What tech do we have to work with? We didn't take science as our path to power and the updates thus far are a bit vague on where we stand.

If we intend on a navy, it should be small and fast to chase off pirates who'll likely show up once we get trade set up and figure out how to navigate these dangerous waters. If we end up against something bigger than a Brige or a solo frigate, we're likely going against something far greater than pirates so we're screwed anyways. Plan for what you can.

I'll think on infantry training latter.
I am not sure if the System allows for magic growth as well, with that about the King expelling some kind of energy that affected her just by being near.
Continuing on from my previous comment, we are unlikely to field a superior army or navy anytime soon so our focus should be on making them as fast and mobile as possible. You can rarely go wrong with being able to outmaneuver your foes.
I am not sure if the System allows for magic growth as well, with that about the King expelling some kind of energy that affected her just by being near.
I don't see why not. While I doubt we're going to become a physical god, I do expect we can put personal actions towards improving ourselves and possibly gaining benefits such as reduced sleep needs or being able to automate certain tasks (more actions).
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What tech do we have to work with? We didn't take science as our path to power and the updates thus far are a bit vague on where we stand.

If we intend on a navy, it should be small and fast to chase off pirates who'll likely show up once we get trade set up and figure out how to navigate these dangerous waters. If we end up against something bigger than a Brige or a solo frigate, we're likely going against something far greater than pirates so we're screwed anyways. Plan for what you can.

I'll think on infantry training latter.
The tech you have to work with is pretty basic as, like you said, you didn't go for the science path. So think mid 1200's tech, you have crossbows, longbows, steel, cavalry, plate armor for infantry and cavalry. For naval you have basic hulls, think merchant ships reliant on oars and for military purposes you have a basic bireme (two tiered oar powered) vessel.

The system does allow for some magical effects, if you are of the main branch and can afford to focus on that. It won't be as powerful as the Vancian magic but it is quite useful regardless. Depends on how you use it.
So think mid 1200's tech
So we're in the times where naval warfare is mostly loosing fire arrows into each other before ramming into each other in preparation for boarding. Magic may or may not play a part with the current setting.

As for the army it mostly amounts to 'run straight at the enemy, try not to die.' The best strategist of the time wrote a book on the bare basics of medieval warfare but ends it with "find someone else to teach you the rest."

Gunpowder is also floating around in the Orient but hasn't yet been integrated into the calculus of war for the Occident.
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Turn 2 Results
Establish contact with the Shipwright's Guild
Roll= 1d100+28=110

Americ leaves for the nearest Shipwrights guild location, built in the distant city of Val Tartuch, shortly after the new years celebration. When he returns he is accompanied by a wagon loaded down with chests and talking to a young woman who wears the blue and bronze of the guild. She is introduced to you as Journey-woman Kressia and explains that she has been assigned to serve the Department of Foreign Expansion as an on-call expert in naval design, and that she has been instructed to do whatever she can to ensure that there is a functioning naval presence in the Sea of Sorrow.

Later that evening during a meeting between Americ and yourself, he explains that Journey-woman Kressia has been sent as a form of exile. Her ideas of creating a new and more powerful class of vessel having caused some outrage from more politically powerful members of the guild, and that being sent to what the old guard of naval designers consider to be a dead-end department suffices as a punishment. However before he left the head of the local chapter of the guild met with Americ and passed along his thanks for taking Kressia onboard and promised that he would provide support for the Department, especially if they can make sure that his niece is able to find some form of successes and happiness.

Result: Gained Journey-woman Kressia, hero unit granting +15 to all research actions to design new warships of the "Cutter" class. Gained a favor from one of three Shipwright guild leaders. Relationship with the Shipwright guild at 7/10.

Local Connections

The small town that has sprung up around the headquarters of the DOFE consists of the employees and their families, all of whom are dependent on the organization to provide the essentials of life in return for payment and shelter. As a result there has been a few worker who have identified issues with the potential longevity of the situation, in particular with growing families and the consumption of supplies. Americ and yourself took time to sit down with and hear out the concerns of the workers, and in doing so have identified a few potential points of conflict. Americ wants to resolve a few of them in order to get the workers happy while not needing to change up the operations budget in a significant way while you have poured over simulations of the potential changes and any weakness that they could introduce.

At the end of the year, you have a proposal cross you desk from Americ. He wants to allow the workers to start their own farms and increase the proportion of incoming luxury goods to improve morale. He does make note that this will increase expenses but will have the long term effects of improving sentiment in the workers and creating a culture of communication between the workers and managers.

Result: Identified failing in long term planning, improved relation with all workers. Decreased upkeep from lessened food imports.
Choose between
-Light support for craft villages
-Moderate support for craft villages
-Heavy support for craft villages

2/5/10 Crowns and increase of 1/3/5 to worker loyalty (current 6/10)

Secure your immediate vicinity
Roll= 1d100+42=64

Having your soldiers explore the area around the base you locate a few places of note, a small naturally formed cave that opened into a small cave network that sprawled a few hundred meters underground. A small river leading to the sea was identified as freshwater and filled with a few species of edible fish, a small pack of local predatory animals was wiped out to ensure the safety of any workers walking around. Bryant reports that his soldiers found a small cache of rusted through iron weapons and rotted crates buried beneath a tree, seemingly abandoned for over a decade judging by the decomposition, whatever was inside the crates either eaten or destroyed by the local wildlife. He judges that no other groups have been active in this region for at least five years.

Result: Knowledge of small cave system, freshwater and fish located, small goods cache located.

Roll= 1d100+42=55

The new patrols are sent out shortly after the new years and the paths are refined over the course of the year, the small numbers of soldiers cause issues with the scheduling however with Bryant taking a part personally in the rotation you are able to establish a wide perimeter around the base where incoming threats will be noted. Indeed your new patrols are able to report to the base via a series of flashing mirrors to indicate approaching groups. It seems that there is no traffic that is no for the DOFE and the consistent patrols have scared off the local predators.

Result: Knowledge of all traffic in local area, patrol system established, decreased chance of infiltration.

Establish an intrigue department
Roll= 1d100+36=43

Creating a sub-department dedicated to espionage is not a simply task, especially when it comes to ensuring the loyalty of the people who will be working. So for the vast majority of the year Sussanah and yourself pour over applications, recommendations, and reports until you find a small group of 30 individuals sourced from all over the nation whose loyalty has been assured through a combination of excellent pay, familial support, removal from dangerous situations, and patriotism. Once your intelligence core has been gathered you begin to train them in the basics of espionage, teaching them pattern recognition, lip reading, improving critical thinking, and some basic stealth abilities. Sussanah impresses you by taking this even further and making it so that even during the down time the students are still taking onboard more knowledge as she sets up a series of fun puzzles and games that further reinforce the lessons you are trying to instill.

Once the year has come to an end, you and Sussanah examine the recruits standing before you. All of them looking fairly plain and unobtrusive, with clothing that matches the rest of the organization, but with a particular glint in their eyes that shows a level of shrewdness that is unusual.

Result: Gained basic intrigue department, intrigue operatives start at experienced, reduced all future DC's by 5 due to infrastructure and training. Sussanah begins to develop a new talent (New action unlocked to complete this, otherwise background roll for completion)

Random workplace inspections
Roll= 1d100+36=79

Your workers where selected based of competency and loyalty, and so far both of which has proven to be true. However it is best to trust, but verify, and as a result each worker has had both a public and private inspection of their workstation, and you have interviewed each of them on proper information security procedures. Happily the vast majority of them pass these tests with flying colors, indeed having kept up to date with any and all changes based on new techniques and plans. However a small group have been taken aside for re-education about the importance of proper workplace security and how leaving blueprints of buildings open on their desks during lunch breaks and the like could lead to a tragic incident for their friends and families by enemy agents. Once you have impressed the severity of their mistakes upon them they become zealous in ensuring they follow the correct protocols for information security.

Result: Removed chance of document leak by accident, all workers now actively participate in securing sensitive information.

Construct a Dock
Roll= 1d100+41=54

Stefanus plans to have multiple piers built with the space set aside for a dry dock and construction facilities, the plans are detailed and seem feasible however the reality of working with the Sea of Sorrow's dashes these plans like they dash ships. The multiple piers are reduced to a single broad pier after the collapse of the initial supports, the waters somehow crushing the broad wooden beams. The revised plans have broader supports and they are more frequent throughout the length of the pier, once constructed they stand strong against the pull of the sea, however the pressure does cause some alarming creaking and the workers are unhappy with extended shifts on the pier. The dry docks are left alone and the construction facilities are made more simple are resilient with a trench carved out of the beach to create an area to test basic hulls without placing them into the sea proper.

Stefanus apologizes for what he views as a failure, with his vision being changed drastically and falling far short of what he wanted to present to you.

Survey for resources
Roll= 1d100+41=120

Seemingly in spite of the problems that the sea itself is causing, the survey team that focuses on the lands around Sorrow's Point finds a bounty of resources that can be used. A seam of copper that is massive in scale has been found, with several smaller bounties of zinc, tin, and gold found around the seam. Already an incredible find the surveyors continue to explore and delve into the cave formation found by the martial forces of Bryant, and locate deep within the depths of the system a limestone deposit, and a large natural mineral hot spring. On returning to the headquarters they stumble across what appeared to be little more than a small grove of trees only to discover upon trying to cut a branch free for the fire that the wood was exceptionally tough and blunted the iron axe as the branch the thickness of a mans thigh was cut free. Some gleeful searching revealed the small grove to be the only example of these trees however a large amount of fallen wood was recovered.

Stefanus rejoiced at the reports of his surveyors and wants to begin a mining operation immediately as well as hiring some specialists to grow and manage the ironwood grove.

Result: Gained large copper deposit, small zinc, tin, and gold deposits. Limestone quarry located. Mineral springs gained. Small Ironwood grove located.
Choose between
-Hire specialist Silviculture workers (5 crowns)
-Do not hire specialists.

The Deadly Tides (Double down)
Roll= 1d100+40=48
Re-Roll= 1d100+30=57

The sea has caused no end of frustration and rage in you this year. Despite devoting great amounts of time to investigating the nature of the dangers in the sea you make little headway, the collapse of the early pier reveals that there is an active current that lurks below the relatively still surface but it did not reveal the mechanism behind it. The largest breakthrough from the year was as a result of the survey team finding the mineral deposits, you poured over the compositions of them and managed to identify that there is likely an active thermal vent somewhere nearby that is spewing out the minerals that you have found.

Even with these insights you are fuming and filled with a slowly growing anger at the sea, you expected that the study would take time and be difficult, but doing your own research instead of reading the accumulated knowledge of previous generations is very different.
Turn 3
The previous year has been a mixed bag, it was primarily filled with successes in all departments but your failure in understanding the secrets of the Sea of Sorrows weighs heavily on your mind. Fortunately the successes of Stefanus and his department have brought a lot of enjoyment to the DOFE, even you have taken the time to visit the mineral hot springs and have a soak in the hot waters. Taking a moment to enjoy the memory of the warm waters you wait for your council to arrive in the meeting room set aside for the annual reports.

Bryant is the first to arrive, his step deceptively light for such a large man, and he graces you with a light smile and nod as he sinks down into a chair that was specially prepared for him, the padding thicker than the rest of the available seating. The two of you chatter for a while as you wait the arrival of the others, Stefanus joining you with a bright smile and his smokey eyes crinkled in laughter at the anecdotes of Bryant. Sussanah and Americ arrive together, seemingly locked in a quiet debate that peters out as they enter the room, Americ greeting everyone with individual comments on the suitability of their daily attire while Sussanah simply slides into a chair and inclines her head in acknowledgement of your attention.

"Well, we have all had a fairly productive year as far as things go. In particular compliments must go to Americ and Stefanus and the incredible progress their departments have made. That said we have an issue facing us this year, a lack of available funds. As a result I am opening the floor to suggestions that address this deficit, however I will not table anything that puts us in significant debt, I will not go to the capital with my hat in hand begging for handouts from the family. Keep this in mind as we go forward."



Previous total: 70
Spent: 65
Income: 15
Current Total: 15

Unless stated otherwise, all actions take 1 year (1 turn) to complete.
Advisors will add their full relevant stat and half of yours.
The new category personal has been added to reflect the lessening time demands

Turn 1

Diplomacy (Choose up to 2)

Establish contact with the Capital: You have started to operate at the will of the Patriarch, perhaps improving relations with the capital of Val Harman would allow you to gain more backers, or to create opportunities to expand your influence amongst the powerful.
DC 30 Crowns 5
Result: Establish contact with the movers and shakers of Val Harman, more diplomatic options.

Establish Contact with a Royal Organisation: There are many groups that have been founded in the glorious history of your family, many of which are still operational and some amongst those that could aid you. You just need to choose who to contact.
-Council of Zoning
-Alchemical College
-Trading Consortium
-The System Archives
DC 50 Crowns 10
Result: Increased relations with the selected group, further interactions available.

Funding Propositions: All things run off money, this is the conventional wisdom of nobility. While your funding is sufficient to cover your operational expenses it won't continue if you begin to expand or become active. However you haven't produced any results that would warrant an increase in funding. This would require a persuasive argument.
DC 80 Crowns 5
Result: Gain an increase of +10 to yearly income.

Branches of greatness: Many memorable and talented members of the Branch Family lack the opportunities to expand their skill-sets and prospects, instead languishing around local estates and frittering away their time. Americ suggests that he could sound of some of these dilettantes and provide a meaning and goal to them.
DC: 60 Crowns 10
Result: Improved relations with Brach Families, potential for hero/elite units.

What do they say?: Your organizations new, and untried. His could attract derision from your competitors and give them a means by which to attack your reputation, set Americ to the task of investigating this possibility.
DC: 50 Crowns 5
Result: Awareness of Branch and Core Family views towards you.

Hot spring hustle: The discovery of the hot-springs nearby have opened up the possibility of creating a tourist attraction based around it, helping to alleviate the fiscal burden the DOFE is under at the expense of opening up Sorrow's Point to more scrutiny and possible exposure.
DC:70 Crowns 5
Result: Basic tourist attraction to hot-springs, increased income, potential point of infiltration.

Military (Choose up to 2)

Keep the land controlled: Bryant has established that there has been minor activity in the area in the past, in order to ensure that it stays in the past he proposes a series of boltholes and supply points to be made in the lands around Sorrow's Point so that his forces may range further and ensure that they are in a position to muster at any-point around the area.
DC 50 Crowns 5
Result: Establish a series of hidden supply caches and muster points to allow for greater force projection. Ensure that any attempts to invade suffer attrition.

The Spoils of Sorrow, Martial: Have your forces scour the beaches for any wreckage that has made its way to land, based on the rumors surrounding the place there is a good chance your people will make some valuable finds and gain some minor field experience.
DC ? Crowns: 0
Result: Variable, but likely trade good and resources from shipwrecks. Potentially valuable objects.

Expansion, Mass: You have a very limited amount of forces, 2 squads of 10, and a great deal of land to manage. By sending word to everyone you can think of and calling upon recruiting practices you can expand your available manpower many times over. It will strain your logistics but the pay off should be worth it.
DC 20 Crowns: 10
Result: Gain up to 100 squads of green soldiers.

Expansion, Targeted: Instead of opening the floodgates, you could target the promising squads from the armies of Riordian and offer them a better position. Not quite as guaranteed as the previous option, but wont be as straining to manage and likely will result in better troops.
DC 40 Crowns 10
Result: Gain up to 20 squads of Professional soldiers.

Expansion, Elite: Quantity has a value, you know this. But it has a risk, more people aware of your actions and existence. Instead go for the very best, the cream of the military training programs, special forces soldiers, the Household Guard. You don't need a hammer, you will wield a scalpel.
DC 60 Crowns 20
Result: Gain up to 5 squads of Elite soldiers.

Fitness, the Demios way: Bryant Riordian-Demios is a first and foremost an educator, in the realm of physical and martial excellence. Allow him to set up a custom training field using the sea, sand, and stones to improve the physical conditioning of your soldiers. He recommends only sending a small amount through for now as proof of concept, but the scale can be increased if it produces results.
DC: 80 Crowns 10
Result: Consistent improvement to the physical capacities of your soldiers, chance for trait gains.

Patrols: You might only have 2 squads of soldiers but they can be better arranged by reducing internal patrols and focusing on external threats. Bryant is a little surprised at the extensive list of behaviors and signs you have your guards alert for, and recommends a specialist force for that with the current forces put to their intended purpose. Patrol around the area and make sure nothing and no-one approaches without your knowledge.
DC 40 Crowns 0
Result: Increased security against outside threats, continue patrol system.

Defensive practices: Bryant proposes that rather than needing to create hidden outposts his men build a series of small forts in close proximity to Sorrow's Point, with the intent of creating a series of outposts that would need to be taken before the main base could be attacked. He says that is would serve as good practice for his men to get used to making permanent fortifications considering your expansion mandate.
DC 60: Crowns 5
Result: Two small forts built around Sorrow's Point, increased resistance to conventional military attack.

Temporary fortifications: Another suggestion that Bryant has is to have his men practice creating temporary camps that serve as impromptu forts. Having his men travel around the area building up and tearing down these structures, digging and filling in trenches, creating and destroying palisades and barricades will serve as good exercise and training while preparing them for extended duration operations beyond the borders of Riordian.
DC 80 Crowns 0
Result: Soldier gain experience with construction and siege warfare, beginnings of a siege engineer skill tree.

Intrigue (Choose up to 2)

Meddle with the family: While you have the potential to rise far above your siblings in the Patriarch's esteem, perhaps it would be a good idea to see what your relatives are doing and if the need a few less than helpful pointers.
DC 55 Crowns 5
Result: Establish what your siblings are doing, future intrigue actions unlocked.

Random workplace inspections: While you may have vetted your workers so far, time has passed and there is no guarantee of loyalty. Every oath has a loophole and that doesn't account for poorly secured documents, so you will make sure that everyone is following the correct procedures for sensitive information.
DC 35 Crowns 0
Result: Increased information security, decreased chance of leaks.

Shadow-ways: While the nearest town is a weeks ride away, there are ways and means to reduce that. Have Sussanah establish these to gain access to the town of Vel Latimos, and begin to investigate the underworld actions around there.
DC: 65 Crowns 15
Result: Knowledge of criminal activities in Vel Latimos

Test procedures: You have spent a great deal of time and effort creating a series of policies you employees must follow if they suspect they are compromised or observed, for attacks and sabotage. Set Sussanah loose and have her stress test these.
DC ? Crowns 5
Result: Gain counter-Intel practice, establish DC of enemy infiltration/spy efforts.

Big city woes: The capital of Val Harman is filled with the best and worse that the Autocracy has to offer, and it is this divide that provides opportunity. Turn Sussanah and her agents loose into the city and have them target gangs, depriving them of resources and serving as practice for larger foreign operations.
DC 55 Crowns 10
Result: Gain salvage from defeated gangs, improve quality of life for general population, increased experience in urban actions.

What lies within: It is a strange thing that the Autocracy restricts the sale and ownership of maps from the majority of it's population. Spend some time working through the system and greasing some wheels to acquire the same level of maps that someone of your standing should have.
DC 75 Crowns 5
Result: National Map.

Stewardship (Choose up to 2)

Expand the base 1/3: Your facilities are adequate for your current operations, however if you hope to increase in scale you will need more buildings. Housing, administrative centers, mess halls, clinics, recreation zones, and even more. An invigorating challenge to manage!
DC 40 Crowns 10/30 (10 crowns per turn, for a total of 30)
Result: Expanded facilities allowing for more staff, space for specialist buildings, improved moral.

Expand the dockyard: You have a pier, you have construction facilities. Expand the two and create an integrated system that can produce any small sized ship that is brought to your attention.
DC 80 Crowns 10
Result: Can create ships in house without need of expensive components being shipped in, reduced upkeep for naval forces.

Ironwood groves growth: Having acquired specialist Silviculture workers you are able to create a system of exploitation where you can sustainably harvest the incredibly hard wood that makes up the tree, allowing its use in shipbuilding and trade.
DC 60 Crowns 5
Result: Increase in income, increased quality of ships built on site.

Copper mines: The incredible mineral resources of the local area offers great wealth to whoever begins to exploit them. Take this opportunity and begin to open up a mine dedicated to extracting the copper from the earth and selling it to the greater Autocracy.
DC 70 Crowns 10
Result: Small copper mine established, opportunity for expansion, increased income

Metal mines 1/2: Rather than focusing on the copper seam alone, Stefanus proposes a more balanced approach to the mining effort that would result in less expense over time as the mine can handle any material it finds. However it will take longer to build and be less profitable in the short term.
DC 60 Crowns 10/10
Result: Create a general mine to harvest all metals in the deposits found. Opportunity for expansion. Increased income

Comb the beach: Have the professionals begin reclamation efforts on the beach, making sure to search deep within the dunes and under the surface for any hidden caches. The potential windfall is massive, if anything has survived the harsh environment.
DC ? Crowns 5
Result: Variable, but likely trade good and resources from shipwrecks. Potentially valuable objects

Better dunes and gardens 1/2: Establish growing fields and sheltered areas for valuable crops to be grown to fund your organization, it may take time but should allow for you to establish a basic level of self sustainability.
DC 80 Crowns 10/20 (10 crowns per turn, for a total of 20)
Result: Reduce upkeep by 5 Crowns.


The deadly tides: The sea around the Shores of Sorrow are lethal for all those who try brave it, requiring anyone who wants to sail past it to go far out to sea where some are still lost forever. It may behoove you to try understand by what mechanism the seas claim the lives of all who try traverse them
DC 50 Crowns 10
Result: Identified the dangers of the Sea of Sorrow, further naval research.

Naval principles: The design of Riordian ships is focused around merchant uses, with large shallow hulls for river travel or trade along the coast line. As a result there is a very small field for military use, however Journey-woman Kressia has proposed several designs for a small fast vessel designed to chase down merchant style vessels and patrol the coastline.
DC 100 Crowns 20
Result: Creation of the Cutter class naval vessel, prototype Cutter vessel.

Efficient Training: The armies of Riordian train their soldiers well, fostering competition between soldiers to help elevate the strengths gained from the system. However the Main Family has secrets of its own and some of the minor ones are ways to increase in power faster than all others, perhaps you could try implement a small portion of these to ensure your warriors are better than their competition.
DC 50 Crowns 15
Result: Soldiers gain inveteracy faster, increased chance of specialist units developing.

Faster messengers: The wonder of isolation is that you can experiment and grow as you desire, but it does make hearing the news from home much slower, and in the event of a disaster you may never know until it has passed. That is intolerable and you turn your mind towards means by which to hasten your messengers.
DC 80 Crowns 20
Result: Access to timely rumor mill, can call on others and be called on, work towards projecting organizations power.

Better Buildings, Foundations: Being so close to the ocean is an unusual choice for Riordian society, not many structures have been extensively tested in such conditions. As a result there may be room to improve the core design principles behind your buildings.
DC 50 Crowns 10
Result: Sturdier buildings better able to handle the salty weather, advances in design philosophy

Better Buildings, Materials: Stone has always served Riordian, and now you have access to a whole coastline of it. Explore and experiment with different compositions and see if anything is well suited to the environment.
DC 40 Crowns 5
Result: Building actions slightly cheaper, less maintenance costs.

Personal (1 action)

Train your self: Practice makes perfect, and you have never been one to shy away from putting in the hard work needed to improve. Buckle down and set your mind to work.
DC 70 Crowns 2
Result: Improvement on chosen skill, has diminishing returns if used on the same skill.

A suitable courtier: Despite your position far from the throne, indeed being the 64th​ in line to inherit, you are still a desirable political commodity, let alone for your wit and knowledge. Your combat form is above average and you burn with passion for self advancement. While you are being observed for courting you could do the same and ensure that you find only the best candidates.
DC 40 Crowns 5
Result: Identify potential spouse, remove avenue of weakness to gossip and whispers.

Double down: Your full attention is a valuable thing, and sometimes is needed to ensure that a plan goes ahead without fail.
-Select an action to add your full stat to instead of half.
DC NA Crowns 5
Result: Add full stat to a chosen roll.

The system of power: The Riordian Autocracy has long held it's power through the judicious control and usage of the System. Blessed to be of the Main Branch, your particular interface is less restricted than most, and you can utilize this to achieve feats of physical and mental prowess that have been dubbed "Unnatural" by the unenlightened. Take the time to fully activate this blessing.
DC ? Crowns 5/10/15 (variable, choose how many to devote)
Result: Gain full access to the System, with unique powers and rewards you do.

I know you, but let's speak further: You have full dossiers on each of your advisers but you haven't taken the time to get to know them as individuals, an oversight that could lead to problems down the line. Rectify this.
-Choose an adviser and speak with them.
DC 30 Crowns 0
Result: Improve relationship with selected adviser, gain fuller understanding of them, secure loyalty.
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[X] Funding Pinch
-[X] Hot spring hustle
-[X] The Spoils of Sorrow, Martial
-[X] Big city woes
-[X] Ironwood groves growth
-[X] The deadly tides
-[X] I know you, but let's speak further (Sussanah)

There's a hard limit on what we can do at the moment. We'll be eating our entire reserve and likely next turn's income, but with a little luck, we'll have uncovered enough from the loot rolls to stay in the black and still have better cashflow. Speaking with Sussanah is free and hopefully secures the loyalty of our spy mistress.
Last edited:
[X] Funding Pinch
-[X] Hot spring hustle
-[X] The Spoils of Sorrow, Martial
-[X] Big city woes
-[X] Ironwood groves growth
-[X] The deadly tides
-[X] I know you, but let's speak further (Sussanah)

There's a hard limit on what we can do at the moment. We'll be eating our entire reserve and likely next turn's income, but with a little luck, we'll have uncovered enough from the loot rolls to stay in the black and still have better cashflow. Speaking with Sussanah is free and hopefully secures the loyalty of our spy mistress.

That plan is too expensive, to do all that we need 30 Crowns, we have 15, an income of 15, and expenses of 5, so even if we took that income as part of the budget, we would still be 5 crowns short.

Here is my plan within budget.

[X] Plan Budget!
-[X] The Spoils of Sorrow, Martial
-[X] Random workplace inspections
-[X] Ironwood groves growth
-[X] The deadly tides
-[X] I know you, but let's speak further (Sussanah)

Ironwood has a smaller DC than Hot Springs, and we have a malus to Diplomacy, so let's just not do anything with Diplomacy for one Turn.

And Better Dunes and gardens has no result.
[X] Funding Pinch, On Budget
-[X] Hot spring hustle
-[X] The Spoils of Sorrow, Martial
-[X] Test procedures
-[X] Ironwood groves growth
-[X] The deadly tides
-[X] I know you, but let's speak further (Sussanah)

A revision which trades big city woes for test procedures, bringing us to budget but forgoing a possible loot roll. I didn't choose random workplace inspections as either it was left in error by the author or it's too soon to take it again.

Our reserve and next turn's income is going to be used up. If the income gains don't pan out we're going to be in for a rough time.
Last edited:
[X] Funding Pinch, On Budget
-[X] Hot spring hustle
-[X] The Spoils of Sorrow, Martial
-[X] Test procedures
-[X] Ironwood groves growth
-[X] The deadly tides
-[X] I know you, but let's speak further (Sussanah)

A revision which trades big city woes for test procedures, bringing us to budget but forgoing a possible loot roll. I didn't choose random workplace inspections as either it was left in error by the author or it's too soon to take it again.

Our reserve and next turn's income is going to be used up. If the income gains don't pan out we're going to be in for a rough time.
Random workplace inspections will be a recurring thing, after all you are a paranoid boss. A few (a lot) of intrusive searches just because you feel a bit nervous is a definite thing you can do.
[X] Funding Pinch, On Budget
-[X] Hot spring hustle
-[X] The Spoils of Sorrow, Martial
-[X] Test procedures
-[X] Ironwood groves growth
-[X] The deadly tides
-[X] I know you, but let's speak further (Sussanah)
[X] plan hero hunting

-[X]What do they say?
-[X]Branches of greatness

-[X]Expansion, Mass
-[X]The Spoils of Sorrow, Martial

-[X]Test procedures

-[X]Ironwood groves growth
-[X]Metal mines 1/2

-[X]The system of power

Ok i wolud love if you put the [] next time is a pain write it on phone.....
Turn 3 Results
[X] Funding Pinch, On Budget
-[X] Hot spring hustle
-[X] The Spoils of Sorrow, Martial
-[X] Test procedures
-[X] Ironwood groves growth
-[X] The deadly tides
-[X] I know you, but let's speak further (Sussanah)

Hot Spring Hustle.
Roll 1d100+28= 52
Reroll 1d100+18= 36

Americ does his upmost to entice people to visit the Sorrow's Point Mineral Spa but has no luck getting traction with anyone, the negative reputation that the area has overcoming the efforts he puts forward to make it seem inviting. Rich merchants and workers from the capital turn to more established holiday and relaxation locations and Americ returns home with nothing to show for his actions.

Results: Failure, Sorrow's Point Mineral Spa named but considered too dangerous to try and visit.

Diplomacy free action- Training

As Americ had more free time this year due to budget constraints he spent the additional time working with his department to alter some operational guidelines and run through training seminars. Removing certain wordage from their lexicon and getting up to date reports on the positions of other major institutes has prepared the department for their next actions.

Result- +5 to all diplomacy actions next turn.

The Spoils of Sorrow, Martial.

Bryant alternated the two squads combing the beach to ensure that the patrol schedule was still being met and this turned out to be a good idea. Each time the soldiers combed the beach, finding large wooden beams, crates, steel chunks, iron wreckage, the next day it was pushed around by the seas making the attempts to have the items recovered made more difficult. Bryant took that as a challenge and had his men set up a series of trenches leading to the wreckage that lead inland, allowing the rising tide to push the items further inland and into the waiting hands of the DOFE workers. Indeed his soldiers got quite proficient at quickly digging trenches in the sandy beaches and managed to get the procedure down to a fine art, culminating in the high point of uncovering a sealed chest that bore a crest that none of the advisory council could identify.

Results: Gain 57 crowns in salvage, gain progress towards Naval Principles Research, Sealed chest located, new actions unlocked.

Military Free action- Training

With all the time spent either patrolling or focusing on the dredging of the beach Bryant spent his personal time writing up a proposal for building a training grounds using the environment around Sorrow's Point to increase his soldiers abilities in multiple terrain types. He proposes that the combination of beach, cliff, plains, and caves allows him an opportunity to really push these men and women to a new tier of effectiveness.

Result: New action "Training day" unlocked

Test Procedures
Roll 1d100+36=48

Sussanah and her spy cell took to attempting to infiltrate and extract documents from the administrative facilities, they had some successes but over half of the agents where caught within moments of entering the archival areas or restricted sections. Sussanah and twelve agents however managed to acquire documents from the facility and withdrew without drawing attention, when the performance review occurred with the administrative workers tempers grew hot. The workers felt attacked and upset at what they perceived to be failures on their behalf and half the spy department felt frustrated at being caught by office workers. Your intervention was needed to keep things from boiling over but it has had an impact on the morale of the workers.

Result: Information security proved moderately effective, spies gained practical experience, overall worker morale reduced to 8/10 from 9/10.

Intrigue Free Action- Testing the waters

Sussanah had an idea of creating a team of explorers that would be able to take advantage of the nearby environment for expansion. Training them in sabotage, recon, and infiltration just turns them into a long range operations team that she can use to expand the DOFE influence.

Result: "Harmless Explorers" action unlocked

Ironwood Groves Growth.
Roll= 1d100+41=109

Stefanus works closely with your freshly hired specialists to create a system of sustainable harvesting, the skill-sets of the Silviculturists allow for the rapid growth of the strong wood and quickly there is a harvest. Indeed the particular individuals you have hired appear to be very talented in their specific field and are able to turn the grove into an industry that allow for two harvest per year of the valuable wood. Stefanus quickly arranges for the sale of it through the merchants that bring the food and supplies to the base, and within the year not only has he recouped the investment made but turned a significant profit with no signs of slowing down.

Results: Gain +20 Crowns to yearly income, +40 one off income.

Stewardship Free Action- Assess the base

Stefanus spent a significant amount of time this year drafting a proposal for a different form of base expansion. The current one results in a massive sprawl that is generally favored by the Autocracy, the best to ensure there is distance between the Riordian members and the serfs, but Stefanus has proposed an alternative. A tightly woven nexus of buildings that are located based around what would synergize with each other, he says it would be more expensive but faster. And he really likes the idea of being able to access all the services available without having to add in half hour or more travel times when the base is really built up.

Result: "Expand the Base, Stefanus edition" action unlocked

The Deadly Tides
Roll= 1d100+20=21
Re-roll= 1d100+10=99

It almost broke you. The constant lack of results. Three years without significant progress. However this year you manage to crack the secrets of the Sea of Sorrow's, or at least why it consumes all vessels that stray too near the coast. A massive underwater volcano. You only identified it by the particular smell one morning as you where jogging along the beach, a small plume of smoke erupted from out of the water just under 200m offshore and the scent was unmistakable. The brimstone and sulfur smell hit like a hammer as the smoke seemed to rise and then solidify and fall to the surface, before dispersing into the waters again. Now knowing what to look out for you spotted several instances of such activities occurring throughout the weeks and noted that whenever they happened the seas seemed to become more violent for a few days before slowly calming for the next emission. You swiftly had a raft built and moved out to the nearest regular smoke-point and waited to see what happened. The results showed that the smoke had burnt through the wood and destroyed the bottom of the raft, and the sail used to move it out that far had been set alight by the heat. It promptly extinguished itself as it fell into the water and was reeled back into shore.

Results: The mystery of the Sea of Sorrow's identified, active underwater volcano. Mechanism for damaged ships identified. New research options available. Stress reduced.

I know you, but let's speak further- Sussanah
Roll= 1d100+14=61

A quick memo is all that is required to get Sussanah to your office, she arrived less that twenty minutes after you sent the runner and appears to be unruffled. Her gait is measured and her eyes slowly sweep across your office as she assess the situation. Seeing you sitting down and working away at a paper detailing your oceanic observations she waits patiently for you to speak. Two minutes pass before you place your quill aside and address her while gesturing for her to sit down.

"Sussanah, I apologize for not having been able to have a proper sit down conversation with you before now. As you no doubt know the workload has been immense for all of us and it is only this year that there has been a moment to breathe."

"I understand Sister, you are under immense stress as the Director of the Department of Foreign Expansion, your time is valuable and should not be spent on trifles such as pleasantries." The wry smile across Sussanah's face belies any sharpness that the words might otherwise have. "I am pleased that we do have this time to reconnect however, it has been many years since we where last able to simply enjoy each others company without demands on our respective persons."

"Of course! That was back when we where at the Royal Palace, I think you where moved to a more academic posting after the incident with Brother Teobald, how long did it take his hair to regrow from you shaving it?"

The polite smile across Sussanah's face brightens momentarily before her eyes harden "It took him three months to regrow his hair, the little concoction I applied after shaving him ensured that! But I must admit, it was not the wisest choice I have made. Teobald is a very prideful man and to this day he seethes when I am in his company, it is partially why I accepted this position. In addition to wanting to see one of my favored sisters again."

The two of you continue to talk for a few hours, enjoying a lunch delivered to your office as the years are passed by and you regain some of your former closeness.

Result: Sussanah loyalty secured to Extreme, identified potential political rival/opponent Teobald Riordian, had a lovely lunch.
Hot Spring Hustle.
Roll 1d100+28= 52
Reroll 1d100+18= 36
A pity, but at least we had better luck elsewhere.
Diplomacy free action- Training
Ok, this was unexpected. Thank you.
The Spoils of Sorrow, Martial.
Military Free action- Training
Guess what we're doing next?
Test Procedures
Roll 1d100+36=48
Good training though the morale loss was unfortunate. Looks like we'll need some Tweeks to security.
Ironwood Groves Growth.
Roll= 1d100+41=109
We're rolling in the dough now lads!
Expand the Base, Stefanus edition
And just in time to invest.
The Deadly Tides
Roll= 1d100+20=21
Re-roll= 1d100+10=99
Rerolled a Nat 1 into a roll that finally, finally, passes. Now we can build a navy and conduct trade without worrying about it being blown away by natural calamity.
Result: Sussanah loyalty secured to Extreme, identified potential political rival/opponent Teobald Riordian, had a lovely lunch.
How nice. Hoping we can work our way to the others but we still have courtier to contend with.