Endless Winter in Neo-Sydney: A Neon Genesis Evangelion Quest

You old enough to remember the 90s and early-2000s? If not, 4Kids was infamous for taking relatively adult anime and mackereing them into "kid-friendly" glurge for the English dub. That video basically imagines what it would have been like had they gotten their hands on Evangelion. It exaggerates, but not by much.
Meh, I didn't get into Evangelion- or anime in general, other than Robotech/Macross- until the last year or so. Even then, I've haven't watched anything, just read about it on the interwebs.
Okay, there's a three way tie between Metaphysics, Combat and Social, so I'll just say the next person to post gets to break the tie, since it's gone on long enough.
[x] Personal combat training
[x] Social

Switching to Social.
Okay, we got Social locked in, now for our second option, it's a tie between Metaphysics and Personal Combat Training.
Personally, I would have liked Social and Metaphysics, but I can live with Social and PCT. Social means communication, which is vital in Evangelion. And improving our ass-kicking skills is nice.

I do recommend that we crack open a few textbooks on Metaphysical Biology when we get the chance. Whatever these guys have on M-theory wouldn't hurt, either.
Ch 4
[x] Personal combat training
[x] Social

Prologue Part 4

So, you try to get used to your new life with NERV. You decide that two things are most important. That you learn how to fight, and that you learn how to talk to people. Those are the focus point of all issues in the world, after all. Fighting and talking. Together, there is truly no problem they can't solve.

You also finally manage to do some shopping. The shops here are nothing like the market stalls you're used to, clothes are fresh and new, and people bother with things like fashion. And none of the ladies' stuff ever has pockets. What an awful, impractical thing. You manage to find a decent selection of jeans, shirts, jackets, and knitted hats (that you found from an adorable old lady selling. Yours is orange with ears poking out of it, like a fox. You think this is great. Foxes are known for their skill and abilities, just like you) to wear at least, using the money that the major left you to buy clothes. You pick up a knife as well, while you're at it, and keep it tucked away in your jacket. You feel the most less naked with it at your side.

But you've also been thinking about… Singing. You don't think you can exactly devote a lot of time to it, but it weighs on your mind for some reason. Maybe you should learn how to sing. Or like, just sort of practice it by yourself. You're not entirely sure why, but it calls to you. You should give it a go, right?

You stare at yourself in the bathroom mirror of your house. Deep brown eyes stare back. You've finished brushing your teeth (dental hygiene was always important in your family). The Major has already left, and you don't have anywhere to be for a few hours. Maybe… you should… at least try it? Some kind of classical song? But what? You think back to the music you remember from the battery powered Walkman you had. What was the one, the bullets and kicks?

You take a deep breath.

"All the other kids

With the pumped-up kicks

Better run, better run

Outrun my gun"

Amada shows you how to access your metal and glass rectangle to see announcements, keep track of your schedule and talk to people from far away. Honestly, you're pretty psyched this stuff. You almost wanted to pursue computers as a full-time study, but in the end other things won out. Oh well, you at least make a note to try and talk to whoever was going to teach you that. File that under your plans for socializing.

"So, see this button on the top? To turn it on you hold it down" Amanda says.

You press down on the button for a few seconds, and the screen goes white, and flashes the NERV Logo at you, a red leaf cut in half over the letters NERV. Surrounded by curled latin text around it.

Eritque arcus serpens antiquus, quia iam dormit.
Omnia sic perseverant.

Sounds ominous. Do all mysterious organizations have to have mysterious mottos in dead languages? You suppose technically these days French is a dead language as well.

Still, soon the logo fades, and is replaced with a set of icons.

"See, the one that looks like a phone lets you call people, and the one that looks like the little square speech bubble lets you send messages to people. It's all connected to the Sydney intranet, so you can be in contact with anyone. Here, let me get myself in your contacts list"

Amanda takes out her own phone, taps away a bit, and soon your own phone vibrates. On the lockscreen, is the summary of 1 new message.

Amanda: Hi!

"See, it works. Now you can open that up and reply and talk to me. If there's an emergency your phone will go all red and beeping, so that means you should pick it up and answer it, okay? Oh, and let me show you how to take notes and use the calculator…"

They're not quite letting you in the Eva simulators yet. They want a week of theoretical groundwork on Evangelion operation before that happens. It really is quite interesting through. An Evangelion it seems, is a partially biological machine, using lab grown muscles and organs. And you thought they were entirely robotic! Technology really is amazing. The biology also lets it spread its own 'AT Field', meaning that it's the only sort of thing in existence that can fight an angel on its own terms. You admit you're not quite sure what an AT field really is.

Most of your time is spent with different people who go over the cockpit controls of an Evangelion (most of it is a neural interface, you learn, which means that it stems directly from your brain, but there still are a whole lot of buttons lying around for controlling other things), standard operating procedure during combat, and all sorts of other technical details. You try to pay as much attention as you can but sitting alone in a metallic NERV lecture hall while people drill the meanings of huge arrays of buttons to you isn't the most interesting thing in the world, even to you. I mean, the high concept is cool, sure, but you kind of want to hurry up and get in one and start smashing stuff.

You palm idly through your Evangelion Operators handbook.

A tall man with a black beard and a crew cut stands before you in one of the gymnasiums. He wears a fancy array of tactical looking gear, but seems to genuinely smile at you. You notice his left arm seems to be entirely mechanical, wiry metal fingers and arm and all. It doesn't make any pretence at being organic at all. Wicked.

"I'm Captain Rayer, and I'll be tutoring you in the fundamentals of armed and unarmed combat."

You remember your effort to try and be more social. "Hi! I'm Eliza!. You go to shake his hand. With your left hand, in the hopes that you'll get to shake his cool robot hand. He does, in fact, respond with his robot hand. It's cold and its grip firm, and you couldn't be more impressed. "Through I'm sure you know that already. You know, due to being… briefed about me and all. That happens right? That totally happens".

"Yes, I was briefed on you, Eliza. Through, uh, they neglected to tell me your surname. What is it exactly?"

"Of the Wastes."

"Your surname is 'Of the Wastes'?"

"No, it's like, an epithet. My people don't really have surnames. If they have to, they call you whoever from suchandsuch or daughter of whoever. That's if you don't have a cool one like me."

"Huh. You know what?"


"That actually is kind of cool."

You beam. "Thanks!"

You both take a moment to look at eachother. Until you blurt out "So what's the deal with your arm?" Oh well, this is the cost of trying to be social at your current charisma status. A childhood of isolation really doesn't do any favours for your impulse control and filter.

Fortunately, he seems to take it well. He laughs, and flexes his arm around, it making a faint whirring sound. "Lost it in an op around the ruins of Orange. Command thought that I was important enough to get a replacement made I guess. I'm not complaining, it works pretty well most of the time."

You nod. "Hm. You know, that actually is kind of cool too"

"You know, I guess it is. We're really just a couple of cool people".

Well, you think you built a repour with Captain Rayer. Dealing with people isn't so hard, you think, who needs tact and finesse? Well okay, you admit, you probably need tact and finesse. But like all things, it's a learning game.

"So, what are we going to be doing in Combat training?"

"Well, we're going to be taking you to the range to learn some solid firearm skills, with pistols and rifles. Then we're going to be working on some close quarters drills, armed and unarmed. Through I hear that you like to consider yourself already a bit of an expert on both of these."

"Well… I wouldn't want to say too much, but. Yes. I'm pretty much already great at combat, like, I've been doing it my whole life, y'know? I was just here to, polish up and stuff."

"Really? Well, come on". Rayer takes a step back and holds out his hands. "Come at me".

Seeing an opportunity, you recklessly charge at him. When you close in, he sidesteps you to the right, and tries to throw you from the torso onto the floor. Sensing this, you rail in hard with an elbow to his midsection, but he pushes down on your arm with his other hand, bending it in an awkward position, and stopping your elbow in its tracks. Finally, with both of his hands on you, he tosses you onto the floor, with which you land with a dissatisfied grunt.

"Well, I admit, that was a lot better than most first timers do. I can see that you've got quite the instinct on you. But that's not enough, and that's why I'm here. To turn that raw, unrefined instinct into strong, preprogrammed and trained moves like that, so that when someone charges at you like you did with me, you can put them in the ground like I did you."

You groan in pain. He really did a number on your back, and you pick yourself up off the floor. "Okay, okay. I buy it. You've got something going on. Nobody has ever twisted me around like that before."

Major Briggs brings you around to the command deck, after you expressed to him that you'd like to get to know the team. It's a big layer cake of a place, with stairs and such leading between the three levels of the command delta, all overlooking a holographic map. At the very top of the layer cake, sits a boardroom looking desk, with a holographic projector on the desk flickering through some technical specs, with the chair at the head of the desk being able to swivel around to view everyone else below. A few computer consoles sit at the top as well, positioned around the edge.

"So this is where I want you and the other pilots to sit, when you're not in the Eva's, during operations." Briggs says. "Doctor Kerrington, Tactics Officer Gracelyn, you three pilots, and myself form the core of the strategy team. We'll be deciding on the strategic and tactical direction of NERV"


You lurk around on the second layer of the command delta. Computer console seats line the edge, currently filled with what looks to be a skeleton crew, only every third console or so having someone manning it. You poke and peer around at the crew, making an effort to talk to everyone you see.

"What does this button do?"

"So what do you do?"

"Why are there so many dots on the screen?"

"What's an 'AT Field Pattern Receiver Demodulator Array'?"

"Do you enjoy your job?"

"How much do you get paid to work for NERV?"

"Your uniforms look tight and uncomfy. Wouldn't you rather wear something else?"

"I bet I'm a better shot than you"

"What's your name?"

"Have you ever been outside of the city?"

Some of them, to their credit, actually enthusiastically tell you about their position and the technology that makes it function. Others are glad to tell you about their day, happy to have some conversation. Others still sort of awkwardly grunt and glare at you. Either way, you've gotten a good amount of real human conversation out of it. You feel like a big city socialite already.

You eventually come across an open door that leads inside the Delta, that leads to a cramped and windy hallway full of pipes and wires. You climb inside, and creep in a bit, before finding a small woman with long frazzled hair crouched up against the wall with a laptop, plugged straight into a large metal sphere with the words "MAGI TWO – GREEN" printed on it. She is groaning frustratededly.

You decide to ask her what's up. "What's up?", you ask her.

"Oh, uh, hi." She gives an awkward little wave. "I'm uh, just trying to figure out why MAGI two won't bootstrap this kernel update. One and three handled it just fine."

"Hm…" You pretend to think about it. "Have you tried hitting it?"


"Really? That always used to make our TV work. Just give it a good bash on the side."

"I'm uh, um, not going to slap this billion dollar organic supercomputer."

You pout. "Hmph. Fine."

You take a seat next to her, in the cramped dark node. "So are you Doctor Kerrington?"

She waves frantically. "No! no no no, I'm just uh, I'm Cass. I run the computers. Doctor Kerrington is my boss"

"You run the computers? That's so cool! You know, I've always thought computers were really cool. Considered studying them myself for a while, but couldn't find the time. Decided to go with combat training and social training instead."

"Social training?"

"Yeah, you know. Talking to people and stuff."

"Like what we're doing, um, now?"

"Exactly. It's important you know. All problems in this world can be solved with either fighting or talking. I will become a master of both!"

"Well that certainly is, an uh, interesting viewpoint. Still, I'm glad to hear, that you uh, like computers. I like computers too, it's all I'm really good at". She tries to let out a nervous laugh.

"That's okay. We all have our talents. I'm sure you're really important anyway, everything runs on computers these days you know."

"Ha, you think so? I'm glad to hear it. So, uh, you're the new pilot right? Are you Lana or Eliza"

"Eliza of the Wastes. I haven't met the other pilots yet. Have you?"

"No, but I guess I've sort of heard of them, a bit. We all kind of have."

"Really? What did you hear about me"

"Oh, I don't know if I should, uh, really talk about it"

"Oh come on, sure you can!"

"I, well, I heard that you killed a squad of bandits yourself. With a rifle and a knife."

"Sure did! Got the scars to prove it. See?" You lift up your shirt, showing the slash marks across your stomach. "At least I'm pretty sure these are from that. Might be from that snow bear that one time. Actually, I think that the snow bear just sort of opened up the scars again from that"

Cass blushes a bit, and averts her gaze. "Wow…"

"Yeah! So what did you hear about the other pilots then?"

"Not a whole lot, uh, to be honest. I think Lana is some kind of big important figure somewhere? Not really sure what through. And I haven't heard anything about the other one, except that he's supposed to be safe. They were very insistent on his safety to be around."

"Huh. Cool. So I guess I know about you too now, so we're even"

"Oh, uh, yeah, I guess you do."

"Yeah, I know that Cass the computers person is the coolest person around"

"Oh, wow, um, thanks. You know, uh, you're welcome to… come visit me, if you want. I don't get a lot of vistors as I'm sure you can imagine, but well, since you're small and can fit through the gaps and vents in here, maybe you could, um. Help me out sometime. That is um, if you wanted to."

You grin. "I'd love to!"

Later, you're crawling around the top, looking for something to drink, when you see someone new sitting at the boardtable. She's a tall woman with long straight and perfect blonde hair, resting her heels on the table, and wearing a lab-coat over a dramatic blue dress. She's sipping on what looks like a cup of tea and reading over a thick stack of documents.

Naturally, you approach her. "Hey, where'd you get the tea"

She points to a sink embedded over in the corner.

"Thanks!". You're halfway between walking away, before you stop, turn around and ask. "Hey, are you Doctor Kerrington?"

"That's me. One and only."

"Oh, good. Sorry, I had a run in with a fake Doctor Kerrington earlier."

She dosen't reply to that.

"I'm Eliza! The new pilot"

"Pleased to meet you Eliza."

"Yeah, likewise! So uh, what are you a doctor in anyway?"

"Physics, Metaphysics, Philosophy, Chemistry, Biological Engineering, Genetics…"

"Wow, all of those things?"

"It turns out that when you're the chancellor of the only university in the world you can award yourself as many PhDs as you want. Do you want a PhD?"

"Hell yeah. Give me one in kicking ass and taking names"

"Well then, by the powers invested in me by the University of Sydney, I name you, Eliza of The Wastes, Doctor Eliza, PhD"

"Fucking sweet"

Major Briggs, Operations Director – Friendly
Cass, The Computers Person – Friendly
Amanda, The Liason - Friendly
Doctor Kerrington, Chief Science Officer – Acquaintance
Captain Rayer, Combat Trainer – Acquaintance

"Behold! Unit Delta! Your own, Personal Evangelion!". Doctor Kerrigan waves her arms around dramatically as the blast doors open to the hanger.

The first thing you notice about the hanger is that it's huge. The second thing you notice, is that an evangelion is tall. You estimate it must be about 60 metres.

The third thing you notice, is your own evangelion. But just what is it like? Only you can decide.

Distinguishing Eva Features: Pick 2

[x] Redundant Organs

All Evangelions are already filled to the brim with tough, redundant organs and structures, but yours even more so than the normal. Increases the ability of the Eva to function under massive damage.

[x] Stabilizers

The Eva is filled with gyroscopes and stabilizers, increasing its ability to balance precariously, and giving a slight boost to aiming.

[x] Leg Pistons

The Eva has a high-pressure piston system built into its legs, increasing its mobility and allowing it to do some fairly impressive acrobatics.

[x] Feedback Suppressor

The entry plug was built from the ground up with the nerve connections going through heavy duty processing and filtering, giving you a better chance at resisting dangerous feedback from being damaged.

[x] Heavy Armour

The Eva's armour is heavier than normal, giving an increase to survivability, at a minor hit to agility.

[x] Light Armour

The Eva's armour is made from lightweight polymers and alloys, making it weigh significantly less and improving mobility at the cost of being slightly less effective at protecting from attacks.

[x] Double jointed Limbs

The Eva's legs and Arms both bend and joint in alien ways, potentially allowing for increased mobility, but the range of motion is strange and unfamiliar to the pilot.

[x] Advanced Battery

The Eva has a fancy, higher energy density battery, giving it more time to operate when severed from it's umbilical cord in combat.

[x] Multiple Eyes

The Evangelion has an extra set of eyes, giving it enhanced ocular acuity and vision, through it might prove disconcerting to the pilot at first.

[x] Unhinged Jaw

The Eva's jaw can unhinge and is filled with rows of razor sharp teeth.

Drawbacks: Pick 1

[x] Glitchy Escape System

Usually, entry plugs are equipped with rockets that let them eject from an Eva in an emergency. The ones on this Eva however, are just a little bit bugged. It probably won't ever affect you. Probably

[x] Clinker

The Eva's armour is ill-fitting, rusted in places and generally only barely staying together. Makes it a real nightmare to maintain, and gives a slight penalty to manoeuvring. Can't be taken with Heavy or Light Armour.

[x] Pressurized Blood

This Eva's blood pressure is ridiculously high. Whenever a wound is occurred, blood sprays out with a great pressure, and takes longer to be automatically clotted and sealed. Blood loss is dangerous to Evas as well.

[x] Dive Experiment

There are less feedback regulators and dampers on the neural connection between the pilot and the Evangelion. While in theory, it may allow you to obtain a deeper connection with your Evangelion, it's not without the risk that this sort of unmoderated connect entails in terms of feedback. You can always connect better with your Eva in other ways. Can't be taken with Feedback Suppressor

[x] Black Box

Do not ask questions about the device located in the base of the Eva's spinal cord. Not taking this does not ensure your Eva free of suspicious influence of course, just of obvious suspicious influence.

[x] Faulty Sensor Array

The Eva's sensory array is poorly wired and connected and receives constant and regular feedback from the Eva's AT Field. Can't be taken with Multiple Eyes.

Colour Scheme

Primary Colour:

[x] Write-In

Secondary Colour:

[x] Write-In
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The third thing you notice, is your own evangelion. But just what is it like? Only you can decide.

Distinguishing Eva Features: Pick 2

[x] Redundant Organs

All Evangelions are already filled to the brim with tough, redundant organs and structures, but yours even more so than the normal. Increases the ability of the Eva to function under massive damage.

[x] Feedback Suppressor

The entry plug was built from the ground up with the nerve connections going through heavy duty processing and filtering, giving you a better chance at resisting dangerous feedback from being damaged.

Make us nice and tanky. Plus, well... We might need them.

Drawbacks: Pick 1

[x] Glitchy Escape System

Usually, entry plugs are equipped with rockets that let them eject from an Eva in an emergency. The ones on this Eva however, are just a little bit bugged. It probably won't ever affect you. Probably

If we need to bang out, well......

Colour Scheme

Primary Colour:

[x] Blue

Secondary Colour:

[x] White

It's the Eurkea Flag colors, we gotta pick them.
[x] Redundant Organs
[x] Feedback Suppressor
[x] Faulty Sensor Array

[x] Blue

[x] White

I agree with Plan Tank but wish to modify it. From what I can remember hearing about from the show, most EVA combat tends to wind up at hand-hand because AT fields are too hax for ranged weaponry like 90% of the time. So I figure we best tailor ourselves to that. Our integral sensors, therefore, are relatively unimportant and can be downgraded.
[x] Redundant Organs
[x] Feedback Suppressor
[x] Faulty Sensor Array

[x] Blue

[x] White

I agree with Plan Tank but wish to modify it. From what I can remember hearing about from the show, most EVA combat tends to wind up at hand-hand because AT fields are too hax for ranged weaponry like 90% of the time. So I figure we best tailor ourselves to that. Our integral sensors, therefore, are relatively unimportant and can be downgraded.

If this is based on Adeptus Evangelion, then there's a few easy AT Field tricks that can let you penetrate AT Fields with projectiles. A gun-bunny build is absolutely viable if you commit to it.
[x] Stabilizers
[x] Leg Pistons
[x] Glitchy Escape System

I preferred not to get hit in the first place and if you need the escape system your generally fucked anyway.
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[x] Leg Pistons
[x] Heavy Armour
[x] Pressurized Blood

Primary Colour:

[x] Red

Secondary Colour:

[x] White and Black

[x] Redundant Organs

Tankyness is good, especially if we're heading into melee.

[x] Advanced Battery

As is enhanced operation time. The umbilical cord could easily be severed, and until we get an S2 Engine, we'll be gimped without power.

[x] Glitchy Escape System

We are like Cherno Alpha. We win or we die.

Also, I figure we'll be fine without a Feedback Suppressor. Judging by our scars, we already have a good deal of pain resistance.

Finally, the update itself. Good to see that we're putting points into Social. However, I just noticed that the good Major's name is Briggs in the last two updates, but was "Brooks" in the one before that.

Oh, and color scheme.

[x] Blue

[x] White
[x] Leg Pistons
[x] Heavy Armour
[x] Dive Experiment

Turns out fat people can jump.
Okay so lets see:
-Stabiizers and unhinged jaw help us do things we're already good at doing. Jaw also unlocks the Om Nom Nom option, which would be Fun
-Feedback Suppressor, Redundant Organs, Light Armor and Heavy Armour help us mitigate harm from failing at doing a thing we're good at dealing with.
-Multiple Eyes, Double Jointed Limbs and Leg Pistons lets us do a thing we can't do yet.
-Advanced Battery gives us more runtime when something outside our control happens. It also lets us use our human combat experience better rather than fighting like a human tethered to a bungee cord

-Glitchy Escape System is the kind of flaw that does nothing...except when it DOES do something and you die.
-Faulty Sensor Array and Clinker directly impedes our best skill in a way that you can't really compensate for. Screw that
-Pressurized Blood is like Glitchy Escape System, except it happens more often. Its probably pretty good with Heavy Armour though...at least until we meet bullshit armor pen
-Black Box is going to trigger at the worst time naturally. Conspiracies going to scheme.
-Dive Experiment amplifies the harm from failing a thing we're good at. However its not as severe as Glitchy Escape System.

So my vote:

[x] Advanced Battery
[x] Unhinged Jaw
[x] Dive Experiment
[x] Primary: Blue
[x] Secondary: White

Lets get in touch with the inner beast under every teenage girl.
Especially the ones who fight bears and possibly ate raw bear at some point.