
Armed and Ready
OOC Link

One time, certain SV members were doing whatever. Maybe they were at school. Maybe they were at work. Maybe they were asleep. Maybe they're playing Video Gamea or even a session of Neptuni at home. Then, for a moment, all is dark.

Afterwards, they would suddenly find themselves somewhere else, as someone else. For some, it would be familiar scenery. For others, not so much.

Nonetheless, they may or may not have a good time.

Essveedimension Neptunia

You find yourselves working in a black and silver high-end office.

@BanTheFairyKing, @UbeOne

You find yourselves in a white and baby blue room with a lot of bookshelves, either reading (Blanc), drawing (Rom) or kicking a football about (Ram).

@Xalgeon, @Rei of Sunshine, @Card Captor.

You find yourself in an opulant green and gold living room playing Dragon Blades 4, the latest mainline installment in Leanbox's hit ARPG Fighting Game series.


You wake up staring at a pinboard ioutside a church-like building.


You're forcibly awakened as you fall out of a portal mid-air above your old friend Neppy.


You wipe your forehead as you study Planeptune's latest PR Campaign proposal as Nepgear filed the lest batch of paperwork.


You rouse yourself, gently peeling your face out of the pages of what seems to be a journal as you glance around your dimly lit apartment in momentary confusion.

@Unlucky Biblophile.

You stagger awake amidst a ruined castle that once might've been painted green. With a voice yelling at you inside your own head.

`Who are you?`

@Ryven Razgriz.
Office, Basilicom, Lastation
I'm Uni?

Ah, that was a good session of Re;Birth 1. Story-wise, I'm at Chapter 8, after Momus is already beaten in Planeptune by the combined efforts of all four goddesses. However, I've mostly been doing some leveling up. Polytan is a great piñata of experience points, having more than two million of that. Oh, and I have Nepgear, though not Uni nor Rom and Ram, in the party, and I'm experimenting with partner setups for squeezing out the most damage to the most opponents. Breaking the damage limit helps, but I think I'll try to use the "Ignore Enemy Traits" thing next time.

Oh, it's already bedtime. I might as well go to sleep. Incidentally, I'm also part of a Neptunia SI roleplay in a forum lately, called Nepping Strategy, and well, I would sometimes wonder what it'd be like to be one of the CPUs or the Candidates...

You find yourselves working in a black and silver high-end office.

@BanTheFairyKing, @UbeOne

In my mind's eye, I could see... an office desk in front of me? There's a stack of papers on my right, one of them in the middle, and an organizer on my left. Said organizer has three shelves, each labeled as Accepted, Under Consideration, and Rejected, respectively.

As if it's a habit of mine, I go through the motions. I carefully read the paper before me, mentally translating the legalistic wording into plain text, and thinking on it. Deciding that the document is all right to sign off on, I put down my signature, a stylized, cursive lettering which says "Black Sister", and rubber-stamp it with an emblem that looks like a "L" connected at the bottom with an "S", shown at an angle with a diamond around them. Then, I place the paper on the Accepted shelf.

This pattern continues for a while, with some being legitimately fine and accepted, others I'm not sure on and placed under consideration, and those that look way too fishy for their own good, and consequently rejected. Now, there's a proposal before me, a plan from a company called Avenir, and they're intending to build a hydroelectric power plant at an eastern part of Lastation. Uh, reading through it, my first thought is to approve it since environment-friendly energy generation is always helpful, but it's a big project. I'm not so familiar with that area, and there may be side effects like flooding and displaced communities or something. China's giant dam ran into issues like that before, for instance. Maybe I'll consult my big sis Noire about it first- wait, what?

I stop and blink, realizing what I've found myself in. Noire is Uni's big sis, not mine, and those terms come to mind again. Lastation. Avenir. Black Sister. Terms only found in Gamindustri, in Neptunia. What's going on?

I glance around. This isn't merely my mind's eye anymore, but what I'm actually seeing with my own eyes. This is all so vivid and real... The office I'm seated in is colored in black with white, silver and wood accents, and has what I feel is an elegant, high-tech ambience to it. Windows are also present to provide natural light and counter the darkness of the colored walls. To my side is... Noire? I'd recognize her anywhere, especially after playing Neptunia last night! The twin tails, the blue ribbons, the red eyes, the black hair and dress, they instantly indicate who she is. There's even a small, framed picture on my desk, that of Noire and Uni smiling and bonding over ice cream.

Wait, I signed off as Black Sister; I thought of Noire as my big sis; I'm doing paperwork with her; there's a picture of her and Uni on my desk... I see a glimpse of twin black tails of hair, much like Noire's, on either side of my peripheral vision. I lightly tug on one, and it feels as if it's mine. In fact, there's that sensation of them being on either side of my head. I glance down, and notice that I'm wearing a dress that resembles Noire's in style and color scheme, except less frilly. That circular part in the middle, however, that's uniquely Uni's. And then I notice that my chest now is obviously that of a girl's...

So, that means... I'm in Gamindustri? I'm in Lastation? I'm in the Basilicom? I'm... Uni? This... is real?


On the outside, I'm calm, but on the inside, I'm shouting a phrase that I've recently come to familiarize myself with.

What The Goodness?!
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You rouse yourself, gently peeling your face out of the pages of what seems to be a journal as you glance around your dimly lit apartment in momentary confusion.

@Unlucky Biblophile.

A young woman roused herself from deep sleep, groaning and peeling a journal page from her face. Drowsy, the young woman doesn't even register as her hand tipped over a can of soda, spilling over and covering a series of notes.

Then, after wiping the traces of sleep of her eyes, the young woman looked around in confusion. This was not her bed room. Not at all. The young woman looked down, recoiling at what she found. The young woman's gaze locked to a mirror off to the side. Even in the dimly lit apartment, she could see the reflection with no trouble. She found a young, blue haired woman attired in strange robes looking just as lost as herself. Somehow, she knew she was called MAGES.

That... that simply didn't make sense. Her name was _________. In the real world, body swaps didn't happen. They never happen. It was factually and literally impossible. Yet, here she was. Defying all explanation and logic. The young woman's breath quickened, her head ached, and her heart raced. Her vision blurred, whether from tears of panic or just from desperation she didn't know.

So scrambling for an explanation, the young woman eventually found one. She was MAGES. Yes, MAGES. It felt right; she knew it was right. It felt right. It had to be right. Clearly, this was an attempt by the Organization to confuse and harass her! The rational explanation calmed her, slowing her heartbeats and breathing to a manageable level.

Yes... she was MAGES.

She was MAGES.

Looking to the side, MAGES. found her notes covered in her Doc P, spoiling what could be moths of hard research. Well, no matter. She wouldn't be a very good mad scientist sorcerer if a little soda stopped her research! With a snap of her fingers and a quick uttering of a spell, MAGES. cleaned up the mess with minimal muss or fuss.

MAGES. frowned. The Organization must be desperate if it used such a crude method of attack. It was the only way to explain why they would attempt to insert the lifetime memories of such an uninteresting yet depressing individual into her mind. There was no way MAGES. wouldn't have noticed the stark differences between the memories.

Hmm, perhaps a visit to the Planeptune Basilicom was in order. It's been a while since she visited Nepgear. Maybe her fellow mad scientist could help devise a method of tracking the aggressors or separating the memories. It also helped that Nepgear was one of her... friends. Not that she would admit in public, though. After all, she had the image of a mysterious mad scientist to maintain!

MAGES. grabbed her wizarding stick, her hat, and a small supply of Doc P as she moved to exit the apartment. She briefly considered using her magic to teleport her to the Basilicom, but she discarded that almost immediately. Her research into the realm of temporal-spatial transcendence was not complete. There was still a distinct possibility of embedding herself into the very foundations of the Basilicom if she tried to do so now. And although the thought of test-firing her theorems in the field excited her mentally, it would be a rather undignified death for a remarkable individual such as herself. Stuck in the floor like some lazily programmed NPC.
You find yourselves in a white and baby blue room with a lot of bookshelves, either reading (Blanc), drawing (Rom) or kicking a football about (Ram).

@Xalgeon, @Rei of Sunshine, @Card Captor.
My body suddenly feels very strange.

It was hard to place at first, and it didn't start to click until I noticed that I was somehow in a strange room. However, once I saw who else was in the room, it all started to fall into place; 'That's...Rom!?' and suddenly the memories all started to come back, Ram's memories. Somehow, I had found myself in the body of Ram from the Neptunia series. Either this was the work of one of those mythical ROBs, or this was just a dream. Normally, this would have left me a panicking mess of anxiety...but that didn't happen. 'Is it because I'm in Ram's body?' a life without my anxiety disorder was already an amazing thought, but now that I was somehow Ram, the possibilities that came with was overwhelming. It was then that I made my decision;

" could I have been so blind?" I began. Leaping to me feet, I used magic (which I now had) to create a very special pair of glasses out of ice. "It's as if I've been spending my whole life, trapped in a thick fog. Yet with the awakening of my inner fire, that fog has lifted! For the first time in my life, the path I must take is clear." I flip the strange switch I feel inside of me, and suddenly I'm in HDD form. Flying over to Rom, I pick her up and say "come Rom; a glorious future lies in front of us! It's time to seize it with our own hands!" My speech made, I flew off to Lastation, still holding on to Rom
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You're forcibly awakened as you fall out of a portal mid-air above your old friend Neppy.

Neppy's Basilicom
...What's going on?

I really don't like the feeling of free falling. It's why I've never sky dived, bungee jumped, and why I don't like heights. So now that I'm I feeling that feeling though I'm half asleep? I woke up instantly, just to notice I was going to land on someone. Wait. Is that. It is! I'm going to land on Neppy! Wait...why did I mentally call Neptune that?

Before I could find a answer to that, I landed on Neptune. "Umm. Sorry Neppy." Was all I could mutter out, before I slowly stood up and got off of her and the floor. Oh. I'm holding a Neppy Doll...just like Plutia uses in-game/I used when those meanies showed up and Rei went crazy.

I blinked. Oh. Crap. I'm Or is this some kinda reincarnation thing, and just now I've woken up to my past live's memories and so I am and have been Plutia? I closed my eyes to focus and pouted as a headache started to form. Too early for this kind of thinking. I just woke up and already want to go back to sleep. Or maybe make some dolls? Nah. I want to sleep.
You find yourself in an opulant green and gold living room playing Dragon Blades 4, the latest mainline installment in Leanbox's hit ARPG Fighting Game series.

I blinked in my seat. Blinked even as pure muscle memory and divine reflexes helped me spam the buttons I needed to on the controls to defeat this really insufferable bossfight I was facing for the 4th time. I was an avid gamer but even I admit this was much! What was I thinking approving this?

And I blinked again as the body that definitely wasn't mine from what I felt, memories that weren't mine by a long stretch passed through my head. Hit pause. Put down the controller. Sit and stare at the screen.
"What. The. Fudge." This fancy green and gold place wasn't my room. This couch was not my bed. This tv and X-Box like thing certainly weren't mine, and this busty blonde woman shouldn't be me right now!

I got up out of my seat, then sat, then lay on it. Anxiety and confusion and worry bubbling up in me. "What in the fuuuuuuuudge!?"
My body suddenly feels very strange.

It was hard to place at first, and it didn't start to click until I noticed that I was somehow in a strange room. However, once I saw who else was in the room, it all started to fall into place; 'That's...Rom!?' and suddenly the memories all started to come back, Ram's memories. Somehow, I had found myself in the body of Ram from the Neptunia series. Either this was the work of one of those mythical ROBs, or this was just a dream. Normally, this would have left me a panicking mess of anxiety...but that didn't happen. 'Is it because I'm in Ram's body?' a life without my anxiety disorder was already an amazing thought, but now that I was somehow Ram, the possibilities that came with was overwhelming. It was then that I made my decision;

" could I have been so blind?" I began. Leaping to me feet, I used magic (which I now had) to create a very special pair of glasses out of ice. "It's as if I've been spending my whole life, trapped in a thick fog. Yet with the awakening of my inner fire, that fog has lifted! For the first time in my life, the path I must take is clear." I flip the strange switch I feel inside of me, and suddenly I'm in HDD form. Flying over to Rom, I pick her up and say "come Rom; a glorious future lies in front of us! It's time to seize it with our own hands!" My speech made, I flew off to Lastation, still holding on to Rom
Hearing someone yelling about fire, fog and blindness, I glance over to my right. Not expecting my head to move, my body follows the motion and I roll off my bed to land face first on the floor.

Not thinking about it, I yell. "Goddess Damnit Ram! What now?!" Wait, Ram? What kind of name is that? The only Ram I know is one of the White Sisters... From... Neptunia... "THIS SHIT AGAIN?! Goddess fucking damnit! When I find the ROB that keeps fucking with me...."

@Card Captor, @Rei of Sunshine.

Neppy's Basilicom
...What's going on?

I really don't like the feeling of free falling. It's why I've never sky dived, bungee jumped, and why I don't like heights. So now that I'm I feeling that feeling though I'm half asleep? I woke up instantly, just to notice I was going to land on someone. Wait. Is that. It is! I'm going to land on Neppy! Wait...why did I mentally call Neptune that?

Before I could find a answer to that, I landed on Neptune. "Umm. Sorry Neppy." Was all I could mutter out, before I slowly stood up and got off of her and the floor. Oh. I'm holding a Neppy Doll...just like Plutia uses in-game/I used when those meanies showed up and Rei went crazy.

I blinked. Oh. Crap. I'm Or is this some kinda reincarnation thing, and just now I've woken up to my past live's memories and so I am and have been Plutia? I closed my eyes to focus and pouted as a headache started to form. Too early for this kind of thinking. I just woke up and already want to go back to sleep. Or maybe make some dolls? Nah. I want to sleep.
Being forcibly awoken by a UFO crashing into you at high speeds was not fun, even when you're the Main Character... Or are you? ​Anyway, Jumping up, I threw the flying thing away, only seeing purple. "What in the name of me is going on?! Who's throwing Eggplants at your adorable little goddess while she gets her beauty sleep?!"

Neppy's Basilicom, Neppy's room.
...What's going on?

Being forcibly awoken by a UFO crashing into you at high speeds was not fun, even when you're the Main Character... Or are you? ​Anyway, Jumping up, I threw the flying thing away, only seeing purple. "What in the name of me is going on?! Who's throwing Eggplants at your adorable little goddess while she gets her beauty sleep?!"
"Neppy! I'm not a Eggplant..I'm Plutia." I answered from where I landed. Aka right on a pillow. Huh. Convenient. Still. I'm Plutia now. That's gonna be fun.

I looked to my doll. Hmm. Can I make Neptune punch herself in the face with it? That would be mean....which makes it fun. Hmmm. Out of curiosity, I moved the arm of the Neptune doll, so it punched itself in the face. I willed it that Neppy would do so as well.

Sue me. I was a little sadistic before this, and I can get away with this. So I'm gonna do it.
Neppy's Basilicom, Neppy's room.
...What's going on?

"Neppy! I'm not a Eggplant..I'm Plutia." I answered from where I landed. Aka right on a pillow. Huh. Convenient. Still. I'm Plutia now. That's gonna be fun.

I looked to my doll. Hmm. Can I make Neptune punch herself in the face with it? That would be mean....which makes it fun. Hmmm. Out of curiosity, I moved the arm of the Neptune doll, so it punched itself in the face. I willed it that Neppy would do so as well.

Sue me. I was a little sadistic before this, and I can get away with this. So I'm gonna do it.
Hearing Pluty's voice, I pout. Am I still dreaming? It's not a very nice dream then, being crushed by an old friend from another dimension.

Suddenly, my arm twitched and punched myself in my adorable face! "OW! Pluty! Why'd you do that to your cute and wonderful counterpart?!"
Neppy's Basilicom, Neppy's room.
...That was funny.

Hearing Pluty's voice, I pout. Am I still dreaming? It's not a very nice dream then, being crushed by an old friend from another dimension.

Suddenly, my arm twitched and punched myself in my adorable face! "OW! Pluty! Why'd you do that to your cute and wonderful counterpart?!"
"You called me a Eggplant...And because I felt like it." I pouted, and sounded tired because I just woke up.

"...How did I get here Neppy? I was napping, then woke up above you." I left out my memory stuff....Hmmm. I wonder what would happen if I put cat ears on the Neppy doll?..I'll have to ask Neppy Jr for help.
Neppy's Basilicom, Neppy's room.
...That was funny.

"You called me a Eggplant...And because I felt like it." I pouted, and sounded tired because I just woke up.

"...How did I get here Neppy? I was napping, then woke up above you." I left out my memory stuff....Hmmm. I wonder what would happen if I put cat ears on the Neppy doll?..I'll have to ask Neppy Jr for help.
"Jeez, sorry! I just saw purple and reacted, ok?! as for how you got here? I dunno, everything fine in the Ultradimension?"I ask as I rub my cheek. Wow! I'm strong, all that STR grinding must be paying off!
S-Sha (E-Sha)

A surge of light assaults my eyes as it opens, covering my eyes from the light with my hand, I raised my body and sat down while my eyes are still closed. I thought of my ever present companion, friend and... family.

You stagger awake amidst a ruined castle that once might've been painted green. With a voice yelling at you inside your own head.

`Who are you?`
'E-Sha? What's wrong?' I asked my in surprise, my sleepiness dashed away at the doubt, fear and anxiety that E-Sha is radiating.
'... Who are you?' Asked E-Sha again.
'I... Wha? It's me E-Sha, S-Sha wha-AGH!' Pain! Pain!

Pain. Pain. Pain. It was all that entered my mind as memories assaulted me, memories of distinctly being someone else, being me, S-Sha, and memories of being me, ****. Both makes sense and yet not.

"Arg!!" Clutching my head in pain, I faintly heard a worried voice calling out. Calling me out?! 'E-Sha!'
'S-Sha! S-Sha!'

Even as the pain drowned out E-Sha's voice, I didn't stop calling out to her. 'E-Sha! E-Sha! Are you okay?!'

Gasping at the sudden lack of air, I felt my hand desperately clawing away at nothing, eventually stopping and calming down as air re-continued to be supplied and me greedily drinking the air that was denied to me just a moment ago.

'S-Sha! S-Sha! Please! Talk to me S-Sha!'

Hearing the voice properly again, it's E-Sha, I forced myself to answer despite the sudden wave of tiredness assaulting me. 'I am... fine E-Sha. What about you? Where you hurt?'

'I am well... What happened S-Sha? One moment you weren't... S-Sha and then all of a sudden, you're S-Sha again! And! And! Now you're both S-Sha and someone else!'

I chuckled wearily at the utterly flustered and red-faced E-Sha to which she returned with an angry glare, or as much as her face could muster an angry glare.

'Haha, all right, all right calm down. Ahh... right, about that. I seem to have merged with someone else. I am still S-Sha. But also a bit more than just S-Sha.'

Sensing the uncertainty and fear, I squashed that and reassured her that I still care for her. 'E-Sha! Calm down, It's still me, just a bit more. I still care for you, I still remember our friendship and rivalry in film-making, I still remember how I got into that accident, how you saved me and the fact that we've been together ever since.'

Both Me and Me have people we both hold dear, people that we'll do all that we can just to keep them safe and happy. Regardless of whether or not I am Me or Me, I have cared, currently caring and will continue to still care for E-Sha.

'... What more?' Though her fear disappeared, I can still sense her uncertainty. 'As I've said, I've merged with someone. I know this because I carry the memories, feelings and thoughts of both.'

Presenting a smile to her along with happy thoughts and feelings of us together even in this one singular body, I continued. 'Besides, there's no way I would not care for you. You're like the Sister that I never knew that I needed.'

I chuckled as I felt her blush and squirm. 'S-S-Sha...!'

As I felt her finally calm down along with her uncertainty disappearing. She asked me one last question. 'S-Sha... You're still S-Sha right?'

Blinking at her question. I answered quickly. 'Of course, I'm still your S-Sha.'
'... Then it's fine..' She said as I sensed her smile which caused me to smile as well.

We both savored the smile and feelings of happiness fluttering within us. Since she calmed down already, I thin she'll be receptive to my other set of memory.

'E-Sha?' I called out to her and felt her unsaid 'Hm?' together with her head tilting. I smiled as I continued. 'Right, so this other me's memories are....'
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Neppy's Basilicom, Neppy's room.
...I'm sleepy.

"Jeez, sorry! I just saw purple and reacted, ok?! as for how you got here? I dunno, everything fine in the Ultradimension?"I ask as I rub my cheek. Wow! I'm strong, all that STR grinding must be paying off!

"Yep. Everything's fine Neppy..Peashy's being adorable..Rei isn't going crazy. I was sleeping when I arrived. I hate being woken up." I pouted again.

"Everything going okay for you and Neppy Jr?" I yawned out. Damnit I want to sleep so I can process all of this.
Neppy's Basilicom, Neppy's room.
...I'm sleepy.

"Yep. Everything's fine Neppy..Peashy's being adorable..Rei isn't going crazy. I was sleeping when I arrived. I hate being woken up." I pouted again.

"Everything going okay for you and Neppy Jr?" I yawned out. Damnit I want to sleep so I can process all of this.
Nodding with my hands on my hips, I grin. "Super! Histy and Nep Jr are all worked up into a tizzy about the CPU Shift Period but actual work's booooooring, so I just leave them to it. I'm the Protagonist! I should be out there having adventures! Not doing boring old government work."
Neppy's Basilicom, Neppy's room.
...Still sleepy

Nodding with my hands on my hips, I grin. "Super! Histy and Nep Jr are all worked up into a tizzy about the CPU Shift Period but actual work's booooooring, so I just leave them to it. I'm the Protagonist! I should be out there having adventures! Not doing boring old government work."

CPU Shift period? That's Megadimension. "What's that? I've never heard about that. Not from my Hissy or my Blanny. And I agree with you. The work's boring...I'd rather sleep or punish some monsters for being meanies." I yawned.

"Hmm. I wanna see Neppy Jr. Where is she?" I held my doll tight, making Neptune feel like she was getting hugged.
Nodding with my hands on my hips, I grin. "Super! Histy and Nep Jr are all worked up into a tizzy about the CPU Shift Period but actual work's booooooring, so I just leave them to it. I'm the Protagonist! I should be out there having adventures! Not doing boring old government work."

CPU Shift period? That's Megadimension. "What's that? I've never heard about that. Not from my Hissy or my Blanny. And I agree with you. The work's boring...I'd rather sleep or punish some monsters for being meanies." I yawned.

"Hmm. I wanna see Neppy Jr. Where is she?" I held my doll tight, making Neptune feel like she was getting hugged.

One hastily ignored timeskip later, MAGES. found herself in front of the Neptune's room. The young mage tapped her chin in deep thought, wondering about how she was going to go about this. For one, she could just... knock on the door. For some reason, the thought bothered her. Like she was supposed to make some grand and dramatic entrance. Kicking in the door and demanding Nepgear's help felt like the right course of action.

... Well, it was Neptune. A direct approach was probably for the best. Unfortunately, not the fun kind of direct with fire and magic, but the boring polite kind of direct.

MAGES. knocked on the door, before peeking her head through the door. "Neptune, it's MAGES. I require the assistance of your sister..." She trailed off, her gaze wondered over to the young girl plopped lazily on Neptune's bed. "Ah, I didn't know you had other visitors in as well. Was I interrupting something important?"

Again, it was Neptune. So probably not.
Office, Basilicom, Lastation
What the Absolute Fuck?

As I log out of Twitch, I can't help but think to myself about what I just witnessed. There's a new Halo game! Oh, I'm sure that if anyone was able to read my thoughts they'd utterly tear me apart about that being what I'm excited for, but racing Warthogs in Halo was the very first thing I ever did on a computer and was some of the best bonding time I've ever had with my dad.

Bethesda will have a tou-
You find yourselves working in a black and silver high-end office.

-gh time what the fuck?!

Where am I, and why does my body feel so weird! I look down at myself, and what the fuckity fuck I have boobs! And my head is clear of pain for the first time in years, but boobs!

...and why does a part of me say that is natural...

Okayyyy then, I guess the next time Josh asks me to dress up for one of his shows I'll say yes. This right here is all the confirmation I need on that.

Waitttttt, I'm somehow transpositioned into a different body, something of which the mere occurrence of completely proves my personal religo-philosophy incorrect, and I'm thinking about drag? I should be freaking out way more than this!

...and yet this whole scene seems familiar...

What's going on here that seems familiar? Let's see, I'm sitting at my desk, like normal, signing off on paperwork, like normal, along with my little sister

But I'm an only child though...

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Office, Basilicom, Lastation

I take a momentary break from reading the documents as I reflect a bit on the reality of becoming... this. So, I now have to play the role of Lastation's leader-in-training? That's a lot of responsibility... and... I don't want to let Noire nor the people down...


If I end up staying like this, I'd... rather not internalize the title of goddess nor goddess-in-training, only accepting that as a technical term, considering the whole "empowered by people's faith and belief" thing. "CPU Candidate" is more preferable to me. Calling oneself some sort of deity or higher power has a way of getting to one's head. I mean, I'm not all-knowing, nor all-powerful, nor all-loving...

Office, Basilicom, Lastation
What the Absolute Fudge?


Huh? I notice Noire suddenly twitching. Nothing major, but it's there, as if I've known her for years and could spot something like that. Is something wrong?

"Are you okay, big sis?" I ask, my feminine voice being strange, yet familiar at the same time. Did all the paperwork get to her or something?

...It feels like asking my older brother back home if he's fine.

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Neppy's Basilicom, Neppy's room.
...Who woke me up?

One hastily ignored timeskip later, MAGES. found herself in front of the Neptune's room. The young mage tapped her chin in deep thought, wondering about how she was going to go about this. For one, she could just... knock on the door. For some reason, the thought bothered her. Like she was supposed to make some grand and dramatic entrance. Kicking in the door and demanding Nepgear's help felt like the right course of action.

... Well, it was Neptune. A direct approach was probably for the best. Unfortunately, not the fun kind of direct with fire and magic, but the boring polite kind of direct.

MAGES. knocked on the door, before peeking her head through the door. "Neptune, it's MAGES. I require the assistance of your sister..." She trailed off, her gaze wondered over to the young girl plopped lazily on Neptune's bed. "Ah, I didn't know you had other visitors in as well. Was I interrupting something important?"

Again, it was Neptune. So probably not.
I woke up with a that wasn't a dream. Okay then. My eyes immediately glared at whoever had woke me up....she looks like a witch. Or a wizard....she woke me up. Only one thing to do.

I moved the arm of my Doll so the rude person would bap herself on the head with her staff. As she's one of Neppy's friends, it was a gentle bap.

"Mages? That's a weird name." I know she's a DLC character in one of the games, I just can't remember anything else about her. I know she has a couple quirks...isn't she a conspiracy theorist?
I moved the arm of my Doll so the rude person would bap herself on the head with her staff. As she's one of Neppy's friends, it was a gentle bap.

"Oww!" MAGES. winced slightly as her own arm suddenly moved, gently bopping herself on the head with her Staff of the World Tree Birthing Principle. She vaguely recalled seeing the child before. Pluto, something? No, no, that was a dog... Ah well, hopefully the name would come back to her. Eventually. "What did I do? I just got here!"

"Mages? That's a weird name." I know she's a DLC character in one of the games, I just can't remember anything else about her. I know she has a couple quirks...isn't she a conspiracy theorist?

"It's pronounced MAGES.," corrected MAGES., pouting as she rubbed the top of her head. "The capitals and the period are especially important. Who are you, then?"
Neppy's Basilicom, Neppy's room.
...Who woke me up?

"Oww!" MAGES. winced slightly as her own arm suddenly moved, gently bopping herself on the head with her Staff of the World Tree Birthing Principle. She vaguely recalled seeing the child before. Pluto, something? No, no, that was a dog... Ah well, hopefully the name would come back to her. Eventually. "What did I do? I just got here!"
"You woke me up." I pouted.
"It's pronounced MAGES.," corrected MAGES., pouting as she rubbed the top of her head. "The capitals and the period are especially important. Who are you, then?"
"..My name? Plutia, also Iris Heart, CPU of the Ultradimension's Planeptune." I stood up and clutched my doll tight...should I transform?
"..My name? Plutia, also Iris Heart, CPU of the Ultradimension's Planeptune." I stood up and clutched my doll tight...should I transform?

"Plutia, Plutia... Ah!" MAGES. snapped her fingers in realization. "You were involved in that one incident a few years ago with the Seven Sages, correct? With Rei? I think we were in the same party, even. Assuming certain parties had the spending money to spend for DLC, of course," quietly muttered MAGES. "At any rate, what brings you to this dimension?"

For some reason though, a shiver ran down her spine. There were very few things MAGES. feared in the entire world. One, going cold turkey on Doc P. And two, having her outfit changed into something completely different while in the middle of a conversation. Even the Organization, which had a reach that stretched across space and time, barely fazed her. It was a natural consequence of her research and activities, after all. She was perfectly prepared for their involvement. This Iris Heart, however, activated a sort of instinctive fear that told her best not to gain her attention.
Plutia—>Iris Heart
Neppy's Basilicom, Neppy's room.
...You woke me up? You bitch.

"Plutia, Plutia... Ah!" MAGES. snapped her fingers in realization. "You were involved in that one incident a few years ago with the Seven Sages, correct? With Rei? I think we were in the same party, even. Assuming certain parties had the spending money to spend for DLC, of course,"​ quietly muttered MAGES. "At any rate, what brings you to this dimension?"

I shrugged, oh yeah. She was there when Rei went batshit. Wasn't she getting wrecked? Hmm. It's probably reincarnation and Kurome being a bitch or act of ROB, as I became Plutia but...."I have no idea. I was sleeping when suddenly I woke up above Neppy."

For some reason though, a shiver ran down her spine. There were very few things MAGES. feared in the entire world. One, going cold turkey on Doc P. And two, having her outfit changed into something completely different while in the middle of a conversation. Even the Organization, which had a reach that stretched across space and time, barely fazed her. It was a natural consequence of her research and activities, after all. She was perfectly prepared for their involvement. This Iris Heart, however, activated a sort of instinctive fear that told her best not to gain her attention.
I glared at MAGES. "Ummm....You did wake me up Magey....should I transform and show you why thats a bad idea?...." Good. She's shuttering "..I'll take you being quiet as a yes." In a flash of light, I became Iris Heart.

Hmmm. I feel great. I feel a urge to have some fun. So why not have fun? I smiled. "Now. Are you ready for some punishment for waking me up?"
Freak the Freak Out

After lying on the couch for...maybe minutes? I finally felt myself calm down enough. "Okay. Calm. Just...calm. I can do this. Now think...where am I? Who am I? Why am I playing a game while wearing a really fancy dress in a super swanky living room.?" Thanks not!memories for providing that little fact.
"Huh. Not my memories..? Maybe they could help..." I pondered this as I yeld my hand in my chin, sitting up properly on this really soft and nice couch. Quite an exquisite one, a good choice if I do say so myself. Wait.

"No, no wandering." I pat both my cheeks lightly. Focus. Ok...I can check my memories-well this body's memories. Or...

My eyes drift to the game. "I am close to beating this Boss Fight...."
And a few seconds later, button spamming continued as the roar of an angry huge dragonic chimera eminated from the immensely high quality surround sound speakers not!me-but-me owned, a small smile on my face.
Basilicom, Planeptune

I faltered a moment, turning my motion into a rest for my forehead as I stare unseeing at the proposal. It's probably a bad idea to make any decisions before I'm fully integrated. Integration will take 3 minutes.
My new self is from an extremely divergent dimension. I'll have to try contacting myself in that dimension, but it's possible they were my dimensional analogue. While we are largely dissimilar, that would at least offer an explanation.

They were lazy, but also lacking in responsibilities. A difference, but not an insurmountable one. Their perspective might even be useful getting Neptune to actually do something!...Yeah, I didn't think so either. They were fascinated by magic, which makes up for most of the motivation lost in the transfer and makes me much happier. Neptune was probably right about us needing breaks, though I'm sure I wouldn't be nearly this stressed if she was actually doing something. Even a couple of hours a day...

And then there's the elephant in my pages, metaknowledge. Not as useful as one might expect. All the things I really know of already happened, though I shudder slightly at the conquest ending. Could that really have happened? Best not to dwell on it.

All in all, not much has changed. I have a new perspective, a better mood, and a couple hints toward the future. Not bad for 3 minutes and random coincidence. I just hope this isn't the start of a new crisis, even if it would get Neptune working on something.

Now what was this proposal again, anyway?


Okay, right. It's one of the better ones, centering around how life has been just fine under the CPUs and the massive risks of attempting the alternatives. Most notably, it calls attention to the CPUs' role in defending the nations from monsters and it's nature as an otherwise inaccessible service. In Purple Heart's case, it exploits the rumors of her laziness as an advantage, citing comparisons to tyranny and querying whether they really want the government interfering in their private business. It's also written by ZUN. Touhou, seriously? At least their talent is properly reflected in their dimensional counterpart.

The last aspect is risky, but that's minimized by it already being known. Any damage to Purple Heart's reputation would be done anyway. It does present a minor risk of presenting the other CPUs as tyrants, especially Black Heart. As useful as a scapegoat can be in traditional politics, it would rapidly spell disaster in Gamindustri, as cooperation between the CPUs is the most important factor in resolving crises. Hmmmm.

We might be able to insulate that risk by utilizing nationalism - It's useful for once! - and trying to make governmental independence a point of national pride for Planeptune specifically... That should work, but I should probably run it by Nepgear first. Well, I should run it by Neptune, but that's a lost cause, so...

"Nepgear?" I say, turning to face her. "What do you think about taking ZUN's plan, but switching out the tyranny contrasts for making your sister's noninterference into a point of national pride? It should minimize the risk of villainizing Noire."
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