Aspect for each per 5
[X] Children Tie Down: The Bloody Path of the Magus Killer
In the past, you were not a nice person. Everywhere you went, a trail of bodies was left in your wake, and only a handful knew your reasons. Now, with enemies slowly making their way out of the woodwork, it might be a good idea to explain your past in a controlled manner without enemies dropping bombshells on them that might turn the family against each other.
Roll: Rapport; Target Number: 10; Effects: Illya and Shirou gain your side of the story before another magus can explain how the moonlit world views the Emiya name
[X] Children Tie Down: Tutor: Precia Testarossa
A bounty for Illya's head is imminent, and the bounty on Shirou will not remain comically small forever. While your teaching ability about magecraft is poor, other mages have greater capabilities. Precia Testarossa has an… unusual fixation on Einzbern Homuncli, and is willing to teach your children the basics of alteration, projection, and reinforcement for a copy of Illya's medical records and several interviews with yourself.
Cost: Free First Instance; Roll: N/A; Effects: Your children gain magecraft training, continue Replacement questline
[X] Children Tie Down: Tutor: Zouken Matou
A bounty for Illya's head is imminent, and the bounty on Shirou will not remain comically small forever. While your teaching ability about magecraft is poor, other mages have greater capabilities. Zouken Matou is an enigma, unknowing of your presence, but he has somehow managed to avoid attention of the association for years. Getting him to share information about the basics with your children might require a little convincing…
Cost: Free? What?; Roll: Rapport; Target Number: 10; Effects: Your children gain magecraft training, ???
[O] Children Tie Down: Tutor: Rin Tohsaka
Not only is she learning everything herself, her belief of you having killed her father makes her unlikely to help you out. Even with Shirou making a good impression on her.
[X] Children Tie Down: Tutor: Masahiko Akemi
A bounty for Illya's head is imminent, and the bounty on Shirou will not remain comically small forever. While your teaching ability about magecraft is poor, other mages have greater capabilities. Masahiko Akemi has lost his father to you, and preliminary research shows that he lives in fear of you coming back to 'finish the job'. Still, that opens up opportunities for convincing him to teach your children some magecraft…
Cost: 1 Point Financial Damage; Roll: Provoke or Rapport; Target Number: Varies; Effects: Your children gain magecraft training, ???
- [X] Akemi: Provoke
Intimidate the man into complying, with the threat of you taking his head if he messes up. His fear of you makes this easy.
Roll: Provoke; Target Number: 5
- [X] Akemi: Rapport
Diplomatically convince him to teach your children. His fear of you may make this harder, but you might be able to reduce the number of enemies this way.
Roll: Rapport; Target Number: 10
[X] Children Tie Down: Tutor: Nello Tomoe
A bounty for Illya's head is imminent, and the bounty on Shirou will not remain comically small forever. While your teaching ability about magecraft is poor, other mages have greater capabilities. Nello Tomoe is a stroke of luck. Although it seems he holds the typical magus dislike of you, if you could get him to teach your children, their proficiency of alteration, projection, and reinforcement could climb rapidly. Of course, considering that the family's specialty is in those areas, it might cost a little more…
Cost: 2 Points Financial Damage; Roll: Rapport; Target Number: 10; Effects: Your children gain magecraft training, ???
[X] Survivor's Guilt of the Great Fire: Psychiatrist for Shirou
You've taken advantage of mages not being entirely there in the past, so you know how dangerous a mental problem can be. It might be a good idea to take Shirou to a psychiatrist to help him heal. However, if the neighbors find out, it could kill your family's reputation in Fuyuki…
Cost: 1 Point Financial Damage; Roll: Stealth; Target Number: 10 (Just don't roll all 1s); Effects: Shirou goes to Psychiatrist to begin healing, don't get Bad Reputation (Fuyuki)
[O] Lord and Castle Are One: Jubstacheit Must Die!
You just got back from Germany. Rest yourself and your wallet a little.
[X] Magus Archaeologist: A Familiar Problem
While transporting the Scrya's latest archaeological find to a buyer, a hawk attacked the carrying familiar. This would be a simple annoyance if the familiar in question wasn't discovered, taken to the vet, and finally adopted by a mundane. While the Scrya family works to retrieve the lost artifacts, the two males have turned to you to deal with the familiar one way or another.
- [X] Yuuno's Favorite: Retrieval
The little ferret happens to be the Yuuno's favorite familiar. Getting it back to his hands in one piece without drawing attention would make the boy happy, though the parents would not approve of the sentimentality.
- [X] Roger's Duty: Kill
Roger would prefer it if you just killed the little thing before attention is raised that its not a normal animal. This would satisfy the adult Scryas, but would break Yuuno's heart.
[X] Something else? (Write-In)
We're almost at the halfway point, and lots of choices have opened up due to your past actions, suggestions, and timing. Of course, there is no way you can take all of the choices, so pick wisely.