Endless Pantheon: God's Heart [SG-1 / Dresden Files]

Chapter 9
I left the majority of my parade in the main party hall to engage in celebrations with the Jaffa of Bastet and Zeus. Those Olympian guardsmen not unfortunate enough to be on duty were already three sheets to the wind, lounging on sofas and cushions in truly massive hall laid out for the party to beat all parties. It was large enough to fit everyone who'd come to attend the Olympics, with space for the many hundreds of Goa'uld rulers lost to time and war. The toga clad Jaffa greeted my Jaffa like brothers, offering them bread and meat from their table while telling raucous jokes and inviting them to watch holographic displays of the Goa'uld still racing up the mountainside.

I was actually surprised to see Ul'tak embrace the First Prime of Bastet. A gorgeous woman with tan skin and dark eyes, the First Prime of Bastet would have been remarkable for her looks alone but I had it on good authority that her prowess as a General made her beauty the least of her talents. Bastet was one of the few Goa'uld who exclusively used female Jaffa in her armies, using male Jaffa as either functionaries or guardians for her sub-lords.

Though I knew that Ul'tak had spent most of the year planning a counter-invasion of Bastet's territory in the event she decided to invade my own holdings, he was speaking with treating his contemporary like an old friend rather than someone he'd kill as soon as blinking. It was just… nice. I knew that the Olympics had once been a time where all men put aside their grudges and old hatreds, I'd just never quite seen it in the Olympics I'd watched.

The lion-men of Bastet found themselves gravitating towards my Unas by default, both groups of carnivores heading for a table heaped with freshly slaughtered raw meat. The predators snarled at each other as they devoured flesh but otherwise seemed content to ignore each other as they devoured hunks of bloody bovine.

I found myself almost sad that I wasn't sitting down with my sub-lords and wives to break bread as they all fell into a comfortable mass of laughter and stories. Heracles smiled broadly at the happy people all around him, crossing his thick thews over his barrel chest muscles and stretching out the Leonine cloak, "It is always good to see the peace of the Olympics. There is too much war."

"Amen to that," I chuckled. "But I'm not here to enjoy the party."

"No." Heracles' face grew grim. "I suppose you are not. Father is expecting you but I warn you he is… a bit distracted at the moment."

"I need to see the crime scene as soon as possible." I shook my head. "It very well may have been too long for me to get anything useful from it, but the trail is only going to grow colder with time."

"A logical course of action." Heracles nodded, letting out a long suffering sigh and rolling his eyes skyward. "My uncle warned me that you would be unable to partake in the festivities while you were under oath but I had not imagined this… speed in completing your duties. The gods are rarely inclined to deny indulgence."

"I've never been particularly good at acting like a god." I intoned, gesturing towards Ul'tak over the shoulder of Bastet's First Prime. The Jaffa nodded, taking his leave from his contemporary and walking over to me.

One by one I drew the attention of those I would need for my investigation. Bob, Enlil, Ul'tak and Muminah would be coming with me. Bob because I needed someone to provide me perspective on the crime scene, Enlil because I needed someone more familiar with Goa'uld politics than I was, Ul'tak because it wouldn't do to not have my most trusted bodyguard present and Muminah because if even a tenth of the rumors about Zeus were true I needed someone to distract him from directing all of his attention towards myself. Muminah was very good at being distracting - especially given how perspiration had turned her already sheer garment more or less transparent.

Heracles joked animatedly with Ul'tak as we walked deeper into the palace, going out of his way to make it appear that we were just engaging in idle revelry before we made our way past a guard post and he was able to close a bulkhead behind us. The massive Jaffa pulled a small device from his belt and flipped a switch. Judging by the readouts on my helmet's display he was actively jamming any listening devices we might have.

His joyous demeanor turned deadly serious as he stopped abruptly in the hallway and turned to me. "Before we go any further, I will have your promise, Lord Warden. I need you to promise me that you will solve my Father's murder and see that those conspirators involved are brought to justice. They will meet deserving ends."

"You dare to - " I cut off the start of Enlil's furious tirade with a raised finger in his direction.

"Heracles, I understand that you don't know me. And I'm not part of your patheon so you have no reason to trust me, but I am not a liar." I shook my head. "I have given my word to Hades that I will solve this murder, out of self interest if nothing else. But if it needs be, I promise on my power - I will solve the mystery of who is responsible for your Father's death."

"And if it requires that you kill those of the Olympian pantheon to see justice done?" Heracles intoned dangerously.

"I will not allow justice to go undone." I intoned.

Heracles grinned widely. "I knew I would like you. But know this, Lord Warden, Olympus is full of vipers. Trust no-one."

"A planet full of Goa'uld can't be trusted? No - say it isn't so." Bob joked, leaning down to stage-whisper to Enlil. The Babylonian god barely managed to stifle his laughter with a cough.

Heracles glared at Enlil then back at me. "Is his presence required?"

"He's loyal to me." I replied, then after thinking about it for a second I added, "And he has no other options other than loyalty to me. His knowledge is required."

"Then I will have your promise that you will not tell what you learn from this investigation to anyone else. Your discretion is required, as is that of your servants. If they betray your trust I expect you to punish them." Heracles intoned.

"I do so swear it on my power." I said, feeling the magical power making the contract. There was a sucking sensation in the room as the air ionized around me.

Heracles nodded once, then dismissed Enlil from his regard. "We are within the first passage leading to the sanctum of Olympus. There are ten passages one must pass through to reach the King of Gods. Each is guarded and each requires a different method to open them. We will pass them to enter. The first is the simplest - Olympian guardsmen are implanted with a subdermal implant that our secured doors recognize."

"Turrets?" Asked Ul'tak, looking up at the crevasses along the hall.

"Turrets," Heracles agreed, pointing them out as he walked. They were nestled behind gaudy statues, hidden in the shadows but positioned to force any progression through them to be slow and bloody.

As we reached the second gate Heracles put his hand in the mouth of a statue of an ogre, he cut his finger on the statue's tooth and the wall lifted to reveal a passageway beyond it. "The second door is programmed to recognize the genetics of trusted servants."

There were many Olympian guardsmen within the second passage, all of them bearing weapons and armor of the finest quality. They saluted Heracles but otherwise paid us no mind, keeping their attention on the door as it closed. We passed them, heading for yet another door.

This one was protected by a forcefield instead of a door. It glowed a violent green color that hissed malevolently as Heracles approached it. He pulled a broach from his belt and touched it to the energy. The green wall dissipated, melting back into the door frame as he did so. I realized that it had filled the entire room, not just the door-frame.

"Nasty stuff," Bob the mummy shivered. "That would have disintegrated anyone who entered it."

"Unless they had a key." Heracles agreed. We walked into the third passage and on to a raised plinth with a set of ring transporters on it. Heracles touched his wrist and to my surprise, rather than teleporting us an elevator descended down beneath the rings. It was a good trap. Pretty much any Goa'uld or Jaffa who saw rings would assume that the rings lead to the fifth passage.

Enlil let out an approving whistle and asked, "Where would that have taken us if we were foolish enough to use the rings?"

Heracles ignored the question until I spoke. "I would like to know that."

"Some questions are best left unconsidered." Heracles replied, shuddering at the idea of wherever that was. "Suffice it to say, you wouldn't be coming back."

I was only marginally sure the fifth passage was an improvement. Its walls were lined with thick metal doors. I could hear the sounds of horrific things behind them, screeching and hissing. Heracles let us across the tiles, indicating which were safe to stand on as we went. Apparently a missed step would unleash the beasts within.

There was no door to the sixth passage, not that there needed to be one. The fifth passage opened up to a gaping chasm leading to a sheer stone wall on the other side. My jaw nearly dropped when the First Prime of Zeus raised his hand and spoke a word that opened a way to the Nevernever. My eyes flitted to the door-jam and I realized that a ritual had been placed upon it, probably before the folly of Thoth.

We followed him through another hallway, this one made of thick brambles and moss covered stones. Heracles nodded approvingly as we walked through it without issue and out the other side. "You did not lie, Lord Warden. You came here with no ill-intent to Zeus. If you had meant to harm him, his ancient pact with the Summer Fae would have consumed you."

I looked back at the brambles as the way closed, their thorns looking more ominous as I realized they were shifting ever so slightly. Would the whole passage have collapsed in on me like a venus fly trap if I'd come meaning him harm? How would an assassin hope to get past those?

As we walked through the eighth passage I was keenly aware of the twinge of ancient magics. Someone had placed wards upon the stones we walked through - powerful magical defenses to do grievous harm to spirits or creatures of the Nevernever. And if that wasn't enough there was a massive cannon facing us that seemed to have been taken from a Goa'uld warship. Olympian guardsmen stood around it, watching us with predatory interest. They allowed us to pass, Heracles sticking his hand into yet another statue's mouth.

This one didn't take his blood. Instead I felt a rush of magical energy as it consumed something. I looked to Bob in curiosity. His eye lights flickered before he confirmed my suspicion. "It took a bit of his life force - his soul. Not enough that it won't grow back but you can't fake your soul."

Heracles pulled back his hand, shaking it in apparent pain as another bulkhead lifted. We then came face to face with a creature I'd never actually expected to see. The massive sphynx barely fit into the room it was in, it's naked female torso clashing with its wings and leonine body. The creature's mouth had been sewn shut and its' eyes had been replaced with glimmering orbs of crystal. It leaned down to sniff us, purring angrily. I noted that it's body seemed to have been injured lately and its wounded bodyparts had been replaced with Goa'uld cybernetics rather than waiting for it to heal naturally.

"What did that?" I blanched at the two story, cybernetic monstrosity before me. "How? What could have gotten past everything else?"

"Nothing should have been able to. Something did. Something followed Zeus into his inner sanctum, not managing to trip any alarms till the ninth passage. I found the Sphinx here, on the verge of death and the guards on the cannon ripped to shreds." He pointed to the delirious seeming monstrosity as it towered over us, looking at us with dead, crystalline eyes.

"Why is its mouth sewn shut?" Asked Muminah. "Can it not speak?"

"I dare not free it to talk." Heracles shuddered. "It remembers the time before the Folly and Fall. It remembers names that cannot be said aloud."

"Are you kidding me? I have a freaking witness and she can't speak because we're worried that she's going to summon an eldritch abomination?" I waved at the cybernetic sphynx. "Why even have her here then?"

"Because it remembers the creatures that the rest of us have forgotten on sight. It could defeat an entire army by itself if it were allowed to roam free." Heracles replied, looking sadly at the creature. He raised his wrist, prodding a bracer as he did so. The creature hissed in pain and seemed to dissolve into sand, melting into the floor. "Come, it has been dismissed. It will not attempt to stop us."

He opened the door to the tenth passage by touching a series of symbols on it. He nodded at them, "There are ten thousand riddles to open this door. One must be able to know where to look on the door to find the question, then know the exact answer to open it. If one answers incorrectly the Sphynx is given free reign to slaughter you."

The door opened into a corridor that glowed with a hideous glow that chilled me to the bone. A forcefield was the only barrier between us and a floor, walls and ceiling made of pure deathstone. Someone had made a mordite mosaic.

Against my better judgement we crossed the forcefield after the First-prime of Zeus. Even Bob seemed unsettled by that much deathstone. I could survive mordite without much bother, but as I didn't want that to be public knowledge I made a show of seeming bothered by the deathstone. Only Muminah was unbothered by it, her faith in me greater than her fear of death.

We reached the last door, a featureless slab of marble and Heracles waved to it. "This is the final door."

We waited several moments before I realized what he was implying. "Even you don't know how to open this one, do you?"

"No." The first prime of Zeus nodded. "Only Zeus, Poseidon and Hades have that knowledge."

"I mean, not to belabor the obvious, but Zeus does clone himself. Couldn't one of his clones open the door?" I waved at the slab. "I can't imagine the clones are thrilled if they become second banana."

"No, Lord Warden, every time a new Zeus becomes King of the Gods the three brothers change the key to enter this room." Heracles shook his head. "Zeus shares it with none of his peers, not even his beloved son."

"You could be lying to me." I replied, calmly. "It is not lost on me that you're one of the suspects who'd be in a prime position to kill your employer."

"I could no more betray him than betray my own hand." He turned around, pointing to a raised lump at the base of his skull. "When Zeus clones me after one of me dies he puts in an implant that reads my thoughts. If I were to try to betray him I would die in an instant and another Heracles would replace me before my body hit the ground."

"A wise course of action." Ul'tak gave me a pointed look. "Perhaps my own Lord could benefit from the addition of such loyalty measures."

"Ul'tak, now is not the time to discuss the ritual." I glared at him before looking at Enlil. "We will of course be verifying that this is true."

Enlil nodded once but judging by his expression, he seemed to find Heracles' alabi credible. That was actually something of a relief. I didn't want to have to kill Heracles. I still kinda thought of the guy as a hero even if I knew some of the horrible things he'd done on Zeus' behalf. Plus I didn't know if I could make it out without his help. That would definitely suck.

There was a long pause before I asked, "Uh… so what are we waiting for?"

"That," Heracles intoned before the door opened and a naked woman scurried out from the space. She was holding a bag full of coins and quite entirely naked. There were tears in her eyes as she reached the center of the room and there was a sudden whoosh of rings appearing from its center and heading upwards as she ran past the mordite and into the Sphynx room.

Enlil groaned in incredulity. "There are ring devices down here? Why bother even having precautions if you have a teleporter?"

"They only go one way - their purpose is to allow Zeus dalliances a fast exit when he grows tired of them." Heracles walked through the open door as loud fleshy sounds echoed out from Zeus inner sanctum. I would hesitate to call the noises I heard to be pleasure.

Even without the sight I wasn't going to be able to unsee what was going on in the private quarters of the God King of Olympus. The myths of Zeus tastes hadn't been exaggerated in the slightest. Sandwiched between two buxom women was an oversized, plump Swan that was honking loudly as it flapped its wings animatedly between them. It's eyes glowed with the tint of the Goa'uld as it looked into the face of its abandoned clone body as the barely sentient host body clapped animatedly watching the unholy coupling happening on top of a table full of food.

"That's… much even for me, Boss." Bob intoned in bemusement as the trio seemed to reach their final rictus of rapture, pulling themselves apart and demonstrating that both the Swan and one of the women seemed to have been surgically altered have anatomy one generally didn't associate with either women or swans. The swan looked up at us and promptly ejected a Goa'uld serpent from it's throat, vomiting the symbiote across the room and towards Zeus' human host.

The King of the Sky took a non-traditional route into his host as he slithered up the leg of the drooling clone and up its toga. There was a decidedly unpleasant squelch before the Zeus demonstrated that his clothing had not been properly designed to conceal his modesty as he stood up, leering in my direction as he tossed a coin purse to the woman lying face down on the table. She grasped the purse and rushed out the door, seemingly too ashamed to worry if she was forcing her way past Goa'uld System Lord.

Zeus kissed the remaining… woman? Yes… woman I guess, before placing her on a circular pad that glowed with blue energy, seemingly freezing her in time. He then corralled the swan upon another platform, freezing it as well. Sheets lowered over both pillars, suddenly giving the existing sheets lining the walls deeply disturbing implications.

"Lord Warden," Spoke Zeus, his face upturned in a paternal smile that did not match the debauchery he had just been engaging in. "Welcome to my home."
Jesus Christ. What the hell Zeus?
While Zeus is officially depicted as the God of Storm and Sky, in practice he is more accurately depicted as the God of Adultery and Really Kinky Sex.

Given that this is coming from the Ancient Greeks, 'Really Kinky Sex' is very definitely not hyperbole. While most of the male gods of the Greek Pantheon redefined the definition of the term 'promiscuous', Zeus went above and beyond when it came to the just plain weird shit. Likely out of 'necessity' because going way out there was the only way he could cheat on Hera without getting caught, and even then he still got caught more often than not.

Of course, by now it looks like he's just gotten into that kind of thing, which makes sense, given that he has presumably been doing it for millennia.
Chapter 10
I pointedly did not take the man's outstretched hand, pointing to the sobbing, naked woman as she tried to run down the corridor. "Ul'tak, Muminah - stop her. Get the second one as well if she hasn't already made it to the rings. We're going to need them."

Zeus' grin did not falter, though a malevolent twinkle played at the edges of his eyes. "What, Warden. I thought you didn't like to play with your mortal toys. Why do you need my leftovers?"

Zeus was - charitably - a prick in his mythology. His real world counterpart seemed to be going out of his way to prove that he deserved every creepy legend made about him.

It hadn't been an accident that we walked in mid-orgy.

Zeus had clearly wanted me to walk in on his dalliance. I didn't know what method of communicating Zeus had with his first prime, but it was clear that communications were capable. Judging by the holographic displays on the wall still showing the progress of people heading for his palace, Zeus had been well aware that I was in his palace. He'd timed things so that I would be walking in on him sleeping with his mistresses. It was either a reminder that I was at his beck and call or a demonstration of his virility - and I wasn't having it either way.

It wouldn't be the first time I worked for a client who was actively working against their best interest, nor would it be the first time I worked for someone who seemed determined to make me actively detest them.

"Zeus, I am here because your brother hired me to solve a problem for you. Because you need me to solve your murder." I continued to pointedly ignored his outstretched hand as I gestured to the pillars around us. "If you have a problem with my methods you can find another independant, reliable, trustworthy, magically capable member of the System Lords without existing drama with your contemporaries or designs over your domain to solve your problems. I'm sure you're spoiled for choices."

Zeus lowered his hand, rolling his eyes in mild disgust as he summoned a towel over from the table and started cleaning the stray fluids that were covering his legs and face. All things considered it was probably wise not to shake his hand purely for hygienic reasons even if I weren't furious at the man. He pulled a bit of food from his beard, meat perhaps, and popped it into his lips as he laughed in booming basso. "I need you, do I? Why - I already know that it was Poseidon who was my killer."

I pulled my helmet from my face, deliberately making it so that he saw the endless pools of stars in my eye sockets as I handed it to Enlil. I let a small measure of red lightning glow at the back of the void as I said, "Hades disagrees."

"Yes… he does." Zeus let out a long suffering sigh, flopping down in a chair on the table and opening his legs to scratch himself more publically than I would have cared for. He sat there scratching for significantly longer than was socially acceptable before snarling and tossing a bolt of lighting across the room from his apparently bare fingers, bursting one of the covered pillars. There was a loud screeching scream and a boar as large as a bear tumbled out of it, falling down to lie charred and dead on the tile floor.

The king of the gods stood up with alarming speed, his face mad with rage as spittle came out of his lips. His naked rage was terrible as he stomped down in fury cracking the tile beneath it. Lighting corusucated over his body, giving me hints of small crystalline emitters surgically implanted into his flesh at key points as he clutched his beard in fury.

I moved between Enlil and Zeus as the man's glowing eyes nearly bulged out of his skull. "He disagrees with me so much that he has elected to embarrass me by bringing an outsider into a family matter. So much that he has publicly refused to back punitive measures more serious than blocading Poseidon's throne world until I have an independent investigation concluded. He dares to curtail my right to rule? Mine?"

Zeus growled, grabbing the woman he'd just placed from stasis and slamming her onto the table. From her perspective it had just been seconds ago when this man was praising and caressing her, so her screams of fear and shock were significantly exacerbated by her general confusion at being pulled out of stasis.

Her body convulsed under his grip as he didn't bother to stop the corsucating energy running over him. I was about to do something stupid that was probably going to start another war I couldn't win when Enlil interceded on her behalf. Millions of lives lost or not, just decapitating this asshole myself had a certain appeal to it. Millions of lives lost or not, just decapitating this asshole myself had a certain appeal to it. Hades teaching had better have been amazing to put up with this shit.

Enlil had been with me long enough to know my mind, redirecting Zeus rage towards himself and interrupting him from doing permanent harm to the girl while moving in front of me to limit my potential to do lethal harm to Zeus.

"Perhaps you underestimate his loyalty." Enlil interjected to the deranged ruler of Olympus, surprising me by walking out from behind me. "He is a savvy politician, after all."

"Do I?" Zeus snarled, not tightening his grip on the woman's throat but the lightning seemed to abate somewhat. He narrowed his eyes as though seeing the man for the first time and actually outright dropped her, his fury forgotten in an instant. "Enlil?"

"Good to see you too, Zeus." Enlil smiled warmly. "I am with the Lord Warden's pantheon now."

"Are you?" The King of Olympus tilted his head, looking from Enlil, to Bob, and back to me as though realizing something for the first time. His eyes narrowed in my direction and his head rocked back as though someone had punched him, bugging open like sacers as he started laughing uproariously - mania taking his rage. "Yes… I suppose you are."

"Might I suggest not breaking your toy in front of the Lord Warden, almighty Zeus?" Enlil gestured to the surgically altered woman sobbing on the table. "If you do her harm his mantle will obligate him to unproductive foolishness. I am sure one as mighty as you would prevail, but forcing his mantle to cause violence would be against the spirit of the Olympics, would it not?"

"I keep my own peace." Zeus nodded briefly, grabbing the confused woman and tossing her back into stasis. Her tears and confusion were plastered on her face as the light consumed her once more, terror etched into her features in statuesque gristlyness.

I was glad Enlil was there to help Zeus see reason. If I opened my mouth for more than a few syllables at a time I was going to force them to decant a new clone. I did not relax the tension in my fingers on my staff. It was taking every ounce of my will not to smite this prick as I spoke through my teeth. "Continue, Enlil."

"Almighty Lord Zeus, if you are to strike against Lord Poseidon your justification must be beyond rebuke. He has enough allies and resources to make a war costly if there is even a shred of doubt that another was the guilty party or that - however unjustified - you are merely seeking greater power without cause." He bowed, gesturing to me as he did so.

"And I am to seek credibility from the god of madness?" Zeus snorted, crossing his arms.

"The Lord Warden has no history with any of you. You have fought no wars with each other. You have no grievances. He has fought your hated enemy. His territory does not border either that of your lands or those of Poseidon. If he verifies your claims, you may cite him as an authoritative and impartial source of information." Enlil smirked, stroking his beard.

Zeus snorted. "And if denies them, what of it?"

"He's the god of Madness. You'll do it anyway and dispute his sanity." Enlil's voice practically purred the words. "You have really nothing to lose here, Zeus."

"It's the wise move, father." Heracles intoned firmly, giving his Goa'uld master a firm look. "If you do not accept the help, Hera will claim that you're obstructing the truth."

"Bitch." Zeus loving caressed the word with spite as it left his gullet. "Fine. Fine! Let the truth be confirmed to your heart's content. I grow tired of these pointless politics."

He looked up at the women being dragged back into the room by Muminah and Ul'tak, though he was almost exclusively focused on Muminah. My high priestess' garment had nearly fallen off her in the effort to wrangle the sobbing woman. He licked his lips and made a point of speaking in what I presume he intended to be an ethereal tone - thought it was rather ruined by the Goa'uld metallic pronunciation. "Why have you seen fit to prevent their departure?"

"Because your entire operation hinges on people not knowing how to get into your inner sanctum and you're bringing people here on booty calls." I didn't bother hiding the contempt in my voice as I approached one of the women. She cringed away from me as I held out my hand. "May I see that?"

She looked at my hand nervously, looking from Zeus to me and back. "I - I didn't steal it. I -" she swallowed as though struggling to get the word out, "earned it."

Don't start a war Harry. I repeated to myself in my head. You don't need another war Harry. I spoke in the kindest voice I could manage. "I promise to give it back. I just need to see what's inside it."

"Checking the going rates?" Zeus joked, looking at Enlil. "Honestly, I could have easily shown you the coin they're paid. I have a whole chest of it. They're given a king's ransom for a night of pleasure."

I picked the coins up one by one, bouncing them in the palm of my hand until I found one that felt off somehow. I cracked the coin in half, pulling a device from the soft golden disc.

I handed the device over to Heracles. He let out a hiss. "Damn, Hera's people must have gotten to the foundry before I did. The whole batch is probably tainted."

"How many people know Zeus pays these women?" Bob leaned in towards the coin. Heracles did not flinch at the Mummy's closeness. "That's not exactly a difficult device to make, not cheap but not difficult."

"No but Hera is the only one who would bother using something as useless as a subspace beacon on something coming here." Heracles snorted. "They're too expensive to waste."

"Waste? Those things can send out a beacon anywhere in the known galaxy that someone would be able to track." Bob blinked his eye lights and let out a long "oooh" of comprehension as he looked around the great hall and it's multiple offshoot passages with renewed interest. "But we aren't in the known Galaxy, are we?"

"The Nevernever." I groaned, "This whole damn place is in the Nevernever from the passage of thorns onward. It's just meant to look like we're back in the real world. This is what, an offshoot of the parts of Olympus that the Greek Pantheon used to rule in the Nevernever?"

Zeus let out a rumbling laugh. "Where else should a God slumber but among dreams and muses? But no - think of this as more of a discrete Bunker. My power is not so great as to command all of what Olympus once was."

I pinched the bridge of my nose and counted to ten before asking, "Where does that ring teleporter exit go, precisely?"

"No clue." Zeus replied standing up and walking over to open a wide set of doors I'd frankly been too distracted to notice before. They opened up into a larger chamber with a deep pool at its center. "That's sort of the point. It pierces the veil of the Nevernever to another ring transporter somewhere in my realm so that they've got a head start before Hera finds them."

"You're just flinging them somewhere in space and time. Just kinda anywhere and hoping that one of your enemies don't use them to kill you with the knowledge they have?" This guy's ego had to be choking him to death.

"Hera has proven to be remarkably disinterested in letting them live that long. The smart ones take their fortune and flee my realms, never to speak of it and live long - wealthy lives in seclusion." Zeus' rumbling laughter filled the hall. "Anyone foolish enough to stand between Hera and her vengeance doesn't have the opportunity to exploit what they might have learned."

"Do they know that? Do they consent to living like that? In hiding, forever?" I couldn't keep the rage from my voice.

"Of course they chose to taste the pleasures of the gods." Zeus mostly seemed bored with my anger. He pointed to my priestess. "Lord Warden - I am not so foolish as to believe that you are Heka but I hardly think you're in a position to question my treatment of women. Is it any more noble to keep women as vestal virgins for eternity, never knowing the flesh of a man before you throw them into lethal danger? I offer them a chance at the greatest pleasure they've ever known and wealth beyond imagining - you offer them slavery to surrender their every waking moment."

I didn't dare make them correct Zeus in front of him, but judging by their expressions "informed consent" had not been part of the package before they were brought back here. Frankly but the slightly glazed look upon both of their faces I imagine they been drugged or inebriated to the degree that he felt safe bringing them here without revealing his secrets.

"Hera doesn't get these two." I pointed at the surgically altered woman he'd just tossed back into stasis. "Or that one. I need them for my investigation and she's just going to have to cope."

"I'm sure the hermaphrodite is vital to your 'investigative process,' Lord Warden." Zeus rolled his eyes. He seemed on the verge of denying my request before apparently reconsidering, "I suppose you're going to anger my wife regardless of what you do. Assuming you survive it will add credibility to your case and reputation. Fine, take them. Take whatever slaves you need from my kingdom - I care not."

"As long as I have your word." I said, watching the women visibly relax and stop trying to flee Ul'tak and Muminah.

"Zeus' word is law." Heracles spoke the phrase as though it were a prayer.

Bob the mummy changed the subject back to something more practical.

"I'm aware that I'm not exactly an expert on monogamy, but it seems significantly less expensive and impractical for you just to sleep with your wife." Bob seemed as confused as he was advocating for monogamy as anyone else was to hear him speaking the words. "It just seems… wasteful of all those boobs. Boobs are great but they're only really useful on living people."

Zeus let out a long suffering sigh, rolling his eyes as though tired of a long argument. "Even when kid isn't mine, I still have to put up with this." He gave me a conspiratorial glance. "You're going to have to tell me how you trained yours to have a sense of fun, Lord Warden - if even half the rumors are true he's got a sense of fun Athena never managed."

"Kid?" I froze as a single word of his sentence locked in my mind. "Are… you using Bob to ask me for parenting tips for your three thousand year old daughter?"

"The spirit of intellect you birthed turned out well." He waved vaguely at Bob as he looked into the room with a pool, his eyes fixed upon a statue of the Goddess Athena. As the marble figure looked up and started walking towards us I realized that it wasn't a statue of Athena but more accurately a vessel for Athena. The Goddess Athena, it would seem, was a spirit of intellect bound to a statue of a beautiful woman. "Mine is pristine but so just aggressively buisnesslike."

Athena set her gaze upon me, fixing me with a set of unnaturally still eyes that glowed with a pale gold light in imitation of the Goa'uld. "A pleasure, Lord Warden."

Athena's perpetual virginity suddenly made sense in context with her outright lack of anatomy. The statue within which she was bound was stunning. It appeared to be made of marble, but had the flexibility and fluidity of any human form. Even her stone robes flowed as one might expect from normal linen or silk. I got the sense, however, that it was technology rather than magic that caused that - though for the Goa'uld the two often mixed.

"Wowza," Bob the Mummy yelped, making no effort to conceal an expression of what might be described as outright lust for the other Spirit of Intellect. He was looking at her from top to bottom in utter fascination. It was the first time he'd likely met another spirit of intellect since he'd fled the Nevernever and he liked what he saw.

Just great - he had a thing for older women.

"Hopefully your second one will cause you less difficulty than my first has." Zeus snorted. "You must be several months along at this point."

"You've lost me." I replied, looking at Bob and Enlil in confusion. The Mummy shrugged.

"You are pregnant, Lord Warden." Athena spoke, her voice coming from her unmoving lips in time with the flashing strobes of her eye-lights.

"Warden, I could have used the knowledge that you're a Queen to bring dozens of new powers to our side! Why didn't you tell me?" Enlil gushed excitedly. "Who's the father? Is it Ammit? You have been spending a lot of time with her."

"It is not that kind of pregnancy." Athena corrected him. "This is one of the soul. It is a common side effect of recreational possession by diablic or divine creatures of spirit in a moment of extreme passion."

Oh. Oh no. Oh no, no, no, this was not happening in front of Zeus. I was not finding this out in front of Swan rape McGehee. Unprotected soul merge with a Fallen Angel's shadow hadn't been covered in my highschool health. I was starting to wonder if the increasingly painful headaches I'd been experiencing since ascending to Godhood might have another explanation beyond just misusing my mantle.

Regardless, I didn't want to talk about my recently discovered pregnancy with a man who recreationally grafted man parts onto the front of waterfowl. Before I could outright deny or defer their accusations, however, Bob opened his stupid, fat mouth.

"Ooooh." Bob let out a noise of sudden comprehension. "Uh, yeah that does make sense with you sharing a soul with her and all. We've already seen a bunch of other side effects."

"Seriously? Freaking seriously? " I groaned. "Here, now - we're going to do this now?"

"Was this coupling with the Lady Maeve?" Enlil blanched briefly. "Not Ms Mary? I know you let her ride with the wives but - "

"Not you too." Stars and Stones, something save me from this conversation.

"Sorry Bossman, just excited about my new sibling." He actually hopped in excitement. "I'll get to teach it all sorts of fun magic from the library."

"Shut up Bob." I snarled. Keenly aware that Ul'tak and Muminah's gazes were at the verge of boring holes in the back of my skull with their ironclad fascination with this conversation.

"I suppose that I shouldn't be getting you mad, what with your condition and all." Bob jibed. "It might disturb the little one."

"No worries, Warden. You have my word that I won't bring this up to anyone outside this room." Zeus tapped the side of his nose knowingly. "Can't go damaging that whole 'chaste purity' image you're going for - I get it."

He grabbed me, putting his arm over my shoulders and whispering conspiratorially. "I'll be honest, Warden. I was prepared not to like you when I first heard about you but to tolerate you because you hate the Titans and Moloch. Then you show up here with a naked woman it tow, find "legitimate" reasons to take several nice pieces and run interference on my wife, and to top it off - you dirty dog - you're into the same shit I got into back before the fall. I swear this friendship was just meant to be."

Against my better judgement I did not geld him with Clarent for grabbing and leading me into the next room. "Just… just show me the crime scene."
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Hahahahahahaha, oh wow. I was wondering when and how Lash's love child would finally make an appearance, but this is so much better than anything I had expected.

Athena being a Spirit of Intellect also causes the Medusa myth to make a lot more sense; she reacted in such an unjustified, inhuman way because she is an inherently inhuman entity, unlike most of the rest of the Gods who, despite being Goa'uld, have a lot more in common with humans than a Spirit of Intellect does.

Enlil is going to shit bricks when he finds out the 'coupling' wasn't with a Fae, but with a Fallen. The shadow of a Fallen, but still a Fallen none the less. A shadow of a Fallen that Harry redeemed, that actually genuinely came to love him and sacrificed herself for him in an act of purest selflessness. The Goa'uld might have lost most of their mystic knowledge thanks to Thoth's Folly, but they should still have enough to know just how big a deal the actual redemption of any part of a Fallen is to Upstairs.
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Enlil is going to shit bricks when he finds out the 'coupling' wasn't with a Fae, but with a Fallen. The shadow of a Fallen, but still a Fallen none the less. A shadow of a Fallen that Harry redeemed, that actually genuinely came to love him and sacrificed herself for him in an act of purest selflessness. The Goa'uld might have lost most of their mystic knowledge thanks to Thoth's Folly, but they should still have enough to know just how big a deal the actual redemption of any part of a Fallen is to Upstairs.
All while Harry becomes the literal Sex God to all the mortals.
All while Harry becomes the literal Sex God to all the mortals.
The Hosts have been trying to redeem the Fallen since literally the dawn of creation, they have never even come close to succeeding, not even once. They have always had faith that it was possible, but that was all it was; faith.

And then Harry Dresden redeemed the shadow of a Fallen and proved that it is possible, that the Fallen can be redeemed, yes he only redeemed a shadow, but if any part of a Fallen can be redeemed then every part can be redeemed. And he didn't just redeem any Fallen, oh no, he redeemed the shadow of Lasciel, titled as The Temptress and The Seducer. The Fallen most well known for tempting and seducing mortals, second only to Lucifer himself, possessed Harry with her shadow and he tempted and seduced her instead!

God of Chaos and Madness indeed.
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Chapter 11
Physically resisting the urge to remove Zeus' arm was a continuing labor as the man was so generally unpleasant that I was left feeling greasy just being around him. It was a persistent thing that I could almost taste by just touching the man - he was just wrong. His glibness, his eagerness, all of it just exacerbated how detestable he was. He was, by every possible metric, a monster to beat all monsters. History had recorded him as a rapist, a murder, and much, much worse.

If ever there was an epithet for Zeus' headstone it would be "boys will be boys."

And as much as I utterly detested the man, his raw charisma was undeniable. Fortunately for me, every time I felt too inclined to like the man I had the luxury of looking behind myself at the naked, slowly sobbing trio of "leftovers" from his recent recreation. Absent that immediate visual it would be easy to get lost in the man's infectious good cheer and boisterous, puerile charm. It was kind of like being frog-marched around by the protagonist from an 80's fraternity movie - charismatic but deeply alarming in retrospect.

I liked "Revenge of the Nerds" as much as the next guy when it came out, but I'd worked too many cases with creepy stalkers for the "romance" in that one to have aged well. Show up with a boom-box to stand outside someone's window and play the song you listened to the first time you played the horizontal mambo and you're getting a restraining order that you deeply deserve in the real world.

Zeus seemed to have outright forgotten anyone other than me as he walked me deeper into his inner sanctum, bragging about each of the murals and monuments to his achievements as we walked through the frankly massive space lining the deep pool at the center of the room. It was not lost on me that Zeus' monuments to his important sexual conquests took more of his attention than his military ones, even if they were physically smaller.

After a solid hour of Zeus' graphic descriptions of the comparative attributes of debatably willing partners I was about 110% done with this case and debating in my head just how bad offering up my first born to Mab would be with a sincerity that I hadn't previously considered myself capable of achieving. As we approached a statue of what appeared to be badger achieving anatomically impractical acts with with a what I presumed to be an Unas, I finally snapped and ripped his arm from my shoulder, "Zeus, you have provided me with about six centuries of motive for a murder but nothing even beginning to resemble a crime scene. Where is the body?"

"Spoilsport," Zeus hummed affectionately, his eyes twinkling at me in a way I couldn't help but feel slightly alarmed by in context with several of the statues depicting him taking a liking to debatably willing fellow Goa'uld. Stars and Stones, it was like dealing with Lara only without the ten tons of supernatural viagra to make you want to be part of that bad idea. He shook his head and tapped a button on his wrist, revealing a passageway beneath the pool. Stairs rose from the tile below, a forceshield moving into place to prevent the water from blocking our path. The pool sizzled and crackled against the shield, revealing the numeros crystalline formations that had been built into the mosaic and disrupting the hologram of fish placidly swimming within it. Yet another trap between Zeus and anyone who would disturb his privacy.

"Who knew about the room under the pool?" I hadn't felt any magical exchange when Zeus had touched his wrist. A purely technological defense, perhaps?

"Athena, Poseidon, Hades, Heracles and two mortals I kept within it." Zeus considered his sentence before saying, "And me obviously."

"I will want to question the mortals." I replied to the King of Olympus as he gave me a sidelong glance in return.

"I believe that you're going to need my brother to assist in that matter." Zeus replied glibly.

"Poseidon?" Enlil inquired. "What benefit would he have in taking them."

"Hades, I suspect." I replied as the overwhelming stench of blood hit me.

We descended the staircase and into a charnelhouse. I gagged at the putrid stench of death as we found ourselves in a bedchamber that had given way to rot beyond even the oxygen scrubber's ability to bring calm. Zeus seemed to have been prepared for a meal when his murderer had arrived. There was a table set for three at the center of his bedchambers, though that was mostly a guess based upon how many chairs were strewn around the room. It certainly seemed to match the broken crockery strewn about the room.

Muminah corralled the three, justifiably screaming women and led them back up the stairs. Ul'tak gave me a single look, unsure if he should go with the women or stay with me before I nodded in Muminah's direction. I needed those witnesses calm and away from being a potential distraction to what was already a clusterfuck of a crime scene.

Zeus clearly had no concept of or interest in maintaining any degree of forensic integrity. He kicked a body out of his way as he reached the bottom of the stairs, discarding a familiar corpse to the side for the second time judging by the multiple footprints he'd left in the space. He wandered through the crime scene, vaguely bored by the death as he let out an exhasperated sigh. "I would have cleaned the mess but Hades insisted that the corpses be left for… whatever it is that Death Gods do with such things."

"Zeus… I need to examine the room in private, if you don't mind." I said in what I hoped came off as polite rather than utterly livid as he picked up a flagon from the crime scene and drank from the blood soaked vessel in mind boredom.

The King of the Gods rolled his eyes. "You can examine it with the aid of Athena - you will need assistance to leave here alive, after all. Heracles and I are needed at my party anyway. Our absence will soon be suspicious. Do let me know when you've confirmed the inevitable."

Heracles followed his father out of the room, giving an inscrutable look at the dead Jaffa on the ground as he left. The First Prime had neglected to mention that his previous incarnation had died in the assasination of Zeus. Hells Bells, what would that be like? Walking in the scene of your own murder had to be hellish.

No wonder he'd wanted me to swear that justice would be done. He'd been murdered along with his father. Zeus hadn't died easy and he hadn't died alone. I had to wonder if it was as unnerving for Heracles to stare into his own dead, glassy eyes as it was for me to look at them. The muscular Jaffa had been disemboweled and choked to death with his own intestines. It hadn't been a quick death either - he'd had the presence of mind to drag himself as far as the staircase before even his Jaffa endurance hadn't been able to sustain him.

What could have just manhandled Heracles? The guy was the size of an Unas and looked like he could bench press a battleship, but something had torn through him like butter. I didn't see defensive wounds on Heracles' body. The guy couldn't have been a slouch in combat after several thousand years of repeatedly reincarnating to learn from past mistakes, so whatever attacked had either been fast enough that he couldn't strike back or someone he trusted to the degree that he let his guard down.

Unfortunately neither of those options either narrowed down my suspect pool or eliminated Poseidon as a potential culprit.

Two servants, and/or perhaps concubines of Zeus, had been crucified on the ceiling - pinned into the marble with the same utensils that had likely been laid out on the table for the meal. Someone had plucked out their eyes and tongues, though I couldn't say for sure if it had been done before or after they'd died. It was unclear how the killer had managed this given the apparent absence of any furniture tall enough to reach the ceiling but there was enough odd tech to which any would-be Goa'uld assassin would have easy access.

"Athena, who were these places set for?" I asked the goddess as she stood motionless, eyes fixed on nothing in particular. "I'm guessing that Zeus didn't break bread with his slaves."

"Places are laid for the three brothers each meal in the event that a matter arises requiring Hades or Poseidon to leave their dominions." Athena didn't look at me as her eyes flashed in response to my question, echoing her unnerving voice as she replied to me. "Generally I am the only one in attendance for the meal."

"I'm sorry, you witnessed the crime?" I all but screamed. "And you're just telling me this now?"

"My presence is irrelevant to your purpose." Athena replied in her monotone disinterest. "I am unable to comply with your inquiries."

"But you saw the murder happen. You watched them do it?" Bob blinked his eyelights in confusion. "And they just left without doing anything to you?"

"Correct." Athena replied calmly. "Destroying me would not have benefited their purpose."

"Because someone made you forget, didn't they?" Bob tapped his ornamental pharaonic goatee pensively. "Someone ordered you to forget."

"Logic would dictate that the murderer was one of the few beings capable of issuing orders to me." Athena turned her face to Bob, swiveling in an unnaturally mechanical way as she faced the spirit. "Likewise, my own lack of intercession on behalf of my father is indicative of a limited pool of suspects."

"You're confident that you didn't intercede?" Enlil arched his brow. "Could not the murderer have made you forget your own defeat?"

Athena's head spun behind her, twisted opposite the rest of her body as she replied to him. Enlil met her gaze as she said, "I am not Goa'uld."

The former Babylonian tugged at his beard as he unpacked that statement before a look of near horror came into his eyes for just an instant. He managed to control his features before asking, "I do apologize, Lady Athena, but are you telling me that your powers were left entirely unaffected by the Terms?"

"Correct." Athena replied, briefly allowing her presence to fill the room. It was like being back in the hut with old granny clever - enough raw will that I was almost driven to my knees just being in a room with it.

"How are you not ruling this pantheon?" Enlil gasped, clutching his heart through his beard. The ancient god looked at me in exasperation. "How are you not ruling our pantheon?"

"My actions are limited by my purpose and my mind does not lend itself to ambition or desire." Athena replied, her unearthly flashes of light a welcome respite as she ceased her display of power. "My desire or that of anyone else within my pantheon."

"Ok, who has the ability to tell you not to just smite them for going near daddy dearest?" I massaged a headache out of my temples that I desperately hoped was stress and not imminent birthing pains.

"I am able to be commanded by Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, so long as their commands do not work at cross purposes to my function." Athena replied in mechanical monotone.

"And that purpose is?" I inquired, already suspecting a fat load of nothing for my troubles.

"Correcting the consequences of the First Folly." Athena replied.

"Which was?" I let the last syllable hang for a prolonged time, filling the silence as Athena seemed to be determined not to answer me. To my amazement, she actually answered me.

"I acknowledge that you do deserve to know, Lord Warden. Educating you will be necessary if you are to function as a psychopomp." She shook her head in a near-animatronic imitation of a shrug, somehow managing to look wrong in spite of going through the entire motion. "I cannot speak here, Lord Warden. There are too many ears covered by the Terms of Thoth's Folly. If we both survive what is to come of you discovering the truth, you will have the answers you seek. If we do not, I suspect you will still have them."

"Wow - that managed to be simultaneously helpful, condescending, cryptic and entirely useless." Bob let out a long whistle. Bob's ability to whistle without lips continued to amaze me. "I need to start taking lessons from this broad."

"Broad?" Athena seemed genuinely curious to learn a new word.

"Dame, skirt, you know - a woman!" Bob excitedly introduced Athena to the modern developments in creative sexist language as I brought myself back to the task at hand.

The former Zeus was lying face down on the bed, crimson blood having stained the while silk bedding a foetid brown as the vital fluid stained the sheets crimson. Unlike the other people in the room, his wounds seemed precise - outright surgical. His body seemed virtually untouched beyond his spinal column - which had been flensed down to the bone.

"Enlil, any idea why the killer cut the symbiote out of the body or how they managed to do so without him objecting to it?" The near orgasmic expression on Zeus' face didn't fit any other part of this whole mess.

"Recreational drugs probably." Enlil fiddled with the phials along the dresser before pulling one in a heart shaped bottle full of pale, pink fluid. "Yeah, that makes sense. Low dose recreational consumption is a common sexual enhancer to correct gaps in male performance but it can anthestitize a Goa'uld in the proper dosage or if it has been distilled and added to potions."

"Is that… vampire blood?" I opened the phial, giving it a sniff before immediately feeling the physical effects I associated with being physically proximate to a vampire of the White Court. "Where did he get a White Court Vampire to bleed?"

"A gift from Aphrodite." Athena's voice held emotion for the first time since I met her. She was categorically not a fan of Aphrodite judging by the naked scorn with which she invoked the name of her fellow goddess. "Diluted, of course, but still potent."

I'd gotten an object lesson in just how hard White Court Vampire blood could kick the ass of anyone with Naquadah in their bloodstream last year when the Archive had used it to paralyze me and drag me back to Russia. "How many Goa'uld have access to this substance?"

"Aphrodite is the sole supplier for Olympus. I do not know how far she has distributed it but the danger of the substance is sufficient that father warded against its transport." Athena seemed almost smug as she said. "The consequences would be… unfortunate for anyone other than Father trying to bring it through the valley of Thorns."

"Given how little is left in the bottle, I would assume that he was dosed with his own supply." I chewed on my lip. "Someone was intimate enough with Zeus to know where he kept his performance enhancers. I don't exactly see Zeus admitting that he had trouble getting it up sometimes."

Enlil looked at me as though I'd lost my mind. "Zeus regularly has orgies that are measured in weeks, not days. He isn't hiding the fact that he chemically arguments his host's abilities. One does not conceal improving the mechanical performance of one's taken flesh any more than one avoids revealing engine maintenance on a starship. If it were to come up in conversation I doubt he'd think to conceal it."

And the prick never stopped bragging about sex. Just perfect. "Alright, out of our suspect pool of two guys who can't have done it or we're screwed, which do you think did this?"

"Two?" Enlil looked up from the open wound.

"Poseidon, and Hades - though I'll admit I'm skeptical about Hades." I pointed to Athena. "The ones who can issue an order to Athena."

"Could." Enlil corrected me, pointing at the gaping wound in front of me. "The only ones previously able to do that."

"I'm not going to like the next thing you tell me, am I?" It was just turning out to be one of those days.

"Well, Goa'uld have genetic memories. Fundamentally we're not that different from each other on a biological or spiritual level. We're creatures of the material, not the ethereal. When one eats another Goa'uld one doesn't just eat flesh, one consumes DNA. A couple bites doesn't mean much - a lot of the genetic material is lost or destroyed in digestion. But if one takes the proper preparations before consuming an entire Goa'uld symbiote, especially one with centuries of knowledge encoded in their DNA… well, you can guess the rest. It's a difficult, dangerous, impractical, irrational and expensive process that's ultimately less useful than just torture and interrogation most of the time. But Zeus has access to things that most Goa'uld don't." Enlil gestured vaguely at Athena. "Even if they can't actually use any of the genetic memories they graft onto themselves, that thing recognizes every clone of Zeus as being Zeus because it can recognize the genetic memory patterns of its father and uncles. Just being able to order it to leave would be a strategic asset of galactic importance."

"So, if another Goa'uld were to gain those genetic memories, it would be able to spoof Athena? Trick her into thinking they were one three who should be able to do that?" Bob made a gagging noise. "Ugh - that's… nasty on so many levels."

"It is theoretically sound." Athena didn't appear convinced. "But your premise requires that I have allowed the surgical excision and consumption of my Father against his will."

"Do you never leave here? I know that you showed up and had someone order you to go all MIB flashy mind wipe, but can you guarantee me that you were here before Zeus died?" I waved around the room. "Because it sounds like you just woke up in a room full of corpses and assumed that you'd seen the murder happen."

"I know I saw the murder happen." Athena replied firmly. "I can't remember it."

"You realize how profoundly crazy that sounds, right?" I looked at Bob in the hopes he might translate from female to sane.

Bob seemed outright sorry for Athena. "I believe her, boss. I know what she's trying to describe, your language just isn't designed for this sort of a concept. I'm aware of the gaps I chose to have in my memory after the Kemmlerites. When you force yourself to forget you have to rip out a part of you. You feel where it should be even though you can't remember what used to be there."

"She has amnesiatic phantom limb syndrome?" I leaned on my staff. "That didn't seem that hard to explain.

"Sure, if you're going to describe a complex, multi-planar excision of spiritual self in the most crude language possible in your limited language like an ape." Bob the Mummy gave an apologetic little bow to Athena. "Sorry, Lady, he's new at this. Still very three dimensional."

Athena said nothing in reply.

"Ok, conservatively, of the Goa'uld who were on the planet at the time, how many of them would know that this was even possible?" Maybe it wasn't so bad - how common could this knowledge possibly be?

"Warden, we're Goa'uld. We share common ancestral memories, well most of us. This is not something learned it is known from before the moment we spawn. It is in our very marrow." Enlil let out a sad little chuckle. "How many would know that this was theoretically possible? All of us."

Hell's Bells
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Well... at least Harry has a Larger Suspect pool now!

He has a suspect ocean.

I think one of the two who could order her to stand and watch but not interfere did order her, but wasn't responsible for the murder or the memory loss. Hades and Poseidon both have motive for non-lethal pranks, and could have left after disabling (but not killing) Zeus. Then someone else came in to take advantage of the situation.
He has a suspect ocean.

I think one of the two who could order her to stand and watch but not interfere did order her, but wasn't responsible for the murder or the memory loss. Hades and Poseidon both have motive for non-lethal pranks, and could have left after disabling (but not killing) Zeus. Then someone else came in to take advantage of the situation.
Or that Zeus's murder served her purpose. If Zeus learned something that he was forbidden from knowing by the terms then Athena may have been compelled to murder him herself. She knows where Zeus stores his drug stash and is personally powerful enough to manhandle Herakles. She could then have removed her own knowledge because knowing that she killed him would have risked him learning that and learning why and thus triggering the terms again.
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He has a suspect ocean.

I think one of the two who could order her to stand and watch but not interfere did order her, but wasn't responsible for the murder or the memory loss. Hades and Poseidon both have motive for non-lethal pranks, and could have left after disabling (but not killing) Zeus. Then someone else came in to take advantage of the situation.
I think we're dealing with an Altered Carbon scenario here. Either Zeus ordered her to stand by and forget, or Athena murdered him for something regarding the terms.
I'll say it now for lol's (after watching certain clip on YouTube. ... and remembering previous book) - 'Russians did it!'
You know there is one other person capable of making Athena forget something after the fact. Other than Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades. She seems to have a bit of an anger problem in regards to Goa'uld....
Problem is can Harry keep his mouth shut long enough to tell Zeus...

Edit, and Ninja'd...
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Blame your grandfather Harry.
Loki was the one to make the progenitor after all.
The problem with suspects for the murder of Zeus is that the number of entities who would not want to murder Zeus if given the opportunity can be counted on one hand, and even they would probably stand back and pretend to be distracted if someone else happened to murder him while they were in the vicinity.

Zeus is the broest of bros, every frat boy stereotype combined into one charismatic caricature turned up to eleven; no-one likes Zeus. Even Hades only tolerates him, and Hades is hands down the most chill, relaxed and reasonable member of the Greek pantheon, as well as the one of the few that actually takes his duties as a god seriously. Zeus holds authority because he is just that powerful and charismatic, not because anyone actually wants him to be king.

That said, I agree with ptbptb; I think we've got a multi-tier situation here with one of Zeus\Poseidon\Hades 'disabling' Athena for something unrelated and then a third party taking advantage of the situation. The odd parts are Heracles getting his ass handed to him like that and the concubines getting stapled to the roof, along with the Sphinx's wounds, that implies a severe level of physical superiority, as in 'someone summoned a motherfucking Outsider' kind of physical superiority. That's not the sort of thing that could have been pulled off on a whim, that's the sort of thing that had to have been planned for long in advance.

There are few other things I can think of that would be able to demonstrate that degree of physical superiority; the Genoskwa, one of the more physically powerful Denarians, a Naagloshii, a Sidhe, none of which should be anywhere near Zeus, nor working with a Goa'uld as would appear to be indicated by the removal of Zeus's previous parasite.

In fact, were it not for the appearance of a Goa'uld being involved I would have said that given the demesne's location in the Nevernever the most likely candidate would be one of the Courts, probably Summer engaging in some kind of typical Faerie double-meaning trickery to get around their pact without actually breaking it. Which leads me to wonder if the appearance of Goa'uld involvement is a red herring, or if the Goa'uld came in after the murder and did an opportunistic 'yoink the parasite from Zeus' corpse and steal his secretses' gambit.

Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out it was in fact actually somehow Poseidon all along, and he's currently wondering what is taking Zeus so long to get revenge. 'He can't possibly think someone else is responsible for murdering him... can he? No... No... That is ridiculous... Of course he knows it was me... It is always me...'
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