This quest follows the exploits of Easy Squad, a part of the Exofleet, as it deploys to track down the pirate scourge of the outer planets of the solar system, and then <spoilers> and <spoilers> but <spoilers> <spoilers>, <spoilers>. Long story short, a squadron of fighter jocks flying mobile armored exoskeletons called E-Frames, lots of shooting, lasers, and explosions.
The early twenty second century - a golden age for mankind. Humanity expands outwards from Earth - mining begins on Mars, terraforming operations begin on Venus. To this end, the Neosapiens, a race of genetically engineered (huge, blue-skinned) humanoid workers are created and put to work for the benefit of mankind, extracting resources and performing hard manual labor in environments where baseline humans have difficulty surviving. With the influx of "free" resources, conflicts between Earth nations are greatly reduced or eliminated.
Neosapiens are still fundamentally human, however - thus, to those who have studied history, it is no surprise when the Neosapien Rebellion spreads out across Mars. Humanity's unloved children resist their exploitation, the fruits of their labor taken from them and given to the privileged humans living on Earth. While initially successful, the rebellion's progress stalls after the deployment of a new human technology - the ExoFrame. Operated by direct neural link with the pilot, the E-Frame carries an order of magnitude more firepower than conventional infantry, and is vastly more flexible than conventional armor and combat aircraft, while being able to run and fly circles around the large scale fixed defenses. Against the Neosapiens' rag-tag forces, the E-Frame gives Earth the edge they need. Once the ExoCarriers arrive in Mars orbit, they deploy their passengers, and the rebels are ruthlessly and unceremoniously crushed. Despite some token concessions from the Homeworlds Congress, little changes for the Neosapiens - while nominally, Mars is granted independence under the Neosapien Commonwealth, the Neos still work the mines of Mars while Earth reaps the benefits.
It is now the year 2119. Pirate ships, operating from the outer planets, begin intensifying their raids against Earth-bound ore shipments from the asteroid belt and beyond, even going so far as to hit convoys bound from Mars. In response, the Homeworlds Congress authorizes the deployment of the ExoFleet to hunt down and destroy the pirates.
You are Easy Squad, a flight of E-Frames operating from the ExoCruiser Endeavor, deployed as part of the ExoFleet task force.
Welcome to the ExoSquad. In this quest, each player will take on the role of an Exofleet E-Frame jock, flying one of several available E-Frames on a variety of combat missions - while dealing with personal drama on board the ship. Easy Squad has up to eight slots for E-Frame jocks; in the event that there's significantly more interest, well, we'll cross that bridge if we get there. Squad leader and NCOs will be randomly chosen. Death is possible, and will be used to generate drama if it occurs.
Combat scenarios will be played out on a grid using a fairly straightforward combat resolution system with minimal randomness, and broken up by shipboard updates.
Player sign-ups are as follows:
[] Take an existing "NPC" E-Frame (check the roster for ones marked "NPC!")
[] Write-in name (or nationality/origin/gender to narrow down random generation, e.g. French, Venusian, Neosapien*, Spacer)
[] Write-in 1-3 keywords (or short phrases) describing pilot personality and physical traits (e.g. shy, nervous, arrogant, sarcastic, tall, blond)
[] Write-in E-Frame choice from E-Frame List post below; A backup choice won't go amiss.
- ExoFleet runs "diverse" E-Frame squads, so only one E-Frame of each type is allowed; first-come-first-served.
[] Write-in E-Frame primary color (excluding this shade of red, as it will be used to designate hostile units, and this shade of blue, as it will be used to designate allied units)
*Only one Neosapien per squad; first come, first-served. Neosapien names are "latin" (as in ancient Roman) in nature. I reserve the right to "adjust" any impossible/improbable combinations - but keep in mind these guys are fighter pilots.
For those of you who *have* watched the cartoon series this is based off, we'll be sticking to canon - for the sake of those who haven't obsessively watched the cartoon series, please avoid spoilers until we hit the relevant plot points.
You may note that there are several horrifically incorrect elements of the setting. Examples include a terraformed Venus and a "dense", rather than "sparse" asteroid belt. These are central conceits of the setting, so we're just going to go with it.
I'm aiming to do "bite-sized" updates once every two to three days.
Taken! E-Frames have been claimed by a player and are not available as options. NPC! E-Frames are present in the squad and controlled by a current player but may be claimed by new players.
Taken! Falcon: Command E-Frame (The "J.T. Marsh")
A heavily armed and maneuverable ExoFrame favored by experienced E-Frame pilots, these are often assigned to squad leaders. Equally capable in space, atmospheric or ground engagements, its raw firepower is exceeded only by the Ground Assault E-Frame (and capital ships).
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Triple Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Gatling Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (10x)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind
[] [GRAY] Order: Red
- Designated other E-Frame may take an additional [RED] action that they have not taken this turn
[] [GRAY] Order: Blue
- Designated other E-Frame may take an additional [BLUE] action that they have not taken this turn
--- NPC! Wraith: Electronic Warfare E-Frame (The "Alec Deleon")
A moderately well-armed ExoFrame capable of performing a variety of information warfare roles, including comms jamming, long-range sensor scanning and target designation. The electronic warfare capabilities require a substantial amount of specialized training to use.
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Projectile
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (6x)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Sensor Scan
- Reveal the contents of a sensor blip.
[] [GRAY] Comms Jamming
- Designated target is unable to move or fire this round.
[] [GRAY] Probe (1x)
- Designate a space within line of sight. All sensor blips entering this space are automatically revealed.
--- Taken! Heavy: Ground Assault E-Frame (The "Wolf Bronski")
A heavily armed ExoFrame whose role is to deliver the maximum possible amount of firepower to targets of any size or scale at stand-off range. Also equipped with a grappling hook to assist with search and rescue operations.
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Gatling Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile - Left Arm (8x)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Missile - Left Leg (7x)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Missile - Right Leg (7x)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [RED] Grappling Hook
- Move designated target (allied or hostile) one space towards this E-Frame OR prevent designated target from moving away
Melee: Field Sergeant E-Frame (The "Rita Torres")
A tough, maneuverable E-Frame designed to engage targets up close with with its laser cutter or fist. Alternately, the grasping hand makes it easier to grab and carry mission-critical objects, while the laser cutter may be used for welding purposes in a pinch.
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Laser Cutter
- Attack any target in own space.
[] [RED] Fist
- Attack any target in own space OR grab a mission-critical object.
[] [BLUE] Charge
- Move one space in the grid in any direction, the execute a Laser Cutter or a Fist
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
--- NPC! Flight: Exofighter E-Frame (The "Kaz Takagi")
One of the few E-Frames designed as a pure aerospace craft, the Exofighter is an incredibly maneuverable combatant capable of threading the needle through defensive fire and delivering its ordnance before escaping.
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (4x)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Afterburner
- Move one space in the grid in any direction OR negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Nimble
- Take any BLUE action that has not been taken before
--- 2x NPC! Engineer: Field Repair E-Frame (The "Maggie Weston")
A bulky E-Frame originally designed for construction work, its size allows it to mount a substantial amount of weaponry as well as take a good number of hits. Its main feature is the ability to quickly repair allied E-Frames to extend their engagement time.
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Arm Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (4x)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Magnetic grapple
- Move designated target (allied or hostile) one space towards this E-Frame OR prevent designated target from moving away
[] [RED] Repair
- Re-enable one damaged system on any one E-Frame in the same space.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
--- Taken! Two-Seater: Rapid Assault E-Frame (The "Marsala/Nara Burns")
A two-seater E-Frame carrying a pilot and a gunner, or a pilot and a passenger in a pinch, this E-Frame carries a substantial amount of firepower as well.
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Rapid Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Long-Range Blaster
- Attack any target within two spaces within line of sight.
[] [RED] Missile (4x)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Co-pilot Overwatch
- Automatically use any un-activated RED abilities against any target entering own space.
[] [GRAY] Co-pilot Alert
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
--- Taken! Light: Reconnaissance E-Frame (The "Nara Burns Solo")
A light-weight, lightly-armed and armored E-Frame nominally used to infiltrate behind enemy lines or work in cooperation with jump troop squads.
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (4x)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Claw
- Prevent designated target from moving away OR grab a mission-critical object
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Power-To-Weight Ratio
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
--- Taken! Sub: Trooper E-Frame (The "Yuri Stavrogan")
A general front-line combat E-Frame built around four separate blasters systems and high maneuverability, enabling it to engage multiple targets at close range, with proper coordination.
[] [RED] Blaster - Left Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Blaster - Right Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Automatic Targeting
- Fire the shoulder blasters at a randomly chosen target.
In general, an E-Frame will have several options on their turn. [BLUE] generally indicates movement or defensive actions. [RED] generally indicates offensive actions. [GRAY] indicates miscellaneous actions. Unless otherwise specified, an E-Frame can generally take one BLUE, one RED and one GRAY action per turn. Conditional actions may be specified.
Certain actions have a limit to the number of times they can be performed (mostly missiles). Once exhausted, an E-Frame must return to the capital ship (if available) to reload.
Movement may only be performed in an orthogonal direction. Meaning up, down, left or right, but not diagonally. Any given space may be occupied by any number of E-Frames or other units, with some exceptions that will be explicitly shown.
Line of sight is determined by drawing a straight line from center of attacker space to center of defender space. If any of the intervening spaces contain any objects or sensor contacts, line of sight is considered blocked. Objects in the attacker's or defender's space do not block line of sight. If LOS passes directly through the corner of a space that would result in LOS being blocked, it is not considered blocked.
Distance along a diagonal is 1.5 spaces for each diagonal move. So, for example, the distance between C5 and B3 is 2.5; between C5 and A3 is 3; between C5 and B4 is 1.5. A weapon's range must surpass the effective distance in order to be considered in range (thus, a blaster with range one cannot attack diagonally; a blaster with range two can attack diagonally one space).
Once all the player E-Frames have taken their turns, the opposition gets a chance to do the same. Unless otherwise specified, a hostile unit will either move forward to engagement range or make an attack. Additionally, the hostile home row may launch a scenario-specified number of sensor contacts or torpedoes as designated by the scenario. Hostiles always prefer to attack rather than move.
Attacks are resolved simply - the selected target is destroyed. In case of player E-Frames, they lose a randomly-selected action or take a point of hull damage. Upon taking a second point of hull damage, a player E-Frame is destroyed (the pilot may survive).
Sensor contacts always move forward one space per turn. Sensor contacts may not be attacked directly. They can be revealed either by entering their space or by some player E-Frame actions. A revealed sensor contact results in a dice roll on a table such as the following (subject to different rules during specific scenarios):
1: False Contact (nothing)
2: Hostile Unit (replace with random hostile unit)
3: Torpedo (heavy ordnance moving towards the allied capital ship, if present, will destroy hit section when it gets there)
4: Flank Attack (random number of hostile units is spawned on each space of the sensor contact's row)
5: Attack Warning (hostile capital ship will attack nearest friendly unit in the blip's column)
6: Debris (blocks line of sight)
Unless otherwise specified, a hostile unit spawned by a revealed sensor contact will not act until the 'hostile movement' phase of the turn. If a sensor contact moves into a space with an E-Frame that is using an offensive "overwatch" action, the sensor contact's action is resolved first, followed by the overwatch action.
Edge Cases/Clarification:
Some units attack when a specific condition is met (e.g. "attack any unit entering own space" or "attack when revealed from sensor contact"). Whenever there is an 'order of operations' conflict between two such conditions, it is resolved with a coin-flip.
An example turn:
Command E-Frame:
[X] [BLUE] Move - A5-A4
[X] [RED] Triple Blaster - Whatever spawns in A4 or Hostile Drone in A3
[X] [GRAY] Order: Red - Heavy Weapons E-Frame
Heavy Weapons E-Frame:
[X] [BLUE] Evade
[X] [RED] Gatling Blaster - Hostile Drone #1 in B4
[X] [RED] Missile - Right Leg (7x) - Drone Launch Platform in B0
First, the command E-Frame moves from A5 to A4. If the sensor contact in A4 spawns a hostile drone, it will engage and destroy that drone. Otherwise, it then engages and destroys the drone in A3. Additionally, it uses a GRAY command ability to order the Heavy Weapons E-Frame to fire another weapon, effectively giving it a second RED action.
Next, the heavy weapons E-Frame remains in B4, going evasive instead. It destroys a drone in B4 then fires a missile at the drone launch platform in B0 (units in own space do not block line of sight).
The sensor blip in A3 moves up to A4, rolling on the sensor blip table. One of the two remaining drones in B4 attacks the heavy weapons E-Frame, but misses due to the Evade action being selected. The second remaining drone in B4 attacks the heavy weapons E-Frame and rolls a number between 1-8, with 8 being a hull hit. Rolling a 1 would result in the Heavy E-Frame's blaster being disabled and nonfunctional until repaired in the field, a visit to the capital ship, or the end of the scenario. The next damage roll would then be a number between 1-7.
The drone in C4 moves forward to C5, towards the allied capital ship.
Once the turn ends, each of the drone launch platforms generates a sensor blip that goes into A1/B1/C1/D1 respectively.
Asteroid Belt Approach
ExoCruiser Endeavor
ExoTrooper Nathanael Weaver
You've been in an ExoCarrier's hangar bays before. They take the wet-behind-the-ears ExoTrooper trainees and show them where they could wind up serving, if they really put in an effort and excel at their assignments. Space enough for multiple squadrons or shuttles, to the point where they have to have multiple people with glow rods directing traffic to its assigned bays. And an ExoCarrier has multiple hangar bays - the most impressive being the ExoCarrier Resolute, where you counted at least thirty. Granted, some have been designated as workshops or fabrication bays, but still. That's a lot of E-Frames. You joked about needing binoculars to see to the back.
That's not where you are right now. You're in the Endeavor's lone hangar bay, which barely has enough room for an E-Frame (especially one as big as the one to which you've been assigned) to land. Your squad hasn't really finished its shakedown drills - truth be told, you don't even remember your squad leader's name. You take a second to look at your assigned E-Frame - a two-seater, light grey. It's currently "sitting down", its chicken legs folded along its sides along the oblong, elliptical (from the front at least) fuselage. The gunner seat is occupied, your co-pilot already running pre-flight checks probably. You smirk - technically, your squad hasn't even been put on ready status.
But when you heard "All hands, we are approaching the asteroid belt patrol zone. Prepare for deceleration burn." over the intra-ship comms, you decided that you didn't want to miss out on any action that was going to happen.
"Hey, Willy, how long you been here?" you ask your copilot as you clamber up to the front seat.
Wilhelm sighs. "It's Trooper Apel. And about two hours."
"Whatever you say, Willy." you reply, smirking as you drop into the pilot's seat, reaching behind your head for the wire. It connects to the slot in the implant on the back of your neck with a click. "Cyberlink... on." the voice tells you. When it goes to full power, the E-Frame will basically feel like a second skin. You'll feel it (dampened to relatively safe levels) every time you ding the E-Frame's chicken leg on something. You'll "see" the sensor readouts of bad guys coming up behind you. The E-Frame will use your "natural vision processing" to designate targets. It's a rush. Never mind that you've only faced training drones up to this point, and fellow ExoTroopers using de-powered weapons and simulated missiles. It's also a great authentication system - the E-Frame won't turn on without an authorized operator hooked up to the link. Unless someone disables the security mechanism.
For now, though, the link lets you key in to the ship's comms system while the pre-flight checklist scrolls in front of your eyes. Throttle control. Check. Targeting computer. Check.
"Easy Squad, stand by for launch." validates your decision to hit the hangar a little early.
"Hey, Willy, think we're gonna find any pirates out here?" you ask your co-pilot while flicking several more items off the pre-flight checklist.
"I suspect they will find us first, Trooper Weaver." Wilhelm replies. "Their large craft have refractive camouflage capabilities, and they have been able to operate in the belt effectively unopposed for quite some time."
You roll your eyes. "Christ, dude, just call me Nate. You're telling me they can cloak?"
Wilhelm probably nods. "Yes. Something you would have noticed if you had read the briefing materials attentively."
"Boooring." you call out. "I just wanna get out there."
Task force comms suddenly crackle to life. "ExoFrigate Galileo, return to defensive formation once you have finished navigating around that rock."
You send a signal via your cyberlink to close the canopy. There's a manual override - there is for everything, but why reach for the button when you can just zap it with your brain?
Task force comms suddenly break out with indistinct chatter, the Endeavor cutting through. "All ships alert. Multiple rogue asteroids on collision vector. Initiate evasive maneuvers." You feel the ship accelerate in a different direction, hoping that one of those rocks doesn't impact the ship. That would cut your career pretty short, most likely, and kind of suck in general.
"Asteroids are changing course. Continue evasive action and engage with primary weapons." comes over the comms as you impatiently finish the last of the checklist - air seals, oxygen recycler, automatic helmet deployment system. Pretty useful if your E-Frame suffers a hull breach.
"Goddamit, when are they going to order us to launch?" you wonder out loud. "Rocks don't change direction on their own, it's the pirates!"
And, just like that - "Pirate ships uncloaking, launching small craft on intercept vector. All ExoFrigates to defensive formation. Easy Squad launch when ready. Dog Squad to launch readiness. All E-Frames, engage and intercept sensor contacts, do not allow them to close with the capital ships. "
You watch as the E-Frames in front of you - another two-seater, a command frame (wings unfloding once it leaves the hangar) and a field sergeant - launch. Then it's your turn, finally. "Easy Four, launching." you transmit, rolling out of your enclosure, then engage primary thrusters. The acceleration presses you against the back of the seat as you leave the hangar. But you barely even notice it - you're finally flying.
Operational Area Map:
B0 Pirate Cruiser
C0 Pirate Cruiser
A1 Pirate Destroyer A
B1 Sensor Contact
C1 Sensor Contact
D1 Pirate Destroyer B
B2 Sensor Contact
C2 Sensor Contact
B2 Sensor Contact
C3 Sensor Contact
B4 Pirate Fighter Command E-Frame
C4 Torpedo Field Sergeant
A6 ExoFrigate Galileo
B6 Two-Seater
C6 Two-Seater
B7 ExoCruiser Endeavor
C7 ExoCruiser Endeavor
D7 ExoFrigate Guiducci
The Pirate Cruiser will launch one sensor contact from each of its spaces
Torpedo will move forward one space after all allied units have moved, when it reaches C7, it will damage the ExoCruiser
The Two-Seater moves first, then allied units, then hostiles
Check the Technical Readout threadmark out for details on known hostiles.
Protect capital ships
Destroy hostile capital ships
Pick one RED, one BLUE and one GRAY action for our two-seater from below - will be executed in the order they are specified.
[] [RED] Rapid Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Long-Range Blaster
- Attack any target within two spaces within line of sight.
[] [RED] Missile (4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Co-pilot Overwatch
- Automatically use any un-activated RED abilities against any target entering own space.
[] [GRAY] Co-pilot Alert
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
Pirate Cruiser -Launches one sensor contact from each space
-If ExoFleet unit present within one space, will attack it instead
-Each section can take 2 hits
-Remains stationary at end of turn
Pirate Destroyer
-If ExoFleet unit present within one space, will attack it
-Can take 2 hits
-Has a chance to move at end of turn
Pirate Corvette
-Attacks nearest ExoFleet unit within one space.
-Turns into sensor contact if not attacked and would not be forced to reveal (sensor contact always re-appears as frigate)
-Can show up as sensor contact.
-Immediately attacks if revealed from sensor contact, does not attack on own turn in that case
Pirate Fighter
-If ExoFleet unit present in own space, will attack it
-If no ExoFleet unit present in own space, will move towards nearest ExoFleet unit then attack it
-Always moves "down" one space
-Cannot be attacked by capital ship weapons
-When entering a space with a capital ship, detonates, causing one point of damage
"Rogue" Asteroid -Always moves "down" one space
-Has two "hull" points
-When entering a space with a capital ship, destroys the contacted section
Attack Warning
-Incoming weapons barrage; attacks all units in own space; disappears at end of turn
Sensor Contact
-Always moves "down" one space
-Resolves to an actual contact when entering a space with an ExoFleet unit or when an ExoFleet unit enters its space
Note: to avoid getting pointlessly blown up, units will not move into weapons range of a capital ship with operational weapons by themselves
D3 Corvette not attacked, reverts to sensor contact
"Advise we move to flanking position." Wilhelm tells you. "Clear line of fire to hostile capital ships down D-Lane."
"Yeah, yeah. On it." you grumble. You hate to admit it, but he's got the right idea. "Just give me a heads up if any of those pirates close in."
Getting a missile lock on a slow-moving, un-cloaked pirate destroyer is a piece of cake - you might as well be shooting at a stationary target. The missile flies off your right flank - an initial "puff" to get it clear of the launch rack, and then the main engine kicks in. It strikes the destroyer amidships - the pirate vessel visibly shudders as chunks of glowing hull plating spin off into the void. Another good hit, and you'll break it in two.
"Torpedo eliminated. Moving forward to engage corvette." you catch some chatter from the Field Sergeant E-Frame, call sign Easy-Two.
"Whoa there, sergeant, get back to formation!" Easy-One, the flight leader replies. "You're out there on your own. Dammit." A pause. "Easy-Four, cover my back, I'm going in. Shit, we've got a flight of pirates coming in from below, watch out!"
A look at your sensors (and a visual inspection) confirms - a corvette has moved between you and your destroyer target, blasting away at the sergeant, who's gotten in a little over his head. The humanoid E-Frame darts forward, using its laser cutter to puncture the hull of the corvette it was charging - like most other ships of its class, the corvette has a particular weak point, that being the narrow connector between its fore and aft sections. The damage doesn't look too bad until the spacecraft attempts to engage thrusters for a turn, at which point it simply breaks in half, the aft section careening off to parts unknown while the fore section spins aimlessly. The sergeant jukes, avoiding several green laser blasts from a second corvette, but your target delivers a spread of laser fire - one of the shots hits, but you don't see an expanding gas cloud or hear any screaming over comms, so the sergeant is probably fine.
The flight leader is in slightly worse shape - the other two-seater keeps a fighter off his back, and he takes one out as well with a solid center-of-mass blaster shot that leaves just floating wingtips, but two blue-painted fighters zero in on the (also blue and humanoid but with extended wings) command E-Frame. "Control thrusters are out." the flight leader reports, his voice fuzzed over to the point where he's missing entire words. You get the gist of it, though. "I can *bzzt* move, but I won't *bzzt*ing. Easy-Four, *bzzt* need some help here."
"Be advised, Easy Lead, your comms are breaking up." Wilhelm chimes in over the squad frequency.
You scowl - just as you get a missile lock on the Corvette directly ahead of you, the damn thing re-engages its cloaking field, causing the virtual missile crosshairs to dissipate.
New Unit Detected: Pirate Corvette; Technical Readout Updated
-Attacks nearest ExoFleet unit within one space.
-Turns into sensor contact if not attacked and would not be forced to reveal (sensor contact always re-appears as frigate)
-Can show up as sensor contact.
-Immediately attacks if revealed from sensor contact, does not attack on own turn in that case
Protect capital ships
Destroy hostile capital ships
Pick one RED, one BLUE and one GRAY action for our two-seater from below - will be executed in the order they are specified.
[] [RED] Rapid Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Long-Range Blaster
- Attack any target within two spaces within line of sight.
[] [RED] Missile (3/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Co-pilot Overwatch
- Automatically use any un-activated RED abilities against any target entering own space.
[] [GRAY] Co-pilot Alert
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] Write-in any advice you wish to offer your squadmates, they're in a bit of a pickle over there. The might do it, they might not.
"Easy-Four to Easy-One and Two, recommend you pull back to coordinates C3 and C4 and await backup." Wilhelm begins transmitting. You do your best to tune him out - there's a fighter closing in on the other two-seater, but you've got it ranged. You cut your main thrusters for just a few seconds, rotating your E-Frame with maneuvering jets. The cross-hair slowly moves towards the target lead indicator for the pirate fighter - then, it glows green and you *feel* that little bump that indicates your shot is likely to hit. So you squeeze the trigger, watching multiple bright beams lance out from your E-Frame's forward weapons array. The pirate craft explodes in a shower of spare metal.
"Hell yeah, got him, you're clear Easy-Three!" you call out.
"Evasive action, now!" Wilhelm interrupts your celebration. Your eyes go wide and you kick the main thrusters back on, angling your E-Frame down as green beams spear through the space where you just were, the force of the sudden thrust squashing you against your seat. "Yeehaw!" you call out, feeling the rush.
"Pay more attention next time, Trooper Weaver." Wilhelm comments as you level out, the offending pirate corvette - a bulbous, ugly, cylindrical thing - having already re-cloaked.
Your upper lip curls up briefly in annoyance. He did just save you a faceful of blaster, though. "Thanks, Willy." you mutter.
A quick check of your sensors shows that neither your flight leader nor the sergeant listened to Wilhelm's advice - debris from a few pirate craft rapidly expands where they were, but the flight leader has opted to break left instead. The sergeant appears intent on continuing his berserk charge towards the pirate cruiser, perforating one corvette with the E-Frame's left-arm blaster while snapping another corvette in half when it gets in the way. The destroyer you'd targeted earlier gets in the way, its weapons array opening up and you see the sergeant take a direct hit.
The flight leader, meanwhile, with backup from the other two-seater, manages to clear out the nearby fighter and corvette, only for the other pirate destroyer to close in and engage with its weapons. The command E-Frame takes a hit and the flight leader's last message cuts out mid-transmission. At least he still looks intact.
"Easy-Five, launch complete. Orders?" comes a terse transmission from a new launch out of the Endeavors hangar bay. You quickly bring up the unit stats - it's a Wraith-class E-Frame. Humanoid, multiple antennae and extra sensor dishes up top, weapon arms like the command E-Frame, but no fold-out wings. Black paintjob. You honestly don't even recall seeing the guy during any briefings. He must have been hanging out around the back of the room. Or you were too busy staring in awe at your E-Frame that you were actually going to get to fly for real in combat. Or checking out the cute tech who was working on one of the leg joints. You smirk. Maybe you'll see what she's up to when the both of you are off duty after you get back in. Time to get back to business.
Two-Seater: Pick one RED, one BLUE and one GRAY action from below - will be executed in the order they are specified.
[] [RED] Rapid Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Long-Range Blaster
- Attack any target within two spaces within line of sight.
[] [RED] Missile (3/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Co-pilot Overwatch
- Automatically use any un-activated RED abilities against any target entering own space.
[] [GRAY] Co-pilot Alert
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
Wraith: Pick one RED, one BLUE and one GRAY action from below - will be executed in the order they are specified.
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (6/6 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Sensor Scan
- Reveal the contents of a sensor blip.
[] [GRAY] Comms Jamming
- Designated target is unable to move or fire this round.
[] [GRAY] Probe (1x)
- Designate a space within line of sight. All sensor blips entering this space are automatically revealed.
Let me know if you guys have trouble reading the black text color on the Wraith.
Two-Seater D5 -> D4; Corvette un-cloaks;
Rules unclear, resolved via 1d6: high = player favor, low = pirate favor, roll 3 - pirate favor;
Corvette attacks Two-Seater, roll 4 - Move disabled
Co-pilot Overwatch blaster vs Corvette - target destroyed
Missile vs Torpedo B3 - target destroyed
Allied Movement (Command, Sergeant, Two-Seater)
Command E-Frame - up, right, down, stay - rolls down
Blaster vs Destroyer A - 1/2 hull damage; A3 -> A4
Sergeant - up, left, right, down, stay - rolls left
Charge C2 -> B2; contact revealed, roll 3 - torpedo
Fist... vs... Torpedo... (lolwut) - target destroyed
Blaster vs Destroyer A - target destroyed
Two-Seater B - up, left, down, right, stay - rolls down
No targets within LOS
Co-pilot Overwatch Active
Hostile Movement:
Sensor Contact in B1
Sensor Contact in C1
Sensor Contact B1 -> B2; rolls 3 - torpedo
Sensor Contact C1 -> C2
Destroyer B - left, right - rolls 1 - left; attack sergeant - evade negates attack
"Easy-Five, advise you scan forward - we can handle this corvette." Wilhelm begins.
"They're faster than they look." the electronic warfare E-Frame pilot replies. The call sign shows up as "Plague Doc". You smirk, wondering what his actual name is. Probably "Steve" or something boring like that.
"Acknowledged, Easy-Five." Wilhelm sends back. "I think we can handle it."
"Your funeral, Easy-Four." Plague Doc quips. You re-engage your main engines, feeling the rush of acceleration pressure as your E-Frame moves forward, sparing a brief glance at the sensor readout then out through the canopy - for situational awareness, not because you want to see something blow up, of course. The Wraith's scanners go to work, lighting up a torpedo - which you promptly target with a missile. The intercept vector for a torpedo is trivial - they move a good amount faster than a capital ship, but can't match the acceleration of an E-Frame, let alone an anti-fighter missile. The two warheads collide, flashing briefly before disappearing. You spend a second watch the sergeant and command E-Frame take apart the destroyer on the other side of the dogfight, and you're pretty sure the sergeant punches another torpedo out. You blink your eyes and shake your head - you can't have been hitting the sauce *that* hard, and the last time you did was on shore leave before shipping out.
Wraith easily dispatches the torpedo slowly meandering towards your cruiser, which is just as well - you'd like to be able to get back in the hangar without having to do a spacewalk. Your flight suit and the helmet that automatically activates during a hull breach may be rated for vacuum, but still. You feel better in an E-Frame. You repeatedly look around, trying to find the tell-tale ripple that will no doubt accompany the corvette de-cloaking. "Keep an eye out, Willy." you tell your co-pilot. "That SOB is out there somewhere."
"Acknowledged, Trooper Weaver." Wilhelm replies.
It's at that point that your cyberlink implant screeches out an alert - attack warning. You juke, but too late and probably in the wrong direction. The E-Frame shudders and you feel the acceleration end as your main thrusters cut out. Through the haze of neural feedback pain, you hear the blasters going off.
"Target eliminated, Trooper Weaver. Shall we be off?" Wilhelm asks. You shake your head to clear it, briefly watching debris spin by your canopy. The status indicator for the main engines is flashing red.
"That's a negative, Willy." you reply. "We're on control thrusters only." you toggle to a more global frequency - where your command ship can hear you, since you're pretty sure that your flight leader has no comms. "Uh, command, we took a hit. We're gonna need a tow here or some repairs."
Operational Area Map:
B0 Pirate Cruiser
C0 Pirate Cruiser
B1 Sensor Contact Pirate Destroyer B (1/2)
C1 Sensor Contact
B2 Torpedo Field Sergeant (1/2)
C2 Sensor Contact
A4 Command E-Frame
D4 Two-Seater
B5 Two-Seater B
C5 Wraith
A6 ExoFrigate Galileo
B7 ExoCruiser Endeavor
C7 ExoCruiser Endeavor
D7 ExoFrigate Guiducci
Player Unit Status:
Two-Seater - Move disabled; 1 fighter, 1 corvette (co-pilot), 1 torpedo kill
Wraith - 1 torpedo kill
Two-Seater: Pick one RED, one BLUE and one GRAY action from below - will be executed in the order they are specified.
[] [RED] Rapid Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Long-Range Blaster
- Attack any target within two spaces within line of sight.
[] [RED] Missile (2/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight. [] [BLUE] MoveMain Engines Disabled - Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Co-pilot Overwatch
- Automatically use any un-activated RED abilities against any target entering own space.
[] [GRAY] Co-pilot Alert
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
Wraith: Pick one RED, one BLUE and one GRAY action from below - will be executed in the order they are specified.
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (6/6 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Sensor Scan
- Reveal the contents of a sensor blip.
[] [GRAY] Comms Jamming
- Designated target is unable to move or fire this round.
[] [GRAY] Probe (1x)
- Designate a space within line of sight. All sensor blips entering this space are automatically revealed.
[X] [RED] Long-Range Blaster anything that enters it's range, if nothing arrives missile anything that can be hit
[X] [BLUE] Evade
[X] [GRAY] Co-pilot Alert
You never thought you'd be bored in a dogfight taking place in the middle of an asteroid field. But there it is. You're bored. You briefly start trying for a missile lock on a torpedo that's slowly meandering its way towards the Endeavor, but a missile flies out from the top of Plague Doc's Wraith (one of two mounted there, the other four are mounted on the E-Frame's right arm). By the time your targeting reticle even thinks about starting to beep, the sergeant's E-Frame has already flown past the torpedo. The warhead's detonation conceals what the sergeant is doing - which is unloading the left arm-mounted blaster into the damaged pirate destroyer.
When the explosion from the torpedo dissipates, the destroyer is missing most of its fore section. And aft section. And everything in between. You check your sensors. There's got to be *something* left for you, right? Ah, there it is - a nice, big asteroid, with some cheap engines strapped to the back, probably pulled from one of the many, many freighters the pirates have hijacked over the years. Well, it's not that big, just five-ten meters across, really. But, at a good clip, it's enough to severely damage or destroy a capital ship.
Which seems to occur to both the sergeant, the other two seater and your flight leader, despite the latter not having any comms. The sergeant maneuvers around the back of the propelled rock, delivering a solid punch to the improvised engine block - one of the engines shorts out, sending the rock into a less-than controlled spin. The sergeant sideslips to the right, just as the pirate cruiser fires another torpedo. For a second you think it's basically over - a missile from the other two-seater blasts the asteroid's remaining engines to bits, leaving it tumbling forward on a ballistic trajectory, while your flight leader sends a missile at the torpedo, annihilating. There are no small craft left on the field, and the destroyers are both gone.
"Easy-Two, contacts heading your way from below." Wilhelm points out. You check your sensors - damn, he's right. The sergeant is in trouble, taking a hit from a fighter, its green laser blasting equipment off the back off the orange, humanoid E-Frame. You push your throttle forward, forgetting for a moment that the main engines don't work, then zoom in on the fighter, hoping to at least get a missile lock. It's not the fighter that gets the sergeant E-Frame, it's the cruiser's close-range weapons.
You cringe and turn your head to the side as the distant E-Frame lights up then winks out.
Operational Area Map:
B0 Pirate Cruiser
C0 Pirate Cruiser
A1 Sensor Contact (Corvette)
B1 Pirate Fighter
C1 Pirate Fighter
D1 Pirate Fighter
B4 Command E-Frame
Two-Seater B
D4 Two-Seater
C5 Wraith
A6 ExoFrigate Galileo
B7 ExoCruiser Endeavor
C7 ExoCruiser Endeavor
D7 ExoFrigate Guiducci
Protect allied capital ships
Destroy hostile capital ships (in progress - both destroyers eliminated)
Player Unit Status:
Two-Seater - Move disabled; 1 fighter, 1 corvette (co-pilot), 1 torpedo kill
Wraith - 2 torpedo kill
Allied Unit Status:
Commander - Evade, Order: Red, Order: Blue disabled; 1 fighter, 1 corvette, 1 torpedo kill Sergeant - DESTROYED; 2 torpedo, 3 corvette kill, 2 destroyer kill
Two-Seater B - 1 fighter kill, 1 "rogue" asteroid kill
Two-Seater: Pick one RED, one BLUE and one GRAY action from below - will be executed in the order they are specified.
[] [RED] Rapid Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Long-Range Blaster
- Attack any target within two spaces within line of sight.
[] [RED] Missile (2/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight. [] [BLUE] MoveMain Engines Disabled - Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Co-pilot Overwatch
- Automatically use any un-activated RED abilities against any target entering own space.
[] [GRAY] Co-pilot Alert
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
Wraith: Pick one RED, one BLUE and one GRAY action from below - will be executed in the order they are specified.
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (5/6 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Sensor Scan
- Reveal the contents of a sensor blip.
[] [GRAY] Comms Jamming
- Designated target is unable to move or fire this round.
[] [GRAY] Probe (1x)
- Designate a space within line of sight. All sensor blips entering this space are automatically revealed.
"Easy-Five, let's punch a hole through that fighter screen and take out the cruiser." Wilhelm suggests. It sounds like an order to you, which is a little irksome, but he's got a point - the sergeant E-Frame's rampage through the pirate line has left it pretty thin.
Plague Doc concurs non-verbally, by firing a missile at one of the pirate fighters trying to make its way to blaster range. It doesn't. These small craft aren't exactly the highest quality engineering, built from spare parts and scrap metal. Pretty effective against unarmed merchant shipping, corporate escorts - but when put up against modern E-Frames, they simply have no chance. The fighter's destruction opens a hole for you, and you gently nudge the control thrusters, angling your E-Frame for a missile lock on the cruiser. Your missile flies out, zipping past another advancing fighter and striking somewhere within the region of one of the cruiser's hangar bays. The debris briefly shows up as a sensor contact, but Plague Doc's probe confirms that several chunks of twisted metal don't, in fact, constitute a fighter.
Your flight leader and the other two-seater follow your example, the command E-Frame firing a barrage of missiles to annihilate the fighter in front of it, while the two-seater lands another hit on the cruiser. You see the main engines on the large pirate craft "burp" and the control thrusters engage.
"Hey, they're trying to get away!" you call out. "Let's finish them off!"
Operational Area Map:
B0 Pirate Cruiser (1/2)
C0 Pirate Cruiser (1/2)
B1 Sensor Contact
C1 Probe
A2 Sensor Contact (Corvette)
D2 Pirate Fighter
B4 Command E-Frame
Two-Seater B
D4 Two-Seater
C5 Wraith
A6 ExoFrigate Galileo
B7 ExoCruiser Endeavor
C7 ExoCruiser Endeavor
D7 ExoFrigate Guiducci
Protect allied capital ships
Destroy hostile capital ships (in progress - both destroyers eliminated, cruiser at 50% hull strength)
Allied Unit Status:
Commander - Evade, Order: Red, Order: Blue disabled; 2 fighter, 1 corvette, 1 torpedo kill Sergeant - DESTROYED; 2 torpedo, 3 corvette kill, 2 destroyer kill
Two-Seater B - 1 fighter kill, 1 "rogue" asteroid kill
Two-Seater: Pick one RED, one BLUE and one GRAY action from below - will be executed in the order they are specified.
[] [RED] Rapid Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Long-Range Blaster
- Attack any target within two spaces within line of sight.
[] [RED] Missile (1/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight. [] [BLUE] MoveMain Engines Disabled - Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Co-pilot Overwatch
- Automatically use any un-activated RED abilities against any target entering own space.
[] [GRAY] Co-pilot Alert
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
Wraith: Pick one RED, one BLUE and one GRAY action from below - will be executed in the order they are specified.
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (4/6 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Sensor Scan
- Reveal the contents of a sensor blip.
[] [GRAY] Comms Jamming
- Designated target is unable to move or fire this round.
[] [GRAY] Probe (1x)
- Designate a space within line of sight. All sensor blips entering this space are automatically revealed.