At this point, it is the least true that it's been, however. The Institution system means the later ones are almost trivial to get, the hardest hump for the Non-Euro States is actually in the early to mid-game. Global trade is easy for even the AI to get just from natural spread from trade centres. Advisors up to 5 monarch points if you have the cash to splash, greatly reduces the pressure large non-Euro states are under tech and idea wise, setting up a solid trade hub with the good non-Euro Trade goods is enough to get ahead of tech. Naval warfare is still way too unimportant, which is the key European advantage as mentioned in the article. Trade companies have stopped being Euro-Centric and can be used by anybody.
And The devs have added a bunch of Non-European states which have ridiculously overpowered ideas, because of development power bloat. Idea groups, which are barely mentioned in the article, are one of the biggest power disparities but are country-based, not region-based. Missions as another power source are also very patchy, with some nations having great missions, but most missing out. Missions are more, but not exclusively Euro-Centric.
And the devs have created far more states, which don't meet the proper qualification as one while adding no non-state actor mechanics that could better represent them.