Engines of Desolation (Post-Apocalyptic Mobile City Quest)

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"Pict-Capture from the gundeck of the tracked city of Behemoth firing on the city of...
Basic Stats/World Map
World Map:

Engines of Desolation

The Mobile City Dreadnaught

Captian-General Catherine Ethard

Basic Stats:

Hull Points: 50
Armor: 3
Movement: 2
Energy: 21/30
Repair Rate: 1 HP per 5 Metal
Population Unit Unrest: 40%
Resource Storage: 50
- 23 Fuel
- 10 Food
- 5 Metal
View Range: 2
Population Units: 10

Political Groups:
Captain-General Loyalist - 4 Pop Units
Gunners - 2 Pop Unit


Basic Engine (Manned)
Command Deck (Manned)
x2 Hydroponic Farms (x2 Manned)
x2 Hab Blocks (N/A)
Market Hall (Manned)
Manufacturing Hall (Manned)
Barracks (N/A)
Air Hanger (Unmanned)
Light Gun Battery (Manned)​
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End of the Long Road
End of the Long Road
1st Cycle 355 A.0.

The Mobile City slowly tracked across the Northern Waste. It was in obvious disrepair, pitted and pockmarked. Yet still its mighty engine strained and the great treads pulled the steel beast along. As the Northern Waste fell behind it, and the Deathlands encompassed the formidable titan, is slowly came to a stop. Once it had called the Deathlands home, thirty years ago. Then a Captain-General who shall not be named had discovered a data storage device that spoke of vast reserves of Fuel deep in the heart of the Northern Waste. In his greed and haste, the Captain-General plunged the city into the frozen hellscape in search of this bounty. But the city had not been designed for such brutal cold, nor had the Captain-General foreseen the Frost Wyrms, creatures that made there Dust Wyrm cousins pale in comparison. Yet still, the city had plunged deeper and deeper into ice and snow, all in search of a treasure that many doubted even existed. Soon no Humans could be found, only clans of vicious man-eaters who attacked the metal invader in their territory relentlessly. At first, laughed off and easily dispatched by the guns of the city, the soldiers stopped laughing once the ammo began to run low and the man-eaters crawled ever closer to the access points with each wave. Finally, it ended, when the city could no longer move across the rough terrain, and the Captain-General took the cities army and moved to cross the mountains on foot. Neither he nor his men were ever heard from again.

So the City retreated, back to the relative safety of the border between the Northern Waste and the Deathlands. The journey took nearly thirty years in total, the last decade simply recovering while hiding from the more powerful cities further south. Now a new Captain-General stands at the head of the city, and a new dawn approaches.



[ ] Write-In CIty Name

[ ] Write-In Captain-General's Name

The City is nearly recovered from its Long Road. WIth the intake of Humans from small villages located in the Northern Waste, and increased birth rate, all Hab Blocks are full, with the population fluctuating around 100,000. The last generation of survivors from the Long Road is growing old, and these fresh citizens must be assigned to various duties around the city. Currently, the only major political group is the Captain-General Loyalist, which hold four Pop Units.

[ ] Assign Pop Units to Modules


While the recovery of the city has been swift these last few years, it now finds itself low on vital resources. As Captain-General you must decide the course the city will take across the Deathlands.

You can move North, North-East, South-East, South, South-West, or North-West for a maximum of 2 spaces. (See World Map)

[ ] Determine Movement


[ ] Survey Local Area


[ ] 1 Trade Good. Cost: 5 Metal
[ ] 1 Light Gun Battery Ammo. Cost: 5 Metal
[ ] 1 Small Arms Ammo. Cost: 1 Metal
[ ] 1 Infantry Unit. Cost: 5 Metal
[ ] 1 Fighter Squadron. Cost: 25 Metal
[ ] 1 Bomber Squadron. Cost: 30 Metal
[ ] 5 HP. Cost: 25 Metal
[ ] 1 Armor. Cost: 5 Metal

[ ] New Module
- Average Engine. Cost: 50 Metal
- Improved Engine. Cost: 100 BP
- Hydroponic Farms. Cost: 25 Metal
-Armored Treads. Cost: 25 Metal
-Hab Block. Cost: 25 Metal
- Reserve Batteries. Cost: 50 Metal
- Mining Rig. Cost: 25 Metal
- Observation Tower. Cost: 25 Metal
- Radar System. Cost: 50 Metal
- Refinery. Cost: 50 Metal
- Cargo Holds. Cost: 25 Metal
- Herd Pens. Cost: 25 Metal
- Tavern Network. Cost: 25 Metal
- Barracks. Cost: 25 Metal
- Muster Hall. Cost: 25 Metal
- Air Hanger. Cost: 25 Metal
- Vehicle Hanger. Cost: 25 Metal
- Light Gun Battery. Cost: 25 Metal
- Medium Gun Battery. Cost: 50 Metal
- Heavy Gun Battery. Cost: 75 Metal
- Pillbox Network. Cost: 25 Metal
- Manufacturing Hall. Cost: 25 Metal
- Guild Hall. Cost: 25 Metal
- Slave-Pens. Cost: 25 Metal
- Energized Fortifications. Cost: 25 Metal
- Tow Cable Cranes. Cost: 25 Metal
- Surveillance Network. Cost: 25 Metal
- Boarding Harpoon Battery. Cost: 25 Metal
- Enforcer Posts. Cost: 25 Metal
- Healer Hall. Cost: 25 Metal
- Mechanics Guild. Cost: 25 Metal
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The New Road
The New Road
2nd Cycle 355 A.0.

The survey of the region begins in the traditional fashion, following a grid pattern the Dreadnaught begins to scour the land in search of anything of use to the city. Eventually, a large herd of six-legged beast is spotted. While they are herbivores, they are very aggressive. Still hunting the herd could provide an influx of fresh meat into the city and improve population moral.

Discovered: Herbivore Herd (Food Resource) 200

Additionally, during the course of the survey, multiple large abandoned camping grounds were located. While no one was spotted, it's likely that a nomadic group lives in the area.

Discovered: Evidence of a Nomadic Group

Finally, the survey is ended near the end of the Cycle. The area is typical for the Deathlands, with little in the way of interesting features outside of the dry flat plains.



A new political group called the "Gunners" is beginning to gain ground. Supporters of the group mostly belong to those who man the city gun batteries and provide support for those batteries. They are demanding a new Light Gun Battery be built and manned. A 5% increase in population unrest will remain until their demands are met.

[ ] Outlaw the Political Group.

[ ] Remain neutral to the Political Group.

[ ] Endorse the Political Group.


[ ] Agree to the demands.

[ ] Deny the demands.

[ ] Delay response.


You can move North, North-East, South-East, South, South-West, or North-West for a maximum of 2 spaces. (See World Map)

[ ] Determine Movement


[ ] Survey Local Area


[ ] 1 Trade Good. Cost: 5 Metal
[ ] 1 Light Gun Battery Ammo. Cost: 5 Metal
[ ] 1 Small Arms Ammo. Cost: 1 Metal
[ ] 1 Infantry Unit. Cost: 5 Metal
[ ] 1 Fighter Squadron. Cost: 25 Metal
[ ] 1 Bomber Squadron. Cost: 30 Metal
[ ] 5 HP. Cost: 25 Metal
[ ] 1 Armor. Cost: 5 Metal

[ ] New Module
- Average Engine. Cost: 50 Metal
- Improved Engine. Cost: 100 Metal
- Hydroponic Farms. Cost: 25 Metal
-Armored Treads. Cost: 25 Metal
-Hab Block. Cost: 25 Metal
- Reserve Batteries. Cost: 50 Metal
- Mining Rig. Cost: 25 Metal
- Observation Tower. Cost: 25 Metal
- Radar System. Cost: 50 Metal
- Refinery. Cost: 50 Metal
- Cargo Holds. Cost: 25 Metal
- Herd Pens. Cost: 25 Metal
- Tavern Network. Cost: 25 Metal
- Barracks. Cost: 25 Metal
- Muster Hall. Cost: 25 Metal
- Air Hanger. Cost: 25 Metal
- Vehicle Hanger. Cost: 25 Metal
- Light Gun Battery. Cost: 25 Metal
- Medium Gun Battery. Cost: 50 Metal
- Heavy Gun Battery. Cost: 75 Metal
- Pillbox Network. Cost: 25 Metal
- Manufacturing Hall. Cost: 25 Metal
- Guild Hall. Cost: 25 Metal
- Slave-Pens. Cost: 25 Metal
- Energized Fortifications. Cost: 25 Metal
- Tow Cable Cranes. Cost: 25 Metal
- Surveillance Network. Cost: 25 Metal
- Boarding Harpoon Battery. Cost: 25 Metal
- Enforcer Posts. Cost: 25 Metal
- Healer Hall. Cost: 25 Metal
- Mechanics Guild. Cost: 25 Metal


World Map Updated​
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The New Road (Part 2)
The New Road (Part 2)
3rd Cycle 355 A.0.

The journey south-east is uneventful, with the only excitement when the spotters caught site of several groups of riders atop strange lizard-like creatures in the distance. Seemingly keeping between the city and the large herds discovered in the last cycle. The riders made no attempt to follow the city as it left the area, and were soon lost in the distance.



With no crackdown on the Gunners, the group begins to slowly grow in size. While you have delayed any response to there demands, they seem content to allow the current status quo to remain, at least until they build more numbers. Your advisors assure you that they aren't a threat, and could, in fact, be very useful in the event of a war.


You can move North, North-East, South-East, South, South-West, or North-West for a maximum of 2 spaces. (See World Map)

[ ] Determine Movement


[ ] Survey Local Area


[ ] 1 Trade Good. Cost: 5 Metal
[ ] 1 Light Gun Battery Ammo. Cost: 5 Metal
[ ] 1 Small Arms Ammo. Cost: 1 Metal
[ ] 1 Infantry Unit. Cost: 5 Metal
[ ] 1 Fighter Squadron. Cost: 25 Metal
[ ] 1 Bomber Squadron. Cost: 30 Metal
[ ] 5 HP. Cost: 25 Metal
[ ] 1 Armor. Cost: 5 Metal

[ ] New Module
- Average Engine. Cost: 50 Metal
- Improved Engine. Cost: 100 Metal
- Hydroponic Farms. Cost: 25 Metal
-Armored Treads. Cost: 25 Metal
-Hab Block. Cost: 25 Metal
- Reserve Batteries. Cost: 50 Metal
- Mining Rig. Cost: 25 Metal
- Observation Tower. Cost: 25 Metal
- Radar System. Cost: 50 Metal
- Refinery. Cost: 50 Metal
- Cargo Holds. Cost: 25 Metal
- Herd Pens. Cost: 25 Metal
- Tavern Network. Cost: 25 Metal
- Barracks. Cost: 25 Metal
- Muster Hall. Cost: 25 Metal
- Air Hanger. Cost: 25 Metal
- Vehicle Hanger. Cost: 25 Metal
- Light Gun Battery. Cost: 25 Metal
- Medium Gun Battery. Cost: 50 Metal
- Heavy Gun Battery. Cost: 75 Metal
- Pillbox Network. Cost: 25 Metal
- Manufacturing Hall. Cost: 25 Metal
- Guild Hall. Cost: 25 Metal
- Slave-Pens. Cost: 25 Metal
- Energized Fortifications. Cost: 25 Metal
- Tow Cable Cranes. Cost: 25 Metal
- Surveillance Network. Cost: 25 Metal
- Boarding Harpoon Battery. Cost: 25 Metal
- Enforcer Posts. Cost: 25 Metal
- Healer Hall. Cost: 25 Metal
- Mechanics Guild. Cost: 25 Metal


World Map Updated​
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