You have reached a point in the quest were you will have to choose another class and power so yeah.
[Choose Two Soul Attribute]
[] Infatuation
[] Contradiction
[] Fiction
[] Violence
[] Oblivion
[] Ignorance
[ Pick A Sub Class ]
[] Rakshasa : You are in essence a demon from the depths of Naraka your very body has become spiritual and you are now an incarnation of Malignancy.
- Nirvana : A state of spiritual enlightenment that has become evolved due to your Truth. Grants an auto success to all Spirit Check(Reduced due to Debuff Broken Soul).
- Adamas : Your state of physical transcendence embracing the Truth has evolved your body beyond belief. Grants a +50 to all Body Check's and an Auto pass to one Attack.
- Mantra : A state of mythical ascension that allows for magical incantations.Grants a +35 to all Supernatural and Mind Check.
[] Einherjar : You have died and be resurrected as a new entity, you have conquered death and your path is filled with endless war
- Resurrection : Grants 3 chances for resurrection after death.
- Perpetual Motion : You possess nigh unlimited stamina allowing for massive feat of endurance. Grants a +100 to all Body Check.
- Light Of Gold : ???. Increases the chance of killing one's opponent by 100%.
[] Hadou : you have seen the Truth of the world and now you shall emanate your immutable Truth across the world.
- Embrace : you submit the souls of multiple people within your Truth allowing the use of there Powers , Skills or Truths.
- Crash : you can change the shape of the world in a limited manner breaking the form of creation and creating irregularities.
- Seedling : Increases the strength and amplification of your Raison D'être and stimulates the chances of evolution of your desires.