Fantasy Colony Quest

[X] Plan Political Benefits
-[X] Colonial Physiology
-[X] Colonial Psychology
-[X] Ecology Studies (Planet)

Effectively choosing a more politically minded route, for now, I'd prefer to avoid annoying anyone, and in later turns effectively pick and choose how to benefit different factions.

Also, @Shard are any of the factions notably more influential than the others or are they all fairly even?
[X] Plan Political Benefits
-[X] Colonial Physiology
-[X] Colonial Psychology
-[X] Ecology Studies (Planet)

Effectively choosing a more politically minded route, for now, I'd prefer to avoid annoying anyone, and in later turns effectively pick and choose how to benefit different factions.

Also, @Shard are any of the factions notably more influential than the others or are they all fairly even?

This is identical to Setting Up, which already has a bunch of votes (including mine).
[X] Plan Political Benefits
-[X] Colonial Physiology
-[X] Colonial Psychology
-[X] Ecology Studies (Planet)

Effectively choosing a more politically minded route, for now, I'd prefer to avoid annoying anyone, and in later turns effectively pick and choose how to benefit different factions.

Also, @Shard are any of the factions notably more influential than the others or are they all fairly even?
The factions start off fairly even. The Utopians specifically will get more political influence across the colony though, cause their idealism can be pretty attractive. And, with Colonial Physiology and/or Colonial Sociology (Utopian), yielding results.
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Adhoc vote count started by Shard on Mar 25, 2024 at 4:08 AM, finished with 18 posts and 11 votes.

So you have decided to work with the Utopians and the Druids, and not touch the controversial economic, social or military research options, huh? We'll see where that leads.
Turn 1 End
Turn 1 End

Research Results

Colonial Physiology

The Prometheus Virus was not the most deadly of the native Planet's diseases, but it was perhaps the most terrifying. Attacking the nervous tissues of an individual, afflicted lost fine motor skills and reasoning abilities in equal measure as the disease progressed. Even after the virus had been eliminated from the body, the scars remained after recovery. Virtually all crafts dependent on dexterity and precise motion became nearly impossible to practice, to say nothing of jobs dependent on higher thinking.

It was fortunate then, that the colonists had foreseen the potential for disease outbreaks, and already had a program to study it's effects almost as soon as they began. Complex treatments were attempted in parallel and quickly refined into a comprehensive curative method. The Colony had avoided it's first pandemic before it had truly started. Although a triumph, this also marked the beginning of a long slog by researchers against Planetborne illnesses, as the next incident of the Prometheus Virus found that the disease had already mutated into new variants, forcing a continual effort to contain them..

  • Colony medical abilities improved.
  • Utopians happy.
  • Project: The Genomic Project unlocked.
Colonial Psychology

Although at first it was suspected that the colonists experiencing anomalous mental states were suffering from an early onset of the much-dreaded Prometheus Virus, close investigation quickly disproved this. Other common causes of altered mental states were quickly eliminated as well. Researchers faced a roadblock until reports from the planetary ecology studies came by, of heightened rates of altered mental states from the vast majority of the landscaper druids.

It seemed that proximity and interaction with the Planet's ecology was the cause of altered mental states. Not only that, even full isolation Magisuits were insufficient to prevent this state of mental 'alteration', as we term it - The cause is certainly not biological or chemical in nature. Even more fascinatingly, some mental effects - unusual dreams - persisted even after individuals had relocated from the colony's frontiers. Speculation abounds as to the exact nature and extent of this tentatively 'psionic' effect and whether it can be replicated and weaponized.

  • Research: Early Psionics unlocked.
  • Effects of Research: Wildlife Behavior Analysis changed.
Ecology Studies (Planet)

Though we are located close to a Monsoon Jungle, the vast majority of 'flora' on Planetsurface is dominated by the native 'Fungus'. Technically a vast collection of different species, the curious matter is that Planet's ecosystems seems both highly symbiotic and interconnected. Planet's Wildlife can be observed 'caring' for the fungal 'flora' in a variety of ways. Not only that, destruction of fungal 'patches' can be directly linked to the 'decline' of nearby fungal 'towers' in stature.

Resource wise, the fruits of the local monsoon jungle are diverse in their natures. For example, though it is certainly ill-advised to consume the aptly-named brightly colored Blastfruits with their volatile nature, their flesh and juices have great uses for a wide variety of mana-related applications, substituting for expensive fire crystals that are the historical norm. In contrast would be the greenish-black 'flesh-fruits', which though having quite the unappetizing appearance are both nutritious and delicious..

  • Improved understanding of Planetary Ecology. Colony resource production improved.
  • Druids happy.
  • Project: The Weather Paradigm unlocked.
  • Effects of Research: Wildlife Behavior Analysis changed.
Colony Events

The Last Shipment / Empire At War

The Empire is at war.

This isn't really news to you. Any of you. Everyone on Council had basically foreseen it, and in fact was the primary reason for the timing for Colony as it was. But the fact remains is that the Faction's Empire-bound assets are about to go up in smoke as massive civil strife quickly claims about everything worth owning back in the Old Empire. Which immediately brings up the next question: What exactly should we try getting through to Planet before we lose access to our former home?

[] Nothing - Focus instead on thoroughly dismantling the Portal and eliminating every last bit of research notes to delay the replication of the Portal Project.
  • The Empire Faction(s) will arrive onto Planet later. (You do not know how much later.)
[] Refugees - Focus on getting as many people out.
  • Rapidly expands the Colony with an influx of people.
  • Saves a lot of people from civil war.
  • The Utopians like this.
  • The Colony will need to deal with an overpopulation crisis.
[] Equipment - Focus on getting as much equipment and infrastructure as possible.
  • Weapons! Research equipment! Infrastructure!
  • Building all of that would suck, would be great if we could skip a bunch of that (not that you're in charge of that).
  • The Hive likes this.
[] Mana - Not just the traditional 'Mana Crystal', but also wide varieties of magically potent plants, animals parts, and so forth. (Which are collectively abstracted as Mana.)
  • The Traders like this.
  • Mana is a diverse resource, and can be used by the Colony to:
    • Quickly produce infrastructure or military assets via rigorous application of Magic (TM).
    • Maintain infrastructure and/or weaponry. Virtually everything built requires a constant expenditure of Mana to remain at tip-top shape.
    • Research projects faster (by using a lot more Mana for experiments).
    • Improve the livelihood of the common people (by using a lot more.. Magic).

Wildlife Attacks

Most concerning were the incidents of coordinated wildlife attacks have begun on the outlying settlements. Groups of wolf-like creatures along with horrific masses of worms assaulted an outlying base. Having waited approximately their entire time on the colony for Glorious Battle, it was not much of a surprise when the Nobles responded quickly, elite warriors quickly hacking down the deadly wildlife before they could get too far.

With the recent research on planetary ecology, it might even be that the attacks were premeditated. Which, honestly was a pretty disturbing prospect. Regardless, three of the factions have each put together a proposal on how to handle the matter.

[] The Druids' Proposal

"These attacks happen for a reason. If we find out that reason, it should be possible to alter the behavior of the wildlife to reduce the frequency of attacks, or even halt them altogether." claims Lady Sachru Skye.
  • Attempts to change the behavior of the native Planet Wildlife to not attack the colonists.
  • Should the wildlife be tameable, will also be useful against Empire factions, if when they arrive.
  • The Druids like this. The Nobles and Believers dislike this.
  • Commits to Wildlife Behavior Analysis next turn.
[] The Nobles' Proposal

"As already demonstrated, elite groups of warriors would most effectively minimize casualties, both among the colonists and also among the warriors themselves." Sir Thundershield of the Nobles asserted.
  • Focuses on arming an elite group of soldiers as first-respondents to wildlife attacks.
  • Will also be useful against the Empire when they show up.
  • The Nobles like this. The Druids and Believers dislike this.
  • Recommended you select Applied Manacraft (Artifice Replication) and/or Colonial Industry (Artisinal) next turn.
[] The Believers' Proposal

"The demons of this planet will not stop our righteous claim to Planet! It is high time we raised a force and send them back to the pits where they belong!" declared Sister Seraphina of the Believers.
  • Declare war on the wildlife of Planet. Raise up large armies of fanatics and wipe out the encroaching wildlife!
  • If the Empire show up, those armies can get rid of them too!
  • The Believers like this. The Druids and Nobles dislike this.
  • Recommended you select Colonial Industry (Mass) next turn.
Area: Tiny (Location: Near a Monsoon Jungle)
Population: Abysmal
Infrastructure: Minimal (Research Infrastructure: Good)
Resources: Moderate (Good Food, Moderate Mana, Bad Industry)
Mana Reserves: No

Completed Research:

Colonial Physiology
Colonial Psychology
Ecology Studies (Planet)


Relations: N/A
Power: High


Relations: Approving (Researched preferred projects)
Power: Standard (Increasing)


Relations: Approving (Researched preferred projects)
Power: Standard (Increasing)


Relations: Neutral
Power: Standard


Relations: Neutral
Power: Standard


Relations: Neutral
Power: Standard


Relations: Disapproving (Ideological Conflict)
Power: Standard


As always, questions are always welcome! As are write-in suggested alternative options and so forth.

Now a question for the players: Would abstract values as is being done or would hard numerical values be preferred?
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[X] Refugees - Focus on getting as many people out.

I'm a soft touch, so sue me. Let's save people and get us some manpower...manpower can make equipment or provide other benefits. Mana also seems pretty viable.

[X] The Druids' Proposal

We're the research arm, we want to understand what's going on. Us siding with the Druids on this one only makes sense. The Nobles proposal is also viable...the Believer proposal is just a bad idea IMO.

Now a question for the players: Would abstract values as is being done or would hard numerical values be preferred?

I like numbers, personally, but abstract isn't terrible or anything.
Note: Combining votes is also an option, if somewhat less optimal. Along with write-ins!

In the case of The Last Shipment it would get you mix of what's voted for (ex: Refugees and Mana), unless you wrote in something like 'keep it open as long as possible' which would get you more stuff but would definitely accelerate the 'Empire makes Planetfall' schedule.

In the case of the Wildlife response, mixing things would get whoever not voted for double-pissed. (Believers+Druids proposals is... not compatible, but Druids+Nobles or Nobles+Believers are somewhat compatible.) Plus taxing in that you'd need to pick somewhat redundant research options, of course. Could even write-in 'but guys what if we made a shitton of magigolems to fight!?' (This would make Adgreck happy but all three of Druids, Believers and Nobles would be unhappy)
[X] Refugees - Focus on getting as many people out.
[X] The Nobles' Proposal

If these worms act anything like in Alpha Centauri, breeding or using them is absolutely unconscionable. We can research the horrifying, hostile alien hive mind AFTER we hack the grotesque murderous bioforms apart.
[X] Refugees - Focus on getting as many people out.
People are the only resource that we can't get quickly enough of, so I'd really rather get as much of them as we to prop up our industry. This is also a good way of probing up the Utopians since their ideology seems to be more attractive, so they'd probably get more power via increased population.

[X] The Druids' Proposal
Yeah, I'd rather save resources by avoiding fighting the wildlife and instead use it to defend ourselves when the empire comes.

Finally, I'd prefer numbers but I'm also fine with abstract. Just make the numbers simple, since I can see it being difficult to keep up with the quest if the numbers get too complicated.
If these worms act anything like in Alpha Centauri, breeding or using them is absolutely unconscionable. We can research the horrifying, hostile alien hive mind AFTER we hack the grotesque murderous bioforms apart.
Mind Worms are some of the best things out of Alpha Centauri, game mechanics wise anyway. An entire dimension of combat!

Game narrative wise though it's kind of a wonder that Mind Worms never got added to the list of things banned under the UN Charter. A war doctrine based around horrifying mental attacks is seriously messed up.
Hmmm. Interesting. Combining Refugees and Mana seems viable...probably decreases the downsides of refugees.
It's less optimal cause having to decide exactly what manacrystals/magic herbs/etc versus whoever of the refugees should go through would mean you get less than half value of each. Plus not getting the faction likert bonus.
It's less optimal cause having to decide exactly what manacrystals/magic herbs/etc versus whoever of the refugees should go through would mean you get less than half value of each. Plus not getting the faction likert bonus.

Oh sure, but it should cut down on the overpopulation issues if we did it. I still lean pure refugees, just noting.
[X] Mana - Not just the traditional 'Mana Crystal', but also wide varieties of magically potent plants, animals parts, and so forth.

[X] The Druids' Proposal
[X] Combined Mana and Equipment
[X] The Druids' Proposal
[X] Combined Refugees and Equipment.
[X] The Druids' Proposal.

I think, this combination is the best choice. This way, we gain large amounts of manpower and also equipment said manpower could use. It just seems to naturally synchronize.
Hmm... Maybe I should advocate for some of the lesser-voted options. You guys have selected a politics oriented quest, after all.

For the Last Shipment, consider some of the alternatives:

[] Nothing! - The Empire Factions are really strong (They're effectively the stand-ins for the Alien Faction - Overpowered and hating each other), and delaying them so they arrive whilst the civil war has exhausted them even more should be considered!

[] Equipment! - Consider that 'Equipment' also includes weapons. And right now you're facing a military problem (shockingly coordinated dangerous wildlife)! Having a whole bunch of equipment now would really help with that.

[] Mana! - Mana can be used to research things faster! It stores perfectly! What's not to love!?

Contrast, dealing with an overpopulation crisis which will pretty much require faster exploitation of Planet (which players seem to find undesirable) to satisfactorily resolve. True, it does give a lot of people, and population is power, and is also the hardest to natively get more of, but that comes with it's own price.

As for the Wildlife attacks option, consider that the Believers and the Nobles are the (currently) primary military wings of the Colony. Is angering both of them at the same time the best idea?

[] The Nobles' Proposal - You've got positive relations with The Druids, so this will 'just' take you down to neutral with them. Now consider - If you work with the Nobles, you could not only sideline the Believers, but potentially also set yourself up to potentially eliminate them altogether! Quite a number of research options will really piss them off down the line, so why not get started on it early?

[] The Believers' Proposal - Consider this. Do you really want to anger the Believers at the same time that you add large amounts of refugees to the colony? 'Planet is our Promised Land' is a creed that sounds extremely attractive if you're an unemployed escapee! It's doubly attractive if you're following an environmentally friendly economic policy not very conducive to rapid economic growth! Plus if you've got a big population the Nobles' elite champioms style of warfare isn't so critical anymore.