Plan: The Fall Girl
[X] On a NET-Horizon Broadcast Station
[X] Corporate Research Assistant
[X] Corporate's Fault
[X] Female
[X] No
I really think we should go with the personal sin option to provide some initiative in the early game, instead of reacting to something corporate does with their eyes already on us.
I really think we should go with the personal sin option to provide some initiative in the early game, instead of reacting to something corporate does with their eyes already on us.

It's actually the inverse. Corporate doesn't know you know their secrets yet if you select corporate fault. Corporate knows someone fucked up in the personal sin option, you covered up your involvement but not well enough to save your life in the long-term. The personal sin option gives you a much shorter time frame to escape. My apologies, I thought the text of the option gave a sense of panicked reaction, and thusly communicated a shorter time frame to escape in.
It's actually the inverse. Corporate doesn't know you know their secrets yet if you select corporate fault. Corporate knows someone fucked up in the personal sin option, you covered up your involvement but not well enough to save your life in the long-term. The personal sin option gives you a much shorter time frame to escape. My apologies, I thought the text of the option gave a sense of panicked reaction, and thusly communicated a shorter time frame to escape in.
Would it be possible to choose what the Sin is?

You probably know what I'm thinking of from my plan name/world type/job chosen.
Would it be possible to choose what the Sin is?

You probably know what I'm thinking of from my plan name/world type/job chosen.
Yeah, I know where you're going with that.

The personal sin option would be tailored to your choices. In your case. It's more likely your character would have accidentally corrupted a project's research files or left the site's matrix security down to browse... certain things on a slow night and cost both the Research Subsidiary and NET-Horizon Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of NuYen.

Researching ways to make better human burgers is more of Aztechnology's shtick. If you want more of a Soylent Green story, then change your occupation to Corporate Face and your planet to Mining-world. The story there is that you negotiated a killer deal on a low-cost source of protein for a major mining colony. Only to find out later that the shipments of protein you had been so quick to buy up had actually been made from metahuman medical waste. Half the colony is ill or being transformed into vampires by HMHVV-contaminated tissue samples. The colony would like to file a complaint as a result. You've barely managed to intercept and mislead your boss about why the colony is so pissed off and it's only a matter of time before your powers of bureaucratic obstruction are over come and you are sent to... offer a formal apology to the mining colony.
Shadowrun in space?


I'd prefer to do the build myself, assuming 5e core rules, buuuuut...

[X] Plan All That Glimmers

This is fine
Voting will close at 11pm cst. Any last minute changes, do them now.
Bit late, but voting is closed.

[X] Plan All That Glimmers chosen by majority vote.

Expect an update by 10pm cst tomorrow
Character Sheet
Posting the character sheet early for critique. Character generated through Omae v2.

# [Player: Sufficient Velocity]


Metatype | Attributes | Mag/Res | Skills | Resources
B | A | D | C | E

##Personal Details

**Name/Alias:** [To Be Determined]

**Metatype:** elf


Bod | Agi | Rea | Str | Wil | Log | Int | Cha | Edg | Mag | Ess
3 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 8 | 3 | 6 | 6


Physical | Mental | Social
5 | 6 | 10


Name | Category | Ref
The Speaker's Way | Positive | SG p178
Mentor Spirit: Raven | Positive | SR5 p76
Aptitude | Positive | SR5 p72
Friends in High Places | Positive | RF p147
Photographic Memory | Positive | SR5 p76
Spacer | Positive | RG p169
Speed Reading | Positive | RF p149
Too Pretty To Hit | Positive | RG p127
Lightning Reflexes | Positive | RF p148
Will to Live (Rating 1) | Positive | SR5 p77

Addiction (Moderate) | Negative | SR5 p78
SINner (Corporate) | Negative | SR5 p85


**Type:** Adept


name | points | levels | maxlevel |
Authoritative Tone | .50 | 3 | 3 |
Cool Resolve | 1 | 1 |
Rapid Healing | .5 | 1 |
Commanding Voice | 1 | N/A
Linguistics | .25 | N/A |
| Body Sculpt |1 | N/A |
Facial Sculpt | .25 | 3 | |
Voice Control l N/A l 1 l

Pentrating Strike |.25|1|4| (Focus granted)



Name | Rating | Attribute | Spec | Dice Pool
Etiquette | 5 | 8 | – | 13
Leadership | 5 | 8 | – | 13
Negotiation | 5 | 8 | – | 13
Pistols | 2 | 4 | – | 6
Sneaking | 3 | 4 | – | 7
Unarmed Combat | 4 | 4 | – | 8
Running | 1 | 4 | – | 5
Con | 1 | 8 | – | 9
Impersonation | 3 | 8 | – | 11
Disguise | 1 | 5 | – | 6
Perception | 3 | 5 | – | 8
Navigation | 1 | 5 | – | 6

##Street Gear

### armors

Name | Armor | Capacity | Mods | Ref
Zoé: Executive Suite | 12 | undefined/4 | Custom Fit; Newest Model; Biofiber pocket;

### Foci

Name | Rating |
Penetrating strike Focus | 1 |

### Tailored Perfume/Cologne

Name | Rating |
Black Panther | N/A |
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Contacts List and other resources.
This will be the last bit for tonight, I'll have the Sins of Corporate Post as well as the first game post up here by tomorrow.

Aerith Masterson, High-powered Negotiator: Your former mentor in the art of the deal. You keep in frequent contact with her and occasionally take on jobs as a favor to her. Might be time to collect, all things considered. (Communications with her by you are monitored, you'll need to overcome this if you wish to make use of her connections.)
Connection: 9 (Has Contacts with multiple Megacorps and planetary governments. Can contact the corporate court and not be dismissed outright.)
Loyalty: 5

Danny-Boi, Shadowrunning Decker: After a rather nasty event two years back. Aerith put you in contact with him in the event you ever needed data... expunged, and covered your first use of his first service so that your reputation would remain impeccable. Danny-Boi will expect payment for services rendered. Be prepared for that. Payment need not necessarily be in Nuyen.
Connection: 3 (Decent Decker.)
Loyalty: 2

Tanner Duo, Free Trader: A Spacer you managed to ensnare after he hired you to make a few deals on his behalf. He won't help you run away without you having dealt with your little sin problem. He will, however, make a few discrete jumps within thirty light years of Circa Somnium. You managed to argue the price for these deliveries down to free of charge in exchange for a limited number of jobs per fiscal quarter after pointing out the extensive amount of Nuyen you added to his accounts through your deal-making prowess and consequently how little of that exorbitant amount is going into your accounts. "Unless of course you'd like me to disclose to NET-Horizon that our conversations have been more mercantile then is strictly speaking professional."
Connection: 2 (Owns a decently stealthy smugger ship capable of FTL jumps)
Loyalty: 3

Mr. Johnson, Top Tier Fixer: A distinctly dangerous individual. You got into contact with her quite by accident through Danny-Boi. As one of the better fixers on Circa Somnium. There is little she can't do. She will require a great deal of compensation to consider flexing her influential muscles for you. Do not waste her time.
Connection: 8 (Access to the Wider criminal underground of Metahuman Space. Access to the Black-Market. Access to Mid-Grade Shadowrunners)
Loyalty: 2

Resources to be secured. This list can be expanded on if you come across resources, items, or individuals you wish to take with you upon your escape.
Nuyen In Corporate Trust Fund (14.78 Million Nuyen)
-To be distributed to your personal accounts upon your 21st birthday.
-Will grow as you continue to work for NET-Horizon
Woah, connection 8?


Friends in high places is great with an 8 charisma. Unfortunately for you guys, a loyalty of 2 means that when it comes to you, she does business transactions, not favors. You want to take advantage of that 8, your gonna have to find something worth her time. What you already know about NET-Horizon's dirty little secret isnt enough to profit off of... yet. Find actionable proof, and you'd be surprised what Mr. Johnson will trade for dirt on the biggest PR company in Metahuman space.
Horrors in the skin
Circa Somnium is a beautiful world. A pristine natural wonderland of clear rivers, white sand beaches, and charming meadows that made an absolute killing off of the tourist trade and the trideo industry. It's people were wealthy, happy, and loyal to the company that had made it all possible. The Weather never dipped a degree below 25 degrees Celsius or above 35. The weather never got worse then the occasional light shower and early morning fog, what with all the worse weather contained in what'd been named the storm belt along the equator.

So naturally, it was raining heavily the day I decided to leave Circa Somnium and the company I'd been born into.

Fitting I suppose. Of course the day that ruined the preconceptions I'd been raised to hold my entire life was a shitty one. I'd thought that the opinions of the greater consensus were important. That Corporate cared about all of us and tried to operate as one of the few true democracies in the Metahuman-diaspora. What a remarkably dreary day to discover I'd been raised to be feedstock for an alien horror.

I didn't have "proof". The petabytes of data detectives pulled from video files, financial records, and audio logs. That proved the guilt of the concerned parties beyond all doubt.

No, all I had was a video file. Sent to me by a man who was rather conveniently transferred to a project in one of the Black sites on Circa Somnium, never to be seen again. Oh he still existed, technically, his social media account was still active and actively used. But every post had that bizarre film to it from the spin-doctors that anyone who'd been raised in the higher levels of NET-Horizon could recognize. That faint hint of utter bullshit that'd been refined to the point that anyone who wasn't in the know would be unable to detect it. The man was dead. This much I knew. The reason for his... elevation to such a prestigious project as Project Mayfly was contained within a high-security flash drive I'd found buried in my clean clothes delivered by Housekeeping. The words dug into the featureless black casing that could only be read by tracing one's finger along the invisible fissures in the smooth casing. "Watch this on a matrix-disabled comlink." A second stroke of the fingers reveled the other half of the message as the programmed material shifted under my fingertip. "Don't reconnect the comlink."

The video was simply entitled "Your Future."

The video opened on the security footage of one of my friends's new room in the more secure sector of the compound. A sprightly human conjurer name Anna. She'd disappeared into Project Mayfly a year ago. Full of her characteristic enthusiasm and optimism. She came out of the project oddly reserved and seductive at the same time. It was a change, but we were both so young at the time that I thought the new Anna was a passing fad. A quirk of personality that would fade with time. To my mounting horror, i found that her change of personality was accompanied by a change in the flesh as well.

Anna had been sitting on her bed. Going through a datapad that no doubt demanded she outbid the demons she conjured as she got them to work towards corporate's ends. The video continued like that for a moment or two before there was a chime at the door leading into the service tunnels that ran throughout the compound. The higher grade employees had entrances to the tunnels in their rooms so they could flee more swiftly towards the security bunker in the not-unlikely event of pirate attack or compound intrusion.

Anna looked up at the door, which conveniently sat right beneath the security camera, and grinned. The flesh of her face wicking away into a angular, insectile mask with bulging eyes and a flanging maw where her mouth had been. She dropped the pad onto the bed and stood in a jerky, rocking motion as her two legs split into four and her hands transformed into wicked, chitinous blades. As Anna finished transforming into a man-sized mantis, her dinner arrived through the service tunnel door.

Anna's transformation had a degree of grace to it. She'd morphed into a human sized insect without any artifacts of her human form left behind. The... creature that had been kicked into the room by the boot of one of the security officers had neither of those qualities. It was a hideous amalgamation of human flesh and insectoid features. It looked for all the world as if a human had decided to grow a massive ant out of it's back and the ant had decided to wear the remnants of it's former human body as a cloak across the back of it's carapace. The ant stumbled around woozily as if drugged while Anna stalked jerkily in a mantis-like manner over to it. Her antenna twitching as she cocked her head to regard the stumbling, drunken ant.

Then she struck.

I didn't watch the rest, the messy chewing sounds after the shrill, way-too-human shriek had died out was more then enough for me.

Not three hours after I'd set the comlink aside and just tried to breath normally, to calm myself in light of what I'd just witnessed, I got the email. I really hoped I wouldn't. A lot of people had applied to work for Project Mayfly. Surely they'd pass me over, right?

"We are very proud to inform you that your application to be part of project Mayfly has been accepted. You will be inducted into our program at the start of the next testing phase on October 24th, 2110."

The day I received the email was June 27th. I have a little under four months to escape. Lest I want to be a fucking mantis host.

DOOM CLOCK SET: 16 turns until you are moved to the project Mayfly facility in preparation for induction.
You have four categories of actions you can take during a turn. You have four actions you can take per turn, which can be spread out as you like throughout the four categories. You must take one action in the work category per turn unless you take the "Sick leave" action. Which can be taken for a maximum of three turns. Be careful, your charm will allow you to escape minor problems, but if you fail at a MISSION CRITICAL action. It will not only set back your escape progress, but it will also accelerate the doom clock, as Corporate becomes aware of your desire to flee.

WORK: Making deals with the devil and ripping him off.

[ ] Simple Stuff: You take on a few small contracts and easy negotiations this week. (Payout entered into your trust fund in the 10,000-50,000 nuyen range. No risk of failure. Possible other benefits.)

[ ] Complicated work: You take on a few harder contracts (Payout entered into your trust fund in the 100,000-1,000,000 nuyen range. Risk of failure. Possible other benefits.)

[ ] Sick Leave: You're entitled to a few weeks off for purposes of illnesses or stress. (Gain one additional action unless actually sick. Adds some risk of failure to actions that take you beyond your room.)

SABOTAGE: Undermining upper-management.

[ ] Scout out your superiors: You chat, talk, and most importantly listen to those around you on the topic of the bosses. Having a better idea of who's who in the office could help your escape. (Gain knowledge of the Upper Management. Risk of Failure. Opens new options, reduces chances of failure in other actions)

[ ] Cozying up to Security: The Security officers are supposed to keep a degree of separation from the staff. "Supposed to" and "Actually do" are two completely different things. (Gain knowledge of Important Security Staff. Risk of Failure. Opens new options, reduces chances of failure in other actions)

[ ] Making friends in the workplace: Corporate has a weird habit of shuffling employees between departments, time to find out who your new co-workers are. ( Gain knowledge of New Co-workers, no risk of failure. Opens new options.)

[ ] Sifting through the Net: You may not be the best matrix-jockey. But you're cunning and somewhat aware of what corporate might be sniffing around for. See what you can pull up. (Gain circumstantial evidence of strange happenings connected to "Project Mayfly", High risk of failure, Opens new options)

ESPIONAGE : Teasing out dearly kept secrets.

[ ] Ask Anna about project Mayfly: Crazy as the idea is. If you can get Anna to confess certain corporate secrets about project Mayfly, you may have something to buy your way out of here with. Criminals have operated with less info, or so Corporate tells you during the OP-SEC briefings. (MISSION CRITICAL, gain substantial information on project Mayfly, gain WAY OUT action, Risk of Failure, opens new options)
- [ ] Write in method of questioning

[ ] Office B&E: Nothing ventured, nothing gained!!! (You don't know who's in charge of the compound or who might be directly linked to Project Mayfly, or what the exact security measures are for the compound. This is an immensely poor decision.)

PERSONAL: Escaping is tough work, don't forget to rest on occasion.

[ ] Relax in the matrix: Put on the goggles and just enjoy yourself for a time. (Lowers stress by one category, sates Addiction, small chance of increasing addiction)

[ ] Meditate: Inner peace... Inner peace... Inner pizza? Damn it! (Lowers stress by one category, small chance of lowering addiction)
Ok then, just below the "Never Deal with a Dragon" entry is "Bugs are Bad News".

[X] Plan Scrutinize
-[X] Simple Stuff: You take on a few small contracts and easy negotiations this week. (Payout entered into your trust fund in the 10,000-50,000 nuyen range. No risk of failure. Possible other benefits.)
-[X] Making friends in the workplace: Corporate has a weird habit of shuffling employees between departments, time to find out who your new co-workers are. ( Gain knowledge of New Co-workers, no risk of failure. Opens new options.)
-[X] Scout out your superiors: You chat, talk, and most importantly listen to those around you on the topic of the bosses. Having a better idea of who's who in the office could help your escape. (Gain knowledge of the Upper Management. Risk of Failure. Opens new options, reduces chances of failure in other actions)
-[X] Cozying up to Security: The Security officers are supposed to keep a degree of separation from the staff. "Supposed to" and "Actually do" are two completely different things. (Gain knowledge of Important Security Staff. Risk of Failure. Opens new options, reduces chances of failure in other actions)
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[x] Plan: Gathering Intel
-[x] Complicated work: You take on a few harder contracts (Payout entered into your trust fund in the 100,000-1,000,000 nuyen range. Risk of failure. Possible other benefits.)
-[x] Sifting through the Net: You may not be the best matrix-jockey. But you're cunning and somewhat aware of what corporate might be sniffing around for. See what you can pull up. -(Gain circumstantial evidence of strange happenings connected to "Project Mayfly", High risk of failure, Opens new options)
-[x] Making friends in the workplace: Corporate has a weird habit of shuffling employees between departments, time to find out who your new co-workers are. ( Gain knowledge of New Co-workers, no risk of failure. Opens new options.)
-[x] Relax in the matrix: Put on the goggles and just enjoy yourself for a time. (Lowers stress by one category, sates Addiction, small chance of increasing addiction)

Get some info, resources, and reduce stress before we go for riskier options.

Because we are definitely going to start with stress considering what we just found out.
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