Fade to Grey (SCP/Bloodborne SI)

Great job with the atmosphere in this chapter, it's appropriately spooky.

I haven't played Bloodborne, so I have no idea what the importance of the umbellical cord is.

I'm seeing the at least two SCP influences, the recursive room that slowly gets more and more off model with each iteration, and the void that harmlessly makes objects intangible.
FactorySmith the umbellical cord is one of 4 umbellic cords the thing is spolier for bloodborne but why there are important
is that if you eat/use three of the four if you kill the final boss you become a Great Ones which that can dream reamls in to exiest and the player has been killing them,there servents, thoes infected by there blood
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One of the few things they could have done in-game is send you to a new area like the painted world in dark souls but it's own thing or a remote area of the hunters nightmare where you can see sleeping or dead great ones

Pretty much all of the great ones ascended, the only ones left being the ones we meet in game. Still though, pretty good idea.

And eventualy the entitys patience ran out so he got traped with a suicide gun but he shoots it and either burnt itself out or got absorbed.

This whole chapter was a lot more symbolic than I've written before. The workshop and his appartment represent two very distinct parts of him: being the part of him influenced by Yharnam and the part of him that clings to the old world respectively. His apartment being desecrated and emptied represents that like it or not, he's slowly being assimilated into Yharnam.

The whole absorption thing did play a role too, as he was contesting against an entity, to prevent himself metaphysically dying. Like you said, the entity ran out of patience first, and paid the price for it.

Unfortunately, that price had a decidedly negative effect on Cyril as well.

That was, indeed, awesome. I'm spooked, well played. Greatly enjoying!


Hey, given the written description of that umbilical cord, how those are very blood-filled, the path of blood he was walking, and the way it ended; how much do we want to bet that the cord was force-fed into him while he was unconscious?

Like I said, I really didnt like the fact that you just squish three of these things ingame. What I tried to do here was that the umbilical cord is of eldritch origin. This whole ordeal was an unintentional fight to absorb the other, even though Cyril hadn't touched it or gotten close enough to do so.

Basically, baby cord doesn't operate on normal logic. GO figure.
Pretty much all of the great ones ascended, the only ones left being the ones we meet in game. Still though, pretty good idea.

This whole chapter was a lot more symbolic than I've written before. The workshop and his appartment represent two very distinct parts of him: being the part of him influenced by Yharnam and the part of him that clings to the old world respectively. His apartment being desecrated and emptied represents that like it or not, he's slowly being assimilated into Yharnam.

The whole absorption thing did play a role too, as he was contesting against an entity, to prevent himself metaphysically dying. Like you said, the entity ran out of patience first, and paid the price for it.

Unfortunately, that price had a decidedly negative effect on Cyril as well.


Like I said, I really didnt like the fact that you just squish three of these things ingame. What I tried to do here was that the umbilical cord is of eldritch origin. This whole ordeal was an unintentional fight to absorb the other, even though Cyril hadn't touched it or gotten close enough to do so.

Basically, baby cord doesn't operate on normal logic. GO figure.

This should put into perspective just how powerful the great ones are. Just one third of the umbilical cord of the BABY great one is enough to bend reality in truly bullshit ways. This should show that a end game hunter is a truly a being that deserves to ascend.
Damn that flat delivery got me laughing. No explanation or any thing just "btw cyril losses an arm".
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For those who didn't see the new informational post, I made an altercation in the chapter that really changed shit up, so go read that. If you're too lazy to do so, the TLDR is that Cyril loses his left arm from the elbow down.


Maybe I should say something sentimental about me losing my arm. Something about a feeling of loss, maybe something that I feel empty on the inside.

At this point though, I really only have one thing to say.

I lost my arm.

The bleeding had somehow stopped during what I would tentatively call an eldritch-induced psychedelic trip, but that's besides the point. My actions have come back to haunt me, and boy did it bite my ass.

I lost my goddamn arm.

Yeah, lets go screw around with something that's telling you to bugger off. Lets go to a place, which exists in an area where death can be cheated and time is a circle and beeline to the place that tells me no.

I. Lost. My. Goddamn. Arm.

Just an umbilical cord, huh? You could have taken the hint when you felt waves of power throughout the corridor. You could have turned right back around the moment you laid eyes upon the abandoned workshop.

And now it's gone.

And I have no one to blame but myself. I led myself through to that altar, I forced my way through a death trap that by all accounts should have killed me. The only reason I stand here now is because whatever entity was pulling the strings lost its patience and jumped the gun. I stand here beside a pile of my own blood, almost certainly in shock, blabbing to myself because if I dont I have no clue what I would do.

What's the point of this? What am I doing, roaming around a city I have no place in and fighting a mix of victorian monsters and the reject pile for lovecraft?


I wandered around cathedral ward aimlessly. The melody of a bloodthirsty scream, a pain riddled groan and the sound of silence looped for what seemed like endlessly. In a screwed up sort of way, it became a constant, something that made sense. Stabby-stabby make monsters owie-owie.

A part of me really just wanted to let go at this point. Nothing about my current predicament could be considered nice, nothing that gives me a reason to really do anything.

Besides, you know, the mark on my neck. Physically, nothing has changed about it. It was a deep branding, yet it failed to draw any blood. Something far more meta-physically, it felt like a dull, constant throbbing somewhat akin to a muted base rubbing against me. It was uncomfortable, something that prevented my mind from fully submerging.

Clarity came back to me slowly, as if the haze of anger, fear and a kaleidoscope of other emotions were still trying to stay put. Almost reluctant to leave.

Much like anything that was born, they eventually broke off and faded, and all I was left with was a half destroyed courtyard, half a dozen corpses and a view of the evening sky being stilted by the many buildings of Yharnam. Looking out to it all, I braced my remaining arm against the last section of guardrail before it collapsed into rubble and took a deep breath.

Least whatever cthulhu reject didn't take my dominant arm.

I snorted on my own joke.


At the beginning of this, I was kind of making fun of what I perceived to be complete morons. They throw at me, sometimes with an insult or a slur, sometimes a bloodlusted scream or an animalistic roar, but it was all the same. You don't bring a knife to a gunfight, yet they charged me with pitchforks, axes and crude swords nonetheless. What made them throw away their reason and succumb to true madness?

The answer was right in front of me, yet somehow I ignored it in favor of mockery and dismissal.

Its addiction.

Instead of one more snort, one more drink or one more gamble, it's drawing blood. It's everything to them, and I bet that they get some sort of dopamine rush from drawing blood from whatever they consider an enemy. They aren't looking for "beasts", they're looking for their fix of the next few hours before they move on and repeat the cycle.

Over and over.

The worst part is that I can see it in myself. Embrace it.

It isn't the simple detective in me seeking the mystery in plain sight anymore, it's me moving from one big fight to another. Keeping the reiterpallasch or whatever it was called and adventuring to something screaming at me to back off is me seeking a fight and revelling in it.

And I don't know if I can actually stop myself at this point. You shouldnt.

I can't ignore the fact that I want to fight.

I can't ignore the fact that I want to kill.

I can't ignore the fact that I'm truly disgusted with myself.

A part of me wants to say screw it, walk to the city limits and keep walking until I drop from whatever kill-switch is embedded in the mark on my neck. A part of me wants to fall back into the haze, and let the overwhelming mix of emotions take my mind off of my situation.

Yet through all of this, I still think I'm the same person. I'm the same person who uses insults and jokes to cope through hard times. I'm the same person who saved that little girl. Deep down, I still care.

Isn't that why I started all those years ago?


"Welcome home, good hunter." The doll greeted me as I came to in the dream.

"Hi again." I simply replied. It wasn't her I was looking for, it was someone completely different.

I found Gehrman sitting where he always was; right beside the altar.

I felt a bit ashamed of myself, coming back here. Despite something within me demanding an interrogation of just what I experienced was, the far more logical part of me prevailed.

If just being near it triggered… that, then what would full power look like? Beautiful

I was angry with a lot of things, but not so much as to risk a confrontation that I can't win.

Instead, I wanted to bring to the forefront a much more pressing concern.

"You lost your arm." Gehrman spoke, flat. And gained much more

"I noticed." Replying in kind.

"You're not the first hunter to do so, nor will you be the last." As to put emphasis on the point, he shifted his leg. The one that ended with a peg.

I winced. For myself and him.

"I'll cut to the chase then, what options do I have?" I said, nearly in a rush.

"Wooden arm. Though I'm afraid that it would have no range of motion and would be less than useless."

I winced harder.

"A few powderkegs I've known in the past have attached a stake driver in situations like yours, though it's almost assuredly lost to time, much like many hunter weapons." Gehrman sighed with disappointment before continuing. "Lastly, some high ranking priests have been known to call on the daughter to unite their flesh with the cosmos, though I must admit that they are mostly rumors, since information was scarce at the best of times." He spoke with finality.

"Damn." I nearly hissed. Though my attitude shifted when I fully processed the last option. "Not much for direct naming, huh? Titles such as 'the daughter' are safe?" I threw the question out, it being equivalent to bait for information.

"Names have power." Gehrman spoke with a shrug. "Invoking a direct name tends to not bold well. Best to keep away from ire." He nodded once.

Wait a minute, is he double speaking?

"Yeah. Thought that might hold here as well." My mind began racing. "Sorry about invoking She-who-thirsts here, real stupid of me." Let's test the waters, see how he responds to this.

"Though you said it in a derogatory manner, I could tell that the god you invoked had some power behind it. It's best to keep said power under wraps, as I do not see a good future for those who abuse it." Gehrman spoke slowly, concisely and deliberate.

Holy crap, he is. He knows that I've touched some lovecraft stuff, and he wants me to not talk about it here.

Things have gotten a lot more complicated.

No talky-talk about sensitive stuff here anymore.

"Thank you for your time, Gehrman." I gave him a light bow. "I need some time to think things over." With that, I bid him farewell and walked out of the cottage once again.

That, along with the doll saying "hey, wanna make yourself stronger?" leads me to believe that he wants me to get stronger. Much stronger.

The question is, for what?


"Hello, good hunter." The doll bowed deeply in greeting me once again.

God, I'm really doing this. I've gone back to the cycle of smelling the blood in the water and heading for the shark that caused it.

At this point, I can't be utterly overwhelmed again. If I am… I don't know what to do with myself.

I paused, unsure. "I would like to channel my strength." I stated simply, gritting out the words.

"Of course, good hunter. I will embolden your sickly spirit." With that, she held out her hands. Soon thereafter, a faint glow began circulating from one palm to her other.

I get the feeling that I'm supposed to put my hand between that. Cringing as I did so, I slid my hand in between her two hands and saw me.

What I can say is that it was like an out of body experience. The best way to describe it was if my soul was staring back at my body. Only, I could also see more abstract figures, like a general idea of my cardio to my strength. As well as this, I could see a raging, almost angry red flow circling around my body, along with a similar, significantly duller white glow. Compared to each other, it was like a planet to a gas giant.

Delicately, I pushed away the two streams, I really do not want to think about the implications of the both of them. Instead, I tried to, for a lack of a better word, "raise" my cardio and strength. It surprisingly yielded, and I felt a sense of fullness.

I tried fading the same way I do with the gravestones, and surprisingly it worked. Instead of being somewhere in Yharnam though, I came in front of the doll and quickly withdrew my hand.

"May you find your worth in the waking world."


It was easy.

It was absurdly easy.

I made myself objectively stronger in less than a minute. Though I am wary of some sort of placebo effect, I am undeniably better then what I was before.

It scares me, to be honest.

Making yourself stronger through these means… is something that without a doubt places pretty high on the foundation list of no-no's. What's to say that further down the line, I decide to pick up some sort of mind control in the future because I'm having trouble? Let go.


Yeah, simply damn.


In my haze, I had apparently opened the gates to the upper section of cathedral ward. That by itself means nothing, but the numb feeling on the part of my neck getting stronger as I went further up did set off alarm bells.

I don't want to do it.

There was one place that was unexplored at this point. I found a gate, but there was some weird gatekeeper who was asking me for a password. I didn't know it, so that was a dead end.

Going down led to a half demolished overlook, one in which the heights were most certainly lethal. The other way down goes to Old Yharnam, and I have absolutely no stomach to brave that area again. Once was far more than enough.

There was that one path in the graveyard. Do that instead of going up to whatever the fuck lies on the peak.

Yeah, I'll think I'll do that.


Unfortunately for me, that path led to tightly packed squalor, one in which this dense fog covered everything walking on the street. I could hear a step-drag characteristic of one of the white-masked assholes, so I kept to the side and walked slowly.

It led me directly to a dead end, one in which there was only a red door in front of me and a window right beside me. Both had some incense burning. It itched.

"Oi, bugger off!" A voice emanated from the window, making me jump. "I can smell your stench from a mile off."

It took a moment for me to figure out what to say.

"Neck yourself." I replied succulently. "Are you trying to look for a fight, you sad sack of human shit?" A moment passed, before a giggle emanated from the door in front of me.

"My oh my, that is one vulgar mouth." A feminine voice emanated from the door, but I could not make out the person who said it. "I would invite you in, but I'm afraid that I'm off during hunts." A second laugh emanate, yet this one was filled with uncertainty

Oh. She's a prostitute.

"Not looking for comfort." I replied with a dead tone.

"You're a hunter? Oh thank goodness." I could hear an audible sigh. "I've very little incense left, might you know of a safe place?"

Ok then. That was a very, very fast turnaround.

"Sure, though you might want to grab a gun." I simply said.

It took a moment before I could hear some sort of deadbolt being moved to the side. Then she came out. Her slightly rugged appearance contrasted heavily with her elegant dress, and though time has faded the blood red and bright yellow one can easily tell that it was exquisitely woven. I wasn't really surprised when she came out holding a flintlock pistol though.

I nodded to her.

Guess some clients are a bit too much sometimes.


Walking back into the church, I could hear Arianna breathing a sigh of relief. During the short walk, we made a little bit of chat. I could, however, feel her eyes bearing directly behind me every time we walked past a corpse.

Really doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who caused it.

Soon though, the two of us entered the chapel, and I greeted the dweller once again. Noticing that I had not come alone, he gestured for me to bring her a chair to sit on.

"I cannot thank you enough, good hunter." Arianna said. "The hunt seems to be more frequent with every passing day."

"Really doesn't take much out of me." I brushed off. "Dont worry about it."

"Nonsense, I was practically out of incense." She briskly replied. "You saved my life."

"If you're trying to steer this conversation towards "oh, how can I ever repay you", sorry to say but I don't really care about your services." It was a bit rude, but I needed to get the point across. "I just want to get out of Cathedral Ward."

"Ah." She simply said. "I'm assuming that you came from Central, then?"

"Correct." Hey, maybe I can get something out of her.

"Not much to say, really. Ever since the church declared the Queenswood forbidden, Cathedral ward really only has one way here, which is behind you." She gestured to the graveyard door.

Interesting, why would this healing church declare an entire forest forbidden?

"Any particular reason why?" I quickly responded.

"Villages inside have been utterly overrun, for what some of my clients tell." Arianna stated. "The fact that they press foreigners into hunting is much more telling though."

In other words, things are collapsing at the seams. Because of course they are.

"I'll keep that in mind." Bidding her farewell, I went right back outside to cathedral ward.


So, another dead end. Which unfortunately means that I have to find out what rests above that causes me to quite literally go numb.

I want to go take a step, but my body refuses. For a moment, I stood there, before realizing what it really was.


It's just overwhelming fear. All I can think about is what had happened over at the "real" workshop, that it might repeat itself again.

I don't want to lose another part of myself, be it mental or physical.

I felt like I was having a panic attack. My breathing alternated between rapid half-breaths and practically impossible. In the end, I simply slumped against the fence and sat.


I was a sad, pathetic wreck. Between the fear of a repeat and my growing addiction to fighting, the latter won out.

I killed pretty much everything between me and the double gates to the presumably cathedral-looking exterior. There were two guys standing at attention with giant wooden stakes, and it was something I didn't particularly feel like dealing with at the moment.

And because I'm me, I simply shot dumb and dumber in their kneecaps. Watching them fall down a flight of stairs, I was genuinely surprised when the two of them tried sweeping me. Kind of expected them to have most of their bones broken, but oh well. A few shots put them out of their misery.

Now, I was looking at a giant door. Giving it a test push, it yielded surprisingly easily. Beyond the door laid another large flight of stairs, with bizarre statues lining either side. Brethren

Yeah, I'm already at my limit. Ignoring them, I simply went up the stairs. The sound of someone loudly praying however made me raise my gun.

Cresting the stairs, I took a look across the interior. My guess of a cathedral was not far off, as the room reminded me of a mini Saint Peter's basilica in terms of size and color scheme. The floor, originally white, looked far more grey as age and improper maintenance faded the color with a layer of grime.

The most important part was the person praying near the dead center of the room.

Now, there are a lot of things I can do. Shoot, obviously. If that doesn't work, molotov in the general direction and let that take care of the problem. That is assuming that she is hostile, but I'll be honest I have no confidence that she-.

Is screaming.

What on Earth?

The answer came unbidden, as she changed. It wasn't like Gascoigne, but she was contorting much like him, and eventually exploded.

The shockwave forced me to look away. Looking immediately back, what I saw made my stomach drop.

She had changed into a massive creature, covered in white hair. Blood soaked most of the area around her, including a massive splotch over the altar at the end of the room. Hell, it kind of looked like a massive dog with elongated limbs and a crocodile head.

The most important aspect though was that it was looking at me.

Once more, I guess.


If Gascoigne was a force of nature, whatever this lady transformed to was twice that, at minimum.

She was absurdly fast, and every swipe blew up a dust storm from the floor, which was quickly turning into rubble.

The only saving grace was that her attacks were not as fast as she herself was. I was kind of glad of that, because if she started using her body as a meatwall I would be in big trouble. Despite all of that, a pace was indeed being set. It was fast and explosive, it felt like I was bull riding, but I managed to hang on.

That is, until I began making mistakes. People aren't perfect, and something as simple as the wrong footwork resulted in me being swatted like a fly.

Eventually, I got swatted not into the air, but into a wall.


I really, really, did not want to keep doing this. At the same time however, I needed a way to get out of Cathedral Ward that wasn't back from the way I came, and something was telling me that this was the way I needed to go.

A big plus was that there was no lovecraftian bullcrap involved here.

And so, the cycle that occurred with Gascoigne began again. I fought, I got a bit closer, I died ad nauseam.

This particular fight is particularly nasty though. This giant wolf monster had four main attacks; swiping, slamming, charging and flailing. It was a generalization that simplified a tad too much, but it represented what I was facing quite nicely.

Eventually, I began getting into the groove of things. The charging attacks were met with a lateral dodge. The flailing was met with me keeping my distance and taking a short break. The swiping and slamming were the most dangerous, and each one was dealt with dynamically. That consisted of shooting to distract, even more dodging or a slice coming from myself.

The biggest problem wasn't the fight itself however. It was that this bastard could heal too. Almost mockingly, the monster paused and brought its hands together to pray. Soon after, a golden glow surrounded the monstrous form, and the wounds be it deep or shallow stopped bleeding and started closing.

Naturally, I began dumping blood bullets into her form. Her healing was good, really good, but It could not cover all injuries, especially when more are being made in realtime.

By the end of that process, I was left panting and the bastard was still fairly healed. Letting off a roar, the massive creature charged me once again.

It was mentally and physically exhausting. Sure, I could revitalize myself with vials, and I have. The thing was that I only had so many, and a drawn out fight starts to be a drain mentally.

Then, something happened that hasn't. The big bastard staggered and fell ungracefully on the ground.

Holy crap!

Moving forward, I simply stabbed the head of the giant bastard and twisted. A screech reverberated throughout the church, loud enough to cause my ears to ring.

In response, the big bastard slammed me with one of its 'arms', sending me flying backwards. Skidding on the ground, I painfully got back up to see a giant wall of flesh charging towards me.

Did I forget to say that the bastard charges with its whole body?

Barely dodging it, the towering figure flew past me, slamming into one of the walls of the cathedral.

The monster slowly got back on its feet.

"Just stay down and die, holy shit man." My exasperated voice rolled out.

The only response I got was yet another roar.

And so we started again.


The asshole was praying again.

Instead of shooting, I simply charged and swung with the whip form of the sword. The attack weaved through the golden light and struck the exposed skin underneath. Blood flowed from the wound, and a nearly inaudible scream was emanated from the mouth of the bastard.

I didn't stop though, I kept striking. The golden light soon receded, and I was met with a slam. Managing to neatly dodge the slow attack, I struck in turn. The whipped form of the sword wrapped around the bastard's neck, and I pulled.

It was a herculean task. The bastard was resisting, and all I could do was to hold on and pull even harder. It didn't really make sense, something with a body mass not even approaching the thing in front of me was holding its ground.

Then again, nothing in this world made sense.

I didn't need to win the tug of war, I just needed to hold. The bastard was struggling in the opposite direction, directly into the barbed portions of the weapon.

Soon though, the screams changed to blood filled gurgles, and eventually the bastard collapsed onto the ground, limp.

I simply sat down and breathed, all the while looking at the body. The one beautiful cathedral was utterly wrecked, with stone pillars damaged and the floor closely resembling rubble. The mixed fog of rubble and blood absolutely permeated the place.

Black and grey light began swirling around the figure, eventually beginning to cover it. Soon, the entire form of the bastard was covered, and without a sound, the body disappeared to who knows where.


I don't have an excuse for the late upload. Writer block hit hard, sorry.

Hope you enjoyed the bigger chapter as compensation. Put a few secrets in it as well.
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Inbetween Reality
A lamp popped up right in front of the altar at the back of the cathedral, which was nice. It meant that I didn't have to run all the way back, which was also a big plus.

I didn't want to stay here any longer than I had to anyways. I did not find my answer here.

So I simply knelt in front of the lamp and flicked it on. Once that was done, I felt myself being dragged into unconsciousness.


I didn't wake inside the hunter's dream.

"Master Willem, I've come to bid you farewell." A voice rang out.

I frantically looked around to find out just where I've been thrown into. It seemed like some sort of library, where bookshelves lined the walls, accompanied with a massive stairway to a second floor. More importantly, there were two people standing in front of a fireplace, one confined to a wheelchair and the other standing at attention beside him.

What is this?

"Oh, I know, I know." Another voice rang out. The second voice seemed much more weathered. "You think now, to betray me."

Okay then, this is hella bizarre. Slowly, I tried walking towards the two. Unfortunately for me, I felt like I was stuck in front of a brick wall, and no matter how much I moved I could not get closer.

Guess I'm an observer here then?

"No, but you will never listen. I tell you, I will not forget our adage." The first voice rang out once again.

Have I finally lost it? "Yo, can either of y'all hear me?" I spoke.

No answer came. It seemed like I could not be heard.

"...We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open..." The second voice reluctantly began.

So, the real question is, what am I missing?


"Fear the old blood." My voice rang out to the pair of doors in front of me. Whatever that vision was, I have the slight feeling that it was important.

A moment passed. Then the sound of the door unlocking was heard, along with a chuckle. Waiting a moment, the doors did not move by themselves.

Lazy Bastard.

Pushing one of the doors myself, it yielded surprisingly easily. Inside was what seemed like a small tower, with a stairway leading down.

Along with a skeleton right beside the doorway.

What the fuck?

Tentatively approaching the skeleton, I examined it. Results: been here for a fairly long time.

I didn't hear any footfalls on the stairs, so the only logical answer is that the guy in front of me somehow unlocked it.

Welp, this is cursed.


I exited the tower to see an overhang under the night sky.

Not evening sky, night sky. Whatever happened inside that cathedral it caused the day to fast forward a few hours straight into the dead of night. It spooked me, but It didn't really rouse me to do anything else. With all this crap going around, a time change was the least of my concerns.

Have to admit though, the full moon is beautiful. It's most certainly not the moon I'm used to, because this one is much closer to the planet. Submit


Arianna was correct about the woods being "overrun", because the place is filled with roaming bastards. Disturbingly, a new enemy emerged. From a distance, it looks like a normal person. Getting close enough however, the bastard starts screaming and then a billion snake thing's burst out of its face.

I'll be real, I was startled and caught off guard. One handing an M4 while possible isnt very effective so that was out of the picture. Because of that I have been dumping blood bullets into the half-wits. Luckily for me, the Walmart Medusa's do not have an extreme vitality, so disabling a leg or two is pretty effective.


Lamp. Neat.

Activating it, I looked around once again. Right beside me was a stone building with an iron gate door. I really wanted to pick the lock, but only having one arm makes me not feel like doing it. Using my mouth to keep pressure is something I think I'm not desperate enough for yet. Looking through, I could just barely see some sort of light at the very back. Useful, but I do not know where in god's name it goes.

Other than that, there were hills behind me and a ravine in front of me. Luckily there was a bridge, but I was not the most excited to cross it. I could just barely see the flame of a torch on the other side.

Alrightly. Let's get started.


Booby traps. Luckily, they're fairly obvious due to the fact that they covered the pressure plate with wood instead of leaves or earth, but it is an unpleasant surprise.

In other news, the scent of gasoline and burning wood permeates the air. Ill tidings I guess.


I found one of the villages that was claimed to be "overrun" and I have to admit, overrun is definitely not the word I would use. It would be better to use "collective bloodthirsty hysteria". In other words, pretty much the same hospitality as before.

That "hospitality" includes roaming patrols of dogs and bastards with pitchforks and muskets. I tent to try and avoid them, but sometimes I get spotted. Then it gets messy.

The dogs charge first, as always. They get felled by the whipped form of my cane. While I drop the cane in favor of the pistol, the pitchfork's charge me. A few quick headshots fell on them.

The last problem is the musketman. By the time I'm done, he has a clear shot at me. Sometimes I manage to avoid it, sometimes I get hit square in the chest. Somewhat disturbingly, I've been able to start shrugging off the bullets hitting me in the chest.

If they hit me in the head however, I still die. That sucks


I ran through an area filled with dog kennels. By the grace of god, the dogs were somehow sleeping. Maybe they were dead, I really didn't stay long enough to figure out the situation.

It brought me into a cave. A foul stench emanated from the entrance.


Poison lakes. Great.

I used my clothing to cover my nose as I hurriedly crossed the cavern to the ladder I could see. The stench still was nearly unbearable though, and I could see half submerged skeletons of both human and monster.

In short, never coming back here again. If I die, I'm more than happy to ignore that this place ever existed.


Through the numerous ladders and linked courtyards, I actually figure out just where on earth I went. Somehow, I've ended up back at Iosefka's clinic. I know this because I see the massive double gates I opened up god knows how long ago. Opening up the gate that used to be closed, I turned around and proceeded through yet more courtyards.

Which brought me face to face with some person cowering beside a well. Raising my pistol, I called out to the person to see if I could get a better shot to the head; at the current state, I could hit the neck and little else, hardly a confirmed kill.

...It turned around. It did not have a face. Rather, it had a face full of tentacles surrounding a hole. Parasite

It gave off a slurping sound and began running towards me. Firing several shots, my aim was impeccable. Unfortunately, it was not enough, and I had to sidestep the thing's charge. Hell, the fucker lunged at me, and my dodge resulted in it falling on the ground behind me. Not one to waste the moment, I quickly changed to the canesword and stabbed the fucker's spine.

Luck seemed to finally be with me, as I struck fairly high on the spine. The thing squirmed, but only its head did so. It appeared that I had made the thing lose motor control of its body.

A smile formed on my lips, before quickly being replaced by a frown.

You're not a damn nazi. End it.

And so I did. Pulling out my sword, the thing emanated a sound akin to a groan, but all it did was make the hairs on my skin rise. I simply struck it's head, and it became lifeless.

Fuck that thing. That is all.


So this path leads to roof access to the clinic. I kind of feel like a trespasser, but my thoughts vanquished when I saw two crows on the roof and a giant hole leading to a hallway to the clinic.


Quickly dealing with the crows, I began walking towards the hole. Getting closer, I could see that rubble and blood covered the interior of the hallway. A not-insignificant amount of dust absolutely caked the floor. Deciding to go right, I came across a familiar scene. It was the area which I had droned while I still had that.

A small smile formed on my face. Quickly moving to head towards the lamp inside the clinic, I opened the door to the area where I had started this ordeal.

The door creaked open, and I stepped inside.

I saw E.T. False Follower.

What the fuck?

The resident alien looked like a stereotypical 60's alien, save for the exaggerated egghead and distinctly ocean blue head. Sluggishly, it turned towards me.

I raised my pistol. In response, the thing cowered in the corner it was in.

Seriously though, what the fuck.

I wanted to say something, but nothing came out of my mouth. Various phrases came in my mind, but one came to mind.

"Can you understand me?" I spoke. The thing only continued to cower.

That didn't work.

"Can you understand me?" I repeated. "Shake your head if you do."

This time, ET stopped cowering and began looking at me again. I waved at it, but I got no response.

I mean, on one hand it's a literal alien. On the other hand, the thing wont do anything.

Cautiously, I examined the room while keeping the alien in mind. The only thing I found was a simple letter at the base of a bed. Frowning, I picked it up and examined it. Some sort of wax seal enclosed the somewhat stained envelope. The faintest fragrance of blood was emanating from the thing.

Okay then. Lets see what's inside.

Quickly opening it up, I unfolded the letter and began reading from the top.

Greetings, Cyril Antov,

A frown made itself known on my face. Not many people knew my full name here. In fact, the amount of people could be counted on one hand. How does this person know my name? Hell, the thing was written in English...

Regardless, I continued reading.

Her Majesty the Queen of Cainhurst has formally invited you to Cainhurst Castle. Make haste towards Hemwick crossing, where a carriage awaits you. Cainhurst eagerly awaits you.

Formally signed,

Queen Cainhurst.

I think that this is a can of worms I'll deal with later.


ET was not hostile, so instead of heading towards the lamp I doubled back to see if I could figure out just what caused the alien to show up out of nowhere.

Quickly though, I reached the end of the hallway, Turning right, I was greeted with the entrance of a library. Entering, a lack of light caused me to begin ascending the stairs.

"Ah, moonlit scents....How did you worm your way in here?" A familiar, yet foriegn voice rang out from somewhere beyond the second floor.

"Through the hole in the wall." I spoke in a dead tone. "The one with blood."

A moment passed.

Iosefka spoke once more. "An unfortunate accident." She spoke curtly.

"An accident, huh." I spoke with sarcasm. "You want me to go up there and make sure you're okay."

"I'd rather you wouldn't." She responded quickly.

I took a second to organize my thoughts. "You're not the real Iosefka, are you?"

I only heard silence before the voice rang out once again. "I'm not sure what you mean, hunter."

"Vešterka1​" I hissed out almost instinctively, the word almost too naturally. "You do realize that there's a massive hole that screams forced entry rather than an "accident", right?" The air quotes were practically heard. "What did you do to the real Iosefka?" I pressed again.

Instead of silence, I got a hollow laugh.

"Enlightenment." She drooled out. The answer sent a jolt of adrenaline coursing through my body. "Now, Would you mind leaving us alone?" She said in an almost sweet tone. "Or else… well, I always wanted to try my work on a hunter."

I shivered.

"The only thing you're getting is a grave six feet under." I spoke. "Get down here and let me detain you, or this becomes a shootout." I demanded.

I got nothing in response.

Fuck her.

I began marching up the stairs, a conviction flowing through me. I felt more motivated than I have in a very, very long time. I was back in squarely familiar territory. One in which I worked best in.

There was another flight of stairs, this one presumptively being the one that led to where she was holding up in. Marching up the stairs, I made sure to prick my finger on a shark piece of debris and rested the finger on the pistol. I wanted this to hurt.

Soon, I crested the stairs.

"This won't hurt-" she began saying. Her little monolog was rudely interrupted by me double tapping her head. She stumbled backwards, crashing against the rolling table behind her. A moment passed, before she roared out in anger and pulled out a familiar weapon.

More specifically, the same weapon I used.

I didn't really think of commenting further because I began rapidly descending the stairs. Reaching the bottom in record time, I turned back to see that the imposter had only just begun descending the first few stairs. I aimed with my pistol again and fired. My first shot missed, likely due to the low light level. The same story occurred with the second shot, but the third shot landed on target. It struck her on the knee, and much like dumb and dumber guarding cathedral ward her leg gave out and she began tumbling down the stairs ungracefully.

My missed shots allowed her to go down more stairs then I would have liked, but she did have to face falling down a sizable portion of them. Moving as to not be hit by her tumbling body, the action inadvertently saved me as she had struck the place I was in a shanking motion with her own canesword.

I didn't want to wait either. Dropping the pistol and pulling out the canesword, I aimed to strike her face. My blade was blocked by a lightning fast reaction by her, and a loud clang emanated from where our two blades struck each other.

"Fool! Don't you realize the groundbreaking work I'm striving towards?" Much like her attack, she managed to quickly get up, despite my best efforts. "Your name will be cursed among the great ones!"

A moment passed before a taunt popped into my mind. "Sorry, I only believe in my lord and saviour Jesus Christ-" My taunt was cut short when I barely parried her strike. The parry was timely, and I thrust forward, finding my mark just above her breast. She simply groaned in pain as I quickly withdrew my sword.

A moment passed before the two of us entered another engagement.


At the beginning of all this, I was not well versed in melee. Sure, I could do a few neat tricks with a bayonet affixed to my gun, but that was a long time ago. By the time I got here, that skill had weathered away.

As I fought hunter and monster, I slowly got better with the canesword and to a lesser extent the reiterpallasch. I was no longer an absolute amataur.

However, I hadn't really ever faced an opponent like the imposter in front of me. Gascoigne was the closest thing I could base my attacks on, and that was only tangentially related. Every ounce of ferocity with Gascoigne was substituted with grace and skill and then some by this imposter. Despite my best efforts, there was a shortfall.

As a stopgap measure, I had been downing blood vials to compensate. I could hear a grunt of annoyance every time I did so, indicating that the bastard knew what I was doing.

After the latest bout of close quarters fighting, I quickly turned around and descended the other flight of stairs.

"Not this time, good hunter." She spoke with vitriol. Something screamed from within me, and I threw myself towards the guard rail almost unconsciously. Not even a second later, I saw tentacles pierce the air I occupied only a moment before.

Holy crap.

"You need glasses?" I taunted as I hurriedly finished going down the stairs.

"The only problem with my vision is the stain in front of me." Damn bro. Where's my burn cream again?

Continuing the usage of her incredible speed, she deftly descended the stairs and lunged at me. Unfortunately for me, I was a tad too slow and she basically bodychecked me, sending me onto the ground. My canesword clattered off to my side.

It resulted in the somewhat comical situation of the both of us laying on our asses on the ground. I would have laughed if the both of us were not trying to kill each other.

Scrambling to my feet, I grabbed my pistol from the offering hands of the messengers and took aim. By this time, she had almost gotten up herself, looking at me with angry eyes.

The only noise coming from me was the muted sound of my weapon firing frantically. The imposter grunted before stumbling back and colliding against the wall.

"I've been trying to clean up my mouth but holy fuck just stay fucking down." I hissed out, aiming for her head with my pistol.

I got a gurgle of blood in response. A moment passed, before she managed to clear her mouth to actually speak. "Curse this oblivious fool…"

"Yeah, you suck too." I spoke in rebuttal. "Before you kick the bucket and eat shit, tell me; what did you do to the real Iosefka?"

"I saved her." She squeaked out. Liar

"I'm asking where you dumped her corpse, halfwit." I spoke, not believing a word she said.

Somehow, she managed to give a hearty laugh. It rubbed me the wrong way. "She's in the medical ward."

"Yeah right." I retorted. "I was there, and the only thing there was a note and some freaky alien." As I said the final part, my stomach lurched.

"Not alien." She spoke. Grey light, much like what other hunters disappeared from began covering her slumped form. "Saved." She laughed as the grey light consumed her. As she disappeared, her maniacal laugh rang out in my mind, long after she had disappeared.

I gagged in realization.


I looked at the form of what I had first assumed to be an alien.

"Iosefka?" I tentatively spoke.

The human turned twisted creature looked at me, not in recognition but because I had made a sound.

Maybe she lost comprehension of language?

I gestured with a hand wave. Once more, I had gotten no response. A million things went through my mind. If only I could say something...Speak the true tongue.


She didn't deserve this. No one deserves being contorted into this. Clumsy.


I woke in the dream with a depressing mood. Nodding as I passed the doll and accepted her greeting, I went to Gehrman. As much as I wanted to help Iosefka, I dont have the faintest clue as to how. As much as it pained me to do so, I put the pursuit on the backburner. Besides, I don't even know how to start that conversation.

Instead, I looked towards Gehrman with a letter in my hand.

"For me?" He joked.

I snorted.

"Addressed to me, actually." I responded, killing the mood. "Which really should not be possible, to be completely honest." As I finished speaking, I handed the letter to him.

Gehrman breathed deeply when he saw the seal. "Cainhurst."

"Yeah." I nodded. "Which brings me to my next question. What are they, sans the whole blood thing."

"That's the problem." Gehrman sighed. "What makes Cainhurst… well, Cainhurst, is the blood." He took a moment. "If you believe the hunt is the worst of humanity, Cainhurst is that on a good day."


"...Vampires?" I threw out.

"I'm not familiar with the term, mayhaps you elaborate?" Gehrman asked.

"Super short summary is pointed molars." Pointed at my mouth. "Longevity and blood sucking, typically from the base of the neck. Famous legend from where I'm from." I elaborated.

"Not one and the same, I'm afraid." Gehrman spoke. "Though the longevity and blood are partially true. Cainhurst is founded on literal blood, as each of its residents only strive for more. That, and the legends stating that the Queen from centuries ago is one and the same today." Gehrman finished, leaving us in silence.

"Yikes." I simply said. "Solid denial to even think of going there then?"

"Preferably." He responded. "I can't dictate what you actually want to do." As he finished, he tried handing me the letter back.

"Kinda don't want the letter anymore, to be honest." I said, holding my hands up.

"I won't destroy the letter either." As he spoke, He handed the letter to the rapidly forming pile of messengers, who took the letter with utmost care to god knows where. "It is not my place to destroy others property."

"I'd say thanks, but I rather never see that letter again." I laughed hollowly. With that, I turned around and began walking out of the cottage.


1: Translates to "witch" in english.

Chapter done. Not much to really comment on this one. Until the next time.