Fallout Quest

Ok, so stats are corrected, excellent.
Black book- Tied to you until death this book summons you to this place own by some girl named Mora, must be some Irish girl.
LOL! Moira Brown, the town inventor/genius/eccentric, is related to the Daedric Prince of knowledge and memory, Hermaeus Mora?! Ahahahahaha!!! I almost can't believe that can work so well!

Also, check the spell section guys, it's listed on the first post now.
A dangerous blond

(X) Elsa
(X) Write in name: Elan
(X) Her Pip boy is giving off this weird signal lets follow it!

"So whats up with the siquined dress."

Elsa sighs.

"I was going to play the snow queen during a play, then the overseer went nuts. Started killing people my friend Anna helped me out."


You make an effort not to look down her shirt.

"So your name?"

"Elan Bond."


"Its british."


"Your pip boy is beeping its probally sending out a signal."

She looks at it.

"Oh, OH! your right dad probally sent out a message! We should follow it."

Good theres a we, pretty girls are hard to find in the waste and you cant bring yourself to ask out Nova. That ghoul bartender has the hots for her and well he's cool.

"So where do you live."

"The wizards tower next to mega ton."

She blinks

"Wizard tower?"

"Because Im a wizard."

Her eyes go narrow and you cast a spell.

"You can shoot ice out of your hands? Who does that?"

"A wizard."

You neglect to tell her that megaton mostly uses you to make Ice... all this power and your the ice guy... No respect for the mystic arts.

"I brought a change of clothing mind um turning around?"


Play it cool, she's a educated vault dweller you screwed things up with the girls from Megaton, but this is your chance to get yourself a girl.


The vault security armor isnt nearly as good looking but it works.

"Wish I had brought some food."

"I can always summon some."

"Right wizard, did not expect that."

You continue walking until you see this downed craft some strange creature shoots at you. You and Elsa dodge the shots. She brings out a pistol and shots the creature and you finish it off with a fire ball.

Elsa looks at you in shock.

"Right Wizard."

You walk up to the downed craft and then look up at a bright light.

The two of you float up in the air towards the craft.

"I dont think your father sent out that message."

Elsa glares at you.


You wake up along on a table your wizard hat and coat is still on. You see the door way.

(X) Use summons to punch it open!

(X) Ice it open

(X) Use lighting on the control panel

(X) Burn your way out

(X) You have your pocket knife with you? Use that?
Wooooo!!! Aliens vs Wizard! Let's do this!!!

(X) Use lighting on the control panel
Screw you electronics, eat lighting! Also, I'm going to bet that lighting is going to be veeery useful against their shields, when we encounter ones that has them anyways.
I got spurs
(X) Use lighting on the control panel

Your mind goes back to your friend Ron in the ass end of nowhere.

"Why would you want to live out in this place?"

You motion for the regents Ron hands them over to you.

"She lives here so I live here too."

You shake your head and watch as the foundation rises.

"She's nuts."

"Siera.... Look let me be strait with you E, I love the girl."

"Ron's going soft in his old age."

"Fuck you E, Im the one who taught you how to sneak past raiders and shoot a gun. So a little god damned respect."

"So explain."

"Look if this was just about getting laid I would just you know pay for it, but C's special ya know. This is the woman who I want to be the mother of my damned children. Look one day you will get it E."

"Yeah yeah Ron."

You wipe your hands and watch the two story building rise from the ground.

"Its impressive shit E. Your sure the garden will work?"

"Each planter will make a crop every three days Radiation free."

"Megatons god damned lucky to have you."

"Im just the god damned ice man over there."


The fried circuit board opens, you take a breath and let your reserves recharge.

You see a squad of greys and unleash a fire ball they scream and burn, their guns are fine and you take a few, you look up at Elsa.

"How did you get out?"

"Hacked it."

You gulp understanding a little of what Ron said.

"Well Wizard whats the plan?"


(X) I will be the destraction

(X) Lets look for the others

(X) Im out of ideas

(X) Lets try to sneak past them

(X) Write in.
Started killing people my friend Anna helped me out."
is there supposed to be a comma between people and my friend?

I spent over three hours looking up cosplay for you guys your going to see the other options
Oh sweet.
that is clearly a man in drag
possibly a man in drag, not sure

The rest are absolute hotties.
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(X) Write in: Sneak around as much as you can, killing all the aliens while avoiding damaging the craft. when they are all dead, this amazing spaceship will be all yours
(X) Lets look for the others

Wasn't there other people on this ship too? The ones frozen from time, and the little girl that was running around and opening doors for the MC in the DLC.
(X) Write in: Sneak around as much as you can, killing all the aliens while avoiding damaging the craft. when they are all dead, this amazing spaceship will be all yours

Magic spaceship ahoy!
(X) Lets try to sneak past them

I don't know Fallout well so i'm going by how you write.
(X) Write in: Sneak around as much as you can, killing all the aliens while avoiding damaging the craft. when they are all dead, this amazing spaceship will be all yours
bingo bango bongo
(X) Write in: Sneak around as much as you can, killing all the aliens while avoiding damaging the craft. when they are all dead, this amazing spaceship will be all yours

"We have to take this space ship, think of the possibilities!"

Your surprised that Elsa says it first, you watch as she carefully looks over the alien weapons.

"Just what did you do in the vaults?"

"Pip boy repair, and engineering in general, quite a bit of that involved digging lots of god damned digging."


She sighed.

"Ok vaults were inititially built to hold around two thousand people right?"


"Well its been over two hundred years people are going to have kids and their kids have kids. 101 is pretty small but at our largest we had over ten thousand people."


"Two thousand, the overseer's in the past would send people out as a punishment. Ah figured out the power load out and I hacked their information systems."

"You hacked the information system of an alien capable of intersteller traveler?"

She streches.

"Its all ones and zeros isnt it? OK it looks like were aboard a research vessel. Its pretty big but when it comes down to it there are 24 sections to the ship."

"Marry me."

It comes out of your mouth unbiddened, she raises an imperial eyebrow.

"Help me take over this ship and I will consider it."

You chuckle and then decide to go stealth, the two of you sneak around the lower levels. You use summons and their own weapons against them as you slowly empty out the ship. The aliens are well not very good shots almost as if they are unused to the idea that some one could actually dare to fight back.


You look through a window and see a woman.


"Im a scavanger, followed the signal mind letting me out?"

You do so and Elsa passes her a gun.

"Welcome to the resistance."

"Look I just want to go home."

Elsa smiles.

"And we want a brand new space ship, and who has better salvage this ship or the wastes?"

"Im in."


You continue sneaking around, Elsa hacks, you summon and the woman shoots.



The conversation dies and you concentrate on eliminating the aliens. You slowly clear section by section of alien life until you hear a little girl.


You look up.

"Hey, um what are you doing there?"

"I escaped awhile ago, I know this place pretty well I could lead you to the others?"

"The others?"

"They froze them but I know how to wake them up."

Elsa looks at her pip boy.

"If I could get into robot matinance we could turn their own machines against them."

"Is it risky?"

She smiles at you.

"At this point its go big or go home and I want to walk out with a space ship of my own."

(X) Turn their machines against their masters

(X) Go free the others
(X) Turn their machines against their masters
Oh yeah, the combat and service drones. It's probably a better idea to get them to be non-hostile towards us, and to clear the ship some more before freeing the others, or else they just might get themselves killed in the fighting.

Hmm... I wonder if we can get one of the alien weapons, and then experiment by apply sparks to it to recharge it, and use the lowest tier ice magic to cool it so it can fire faster.