Upon reflection, food and water, sustainable at that, should be easy.
First thing to do is check the rads of the river. If we can figure out how much rads it's got, if it has any, then that's one issue done. Otherwise, we're in for rough times. While the Vault has a nice bit of stored water, and 2 people won't deplete it for some time with just drinking.... That's not a long term solution. Actually, we could try digging a shaft like 5-10 feet away from the river, let the earth filter the rads out.
The big worry is, well, radiation. Simply put, if the river is out, our options are thus:
1. Rain collectors and just bite the radiation we'd get from it. Tough, but hey, better then nil.
2. We make a shitload of
water collectors, this'll take some plastic and other bits, but assuming the weather isn't too FUBAR, we should be fine. Also has radiation risks, but hey, what can you do?
3. Hit up Concord's city planning area and see if they recorded where the local aquifers and such are. Assuming the place is intact and the records aren't being used as kindling or TP.
Hell, even if it IS radioactive, there's a easy filter to make that should remove it.
Food though.... Without seed crop, we are going to have to do a shitload of hunting, and just pray.