Eyes Wide Shut: The Paranormal War

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Presenting Eyes Wide Shut!
Eyes Wide Shut: The Paranormal War
Brought you by @Skrevski, @JuliusNepos, & @Jeeshadow

On Septemeber 11th, 2001 the World Trade Center in New York City was attacked and brought down by a terrorist attack that shook the United States to its core. What is unknown to the public, and a highly kept secret is that the attacks were not a terrorist attack at all but was actually staged in a bid to deceive the public to what really took place on that fateful day. The event known as the "Rift" took place that saw a tear in reality form which for a few moments showed an alternate universe existing on the other side. This event proved that in fact the Paranormal and Supernatural was not a myth or science fiction but a reality. Over the next few years, more events and happenings have taken place that has caused various countries around the world to form their own "Anti-Paranormal Agencies" to contain these events.

The Special Activities & Paranormal Agency (SAPA) has been formed as a joint International Agency to investigate this not only the Rift but other events that have taken place and might take place in the future. They work in secret, keeping the public unaware that danger of unknown proportions exists in the hopes to avoid panic and the destruction of the World as they combat what "exists in the dark". While the core of the Agency is made up of members from the United States, it has been opened up to the International community as new countries sign-on as events have begun taking place across the world, increasing in frequency and ferocity.

Welcome those fans of the Paranormal and Supernatural to Eyes Wide Shut: The Paranormal War a game inspired by Delta Green, X-Files, Stargate, Fringe & other venues that cover the unexplained. This game puts you into a secret Agency that works in the Shadows to figure out the mysteries of the unexplained and hopefully keep them under wraps. This setting has been developed by myself, @JuliusNepos, & @Jeeshadow with a world fleshed out with new Lore and possibility. The game is set up for players to be members of SAPA and can be anywhere from the Director of Agency to a Special Agent who goes out on missions. The game will be a bit more RP heavy so when signing up please keep that in mind. We are currently looking for 16 to 20 Players Total.

17/20 Players Accepted


The Special Activities & Paranormal Agency (SAPA) Organization (Positions you can App for):
  • Director: The Director of the Agency has far-reaching power in that they control missions taking place all across the world and support from the Global Community. That power, however, comes with a lot of pressure from world leaders and other Agencies in that if the SAPA fails to contain outbreaks or recover artifacts they could easily lose funding and perhaps be kicked out of countries which could have disastrous results.
  • Assistant Director: The Assistant Director is the Director's troubleshooter. He/she is sent to regions that need more oversight or assistance than can be given to those already on the ground. His/her support could be enough to smooth over relations with a leader of a third world country or allow cooperation between other Agencies. They, however, also are being watched from above and if they step out of line it could mean trouble that SAPA can ill afford.
  • Director of Recruitment: The Director of Recruitment's job sounds easy, recruit new agents and specialists to the Agency, easy right? It is not. The Director must screen every applicant, choose wisely to make sure that the new agent can handle the pressure of the Paranormal world, and more importantly make sure that those hired/brought on are not actually spies for other agencies or corporations that wish to get their hands on artifacts for their own gain.
  • Director of Paranormal Studies: One of the most important jobs within SAPA, the Director of Paranormal Studies is in charge of classifying and analyzing events that are taking place throughout the world and see advising the Director where to send agents and how much a priority it is for the Agency to respond. They are also responsible for keeping all agents up to date on new events and entities that should be considered dangerous.
  • Director of Supernatural Events: The Director of Supernatural Events is responsible for the area that usually defies understanding. Ghouls, Beasts, Vampires, Witches, etc usually fall under their preview with them responsible for making sure teams are able to combat them when/if they are encountered. They are also responsible for coming up with cover stories when events take place and explain to the Public what "really" took place. They could be considered the Public Face of the Agency.
  • Director of Anthropological Studies: The Director of Anthropological Studies is in charge of finding and location artifacts from the past that are either considered dangerous to the world or could be useful in certain situations. While it is the policy of SAPA not to use artifacts, some they can be useful and it is up to the DoAS to determine their usefulness. Mostly, however, the DoAS determines locations that those of "wrongdoing" might try and get their hands on artifacts and recommends sending teams to retrieve the artifacts before anyone else can do so.
  • Director Of Operations - Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia, Antarctica: The Director of Operations for the various continents are in charge of that region of the world and work to assist their teams in action as well as being a go-between higher authority and those in the field. These Directors have many assets able to them and usually are working with other Agencies and the Media to keep events from getting out to the public and causing a panic.
  • Special Agents in Charge: These men and women are in charge of operations and sent on missions by their Directors of Operations and can usually command anywhere from a single team to a large scale operation with multiple teams and operations running.
  • Special Agents: The men and women who are on the front lines of events taking place across the world who work to make sure that Earth remains safe from the Paranormal.
  • Doctors/Experts: These individuals are leading experts in their field of study and are employed by SAPA to help their teams investigate the unknown. They specialize in either Anthropological, Paranormal or Supernatural Studies.

No organization of this kind can run without the support of governments or large corporations that are willing to not only give monetary support but their resources and even personal. Funding comes in two options: Monetary and Operations.

Monetary support allows the SAPA to keep the lights on, fund scientific research into the paranormal, contain artifacts that could destroy the world, and keep teams going out on missions. If too much funding is lost it is possible operations could be curtailed and the Agency even shut down.

Operational funding comes in the form of secure bases/facilities from which the SAPA can operate out of across the world. This could be just a safe house within Prague, a US forward operating base in Iraq or SAPA Headquarters based in New York City. Without the support of these facilities, the ability for the deployment of teams to events in time to stop them or contain them could be severely impacted. A country reserves the right to allow SAPA to use its bases and resources but if that right is removed SAPA might find difficulties in its mission. It is in SAPA's best interest to stay on the "Good Side" of countries.

Current Countries Supporting SAPA: The United States, The United Kingdom, Russia, China, Germany, Iraq (Occupied), Brazil, Romania, Poland, Canada, Australia, South Korea, Japan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey & Israel.

Agencies that Nominally Support SAPA: PEACE (Paranormal Enemies Assault and Contain Enforcers), CIA, FBI, MI5, MI6, FSB, GRU, GSG 9, Mossad, People's Liberation Army Strategic Support Force, Group 4:

Operational Costs:

Like all programs and agencies in the world, SAPA has an operational budget that it must operate under. The fact that SAPA is one of the most top-secret operations being run in the world means that it must make sure that steps are taken to make sure the public does not find out just what exactly takes within the confines of its apparatus.
  • SAPA Upkeep: A good portion of the budget goes to keeping SAPA Facilities online including keeping the lights on, weapons are in working condition, medical facilities up to date, and so on and so forth. If this isn't maintained then missions will suffer from lack of support which could have disastrous consensuses.
  • SAPA Security, Propaganda, & Media Coverage Upkeep: Because the SAPA works in the shadows it spends a good portion of its budget keeping the public unaware that they exist as well as making sure no prying eyes are able to stumble across events and artifacts and use them for a nefarious purpose. This includes employing news reports, propaganda exports, media directors, and security personnel who keep facilities secure.
  • SAPA Research & Development: The SAPA is dealing in an area no one expected or truly knows how to fight against therefore it must invest in figuring out new ways to combat the forces arrayed against it and the world. The SAPA employs a small, yet highly skilled team that works diligently to come up with new ways and gadgets to combat the Paranormal but it does not come cheap and without resources, there won't be any progress on projects.
The SAPA's budget is currently 7.5 Billion dollars which translates into 15 Resource Points (basically 2 points per Billion) to be used for SAPA Upkeep, Cover Story, Research, & Recruitment/Building. Currently, the SAPA maintains Six operating bases spread across the world including the main Headquarters in New York City. Each facility costs 1 Resource Point to maintain peak efficiency. To maintain good media security across the world it is recommended that the budget be maintained around 1.5 Billion-2.5 Billion (3 to 5 Resource Points). The Budget for Research projects will be on a case by case basis with more funding the better for teams to work their magic. Recruiting new teams is, fortunately, less costly and costs.25 Resource Points per team as you setup backgrounds, credentials, and find the best of the best to work for the Agency.

SAPA deploys a wide variety of specialist teams to work across the planet in their efforts to contain events, find artifacts, and protect the people of Earth from the unknown. These teams don't come cheap with being made up of highly trained and sought after professionals along with using state of the art equipment. Each Operating Area comes with a limited number of Operational Teams with a small group under the direct orders of the Director.
  • Containment Teams: These teams are deployed usually after an event has taken place and is on the scene to clean up whatever took place and put a lid on things getting out to the public.
  • Covert Ops Teams: Covert Ops teams are made up of SAPA's elite and are recruited from various Special Operations units across the world. They are tasked with going in and getting the job done when digression is needed, sometimes with deadly intent.
  • Engineering Teams: Not as glamorous as the other teams, Engineering teams are still very important to SAPA operations. They are brought in when a secret facility is needed to be constructed without the knowledge of the outside world (and sometimes the country they are in).
  • First Incident Teams: These are the bread and butter of SAPA as these men and women are deployed on a case by case basis when an event or artifact is detected or found and will be the first ones to interact with a situation. These agents are from all kinds of backgrounds, some military and others academic. They are expected to handle the situations they come into with care and digression.
  • Media Teams: Sometimes a situation will become so big that it is not possible to keep the lid on an event, that's where Media teams come in. These experts in media be it news, social media, or other means are sent to help spin and detour on looks from looking too deeply into what truly happened.
  • Medical Teams: Sometimes a person, group of people or god forbid an Agent is hurt or is needed to be looked after by the doctors and medical professionals. The medical teams are trained to handle situations that could involve the Paranormal and Supernatural and are able to bring those injured back to a secure facility.
  • Anthropological/Scientific Teams: These teams are deployed to study the after-effects of an event or to a dig site in an effort to locate an artifact. They are equipped with the most advanced equipment able (including some not able on the open market!) and are made up of highly educated professionals.
  • Search and Rescue Teams: These teams are deployed when an Agent /or Team has gone missing and needs to be located or rescued. They are made up of military professionals and come heavily armed with many types of weapons to combat all situations, regular or paranormal.
Magic and Artifacts:

Magic does exist without the use of artifacts within the world but takes a lifetime to learn and is no easy task. While players can and most likely will encounter such instances the majority of their encounters that are "Magical" will be through artifacts that were created centuries ago or through some horrible event in history. Now it is possible for a player to actually have learned how to use magic from study or have a natural affinity for it but it WILL NOT be a common thing and it must be cleared with the GMs and the player will be told if they are accepted in allowing to have it or not. This will be very strictly monitored.
  • Level 1 Artifact/Event: Small, not considered dangerous, very minor distribution
  • Level 2 Artifact/Event: Small-Medium Sized, can cause harm to users and others in the immediate vicinity, moderate destruction.
  • Level 3 Artifact/Event: Small-Large Size, harmful to all within its radius, major distribution. Considered highly dangerous.
  • Level 4 Artifact/Event: Large, extremely dangerous, affects city/nationwide. The Rift is considered a Level 4 Event.
  • Level 5 Event: Global Effecting, possible world ending.
Orders and In-Character Interactions:

Eyes Wide Shut will be using a tiered system for orders with Top-level members of the Agency having the ability to issue Administrative, Investigations, Diplomatic, Research and Logistical Orders. The lower tier, Special Agents in Charge and Special Agents will have very limited orders but instead will be engaged directly in investigations. Quick Time Events (QTEs) and Roleplaying (Usually taking place on Discord) will be used as well to make the game more interactive and engaging.
  • The Director and Assistant Director will be able to issue Four Orders picking from the above list, and One General/Personal Order.
  • The Directors of Recruitment, Paranormal Studies, Supernatural Events, and Anthropolitcial Studies will be able to issue Three Orders picking from the above list and One General/Personal Order.
  • The Directors of Operations will be able to issue Two Orders from the above list and One General/Personal Order.
  • Special Agents in Charge, Special Agents, Doctors & Experts with have One General/Personal Order.
Character Application:


  • Name: What do you call yourself!
  • Gender: Put what you wish!
  • Age: How old are you?
  • Nationality: What country do you call home?
  • Personality: How do you usually act?
  • Physical Description: How do you look? It can be a picture.
Informational: Feel free to go into detail in the Background section.
  • Position Applying For: List what position you want in the game! Note: If you are going for a Higher Position (Director/Assistant Direct, etc) your background should include an Agency you used to work for and will be an older character. A Character who is in their twenties will not be accepted for higher-level positions.
  • Schooling: Educational Institutions or other programs that you attended that helps have SAPA notice you.
  • Job History: What was your job before joining SAPA? It can be a list of previous jobs as well.
  • Military/Police Experience: Do you have any MIlitary or Police Experience? This is not required.
  • Paranormal/Supernatural Experiences: Have you encountered the Paranormal or Supernatural before in your life before joining SAPA? Note: This should be relatively minor if yes but almost everyone should have some sort of experience, with no experience being an unlikely choice. You are allowed to have the Rift be your experience.
  • Positive Quirks: Come up with two Positive quirks that you feel will help you as being an Agent of SAPA. Will be approved by the GM.
  • Negative Quirks: Come up with two Negative quirks that you feel could be harmful to you being an Agent of SAPA: WIll be approved by the GM.
Background: Please note that the GMs might include information from this section in the game and use it in certain situations. More detail is better in this section.
  • Mother & Father: Who are your parents? Are they living? What do (did?) they do for a living.
  • Siblings: Do you have them? What do they do? Are they still young or grown-up?
  • Relationships: Are you married? Have a partner? Single? What does your partner do?
  • Children: Do you have any? If so, how old? What's your relationship like with them?
  • General Background Writeup: Write at least a paragraph on the general background of your character and how they have lived their life up to this point.
  • Secret Agenda: Do you have an agenda that might not always be in tune with SAPA? Just put Yes or No and if yes the GMs will work with you on this after acceptance. Only Four players will be accepted to have Secret Agendas and it will be hard work to pull off and maintain and while this agenda may not be strictly in tune with SAPA's goals they will not be directly antagonistic. Some possible motives can be: "I am trying to get information to my home country first, SAPA second", "A company is paying me a lot of money to get the artifact that benefits them", "We are too cowardly about using magic and I wish to change that". GMs reserve the right to reject players from having a Secret Agenda.
  • Can you do Magic: This will be very reserved and limited, so if you say yes make sure you have a good reason and explanation for it.
Rules of the Game:
  • First and foremost have fun! Remember it is a game at all times and just enjoy yourselves.
  • Start Date: January 20th, 2009.
  • If you have any questions, please please ask a Mod about it, we are always open to questions and will do our best to give an answer.
  • PM Convos: Make sure you include ALL Admins so that we just are all on the same side and we can help answer questions. If I am not included, that convo does not exist.
  • Discord Convo: We are using Discord, but I want to make it clear that while planning can happen and I encourage it, it is not official and you MUST submit plans on SV or in a Google Doc to be official. If you need help making a private convo on discord just ask and I can help with doing so! IF you wish something to be considered IC, it should be noted when the conversation is started and if it is not then that conversation is OOC and I MUST BE INCLUDED.
  • Metagaming will not be tolerated nor will players that act disrespectful to others. The Mods reserve the right to kick a player if needed.
  • Mods: @Skrevski, @JuliusNepos, @Jeeshadow
  • Discord Link: Join the Eyes Wide Shut Discord Server!
  • Lastly, remember it is a game and let's all have fun!
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Lore Information
The following is just a small list of things that can or have happened in the World and do not represent everything and is more for your information. More will be revealed as the game goes on and the Lore expanded.
Common Adversaries:
  • Elementals: Somewhat self-explanatory, they are echos of the primordial forces of creation. Earth Air Fire and Water are most common but there are all sorts and shapes and sizes. It's a very diverse category from Ice Wraiths to Glowing Orbs of pure light. The most powerful Elemental are known as Primordials. General such creatures become so large and powerful they settle in one place. These primordial act and see on a very different timescale from mortals and may seem to be dead or hibernating. Placing were they are resting becomes natural concentrations of elemental and magickal power. If a primordial does awaken it is usually a sign some really bad shit is going down. A good source to start is either the Kore Kosmou by Hermes Trismegistus or On Generation and Corruption by Aristotle
  • Entropals: You've probably seen or heard from these guys though you don't know it. A good way to describe them is reverse elementals. If elementals are the echos of creation, the Entropals are the echos of what was before there was anything. Existing kinda parallel to normal existence makes them both very weird and oddly fascinated with our realm of being. Most Entropals have formed a "business" which has changed names several times but always is both really odd and slightly ominous names. They offer legal advice, useful hunting tools and lore consulting. Their Prices are often idiosyncratic as expected by people who sell things only from a thing that things have prices without understanding why, but their goods and services are top rates. Sometimes they have issues with forgetting the fundamental limitations of the human form but they always offer refunds when they for instance offer lore that is incomprehensible to the mortal mind, or weapons that can only be wielded by non-euclidean beings. Their true form looks like a sort of mass of black squiggly vibrations but interviews with nonmortals indicate that is merely a limitation of the human sight and not what their true form actually looks like. Either way, they usually manifest as business-suited beings with black skins and no anatomical features. A good source of further information is either the Entropals themselves or "Aether, Quintessence, the void and you" by Carl Segan, Plate and Ramon llul.
  • Devils: Devils are fallen angels, they dwell in hell. New Devils only happen when a new angel falls which is blessedly rare. The most powerful among the fallen are the nobles of hell. Nobles have such ranks of duke, marquess, king. In general, the higher the title in human nobility the stronger the devil but there are exceptions to the rule. Non-noble devils are constantly trying to achieve a title and the nobles are constantly trying to keep the titles they have, undermine their rivals and acquire more titles. The lesser key of Solomon is an excellent source for more details.
  • Demons: A demon is a supernatural and often malevolent being usually identified in religious texts. Silver, salt, holy water, prayers, exorcisms, wards, banishments, sealings and a shit ton of other methods can be used to deal with them; the effectiveness of these methods often depends on how strong the demon is. Naturally, form and congregate at sites of great sin and evil. Most demons are animalistic when it comes to sentience at best, but as they absorb ambient evil they grow and change and if they live long enough achieve a state commonly called demon lord or demon king or something else along those lines. Such demons are sentient almost or equal to that of a devil and naturally attracted, summon and lead lesser demons, warping the area they are into an imitation of the primordial chaos of evil they form from. A good starter is the twelve scrolls of Saint Maximus the Confessor.
Major Sites:
  • Constantinople: The Marble Emperor returned, literally made of marble, and turned just about everyone he could there to living marble. After his initial ram, he and his effect have been confined to Hagia Sophia tunnel and have been pretty quiet since, it doesn't seem like he wants to reclaim the Empire yet, but no one leaves the place.
  • The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone: The official story is that there was a nuclear reactor meltdown. The real story is that they had captured the Baba Yaga and were trying to weaponize her. No one knows what went wrong exactly, or what happened to the Baba Yaga, but the whole zone is just a magnet for all sorts of supernatural wrongness now
  • Snake Island: Officially just an island filled with venomous snakes off the coast of Brazil, however, after the Second World War some members of the Thule Society fled there. They were hunted down pretty quickly, but they managed to perform some kind of ritual before they died. The border between the afterlife is really thin there, it just kinda attracts and forms undead.
  • The Ruins of Sodom & Gomorrah: "Closer" to Heaven than nearly anywhere else in terms of contacting and summoning magic, however, anyone who enters without having a pure soul or pure intentions turns to a pillar of salt.
Agencies & Companies:
  • The Parthenon Club: An old school gentlemen's social club in England who hunt as both a pastime and out of noblesse oblige. They used to have more of a presence in America also but now they're pretty much just in England.
  • Valabar and Sons: A family business that's huge in Eastern Europe, the only way you really join is by marrying in. They also run a to-die-for catering and restaurant branch.
  • The Blackwood Company: Stone-cold pros with the best gear on the market. They work on contracts for big corporations or governments who can afford them and lack their own official task forces for hunting.
  • People's Liberation Army Strategic Support Force, Group 4: The PRC's (People's Republic Of China) hunters. They only work in China and they don't like competition or foreigners. The only time your getting a job in China is if it's behind the governments back (risky), or it's so big that they'll admit they need some backup (really risky).
  • P.E.A.C.E. (Paranormal Enemies Assault and Contain Enforcers): The US Government's Black Ops hunter team for handling incidents on federal property and cover-ups. They're polite but brutal and have no qualms about making you disappear if you threaten them and their cover-ups.
  • Glimmerfield Division: This Organisation got its start with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Things got pretty liberal in the Middle East during the war when it came to demonic stuff, but there were always some limits. The to-be Gimmerfield Division didn't and doesn't. They were essentially the ones who leaked all the local knowledge on demonology and sold it to every side during WWII, leading to all manner of unpleasantness. Their motive was essentially to "experiment". They have since gone fully international. Unhinged if charitably described but they have super confidential data on every single powerful country in the world, and they blackmail or bribe governments to get away with their bullshit. The Glimmerfield Division is in a strange place between Enemy and Ally organization; on one hand, they also hunt demons, on the other most hunters consider them to be scum and are outwardly hostile towards them (most Demon Hunting organizations only tolerate them, mainly due to blackmail).
  • Hanson Industries: A company that has recently reached world acclaim in technological wonders from virtual reality to inexpensive power sources. Hanson Industries is run by Alexander Hanson the III, the founder having been his grandfather who established the company back in 1919 just after the First World War. The Company's stock is now one of the highest able on the New York Stock Exchange with them also known to be big backers of a number of charity organizations across the globe.
  • Drake Inc: A Cardiff based Corporation, Drake Inc makes Arms and Armor for those that need special order gear to deal with supernatural foes. They pride themselves on the modular customizable nature of their product that allows their customers to handle all manner of foes with one, changeable firearm. The company also offers membership plans that come with all manner of support at various tiers. While is generally has a very positive relationship among the supernatural aware community some say that the upper levels of its members come with an unspoken strings of effective vassaldom and some ask about just how long exactly "Mr. Drake '' has been CEO for anyways.
Antag Organizations:
  • New Era Restorative Church: An Organisation currently lead by a "Father Elijah", they purportedly want to "abandon the sinful cages of human flesh". Hunters have had encounters with this organization before, and at some point it was destroyed, leaving only the remnants lead by Father Elijah. The NERC is known to create Chimera's, thus leading to them having been referred to as "master flesh sculptors".
  • Society Of Thule: It is a German occultist and völkisch group that was founded in Munich right after World War I, named after a mythical northern country in Greek legend. All but extinct in the modern-day any surviving members are deep in hiding, without support and the toughest most ruthless and crazy of the lot.
  • Heirs Of Tempest: This cult reveres the destructive power of storms. Their "high priests" have opened themselves up and somehow merged with thunder elementals. They make their own Ravenglass, though they have no problems with money. They mostly recruit from among the poor, though anyone with a naval background is also highly valued. They engage in ritual abduction for recruitment, anyone who rejects their indoctrination is turned into a host. They seem to be led by a man calling himself "Triton".
  • The Church: The Catholic Church and Associates (Including, but not limited to: The Society of St John the Baptist, the Vatican Hunters, Knights Of Dismas, The Knights Of Saint John, the Order Of The Rose and Heirs to the Knights Hospitaller.) Pros but fanatics. The Vatican/Church hunters are certainly the most widespread group as well. Most countries where the Catholic Church is present has a fair amount of Church hunters running around. Their biggest advantage is the sheer amount of information, experience, and members the organization has compared to others. It's biggest weakness is certainly its hunters approach to hunting demons, they tend to be very predictable, they often stick to age-old methods that the demons they face may know.
  • The Red Branch Knights Order: Very little is known about this organization whose members are experts in the art of concealing the traces of their passage. However, it is known that they were originally a secret knight order in Germany, independent from the Church (much to their annoyance), specialized in the elimination of vampires. They have some legendary demon hunters in their ranks.
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SAPA Organizational Chart

SAPA Positions and Personal
  • Director of SAPA - David Adelmann (@Sejanus)
  • Assistant Director of SAPA - Lisa Heartwood (@Glassware)
  • Director of Recruitment - David Castro (@DanBaque)
  • Director of Anthropological Studies - Reginald Bartlett (@midnight77)
  • Director of Paranormal Studies - Yuri Dragunov (@DawnOfBoom)
  • Director of Supernatural Events - Luca Bianchi (@Demonic Spoon)
  • Director of Operations Africa - Qin Xifeng (@Carol)
  • Director of Operations Americas - Arnold Sven Petersen (@Furrybacon)
    • Special Agent in Charge Thomas Dudley Digges (@Awetduck)
    • Special Agent Ahab Joseph Bartholomew (@Thiccroy)
  • Director Of Operations - Antarctica Niklaus Vogt (@Not ImporTant)
  • Director of Operations Asia - Arkady Dyatlov (@Hopeless)
  • Director of Operations Europe - Samuel Cambell (@Uniquelyequal)
    • Special Agent in Charge Hanz (@Yqe_)
    • Special Agent in Charge Zoltan Kovacs (@Laplace)
    • Special Agent Nicolas Toussiant (@Azecreth)
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  • Name: Reginald Bartlett
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 43
  • Nationality: USA
  • Personality: Quiet, unassuming, bookish
  • Physical Description: 6'4", skinny, black hair, green eyes
Informational: Feel free to go into detail in the Background section.
  • Position Applying For: Director of Anthropological Studies
  • Schooling: Harvard, Ph.D in Anthropology with emphasis on Australasia and the Pacific
  • Job History: Consultant to CIA on Indonesian Jihadis, Professor
  • Military/Police Experience: None
  • Paranormal/Supernatural Experiences: Helped destroy pre-islamic pagan idol located in Jakarta
  • Positive Quirks: Know-it-all: Knows something that may help in current situation, Open-minded: Never about to say "That can't work"
  • Negative Quirks: Disabled: Wheelchair accessible is a must, Bookish: Distrustful of meathead gung-ho types
Background: Please note that the GMs might include information from this section in the game and use it in certain situations. More detail is better in this section.
  • Mother & Father: Frank and Alice Bartlett. Mathematician and homemaker respectively. Alive.
  • Siblings: No
  • Relationships: Single
  • Children: No
  • General Background Writeup: A quiet and unassuming man, unless he gets talking about his favorite subject, anthropology. Snagged by the CIA following 9/11 to help profile Indonesian Jihadists, he was involved in an incident in Jakarta involving a pre-islamic pagan idol and a snake cult that resulted in significant deaths which were later blamed on riots. He has been "encouraged" to quit his job and take up the post of Director of Anthropological Studies.
  • Secret Agenda: No
  • Can you do Magic: No
"I'd say to put all things Supernatural to the Sword. Alas, I am not a soldier, and I lack a Sword. But fortuitously, the Pen is mightier than the sword, and I am a Bureaucrat. So I proclaim that I will put all that is unnatural to the pen! - Then COL Petersen during SAPA Interrogation/Recruitment

  • Name: Arnold Sven Petersen
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 48
  • Nationality: United States of America
  • Personality: Arnold is somewhat notorious for his terse antisocial persona. This suits him fine - he's here to work, as he is normally SAPA North America's paper-monkey - if a overly aggressive one. His personal loathing of anything supernatural makes him difficult to deal with when trying to use Anomalies, but receptive when trying to destroy them. At home, his demeanor totally changes, and becomes more in line with the tired but doting father. Fiercely protective of Family.
  • Physical Description: 6'0. Paper thin, rather thin, and clean shaven. Not Athletic but fit. Wears glasses. Joked to be the Physical Embodiment of a Bureaucrat - Basically Below

  • Position Applying For: Director of Operations North America
  • Education: Masters in Accounting, BA in Communications, paid for by the Army. Army Intelligence Analysis Training.
  • Job History: Commissioned into the Army though ROTC in the year 1983. Spent eight years in field Artillery before receiving being Transferred to Intel Analysis for JSOC in March 1991. Seconded to NATO between 1996 and 1998 before returning to JSOC. Deployed to Afghanistan after 9/11 and was unaware of the true incident. Came into contact with supernatural (Werewolf) in Afghanistan in 2002 during 2nd Deployment. Seconded to again NATO in 2003, SAPA recruited early 2004. Bureaucratic Acumen, previous rank (Colonel), and dedication to cause got him to Director of Operations in late 2008.
  • Military Experience: 1983 - 2003 (20 Years) US Army (8 Field Artillery, 9 Years JSOC, 3 years NATO)
  • Supernatural Experience: Afghanistan Incident 2002- Colonel Petersen was overseeing the deployment of a JSOC team as they were sent to track down a possible HVT. HVT turned out to he a werewolf who killed the team, with Petersen watching through Helmet cams. He attempted to order reinforcements, but Agents he later came to know as from SAPA intervened. He pretended not to have known about the supernatural, but spent the next five months using his JSOC and later NATO position to wage his own armature war against the Supernatural. Accidentally commit Treason several times. SAPA already had him on their radar, and recruited him before NATO and the Army could nail him for the flagrant theft of State Secrets. The Event caused him an irrational loathing of everything supernatural, and the only reprimands on file for him is for excessive Destruction recommendations on every level of Anomaly.

  • Positive Quirks:
    • Paper smart: He's not just Good at Paperwork - he IS paperwork!
    • Determined: Hell and High Water wish they could touch him.

  • Negative Quirks:
    • Antisocial: Terse and Passive Aggressive, practically requirements for Bureaucrats, but particularly so.
    • Personal Crusade: The Supernatural must end. Maybe not today, and maybe not by his hand. But it must. And by god he'll see it through.
  • Parents: Daniel and Mary Petersen
  • (Major, retired) Daniel Petersen was a US Army Infantry Officer who served in Vietnam and following his footsteps was what got Petersen into the Army. Mary Petersen is still a CPA who thought Arnold accounting as a strange form of coping with deployments. Both are alive
  • Siblings: None
  • Relationships/Children: Married to Elizabeth Petersen (11 years). Retired Navy Intel officer who worked in NATO alongside Arnold. Has suspicions, but ultimately in the dark about the Supernatural and fine with it - as far as she is concerned, Arnold is avenging his best-man. Marriage is strained, but not anywhere near dire straights.
  • Children:
    • Clarissa Petersen (1998), no idea about supernatural.
    • Oliver Petersen (2001), no idea about supernatural, but has concerning nightmares.
  • Religion: Habitual Christian - Goes to Church on Sundays as more of a Family activity. Unsure on the Existence of God, and is unwilling to accept the idea that God may be an anomaly, whilst also being full cognoscenti of that disassociation. Doesn't really want to think on it any more than that. See Below.
    • "God IS God - and I'm aware of the cognisent dissidence. Now fuck off and do something useful!"

Born in 1961, Arnold was destined for the Army - or so he would joke. He commissioned the same day his father retired. His father commissioned not four days after Arnold's grandfather retired. Same story the other way around for the Great Grandfather. The Army was always what the Petersen's did, so when Arnold came oranges it wasn't in question. Things made sense. Sun rose in the East, Politicians lied, gravity falls, and The Petersens were Officers.

But the supernatural does not make sense. Its disgusting, incomprehensible, and flat out wrong. It does not deserve to exist.

Afghanistan. December 2002. Colonel Arnold Sven Petersen learned that the hard way - watching his friends of almost a decade get torn to shreds before his very eyes by something that had no right to exist - a Werewolf. Just the other side of a Helmet Feed. Unable to help. It was a revelation to Arnold, watching as First Sergeant Johnathan Madison, JSOC commando, father of three, and best man at Petersen's wedding, was torn in half and consumed. The Revelation that the Supernatural had to die. No exceptions. Every Witch, every ghost, and whatever else on this Earth had to put to the sword. Arnold just didn't know whose sword. Maybe it would he his? He wasn't good with swords, but that had never had him back down before.

So Arnold stole some State secrets, who cares, managed to locate a Witch in Bavaria, a few miles north of the NATO school he was Teaching at, and killed her while she slept. Three weeks later, he would try to do the same with werewolf, this time in Switzerland, but SAPA agents beat him to the punch and discovered his...digressions. In Late 2003, he got "Offered" a high ranking admin Job in SAPA North America that came with a unofficial pardon (so they could hold Treason over him if he went off on his own crusade to much), and rose through the ranks of SAPA North America using his natural bureaucratic Acumen to locate Anomalies through paper trails alone.

Petersen is currently acclimating to his new role, and has settled in well with SAPA, able to largely hide his loathing verbally, but his ruthlessness in the paper trail has never decreased. His promotion probably should have been blocked but for some reason, to Arnold's personal amazement, it wasn't. Somewhat shell shocked by the promotion, he has temporarily eased up his crusade as his personal sense of duty overwintered his personal crusade. As he grows more accustomed to it, this will probably change.

  • "Secret Agenda": Argues for the total extermination of all Anomalies to be the end goal of SAPA. Smart enough to realize you can't just go around breaking everything, and you can use Anomalies to fight Anomalies, but he doesn't make a habit. Rationalizes magic working with SAPA is a necessary evil and have been placed last on this s*** list. The agency still holds his Discretion from 2003 as a sort of deterrent to prevent him from going too far off on his personal Crusade, but Peterson has realized the best way to see through his Crusade, you still not see it at all - after all, he's not a Soldier, he's a Bureaucrat. Paper is his weapon. His... sword if you will...

  • Magic: No.

2/4/2020 -
  • Added line on Religion and Quote at the top.
  • Added Picture - John Bishop from TMNT was close enough.
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Name: Samuel Cambell
Gender: Male
Age: 45
Nationality: The United Kingdom, Scotland
Personality: Cambell is usually described as a very cold and calculating man, with a tendency towards putting the Big Picture first even if it is damaging to the individual. He does, however, firmly believe in explaining his reasoning in any situation where it is not dangerous to do so, and generally open to suggestions by those he is in charge off, though he expects discussion to be over when he puts his foot down.
Physical Description: Middle aged, slightly balding man wearing fairly good suit.
Position Applying For: Director of Operations in Europe.Schooling: Degree in International Relations
Job History:A Stint in the Army, various positions within the Secret Intelligence Service, starting as Analyst and going up to Head of the Special Operations Division
Military/Police Experience: Yes, see above Paranormal/Supernatural Experiences: Yes, several unexplained phenomena and deaths while in the SIS
Positive Quirks:
The Man with the Plan: Samuel Campbell has a talent for quickly and decisively developing a course of Action to be followed in any situation, even under extreme Stress, and to bring it across in a way that gets others on Board with it.
Supreme Self-Dicipline: Cambell will stay in control of himself, and, to paraphrase that quote, keep his head when all around him men are losing theirs
Negative Quirks:
Hardass: Mr. Cambell is fairly good at telling people what to do, but he does have a tendency towards putting the job, and especially the completion of the job, above his own Well-Being, and an expectation of others doing the same.
Cold Fish: Mr. Cambell is not funny, or nice, or particularly good at showing empathy. He comes across as an extremely driven, serious man with an occasional ruthless streak, a fact which does not especially endear him to his subordinates or his superiors.
Mother & Father: both living, both retired, a Nurse and an Auto Mechanic. Both currently living in a Nursery Home in Edinburgh, affected with Dementia. Cambell goes to visit as often as he can afford
Siblings: A Sister, who is a fairly successful Surgeon, currently living in America with her husband
Relationships: Very Happily married for almost 23 years now, with the Wife working as an Analyst for a Bank
Children: Two, non-identical Twins, both moved out and currently at University, Information Technology and Engineering respectively. Fairly good relationsship, though marred on occasion by frequent absences.
General Background Writeup:
-joined Army as early as possible in 1972
-became heavily embroiled in the Troubles, being deployed to Northern Ireland himself
-recruited to the SIS after finishing a degree in International Relations
-found to have the right attitude for Special Operations work, and began to climb the ranks
-obviously heavily affected by both 9/11 and the Rift
-tapped to lead Operations in Europe for the SAPA
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  • Name: Zoltan Kovacs
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 37
  • Nationality: Hungarian/French dual citizenship.
  • Personality: Zoltan Kovacs is blunt to the point of rudeness, with a mastery of phrase and insult that dances on the line between merely cruel and outright sadistic. Even though he might look like a suited extra in a mafia movie, Kovacs has a sharp wit and a sharper mind. He delights in giving his opponents rope to hang themselves with, and has a work ethic that borders on the extreme. His life is strictly regimented between a workout regime that would make athletes blush, then work, then sleep. You'll note that there's nothing for recreation here- to him, his work is recreation. He really loves poring page after page of arcane law and company records. He really loves serving up indictments to the court. He really loves roasting idiot companies who think they can buy him off with a fancy meal.
  • Physical Description: Zoltan Kovacs is a short, muscled man with a neatly trimmed beard and close cropped hair, a permanently neutral expression on his face.
Informational: Feel free to go into detail in the Background section.
  • Position Applying For: Special Agent In Charge (Non-State Entity Monetary Investigation and Compliance)
    NSEMIC is an enforcement and investigative branch of SAPA that deals heavily with Artifacts and Events trafficked by corporations, NGOs, religious institutions and other such organizations, as well as the occasional entity that steps into the corporate world. Due to the nature of their work, they liaise heavily with on the ground law enforcement agencies, most notably the IRS, due to the fact that many supernatural Artifacts and Events are used for money laundering.
  • Schooling: IMB Business School, Switzerland. Dual Bachelors in Lit. and Business. Passed European Bar Exam.
  • Job History: Multiple job postings as an adviser to EUFIN and OLAF. Offered job as a Director at EUFIN, turned down for applying for Special Agent In Charge (NSEMIC).
  • Military/Police Experience: 8 year stint in Hungarian Defense Force as a peacekeeper in Afghanistan.
  • Paranormal/Supernatural Experiences: Zoltan Kovacs has experienced several unsettling happenings in his Afghanistan tour. Most notably, he saw a looming gate as tall as the moon in the early morning light, from which he says he heard an ear-piercing hum off in the horizon. It is possible he saw more, but he refuses to elaborate on them due to the fact that most of them boil down to a strange sound in the night.
  • Positive Quirks:
    • Tricky: His mind is like a steel vice. He is capable of thinking circles around many, and feared by a lot of defense lawyers when he takes the stand.
    • Dedication: There's a real love of his work, a satisfaction that bleeds into his every move. He never gets tired, never gets bored, and never quits.
  • Negative Quirks:
    • Inflexible: If you're guilty, you're guilty. No amount of bribes, threats, and coverups can convince Zoltan to give you an out. Even if you're part of the same organization as him.
    • Isolated: He doesn't really have much of a social life, per se. While he doesn't need one, he's going to burn himself out one of these days.
Background: Please note that the GMs might include information from this section in the game and use it in certain situations. More detail is better in this section.
  • Mother & Father: Adrienne and Andras Kovacs are currently retired. Adrienne was an author and reporter, while Andras currently owns a grocer's shop.
  • Siblings: None.
  • Relationships: None.
  • Children: None.
  • General Background Writeup: Zoltan Kovacs spent his early life in Hungary, where he spent much of his time getting into fights rather than studying. He began applying himself when he entered high school, and went into the army shortly afterwards. When he finished his two tours, he spent some time in small colleges before transferrign to the IMB Buisness School in Switzerland, where he superbly undertook a degree in Literature and Business. He spent another four years as an intern in various companies while studying for a law degree. After that, he worked full time in corporate, before becoming so dissatisfied with various business practices that he applied as a counsel to EUFIN and OLAF. He stayed as a workhorse for ten years, refusing every offer of promotion, until he transferred to SAPA.
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  • Name: What do you call yourself!
  • Gender: Put what you wish!
  • Age: How old are you?
  • Nationality: What country do you call home?
  • Personality: How do you usually act?
  • Physical Description: How do you look? It can be a picture.
Informational: Feel free to go into detail in the Background section.
  • Position Applying For: List what position you want in the game! Note: If you are going for a Higher Position (Director/Assistant Direct, etc) your background should include an Agency you used to work for and will be an older character. A Character who is in their twenties will not be accepted for higher-level positions.
  • Schooling: Educational Institutions or other programs that you attended that helps have SAPA notice you.
  • Job History: What was your job before joining SAPA? It can be a list of previous jobs as well.
  • Military/Police Experience: Do you have any MIlitary or Police Experience? This is not required.
  • Paranormal/Supernatural Experiences: Have you encountered the Paranormal or Supernatural before in your life before joining SAPA? Note: This should be relatively minor if yes but almost everyone should have some sort of experience, with no experience being an unlikely choice. You are allowed to have the Rift be your experience.
  • Positive Quirks: Come up with two Positive quirks that you feel will help you as being an Agent of SAPA. Will be approved by the GM.
  • Negative Quirks: Come up with two Negative quirks that you feel could be harmful to you being an Agent of SAPA: WIll be approved by the GM.
Background: Please note that the GMs might include information from this section in the game and use it in certain situations. More detail is better in this section.
  • Mother & Father: Who are your parents? Are they living? What do (did?) they do for a living.
  • Siblings: Do you have them? What do they do? Are they still young or grown-up?
  • Relationships: Are you married? Have a partner? Single? What does your partner do?
  • Children: Do you have any? If so, how old? What's your relationship like with them?
  • General Background Writeup: Write at least a paragraph on the general background of your character and how they have lived their life up to this point.
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  • Name: Arkady Dyatlov
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 37
  • Nationality: Russian
  • Personality: Dyatlov presents as friendly, charming and approachable, quick to smile and laugh, with a sometimes crass sense of humor. He enjoys good food, good alcohol and good art, and is a doting father to his young son. This relatively easygoing exterior hides a sharp mind, sometimes ruthless, though not inhumane. He is erudite (speaking seven languages), clever and highly driven, with a deep curiosity about the world around him. He loves to read, and has a limitless appetite for knowledge (whether that be business tactics or arcana).
  • Physical Description: Shortish, very blond and blue-eyed, a bit pudgy, with a soft, clean-shaven face that leaves him looking younger than his years
  • Position Applying For: Director of Operations - Asia
  • Schooling: Degree with honors from the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas.
  • Job History: Brief two-year tenure in the Soviet army followed by assorted business ventures in the Russian Far East, eventually consolidated under the banner of DyatCo., which he still officially owns, though he does little actual business these days. Briefly served as a relatively minor SAPA functionary before being promoted to director.
  • Military/Police Experience: Aforementioned two-year tenure as a conscript in the Russian army
  • Paranormal/Supernatural Experiences: The Kolyma Incident. A natural gas prospecting expedition commissioned by Dyatlov ventured into the permafrost-coated northern reaches of Far Eastern Siberia's Kolyma basin. They stumbled on something quite different. The first sign of trouble was bizarre seismic activity. While this was at first brushed off as simple earthquakes, it grew harder and harder to ignore as drilling continued. Then something was dug up out of the permafrost. Something metallic, geometrically bizarre, with strange runes engraved all over it. This strange object did have one recognizable part, though: a button. And some fool pushed it. Within seconds, a broad area of forest fifty miles away from the drilling site was utterly obliterated in a massive explosion. To the rig crew, it appeared as if the sky itself was split in two for an instant. Millions of trees were flattened and a great crater was left behind in the ground. When Dyatlov heard the details of the event (which he privately rather childishly dubbed "The Godfart"), he quickly realized what must have happened: his people had found, and then set off, some sort of ancient detonator. He quickly fabricated a story about a meteor strike reminiscent of the earlier Tunguska Incident, heavily bribing his employees for their secrecy about the object and spiriting it away. Analysis of the object showed it to be ancient indeed, and to either be magical or to have been made with technology so advanced as to be indistinguishable from magic. Dyatlov, fascinated, proceeded to throw himself into researching the paranormal and bizarre.
  • Positive Quirks:
  • Shrewd: There are some very good reasons why Dyatlov rose from an impoverished childhood to the heights of wealth and power. A clever, quick-thinking and knowledgeable man with an excellent business sense that translates into an ability to separate truth from falsehood, obfuscate and hide his own intrigues when necessary, and determine sound courses of action.
  • Joyous: While it might be a mistake to describe anyone who deals in the world's darker arts as much as Dyatlov as "happy," he still manages to lead a well-balanced life, finding time to enjoy his wealth, his family and his friends, while presenting a smiling face to the world. This naturally pleasant demeanor lends itself to Dyatlov's natural charm, as well as his ability to keep himself sane and grounded in reality in the face of the strange and horrific. He fights to defend the world from the paranormal not just because it interests him, but because he believes there is much in the world that is worth defending.
  • Negative Quirks:
  • Over-curious: Dyatlov is prone to wanting to know things that should not be known, as well as sometimes seeking information at the expense of success. He is willing to take risks that others might consider unnecessary in order to find truth, and can sometimes grow frustrated as he constantly runs up against unknowable secrets.
  • Maverick: A self-made entrepreneur, Dyatlov has not had a real boss in quite some time. He thus may be something of a difficult employee, desiring a great deal of autonomy in running his operation. He bridles at orders if he thinks they're foolish, and may be prone to disregard suggestions or instructions from higher up the chain of command.
  • Mother & Father:
  • Father: Maxim Dyatlov. Soldier in the Soviet Army, fought in the USSR's war in Afghanistan. Was wounded there, and later died fairly young (while Arkady was still a boy) of complications from his injury.
  • Mother: Agafiya Dyatlova. A hard-working, determined woman who did much to mold her son into the man he would become, raising him while working as a nurse. She is tremendously proud of his successes, living to see him rise high. She refused, however, to accept much in the way of the luxuries he offered her. Instead she remains in the same Vladivostok apartment in which she raised Arkady. The only money she accepts from him is the cash she uses to fly from Vladivostok to Australia for her frequent visits with Arkady and her grandson, who she adores.
  • Siblings: No, only child.
  • Relationships:
  • Wife: Mara Dyatlova (nee Suvorova). Arkady and Mara met in university, and quickly became sweethearts; over a decade later, their love has not faded in the slightest. Mara is a highly intelligent and driven woman, holding a high position within DyatCo and effectively managing much of the company's actual operation now that Arkady is focused on his work with SAPA. He treats her as his confidant in all things, meaning that she knows some of the truth about his work (though he tries to bear the gory details alone).
  • Children: A son, Maxim "Max" Dyatlov, aged 11. A sweet-natured if somewhat spoiled boy who has, to Arkady's delight, more than inherited his parents' intellect; indeed, the boy is something of a minor prodigy. He is also fairly socially competent, and has adjusted well to the transition of moving from Russia to Australia. However, he has also inherited his father's curiosity, which led to him overhearing a conversation he very much should not have overheard. As a result, his father was forced to reveal the vague outlines of the truth about the supernatural. While Arkady has managed to shield Max from the bulk of the truth and has successfully sworn him to absolute secrecy, Max still knows more than any eleven-year old, even a very clever one, should know about such things.
  • General Background Writeup: Arkady Dyatlov rose very far, very fast. From a poor childhood in the Siberian city of Vladivostok, Dyatlov climbed the ladder while still a young man, taking advantage of the hypercapitalist chaos of post-Soviet 1990s Russia following his brief tenure as a conscript in the army to rise from street trader to business owner to entrepreneur to wealthy oligarch, combining charm and shrewd business sense with ruthlessness and drive and developing contacts across the world, with a particular focus on Asian markets and resources. He ultimately collected his wide-ranging business ventures under the umbrella of DyatCo. The most lucrative of his many enterprises stemmed from his efforts to tap the rich and largely untouched mineral and fossil fuel resources of his native Siberia. It would be these enterprises that led him to discovering... something... in the Siberian permafrost due to a natural gas hunt gone wrong. Having successfully covered up the fallout from this misfortune, Dyatlov threw himself into researching the supernatural; while the secrets of the paranormal were hard to come by, a fascinated and fixated Dyatlov was able to buy his way past many barriers, and ultimately grew to be quite knowledgeable. It didn't hurt that SAPA had taken an interest in him after his fairly skilled handling of the Kolyma Incident. Eventually, they offered him a position within the department of Asian Operations, a position Dyatlov was seemingly well-prepared for given his contacts within and knowledge of the broader region. Before too terribly long, he found himself promoted to Regional Director. One staged political spat (with the cooperation of the Russian government) later, followed by a departure from Russia to the Asian bureau's headquarters in Australia, and Dyatlov was settling into his new position, withdrawing from the public eye. While he is still theoretically the owner of DyatCo, and uses it as a cover for some of his SAPA operations, the actual corporation's day-to-day running is delegated to capable aides (most notably his own wife) while Dyatlov focuses on reckoning with the paranormal.
  • Secret Agenda: No
  • Can you do Magic: No
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  • Name: Thomas Dudley Digges
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 26
  • Nationality: USA
  • Personality: standoffish, analytical, dynamic
  • Physical Description: 5'11", svelt, black hair, brown eyes
Informational: Feel free to go into detail in the Background section.
  • Position Applying For: Special Agent in charge
  • Schooling: JD International Law with a focus in Cultural Property Law. William and Mary
  • Job History: DOJ attache to FBI Art Crime Team (internship 2005-2006) International Art Theft specialist DOS Cultural Antiquities Task Force (ctaf) 2006-2009
  • Military/Police Experience: 2 years CTAF field team.
  • Paranormal/Supernatural Experiences: CTAF red-list items have a strong incidence of being low level artifacts and most Task Force members have a solid dozen "ghost stories" by their second year.
  • Positive Quirks: Old Name: Thomas Digges was the principal student of John Dee, Edward Digges the first Governor of Virginia. The Digges have been steeped in mystery, politics and espionage since before George Washington moved in next door.
  • Cross-Departmental Cooperation: Strong working relationship with low level members of the FBI, Department of State, Department of Defefence, Department of Homeland Security, Department of the Interior, Department of Justice, Department of the Treasury
  • Negative Quirks: Smug: he grew up in an environment of privileged information and Lords his unearned knowledge over his peers
  • haunted: he tends to have terrible nightmares from different era and other peoples lives.
Background: Please note that the GMs might include information from this section in the game and use it in certain situations. More detail is better in this section.
  • Mother & Father: Elena (mother, manages Wharton Group Investments) Henry (Father, retired congressman and naval officer)
  • Siblings: 4, William (eldest brother, married, children, pathologist), John (ADA Baltimore), Edward (Professor of Linguistic Anthropology Universityof Pennsylvania, married) and Mary (Cardiologist, LCDR, Naval Medical Center Portsmith)
  • Relationships: Single
  • Children: No
  • General Background Writeup: Youngest son of a family rooted in mysticism and politics, Thomas thought to escape his family's shadow by becoming Indiana Jones, unfortunately his father wouldn't sponsor that education and so he took to international law instead. With a touch of luck he got to adventure locally within the confines of the DOJ/FBI art theft program and upon receiving his credentials more globally to hunt black market antiquities dealers. The unfortunate nature of black market interdiction means he has run afoul of most of the evils available to humanity from human sex slaver to drug trafficking, these experiences fuel most of his nightmares, touching one to many human sacrifice daggers provide the rest.
  • Secret Agenda: No
  • Can you do Magic: yes, very limited touch psychometry, rather wishes he couldnt.
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Btw if you are signing up make sure to join the discord. A lot will take place on there. Also loving the apps so far.
Fuck, I give up. Several thousand words went down the drain while writing up my sheet. I don't think I have the motivation rewrite everything after that. Fucking hell, what shitty luck.
Fuck, I give up. Several thousand words went down the drain while writing up my sheet. I don't think I have the motivation rewrite everything after that. Fucking hell, what shitty luck.
Eeeeeee. If you want we can use what you had before as a place holder and you can edit as you go? So far you are the only one that put in for Director.
Eeeeeee. If you want we can use what you had before as a place holder and you can edit as you go? So far you are the only one that put in for Director.
Well, at least it wasn't actually several thousand words, just a little over a thousand and a half but it still makes me want to tear my hair out.
Alright, I'll try, I suppose just not today. It just happened a few minutes ago, I can't recover that fast from that frustration.

* Name: Yuri Dragunov

* Gender: Male

* Age: 49, Born August 8th, 1960

* Nationality: Russian

* Personality:

- A man chasing an impossibility, Yuri 'The Wise Drake' Dragunov tends to be quite the nice fellow. He is a man quick to smile and slow to anger, free-spirited, and with a drive to succeed in all he attempts.

Only one failure so far, and that one's more of a "work-in-progress." Has been ever since the incident, to be honest, and while most would have given up at the starting line, if not years ago, he shall not relent.

Especially not with his new job giving him just the right tools he needed for so long...

He. Will. Not. Be. Denied.

-- Likes: Interesting books; Fine dining; Learning new things; spending time with family.

-- Dislikes: Boredom, to be alleviated immediately; Most "Fast Foods" get thrown in the trash; getting told he "can't know something".


* Position Applying For:

- Director of Paranormal Studies

* Schooling:

- MSc in Physics and Astronomy, from MMIoA (currently MEPhI); PhD in Ecology, from Lomonosov MSU.

* Job History:

- Biologist, 4 years

- CERN Accelerator Physicist Associate, 3 years

- Ecological Risk Assessor, 8 years

- Senior Ecological Risk Assessor, 3 years

* Military/Police Experience:

- 5 years of military service, serving his stint in the [REDACTED] as an information analyst, specifically in the field of enemy operations studies.

* Paranormal/Supernatural Experiences:

- "The Incident": They held their ground valiantly under Sokolov's command. The Afghan lands were rough, unyielding, each nook hiding possible guerillas and each cranny stringing up the next trap. They were not supposed to interfere in their civil war, and for years had denied direct military intervention.

And then, something changed. Rumors were abound: it was the religious fanatics, the leadership changed to favor the Westeners, either China or the blasted Americans were behind the rebellion, the muhajideen forces must be brought low, and more was spoken in whispers. Fewer yet knew the truth.

Yuri had been doing well, assisting his brother Ivan with the location and assessment of threat zones while his elder and captain strive to gain higher merits for himself. The men trusted them both, looking at Ivan for leadership and purpose, and his "Wise" brother for security and direction. It had all the makings of a great troop, a company that would have done great things under Sokolov's ground command. They had been fighting a protracted battle against the shadows of the muhajideen for years. 1985 saw them replace only half of their troops, in comparison to the others' and the fighting had been dying down. Only Yuri's vision had stopped them from charging alongside the massacre of the DRI against mujahideen-held Arghandab District. This, this was supposed to be one of the easier missions, Yuri remembered that well. The one that brought them back to the Motherland

A package of unknown origins had been sent through a convoy of likewise unknown starting grounds. The scouts had located minimal resistance to their armored forces, and Yuri could not see anything wrong with a swift interception.

And indeed, the battle itself was done swiftly.

Their casualties minimal, and their relocation speedy, it had taken them hours to break into the armored containers. The steel was much tougher than its known counterparts, and their work slow and methodical, as to not harm whatever lies behind the doors. The troops were starting to feel restless, thinking of their wives, of family and friends. They had survived. They were going home, as soon as they could deliver their gains to their commanders.

What awaited them inside were horrors beyond their ken.

Papers started to float amidst them, flowing menacingly. One couldn't imagine paper being scary, but when temperatures fell swiftly, the lights dimmed unto perpetual darkness during midday, and the shadows whispered terrors whilst cackling in their minds, well, things went from scary to 'shoot anything that moves!' Not that it helped. Not one bit.

Yuri had been frozen stiff, while his brother Ivan took immediate charge and commanded to close the container once more. This only forced the shadows to attack them directly, ripping and tearing through flesh and bone as if it was the paper, and as the lights went dimmer, and the shadows larger, the casualties only grew.

The papers were spinning rapidly now, squiggles floating in the middle of air, seemingly ripping at it, tearing away to open the way. And the air gave place to nothingness, deep and imperial, and all men tried to flee from it. To the vehicles they ran, uncaring of the torment those behind them suffered, only thinking of home, of friends and families and wives and how theydidnotwanttodiehere! Ivan, of course, leading the retreat from the front, holding Yuri on his shoulders, whom was staring and trying to comprehend the impossibility of what was going on.

Futile, really.

Metal was torn with the same ease as skin and bones of moments ago, soldiers grasped from within their unmoving cages and dragged into the nothing, wether whole, or not. They could only pray, now, and beg for release, but none came.

It was their end made manifest. And all Yuri could think of was how impossible this all was, even Ivan screamed himself hoarse right beside him, his foot stomping on the accelerator to the floor, slightly bending it down into the casing.

In the end, what brought this all to an end was all thanks to a lone man wanting his last smoke. His cigarette fell on the flowing gasoline on the from half of his APC, which prompted a swift explosion.

The world burned, and the nothingness screamed.

The dragging was relentless now, uncaring, the shadow only seeking its prize before the flames reached the circle of papers. Theirs was the only car left, the only one racing towards the tomorrow. It was a mad dash to the horizon, madder yet for the flowing darkness that sought their lives.

The fires had but reached the center of the pitch darkness, and the first of the papers was lit. It would not be long, now.

They must have hit something, because next thing Yuri knew, the car was on its side, the engine in flames and about to cook him alive, and his brother gone. He pulled himself out of the crashed vehicle with speed, to the darkness fleeing back. Back to the circle, back to whence it came from, with his brother the smallest of pinks amidst a wave of blackness. The fire had overcome the circle, now, and the connection was disappearing. It had taken what it could.

Ivan could only look at his brother in abject terror as he was pulled through the portal, as Yuri sat still. And stared. And slowly, oh so slowly... he started to smile.

He was released two years later, and "The Incident" was publically confirmed to have been an enemy attack on the camp in response to the plunderage of the convoy. He was the sole survivor.

* Positive Quirks:

- Genius: To call Yuri a smart man would be an understatement. His work leans on the exemplary on a bad day, striving for the most in-depth analysis and learning of any given subject matter, or the most comprehensive study of that which lays unknown.

- Connected: The Dragunovs are a respected, wealthy family with a lot of influence in various economic and military sectors. Wether it be personnel, information, supplies, or even money, there is little Yuri is not able to get his hands on... provided he can pay the price.

* Negative Quirks:

- Quirky: Call it a facet of the man in a white vest, but Yuri tends to act as he wills. He shan't break the rules, that ain't his style, but expect to see them bent in a circle after he's through, should it so benefit him.

Oh, and keep an eye open around April Fools.

- Stubborn: Once something has gained his focus, or his ire, very little can shake him off the path he has chosen. After all the Wise are oft the most set in their thoughts.


* Family:

- Father: Dimitri Dragunov, Monarch of the Skies. Deceased in 2006, passing away with no complications from a life lived well. A staunch traditionalist of old money, Dimitri raises his sons of the pure values of the Motherland.

His greatest contributions to the family lay after the dissolution of the USSR in 1991. Managing to gain the trust of state officials and barristers, he was a key investor and proponent of the privatization of Aeroflot, the main Russian airline. Although the state still owns the majority, it was Dimitri that, with the aid of his son Aleksander, managed to claim to over half of the remaining ownership of what was to become Aeroflot – Russian International Airlines (ARIA) for his family's growing fortunes, while also investing into the many other Babyflots (smaller, more regional airlines formed from former Aeroflot directorates).

Unto his death, all such shares were sold back to the employees for billions of rubles by Iris for her long-standing attempts at wealth consolidation and re-investment, with a smaller percentage being gifted to the Lebedevs' NRC by request of her mother Irina.

- Mother: Irina Dragunov née Lebedev, Swan Queen. Deceased in 2007, passing away with no complications from a life lived well. A dutiful wife and a loving mother, Irina had been a successful ballerina, right 'til the day she came with child and married Dimitri. She continued her love for dance through private teaching, most notable being her tutelage of [REDACTED]. Was known for having made great monetary contributions to dancing institutions across the world and the theatrical movement of the 20th century.

- Elder Brother: Ivan Dragunov, the Flame of Wrath. Making fast enemies, and faster friends, Ivan had been the family spitfire. Born one year prior to Yuri, he would use his age and strength for years to lovingly torment his little brother. Rose quickly through his early military years to captainhood, until an expedition assessed by Yuri went horribly wrong...

Currently MIA, refer to "The Incident" for further known info.

- Younger Brother: Aleksander Dragunov, Starseeker. Alive, a major politician of the Communist Party, as well as being one of the major representatives of Rosaviakosmos (Roscosmos).

Has a son and daughter, Aria and Alexei Dragunov, born fraternal twins.

- Younger Sister: Iris Sarayova née
Dragunov, Dragunov Imperial Jewel. Alive, currently the CEO of [REDACTED], with further business dealings in the aerospace community with support of her brother Aleksander.

Has a daughter of her own, named Emerald.

* Relationships: Single.

* Children: Hah! No.

* General Background Writeup:



* Secret Agenda: Yes

* Can you do Magic: No
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Well, at least it wasn't actually several thousand words, just a little over a thousand and a half but it still makes me want to tear my hair out.
Alright, I'll try, I suppose just not today. It just happened a few minutes ago, I can't recover that fast from that frustration.
Nah that is totaly fair. Go ahead and join the discord when you get the chance also :)
  • Name: Luca Bianchi
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 46
  • Nationality: USA
  • Personality: Smarmy, oily, pleasant while being slightly unpleasant. He believes that the truth is far less valuable than what is convenient.
  • Physical Description:
Informational: Feel free to go into detail in the Background section.
  • Position Applying For: Director of Supernatural Events
  • Schooling: [Insert Semi-Prestigious Name Here] College degree in Journalism.
  • Job History: Several years as a journalist, then editor of a newspaper, before before being Head-Hunted into PEACE to help with their less violent cover-ups, where he spent a fruitful couple of decades.
  • Military/Police Experience: He has gained whatever basic combat training PEACE felt he needed to get.
  • Paranormal/Supernatural Experiences: Luca's first encounter with the supernatural was when one of his classmates in middle school was possessed by a demon. While one of the Catholic hunters eventually exorcised the demon, the event left deep mental scars on Jonathan, and left him with a fascination for the mystic, and stubborn belief in its existence that subtly alienated him from his friends and family.

    His second encounter was a disaster of a ghoul infestation spreading rapidly in a rural american town that he got caught up in while covering a unrelated story about land repossession. He bargained for his life by telling the PEACE officials he'd use his channels to help cover the entire thing up. Which he did, by claiming it was a costume convention gone horribly wrong because of defects in the beverages they purchased.
  • Positive Quirks: Persuasive: Luca can convince people of some pretty strange and outlandish stories, and knows just how to spin a news report to get the same effect.
    Diligent: And he knows that plenty of work must be done to make sure there are no fatal holes or oversights in coverups, and agents are properly trained to make sure their supernatural enemies are really dead.
  • Negative Quirks: Cynical: Luca has a very hard time seeing the best in people and trusting them.
  • Demonphobia: Luca has an irrational fear of being possessed by demons, or being attacked by people possessed by demons, and sometimes go to inordinate lengths to protect himself including several amulets that supposedly prevent it, and requiring subordinates to ward their cubicles with lines of salt.
Background: Please note that the GMs might include information from this section in the game and use it in certain situations. More detail is better in this section.
  • Mother & Father: Guila and Marco. Marco died of heart complications several years ago, Guila lives with Guila's older sister, Rosa.
  • Siblings: Luca is from a large family with two sisters and three brothers. They have all somehow managed to land more or less decent jobs, if not the most glamorous, and are reasonably well off. Two of the brothers and elder sister Rosa are married.
  • Relationships: While Luca has been in a few relationships, none of them worked out and he never married and is currently single.
  • Children: He does not have any children but has sometimes considered adopting. Currently, his nieces and nephew fill any child shaped void that may have been in his life.
  • General Background Writeup: Luca comes from a lower-middle class of Italian Immigrants, not neglected exactly, but not given too much attention by his parents with several siblings to divide it. He worked hard at school in hopes of getting a decent job to support himself, but started to become somewhat estranged from his family after the demon incident, as they didn't quite understand what was bothering him, and wouldn't have been able to afford expensive visits to a therapist in any case. He managed to get a scholarship at a local well-respected, if not top of the line, college and eventually managed to graduate without too much mishap. He tended to avoid some of the more wild parties, but did try to build friendships and connections among his fellow students, hoping they would help his eventual career. This proved to pay dividends as he happened to become pals with the son of the mayor, which gave him some nice scoops which eventually led to his promotion. He was going along with a team of journalists to cover a somewhat more obscure financial scandal in rural town when the ghoul fiasco occurred, and he was forced to enter a new, but very similar, line of work.
  • Secret Agenda: No
  • Can you do Magic: Luca has dabbled in exorcism magic, getting what he could as an amateur with little knowledge of the mysticism circles.
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Name: Niklaus Vogt
Gender: Male
Age: 63
Nationality: Swiss
Personality: Not necessarily cheerful. Niklaus is used to treat both himself and others roughly, what sometimes makes him seem hostile towards new acquaintances, even if it is not intentional. He warms up to his mates over time and in the end of the day cares for his friends more than for himself. If you ask someone who knows him better to describe him with one word, the most commonly heard answer would be reckless.
Physical Description: Bald, sporting black, slowly graying, beard, surprisingly well build despite his age and dotted with several minor scars on his face and arms, Niklaus appears exactly as an character one would not like to meet in a dark alley. He prefers to wear simple and sturdy clothing. Several prominent tattoos and some of them even do not present nude lady.

Position Applying For: Director of Operations - Antarctica
Schooling: extramural degree in marine biology
Job History: construction worker early in life, later sailor - continuing seafarer's career from mate to captain, in between hundred odd jobs, ranging from a goon in a bar in Sri Lanka to an accountant in Cameroon, most notably lab assistant and janitor in Antarctica research base for six months.
Military/Police Experience: a year long conscription
Paranormal/Supernatural Experiences: Several minor unexplained incidents on ships, ending up with destroyed cargo and crew-members claiming not to remember them at all. They might have been normal aftermath of alcohol poisoning if not for strange lights and unnatural voices that accompanied them, which were seen very clearly by (sober) Niklaus. Overall Niklaus is skeptical towards paranormal activities and more often than not tries to explain them with earthly logic, despite working in SAPA, outright disbelieving the most improbable ones.
Positive Quirks:
1. Quick wits - Niklaus will not freeze even for a second when in dangerous situation, instead acting quickly and logically.
2. Worldly knowledge - Niklaus been there, done that and was always ready to learn a new thing. While mostly trivial, his experiences have added up over the years, meaning he will never run out of topics for conversation.
Negative Quirks:
1. Accidental recruitment - Niklaus Vogt acquired his position in the aftermath of a serious administrative error, a clear oversight and some mess in paperwork. He signed up for a completely different job, but he is playing along.
2. Irresponsible - Niklaus takes action instead of pondering about possible future consequences. He is also generally disinclined to consider long-term outcomes.

Mother & Father: Franziska - housewife, deceased; Heinrich - miner, deceased
Siblings: Peter - retired clerk in Switzerland, Thea - deceased
Relationships: His first and only wife broke up with him after two years, in 1968, most of which were spent on the sea, away from each other anyway.
Children: None. Probably.
General Background: One of the first serious things Niklaus realized in his life was a though about home. Namely, that he wishes to be as far from it as possible. He kept firm to this though every since. Without a plan or destination, he led a life of a vagabond, never settling down or acquiring substantial possession. Sometimes he spins a story telling one or two episodes of his life, but the whole tale remains his own.

Secret Agenda: No
Can you do Magic: No
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Character Approvals - First Batch
Positions Taken: 9/20 Players Accepted.

All the apps we have had so far have been great. A couple of you we will have to go in a bit more detail with your choices but that can be handled on the discord! Still have plenty of spots so if you are interested in joining please do so!

Director of Anthropological Studies - Reginald Bartlett (@midnight77)
Director of Paranormal Studies - Yuri Dragunov (@DawnOfBoom)
Director of Supernatural Events - Luca Bianchi (@Demonic Spoon)
Director of Operations North America - Arnold Sven Petersen (@Furrybacon)
Director of Operations Europe - Samuel Cambell (@Uniquelyequal)
Director of Operations Asia - Arkady Dyatlov (@Hopeless)
Director Of Operations - Antarctica Niklaus Vogt (@Not ImporTant)

Special Agent in Charge Zoltan Kovacs (@Laplace)
Special Agent in Charge Thomas Dudley Digges (@Awetduck)

Edit: Also am allowing people to app as Doctors or other Experts in Anthropological, Paranormal and Supernatural Studies.
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Here's my application

The Basics
Name: Franz Nervenstein (yes, his family name translates to 'mug of spinal fluid')
Gender: Surgeon (presents as male)
Age: 26
Nationality: Austrian
Personality: Franz is generally speaking a lovably awkward dork. On the other hand, he has a disturbingly detailed knowledge of anatomy and surgery, and will often creep people out by talking about radical surgeries he'd like to perform, though he always accepts no as an answer. As an example, during his recruitment interview, he asked the interviewer if he could install rattlesnake venom glands in her fingertips, so that she could envenom people by scratching them.
Physical Description: tall, slim, black hair, freckles, generally Franz looks pretty normal.

Position Applying for: Medical. In addition, he has requested access to any particularly interesting organs that the field teams might happen to retrieve from supernatural beings.

Schooling: Franz got halfway through medical school before his father Boris Nervenstein (who founded said medical school) kicked him out for both being a massive disappointment with an actual sense of ethics, and being better than Boris at surgery.

Job History: Franz has practiced as an unliscensced physician in Hamburg for three years, and has gotten a reputation for being impossibly good at surgery in the process.

Military/Police Experience: Franz has a bit of experience at avoiding police, yes.

Paranormal/Supernatural Experience: Franz grew up in the Nervenstein family. It would be a surprise if he didn't have Paranormal experience, given the blatantly impossible medical shenanigans his family gets up to so often it's practically routine.

Positive Quirks
-Franz is in fact actually willing to teach his family's dubiously supernatural medical techniques to anyone interested.
-Again, Franz is impossibly good at surgery. As long as someone's brain is intact and he's got enough spare organs to work with, he can probably repair someone.

Negative Quirks
-Remember, Franz still isn't legally certified to practice medicine, despite his ludicrous competence at it.
-Franz' single-minded obsession with surgical topics tends to lead to conversations that severely alienate non-medical personnel.

-Mother and Father: Franz' mother Valentina and Father Boris are both dubiously sane physicians with a tendency to experiment on unwilling test subjects. They keep good PR regardless, and Boris is publicly known as the founder of a prestigious medical institute in Vienna.
-Siblings: Franz has two siblings, Marissa and Gerald. Marissa has taken to extremely unethical neuroscience research and adores kittens. Meanwhile, Gerald single-handedly eradicated a deadly plague... That he unleashed himself to see if he could eradicate it.
-Offspring: None yet, as Gerald still hasn't found a girlfriend who won't run away screaming.
-General Background Write-up: The Nervenstein clan has a long and sordid history of unrivaled medical genius being horribly misapplied for unethical experimentation instead of actually helping people. Basically, they're a big, screwed up family of mad scientists with a medical bent. There is reason to suspect that Vladimir Pinne actually genetically modified his offspring to guarantee his medical genius would be passed down when he founded the Nervenstein family in the 1780s. Either way, Franz inherited genetics that primed him for medical excellence, and grew up in an environment built to make those talents shine... by honing them on unwilling test subjects. It's actually something of a miracle that Franz has any sense of ethics at all, as it's something that's only happened twice before in the entire history of the Nervensteins.

Secret Agenda: Nope, Franz is very blatant about his agenda; he just wants to perform surgery without needing to constantly evade law enforcement.
Magic?: Technically, kind-of, maybe. Many of the medical techniques Franz uses are implausibly effective and on some occasions seemingly violate the laws of biology; case in point, the Nervensteins apparently figured out ways to put any organ in any organism without any chance of organ rejection or need for immune-suppression. Apparently this is normal for his family.
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  • Name: Uttar Singh
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 28
  • Nationality: Indian
  • Personality: He's endlessly curious, sometimes to much so for his own good, and will often take unnecessary risks to sate curiosity, if it wasn't for his training as a soldier ingraining the need to follow orders above things like this that might be a negative, but it's what actually drew him onto this path in the first place
  • Physical Description:
  • Special Agent
  • Schooling: No unusual education received
  • Job History: Service in the Sikh Regiment of the Indian army
  • Military/Police Experience: Served in the 8th Sikh, during the 1999 Kargil war as a heavy weapons specialist. Received distinctions for bravery under fire. Went on to serve with Indian personal in logistics and security during the coalition action in Afghanistan.
  • Paranormal/Supernatural Experiences: While precise data is naturally unclear, it seems this fighting amongst the highest mountains in the world lead to a number of powerful elementals awakening mostly those of ice or storm. During these awakenings Uttar's squad was ordered to commence a flanking assault on a heavily defended Pakistani position, upon their arrival they observed the positions already empty, cracked by their artillery but swept by some great beast of ice shards that they later encountered and drove of with grenades and heavy weapons. The AAR was formally documented as a hallucination due to the lack of oxygen at the fighting altitude but Uttar knew there was more.
  • Positive Quirks:
  • 1: Never Panics- A combination of inclination and training allows him to stay focused and dead set on a task no matter what occurs around him. He will retreat but never flee, he knows fear but controls it well.
  • 2: Untiring: He's used to long operations in brutal conditions, and can operate anywhere in the world with minimal rest or resupply while remaining combat effective.
  • Negative Quirks:
  • 1: Curious- No matter how well disciplined he is, if unmonitored with something that inspires great curiosity he always wants to find out more about it.
  • 2: A personal hatred of the Glimmerfields, that prevents him from working with them even in the limited manner agents would be expected to. He can tolerate their existance so long as he's never called to be near any of the psychos.
  • Mother & Father: Both are currently alive, father served a single tour of duty, but is a mechanic as a career. His mother does not work.
  • Siblings: 4, 1 older, 3 younger. Their ages range between 17 and 32. All currently live in the Punjab region, and have little to no involvement with Uttar on a day to day basis.
  • Relationships: Single
  • Children: None
  • General Background Writeup: As a child he was spirited and athletic, but did little to truly stand out. He studied well and received good educational results but was no prodigy. Upon completion of regular education he soon joined the military, being recruited directly into the Sikh regiment as infantry. He received additional training in the use of heavy weapons and became the gunner for his squad. It seemed a safe if un-interesting service in the military was to be his career. That was until the Kargil war. There he received active service, distinction for bravery and his first brush with the paranormal. He was determined to track it down, and volunteered for additional patrols high in the Himalayas in the months after they war was done, but to no avail. Persuaded to tone it down to avoid discharge he spent another year trying to forgot about this distant observation of creatures from beyond. However, during the tour with Coalition forces he restarted attempts to figure out what was going on with the paranormal especially as they seemed to be more active than before. This lead to several run ins, and on to occasions brief shootouts with Glimmerfield agents. This time reports of this behaviour did reach the top but instead of being dismissed he was instead "offered" the chance to transfer to SAPA.
  • Secret Agenda: No
  • Can you do Magic: None
President Obama,

The attached document is the accumulation of our knowledge on Qin Xifeng of the SAPA, and suspected member of Group Four, as you have ordered. Our preliminary investigation has concluded a connection, if somewhat tenuous, between Ms. Qin and the Chinese effort to influence African affairs -- partially in the acquisition of its abundant natural resources and artifacts. Mr. President it is clear that the People's Republic of China must not be allowed to consolidate an "artifact gap" with us and our allies. Strong steps must be taken to address any imbalances caused by the appointment of Ms. Qin as SAPA's Director of Operations for Africa.
Hubert Johnson II,
Assistant Secretary of P.E.A.C.E.'s African Bureau

  • Name: Qin Xifeng.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Age: Thirty-seven.
  • Nationality: Han Chinese.
  • Personality: Zeng Zhu, an ex-employee of an SAPA subsidiary in Africa, describes Ms. Qin as, "Almost reclusive in a sense. I think she found, uh, talking to be... not distasteful but a waste of time. She wanted you to be precise and brief. We called it the P-B system. And the heavens help you if you broke it. She had a large outburst whenever it wasn't followed. Still think it was the drill mentality of the army in her; saw something similar with the recruits from the Afghan campaign. But that was rare. More often we would see her computer monitor than her face. Typing from sun up to sun down. No one was allowed to look at whatever she was doing. Real particular about that."
  • Physical Description: See picture above. Of light beige skin, dark hair (dyed brown), and brown eyes. Physical abilities rated to be above average, a reminder of her past in the PLA.
  • Position Applying For: Director of Operations, Africa.
  • Schooling: Management, Beijing Normal University.
  • Job History: Consultant for Chinese companies in Africa; Consultant to Group Four [Note: Contested]; SAPA Agent; SAPA Special Agent in Charge, Africa; Director of Operations, SAPA.
  • Military/Police Experience: Captain, PLA.
  • Paranormal/Supernatural Experiences: Strongly suggested to have previous experience with the paranormal as a consultant to Group Four.
  • Positive Quirks:
    • An Eye for Detail: Ms. Qin is noted for her ability to find and attract talent to her cause. For now it is for the SAPA or so she would like us to think.
    • Rip and Tear, Silently: Espionage and violence have been attributed to her glowing record. One's the knife you don't see coming and the other's the hammer if the knife fails.
  • Negative Quirks:
    • Known: Ms. Qin is a known quantity. Her modus operandi is nearly half-way cracked by our teams. If she isn't careful, we'll find it all.
    • Benefactors: A puppet is always under great pressure to impress its master. Missteps in Africa that could embarrass Beijing are unacceptable.
  • Mother & Father: The CPC, Communist Party of China, has permanently erased any mention of her heritage. For all we known, her entire name could be a pseudonym.
  • Siblings: Suffered the same fate as above.
  • Relationships: None more advanced than mere acquaintances or subordinates.
  • Children: No.
  • General Background Writeup: Ms. Qin's past history is extremely obscure. We suspect the CPC's hand in this regard. What we do know, however, is this: first, she was an enlisted member of the PLA, earning high marks for leadership therein; second, she was transferred to a Beijing unit specialized in counter-intelligence, being promoted to the rank of captain; third, she was honorably discharged from the PLA to pursue a degree in management; fourth, she was recruited by the Beijing government to act as a liaison for domestic businesses expanding in China; fifth, she was recruited by the SAPA's Africa branch; sixth, she was promoted through the ranks to director of operations after the disastrous Benson directorship [reaching the nadir of American influence in Africa].
  • Secret Agenda: Yes.
  • Can you do Magic: No.
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