Endless Pantheon: Visions of the Pantheon (Stargate / Dresden Files)

Hmm, we did see Daniel's wife at least napping that time didn't we? I never thought about how sleeping Goa'uld worked before!
Huh. Ammit seems to be treating Nanami fairly well. Fits my impression of her.
Ammit is surprisingly grounded and reasonable for a Goa'uld. I suspect she'd probably be inclined to treat her host reasonably well regardless, but the fact that Ammit knows that Harry would flip his shit if he found out she was treating Nanami poorly is probably playing a significant part in her choices alongside everything else. Harry might be willing to begrudgingly allow Ammit to possess Nanami for now due to the mental damage she suffered in Buyan, but he would quickly revoke that allowance if he thought Ammit wasn't actually helping.
Fortunately for everyone involved, Ammit is helping, and is apparently also rediscovering a few forgotten things about herself in the process. All in all, this is just about the best possible outcome from such a horrifically bad situation.

That WAS pretty cute...and makes me wonder if they'll get along pretty well in the long run, not just the short term.
If there's any Goa'uld that could form an actual relationship and\or partnership with their Hok'tar host, it would be Ammit.
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Enlil II

Set during God's Blood


Crack, smack, bang, crack, smack,and clang the bunkead thundered and rang as the vampire beat against it - driven near to madness by its demon. The creature had been just barely in control of itself when the Lord Warden had subdued it for transport but after several days of expending energy in combat, what little civility was in the creature had been shredded away - leaving only the monster's monster in control of it.

In his rational mind, Enlil knew the bulkhead would hold but he wasn't feeling particularly rational at the moment. Too many things were beginning to add up to him that had been lingering at the edge of his mind. Firstly, the Lord Warden was sending him to Chicago - the place that the Lord Warden only spoke of in hushed whispers with the Skull when he believed nobody else could hear him. That couldn't be an accident. The Lord Warden was a terrible regent but rarely chose to share knowledge for no purpose. If he was sending Enlil to the place he feared, it was to demonstrate something to Enlil - to force Enlil to see something without telling him what he knew.

That very much implied the Lord Warden was otherwise unable to share knowledge Enlil needed to know. Given that the Lord Warden wasn't bound by the terms, Enlil could only assume the Lord Warden was sending him to this place to learn knowledge that would otherwise be forbidden. It tracked - especially if the Lord Warden was creating a contingency in case Koschei actually managed to kill the Lord Warden… or worse, it was Koschei after all.

Secondly - the Lord Warden had assumed the role of Psychopomp for his pantheon, which was troubling in its own right. The leaders of a pantheon were traditionally affiliated with Life not Death. Magic was a force of energy and creation, Enlil supposed, but it was odd for a god to take on the responsibility of managing the afterlife. More troublingly, the Lord Warden had taken on the mantle of Anubis specifically. It was at best a lateral move for the Lord Warden's current popularity among the System Lords, but for the Lord Warden to be able to take on that role presupposed that the Lord Warden had the tacit approval of Anubis or at least enough knowledge of Anubis' magic to supplant his role. Lord Yu would not tolerate the resurgent rise of even a proxy of what Anubis had been.

Lastly, the Lord Warden was allowing him to just leave and run his Kingdom. If the Lord Warden died along with Ammit, Enlil was just being given all that belonged to the Lord Warden. No questions, not war required, he would just have everything. Including the wars, to be sure, but the Lord Warden was baffling in his apportionment of rewards. He wouldn't tolerate giving slaves or servants to Enlil, but just obeying the man's household rules and managing the logistics of several solar systems was apparently sufficient loyalty to consider Enlil the heir apparent of Nekheb.

Enlil wasn't even sure what to do with that knowledge. As a younger man he might have used it to start a rebellion against his overlord, perhaps assassinate the god he served. Ignoring the logistics of even figuring out how one might approach killing the Lord Warden, it was probably more effective to just wait for the Lord Warden's own bloodthirst to kill him and Ammit with him. In the meanwhile, all Enlil needed to do was keep the Humans of Unas of the Kingdom of Nekheb reasonably comfortable and he would eventually become the regent of one of the most blindly loyal and prosperous nations in the galaxy.

Assuming, of course, that he managed to survive the Warden's tests in the meanwhile.

Enlil did his best to ignore the racket behind him as he used the ship's computer to tap into the interplanetary network of the first world. The crude satellites of the First World were primitive in the extreme, constructs of metal and plastic that seemed too fragile to last more than a few decades. They weren't even encrypted except in the most casual sense of the word, it took him only minutes to access the network of knowledge. He scrupulously avoided the military signals - he wasn't in the mood deal with the armies of the first world more than he already had. Given the horrific dangers of the First World it shouldn't come as a surprise that groups of four soldiers from this place were sufficient to slay gods.

It took him far more time than he had been expecting to find anything other than pornography, confusing videos, and images of infant animals. There was no discernable sense of structure to it and grammar appeared to be more of a casual suggestion than a strict rule. But two hours worth of baffling data mining later, Enlil was reasonably confident he'd figured out where Chicago was.

He managed not to scream.

What kind of people built a city in the shadow of a prison of the Enemy? Not just a city, a metropolis. The population of the planet of Nekheb was only double that of Chicago and that was including the Jaffa. Well - he wasn't going to the city of Chicago, that was for damn sure. A cursory review of recent events in the city made regular references to "murder," "gang warfare," and "common household items that will kill you." He would go near Chicago and just deposit the vampire somewhere that looked reasonably safe.

And then it clicked in his head. Enlil was going to have to open the bulkhead to let the Vampire out. Sure, he might have been able to teleport the creature down to the ground but the rings on a Scarab Class transport weren't in the cargo hold. He wasn't confident that his trigger finger would be faster than the Vampire's aura of allure. Opening that door was all but a death sentence to whomever was in the room with it.

He could just open the door remotely with the Kara'kesh he'd found under the pilot's chair but it would just mean that there was slightly more space between him and a mad, ravenous and slightly insane vampire. No, distasteful thought it might be, he was going to have to feed the vampire. He considered his options as he flew the small aircraft down to the altitudes at which civilian aircraft flew on the first world. Military aircraft were everywhere - the nuclear incident seemed to have worried the armies of the Tau'ri.

All of them. There were entire Goa'uld armadas with fewer fighter craft than the Tau'ri used for domestic policing. They were garbage, but enough garbage that one might destroy the Scarab out of sheer dumb luck. He didn't dare use what little cloaking he had left unless he absolutely needed to, so Enlil instead decided to just not be something they interpreted as a threat.

Civilian aircraft had not been prevented from flying, so Enili just decided to be one of them. It was surprisingly easy to find the documents directing how one filed a civilian flight plan. He input a reasonable flight path over Canada and into Chicago and made sure to issue the appropriate radio calls along the way. Enlil obeyed all of their rules… at least until he got to the landing strip Illinois. Instead of landing, Enlil just few his craft down onto the runway and continued to skim along the ground, driving off the runway and just joining the traffic of land craft puttering along the rural streets. He had intentionally picked a place that had no control tower or staff, the sort of dirt strip reserved for emergency landings that nobody had any real cause to go near.

His vehicle did not go unnoticed by the locals, but a few farmers were hardly a threat to him. He stuck to the ground except when there were a few land craft traveling slow enough that he chose to fly over them rather than tolerating their sloth. A land craft had followed him briefly with flashing red and blue lights, prompting him to pull over in curiosity. By the shields upon their chests he presumed them to be part of some local militia or order of knights. They demanded his identification when he opened the hatch on the side his craft - demanding things of a god. Enlil disarmed the arrogant mortals, stuffing them the rear compartment of their own vehicle, the one with no handles to open it from the inside. He laughed at them before ripping the engine out of it with his bare hands and tossing it out in the woods. He crumpled their weapons as the gobsmacked mortals looked out from the back of their now broken vehicle.

He climbed back into his craft, considering feeding them to the vampire before dismissing the idea. The Lord Warden had a fondness for warriors. Better to find a criminal somewhere. He drove along the rural streets for hours before his sensors found what he was looking for. One could always trust mortals to be executing a criminal. It admittedly took him longer to find a hanging than he would have expected, but once he'd gotten sufficiently far into the rural parts of the country outside of Chicago he found one. It was late - late enough that the sky had turned a dark orange bleeding into black as he hovered his craft towards where the cluster of mortals was.

There were dozens of men and women standing around a burning cross as he drove his craft through the woods and into the clearing in which they'd hung a noose from a high tree. The looked around at the pyramid like vehicle in befuddlement as he parked it alongside the four wheeled vehicles with long empty beds. Enlil straightened his garments, amused by the fear and awe on the faces of the crowd. It was right and proper of mortals to be shocked by him.

Better still, he'd found a culture he was already familiar with. Many of the men and women in the crowd already wore symbols and sigils of the Himmelite culture. Enil would probably be able to leverage this for favor with the Himmelite armies when he returned to Nekheb. He preemptively activated his Kara'kesh shield device as he opened the bulkhead, closing his eyes as he walked into the crowd. He counted to sixty, waiting for the sound of weapons discharging against his shield to stop.

He kept counting, apparently these mortals were a good deal more armed than he'd was accustomed. He got as far as three hundred before they seemed to decide that their weapons weren't going to work. As his eyes adjusted to the dark and the flashes of light from his shield ceased blinding him, he came to the conclusion that the genetic stock of Himmel must have been a significantly different blood line than those before him. Pasty and unappealing, they seemed to run the full gambit of unfortunate body types. He could see some potential in them as manual labor, but the sort one kept far away from civilization for fear one would have to look upon them.

They were not worthy of being in his presence but few mortals were. He allowed his eyes to glow as he did the angular raised knife-handed salute of Himmel and greeted them in the Himmelite fashion, "Sieg Heil!"

The crowd seemed unsure what to do with that, some replying reflexively with the call, and others still looking at their weapons as though they felt cheated. The apparent leader of the crowd, a chinless creature whose obese bulk was just barely propelled by a stubby pair of legs, waddled forward to puff out a chest covered in a garment of stars and bars and say, "Who the fuck are you?"

"I am Enlil - friend to those of the Fuhrer's kind." The god raised a hand in a grandiose gesture, using the controls on my ship to raise it into the air and turn on the auxiliary repulsors beheath it. It didn't do anything of real benefit other than making the hull of the ship glow green, but for primitives like these that was more than enough to awe them. "I have come across the stars to seek out allies in my time of need like those who already serve in the armies of my Lord."

"The fuck you talkin' bout?"

"I am an ally of your people among the stars." Enlil flashed his eyes, letting his voice reverberate. "The Aryan armies are alive and well."

"I fucking knew it!" One of the young men in the crowd screeched giddilly. "I told you! Hitler used the technology he took from the Atlanteans to send his most loyal servants into space."

"I swear to Christ, Cletus - not now." Snarled the obese man.

"He is correct." Enlil nodded to the boy. "An entire planet of them fight in service of my Lord."

"Why the fuck should I belive some faggot ass weirdo in jewelry with a dress who can make fancy lights happen?" The obese man spat on the ground.

Enlil pulped the man's legs with his Kara'kesh, letting them man's bulk crush the bloodied stumps before grabbing his lower jaw and yanking down with his full strength. He ripped the man's jaw-bone from his face and used it to slash down though the man's corpulence, ripping him down the middle and spreading his innards down across the ground.

"Would anyone else care to call me a liar?" Enlil purred, wiping the blood from his hands on the back of the man's shirt. A chilling silence was the only reply, men and women frozen in horror at the sudden display of violence from their better. "Good."

He looked to the young man, Cletus, and pointed at him. "Boy, where is the one you were going to hang?"

"Uh… she's in the barn." The boy gulped nervously.

"You will take me to her." Enlil strode towards the red and white structure. "I require a sacrifice."

The boy's face lit up in anticipation, his apparent love of violence subverting whatever loyalty he might have had for the obese man. The crowd allowed the two of them to pass, keeping Enlil at a cautious distance as they eyed the craft hovering above them with fear and suspicion.

Enlil couldn't help but smile. It was only fitting for lesser beings to fear a true god.

The barn wasn't kitted out for animals. It looked more like the sort of place the servants of Moloch might keep their food stocks. It had clearly kept many criminals over the years, the cages and confinements bore all the normal signs of captives who knew the end was coming. There were deep gouges in the wood where men and women had tried to claw their way out of their cells. May of them still had blood caked into them too dark to be washed from the wood. Crude tools and farm implements hung from the walls, tools of torture favored by fools who understood bloodshed but had little appreciation for how the art was done. He snorted derisively at the poor state of the shackles and cages.

"Every society needs slaves," Enlil muttered to himself under his breath. It might well have been an intentional choice on the part of the off world Himmelites to leave these morons behind. This was the sort of hastily cobbled together work of peasants.

The young man pulled a tarp from a tiny cage, revealing a woman whose face was slim from lack of food. Her cheeks hung from her face, skin stretched from previous plump health. They clearly hadn't been feeding her. He idly noted that she had probably been pretty once, before she'd been starved and covered with filth. She cringed away from Cletus as he kicked the side of her cage, wrapping her hands around herself to retain some modesty in spite of having been stripped down to her undergarments.

"What are you going to do with her?" The young man asked, speaking loud enough for the crowd at the barn door to hear him.

"She will die - it will be painless." He said the last part to the woman as she let out a long, low sob. It was a horrible sound. He would have to make sure to end her quickly, he would tire of hearing it. "There is a creature on my ship that needs to feed."

"Oh - hear that bitch? You're not going to hang any more. Hanging's too good for you." The young man walked over from the cage and to a furnace at the side of the barn. He pulled a branding iron from it, holding it aloft for her to see, showing her to glowing star upon it. "We're going to mark you like the whore you are and send you to hell."

Enlil snatched the branding iron from the man's hand, his heart thundering in his ears as he recognized the symbol. He spoke in his broken English, stumbling over the tongue of the Tau'ri as he asked, "Why do you have this? Why are you marking her with this?"

"So that when the Jew bitch dies, they know what she is." The boy made the Himmelite salute. "Just like the others."

"There have been others?" Enlil asked, his voice one of deadly calm as he looked at the glowing six pointed star. "You have killed others like this one?"

"Fucking Kikes deserve what they get." The boy grinned eagerly, apparently thrilled at his idiocy. "We'll get them all eventually."

These morons, these reprobates, had taken it upon themselves to make themselves enemies of the servants of Moses. Not just enemies, executioners. And Enlil had accidentally joined them in the process of torturing and executing a Jew.

He comforted himself in the knowledge that he had not yet been turned into a pillar of salt as he looked up at the ceiling, "Please take this in consideration before apportioning retribution."

He drove the bruning iron through the boy's skull, modifying his protective field to ensure it was shielding the woman in the cage before activating the Scarab's automatic targeting mode. The crowd didn't stand a chance. A Scarab Class Transport was intended to take out Al'kesh if need be. The unarmored flesh of fools was hardly a match. He continued to address the nameless god as he listened to the screams of dying fools as he broke open the cage.

"I am not poaching from you, nameless one." He bargained with the one who never spoke. "Your servant will leave here of her own accord."

The woman clutched Enlil, holding herself against him and letting out grateful happy sobs. She grinned in near insane pleasure as she watched the men and women disintegrating under the concentrated power of weaponized plasma.

Enlil broke the woman' grip on him as the mob tried to seek safety in the barn, meeting them at the door. Enlil wasn't much of a warrior by the standards of the Goa'uld, but he was far beyond the skill of most mortal soldiers but in strength and experience. These weren't soldiers - they were farmers and fools. They paused, they doubted, they hesitated and because of that they died.

He picked several of the unfortunate souls who'd been hit but not outright killed by the Scarab's guns from the charnel piles outside the barn and hucked them into the ship. He ignored the sound of screams turning into cries of orgasmic fatality as the vampire found them.

"What… what's happening to them?" Asked the Hebrew, she had apparently found clothing in the barn. It was several sizes too large for her, forcing her to hold them up with her hands.

"It is eating them." Enlil replied calmly as he directed the ship to hover over the two of them. "But I am not certain it will be enough to sate it."

"What?" The Hebrew asked in fear.

"A vampire." Enlil replied, opening the outer door to the ship. The pale demon jumped out the side of the craft, entwined in ecstasy with the burned and horrible bodies of the mortals as he fell into a banquet of the slowly dying. He activated the ring transporter, teleporting the Hebrew up to the ship along with him.

The Lord Warden was going to need to consider this good enough. Once the vampire was done feeding on the survivors, it would be strong enough to make its own way home. Enlil would go no nearer to Chicago - he had enough trouble in his life without inviting the sort of fools and madmen who lived here into it.

"I will drop you near a population center." Enlil intoned, still looking up to address the sentence to the nameless god as much to the Hebrew. "You will be safe there."

"No, I won't." The woman sobbed, grasping Enlil's arm. "I stole from John Marcone. I went to them because I figured that I had enough money for them to forget that I'm Jewish. I wanted them to make me a new identity. I'm practically dead already. Please - take me with you. Take me away from here."

"I - I can't." Enlil squaked, doing his best to physically separate himself from the Hebrew. "I don't dare."

"God - please, please let him take me from here." The woman fell to her knees, sobbing and praying. "Please let him see it in his heart!"

"Yes! I'll take you." Enlil hissed in horror. "Just - stop doing that. Stop praying. I don't need that much attention."

"Bless you." The woman hugged his knees. "God bless you. I know he sent you. I prayed for someone to save me."

"Just… sleep." Enlil tugged at his beard in fear, worried that he was making a grievous mistake but too terrified of the nameless god to deny one of his worshipers a path to safety. He lifted the woman into the co-pilot's seat and pulled a healing device from the medical kit. He raised the glowing device to the woman, undoing the worst of the damage to her.

"You won't regret this." The woman replied, her voice practically a purr as she felt pain leaving her body.

"Just shut up before I have time to reconsider." Enlil grumbled, looking up and wondering if he'd be smote before even reaching orbit. To his surprise, they weren't.
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The White God is a bigger Boggyman for the Old gods than Mab. Guess this Old testament-era works left impressions.

will Enil now think that A: Harry planned this to happen? or B: The Big G did?
but for the Lord Warden to be able to take on that role presupposed that the Lord Warden had the tacit approval of Anubis or at least enough knowledge of Anubis' magic to supplant his role

Or eat the guy that had Anubis blessing, seriously so many misconceptions are going to arise from this, I just can see it already

or worse, it was Koschei after all.

Well Koschei set-up an incredible successful blind-date between the Lord Warden and Maeve, resulting in the OTP MeavexHarry as the newest power couple of the galaxy, so it kinda counts, I suppose?

No questions, not war required, he would just have everything. Including the wars, to be sure

That is Goa'uld logic for you, just beautiful

, all Enlil needed to do was keep the Humans of Unas of the Kingdom of Nekheb reasonably comfortable and he would eventually become the regent of one of the most blindly loyal and prosperous nations in the galaxy.

And that dear friends, is how Enlil became a good guy, in hope of taking over Harry's Kingdom one day

Given the horrific dangers of the First World it shouldn't come as a surprise that groups of four soldiers from this place were sufficient to slay gods.

Oh Enlil, if you only knew :p

The population of the planet of Nekheb was only double that of Chicago and that was including the Jaffa

That I find strange, it should be much larger between how Heka didn't engage serious War, but only border conflicts according to serveral POV's, the logistical convinience of Stargate's, when it comes to supplying food and other rescources and the fact that Heka's empire stood for nearly 2000 years

But two hours worth of baffling data mining later,

99% Porn I'm telling you :p

Enlil obeyed all of their rules… at least until he got to the landing strip Illinois.

That is going to spawn so many conspiracy theories

Enlil disarmed the arrogant mortals, stuffing them the rear compartment of their own vehicle, the one with no handles to open it from the inside. He laughed at them before ripping the engine out of it with his bare hands and tossing it out in the woods. He crumpled their weapons as the gobsmacked mortals looked out from the back of their now broken vehicle.

Murphy is probably going to get two new colleagues soon

Better to find a criminal somewhere.

Ahh second hand morals, well at least they are a step in the right direction

He comforted himself in the knowledge that he had not yet been turned into a pillar of salt as he looked up at the ceiling, "Please take this in consideration before apportioning retribution."

You know, I'm so curious what they the Goa'uld are gonna do, when they get their hands on the New Testament,
Outside of the more gory bits they are probably gonna believe it to be a propaganda tool, meant to make the White God nicer

The pale demon jumped out the side of the craft, entwined in ecstasy with the burned and horrible bodies of the mortals as he fell into a banquet of the slowly dying.

Woah dude, Thomas is gonna be mentally so fucked up, when he comes down from his inner Demon

Enlil would go no nearer to Chicago - he had enough trouble in his life without inviting the sort of fools and madmen who lived here into it.

Oh Enlil, it's already far to late for that, better just quietly accept your fate :lol
I cannot await Enlil learning that Harry lived in Chicago and then gonna blame all his oddities on that lone fact

I stole from John Marcone

So @Todeswind, is this somebody from the books or is this just a random mook?

"Yes! I'll take you." Enlil hissed in horror. "Just - stop doing that. Stop praying. I don't need that much attention."

So we have now at the end of God's Blood a modern yewish Thief and an Ex-Space-Nazi joining Harry's household, man that is going to be so fucked up, even if one actively avoids mordern politics
Honestly, given that in the Dresdenverse the Old Testament Abrahamic God is definitely a thing that exists, Enlil's reaction to discovering a bunch of utter morons who think that killing Jews is a good idea is entirely justified.

Do not fuck with the Abrahamic God, He might send one of His Knights after you, and then you are fucked: One of those swords is a goddamn lightsaber.
The White God is a bigger Boggyman for the Old gods than Mab. Guess this Old testament-era works left impressions.

will Enil now think that A: Harry planned this to happen? or B: The Big G did?
Even the Fae do not fuck with the Abrahamic God in the Dresdenverse. That is how srs bsns He is. He might have mellowed a bit in His later years, but the Dresdenverse Abrahamic God is not above sending a dude with a sword out to stab you if you piss Him off. Do not piss Him off.
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Keep in mind: the ten plagues were targeted at the gods of Egypt as much or more than the people. Each involves desecrating or nullifying the domain of one of the major Egyptian gods.

Assuming this was before the Terms, it's not surprising it left an impression on the gods in question.
That I find strange, it should be much larger between how Heka didn't engage serious War, but only border conflicts according to serveral POV's, the logistical convinience of Stargate's, when it comes to supplying food and other rescources and the fact that Heka's empire stood for nearly 2000 years

Nekheb the planet is pretty much just a single city at this point, what with the global nuclear holocaust along most of its surface in major population centers.

The Empire of Nekheb was less damaged by the invasion of Chronos that its capital world.
You know Dresden should do something about that radiation. If he only had some form of magic technology to get rid of it.
So @Todeswind, is this somebody from the books or is this just a random mook?
IIRC 'Gentleman' John Marcone is the Kingpin of Chicago and, at a late point in the Dresden files books, becomes a signatory to the Unseelie Accords.

His only redeeming features are a word of iron, and one of his rules, which is : "no kids".

Like Sulla, he always pays his debts, good and bad and stealing from him is a death sentence. Running means you'll die tired.

Harry Dresden works with him occasionally (Marcone carefully arranges things so he is the lesser evil) and cordially detests him.
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IIRC 'Gentleman' John Marcone is the Kingpin of Chicago and, at a late point in the Dresden files books, becomes a signatory to the Unseelie Accords.

His only redeeming features are a word of iron, and one of his rules, which is : "no kids".

Like Sulla, he always pays his debts, good and bad and stealing from him is a death sentence. Running means you'll die tired.

Harry Dresden works with him occasionally (Marcone carefully arranges things so he is the lesser evil) and cordially detests him.
But I meant the woman:p
One fun bit with this last segment is Enlil projecting his own Machiavellian scheming, such as it is, on the Lord Warden, looking for hidden motives and plots within plots and so on, whereas Dresuden of the Harii (I know it's misspelled) is so straightforward it hurts. Sometimes the duck is actually a duck.
Well Koschei set-up an incredible successful blind-date between the Lord Warden and Maeve, resulting in the OTP MeavexHarry as the newest power couple of the galaxy, so it kinda counts, I suppose?
If this ends with several Harry after Death Beat like there are several Loki, I can see Maeve telling to Sarissa to keep Knight Harry as he's nothing compared to God King Harry. (Ah, sibling rivality) Before starting worrying about Mab wanting an Harry sandwich.
If this ends with several Harry after Death Beat like there are several Loki, I can see Maeve telling to Sarissa to keep Knight Harry as he's nothing compared to God King Harry. (Ah, sibling rivality) Before starting worrying about Mab wanting an Harry sandwich.
With Harry taking the only rational response to ANY of those options being mortally afraid / immortally afraid based on the mortality of the specific Harry in question.

Though, I will admit, my first response to those concepts was "MMMmmmmm... Icecream sandwiches..."