*raises hand*
What about the two Ha'taks that showed up on Earth orbit at the end of Season 1?
Wait what?
*Googles furiously*
Ok, so I appear to have mistaken the standard Ha'tak with the ones Apophis designs later on and Anubis advances further.
I had honestly forgotten that the Ha'tak existed prior to this.

In my defence, the Ha'tak didn't show up until near the end of season 1, in a different universe and was owned by Apophis. The two that showed up over Earth in Season 1 was the last episode's cliffhanger, one of which was his Flagship. Ha'taks remained fairly rare (and supposedly fairly expensive to produce) until season 3 when power creep had started to firmly sink in and suddenly every Goa'uld and his Jaffa had one... which was entirely in response to the SG1 as the Goa'uld had finally realised they were at war.

That said, the rest of my post still stands and we don't really know when the Ha'tak was first introduced.

"Riiiiiight," drawls O'Neill equally dryly. "I'm gonna call this in."

He walks around to the DHD, then stops. "Carter?" he asks. "Aren't the MALPs supposed to catch this sort of thing?"

Oh look, they found the broken DHD.

Query: You still haven't replaced it, Azrael?

Got distracted, Siri.

Statement: Noted. Will adjust variables next time.

...Next time?

Directive: Shut up and replace the gizmo already-
Directive override: ...Belay that. Uncloak the teleporter and invite the humans to our system.

...You sure? I have a pre-fabbed DHD already done...

Statement: Affirmative.

...Mkay then.

"Does this mean that we're not going home?" asks Dr. Littlefield forlornly.

"I don't see why not," I cut in. "My own teleporter is not going anywhere, and there is a perfectly valid Stargate in our system."

Siri, what are you planning?

Statement: Patience.

"And you conveniently neglected to mention that teleporter to us?" O'Neill asks accusingly.

"Thinking at meatspace levels is inefficient," I fired back. "I was... Distracted."

"Is the teleporter small?" Carter asks curiously. "I mean, I can't see anything like that on your... you, and for something to teleport across interstellar distances, you'd need a massive energy signature..."

"Or just a really good stealth system," I boast. Behind me, the thirty-foot ring shimmers into existence.

"It appears to be a Stargate," Teal'c observes.

"Is not," I fire back. "A Commander teleporter is vastly superior to the malfunctioning rings of doom, I'll have you know." The connection between home base and Heliopolis snaps open, displaying a direct view into the machine glory of home. Heh. Siri has been busy.

Statement: Thank you.

"This is incredible," Carter breathes, moving closer to the TP - I need to sort it out with a proper name at some point - and peers through it. "It's like a window..."

Query: Azrael, would you name the teleporter with your theme?

Sure. Teleporter, I christen thee Kokabiel, the Star of God. May I keep narrating now please?

Statement: Yes.

"Two-way portal," I say smugly. "Virtually infinite operation time. And you can have as many active portals on your planet as you want." Damn, I wish that I could grin right now. "Also is capable of collapsing into a more compact state for fitting through the crude variant." I made a shrugging motion. "Really, the only reason I use the primitive variant is because they are already there, and a good FTL is hard to come by."

Query: Does your ego feel better now, Azrael?

Hush you.

"Well?" I ask. "You gonna come, or what?"

"How do we know there's an atmosphere in there?" O'Neill asks back. "For all I know we step in there and our eyeballs explode or something."

...that's actually a very good question.

Statement: Idiot.
Query: Were you not the one who decided to leave with a point-to-portal teleport method?

You know, I had wondered why I could see an actual connection now.

Statement: Azrael, I wanted them here. An atmospheric habitat is already in place. You could even see it if you bothered to actually use that fancy sensor suite you insisted on installing onto the Asherah chassis.


"Siri already took care of that," I sheepishly relayed to the humans. "All the air you'd ever want."

Carter frowns. "Where did you even-?"

"Copied the atmospheric makeup from local scans, I'd wager," I snark.

Observation: Less snark more moving, please.
Statement: I have built a new Stargate and moved it into the atmospheric habitat.

Oh, thanks.

"If that is all, might I ask you to step through?" I drawl at the humans. "Unless you have any biological needs you might need to relieve?"

Statement: Azrael, be polite.

Yeah, yeah.

One by one, the humans file through. Well, except for two of them.

Dr. Jackson looks helplessly towards the meeting room. "But the research I could do-"

"Don't make me ask your superiors to order you," I threaten. "You can always come back and research to your heart's content, but right now I suspect that My Lady wishes to meet you."

Query: Are you trying to flatter me?

Is it working?

Statement: Idiot.

You know, there's a much shorter word for that, Siri.

Query:...And what would that be, Azrael?

A quick, four-letter word, Siri. "Baka". It's an Earth word. Japanese to be specific.

Observation: I see.
Directive: Continue narration. Baka.

At once, my Lady!

O'Neill is pinching the bridge of his nose. "Daniel," he groans, "You can look into your rocks later. Right now, we gotta move out."

"They're not even rocks this time," Dr. Jackson complains. "It's so much more-"

"Daniel," O'Neill says warningly.

"Jack," he shoots back.

"You're both very pretty," I snark. Both men look at me, surreptitiously roll their eyes, and enter the Kokabiel.

Right. I'll be by in a second.

Query: Azrael, what are you doing?

I'm replacing the broken DHD, at last. Why?

Directive: When you are done, please return to base.

Aye, my Lady.

Statement: Baka.

Idly, I remove the old, broken DHD from its base, and replace it with the new deal. It's bulky, but robust, and built to last - just like most Commander tech.

Statement: "Greetings, mortals. Welcome to my system."

...Siri, what are you doing?

Statement: I am speaking to the humans.
Directive: Return with haste, my narrator.

Looks like I must, if what I'm hearing is any indication.

Observation: "You are hardly the best example, O'Neill."

...right. Heliopolis can survive without me. Porting!

Statement: "I am Commander Osiris-λ4131025-2θ. How I came by this system is unknown."
Observation: "There is nothing you can do about it, meatling."

I slide through the Kokabiel ring just in time to catch major Carter tell Siri, who's actually there in chassis, "With all due respect, you are on no grounds to judge us based on-"

"My Lady," I say dryly. "Ever heard of tact?"

Statement: "I see no relevance to this query, baka. They are meat, and therefore slow. It is simply a fact."

"I'll take that as a yes," I snark, glancing around at the vaguely offended humans. "Why did you even want them here, my Lady? I could have installed the new DHD in an instant, and in fact did do that moments ago. Did you just want to insult them?"

Statement: I wished to get a scan from Major Carter, Azrael. It seemed polite to invite them all.

Yes, because insulting them the moment they show up is soooo polite.

Statement: "You may leave now, humans."

A Stargate rises from the ground on a platform. Its DHD is beside it. Both bear the distinct Commander feel to them.

You've been busy.

Statement: Thank you.

That reminds me.

"Before you go," I say lightly, "Are any of you interested in leaving a copy of your mind with us? We'd love to exchange ideas with any of you."

Query: What are you doing, baka?

I'm asking for permission.

The humans exchange glances. "Why would that need copies of our brains?" asks O'Neill dubiously. "Couldn't you just, I dunno, call from time to time?"

Statement: "It is highly inefficient."

"My Lady is correct," I say. "Your wetware is simply not fast enough to keep up with our thought processes. Additionally, a simple call is rather impersonal."

"He's got a point," Carter says. "Sir, may I volunteer? I really wish to learn more from their ways of thinking - it's fascinating!"

See? She's even volunteering!

Updating matrix to scan.

Wh- Siri! I asked them permission for a reason!

Statement: Baka.

"Matrix scan complete," I say brightly.

O'Neill blinks. "What, already?" He narrows his eyes. "You could have just copied us all whenever you wanted, couldn't you? So you could have chosen not to ask, could you?"

Query: "Does it matter? It is not what we chose."
Statement: Just because you were correct, Azrael, does not mean that you have to be smug about it.

I didn't say anything, Siri.

Statement: Baka.

Welp, Az is corrupting Siri. Slowly. This'll end well.
First, Siri is a Yandere. Now, Siri evolved into a Tsundere. Soon a Deredere...

Where the heck is that Kronk pic about things are coming together?

Fabbing (1) Kapowaz Chassis.
Queueing Copy #00001 of Carter Matrix.

Still messing with copies?

Observation: Analysis shows errors are liable. Caution is preferable.

Sensible. Whatever happens, want me to narrate it?

Directive: Please.

The rather imposing chassis of the Kapowaz takes shape as the fabberbots essentially conjure it out of thin air. Incidentally, Progenitor tech is bullshit.

I'm hanging back, my matrix in my newest chassis - the Moloch. Size-wise, it's between Ishtar and Asherah, which given the size disparity of the two, means jack shit. Practically, my Moloch is the same size as Siri, and has no wheels.

Statement: Here we go.
Activating Matrix C#00001.

The chassis' visor lights up and it looks down at its arms.

"Whoof. Major disconnect."

Observation: Interesting.
Statement: Azrael, you owe me a favour.

You suck, Siri. Hello, Matrix Carter! How are you feeling?

"I feel strange. One moment, I'm agreeing to a mind-scan, and the next, I'm actually here... How much time did I lose?"

Your human half left about a day ago. We gave her a Resource Core to keep her busy. You don't feel like having any existential crises?

"Not really, sir. The shift was disorienting, but aside from that, I'm fine." She looks at me. "Why are you narrating?"

Somebody has to, and Siri likes it when I do.

Statement: Indeed.
Directive: Azrael, continue narration.

"...Doesn't that get annoying?"

I don't see why it would. But if it helps, you can imagine that I am the stagehand who explains everything to the audience, because all the actors are dressed in black and you can only see the objects they interact with.

"I'm suddenly very interested in what machine theatre looks like," she says, inspecting the arms of her Chassis. "This is going to take some getting used to, by the way," MatriCarter mentions.

"Also, MatriCarter? Really?"

Directive: Azrael, redesignate the Carter matrix.

"Shouldn't you ask for my input for that?" Carter asks, affronted.

My Lady, you're being very untactful.

Statement: Shove it, baka.

Noted. Matrix Carter, would you like some assistance in acquiring an additional yet thematic designation?

Judging by the body language, she's staring at me. "Thematic?"

Indeed. I adhere to a certain type of theme when naming things I create. Any chassis I build will have a designation picked from a specific data pool. Any technology I alter or create will be picked from a slightly different data pool. My own name comes from a third data pool.

"That's... fascinating! Can I ask what does the data pool look like? Or is that classified information?" Carter asks, her visor shining.

Statement: I would like to know as well, Azrael.

Right, right. Forwarding data now.

Data received.
Observation: Fascinating.

"Hang on," says Carter. "Some of those look like Christian Angels. No, wait, they are! Have you been to Earth before, or - no, don't tell me. The angels are aliens too?"

At present, the Angels are machines. Would you like one of these names for yourself?

Carter seems taken aback. "Well, this is kind of an honour," she replies. "Let me... Let me think on it."

She's overclocking her processors, I can see that clearly. The advantages of machine hardware instead of glacial meatspace is clearly advantageous to her already.

After three whole seconds, she looks up. "Could you... call me Zophiel?"

Designation accepted.
Query: Meaning?

God's spy. Which has some interesting implications, doesn't it, Zophiel?

"I would prefer not to disclose my reasons, if I'm allowed to," the newly-christened Zophiel says. "On a related note, I kind of miss having hands..."

I can help with that. Hell, I can even design you a custom chassis from the ground up! Can I?

Zophiel tilts her head in seeming contemplation. "How human would it really look?"

Statement: I do not have high hopes for the baka.

Don't gang up on me, you two.

I circle the lean but clunky Kapowaz chassis, before activating holograms featuring the designs of Moloch and Asherah, next to footage of the real Sam Carter.

Yes... I can work with this. Zophiel, I'm armoring your chassis, and I won't take any sass.

"And if I don't want armor?" Zophiel snarks.

What, you don't want armor while hanging around not one but two BERSMoWs? Yeah, right. This one I won't back down on, but you'll get full articulation. And perhaps even a face.

Statement: Azrael has a point, Zophiel.

Thank you, Siri.

Now... The waist armor can remain similar to previous examples of my work, but the torso area could use some rework...

Zophiel frowns. "Are you being perverted here?"

Don't be ridiculous, this matrix has no sex drive. In fact, what I want is a little less jut here...

Wait, no, I got it. I adjust the armor plates, creating an X-shaped plating. Yes, that should do it... Two or four legs, Zophiel?

She's staring at her current lanky chassis in consternation. "Two, please."

I make a few sketches. "And... hrmm, plantigrade is so inefficient... Do you absolutely want plantigrade or are you okay with digitigrade?"

Zophiel is trying, and failing, to cross Kapowaz' arms. "Plantigrade, if you would be so kind."She tilts her head. "Wait, you're designing it live? That's fascinating! I didn't know machine intelligences were capable of actual creation like this! Erm, no offence Commander."

Statement: Normally, we are not. However, this is what I have the baka for.

Thanks, Siri. Anyway, I think I'm just about done! What do you think?

I project the hologram of the finished concept.

Zophiel stares. "This is still really bulky, and the face is completely inhuman. Can't you do any better?"

Yes, my optic sensors are indeed glowing brighter! Challenge accepted, Zophiel! After all, adjustments are what preliminary concepts are for!

Right, scrap the head entirely. I'm thinking... a visor-like design... Let's keep it suitably inhuman as to not trigger an uncanny valley effect, sorry Zoph...

"No offence taken," she says. "I think."

Yeah, yeah. Jawline... Noticeable, but well-molded... Slim the arms slightly and add construction modules in the forearms... Ah! I think I'm onto something! Now, scrapping the pylons... Oh, I know! I can layer self-repairing ablative armor onto the torso, stuff a Resource Core there... And yes, this is coming along nicely!

It's highly detailed, precise, and six feet tall. I'm thinking of calling it Shemesh.

"Holy Hannah," Zophiel remarks. "I... I love it."

Thank you.

Now what?

Transferring Matrix Zophiel into Shemesh chassis.

Statement: Now, we shall dial Earth.

Already bored?

Irritation: I am not going to dignify that with a response, baka.


Concern: The gate fails to connect.

I noticed.

Query: Is there a normal operating time for these substandard gates?

Do you just get ruder when you're worried?

"I'm worried too, Azrael," said Zophiel. "From what we know of Stargates, the maximum amount of time a wormhole can be open at a time is 38 minutes." She crossed her arms. "Either something has gone horribly wrong, or the Gate has been sealed."

Mm. Worrying.

Query: Do you know something we don't, Azrael?

Don't know yet. But I have a bad feeling about this.

"I'll... dial again," Zophiel said. "I have to know for certain."

Yeah, sure, dial ahead.

Statement: You know something.

Siri, I have corrupted data. I know lots of things, most of them useless. I have no idea what might or might not have happened!


Okay. I can think of several possible things that could be going on, but it's too early for all of them, according to a timeline I think I literally cannot share. Honestly, the gate is probably just sealed on their end.

Statement: I hate deadlocked archives.

You and me both, Siri.

"If they've blocked the Gate," Zophiel said worriedly, "Then it's possible the SGC has been shut down altogether."

And we don't know why.

Here's what we do. We start going through the addresses on this DHD. Primary objective is to find, assimilate, analyze, and improve upon FTL technology. After that, we visit Earth directly and find out what's what. How's that for a plan?

"Oh, thank you," was Zophiel's contribution.

Mission Parameters: Accepted.

Directive: Get to work.

Surprise! I have updated! Did you like it? Let me know!

Also, the reason it took so much time is partially because I was drawing the sketches. And then the end didn't want to come. But it's here now! Yay! I'm so happy.
nice chapter thx for writing it
will be fun to see them on earth perhaps a mech resort on the beach is in the future for them