[X] Peace - You beseech the Dragons for peace, that there will be contentment between the nations and hope for a day in which you can greet the princes of Yalpagesh, not as foes but as brothers.

[X] Your Present - You are fighting for your friends, the weight of their fates on your shoulders, the smile of Song and the quivering voice of Wave begging you to reassure her that life will go on. You fight for the pointless daily rituals, for the whispering and the amusing intrigues and gossip of the ladies' court, for the people who happen to merely live in the Shogunate unconnected to the machinations of the court. You fight for the soldier so clearly unused to courtly speech nonetheless trying to explain himself to the Shogun.
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[X] Your Friends - You pray that your friends, your beloveds, Wave and Song and more, make it through all of this unscathed. You pray that they will be safe, regardless of what happens and whatever hardships you must endure.

[X] Your Present - You are fighting for your friends, the weight of their fates on your shoulders, the smile of Song and the quivering voice of Wave begging you to reassure her that life will go on. You fight for the pointless daily rituals, for the whispering and the amusing intrigues and gossip of the ladies' court, for the people who happen to merely live in the Shogunate unconnected to the machinations of the court. You fight for the soldier so clearly unused to courtly speech nonetheless trying to explain himself to the Shogun.
[X] The Shogunate
You beg of the Dragons for the survival of the Shogunate, that the legacy of your ancestors is not ended. You pray that the City of Cities may still stand for a thousand years.

[X] The Past
You are fighting for the legacy of the Shogunate, the weight of your ancestors on your shoulders, the history of a thousand years carried on your back. You fight for all that your predecessors have built, a polity that is larger and grander than Shoguns and their Voices, that is mightier than you and whose history puts even the great Realm to shame. You are fighting for the thousand poems you reference in daily talk, the high culture that you immerse yourself in with Wave and Song, the art that adorns the walls of temples and palaces.

(Hi I heard we were playing A Memory Called Shogunate?)
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[X] Your Friends - You pray that your friends, your beloveds, Wave and Song and more, make it through all of this unscathed. You pray that they will be safe, regardless of what happens and whatever hardships you must endure.

[X] Your Present - You are fighting for your friends, the weight of their fates on your shoulders, the smile of Song and the quivering voice of Wave begging you to reassure her that life will go on. You fight for the pointless daily rituals, for the whispering and the amusing intrigues and gossip of the ladies' court, for the people who happen to merely live in the Shogunate unconnected to the machinations of the court. You fight for the soldier so clearly unused to courtly speech nonetheless trying to explain himself to the Shogun.
Let see.... Don't feeling like choosing 'Your Past'. 'Your Future' feels most hopeful, fitting perhapst with the previous Optimistic vote. At the same time, it may come too idealistic or fanciful. Its all good to hope for the good deeds you may do and the joys of others that may come, but there's a point when it may cross into unrealistic compared to one's current situation.

As for 'Your Present', fighting for the friends around you, and the little things around your life,... that seems, quaint? Small? At the same time, that's just so human, if you got what I meant? There's someting melancholic and touching about it, especially with the last line 'for the soldier so clearly unused to courtly speech nonetheless trying to explain himself to the Shogun.'

As an aside, what does it says about you if you acknowledge the rituals you always do as pointless, yet held it up as one your reasons to fight anyway?


[x] Peace
[x] Your Future

Because right now I feels more about the idea of hoping the future. Also, it speaks of some guts to be able to speak about the future you wish to realize while death is staring at you in the face, and I like the sound of that.

Peace, because hoping for future of harmony feels more appealing that just wishing for the future where your country continue existing - who knows what it will continue to exist as? Just because it exist, don't mean it will in form that please you or its people. Sure, hoping for peace may seems utopian, but are not wishing for your home and country remains for thousands years the same?

(Your Friends may be more realistic wish there, but I already decide to go for big with hoping by choosing future)

A Bright Star for the City of Cities, pt. 1
No threadmark?
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[X] Peace
[X] Your Future

Oh hai there murderous tiger lady.

You really don't want princess heart, it's gooey and full of obligations and work.
[X] Your Friends
[X] Your Future

There's a certain glee I take in reading these updates and coming to words I don't recognize, words from other languages or for things like bow-sheathes that modern English has little use for. It's fun to learn more, to just see these combinations of concepts and words gathered together to create a holistic place. Also, because I'm absolutely sure at some point you're just gonna slip in a totally-made-up noun and I'm just going to accept it and interpret its meaning based on context clues. I'm reading and waiting and reading with bated breath.

There are so many fantastic sequences in this update. The description of the changing of the seasons was evocative and wonderful. The ritualized prayer that Gift performed felt like a real religious ritual, and it was awesome seeing how all the disparate parts came together into a wonderful thematic whole, in the form of a soldier preparing a soldier's meal. It's a ritual that invokes humility, and a cultural practice that to me feels like it says so much about the culture of the Shogunate simply through implication.

God the tiger-hunt! The details of the forest and of the methods and procedures were evocative and fun, and the way that everything fell apart and the ensuing chase sequence were exhilarating. The repetition of 'this is not normal tiger behavior' was a nice bit of levity.

I guess lastly this scene with Gift and Dancer is really cool. We're seeing the heightened tension drawing more of Gift's emotions to the surface, and it's really fun to see.

This was a great update. Thank you!
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[X] The Shogunate
[X] Your Future

Considering our interest in the Realm, it makes as much sense that we wanna look to our future.
Am I the only one that first thought it was Luna and our princess was about to really disappoint her family?

[X] Your Friends

[X] Your Present
Look in my defence it was really late and I was staring down like 4 hours of homework and 2 hours of sleep alright- :cry:

There's a certain glee I take in reading these updates and coming to words I don't recognize, words from other languages or for things like bow-sheathes that modern English has little use for. It's fun to learn more, to just see these combinations of concepts and words gathered together to create a holistic place. Also, because I'm absolutely sure at some point you're just gonna slip in a totally-made-up noun and I'm just going to accept it and interpret its meaning based on context clues. I'm reading and waiting and reading with bated breath.
I am proud of being the #1 gorytos stan out there. One day, we will get our time in the limelight. :mad:
[X] Your Friends - You pray that your friends, your beloveds, Wave and Song and more, make it through all of this unscathed. You pray that they will be safe, regardless of what happens and whatever hardships you must endure.

[X] Your Present - You are fighting for your friends, the weight of their fates on your shoulders, the smile of Song and the quivering voice of Wave begging you to reassure her that life will go on. You fight for the pointless daily rituals, for the whispering and the amusing intrigues and gossip of the ladies' court, for the people who happen to merely live in the Shogunate unconnected to the machinations of the court. You fight for the soldier so clearly unused to courtly speech nonetheless trying to explain himself to the Shogun.
Am I the only one that first thought it was Luna and our princess was about to really disappoint her family?

Nah obviously the twist is that Seven Cerulean is gonna eat Holiest Gift heart after all then the rest of the quest follows her awkwardly pretending to be Gift and trying to get real power.
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