ExoSquad: Flightline

-[X] [Gray] Sensor Scan D4

Could you scan another sensor contact? I am revealing and destroying D4 already by moving on it and if you reveal B3 I could shoot it.

[X] Two-Seater
-[X] [Blue] Move to D4
-[X] [Gray] Co-pilot Overwatch
-[X] [Red] Shoot missile at any unit that appears in our LoS

Moving on D4 will reveal the corvette and Co-pilot overwatch will shoot any unit in my space and destroy it, which is the corvette in this case.

Then i will shoot anything that moves and isnt blocked by friendlies

Pirate Cruiser
Pirate Cruiser
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Pirate Destroyer B (1/2)
Pirate Destroyer A
Sensor Contact
Field Sergeant (1/2)
Command E-Frame
Sensor Contact
(Revealed, hit by Missile)
Two-Seater B
ExoFrigate Galileo
ExoCruiser Endeavor
ExoCruiser Endeavor
ExoFrigate Guiducci

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Scheduled vote count started by NickAragua on Dec 3, 2022 at 11:32 PM, finished with 4 posts and 2 votes.

  • -[X] [Blue] Move to C5
    -[X] [Red] Blast Torpedo
    -[X] [Gray] Sensor Scan B3
    [X] Two-Seater
    -[X] [Blue] Move to D4
    -[X] [Gray] Co-pilot Overwatch
    -[X] [Red] Shoot missile at any unit that appears in our LoS
Mission 1 - Asteroid Belt Ambush - Turn 4
Raw Plan/Resolution:
[X] Wraith
-[X] [Blue] Move to C5
-[X] [Red] Blast Torpedo
-[X] [Gray] Sensor Scan B3

[X] Two-Seater
-[X] [Blue] Move to D4
-[X] [Gray] Co-pilot Overwatch
-[X] [Red] Shoot missile at any unit that appears in our LoS

Wraith C6 -> C5; Blaster vs Torpedo C4 - target destroyed; Sensor Scan B3 - Torpedo revealed

Two-Seater D5 -> D4; Corvette un-cloaks;
Rules unclear, resolved via 1d6: high = player favor, low = pirate favor, roll 3 - pirate favor;
Corvette attacks Two-Seater, roll 4 - Move disabled
Co-pilot Overwatch blaster vs Corvette - target destroyed
Missile vs Torpedo B3 - target destroyed

Allied Movement (Command, Sergeant, Two-Seater)
Command E-Frame - up, right, down, stay - rolls down
Blaster vs Destroyer A - 1/2 hull damage; A3 -> A4

Sergeant - up, left, right, down, stay - rolls left
Charge C2 -> B2; contact revealed, roll 3 - torpedo
Fist... vs... Torpedo... (lolwut) - target destroyed
Blaster vs Destroyer A - target destroyed

Two-Seater B - up, left, down, right, stay - rolls down
No targets within LOS
Co-pilot Overwatch Active

Hostile Movement:
Sensor Contact in B1
Sensor Contact in C1
Sensor Contact B1 -> B2; rolls 3 - torpedo
Sensor Contact C1 -> C2
Destroyer B - left, right - rolls 1 - left; attack sergeant - evade negates attack

"Easy-Five, advise you scan forward - we can handle this corvette." Wilhelm begins.

"They're faster than they look." the electronic warfare E-Frame pilot replies. The call sign shows up as "Plague Doc". You smirk, wondering what his actual name is. Probably "Steve" or something boring like that.

"Acknowledged, Easy-Five." Wilhelm sends back. "I think we can handle it."

"Your funeral, Easy-Four." Plague Doc quips. You re-engage your main engines, feeling the rush of acceleration pressure as your E-Frame moves forward, sparing a brief glance at the sensor readout then out through the canopy - for situational awareness, not because you want to see something blow up, of course. The Wraith's scanners go to work, lighting up a torpedo - which you promptly target with a missile. The intercept vector for a torpedo is trivial - they move a good amount faster than a capital ship, but can't match the acceleration of an E-Frame, let alone an anti-fighter missile. The two warheads collide, flashing briefly before disappearing. You spend a second watch the sergeant and command E-Frame take apart the destroyer on the other side of the dogfight, and you're pretty sure the sergeant punches another torpedo out. You blink your eyes and shake your head - you can't have been hitting the sauce *that* hard, and the last time you did was on shore leave before shipping out.

Wraith easily dispatches the torpedo slowly meandering towards your cruiser, which is just as well - you'd like to be able to get back in the hangar without having to do a spacewalk. Your flight suit and the helmet that automatically activates during a hull breach may be rated for vacuum, but still. You feel better in an E-Frame. You repeatedly look around, trying to find the tell-tale ripple that will no doubt accompany the corvette de-cloaking. "Keep an eye out, Willy." you tell your co-pilot. "That SOB is out there somewhere."

"Acknowledged, Trooper Weaver." Wilhelm replies.

It's at that point that your cyberlink implant screeches out an alert - attack warning. You juke, but too late and probably in the wrong direction. The E-Frame shudders and you feel the acceleration end as your main thrusters cut out. Through the haze of neural feedback pain, you hear the blasters going off.

"Target eliminated, Trooper Weaver. Shall we be off?" Wilhelm asks. You shake your head to clear it, briefly watching debris spin by your canopy. The status indicator for the main engines is flashing red.

"That's a negative, Willy." you reply. "We're on control thrusters only." you toggle to a more global frequency - where your command ship can hear you, since you're pretty sure that your flight leader has no comms. "Uh, command, we took a hit. We're gonna need a tow here or some repairs."

Operational Area Map:
Pirate Cruiser
Pirate Cruiser
Sensor Contact
Pirate Destroyer B (1/2)
Sensor Contact
Field Sergeant (1/2)
Sensor Contact
Command E-Frame
Two-Seater B
ExoFrigate Galileo
ExoCruiser Endeavor
ExoCruiser Endeavor
ExoFrigate Guiducci

Player Unit Status:
Two-Seater - Move disabled; 1 fighter, 1 corvette (co-pilot), 1 torpedo kill
Wraith - 1 torpedo kill

Allied Unit Status:
Commander - Evade, Order: Red, Order: Blue disabled; 1 fighter, 1 corvette kill
Sergeant - Laser Cutter disabled, 1/2 hull hits; 2 torpedo, 3 corvette kill, 1 destroyer kill
Two-Seater B - 1 fighter

Two-Seater: Pick one RED, one BLUE and one GRAY action from below - will be executed in the order they are specified.
[] [RED] Rapid Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Long-Range Blaster
- Attack any target within two spaces within line of sight.
[] [RED] Missile (2/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] MoveMain Engines Disabled
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Co-pilot Overwatch
- Automatically use any un-activated RED abilities against any target entering own space.
[] [GRAY] Co-pilot Alert
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Wraith: Pick one RED, one BLUE and one GRAY action from below - will be executed in the order they are specified.
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (6/6 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Sensor Scan
- Reveal the contents of a sensor blip.
[] [GRAY] Comms Jamming
- Designated target is unable to move or fire this round.
[] [GRAY] Probe (1x)
- Designate a space within line of sight. All sensor blips entering this space are automatically revealed.
[] [BLUE] MoveMain Engines Disabled

Damn, thats unlucky :/ the most important module gets hit first.

Looks like Ill have to stay and missile as much as I can.


Is aggressive overwatching always going to give advantage to the enemy in the future or is it going to be a coin flip?

[X] [RED] Long-Range Blaster anything that enters it's range, if nothing arrives missile anything that can be hit
[X] [BLUE] Evade
[X] [GRAY] Co-pilot Alert

Not a lot of options left ...
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Is aggressive overwatching always going to give advantage to the enemy in the future or is it going to be a coin flip?

Re-reading the rules as I wrote them (but apparently forgot to read when I was actually processing the turn)

Two-Seater: "- Automatically use any un-activated RED abilities against any target entering own space."
Corvette: "Immediately attacks if revealed from sensor contact, does not attack on own turn in that case"

So a strict reading would actually mean not only would you get shot (since the corvette was revealed), but overwatch wouldn't function (since the corvette didn't technically enter the space). That's not really my intent for the two-seater's overwatch abilities though, so I'll be updating the rules to say that overwatch functions against any targets in own space (the intent is to simulate that the two-seater has a little blaster turret on the back that can be independently operated by the co-pilot).

Against "normal" targets, the overwatch would go off first, but the corvette is a special case "ambush" unit, thus this whole mess. I think I like the tension of "who's going to be quicker on the draw", so I'll keep the coinflip (and update the rules).

Sorry I didn't catch the inconsistency earlier.

TLDR: Going to be a coin flip going forward; will update rules for clarity.

Scheduled vote count started by NickAragua on Dec 5, 2022 at 11:06 PM, finished with 5 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] [BLUE] Evade
    [X] [RED] Long-Range Blaster anything that enters it's range, if nothing arrives missile anything that can be hit
    [X] [GRAY] Co-pilot Alert
    [X] [GRAY] Sensor Scan C2
    [X] [RED] Missile C2
Mission 1 - Asteroid Belt Ambush - Turn 5
Raw Plan/Resolution:
[X] [RED] Long-Range Blaster anything that enters it's range, if nothing arrives missile anything that can be hit
[X] [BLUE] Evade
[X] [GRAY] Co-pilot Alert

[X] [GRAY] Sensor Scan C2
[X] [RED] Missile C2
[X] [BLUE] Evade

Wraith: Evade; Sensor Scan C2 - roll 1: false contact; Missile vs B2 Torpedo - target destroyed
Two-Seater: Evade; Co-pilot Alert; No valid missile targets

Allied Movement:
Sergeant: Blaster vs Destroyer: target destroyed;
Charge B2 -> B1;
-Sensor Contact revealed, rolls 8 - rogue asteroid;
-fist vs rogue asteroid: 1/2 HP;
Move, evade, evade, evade - rolls move, B1 -> C1;
-Sensor Contact revealed, rolls 3 - torpedo;
Command: Move up, right - rolls right, A4 -> B4;
Missile vs asteroid, torpedo - rolls torpedo; target destroyed
Two-Seater: Move B5 -> B4;
Missile vs asteroid, target hit - target destroyed;
Co-pilot alert;

Hostile movement:
Asteroid B1 -> B2
Sensor Contact -> B1
Sensor Contact -> C1; revealed; 4 - Flank Attack;
-corvette, fighter, fighter, fighter
A1 corvette cloaks
C1 fighter attacks sergeant; rolls 6 - Evade disabled
C0 cruiser attacks sergeant; rolls 6 - hull hit; destroyed

You never thought you'd be bored in a dogfight taking place in the middle of an asteroid field. But there it is. You're bored. You briefly start trying for a missile lock on a torpedo that's slowly meandering its way towards the Endeavor, but a missile flies out from the top of Plague Doc's Wraith (one of two mounted there, the other four are mounted on the E-Frame's right arm). By the time your targeting reticle even thinks about starting to beep, the sergeant's E-Frame has already flown past the torpedo. The warhead's detonation conceals what the sergeant is doing - which is unloading the left arm-mounted blaster into the damaged pirate destroyer.

When the explosion from the torpedo dissipates, the destroyer is missing most of its fore section. And aft section. And everything in between. You check your sensors. There's got to be *something* left for you, right? Ah, there it is - a nice, big asteroid, with some cheap engines strapped to the back, probably pulled from one of the many, many freighters the pirates have hijacked over the years. Well, it's not that big, just five-ten meters across, really. But, at a good clip, it's enough to severely damage or destroy a capital ship.

Which seems to occur to both the sergeant, the other two seater and your flight leader, despite the latter not having any comms. The sergeant maneuvers around the back of the propelled rock, delivering a solid punch to the improvised engine block - one of the engines shorts out, sending the rock into a less-than controlled spin. The sergeant sideslips to the right, just as the pirate cruiser fires another torpedo. For a second you think it's basically over - a missile from the other two-seater blasts the asteroid's remaining engines to bits, leaving it tumbling forward on a ballistic trajectory, while your flight leader sends a missile at the torpedo, annihilating. There are no small craft left on the field, and the destroyers are both gone.

"Easy-Two, contacts heading your way from below." Wilhelm points out. You check your sensors - damn, he's right. The sergeant is in trouble, taking a hit from a fighter, its green laser blasting equipment off the back off the orange, humanoid E-Frame. You push your throttle forward, forgetting for a moment that the main engines don't work, then zoom in on the fighter, hoping to at least get a missile lock. It's not the fighter that gets the sergeant E-Frame, it's the cruiser's close-range weapons.

You cringe and turn your head to the side as the distant E-Frame lights up then winks out.

Operational Area Map:
Pirate Cruiser
Pirate Cruiser
Sensor Contact (Corvette)
Pirate Fighter
Pirate Fighter
Pirate Fighter
Command E-Frame
Two-Seater B
ExoFrigate Galileo
ExoCruiser Endeavor
ExoCruiser Endeavor
ExoFrigate Guiducci

Protect allied capital ships
Destroy hostile capital ships (in progress - both destroyers eliminated)

Player Unit Status:
Two-Seater - Move disabled; 1 fighter, 1 corvette (co-pilot), 1 torpedo kill
Wraith - 2 torpedo kill

Allied Unit Status:
Commander - Evade, Order: Red, Order: Blue disabled; 1 fighter, 1 corvette, 1 torpedo kill
Sergeant - DESTROYED; 2 torpedo, 3 corvette kill, 2 destroyer kill
Two-Seater B - 1 fighter kill, 1 "rogue" asteroid kill

Two-Seater: Pick one RED, one BLUE and one GRAY action from below - will be executed in the order they are specified.
[] [RED] Rapid Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Long-Range Blaster
- Attack any target within two spaces within line of sight.
[] [RED] Missile (2/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] MoveMain Engines Disabled
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Co-pilot Overwatch
- Automatically use any un-activated RED abilities against any target entering own space.
[] [GRAY] Co-pilot Alert
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Wraith: Pick one RED, one BLUE and one GRAY action from below - will be executed in the order they are specified.
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (5/6 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Sensor Scan
- Reveal the contents of a sensor blip.
[] [GRAY] Comms Jamming
- Designated target is unable to move or fire this round.
[] [GRAY] Probe (1x)
- Designate a space within line of sight. All sensor blips entering this space are automatically revealed.
Why didnt i missile one of the fighters that are here?

[X] [BLUE] Evade
[X] [GRAY] Co-pilot Alert
[X] [RED] Missile to C0 after plague doc shot the fighter on C1

You dont have line of sight of A1 :/

You could probe C1 to automaticly reveal half of the sensor contacts or jam one of the fighters
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Why didnt i missile one of the fighters that are here?

For my (and everyone else's) sanity, once a unit starts its turn, it has to finish it - including any declared (even if conditional) attacks (otherwise I have to keep track of who's overwatching etc, which will become incredibly unwieldy for larger battles). I'll optimize action order within a unit's turn, but there's no "overwatch" with standard attacks. The "flank attack" units didn't show up until after your turn was over.

The 'overwatch' actions are the exceptions to the rule and can interrupt other units' turns.
So the LBlaster wont hit anything anyway, guess ill aim the missile then. But now that i looked at it i can hit one of the cruisers! nice
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Got time tonight, probably no time tomorrow night, so...
Scheduled vote count started by NickAragua on Dec 7, 2022 at 9:34 PM, finished with 4 posts and 2 votes.
Mission 1 - Asteroid Belt Ambush - Turn 6
Raw Plan/Resolution:
[X] [RED] Missile C1
[X] [BLUE] Evade
[X] [GRAY] Probe C1

[X] [BLUE] Evade
[X] [GRAY] Co-pilot Alert
[X] [RED] Missile to C0 after plague doc shot the fighter on C1

Wraith: Missile vs C1 Fighter - target destroyed;
Evade; Probe to C1

Two-seater: Evade, Co-pilot Alert;
Missile vs C0 Cruiser - target damaged 1/2;

Allied unit movement: Command, Two-Seater
Command: left, up, up, right, stay, stay - rolls stay;
Missile (8/10 left) vs B1 fighter - target destroyed;
Two-Seater: left, up, up, up, right, stay, stay - rolls stay;
Evade; Missile vs B0 Cruiser - target damaged 1/2

Hostile movement:
Fighter D1 -> D2
Sensor Contact A1 -> A2
Sensor Contact B1
Sensor Contact C1; revealed by probe; rolls 1 - false contact

"Easy-Five, let's punch a hole through that fighter screen and take out the cruiser." Wilhelm suggests. It sounds like an order to you, which is a little irksome, but he's got a point - the sergeant E-Frame's rampage through the pirate line has left it pretty thin.

Plague Doc concurs non-verbally, by firing a missile at one of the pirate fighters trying to make its way to blaster range. It doesn't. These small craft aren't exactly the highest quality engineering, built from spare parts and scrap metal. Pretty effective against unarmed merchant shipping, corporate escorts - but when put up against modern E-Frames, they simply have no chance. The fighter's destruction opens a hole for you, and you gently nudge the control thrusters, angling your E-Frame for a missile lock on the cruiser. Your missile flies out, zipping past another advancing fighter and striking somewhere within the region of one of the cruiser's hangar bays. The debris briefly shows up as a sensor contact, but Plague Doc's probe confirms that several chunks of twisted metal don't, in fact, constitute a fighter.

Your flight leader and the other two-seater follow your example, the command E-Frame firing a barrage of missiles to annihilate the fighter in front of it, while the two-seater lands another hit on the cruiser. You see the main engines on the large pirate craft "burp" and the control thrusters engage.

"Hey, they're trying to get away!" you call out. "Let's finish them off!"

Operational Area Map:
Pirate Cruiser (1/2)
Pirate Cruiser (1/2)
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact (Corvette)
Pirate Fighter
Command E-Frame
Two-Seater B
ExoFrigate Galileo
ExoCruiser Endeavor
ExoCruiser Endeavor
ExoFrigate Guiducci

Protect allied capital ships
Destroy hostile capital ships (in progress - both destroyers eliminated, cruiser at 50% hull strength)

Player Unit Status:
Two-Seater - Move disabled; 1 fighter, 1 corvette (co-pilot), 1 torpedo kill
Wraith - 2 torpedo, 1 fighter kill, 4/6 missiles

Allied Unit Status:
Commander - Evade, Order: Red, Order: Blue disabled; 2 fighter, 1 corvette, 1 torpedo kill
Sergeant - DESTROYED; 2 torpedo, 3 corvette kill, 2 destroyer kill
Two-Seater B - 1 fighter kill, 1 "rogue" asteroid kill

Two-Seater: Pick one RED, one BLUE and one GRAY action from below - will be executed in the order they are specified.
[] [RED] Rapid Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Long-Range Blaster
- Attack any target within two spaces within line of sight.
[] [RED] Missile (1/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] MoveMain Engines Disabled
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Co-pilot Overwatch
- Automatically use any un-activated RED abilities against any target entering own space.
[] [GRAY] Co-pilot Alert
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Wraith: Pick one RED, one BLUE and one GRAY action from below - will be executed in the order they are specified.
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (4/6 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Sensor Scan
- Reveal the contents of a sensor blip.
[] [GRAY] Comms Jamming
- Designated target is unable to move or fire this round.
[] [GRAY] Probe (1x)
- Designate a space within line of sight. All sensor blips entering this space are automatically revealed.
[X] [RED] Long Range Blaster to D2
[X] [BLUE] Evade
[X] [GRAY] Co-pilot Alert

I will be able to deal with the Pirate Fighter on D2 next round but eliminating the cruisers will win us the battle.
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Pretty sure that'll wrap the scenario up, but let's see.
Scheduled vote count started by NickAragua on Dec 8, 2022 at 11:16 PM, finished with 4 posts and 2 votes.
Mission 1 - Asteroid Belt Ambush - Turn 7 and Interlude
Raw Plan/Resolution:
[X] [RED] Missile C0
[X] [BLUE] Move to C4
[X] [GRAY] Scan A2

[X] [RED] Long Range Blaster to D2
[X] [BLUE] Evade
[X] [GRAY] Co-pilot Alert

Wraith C5 -> C4; Missile vs Cruiser C0 - section destroyed; Unable to scan A2 (no line of sight) - scanning B1 instead; rolls 2 - Fighter

Two-Seater LR Blaster vs Fighter D2 - target destroyed;
Evade, Co-pilot Alert

Allied Movement: Two-Seater B, Command
Two-Seater B4 -> B3; LR Blaster vs Fighter B1 - target destroyed;
Alert, overwatch - rolls overwatch;

Command B4 -> B3; Missile vs Cruiser B0 - section destroyed, capital ship destroyed;

Hostile Movement: Sensor contact disengages

You scowl a little - the cruiser is on its last legs, but that annoying fighter is in the way, preventing you from getting a missile lock on the capital ship's fore section. And the engine section is obscured by random sensor fuzz. "Fine, if that's the way you want to play it." you mutter. The pirate fighter is a little bit on the slow side compared to an E-Frame, and its weapons can best be described as "ineffective at range". Not "long range" or "medium range" or even "short range". Just "range". So, you're not particularly nervous as your implant projects the targeting reticle and predicted target location through your vision overlay, as well as a zoomed in view. It's still a little disorienting, even though you've practiced this quite a few times over the course of your E-Frame operations training. But hey, that's why you've got a co-pilot to serve as your peripheral vision (you imagine it's even more disorienting for him). Even if he's kind of an obnoxious stickler for protocol.

Anyway, long story short, the fighter can't quite evade your barrage of long-range blaster fire and loses a wing, spinning off into the depths of space. You reset your vision overlay and check your sensors - Plague Doc has detected one last fighter attempting to screen the cruiser's retreat and then proceeded to fire a missile at it. The cruiser, not the fighter - the E-Frame jock appears to have a decent sense of target discrimination. The warhead makes its way into the fore hangar bay, causing a cascade reaction of some ungodly amount of ordnance, most of which blows out the airlock.

Your flight leader and the other two-seater move up, the two-seater blasting away the lone remaining fighter while the flight leader sends one last missile up the cruiser's tailpipe. The capital ship creaks and groans, the engine section tearing itself apart, leaving the rest a drifting hulk, lights flickering briefly before winking out completely.

"Easy-Four to command - all contacts crippled, destroyed or disengaged." Wilhelm reports. "Requesting a tow to base."

"Acknowledged, Easy-Four." the Endeavor's comms officer replies. "Repair E-Frame on the way. Easy-Five, Easy-Three, search and rescue on Easy-Two's last known location and vector, then return to base - the fleet is regrouping then proceeding outsystem."

"Hey command," you ask. "What's the overall engagement status?"

You hear the comm officer scoff. "Kicked their asses, pilot. Fleet took a few hits from the big rocks, and a few E-Frame casualties, but the pirate fleet's beat to hell and retreating. Good work out there." she summarizes.

"Buy me a shot of B-Complex for my good work?" you ask with a smirk.

"So you can get your engines blown out again?" the comm officer replies. "You wish."

You think you can hear Wilhelm doing his best to avoid snickering in the back, but when you turn around, he's perfectly composed and keeping an eye on the surroundings. Still, you're pretty sure he's got an ever-so-slight smirk on his face.


It takes a few minutes for the field repair E-Frame to reach your position and attach a towline, then another few minutes to drag your disabled craft back to the hangar. You pop the canopy, which opens with a hiss, then sigh and close your eyes, preparing for what comes next. "Disconnect." you say, quietly, bracing yourself. It's not painful, per se, but one second, your nervous system thinks you're the E-Frame - guns, missiles, engines, vision overlay, chicken legs and all. The next, you're back to just being in your own body. You've had it explained to you several times, both quickly and slowly, that the discomfort is purely psychological, but it still sucks. You rub the implant at the back of your neck, then shake your head to clear it, hopping out.

The damage to your E-Frame doesn't seem like it's too bad, but the tech looking at it still gives you the stink-eye. "Sorry." you say with a slight smirk. "I'd have brought it back in better condition, but the pirates had other ideas."

The tech sighs. "Yeah, well. At least you brought your E-Frame home." she tilts her head towards the hangar exit. "E-Two's not coming back."

You scrunch your face up. You hadn't really gotten to know the Sergeant at all, other than him walking around the hangar and reminding people to do the systems inspections that they were already doing. "That sucks." you state in uncharacteristically terse terms. You spare a brief glance at the Lieutenant's E-Frame, which reminds you a bit of a colander, with the comms equipment fried off entirely, while multiple black marks and gashes cover a good chunk of the maneuvering thrusters, making you wonder how he was able to pull off a landing in the hangar - an E-Frame's main engine isn't exactly built for precision maneuvering.

You shrug, and head to de-briefing.

Kill Board:
ExoTrooper Nathanael Weaver: 2 fighter, 1 torpedo
ExoTrooper Wilhelm Apel: 1 corvette
ExoTrooper Christopher "Plague Doc" Stuart: 2 torpedo, 1 fighter, 1/2 cruiser

Escaped hostile: Corvette

"... so then he says, that's not a firefighter frame, that's my wife!" you finish the joke.

The audience at the mess hall table gives a few polite chuckles.

"Man, tough crowd." you state. "So hey, how come all the lasers and explosions make sounds when we're out there? Sound doesn't travel in space. For that matter, how come we can see the blaster and laser shots?" you ask, switching subjects smoothly. You've had jokes fall flat before. All you gotta do is throw some more at the wall, see what sticks.

Wilhelm sighs. "Studies have shown that E-Frame pilots tend to pay more attention when potential incoming and outgoing fire is visible and audible. So your E-Frame computer projects sound and color-coded beam effects into your visual overlay through your cyberlink."

You roll your eyes. "Way to ruin the joke, Willy." you briefly wince as you choke down some unidentified standard ExoFleet ration goop from your metal tray. You never know whether to use a fork or a spoon for it - it's re-hydrated *something*, but the re-hydration never quite works right - you either get watery brown liquid or slightly moist brown powder. You look over at Wilhem's plate - he's got what's supposed to be the right consistency. And more than one color.

"Hey, you guys get a load of the news broadcasts?" you ask the circular table - it's you, Wilhelm, your flight leader, the crew of the other two-seater, Plague Doc (who's sitting at the far end, at least one seat away from everyone) and the repair E-Frame pilot. "Why the hell do we need embedded reporters running around the ExoCarriers? Stupid bastards would probably just get in the way at best, and give away operational info at worst - pirates can listen to radio just as well as us or any civilians."

Wilhelm leans back for a second. "I suspect there are licensing and broadcast fees that make its way into some treasury department in exchange for the privilege." you think you see his eye twitch a little. "I agree, though, it's a terrible idea."

"What do you think, Doc?" you ask across the table.

Plague Doc shrugs, continuing to scoop up from his tray what you've decided to call "ExoGoop".


The ExoFleet regroups and continues patrols across the operating area of the asteroid belt, sweeping the major (and some minor) objects. A few small craft hangars and listening posts are identified and dismantled, but, other than that, the pirates appear to have abandoned this section of the belt. Sensor analysis of their drive trails produces a number of potential vectors - ExoFleet dispatches a few small capital ships to track down the smaller fleeing groups, but the bulk of the pirate capital ships make their way towards Saturn. Thus, the six ExoCarriers and most of their escorts burn for Saturn orbit as well.

En route, Easy Squad may re-organize; and individual E-Frames may be customized somewhat.

The first decision to make is regarding the command structure. With the squad's sergeant KIA, Nate and the pilot of the other two-seater are both theoretically up for field promotion. Nate being promoted will allow the players to directly control two additional E-Frames during combat - this is likely more efficient than the semi-random approach being used by "NPC" E-Frames. However, this cranks the difficulty up, likely resulting in being deployed against larger and better-equipped concentrations of hostiles.

[] ExoTrooper Nathaniel Weaver receives unofficial field promotion
-[] Pick up to two additional E-Frames from the Available E-Frames list
(cranks up the difficulty)
--[] Optionally, specify names/keywords for the crew of chosen E-Frames
[] Two-Seater B's pilot receives unofficial field promotion
(leaves difficulty the same, but "NPC" E-Frames remain under "indirect" control)

Additionally, the player E-Frames may be customized.

Two-Seater: Pick One
[] Extend Co-pilot Overwatch Range
-Co-pilot Overwatch is now activated against any target moving within one space, rather than only own space. It still require un-activated [RED] abilities, however.
-Rapid Blaster has a 50% chance to hit at that range.
-Long-Range Blaster has a 66% chance to hit at that range.
[] Extended Missile Load
-Increase # of missiles carried from 4 to 8; may not use Evade until missile count is depleted to 4.
[] Co-pilot Coordination
-Adds [GRAY] Target allied E-Frame may use Evade if not activated to available actions.
[] Re-route Thrusters
-If "Move" is disabled but "Evade" is not, "Evade" maybe used as "Move" at 50% success rate

Wraith: Pick One
[] Target Guidance
-Adds [GRAY] Target Guidance action
-May be employed against hostile target in line of sight
-Missiles launched against target may ignore line of sight rules
[] Overwatch
-Adds [RED] Overwatch action
-May activate non-missile attack against targets entering own space
[] Extended Missile Load
-Increase # of missiles carried from 6 to 12; may not use Evade until missile count is depleted to 6
[] Re-route Thrusters
-If "Move" is disabled but "Evade" is not, "Evade" maybe used as "Move" at 50% success rate

As a reminder, character creation is open at any time.

The customizations aren't necessarily straight up upgrades, but allow specialization in some direction or other.
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[X] ExoTrooper Nathaniel Weaver receives unofficial field promotion
-[X] Engineer
--[X] Spacer; always wanted to fly E-Frames from youth, seeks glory, engineers are awesome(because they fly one)
The field repair is very nice and the grapple has some fun possiblities, both by getting enemies out of postion and getting allies into it

-[X] Melee
--[X] Lestari Dry wit, calm, expects same calm from everyone else
The performance of the melee frame in the last battle was very impressive, if the pilot manages to stop themselves from charging into the enemy fire they will be a fearsome foe, especially with the new Co-pilot Coordination to support them

TBH, I want this mostly to prevent our allies from suiciding into the enemy like the seargent

[X] Co-pilot Coordination

This fits into the promotion thematicly, its pretty much a more restricted Order: Blue
so random but relevant question is morale simulated it doesn't seem like it given how long the pirates took to leave most people would lose their nerve at a 4th of their "very big" warships being lost to a literal military with high-end equipment unlike in videos game they won't go down swinging if they can cut their losses ... sorry was ranted will morale be added or will it overcomplicate things