Ending this Wretched Story(Honkai Impact 3rd SI)

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Kiana Kaslana wakes up with a voice inside her head proclaiming that doom is upon them all.
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Chapter 1: AHHHHHHHH

Critic Ham

Local Pundit too Angry to Die
A/N: Sometime ago I took a dive into reading fan-fic written by the Honkai Impact community and while it was the usual mix of good, bad, and ugly just the same as any other list of fan-fics, I came across one that perked my interest titled Second Chance on AO3. It involved a self-insert actually struck inside the head of one of the characters, a idea I haven't really seen much when it comes down self-insert stories and thought I'd give it a read. I found the story was not one for me, but my brain was like 'Hey, we could use this idea. Imagine all the character torture development we could do!'. And thus, this story was written.

Another idea my brain spewed out was adding some original elements, ideas of my own creation, into the story to make it different from other, similar stories. These elements won't play too major of a factor in the overall story, just something to add for plot convenience at certain points and to make sure the self-insert isn't instantly vaporized by a certain genocidal, maniacal tuna named Sirin.

Anyways, I'll be writing this while I try to work up motivation for my other story Gate: Frontline. If you have any feedback, questions, or comments, please do share. I'm always seeking to improve my writing and I do it best by discussing and bouncing ideas off of others.

At Aeir/Number III's suggestion, be warned of spoilers. While this is to be expected, the first chapter contains a major plot and character point.

Chapter 1: AHHHHHHHH​

Kiana awoke with a head-splitting pain drilling into her skull. She lay in bed, waiting for the pain to lessen and it faded away ever so slowly. However, her head still ached alongside the feeling of someone in her mind. Like someone attempted to drill into her skull, but ended up getting stuck somewhere. She tried to fall back asleep, tossing and turning for what seems like hours on end, but those two feelings gnawed at her.

The frustration built up to the point where she kicked her sheets off and sat upright in bed. Kiana glanced at the clock ticking away above her bed. The hands were on five-thirty AM. Who was up at this ungodly time anyway? Maybe Fu Hua jogging out on the track field, the crazy girl.

Wait a second, this isn't my room.

Kiana blinked when she felt a sense of confusion wash over her. She looked around the dorm her team lived in. Mei slumbered in her corner, underneath a normal blanket and surrounded by various memorabilia from her past, all of which was organized in an easy to reach way. Bronya, meanwhile, slept with one of the bunny-eared, yellow themed, HOMU toys. Her video game items all meticulously sorted into groups of what franchise they belonged to. Kiana herself had cat-themed items strewn about her corner of the dorm.

Yep, this was her dorm. So why was she doubting herself?

Why can't I move any of my limbs? And why does my skin look pale?

Kiana brought a hand up to eye-level. Nope, she could move her limbs and her skin had always been rather pale.

None of this makes sense! Send halp, please!

Ugh. Why was she thinking these thoughts? Were they caused by that apparition haunting her dreams and forcing her to hurt her dear Mei in said dreams?

Why can't I say anything?!

Alright, these thoughts weren't going away anytime soon.

Kiana jumped out of bed with Grogginess still weighing on her. Bones creaked in protest at having to move at this time. Muscles stiffened to lock in place in order to return to bed. Kiana pushed through it, however, and waddled to the bathroom, the thoughts increasing in panic all the while.

She pushed open the door and stepped into the small bathroom. It was compact, big enough only for a single person, but even then it felt cramped. Something about saving space, or at least that's what Auntie Theresa told her. Yeah, right, probably bungled the budget somewhere.

Kiana turned on the faucet and splashed cold water onto her face. The sudden chill jolted her awake, driving off the grogginess and hopefully those thoughts. She stared at her reflection, bloodshot eyes staring back.

Wait. Pale skin, silvery hair, blue eyes, dorky braids, a strand of hair just sticking out in defiance of gravity?

The thoughts became silent. A moment past. Another moment. Kiana let out a sigh. It was finally gone.


Kiana gripped her head as the scream pierced through her head.


"Fuck!" Kiana shouted as the thoughts-no, a voice- ramped up in intensity and speed.


"Kiana, are you alright?" Mei's gentle voice came through the door.

"Nuuu." Was all Kiana could muster.

"Maybe idiotka Kiana shouldn't have eaten all of the rice at dinner." Bronya's monotone voice mocked.

"Bronya!" Mei chided."Um, Kiana, are you decent?"



Kiana groaned. Why was this voice speaking so fast? It was causing her headache to explode in pain.

"O-oh my," Mei held up a hand as she entered the bathroom. The black-haired woman towered over Kiana who had by now huddled into a ball as the agony ascended beyond all description. Sweat had begun to drench her skin and shivers racked her body.

"Uuuu." Was Kiana's response to the voice's pained cry.

"Kiana's temperature is steadily rising." Bronya floated to the entrance of the bathroom. The petite Russian girl looked at Kiana with concerned silver eyes.

"Hold on," Mei heaved Kiana up to her feet and then placed a hand over her forehead."You're warm, but not feverishly so. Maybe you really did eat too much."

"Bronya still recommends getting a member of the medical staff."

"Right, I'll get Kiana to the infirmary."

"Carry me please?" Kiana groaned.

"That bad, huh? Alright, up you go." Mei hooked one arm around Kiana's waist and the other around her legs before lifting her up into a bridal-style carry.

Kiana managed a small smile. There was at least one upside in this whole ordeal and that was being carried by her favorite person, Mei! Few things could beat her. Or her cooking. Or her music. Or her tutoring abilities. Or just Mei in general.

She caught Bronya's envious glare as she was carried out of the bathroom and out into the halls. Bronya nonetheless followed the two out, all the while maintaining her glare.

The halls were devoid of any students or staff. Only footsteps and Kiana's mewling broke the silence that filled the corridors. For Mei and Bronya, the silence was comforting. They had long come to appreciate silence, especially after the sounds of battle assaulted their ears.

But for Kiana, there was no silence, only constant screaming and words spoken so quickly they became gibberish to her. She still was able to make out the voice of it through all of the chaos. It held a panicked, masculine tone instead of the mocking, feminine voice that haunted her dreams. Even then, this voice was far more damaging because the constant screaming and gibberish drove what felt like a nail into her skull.

Slowly, steadily, however, the screaming began to subside. The voice spoke slower and slower allowing Kiana to hear what was being said.

Alright, calm down. Think. What is happening right now and what can I do about it?

Kiana wanted to ask that question as well. Why was there a voice screaming inside her head? But while the screaming seemed to have finished, the pain had only begun to fade leaving her aching all throughout her body.

Yet the voice that called out to them made Kiana wish for the pain to come back.

"What are you three doing out?" A mature and stoic voice called out.

A grey-haired, serious-faced woman faced the three when they turned around.

Fuck! It's the bird!

Kiana had no idea why the voice sounded even more panicked now or why it called Fu Hua a bird.

"Fu Hua, we found Kiana curled up and shivering so we thought it best to take her to the medical wing. She's not running a fever, just in awful pain." Mei answered.

"Pain? Kiana, can you describe it?" Fu Hua said as she dug out her phone and began walking alongside the group to the sickbay. Her fingers tapped on the letters presented on the screen.

"Like someone screaming inside my head."

"Screaming… inside your head?" Fu Hua held a finger to her chin."Mei, Bronya, return to your dorm. I'll escort Kiana."

"A-alright," Mei sounded uncertain.

"Do not worry. As a Hall Monitor I won't be stopped by other Hall Monitors and I know a quick way to get there. You two head back and get ready for the day. While classes won't start for the next few hours, it doesn't hurt to study and prepare early."

"Fair point."

Kiana let out a groan brought on by both lingering pain and the fact that Fu Hua was the one that was going to take her instead of her friends. She didn't have anything against the girl, but Fu was more likely to force her to walk than carry her. Or maybe Fu Hua would tell a story like the one time when she got a stomach cramp?

"It sounds like Kiana still isn't well enough to walk. Uh, Fu Hua, could you carry her?"

"Put her on my back." Fu Hua stopped walking and assumed a piggyback posture.

It took a few seconds of transferring and adjusting Kiana so she could be carried, but once everything was finished, Fu Hua walked as though she was carrying the weight of tuna on her back rather than the weight of a teenage girl.

"Hope you feel well soon!" Mei waved.

"Bronya wishes that Kiana gets well soon as well." Despite the wording, there was a certain smugness in Bronya's tone.

Once Kiana and Fu Hua rounded a corner, Fu Hua spoke.

"Could you describe this voice?" Fu Hua was silent for a second before quickly adding,"For the medical record."

"Like a man panicking."

"A man?"

Kiana quirked an eyebrow. Was it her or did Fu Hua sound relieved at her answer? Fu Hua moved to another question before Kiana could think further on it.

"Where is the pain most intense?"

"My head. Like inside it. When it first started, it felt like it was about to explode. Now it just feels like something is running around in it."

"That is worrying."

"Am I dying?"

"Does it feel like it?"


"Then, for now, no. While what you've described is worrying, I suspect it might all be caused by the mind."

"What? Are you saying I've gone insane?"

"No. It might be stress induced by the Valkyrie ranking exam."

"And the four-hundred pages worth of homework you dumped on me." Kiana muttered.

"What was that?"

"Nothing!" Kiana exclaimed, her pain momentarily drowned by the crashing wave of sheer panic.

"I thought so. Anyways, we won't know anything for certain until a doctor takes a look at you."

Four-hundred pages of homework would cause a lot of stress though. But can it cause hallucinations? I mean, a lot of stress over a period of time can wear the body out, but I don't remember suffering that amount of stress. Soooo, crossing that off the "How the Fuck did I end up like this"list.

… Even the voice agreed that much homework was stressful.

"Is there anything else? Nightmares, hallucinations, voices other than the masuline one?"

"Well, I do have nightmares... "

Oh shit, that reminds me. If this is all real, I'm going to have to contend with her at some point.

Kiana wasn't sure what was happening anymore. The voice kept speaking and she was starting to believe it wasn't some stress-induced imaginary voice. Fu Hua was asking ever increasingly specific questions she was certain weren't medically related. And now the voice mentioned this 'her'.

"Thank you, Kiana. This'll help the medical staff in their diagnosis."

Yeah, sure, Fu Hua, maybe they can explain why I'm inside Kiana.

Kiana felt something. Like stress being released through a chuckle.

"We're here," Fu Hua stated as they stopped by a set of double doors. Not even a second after they stopped, the doors opened and a nurse stepped out. She held a tablet, constantly tapping away at it.

"Fu-san, room 1-7 is available for Kaslana-san."

"Do you think you can walk, Kiana?" Fu Hua asked.

"I think so." Kiana clambered off of Fu Hua and pressed her feet down into the floor. She took a few testing steps, unsure if the pain would explode once more. However, while pain still chipped away at her skull, it was nowhere near the bone-shattering agony it had been. Kiana let out a breath at that."Yea, I'm ok. Still feeling pain, but nothing I can't handle."

"We'll still do some tests, just in case." The nurse tabbed a couple times as Fu Hua leaned in and whispered into her ear. She gave a small nod before opening the door for Kiana, allowing her to walk in.

Kiana's nose scrunched up at the harsh odor of disinfectant as she entered the lobby. A few nurses went about spraying and scrubbing the tables, chairs, and even walls. Kiana blinked in confusion.

"Some students were diagnosed with a Honkai-related disease. It hasn't shown to be communicable yet, but better safe than sorry. And don't worry, it has only affected those with underlying conditions so you should be safe."The nurse said before she guided Kiana towards a door.

A woman at the desk glanced at them and the nurse gave a nod before the woman returned to her work."And don't worry, everything will be taken care of. The room is just right up ahead." The nurse said as she guided Kiana into a sterile-white hall.

Kiana winced at the even stronger, sharper odor of disinfectant as it invaded her nostrils. Chatter, typing, and crying came in from all around her, all mixing together in a chaotic fusion of sound. The nurse rushed Kiana through the hallway, pass six rooms before they stopped at 1-7 and the pair entered the room.

"Please seat down." The nurse gestured at the examination table tucked in the corner of the room. Kiana nodded and leapt onto the edge of the table.

From there, the nurse went through the normal doctor visit routine. The nurse took Kiana's vitals, wrote or typed things down, and asked mostly typical medical questions. Several questions, however, were strange. Questions like 'Have you had any sudden bouts of aggression as of late' or 'Not recognising your loved ones in the last several weeks'. Kiana asked why those questions were being asked. The nurse responded by saying those were related to her current condition, saying stress can cause such things. But they just felt off, like they were asking for something else. In fact, can stress even cause those things?

Kiana instinctively reached for her phone when the nurse finally left the room and pawed at an empty pocket. She sighed. Great, now that question was going to pester her until she found the answers.

If only I had answers too, Kiana, then I wouldn't be so utterly stressed that I don't have a body anymore.

"Oh great, the voice can see my thoughts apparently. What have I done to deserve this?"

And what I have done, oh Allah, that you have deemed fit to do this to me?

Allah? Wasn't that the thing Muslims proclaimed when they blew up? Why was a voice in her head even mentioning that?


Kiana gripped her head when the voice started speaking faster than she could process yet again. It went on and on, its speed seemingly intensifying and becoming more passionate as the seconds ticked by. Kiana half-thought there was an actual person stuck inside her head given just how emotional the voice was getting. Of course, it was nonsense. How can a person get stuck inside her head? That stuff could only be found in an anime or manga.

What has she done to deserve this?



The creak of a door opening brought Kiana out of her pain. She glanced to see a woman wearing a white coat and holding a stack of papers walk in. A look of concern was on the woman's face when she saw Kiana gripping her head.

"On a scale of one to ten, how bad is the pain you're feeling?" The doctor spoke in a calm, reassuring tone.

"Elven." Kiana groaned out.

The doctor clicked her tongue. "Normally I would not do this, but I have some painkillers with me. You can have some if you like."


The doctor dug into a breast pocket and pulled out a container labeled some name Kiana couldn't pronounce. She opened the cap, brought out two rather small pills, and offered them to Kiana. The pills themselves were half the size of a nail which was odd. The pills Kiana took were way bigger than that and she normally had to water them down with a drink of some kind. Kiana hesisted. Shouldn't she go get something to drink with it then?

"They can just be swallowed, no eating or drinking required." The doctor smiled when she noticed Kiana's hesitation.

Kiana gave a shrug in response. If the doc said it was alright, then she supposed it was alright. She nabbed the pills and tossed them into her mouth. She blinked when they went down. They didn't get stuck in her throat nor felt uncomfortable. Huh.

Wonder how they're made to do that?

Shut up already!

How about no?

"Anyways, I am Teruya, I will be your doctor for today Kaslana-san. I was told you were experiencing a lot of pain. Is there anything else?" The now named Teruya said before Kiana could scream at the voice.

"Well, there's this voice and it just won't shut up."

"I have been informed of the voice. You described it as masculine?"


"Not female, got it." Teruya muttered under her breath and wrote something down on the paper she had brought in with her.

Kiana raised an eyebrow. Ok, that was weird. Maybe it was some medical-related thing like if it sounded like a man then it meant the voice was annoying and aggressive like no small number of men.


Kiana ignored the voice and focused on the questions Teruya had begun asking.

"Has this voice formed clear sentences that you could hear? And no, I don't believe you're going 'insane," Teruya rolled her eyes at that word,"sometimes we hear things because of various reasons like certain medicines."

"Well, I do take medicine for my insomnia," Kiana suppressed a yawn as she tried to speak. But it felt like her muscles were starting to slack and the yawn escaped."Er, sorry."

Wait, you have insomnia?

Kiana continued ignoring the voice in favor of listening to Teruya.

"Oh, no need. And keep that in mind, I'll ask about your insomnia, but back to the question at hand."

"I'm not quite sure how to describe it? Sometimes I can hear it and other times it goes so fast I can't hear it. That's when the pain starts too."

"Hm." Was all Teruya said before speaking again."Well, what has it said to you? Does it sound doubtful or warnful about something?"

"It mentioned something about an Allah? Isn't that-" Kiana stopped herself before she could let it slip. She didn't want to suffer the Voice's wrath again. Teruya, however, raised an eyebrow and Kiana hurriedly added,"Whenever I say a certain thing about, er, blowing up, that's when the voice speaks so fast I can't keep up."

Teruya blinked several times." W-well that is interesting. Would you identify with the Islamic faith?"

"The what now faith?" Kiana rubbed the back of her neck. Her father mention it a few times when she still lived with him back in Scandinavia prior to his disappearance, but other than scattered news reports of 'radical elements of Islam' and debates, she didn't know much about it.

"It's one of the Abrahamic religions and it's followers are Muslims."

"Ooh." Now she had her answer! Those were the guys who blew themselves-


"Gah! Not again!" Kiana gripped her head. She felt Teruya lay a hand on her shoulder in a reassuring manner as the Voice once again ramped up in speed and intensity.

"It'll pass."

Kiana nodded and allowed the Voice to burn itself out. After a few seconds, it calmed down, its tone returning to normal with an awkward silence filling the moments after. She loosened in relief.

"Feeling better?"


"Good. Now, rounding back to your insomnia, have you experienced painful episodes like this when it first began?"

"Uh, no. I couldn't sleep because I keep having nightmares." Kiana rubbed her eyes to ward off the sudden tiredness weighing down her eyelids.

"What are your nightmares about?"

"About a purple-haired girl... saying no one loves me or... forces me to hurt my friends," Kiana's thoughts became more and more muddled.

Fuck! Were we drugged or is Sirin trolling?

"Sir-in?" Kiana yawned out the name. It sounded so... familiar. It was on the tip of her tongue... Sirin was… wasn't she the second Herrscher?

And with that final thought, Kiana crumbled onto the examination table. As she fell into a deep slumber, the Voice screamed in rage and confusion at what was happening, but any pain produced by Its rant was crushed into oblivion by the sedatives Teruya gave Kiana.


Fu Hua sat on a chair inside Teruya's office. She took slow, steady breaths with her eyes closed and emptied her mind. Tried to, at least. The revelation that a voice was speaking to Kiana shaken her to the core. Combined with the state Kiana was supposedly in, the fear of Sirin possessing the teenage girl flooded into Fu Hua's mind. And no amount of meditating held it back.

There was no end of questions swarming her mind as well. Kiana described the voice as masculine. Was Sirin changing tactics, becoming more nunached in her approach? Or was this simply just a voice caused by stress? Another question dared ask if an entirely different entity had spoken to Kiana. That question was disregarded because of its impossibility. The strain of having multiple entities inside her would have crippled or killed Kiana.

The Hall Monitor huffed and opened her eyes. She glanced at the cat lazing about on Teruya's desk without a care in the world. How she wished to simply not care about watching over Kiana and return to protecting Shenzhou.

But that was not possible. She needed Schicksal's resources even if she depised its Overseer. Otto Apocalypse did cause the creation of the Second Herrsacher and claimed credit for her death when in reality various gem-like objects were extracted from the corpse for experiments. 'Kiana' among these experiments. To create an artificial Herrsacher that could be controlled or so Otto told Fu Hua. She protested it, but Otto disregarded her warnings and with little other choice, Fu Hua followed his orders despite her misgivings.

Fu Hua closed her eyes and tried emptying her mind once more. She focused on her slow, steady heartbeat. Her breathing became a reflection of her heart, becoming slow and steady. With each tick, her thoughts chaotically meshing together became more organized and replaced by calm stillness. A smile crept onto Fu Hua's face as she allowed herself to enjoy this moment of calm.

The door being rammed open and closed shattered that calm.

Fu Hua opened her eyes to see Teruya hastily walking to her desk and ripping open one of the drawers. The cat gave a meow of protest as Teruya nudged the feline to the side so she could slam down a stack of papers. Likely medical profiles of patients, but Fu Hua still questioned why. Teruya was simply to report on the condition of Kiana to assist in determining if Sirin was trying to seize control. What happened to cause Teruya to become like this?

"Teruya," Fu Hua said. The doctor's name did not stop her from flipping through the papers though she did glance over at Fu Hua.

"It's not Sirin," Teruya's expression scrunched up at the Herrsacher's name.

"And how is it not?"

"K-423 believed the voice spoke the name of Allah."

"And this is enough?" Fu Hua tilted her head. It was certainly odd, but not beyond the realm of possibility for Sirin to use the god of the Islamic faith as a mask of some kind.

"Kiana's comments also suggest this voice became offended when certain comments were made. And Sirin is too arrogant for something like that."

"I understand your view, but please calm down and look at it from a neutral perspective."

Teruya stopped flipping through the papers and gave Fu Hua a baleful glare. Fu Hua only gave a stoic stare in response as the two engaged in a clash of wills. After a few seconds, however, Teruya released an explosive sigh.

"I was there when Sirin became the Second Herrscher. She killed my wife and mocked my faith, claiming it to be nothing more than an excuse to commit atrocities. There is no way in Hell Sirin would even consider using Islam, or any reilgion for that matter, to manipulate someone."

"I would disagree, but that is besides the point, Were there any other discoveries you've made?"

"That 423 is having nightmares about a purple-haired, green-eyed girl forcing her to kill her loved ones. Take a guess who that might be?"

"So Sirin was already active in manipulation attempts prior to this."

"Apparently for a while now, according to her record. The physician assigned to her didn't seem all that concerned about it so he prescribed a generic pill-and here it is!" Teruya plucked out a folder with the name Raiden Mei labeled on it."I'm cross-referencing their profiles to see if both Herrsachers are trying to manipulate their hosts. If both take around the same time, we are fucked."

"Measures have been taken to ensure that doesn't happen."

"Yea, like the sedatives I gave K-423. She's currently unconscious by the way, had a rather 'painful' episode and that was why I had to give her said sedatives. We'll be keeping her here to monitor her, run some tests, make sure she doesn't end the world as we know it."

"Is that all?"

"Yes." Teruya said as she reached over and scratched behind the ear of her cat, becoming visibly more relaxed while she looked over the Herrsachers' files.

"I'll inform the Overseer of the situation then and what has been discovered." Fu Hua got up from the chair and brought out her phone, quickly dialing a number. It rang a few times before a polite, German-sounding voice answered.

"Hello Miss Fu."

"We have a situation."

"Tell me."

"K-423 has experienced an episode. We suspect Ex Bo. 52, but there is a possibility something else is causing it. A report detailing everything will be compiled shortly."

"Something else?"

"Teruya believes another entity has begun to speak with Kiana."

"Hm. And K-423's condition?"

"Currently incapacitated to inhibit 52's, or that something else's, activities."

"Monitor 423. I'll send Rita to observe the situation as well and if need be, contain it. Was there anything else?"

"Nothing else."

"Good. Have a lovely night."

"It's morning here Sir."

"Oh, then have a good morning."

"And a good night to you, Mister Apocalypse."

With that, Fu Hua ended the call.


When Kiana would awake in an infirmary bed later that morning, a familiar voice spoke.

Wake up, Kiana, wake up and smell the ashes!

Oh Goddamnit.
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Chapter 2: A Atypical Day
A/N: A warning, this chapter does touch on some sexual themes. While these are extremely minor, I still feel the need to put this warning up just in case.

Chapter 2: A Atypical Day​

"There appears to be no further issues, Kaslana-san, so you'll be discharged shortly." The nurse that had been assigned to watch over her said.

"Yes!" Kiana leapt from the bed she had been lying in for the past hour. She suffered all morning going through a barrage of tests and questions. Her body still ached from all the needles, those sticky things used to measure vitals, and mundane questions. But at long last, she was free!

"But a follow-up appointment needs to be scheduled. Just speak with the nurse at the front desk."

Kiana deflated with a pffting sound coming from an unknown origin.


Kiana rolled her eyes when the Voice made its existence known once more. It had been rather quiet, occasionally speaking to toss a sarcastic comment or a terrible joke. But other than that, it was more subdued than earlier. Kiana was thankful for that. The sharp headaches she got from whenever It screamed or spoke too fast were finally gone. Still, it was annoying to have It comment on things, especially when It made trashy puns.

My puns are the bottom of the trash bin!

Kiana ignored that in favor of listening to the nurse.

"These papers detail the tests, results, and further instructions."The nurse handed Kiana an orange envelope."Please look them over. Do you have any questions?"

Kiana gave a shrug as she tucked the envelope under her arm. Honestly she would like to know why Teruya had dropped the matter of the Voice after she said It was still speaking to her. She asked this to another nurse who only gave her a questioning look and stated it was not in the record. Maybe it was some weird medical thing, but whatever the cause, Kiana suspected it would be the same with this nurse as well so why bother asking.

"Then if you do not have any questions or other concerns at this time, I'll take my leave."

"Am I free to go?"

"Some final things need to be done. I am not sure what, but after that, either I or another member of the staff will escort you to the lobby. Anything else?"


"Have a good day then and a speedy recovery." With that the nurse left the hospital room Kiana was staying in.

Kiana plopped down on the edge of the bed and took a breath. Finally, she had a moment… Kiana let out a chuckle. This sounded so stupid, but it needed to be asked and she needed confirmation that this Voice was… not her own.

"Alright Voice, why are you in my head?"

Ah, the golden question. Why am I inside Kiana Kaslana's head? The answer, I have no idea besides this being a horrible attempt at a Isekai.

"Wait, what?" Kiana let out a breath. Well, that was confirmation the Voice did actually exist, but it brought up so many questions. Just why would It think this was an attempt at an Isekai?

In short, it means I come from another version of Earth where the Honkai do not exist.

Kiana's brain stopped processing. A world with no Honkai? What, how, why? That-that was impossible. As much as she would like to believe there was a world without Honkai and thus her family was still with her, it was impossible. Completely and utterly impossible.

This probably isn't going to help my case, but, considering what I've already said, what's happening right now, and the fact it'll be brought up sooner or later, I'm just gonna get it out of the way. You're also a video game character where I come from.

Kiana's back could no longer support the ever increasing load of bullshit the Voice was spewing and she collapsed onto the bed.

Bullshit or not, it seems like I'm stuck inside your head. I still want to believe this is some horrid dream, but considering I am not waking up nor able to change my surroundings like lucid dreamers claim, I can only conclude this is real.

"Stop that." Kiana said as she set herself back up in a sitting position.

Stop reading your thoughts?


Wish I could-hold up. Maybe I can try something.

The Voice fell silent. A moment past as Kiana waited. Then another moment. And another. Kiana grew more uneasy with each moment that past without the Voice talking. Something was bound to happen-


Kiana gripped her head as the Voice came screaming back and a sharp pain pierced through her skull.

Note to self: Don't attempt to detach yourself without further study.

Kiana winced in sympathy at the pained tone of the Voice. Yet at the same time, she felt satisfaction that It suffered pain just like she had. The two emotions clashed against one another, but ultimately confusion dominated them both. Just what was the Voice trying to accomplish?

I attempted to detach myself from seeing your thoughts. Doing so though equals agony. Sooo, I'm stuck seeing your thoughts.

"Lair, you're trying to do something."

Ya think I like being in agony? You must think I'm a sadomasochist with all the pain I'm throwing around.

"Ugh, just what do you want from me?" Kiana couldn't take this anymore. The pain, all the weird questions, this Voice claiming to be from a Earth without Honkai and that she was a video game character. She just wanted this to end.

What I want is to go back home.

The Voice actually sounded genuine.

Of course it's fucking genuine! You think I enjoy being stuck inside your head? I have no fucking body to move, I can't breath yet somehow I can speak , and sooner or later Sirin is going to pop up, say 'insect', and vaproize me! And I can do fuck all cause I'm a mundane human.

Kiana flinched at the sheer anger bleeding through. Oddly she didn't feel any pain or discomfort this time, simply a sensation of being trapped with little hope. Wait, why did she get that sensation? Could she sense the emotions of the Voice somehow? She tried focusing on the sensation. It became a little more pronounced, a little more clear. The sensation was like being trapped with no hope of escape and a feeling of approaching doom.

Kiana then felt a sense of annoyance was certainly not hers. Could she actually experience what emotions the Voice was feeling?

Apparently you can sense my emotions. Ge, great, looks like we can't have privacy now can we?

"Stop that."

I can't turn it off.

"Ignore it then!"

I-yea, that's fair. I'll try not to respond to your thoughts. Honestly, I should have done that sooner. The Voice sheepishly said.

"Thank you."

Welcome… ya know, we shouldn't have these kind of exchanges if we're stuck like this so I'm extending a peace offering.

Kiana tried to grasp any malicious intent with her new-found ability, but she couldn't detect any because she was either inexperienced with it or the Voice was actually genuine in Its offer. Surprisingly the Voice didn't reply to her thoughts, aside from the continued sensation of annoyance from it.

"Alright, what is it?"

What's the date? The Voice asked in a neutral tone to which Kiana raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, first of May?"

Huh, day before the Celine pops up and everything goes to shit. Because I have foreknowledge of what's going to happen-

"I am not a video game character."

Agreed, but please let me finish.

Kiana was expecting the Voice to continue to say she was a video game character, not agree with her that she wasn't. But hey, less arguing!

"Go ahead," She gestured for the Voice to finish. It took her a second to process how weird it was to be gesturing to a person that wasn't there. She really needed to figure out how to do this whole 'living with a person inside your head' thing before people thought she was crazy.

We can discuss that ya know.


Ok, ok, don't bite my head off. Anyhow, tomorrow a battleship named the
Celine will appear at Soukai City with Honkai running around, the Voice paused, the emotion of uncertainty spreading to Kiana. Let's just say you may have to fight Bronya cause she got hijacked by something.

Kiana gripped her throat as it tightened. She wasn't on the best of relations with the Russian girl, but if what the Voice said was true then-

Don't worry, she'll be fine! You may have to rough her up a bit though.

"How can I trust you?"

Wait till tomorrow. The Voice spoke as if that was proof enough.

Again Kiana tried to grasp any emotion that might have meant It was lying, but once again she found none.

"Fine. If what you said doesn't happen tomorrow, I'm kicking you out."

You would only be kicking yourself while I get to say 'stop kicking yourself' over and over.

"I'll find a way."

And that way would still involve kicking yourself.

"I'll still do it." Kiana grumbled as she snatched the TV remote on the next desk to her and flipped on the TV. Kiana went through channel after channel trying to find something to keep her mind off things while she waited for someone to come by and discharge her. The Voice occasionally commented with a joke or a tidbit of info she wasn't sure of the validity of, but otherwise kept quiet and, importantly, not reading her thoughts aloud.

The white-haired teen eventually settled on a cooking show demonstrating how to cook a traditional Japanese dish. Kiana watched absentmindedly, waiting till someone came to discharge her from the hospital.

Finally though, after what felt like hours of being cooped up, the door opened and a male nurse walked in with a wheelchair.

"Hello Miss Kaslana," the nurse greeted in English-accented Japanese," everything is set and ready."

"I'll walk," Kiana said as she leapt out of bed.

"Are you certain?"


"Ok then." The nurse spent a couple of seconds quickly folding the chair with practiced hands before speaking once more." Please follow me."

Kiana followed the nurse out into the hall where every inch was sterile white. Beeping of monitoring equipment came in from all around her and the odor of disinfectant hung heavy in the air.

"Out of the way!" A shout caused both Kiana and the nurse to jump to the sides. Not a moment later did a group of medical personnel rushed by. Kiana caught a glimpse of a teenage girl thrashing about on a trolley. Purple veins spread all across her paling skin and her eyes were slowly consumed by an unnatural green shine.

Well, shit.

Well shit was right. That girl must have been one of those mentioned by the nurse last night. She probably wasn't going to…

Have hope she'll make it. That's all you can do at the moment.

Kiana took a shuddering breath at the reminder of what happens when the Honkai corrupts a person. The Voice was right, having hope was the only thing she could do.

"Miss Kaslana, we need to move."


Kiana followed the nurse through the halls. It took only a short time till they reached the main lobby where people flooded into it unlike last night. Amongst the crowd were Mei and Bronya sitting near the receptionist desk. Mei was reading a magazine on what appeared to be the latest technology trends and Bronya tapped away on her mobile phone.

Mei was the first to spot Kiana. She gave a wave and a smile before poking Bronya on the shoulder. The Russian girl looked up, gave a nod, and resumed tapping away on her phone.

Kiana felt a sense of amusement coming from the voice when Bronya did that. She huffed in response to the disrespect she was getting from both of them, but otherwise waved back at her friends.

"Your squadmates will escort you back to the dorms. Just remember to follow the instructions given to you. If you do experience another episode of pain without a clear cause, contact your doctor immediately. That's all and have a speedy recovery." The male nurse spoke in a bored tone as though he had done this a hundred times before leaving.

"Thanks!" Kiana shouted which caused the nurse to pause for a split-second before walking away once again.

I think you may have brightened his day up just a little.

Why would a simple thanks brighten up someone's day?

Cause nurses have tough jobs.

Errr, I'll be quiet for the next five seconds.

Kiana sighed. She just wanted some level of normalcy for now, some comfort to relieve the pent up stress given all that has happened.

"How are you doing Kiana-chan?" Mei asked as Kiana approached her friends.

"A lot better. The doctors really know their stuff."

"Good to hear." Mei gave a smile which caused Kiana to grin in response. A warmth arose within Kiana. Mei always made her feel better.

Ah, young love. This only motivates me to study the 'connection' between the both of us and sever it before certain thoughts pop up.

Kiana filed that away for later. She wasn't sure what the Voice meant by connection, but perhaps it was a way to boot It out. At least the Voice didn't want to read her thoughts either, she'll give It that much.

"If everything is good we should head back to the dorms. There's a day worth of classes you've missed and I don't want you to be left behind." Mei said as she got up from her seat.

"But we're still going out shopping this weekend right?" Kiana kept the Voice's warning in the back of her mind. Tomorrow… she'll see about tomorrow.

"Only after you've completed some class work."

Kiana deflated and Bronya snorted at her suffering.

Local team mom forces tuna to learn math.

"I'll get it all done in an hour, just you watch!" Kiana puffed up her chest.

"There are 352 pages with an average of 12 questions per page. That is a total of 4224 questions which require less than a second per question in order to complete in less than an hour." Bronya's statement delivered a brutal punch to Kiana who let out a hrk upon hearing it.

Local Rus girl owns tuna with facts and logic.

"A, uh, quarter of it then." Kiana rubbed the back of her head. Yea, she could do a quarter of it in an hour.

Bronya, meanwhile, stared blankly at Kiana. Kiana responded with a glare, daring the Russian girl to snark at her.

"Cut it out you two, we need to head back to the dorms now." Mei said as she got up from her seat. Bronya spent another split-second staring blankly at Kiana before floating up from her seat and following behind Mei.

"Stop it with the tuna thing." Kiana muttered under her breath as she followed her friends.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Hm? Hmm. HMMMMM. Was all the Voice said, alternating between varying tones every so often.

Kiana sighed. Having this Voice in her head was becoming more irritating.

"Are you alright Kiana?" Mei asked.

"Just irritated."

"Because of the pain?"

"Yep." And the Voice hmm-ing at her.

Ok, stopping.

Kiana let out a breath of relief as she and her friends stepped out into the halls where she merged into the swarm of students. The chitter-chatter from among them drowned out all noises save for the occasional slamming of the locker or shout of a teacher. A perfumed aroma was thick in the air, no doubt from the many women and teenage girls going about their business. The few males that attended St. Freya High gathered into small islands of masculinity amongst a sea of femininity.

I still find it odd that there's so few male Valkyria running around. Seems like whatever makes Valks speical is sex-linked. The Voice commented. Kiana sighed once more as the Voice talked to Itself about a topic she only had vague knowledge about.

"Don't worry about any work today, Kiana-chan," Mei said as she placed a hand on Kiana's shoulder in a reassuring manner and gave the silver-haired teen a smile."Just focus on recovering. I'll even make you your favorite meal."

"Thanks Mei!" Kiana replied, returning the smile with one of her own.

"You're welcome." Mei removed her hand and walked ahead, guiding the rest of her squadmates back to their dorm.

Mei really is a sweet girl ain't she?

"Yeah," Kiana muttered. Mei was the sweetest.

No wonder why so many people claim 'She's Mei waifu'.

"No, she's Mei waifuuuuu." Kiana realized she just made a English pun. Great, the Voice's trashy puns were infecting her now.

Muhahaha! The tone of the Voice deepened to the level of a maniacal villain.

"Kiana idiotka is talking to herself." Bronya stated, her tone filled with worry." Maybe Kiana has suffered brain damage?"

"No I did not!" Kiana retorted. "The doctor even said all I suffered was atypical pain."

"Would Kiana even know what atypical pain is?"

"Uh, it's pain… that is atypical…"

"Partial correction: Atypical pain is a medical diagnosis where the pain does not fall under a normal diagnosis, hence the term atypical pain."

"So it's pain, that's atypical."

Bronya just responded with a blank stare.

"Alright, cut it out, we're nearing our dorm and it's best not to stress each other out. It's been a difficult day for all of us." Mei said.

We really ought to find a way to communicate with each other without people thinking you suffered brain damage. Or going insane. Or a dozen other things. Hmmm.

Kiana only gave a nod. They really did need to find a way otherwise she'd likely be forced to withdraw from the Valkyria because they thought her mentally unsound...

Eventually the squad reached their dorm. Mei held open the door, ushering her two younger teammates into the room.

Kiana made a beeline to her bed and tossed herself into its soft embrace. Bronya, meanwhile, floated over to the single computer in the dorm and turned it on, either to complete her remaining homework or to play some video game. Finally, Mei started up the oven and gathered indigents to prep an afternoon meal.

Kiana dug through the stack of manga that sat on a desk next to her bed. She plucked out one with a cover of two women in a rather suggestive manner. The Voice began panicking the moment she opened it.

Wait, wait, is that? Nope, stop that. I will not be subjected to that!

"Do you have a problem with lesbians or something?" Kiana muttered. She met a few people that had issues with her sexuality. Those people could buzz right off, but if-

No, I do not have any problem with homosexuals. If I did, I would be harping on you about it, but generally I don't give a shit unless you give me shit. The problem I have is that I can only see through your eyes. It feels wrong reading your, er, material. Can ya just grab another that isn't like that?

… Though the manga wasn't that type of manga, the Voice did have a point. Kiana honestly just grabbed it out of habit and hadn't considered that one particular point. Well, at least the Voice considered it even though she didn't keep many of that type of manga around. She didn't want anyone reading it even if she did keep such manga around.

"Alright, I'll switch it out for something less ecchi." Kiana muttered and grabbed another, this one with the cover of a Mecha.

Thanks. Now excuse me while I go examine that connection.

"Actually, what is that connection anyway?" Kiana asked as she flipped through the manga.

I'm not sure? I just discovered it last night while you were knocked out cold. All I know is that there's a 'tug' or pull or something. I can't quite describe it in words. Hell, I'm not sure how I'm even aware of it considering my current state, being a disembodied voice and all, but examining it is something I can do at least.

"Helpful," Kiana sarcastically replied.

Don't get snippy with me kid, I've only been inside your head a day and while I would like to be out as soon as possible, it'll take time. Not sure how long though. Now let me examine this connection unless you want me inside you for the rest of your life.

"Ok, ok, just don't make this sound weird. Ick."

You said it, not me.

"Ugh." Was all Kiana said while the Voice went off to examine that connection. Hopefully It didn't come back screaming. Who knows, maybe It'll find a way to get out of her head so she could finally kick It.

"Kiana-chan, are you muttering to yourself?"

Kiana glanced over to see Mei with a raised eyebrow. The older Valkyria wore an apron over her clothes and a hand rested on her hip.

"Oh, uh," Kiana paused. She didn't want to lie to her dear Mei, but at the same time telling Mei outright that she was speaking with a voice in her head would worry her. Though, maybe it was best she told a little lie, just for now. "Just reading out loud the character speech bubbles is all."

"Ah, ok. Turn it down a little bit please, you're speaking kinda loud."


And it was then a grand idea struck Kiana. She could finally talk with the Voice without looking crazy! Just read out loud some manga and bam, problem solved!

"Hey, I have an idea." Kiana said, trying to get the attention of the Voice.

I'm already aware of your idea.

"Can we just have a normal discussion without the mind reading?"

Sure, sure, what's your idea?

"We can talk while I'm reading manga to make it look like I'm reading speech bubbles out loud. That way I don't look crazy!"

The idea can work, but may I suggest reading a book or two when we talk?

"What, why?" Kiana asked. She didn't like books because they were too wordy and she never got how it can 'play a movie' in her mind. Reading a book would be totally out of character for her!

Two reasons. First is the fact I like books and I currently cannot read books myself so it's something to stave off the encroachment of boredom and me having a mental breakdown. Second, long winded discussion can look out of place since manga can only fit so much text. Hell, you don't even need to read physical books if you want, just some random fan-fic off the net or even some textbook. And it won't necessarily be out of character for you if you want to impress Mei.

"... Damn you." Kiana grumbled. The Voice made a sound argument and struck her weakpoint. She didn't want to imagine the suffering she had to endure should It have a mental breakdown.

I am above damnation for I am the damnation. Now I return back to my works.

Kiana had no clue what the first sentence meant and only knew that the Voice was going back to examine that supposed connection they had. Either way, Kiana read through her manga to allow herself to forget there was a voice in her head claiming she was a video game character and proclaiming that horrible things were going to happen.

Yeah right, horrible things were going to happen tomorrow. She had homework to do!

"Food's done!" Mei called out just as a ding rang out.

Kiana smiled. For now, though, she would enjoy this moment of peace.

A/N: So to get the lore question about why there's so few male Valkyria out of the way that will no doubt be asked somewhere down along the line, the reason is pretty simple. To attract young men into spending money to get their waifu. But jokes aside, from what I understand of the lore, females tend to have higher resistance to Honkai energy than males for whatever reason. I can reasonably conclude that Honkai resistance is thus a X-linked trait though if anyone has greater understanding than me, feel free to correct me.

Also, updates will be slower now as I fully completed chapter 2 before posting chapter 1, it just needed some refinement. Still, I'm aiming to write as quickly and efficiently as possible so hopefully I'll have chapter 3 out before the end of the month.
Chapter 3: I'm You
Heyo, hoped everyone had a safe and fun 4th of July. I had originally planned on uploading Chapter 3 before June, but between revamping certain areas of the story and the last couple weeks being busy, I didn't manage to accomplish that. The upcoming weeks are also going to be busy, but I'll still strive to have something out before the end of July, hopefully one that's better cause I feel like Chapter 3 became more rushed, especially towards the end. So if there are any mistakes in the writing or something is poor, let me know! Anyways, here it is.

Content Warning: Body Horror, blank faces and bodies melting into each other.

Chapter 3: I'm You
Kiana enjoyed her moment of peace. The meal Mei whipped up was, as always, heavenly. Heck, it could give that one angry American chief a run for his money. But alas, this peace was not to last so when the last of the food was eaten, Kiana was forced to clean off the tables. At least Bronya suffered alongside her as they gathered up the dishes while Mei washed them off.

Bright red sunlight streamed through the windows as the sun began to set. Kiana and the others went about their collective cleaning duties, much to Kiana's dismay. The Voice chuckled at her misery.

Cleaning builds character! The Voice cheerfully commented.

Sure, sure. Sweeping the entire floor of the dorm builds character somehow.

Kiana hastily swept every nook and cranny. Dust was scattered everytime she brought the broom down, causing it to gather in places that had been cleaned by her, Mei, or Bronya.

"Kiana, I think you're being a little too hasty. Try going a little slower please?" Mei commented as she cleaned up the dorm's kitchen area.

"Got it!" Kiana tried sweeping slower, but she gradually sped up and once again caused dust to scatter.

Bronya said something in Russian while she floated up into hard to reach places and dusted them. A snicker followed not a second after. Kiana glared at the girl. Bronya must have mocked her in Russian, but if she retaliated without proof then Mei would be disappointed. Still, she couldn't let an implied insult go so Kiana muttered her own insult in her native scandinavian language. Both glared at one another while Mei was none the wiser.

Kiana and Bronya gradually withdraw their glares to focus on their respective cleaning duties.

It was night when they were finally done. Mei and Bronya slipped into their nightwear while Kiana slid into the bathroom with the excuse of using it. Her real purpose, however, was to stare into the mirror as she tried to figure out how to change without the Voice seeing her in her underwear. Hopefully It discovered something about that connection by now otherwise she might have to just sleep in clothes she'd been wearing all day. Not a worrisome thing if it was just for tonight, but what about the next night? And the night after that?

Of course a sense of annoyance would come from the Voice, but Kiana also felt restraint and anticipation. Kiana was grateful for that, the Voice wasn't responding to her every thought now.
"So, have you discovered anything?" Kiana whispered.

Only after a day? Not much. All I have are half-baked ideas. I spent more time trying to figure out how to actually examine the connection cause living inside your head is weird.

"It's better than nothing. What ideas do you have?"

A few, two of which aren't supported so the only idea I feel worth anything is that our consciousnesses, souls, whatever is the term for it, are linked. Messing with it causes both of us pain, but I also think that this connection is what allows me to perceive what you perceive. Depending on how it's structured and entrenched it is, severing it might not be… ideal for either of us.

"Great, now how am I supposed to get dressed?"

Close your eyes and hope for the best? The Voice offered.

"That could work. Probably have to do it in the bathroom so Mei and Bronya don't ask questions."

Then they ask questions about suddenly changing in the bathroom. But fret not, for I shall endeavor to figure out how best to resolve this situation before it becomes too uncomfortable for both of us!

"You do that." Was all Kiana said as she exited the bathroom and went straight to her bed. She didn't feel like trying to put on clothes while keeping her eyes close. This day was exhausting, confusing, and troubling which sapped her of her usual high-octane energy. Kiana collapsed into the soft embrace of her bed. Perhaps her dreams could offer respite from the craziness of the last day…


Kiana woke up in the courtyard of St. Freya High. She blinked a few times, mind trying to process why she wasn't lying in bed. Huh, this was weird. She never sleep walked before so how the hell did she end up outside? And why was she also in her White Comet battlesuit?

The white-haired Valkyria looked around the courtyard. She appeared to be in the central courtyard. Multiple concrete paths spread out over artificial rivers and through bushes. A cathedral-like building sat further up north. The sun cast warm rays down from high in the sky and a breeze rustled through the grass.

It was a perfect day for people to go out and about so why wasn't there a single person besides Kiana herself? Kiana hadn't seen Mei and Bronya weren't out searching for her, Himeko walking around with the smell of alcohol clinging to her person, or Auntie Theresa scolding an unfortunate student. There was no one outside.

So why then did Kiana feel like there were a hundred eyes staring down on her? It was odd. The courtyard was empty nor had she done anything to warrant such a feeling.

"Hey! Mei! Theresa! Bronya! Himeko! Fu Hua! Anyone?" Kiana shouted. Only the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves answered.

Kiana wrapped her arms around herself. Someone should have answered by now. Heck, even the Voice should have by now given how chatty It was. The silence unnerved Kiana, but she wasn't scared whatsoever as she was a proud member of the Kaslana Clan!

A feminine giggle that came from behind Kiana caused her to jump.

Kiana spun around and found no one behind her. She rubbed the back of her neck as she continued to search the courtyard for someone. After a few minutes of looking around and finding no one, she huffed. So the giggle apparently came out of thin air. Maybe it was some elaborate prank, but there was no way the entire school would be in on it. Hell, why would anyone even try to prank her? It was an unspoken rule not to mess with the niece of Theresa, the principal of the school, and friend of Mei, the third Hessarcher.

Another feminine giggle, this time from above, made Kiana tense. She glanced up only to see a clear blue sky.

"Whoever's doing that, come out now!" Kiana shouted and stomped her foot down to empathize her point. A few seconds past with no one stepping out from behind a tree or pillar.

Someone should have appeared by now. Heck, even the Voice should have spoken given how much It liked to talk.

"Hey, uh, Voice, you there?" Kiana asked, but It remained quiet. Kiana took a breath and mentally prepared for the onslaught of words that would follow for what she was about to say." Muslims go boom?"

Nothing. Not even a twitch of annoyance.

Kiana was alone.

She stiffened at the thought before letting out a tense chuckle. That was silly! There had to be someone around here. In fact, if she called someone right now they would answer. So Kiana dug through her pockets for her phone only to find nothing. Not even spare change. Kiana huffed, but didn't allow it to discourage her.

Kiana turned to the east where a cluster of buildings loomed and began walking towards it. She tried shaking off the feeling of the hundred eyes watching her every step yet it invaded her mind. Her body tensed up and her heart pounded in a way similar to the quiet moments leading up to combat.

But that was ridiculous. There were dozens upon dozens of Valkyria on campus at any given time. Add to that the hundreds of MECs waiting to be activated and Schicksal ready to deploy its army in case of an Honkai outbreak, Kiana in one of the safest places in the Far East.

So why didn't she feel safe?

Kiana scoffed. She knew she was safe, but her mind and body anxiously readied for some invisible threat.

She looked around. The trees swayed in the breeze, a flowery scent hung in the air, and birds sang in a soothing tone. It was calm. There was no threat at all. So why then did she feel threatened by something? Was it because of the feeling of a hundred eyes? The fact no one was around? Or the Voice being oddly silent?

That last one should have brought her comfort. Kiana wanted It gone after all. Yet it didn't.

Kiana took a breath and sped up. It didn't take long to reach the building that contained her dorm.

She stood before the double doors of the building that loomed above the buildings that surrounded it. The shadows lengthened as the sun started to set behind the building and the air itself became still. All became silent, even the song of the birds.

Kiana became tense. Her heart began pounding against her chest and her mouth dried up. Visual details became sharper and her ears perked up. Her mind became a chaotic mess of thoughts clashing against one another. So many thoughts screamed at her to run away, get as far as possible from the building. The other thoughts, that for some reason didn't feel like her own, nudged her forward, daring her to step inside.

Kiana gripped her head. What the hell was happening? Why was she feeling like this?

The harsh groan of the doors being smashed open tore Kiana from her daze.

There, on top of the stairs, was a sixteen year old girl and standing at the exact same one-hundred sixty three centimeter height as Kiana was. Her white-colored hair was tied into twin braids, same as Kiana's. The girl wore a white and black bodysuit that was identical to Kiana's battlesuit White Comet.

Kiana took a step back from the girl that looked exactly like her when she saw the featureless face. There was nothing there. No eyes, nose, or mouth. Only pale skin covered where they were supposed to be. Her neck hairs bristled when the girl somehow, someway, spoke in her own voice.


Kiana chartwheeled just as a golden cat-paw surged forth from the girl's hand.

"What the- what are you?" Kiana asked. Somehow this faceless girl not only mimicked her own voice and appearance, but replicated one of her signature moves?

The Kiana-copy launched herself at Kiana with a spinning kick.

She backpedal back out of the way as the air wooshed from the kick's path. The copy followed up with an elbow strike to her nose just before Kiana could react.

Kiana stumbled back from the impact. Pain tore through her head. A thick liquid tickled the inside of her nose and something dripped from her nostrils. Kiana paid it no heed, opting to retaliate with an elbow strike of her own to the copy's temple. Said copy reeled back and cradled its head when the elbow connected.

She followed up her attack by burying a fist into the copy's gut only for it to cartwheel out of the way. Kiana's eyebrow twitched at that. So not only did this thing twist her cute face into a cheap horror mockery, but it outright stole her moves. Oh, she was going to tear this thing apart.

Both sides launched themselves at each other with precise hits, elbow strikes, and powerful kicks while dodging by chartwheeling or backflipping. Kiana became more enraged as the thing cheated its way through the fight by using the exact same moves she was taught by her father. She allowed her anger to fuel her moves and reacted in the moment. The copy, however, fought in a way more akin to a MEC, mechanically moving and betraying no emotion throughout the fight.

Kiana and the copy withdrew to opposite ends of the pathway after several minutes of fighting. Kiana panted for breath, hands on her knees as she wearily kept an eye on the copy. It showed no signs of exhaustion, no heavy breathing or slouching over. Hell, she didn't even see any sweat on its skin while she drenched in it! Just what was this thing?

She tossed that question aside. It was probably some Honkai creature that could take on appearances. Didn't explain how it copied her moveset, but it probably was some cheap Honkai trick.

The Kiana-copy leapt at Kiana. She tried to dodged out of the way, but the quickness of the copy allowed it to latch onto her.

Kiana let out a hrk when the stone of the path smashed against the back of her skull and the copy pressing down with its entire weight onto her body. Kiana thrashed about to free herself, but the Kiana-copy seized her wrists and pinned them down. Her thrashing intensified as desperation flooded into her mind. She thrust her upper torso upwards with all her might in an attempt to throw the copy off yet all it did was cause the Kiana-copy to shift its weight around to better hold her down.


She stopped thrashing about when a heated, thick liquid dripped onto her cheek. It took her mind to process it through all the chaotic, panicked thoughts, but the liquid felt like melted flesh. Kiana looked up to see the face of the copy. Pieces of its flesh literally steamed off as it brought its face closer to Kiana's.

Kiana screamed when the Kiana-copy smashed its face against hers and began to absorb Kiana. The melting flesh searing through her own, slowly consuming it. Kiana pushed against the copy, just barely lifting the accused creature away from her for, but a moment. It took only a moment though for Kiana to cry out for help. For someone to come rushing to her aid. Surly Mei and Bronya would beat this thing! Or Himeko and Theresa ripping it shreds. Or even Fu Hua killing it in one hit! Or anyone killing this thing before it absorbed her!

But no one came.

The Kiana-copy shoved its face against Kiana's once more and again its melting flesh seared through hers. Kiana pushed back with what strength she could muster, but the copy readjusted its weight in response. Her mind went into overdrive, racing through techniques she could use to throw this thing off.

Yet the Kiana-copy, as if sensing her thoughts, grabbed Kiana's head, pulled it up, and slammed it down all the while both of their faces melded into one another. The resulting pain threw all of Kiana's mind into disarray. It took a few seconds for her to recover so she could try to think of something, but the copy grabbed her head and slammed it down once more. This repeated itself every few seconds with the intervals growing longer and the agony drowning Kiana's thoughts.

Kiana herself felt her strength drain as more and more of her body was absorbed by the copy. Her mind gradually became more clouded. Thoughts more sparse and difficult to form. Her heart beated slower with each passing second. But Kiana struggled through it all. She would not die like this, not to this thing. She still had so many things to do, answers she had to find, and a duty to her friends. She would not die to this thing.

One thought, formed by a desperate, barely alive Kiana, sliced through her clouded mind. It was stupid. Possibly suicidal if she made a mistake. She could slam her foot down and summon her own Neko-cham which would send them both flying in one direction. Kiana wasn't sure if she would survive hitting the impact in a state like this, but it was that or being absorbed.

She wriggled a leg loose and slammed it down. The Kiana-copy only had enough time to rip its head away from Kiana's as both were sent flying through the air by a golden cat paw. Kiana reacted quickly, using what strength she had left to push the copy off and kick it away from her. The copy let out a scream that became more twisted as they plunged towards the ground.

Agony engulfed Kiana when she struck the ground. Bone and stone cracked from the force. Dust and dirt was sent flying into a flurry. Everything spun around and blurred into motion for Kiana. Somehow, though, her heartbeat thundered despite the injuries she sustained. Heh, well, she survived, might as well try to move.

Kiana tried getting up into a sitting position. Every move, no matter how trivial, only caused the agony to explode into an inferno. Still, she struggled up onto her knees, placing her hands down to support her weight.

Her ears perked up when she heard footfalls. Kiana looked up to see the Kiana-copy walking towards her completely unscathed and a hand outstretched.

"H-help." Came the pitiful cry for help. That was all Kiana could muster. Her strength had been sapped by whatever the copy had done and numerous injuries, brought on by either the copy or from the impact, shackled her to the ground. So that one cry was her final hope.

This time though, someone responded.

Kiana heard a distant whooshing from above her. She didn't pay it any heed since it was too minor of a thing. But the whooshing grew louder as the Kiana-copy drew closer to her with each step till it became a shriek. Both Kiana and the copy looked up to see a slab of stone falling from the sky. Neither had enough time to process it until the stone slammed right into the skull of the Kiana-copy.

The real Kiana flinched from the crackling boom that echoed all throughout Freya High. It took her a full minute to process what just happened, but when she did, she let out a dry chuckle. What act of god or nature caused this to happen? Well, at least the damned thing was buried six feet under.

Kiana shifted about till she was sitting on her butt and rested. She kept an eye on the slab of stone in case the copy somehow survived. Strange thing about the stone though, there was some face carved into it and there were spikes that protruded all along the sides of the rectangular stone. Like it was some video game obstacle.

She brushed it aside. Just chalk it up to another one of the nightmarish things that were happening today. Or maybe dream-like was a better term? Whatever, today was just weird.

Kiana rested for a few more seconds before taking a breath and got up onto her feet, wincing as the pain bit into her. She limped her way into the entrance hall of the building to find no one was there. No student-workers or Fu Hua behind the counter that sat in the middle of the hall to deal with the various issues that cropped up daily or even rare S-ranked Valkyria that visited on occasion.

"Hello? Anyone here? We have Honkai or something that's attacking!" Kiana called out. It didn't matter if no one was here, she had to try.
No one answered, rushed out, or otherwise acknowledged her call. A terrible thought came to the forefront of her mind. Could that Honkai-creature have been a Valkyria? There were some Valkyries that became infected, but they were all contained within the medical wing. Unless they transformed into powerful Honkai beasts and broke free.

T-then Mei and Bronya would be in trouble!

Kiana sprinted up the stairs and onto the level her dorm was on, adrenaline dulling her pain. Her thundering footfalls were the only noise to break the silence. Her eyes scanned every inch of the hallway for anyone that still remained or to keep alert against Honkai lying in wait. Yet, even with the majority of the doors opened, she never saw anyone. Not even a lesser Honkai buzzing about. But her nostrils flared up at the sweet, earthen of Honkai energy wafting through the air. It was a scent Kiana had grown familiar with in past operations, but for it to be so thick here, in St. Freya High of all places…

Desperation and terror quicken Kiana, numbing the pain that still bit into her. She needed to regroup with her teammates then alert Schicksal or evacuate or something!

She skidded to a halt when she finally reached the door to her dorm. Relief replaced the terror, but the pain came back in full force, practically gnawing at her this time. Kiana bore with it as she tore open the door and limped into the dorm, only to stop dead in her tracks when she saw yet another Kiana-copy.

This one was in the kitchen section with its back turned to Kiana. It remained unaware of her as it moved about, gathering foodstuff and tossing them into a pot. Kiana didn't know why it was cooking or why it even bothered wearing an apron. Nonetheless, she considered her options. She could try getting away, but if she made a sound then the Kiana-copy would attack and she wasn't in the condition to fight. However, the copy hadn't become aware of her yet so perhaps a sneak attack was the best option. So Kiana tiptoed her way across the dorm, careful not to make a sound.

The smell of steamed rice and familiar ingredients grew stronger the closer Kiana got. It was odd, the way it smelled was so familiar to her favorite meal. Kiana disregarded it despite her stomach growling at the smell.

Kiana struck the copy's head with her elbow when she was close enough. Unlike the last copy which took every hit with nary a scratch, this copy crumbled onto the floor at the touch. Kiana let out a breath of relief. Good, she didn't have to worry about a seemingly invincible Honkai hounding after her.

But she gasped when she looked down to see… Mei. Her dear Mei lay prone before her. A pool of blood spreaded out from where Kiana struck the black-haired Valkyria. Her blue eyes became more dull as the seconds passed.

"W-what? Mei? What, how?" Kiana sputtered, so baffled by the sudden appearance of Mei. She was sure she struck some horrid Honkai shape-shifter!

"Kiana, why?" Mei rasped.

"I-I didn't mean to! We'll get to the infirmary, there has to be someone there!" Kiana reached down to heave the much taller teen over her shoulder. Her muscles screamed in agony at shouldering such a burden. Mei was limp, unmoving, unresponsive as Kiana shifted about to better balance the added weight.

Kiana turned to hurry out the dorm. Her mind constantly replayed the moments leading up. She really thought Mei was a shapeshifter. How did she not notice until she struck Mei? Something didn't feel right. Yet a part of her demanded Kiana rush out, ignore everything else, and just focus on saving Mei. Yet another part clashed against it, urging caution that this might all be a trick. Both parts didn't… feel entirely hers.

Ultimately, she tossed caution to the wind and rushed out the door, smacking right into Bronya in the hall.

Kiana stumbled back from the impact, but recovered quickly. She glanced at the Russian as a flood of relief coursing through her that she found another teammate. However, Kiana felt her heart squeezed when she saw Bronya had no face. The Russian girl was floating and even materialized her robotic pet, Project Bunny. S-so maybe she was imagining it?

"Bronya, is that you?" Kiana's voice quivered.

Bronya didn't respond, instead floating closer to Kiana.

"Stay back, otherwise I'll hit you!" Kiana put as much venom into her tone as possible to intimidate this Bronya-thing.
She then felt Mei shift about on her shoulder and before she could process it, felt a knee slam into her gut. She instinctively let go of Mei and fell back onto the wall.

"T-the hell?" Wasn't Mei seriously injured? Then how could she… Kiana heard Mei climbing up onto her feet. She looked over to see a standing Mei who wasn't bleeding anymore, but the black-haired teen didn't have a face either. Kiana could only give a blank stare. She'd been duped.

"Finally," a voice that sounded like hers yet held arrogance came from further down the hall. Kiana's eyes widened when she the Kiana-copy walked towards them, not a single cut on it despite having a literal slab of stone falling right on top of it.

Kiana tensed up, readying to throw herself through the nearest door only to have Bronya's robot slam its hands into her and pin her against the wall. Animalistic desperation overrode any rational thoughts. She struggled against its grip, going as far as to bite down hard onto the metal. But no matter her much strength she put forward, no matter how much she bit the robot, no matter how much she cried for help, Kiana couldn't escape.

The Kiana-copy and the others watched on in silence, seemingly enjoying Kiana floundering about. Her struggling grew weaker as the seconds passed before Kiana finally slumped over.

"What are you?" Kiana weakly asked. She wasn't even sure why she was asking. Some final closure before the damn thing absorbed her? An attempt at mercy when it was clear the copy didn't have any? Maybe to delay till a random act of god saved her like earlier? It didn't matter.

But the Kiana-copy tilted its head back ever so slightly as if it was smiling at her and answered.

"I'm you."

Kiana blinked and saw the copy now had a face. One with her exact features save for one difference. The copy's eyes were a dispassionate gold. That was all Kiana processed before she let out a scream as the Kiana-copy began to absorb her.

And Kiana woke up.
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Interlude: Of Power and Will
Writing from the POV of a disembodied voice and a genocidal manic is hard, but I felt it needed to be done since the story hasn't really gone into SI's own thoughts yet and I also thought it would be fun to delve into Sirin's mindset.

Spoiler Warning: This Interlude reveals an important detail concerning the relationship between Kiana and Sirin.

Interlude: Of Power and Will​

By Allah, could I do nothing, but watch Kiana be absorbed? It was horrifying to witness, watching her slowly melt into bubbling flesh and consumed by that doppelganger. I still heard her screams for help yet I could do nothing else. No matter how much I screamed, raged, or asked Allah to let me do something, I was powerless to stop it.

Thankfully the nightmare ended moments after the doppelganger began to absorb Kiana. The world itself faded into a white and Kiana vanished into thin air. It took me a few moments to recollect my thoughts and processed all that happened. I reviewed everything that had happened up until the dream's end.

Unlike in the real world, I was more… aware of everything I suppose? Like I could sense this was all a dream before Kiana formed a version of herself. Probably because my conscious was attached to hers, but not assimilated so I had the fortune of being aware this was all a dream. However, it also seemed my connection weakened because I tried speaking to Kiana several times, the first time was when she approached the dorm buildings in an attempt to warn her that something was off.

Lo and behold that doppelganger popped out the doors and handed Kiana her ass. I tried to help the little Tuna out by doing… something. In all honesty I was probably utterly useless, but if this was all a dream surely I could pull off a Freddy Kruger stunt, right? Form some tunas and throw them at the doppelganger to disorient it. However, I found myself struggling to do anything. After all, how the hell was I supposed to help when I didn't have a body? No way to influence the dream? My mind raced through ideas for something to grasp. Surely there had to be something!

It was only when the doppelganger began to absorb Kiana that I threw all caution to the wind and thought of something that could crash into the doppelganger to pin it in place. A thwomp came to mind, not sure why, the Doom Slayer would have made for a better option in hindsight, but nonetheless I tried every option I thought of. Saying "Thwomp crush", waving my non-existent hands, even tried doing a little dance only to realize that I couldn't because I had no body. Yet what was the method that save Kiana from being absorbed? Simple visualization, intent, and thinking of how best to achieve that intent, namely by allowing the Thwomp to crash down upon the doppelganger.

Next thing I knew, I felt something split away from me. I became aware of the Thwomp's descent shortly after.

I laughed at the sheer weirdness of the situation. Kiana was on her last legs, no one had come to help her, the doppelganger was approaching to finish the job, and all of a sudden a thwomp crashed into the doppelganger, allowing Kiana to escape. Ha. one could say the doppelganger was too stoned to do much. I almost summoned a bundle of marijuana both to confirm I actually did that and leave a little mocking present.

However, mere seconds after Kiana escaped into the building, I felt an invisible force. I panicked, thinking Sirin found me and was trying to eliminate me. I attempted to… flee. Cowardly to some, but beyond the Thwomp, I had literally nothing to protect myself with while Sirin was quite literally a god. A womanchild god, yes, but a god nonetheless.

It took me several seconds to figure out that no, I couldn't flee for whatever bullshit reason so I calmed myself and thought of ways to lewd Sirin in my final act of spite. Yet she never came.

Instead, I found myself unable to intervene when the doppelganger began absorbing Kiana once more. I tried projecting myself into the dream and I did feel something split off from me. But nothing came of it so I was left helpless, only able to watch what happened to Kiana. That nightmarish scene didn't last too long as the world started to become a sterile white shortly after. Kiana herself disappeared and I breathed a sigh of relief. Good, the poor girl didn't need for that to go on.

Unfortunately for me, however, I was suddenly left with little awareness, stewing frustration, and questions. Questions like: Why did my consciousness decide to barge into Kiana's head and proclaim it was going to live here from now on? How the hell did a Thwomp spontaneously drop? Did I summon it or were my memories leaking into the dream?

In fact, it has been nothing, but questions since I first accepted that all of this wasn't some weird dream or last moments of a man driven mad. This was all very real with a real chance of me actually dying, or worse.

I needed to return to my world as soon as possible.

Some people might yell at me for being selfish. Some folk might look down upon me and say I should stick with Kiana to provide as much support as I could. Others might call me cowardly. They can all bite the bark of the Zaqqum. Staying with Kiana longer than needed was tamount to suicide.

Aside from giving Kiana foresight of what would happen, I had no ability to help. I was not skilled in diplomacy, fighting skills, or emotional manipulation. I was simply a generic indian man with no real power to speak of. Yea, there was the Thwomp thing, but even if I actually did that, could I learn how to handle it in time before Sirin vaporizes me? Probably not.

The only way I was going to survive and maybe help Kiana out was to give her all the information I knew then bugger off back to my world once I knew how. It was the only realistic plan available to me.

Yet, despite my lack of skills and with the odds stacked against me, it just didn't feel right to leave Kiana with what I knew. I wanted to help her beyond that. It was the right to thing to do, wasn't it? But often the right thing to do clashes with reality.

If only I had the power to end this wretched story on my own terms. If only…


Sirin sighed as the dreamscape of St. Freya High faded into a sterile white and her other self, 'Kiana' as she foolishly calls herself, slipped back into the real world. She would be gripped by terror before laughing it off. No matter. Sooner or later Sirin will break her. Which reminded Sirin that she needed to find a way to break the entity that had latched onto the vessel's soul.

The Second Hessarcher placed a hand under her chin. This entity was neither Honkai nor human. Its energy differed from the sweet, comforting Honkai in the manner that it was chaotic, formless, almost as if it was a more primordial creature slowly taking form. Human it most definitely was not. To enter another's mind required the appropriate knowledge and will otherwise horrible things would go wrong. The entity's interactions with the vessel led Sirin to the conclusion that it didn't know what it was doing, unless it was lying of course. Its claim that she, she was a video game character of all things did lend some credence to possible deceit.

She was not some plaything for the amusement of insects. But nonetheless, this entity could be quite the problem. It did, after all, drop a stone slab on top of her. That had been baffling. In all the times Sirin tormented her other self, never once had the vessel summoned something beyond what she allowed. That only left one culprit, the entity.

It was more of an inconvenience in the end though, since she absorbed her other self. In fact, it might have even helped her since she had to quickly throw something together and the look of shock after her sweet, dear Mei betrayed her was delightful. Perhaps she should thank it before ripping apart? Perhaps.

But as much as she wanted to tear it apart, she couldn't. Not in her diminished state. That blond insect that called himself Otto tore out her gems and scattered them across the world, reducing her to this… this pathetic, powerless state.

A thought came to Sirin. She lifted a finger up to her chin and smiled. The entity held power yet it didn't seem to know quite how to handle it, either because it was utterly clueless or it was playing dumb, given how easy she was able to block further interventions after the stone slab. But if she could absorb it, claim its power for her own, perhaps she could break free from this state. The only question is how. Sirin couldn't exact how to obtain its power, not without finding where the entity resided. It was like it was projecting its influence from outside yet seeped both hers and the vessel's soul as if…

As if it was trying to absorb it. But that couldn't be right. Not once had Sirin felt or detected anything out of the ordinary aside from minor disruptions when the entity first appeared. Still, this required investigating. If this entity truly was trying to absorb her vessel, she was going to tear it apart as slow as she could. Nothing, not Otto, not her other self, not this entity, would deny her will!
Chapter 4: Your Friendly Neighborhood Therapist Hamzah
A/N: So this is a emotion-heavy chapter dealing with the aftermath of the nightmare, something of which I don't have much experience in writing so I'd appreciate any feedback on how to improve. Also, with college starting up this month and recent job searching I am uncertain of how much writing I can do during that time. Hopefully I can still write on a daily basis, but chapters may take longer. Anyways, onto the story!

Chapter 4: Your Friendly Neighborhood Therapist Hamzah​

Kiana woke up with a scream in her throat. Her mind, still gripped by the echoes of a fading nightmare, demanded that she escape from the creature trying to absorb her. Kiana tried to launch a headbutt, but her head refused to lift itself. She tried to strike or kick with her limbs yet found them utterly immobilized. Not even her own body yielded to her demands to move.

Why couldn't she move? Was this how the final moments played out when that doppelganger consumed its victims? No, she didn't want to die. She didn't want to die.

Slowly, however, despite the lingering feelings of searing pain and betrayal, Kiana registered the environment around her. The darkness that covered her vision lessened into shadows where outlines of her belongings surrounded her. She picked up the soft snores of Mei and Bronya slumbering in their respective beds. A bitter smell of incense hung in the air as well, helping Kiana anchor to reality and away from the half-formed memories of the nightmare.

Even as Kiana came to the realization that she was no longer threatened, both her mind and body were still in a frenzied panic. Her heart pounded, she heaved in breath after breath, muscles were tensed in anticipation, her mind racing through every plan it could form. But no matter how much Kiana still tried to move, her body refused to budge.

Then she felt an arm wiggle.

Kiana hesitantly wiggled it some more. And bit by bit, piece by piece, she began to move her other limbs. She eventually lifted her head up, allowing her to see if Mei and Bronya had… they had faces. Which meant she wasn't in the nightmare anymore.

Relief flooded into her system. She wasn't in the nightmare anymore.

Kiana threw off her blanket and sat upright. She held her head in her palms, taking slow, deep breaths.

What the hell happened? Her nightmares were rarely this bad. Did the Voice have something to do with this? But if so, why then? The Voice didn't seem that malicious, unless one counted Its constant attempts to annoy her to death. Or was this just a particularly bad dream?

… Would ya like to talk about it?

"AH!" Kiana yelped at the sound of the Voice. Panic and desperation clawed at her mind once more. She began hyperventilating despite a part of her knowing she was not in danger.

Hey! Hey! Uh… The Voice's own panicked tone set Kiana on edge, causing her hyperventilating to increase and the desperation to claw deeper. Then came a foreign sense of calm. Alright, take a slow, deep breath and clear your mind.

Kiana was hesitant to listen to the suggestion, but she nonetheless tried. She took a slow breath when half-way through she felt herself gasp in the rest of the breath. Kiana tried again, ending in the same result. On the third try, however, she took a slower, more shallow breath and cleared her mind. Desperation loosened its grip, allowing some calmness to return.


The voice of Mei's tired, concerned voice caused Kiana to glance over to see Mei sitting upright in her own bed, rubbing one eye.

"O-oh, Mei. It's nothing, just woke up and got startled by something." Kiana winced at the still fearful undertones in her voice.

"...If you had a nightmare, you can tell me."

"N-no. I'm perfectly ok!" Kiana manufactured a grin.

Are you-that's an actual character trait? The Voice mumbled. Kiana paid it no heed.

"Ok then. Good, um, night I think." Mei said as she covered herself with her blanket.

"Yeah, good night." Kiana responded and was about to lay back down when the Voice spoke.

Guessing from Mei's reaction and how easy she saw through your bullshit, this has happened before hasn't it?

Kiana covered herself with her blanket in a vain attempt to hide from the Voice.

Look, I ain't gonna force ya to talk about it, but from personal experience, bottling stuff like this up tends to backfire. Horrifically. Besides, there's nothing wrong with sharing what happened.

"She already has enough burdens already." Kiana muttered. Mei's past trauma and the Third Hessarcher laying dormant within her could cause Mei to… Kiana didn't want to think of the implications.

I'm aware, but Mei is there for ya. There might also be a chance that not talking to her about it might be hurting her.

Kiana stiffened. That thought had crossed her mind multiple times in the past, but she always ignored it, opting to put on a cheerful smile as not to worry her friend.

"Why do you care?" Kiana asked. She couldn't fathom why the Voice would care about something like this, given the fact It wanted out of her head as soon as possible. So why did It care about her problems? Besides, the Voice didn't see what happened in her nightmare.

A feeling of acknowledgment and resignation came over Kiana.

No way. Did it actually-

Every single bit. Ranging from the empty school to the doppelganger trying to absorb ya.

Kiana huffed. Even her own dreams weren't safe with the Voice inside her head. What remained left of her privacy? When would this invasion of her innermost thoughts and desires end? How far did this 'sharing' ability extend? Why was this even a thing?

A sensation Kiana could only describe as a shrug came to her.

Don't know, but we can talk more about this later. Right now, you have two options. You can ignore the nightmare or you can talk to Mei about it. Like I said before, I'm not going to pester you to talk about it cause this is your own concern.

Her own concern. Yes, the Voice was correct about that. Kiana wanted to tell It to mind Its own business, but frankly, so long as the Voice was inside her head there was no realistic way. But should Kiana consider Its advice? After all, it was her choice in the end.

Kiana chose to remain silent. She felt the Voice's disappointment, but otherwise It remained silent. Well, at least It kept Its word.

Yet Kiana couldn't go back to sleep. The echoes of the nightmare still gnawed at her and she had no desire to become trapped in another nightmare. If she couldn't go back to sleep, then what could she do? What the Voice suggested crossed her mind for a brief moment before it was thrown out. Kiana tried thinking of ways to keep herself occupied without bothering either Mei or Bronya.

She could go outside. No, wait, the Hall Monitors would spot her in an instant and she'll get slapped with a detention or another punishment for being out this late. Trying to bluff her way by claiming she was going to study would be found out instantly since students had to have a card which she lost. By complete accident of course.

Again the thought of talking with Mei about the nightmare crossed her mind. It lasted longer than a mere moment this time as Kiana considered the possible effects. She remembered skimming through some article online about how talking can help with stress or certain traumas. However, it wasn't fair just to dump her problems onto Mei… but what if she was hurting Mei by not talking to her about? Like how the Voice suggested.

Ugh, this was just great. Her typical solution to this problem was to smile through, but between the nightmare shattering her desire to sleep and the stresses of the last day, her patience was thin.

Maybe she should talk to Mei. One talk wouldn't hurt, right?

"Um, Mei, you awake?" Kiana tentatively asked.

"Huh? Oh, um, yeah, yes."

"I-" Kiana paused. What was best to say without worrying Mei? No, wait, whatever she would say is going to worry her. Ugh. Might as well be straightforward with it then."Um, the thing that startled me, it was a nightmare."

It wasn't an outright lie. Kiana just left out the fact the Voice thought it was smart to speak to her right after the nightmare when she was still in fight or flight.

"Oh. Would you like to talk about it?"

"Yea. I'm not quite sure how to put it though…"

"Take your time. It's the weekend after all, we can sleep in."
Kiana hummed. How best to say what happened without terrifying Mei? Should she leave some parts out or mention it in passing? Gez, this might be harder than spilling out all of one's frustration like she'd seen in a few anime series.

She felt the Voice's amusement at that. Kiana scrowled. She was not a freaking video game character. Still, it didn't stop the sense of amusement the Voice had. Amusing. Wait, that's what she should start with! She just needed to throw in a couple of jokes and play it cool.

"The nightmare started off with me in St. Freya High, but no one was there. Not even Himeko was there to raid a nearby liquor store."

Mei simply gave a blank stare at the blatant slander.

"What? You know Himeko would do it. I mean, one time she got so drunk she-" Kiana stopped herself and shuddered at that memory. Nope, not mentioning that whatsoever." Nevermind I'm getting off track. Anyways, I start calling out and no one responds except for a girly giggle. The whole situation was like those cheap American horror slashers where someone calls out, but there's only silence then there's a fake out with a rodent or a cat or something."

"Hm, perhaps we should cut down on the horror movies we watch then if they're affecting your dreams." Mei said in a serious tone.

"Wha? No! It's only this one time."

"Well, if it's only this one time."

"Yay! But continuing on, I start walking to where our dorm building is cause I thought there had to be someone there… I did find something though." Kiana rubbed her arm. The faceless doppelganger and the searing pain as it tried to absorb her flashed in her mind. Doubt once again swelled up in her.

"We can stop here if you want." Mei said with a look of understanding on her face.

"N-no. I think I need to talk about this." Kiana wasn't sure where that came from, but maybe she did need to talk about it." The thing I found was someone that looked exactly like me, but without a face. Even talked like me and when we fought, it had the same exact moves. But no matter how many times I hit it or how long the fight went on, I just couldn't hurt it, not even a tiny scratch. It wasn't even the worst part because when it pinned me to the ground, it began to… absorb me."
"Oh my." Mei placed a hand over her mouth.

Kiana winced at the concerned undertone of Mei's voice. Well, too late for that now, but at least she can make up for it with the next part.

"Well, uh, funny thing, I did manage to push it off me and a stone slab with an angry face carved into it dropped from the sky and crushed it for some reason."

"What?" Mei asked, a look of both bafflement and amusement spreading on her face.

"Yeah, I must have sat there staring at the thing for five minute straight with a blank stare." Kiana could only chalk up that short of nonsense up to the nature of dreams.

… Ha, about that.

Kiana slumped over. She could add manipulating her dreams to the abilities of the Voice now.

"A stone slab carved with an angry face… it sounds like something from a video game." Mei said as she placed a finger under her chin.

"Yea, that's what I thought!"

"Hm. I'm sure it's nothing, but I'll look it up later, just in case. Anyways, is that the end of the nightmare or does it continue?"

"It would have been funny if it had just ended there. But no, it goes on. After that, I fled into the building to try and find someone, but to my luck, there was no one till I reached our dorm where there was yet another faceless clone of me cooking in the kitchen. Weird, but I thought it best to sneak up on it and get it from behind while it was distracted. Turns out…"

Kiana took a breath.

"After I struck it, the clone suddenly became you. Or a dream version of you."

Mei looked down at the floor, her expression unreadable. After a few seconds of unnerving silence passed, Mei nodded for Kiana to continue.

"Heh, alright. I didn't think it strange at the time because I was too panicky since there was a lot of blood. In hindsight I should have realized something was wrong because when I was stopped by a faceless version of Bronya, I was hit by the dream you and it was enough for that robot Bronya uses to pin me against the wall. My doppelganger then appeared and watched me struggle till I became too tired to fight. She- it then finished the job. The dream ended right there thankfully."

Mei was once again silent. This time, though, several emotions played out on her face. Sympathy, confusion, and a desire to comfort Kiana all fused together into a chaotic mess of expressions. It took a bit of time before Mei spoke in an uncertain voice.

"I'm not sure of what to say." Mei looked away from Kiana.

"Oh, uh, you don't need to? I was the one to dump all of that on you, after all." Kiana rubbed the back of her head.

An expression of dissatisfaction spread across Mei's face which sent Kiana looking away. Did she make Mei disappointed with that answer? However, Mei got up off her bed and began walking to Kiana's before the white haired Valkyria could think of how best to resolve the incident.

Kiana tilted her head and raised an eyebrow in confusion. She watched as Mei approached, not sure of what was happening.

Mei took a seat besides Kiana and wrapped her arms around Kiana in a hug.

"Eh?!" Kiana let out a confused squeak.

"Sorry, I thought you needed a hug."

"W-well I won't say no!" Kiana stuttered out the words as her face heated up and began turning redder by the second. She felt a sense of utter glee emanating from the Voice. Was It shipping them? It was shipping them wasn't It?

The Voice remained stubbornly compliant with their agreement by keeping silent.

"Kiana, are you getting embarrassed?" Mei asked as she withdrew her hug.

"W-what? No!"

"You're awfully red. Are you getting sick then?" Mei asked once more without a hint of teasing or joking in her tone. Just simple worry.

"Nope! Completely fine!" Kiana crossed her arms and put up a proud smile.

"Then is the redness on your face the result of embarrassment?"

"... Yes." Kiana deflated.

"There's no reason to be embarrassed. I'm always here for you." Mei hugged Kiana once more which sent the white-haired Valkyria into a sputtering mess of words and causing her red face to ripen into the tone of a tomato.

Kiana would have been fine with this level of affection from Mei. After all, she showed Mei this amount of affection whenever she could get away with it. But to be caught off guard and in a vulnerable state by Mei left Kiana unable to process it all.

"Um, Kiana, I'm worried now. The amount of red on your face is worrying."

"Hah, no, it's not. I'm just-gah, I don't even know how to describe it."

"Hehe. Well, do you at least feel better now?"

Kiana took a moment to collect her thoughts that were scattered by her embarrassment. She reflected on what she felt throughout the discussion and found that she did feel more… better? Lighter? More collected? She wasn't entirely sure how to describe how she felt, but Kiana could better sort what exactly happened in her nightmare with lessened horror. Kiana was even able to pick out details she hadn't thought about.

Like the familiar golden eyes of the doppelganger. She had seen those somewhere before yet she couldn't remember where. Oh well, it wasn't important right now. What was important was the present.

"Yeah, I think I feel better, if only slightly."

"Good," Mei patted Kiana's head, earning a good-natured groan of Mei from the white-hair Valkyria." If you ever need to talk about this again, I'm here for you."

"Thanks!" Kiana caught Mei off guard with a sudden hug, but was quick to recover and returned her own hug. A blissful smile spread across Kiana's face. Heh, maybe the Voice was right. Maybe talking did help.

Talking does help! Somewhat. So if you ever need advice on handling stress and maybe trauma, your friendly neighborhood therapist Hamzah can help! The Voice finally said Its name. Hamzah. It sounded foreign, probably was, but it also sounded gentle with a 'hum' in the beginning. Honestly Kiana wasn't sure why It never brought up Its name. Perhaps there hadn't been a good opportunity before or It wished to remain nameless for whatever reason.

But the Voice-well 'Hamzah' could also stop reading her thoughts and let her enjoy this moment with Mei.

And as if on cue, Hamzah fell silent, allowing Kiana to hug Mei as the two enjoyed each other's company.
Chapter 5.1: Deviation
A/N: Originally this was suppose to be one chapter, but the more I wrote, the more I realized how long this chapter was going to actually be so I'm breaking it into two parts. Granted, I could probably have cut some parts out yet at the same time I do feel a lot of it is necessary for character development, expanding plot elements, and setting up the first major canon deviation from the game story.

Also, I did not do a whole lot of editing and proofreading with this chapter. College recently started and I wanted to get this out before August was over since it might be several weeks before I can get another chapter out. I'll still try to upload one to two chapters per months, but it may take longer because, again, college. Also because of that and to reduce the amount of time it takes for, I am considering trying to find a beta reader or at least someone to proofread the chapters as well as bounce ideas off of. For now though, it's just be me while I try to find a beta reader, but if anyone is interested or can point me in the direction of a group, please message me. Anyway, onto the story!

Chapter 5: Deviation
Kiana and her teammates went through their normal weekend morning routine. Bronya would claim the only computer in the dorm for either studying or gaming purposes, Mei fiddled around with some new piece of tech or tried to get Kiana to complete her class work, and Kiana herself either slept in or caught up with the newest manga and anime. The only change that Kiana was growing ambivalent about was the Voi-Hamzah, Its name was Hamzah, mumbling in her head. It's still annoying to have a voice constantly talking, especially when it spoke in a foreign language, but Kiana began to get used to it. After all, Hamzah was going to be stuck inside her head for the foreseeable future, might as well get used to it as much as she could.

But right now…

Do you not know how to use the Pythagorean Theorem? It's simple math. You take the numbers of A and B then plug those in-

Kiana allowed her head to smack into the table and let out a groan. She'd been whipping herself with trying to understand the methods of how to solve various math problems. Mei made it sound so easy when she described how to do it, but when Kiana actually went to do them, her mind went blank as she struggled to remember the exact methods. That was when Hamzah decided to 'help' her by ranting on about how to do them. At least the ones It knew how to do.

"What problem are you having trouble understanding?" Mei asked from across the table. Various parts of a machine lay out before her in organized groups. Kiana didn't quite know what the machine was, but Mei mentioned it as being from M.E. Corp and she was trying to fix it.

Kiana lifted up her head and gave Mei a deadpan stare to empathize her suffering. She wanted to say 'Oh, there's a voice inside my head ranting on about how to do math.' But saying that would, at the very least, cause Mei to say that it was an inner voice reminding Kiana the proper method.

"The Pythagorean Theorem one, uh, problem 42?" Kiana slid the paper over to Mei who gave it a glance and cringed at the amount of numbers, scribbled symbols, and stick figures surrounding said problem.

"Um, how do you normally do it?"

"Well, I plug in the numbers for A and B then multiply both raised to the power of two. Then I add both numbers to get the answer, then multiply that to the power of two to get the answer. But it's always marked wrong! That's how you do it, isn't it?"

"You have most of it correct, but the last part is incorrect. You actually have to square root the resulting number of both A and B."

"Then why does the C have a raised two to it?" Kiana huffed and crossed her arms.

"I, uh, don't know." Mei looked away with an expression of pondering.

It's to trick gullible people like us. Hamzah commented.

"Ugh. Whhhhy?"

"Perhaps if idiotka Kiana didn't have the attention span of a tuna, she would actually listen in class and understand the equations and methods used to solve problems." Bronya mocked while she was absorbed in whatever game she was playing. The Russian girl had already completed her classwork within an hour and said classwork was stacked neatly on Bronya's study desk organized by topic.

"Says the girl who solved that monstrosity of a math problem when no one else could." Kiana muttered under her breath.

"Bronya, please stop calling Kiana an idiot. She's just unmotivated when it comes down to certain topics. After all, she did defeat you in the combat simulations. And Kiana, please try harder, otherwise you'll be demoted to logistics and support." Mei said.

"No! I don't wanna serve snacks in the cafeteria! I'll work triple harder!" Kiana snatched her classwork. The table squeaked as she furiously erased the stick figures and other unnecessary drawings she drew.

Kiana dragged up whatever knowledge she had of math, gleaned from memories of when she actually listened in class, the few textbooks she read, and online videos. She blazed through problem after problem. An expression of complete concentration plastered on her face. She didn't respond to anything, not even when Mei tapped her on the shoulder out of concern.

However, after thirty minutes of non-stop work, Kiana laid down her pencil and puffed her chest out in pride as she presented the paper to Mei. The black-haired Valkyria looked over the classwork with a neutral expression.

"You understand most of it," Mei said after a few minutes of examination.


"But most of the answers are incorrect and several don't even have anything written for them."

"What? No." Kiana couldn't understand. She got the methods correct didn't she? But Mei said the answers were incorrect so what went wrong? And those she left blank was because she didn't know how to do them so it was better to admit her lack of knowledge and leave them blank. Regardless though, her failure to pass the classwork meant she was going to be stuck doing classwork while her friends went out shopping! She would only have Hamzah and Its trashy puns to talk to.

A gleeful sensation came from Hamzah, warning of the many horrific puns It desired to unleash.

"Hm, normally I'd suggest attending the weekend lectures and study groups so you don't get left behind more already, but with everything that's been happening, I think it might be better to leave it for today. What do you think, Kiana?"

"Definitely." Kiana was not going to let this opportunity to escape pass. She wouldn't allow herself to be subjected to the torture of both math and puns.

"It's decided then. Get ready, the bus leaves soon!"

"Allow the Bronya to finish showing these scrubs how to truly play HonkaiWatch." Bronya said. Kiana caught a glimpse of the game the Russian was playing and saw several characters ranging from a cybernetic ninja to an ape onscreen all get killed in a spectacular explosion. Not a second after, a stream of text flooded the bottom left roaring at the apparent unfairness. Kiana chuckled. She wasn't the only one who suffered Bronya's impossible gaming skills.

… HonkaiWatch? Really? Hamzah groaned in exasperation as Kiana leapt to her feet and dug through her clothing drawers to pull out some casual clothes. She could only guess that It had a game similar to HonkaiWatch back in Its… Honkailess world. The concept still bugged her.

Kiana decided it was better not to dwell on parallel worlds and focus on gathering what clothes she would wear for today. It was the weekend after all! A time to hit the city with the gals. Get new clothes, hang out at old haunts or find new ones, and generally have a good time. But there was one obstacle that halted Kiana from going out. Finding the right clothes to wear. Well, there were actually two obstacles so if Hamzah could look away for a few seconds while she rummaged through her drawers…

Don't get your panties in a bunch, you should know that I'm nothing more than a disembodied voice at the moment and can't do much else beyond annoy you. And examine that connection.

"Hm, could try?" Kiana said as she examined an old t-shirt with a stylized cat printed on it.

Fine. Let me just twist my non-existent head backwards and-oh look, I can't. But… hm, hold on, maybe I can try something else.

Kiana raised an eyebrow when she sensed the feeling of concentration? Maybe It discovered something during the nightmare last night and now Hamzah was trying to apply it to the real world. She doubted it, but didn't discount it considering the weirdness of recent events-

Her entire vision went black without warning.

"Wah!" Kiana fell onto her rear from the suddenness of it all.

HolyshititworkedbutnotinthewayIintended! Hamzah said in a rather excited tone, a feeling of elation emanating from It. Kiana gripped her head as pain once again began to drill into her skull.

"Kiana?!" Mei called out.

"I'm fine, just a small headache from stress and, uh, stuff." Kiana massaged her temples and uttered her breath," Fix this now."

Another feeling of concentration later and the blackness covering Kiana's vision was gone in the next blink. Kiana blinked a few more times just to be sure. She climbed to her feet when she was certain her vision wasn't about to be engulfed in darkness once more.

She felt a hand grip her shoulder in a reassuring manner. Kiana glanced to see Mei looking at her with a concerned expression and the white-haired Valkyria gave a nod that she was indeed OK. Mei hesitantly removed her hand, muttering a "I'm here if you need me" before walking to her own drawer.

Kiana sighed. Well, that was another ability to lay on top of the pile. Just to what extent were the abilities of Hamzah?

Probably to infinity and beyond at this point. Let's say that just to be safe. Also, sorry for making you blind for a second, but hey, at least I confirmed I can cut off my vision! Well, your vision. Or both of our vision? Since I'm a disembodied voice, it would technically be your vision, but at the same time I can see through your vision so it might be ours- Somehow, someway, Hamzah descended into a debate on if it was her vision being blackened out or Its/their vision. Kiana didn't listen, simply plucking out a yellow shirt and blue jean shorts before heading into the bathroom with the excuse that she would change into her clothes there after she was done using it.

Changing into said clothes proved to be a hassle though. While Hamzah kept on debating, somehow, Kiana wasn't going to risk It catching a glimpse of her body. She was comfortable around her friends cause they were her friends and she certainly didn't mind allowing Mei to catch a glimpse of her. However, Kiana didn't know who Hamzah was. Actually, she didn't know if Hamzah was a he or a she or something else-

Hamzah is male, yes.

Kiana groaned in exasperation. It wasn't enough to have a person in her head, but to have a man inside of herrrrrrr…


"Goddamnit." Kiana gave a pointed look at her own reflection, trying to image Hamzah in place of it.

Look, if you're concerned about me seeing you change, just close your eyes like I mentioned before. Or would you rather me black out our-your-my vision out again?

"You are not doing that again. Just, I'm gonna have to get comfortable with changing with my eyes closed." Kiana said as she walked out of the mirror's view and began trying to change into her selected clothes. It proved to be a herculean task. More than once Kiana fumbled with her clothes, forcing her to open her eyes. More than once did she bang up against the wall or some item causing it to fall.

But finally, after several attempts, Kiana finally managed to change into her selected clothes. She puffed out her chest in pride, wondering just how many others could change with their eyes shut!

You do realize this is a rather useless skill? Especially when there's a lot of stuff that got knocked down.

And Hamah had to ruin it by pointing out the numerous toothbrushes, bottles, and other general hygiene products strewn about the floor. Kiana wrote a mental note while she cleaned up the mess that maybe the bathroom wasn't the best place. It was small and there were too many products. But where else could she change without her friends asking why she had her eyes closed while she changed? Neither Kiana nor Hamzah had any ideas beyond 'we'll deal with it later'.

Kiana stepped out of the bathroom to see her friends already changed and waiting. Bronya wore a light-colored jacket with a green shirt underneath it and a pair of pants that came down to her knees which revealed the prosthetics that helped her walk or float. The Russian never seemed bothered by how some people would gawk.

Mei, meanwhile, wore a simple, but gorgeous blue dress and lighting-blue highlights under her eyes. A bag was slung around her waist, probably filled with extra cash, snacks, first aid, and various other items for most daily occasions. Mei always packed extra stuff in case something happened to which Kiana was grateful for, but at the same time sadden. It was a scar leftover from their time trying to survive in Nagazora City after Mei's Herrscher side caused a Honkai eruption

"Um, Kiana, what happened in there? We heard a lot of banging and what sounded like stuff falling over. Are you alright?" Mei asked with a concerned look.

"Kinda? I'm still dealing with some after effects from whatever happened a couple days ago. Nothing serious, I swear!"

"Alright. Let me know if it gets worse though. I might have something."

"Thanks Mei!" Kiana threw her arms around Mei, surprising the taller Valkyria and causing her to stumble back a bit.

"Ha, you're welcome." Mei said as Kiana unwrapped her arms from Mei.

"If Kiana has completed her harassment of Mei, we must go now. The bus will leave in ten minutes. It takes seven to get to the central plaza and additional two to find the correct bus then another minute to board the bus." Bronya rattled off.

"I am not harassing Mei!" Kiana placed her hands on her hips, glaring at the Russian before realizing that Bronya was correct in her estimation of how much time they had left after Kiana glanced at the clock."But yeah, you're right. We gotta go!"

Kiana didn't dignify Bronya's smug smile with a response. The white-haired Valkyria walked besides Mei as the three headed out.

Swarms of students flooded the halls. Some weaved their way through into neighboring dorms, many crowded into elevators or down stairs, and others simply wandered about for seemingly no reason. Kiana, Mei, and Bronya stuck together as best they could amongst the swarm. It didn't take them long to break free from the swarm though. Kiana and her friends had found a narrow stairway tucked away in one of the less populated areas that led directly outside to the central plaza sometime ago. It had become their go-to shortcut for the weekend rush.

Kiana took a breath of air once she was outside. She took comfort in the fact of people milling about St. Freya High instead of the empty quiet in her nightmare. The memories still lurked in the depths of her mind, but Kiana casted them out by shouting out a challenge.

"Race you there!"

She took off running, leaving behind Mei who shook her head and Bronya glaring at her. Kiana could only giggle at their response. The two may be exasperated with her at times, but they loved her and she loved them. Sure, Bronya and her were often at each other's throats for one reason or another, but she enjoyed challenging the Russian to a gaming duel. Of which she always lost to said Russian.

Kiana slowed down as she neared the central plaza. The buses were lined up just across the bridge that allowed entry between the school proper and the outskirts of the city. Kiana, however, leaned up against an archway to wait for her friends to catch up. She would wait as long as needed, even if the buses left. Besides the buses would return in an hour or two anyhow.

Her phone dinged before her friends arrived. Kiana whipped it out to see it was a text message from auntie Theresa asking where she was. The white-haired Valkyria sent a message telling Theresa that she was at the central plaza.

Another ding. This message asked if she could wait till Theresa arrived herself. Kiana raised an eyebrow. Was this related to what happened yesterday? Theresa was trapped in various meetings yesterday so maybe Auntie just wanted to check up on her. But at the same time the buses would most likely leave by the time Theresa arrived. Kiana sent a text telling Auntie exactly that.

To her surprise, Theresa informed Kiana that she herself could take Kiana and her friends in a personal vehicle if that happened. This never happened before. Auntie always tried to maintain a professional appearance, even around Kiana so for her to offer to give them a ride was unusual.

Um, if I may comment? Hamzah sounded uncertain and expectant of a harsh response.

"Sure, go ahead." Kiana sighed. She didn't expect Hamzah to hold true to their deal for every second considering he was a chatterbox, whether he was one before getting stuck inside her head or because of it. Besides, it would be cruel not to let him comment on things.

Thanks. Anyways, while unusual, Theresa does hold knowledge of what's going on behind the scenes.

"My auntie is not involved in whatever is happening 'behind the scenes'." Kiana glared in a random direction, imagining that Hamzah was standing in said direction.

Yes, because Theresa is definitely not a part of this world's version of the Illuminati.

"... Do I even want to know?"

… You don't know what the Illuminati concept is?


Remind me to bug you to look it up and see if it exists in Honkai Impact. In fact, remind me to bug you for a lot of information. I want to compare and contrast how my world and your world are different. And no, you are not getting out of this.

"Ugh, hopefully Auntie Theresa gets here soon."

"It's Principal Apocalypse when you're on campus Kaslana-san."

"Wah!" Kiana leapt into the air at the sound of a child-like voice with a practiced tone of seriousness.

Kiana turned around to see a short woman stood with arms crossed. Her white hair was tied up into a ponytail which rested on her left shoulder. Schicksal symbol, two gears laid out like wings, were sewn into her Nun-like clothing.

"Gez, how'd you get here so fast Auntie Theresa?"

Theresa, despite her small stature, glared down upon Kiana. The other students gave the two a wide berth as a menacing aura spread out.

"Seriously, how did you get here so fast?" Kiana was undaunted, treating one of the most experienced and dangerous Valkyries in all of Schicksal as a friend.

"Again, it's Principal Apocalypse," Theresa slumped and shook her head."But I was nearby. Honestly I was expecting you to be in the city by now. Luckily you're here. There's a few things we need to discuss."

"But what about my friends… who should be here by now?"

"I've sent a message asking them to meet us at the parking lot. And don't worry, you're not in trouble."

I don't remember this happening, but I also don't remember any material touching up on what was happening before the game started.

Kiana Kaslana was not a video game character. Kiana Kaslana was not a video game character. Kiana Kaslana-

Is a broken record. We've already established that you're not.

Kiana only sighed in response as she followed Theresa to the parking lot. Yes, Hamzah did say that she wasn't a video game character. However, the stress of that claim still gnawed at her. There were a thousand questions she had with no answers, not even from the source of the stress itself. Also, if Hamzah could kindly stop responding to her thoughts like a normal person, that would be great.

… Sometimes it's fun to go back on your words for shits and giggles. Hamzah said in a neutral tone. The feeling Kiana got, though, signaled that he was desperately trying to reassure himself that he was still sane. Kiana internally winced at that feeling. He did imply that being a disembodied voice wrecked his mental state.

It is. But worry not, I have you to keep me amused! Haha!

She wrote a mental reminder to actually look up some history to keep Hamzah mentally stable. Who knows, maybe it'll have a side effect of keeping the chatterbox quiet for a few hours.

Theresa and Kiana eventually reached the parking lot where Mei and Bronya waited on the sidewalk. Both parties exchanged greetings with Kiana asking Theresa what was happening.

"I'm taking all three of you shopping." Theresa answered.

"What?" Kiana stared at her Auntie in confusion. Theresa was taking all three of them out shopping? But the only time Auntie had ever taken her out shopping was some time after she and her friends arrived at St. Freya High. So why take them all out shopping now?

"Principal Apocalypse, we're honored, but why?" Mei asked.

"You can call me Theresa as seeing we won't be in a formal setting anytime soon. As for why, well, me and Kiana don't spend much time together anymore, at least not in a causal sense. I also invite both you and Bronya to join us. None of you have to take me up on my offer of course, but I would like to spend some time with Kiana, especially after what happened yesterday. So please indulge in my little selfish request, Kiana-chan?"

Something feels off here.

Hamzah was right, something about this didn't feel right. There was no reason for Kiana not to trust Theresa, but with how Fu Hua and Teruya acted yesterday and Theresa suddenly requesting Kiana to join her out shopping, something felt off.

I think I know why Theresa is asking you, but we can talk about that later. For now, I suggest taking her up on her offer. You may need her help when Bronya gets hijacked, especially since she can kick all three of your asses at once at this stage.

"Sure, so long as I get to call you Auntie!" Kiana grinned. She hoped none of her worry seeped into her expression or tone.

"Fine, just don't do it too often. What about you two, Mei-chan and Bronya-chan?" The aforementioned teens gave their own affirmations. Theresa smiled and pointed to a pink-colored, magical-girl theme vehicle parked near them."My car is parked right there. Come along girls, daylight's burning!"

Kiana trailed behind her friends and Auntie as they headed to the vehicle. She thought about Hamzah's claim Bronya would betray them because someone hijacked her. It was ridiculous yet it was not entirely off the table, not with everything that's been happening. Still, it felt wrong to put even the tiniest amount of stock into it. The Russian got on her nerves, sometimes getting to the point of belittling each other. But Bronya was still a friend who provided insight into her own flaws and even help on occasion. Kiana had no desire to hurt Bronya if she could help it, even if Hamzah also said that her friend wouldn't be harmed too greatly.

Maybe she could figure something out? First she would need to confirm if the claim was true. How would she go about that though? Hamzah mentioned that someone would hijack Bronya, someone being the keyword. It didn't mean the Honkai which was a relief. But if it wasn't the Honkai, then who was the culprit and how would they accomplish it? Perhaps she could press Hamzah for answers.

Finally, I was about to-

Stop that.

… You know, this whole seeing and responding thoughts thing is a tool we can use to communicate to each other when there's no real alternative. There are advantages it can offer such as bouncing ideas around. But I'll respect your privacy as much as I can in my situation regardless of what your choice.

Kiana… considered the point. In some way she could look at it as though she was conversing with him if she ignored the whole 'I can see and respond to your thoughts' thing. Yet it still irked her that Hamzah suggested it in the first place. Her thoughts were supposed to be her thoughts, a safe place where she could think about things. However, everything got thrown out the moment Hamzah somehow became stuck inside her headspace. Ugh, why must this be complex?

"Kiana-chan, you're walking the wrong way!" Theresa called out.

She stopped and turned to see that she actually walked passed Theresa's car. Kiana huffed. And why did stuff like this happen? It was going to keep happening wasn't it? All because of… it wouldn't be fair to blame Hamzah. Neither of them wanted this as far as she could tell.

"Uh, sorry, just got lost in thought I guess." Kiana said as she ran over to the car.

Both Mei and Bronya were already buckled by the time Kiana reached the vehicle. She glared when she saw Bronya seized the middle seat which separated Mei from her. The Russian responded with a head tilt and a smug smile. Nonetheless, Kiana slid into the seat next to Bronya, keeping her mouth shut to contain the not so nice words she wanted to use under her breath. This was probably revenge for yesterday where she asked Mei to carry her. Kiana turned her thoughts away from that. It was just a minor thing after all, no use in getting upset over it.

But nonetheless, Kiana let out a frustrated sigh as the vehicle hummed to life and drove out of the parking lot into the city's outskirts. These last couple days had thrown her in a loop by shoving a person from Honkailess world into her head, the strange way some people suddenly acted around her, and the possibility of Bronya's betrayal through hijacking. There was so much to consider.

And there was only a short amount of time to consider it all.
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Non-canon Omake: Doom upon All
So a few people wanted to see the Doom Slayer bully Sirin. Now I can't write Doom Slayer ripping and tearing Sirin apart as that may infringe upon the rules and honestly that's kinda cruel to unleash an ancient, nigh-unstoppable destroyer of all things evil upon what is essentially a traumatized womanchild trying to play the big bad. Don't get me wrong, Sirin still deserves a good whack alongside the head or two as punishment for all of the horrible things she has done, but poor salty tuna god needs therapy. So Doomguy is here to drag her off to see a therapist. Obviously this is all non-canon and it's Hamzah, guy practically lives on Because it amuses me.

And an update for Interlude: Of Power and Will. It's been moved to the main threadmarks between chapters 3 and 4 since someone pointed out how critical it is to the main story. That's all, here's Doom Slayer dragging Sirin off by the ear.

Non-canon Omake: Doom upon All
Sirin always took delight in the many ways of breaking her other self. It was one of the few things she could do in this lesser state after all. Her powers were gone and she was little more than a mere echo of what she once was on top of being trapped inside an artificial body. Yet all she needed to do was break her other self, 'Kiana', in order to gain control. The process proved… difficult, but Kiana deeply loved her friends and family so the Second Herrscher would torment her other self by killing them off.

Much like now! Kiana would always try to prevent the hundreds of different deaths her loved ones suffered. But no matter how much she tried, Kiana always failed to prevent her dear Mei from being corrupted by her own Herrscher or halt Bronya's Honkai infection or Himkeo's futile sacrifice. And everytime when Kiana killed Mei, Sirin would be there, hovering above with a mocking smile.

Kiana always responded with a defiant glare. How pitiful to be so determined when everything she loved was either dead or turned to the Honkai. That made Sirin curious though. Would Kiana maintain such determination if everyone she loved died in the real world instead of the dreamscape? Sirin would certainly love to test that.

"I will stop you!" Kiana declared as she laid Mei's corpse down for the twelfth time. Or was it thirteenth? Sirin didn't know nor cared so long as it kept working.

"Not unless your friends stop you first." Sirin pointed down at the corpses of Theresa, Himkeo, Mei, Bronya, and however many other faceless nobodies Kiana loved crawling over one another with arms outstretched towards Kiana. They blamed the white-haired Valkyria for their deaths or why she wasn't strong enough to save them.

"N-no. I tried! Please, don't." Kiana pathetically tried to comfort herself that it wasn't her fault when it very much was.

Sirin smiled as Kiana was slowly dragged into the ground by the corpses of her loved ones. But that smile morphed into a frown when she heard the squeak of a bunny.

The Second Herrscher glanced down to see a brown-grey bunny hopping straight to Kiana. Huh, strange. She didn't remember summoning a bunny and even if she did, it would only to torture Kiana by brutally killing it or turning it into a Honkai beast. Maybe Kiana somehow summoned it when she wasn't paying attention? Whatever the case, Sirin watched it as the bunny continued to make its way to Kiana, seemingly undeterred by the piles of corpses. Just what was it planning on doing?

The bunny hopped right onto Kiana's arms and… cuddled against her?

Everything ranging from the crawling corpses to Sirin sputtered to a halt.

It took Sirin several moments to process what just happened. A bunny had somehow manifested within the dream, hopped its way across piles of the dead, only to hop into Kiana's embrace so it could be cuddled? Even Kiana herself seemed utterly bewildered at the fact she was currently holding a bunny.

Just how-wait. If even Kiana is confused and she didn't summon it then that only left one other suspect. The entity. From what Sirin had seen, the entity was on positive, if still tense, terms with Kiana and It no doubt sent this bunny in an attempt to comfort her. Well, there would be none of that!

Sirin summoned a Void Lance, downsized it just enough where it would only pierce the bunny, and threw the lance at its head.

Then a human in green-colored, Sci-fi themed armor blurred into existence and caught the lance with his bear hands midair.

Sirin stared in bafflement. That lance was traveling faster than a human could blink and it was smaller than an eyeball so how, by the Honkai, did a human catch it midair?

And why did the dreamscape suddenly transform into a stereotypical depiction of the realm some human religious groups called Hell? And why was there an eyeless, muscular creature and an imp-like person sitting on an overhanging ledge eating popcorn? What the hell was happening?

Her only answer was that somehow the entity managed to wrest control of the dreamscape from her when she was distracted at some point. It could be easily remedied by blocking the connection between-

Sirin's eyes widen when she realized both she and Kiana were no longer within the soul of the artificial body, but that of the entity's. And somehow the entity sealed her own powers aside from a few.

W-well no matter! She could still handle whatever the entity threw at her!

Why was music blaring in the background?

The human pulled out a double-barreled shotgun modified with a hook of all things. Sirin chuckled. How utterly barbaric and primitive. What would it even do? Reel her in like a fish?

Sirin yelped when the hook swished right by her head, just narrowingly cutting off a few strands of her hair. Ok, so maybe the human was going to reel her in like a-no wait-THE HUMAN WAS REELING HIMSELF TOWARDS HER!

The human slammed a fist right into her gut before Sirin could react. Pain erupted all over her torso from the impact. She had experienced pain before, from the experiments she endured to fighting humans, but even taking that one Divine Key's flames to the face paled in comparison to the sheer agony she was experiencing which scattered her thoughts and sent her down tumbling into the ground below.

A supersonic boom echoed across the dreamscape as Sirin impacted the dirt. The force vaporized enough ground to form a small crater where the Second Herrescher laid in. She stumbled onto her feet as her thoughts reorganized themselves. The pain still bit into her where it could even as she tried to will it away.


Sirin whipped around to see the human was climbing down the crater with shotgun in hand. She huffed in both annoyance and pain. The blasted insect surprised her, but he won't get the better of her a second time.

She summoned a hundred Void Lances and threw them all at the human. Sirin placed a hand under her chin as she watched the show. There was no way this human would be able to dodge all of her Lances.

Said human proceeded to sidestep, circle around, or jump over every single one while firing his shotgun, launching that accursed hook of his, and otherwise drew ever closer into killing range. Sirin began to panickingly summon more Lances as her aim deteriorated as the human sped through the barrage as if he'd done this countless times before.

"Fine, you want to fight me insect then I shall crush you and rip your corpse apart!" Sirin shouted as she summoned her Keys of Void and phased through the human the moment he landed onto the ground after jumping over a Lance. A green dome sprang to life around him, slowing his movements down to that of a normal human.
It took a full minute for Sirin to process that. Everytime she trapped a human, be it a normal or Valkyria, they would instantly slow into a snail's pace. Yet this human was so fast that even her own abilities could only slow him down to that of an average man. But Sirin grinned when she fully processed it. Her Void Lances could finally kill the insect now!

A final Void Lance was summoned. Sirin savored the moment as she launched the Lance straight into the human's chest. A metallic crunched echoed throughout the dreamscape, but Sirin did not give a shout of victory nor did the human crumble over like all others. Instead a destroyed Lance and a sliced shotgun fell onto the ground with a dull thud.

Both Sirin and the human exchanged a blank stare as they tried to process what happened. The human became… visibly angry when he finally did. His veins enlarged all over the exposed areas of his armor, his aura became infinitely more murderous, and he pulled out a chainsaw from thin air before appearing right in Sirin's face the second she blinked. Said chainsaw was slowly approaching her neck…

"Eep!!!" Was Sirin's only response. Her mind went into overdrive as she tried thinking of a way to kill the human. But all of her options would take at least one second longer than the chainsaw ripping through her neck. Was-was this how she would die? A sad, pathetic death after all she had been through?

Ha. Maybe it was for the best anyhow. Sirin didn't have much of a desire to live beyond killing humans at this point.

"OW!" Sirin yelped as the human suddenly decided to put away his chainsaw and began dragging her out of the crater by her ear."Owowow. Let go of me, insect! I am not some brat! LET GO OF ME SO I CAN DESTROY YOU!"

The human yanked her ear after Sirin shouted that last sentence, making it clear he would not suffer such blatant disrespect. And like the child she still mentally was, Sirin shut her mouth and limply allowed herself to be dragged along.

Meanwhile, Kiana could only watch on in utter bewilderment at the sight of a human dragging the Second Herrscher by the ear as she petted the bunny. The pair of popcorn-eating demons howled in laugher, though. Finally, the Doom Slayer was bullying someone else for once!
"W-what's happening?" Kiana finally asked after several minutes and long after the human and Sirin disappeared off in the horizon.

"The Doom Slayer is dragging the girl off to Mister Roger's Rehabilitation Center for Villains." One of the demons answered.

"Mister Roger's Rehabilitation Center for Villains?"

"You know who Mister Roger is right?"

"Uh, no?"

Both demons let out a gasp of absolute shock.

"Why you ought to meet him! One of the nicest humans to ever live."

"Yeah! He helped me realize my true passion of becoming a beautiful ballerina instead of burning and killing humans!"

Kiana's brain sputtered to a stop and attempted to sort through all of the mind-numbing events she had just witnessed.

"Oh, also, Hamzah, our most beloved and benevolent Overlord of all within his Dream, says, 'Doom upon you for not knowing who Mister Roger is.'" Somehow, someway, the demon's voice changed to that of Hamzah's when he delivered that message.

And all Kiana could do was internally scream for even within her own dreams she could not escape from the Master of Trashy Puns.
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Update and Plans
Alright, it has taken far longer than it needed too, but yeah, better late than disappearing forever eh? Anyways, I've opted for a rewrite of Ending this Wretched Story. There's a few reasons. The first among them is that I had a general outline and I knew where I wanted the story to go, but new ideas and challenges arose which forced me to reevaluate certain aspects. Second is my lack of knowledge concerning the setting of Honkai Impact. I feel as though I created additional challenges that didn't need to be there and missed opportunities to create a more engaging story so I'll be diving into additional material. Doesn't mean that I won't be planning stuff in the meantime though! And finally, I realized that my current way of planning was not all that optimal and planning was eventually abandoned for whatever stupid reason. Really should not have done that and here I am with foot in mouth. Oddly tastes like regret.

So what's the plan going forward? Well, Ending this Wretched Story likely won't reappear anytime soon. However, that does not mean it won't be in-progress as I reorganize things and try to figure out a better way of planning out stories. The plan is to have something ready by January 2021, though it may take longer than intended depending on how things go.

And I also won't be inactive during that time. There's a non-serious story I'm writing which is mostly slice of life and intended to keep my writing skills from dulling. I also discovered some incomplete fan-fics from my old fan-fiction.net account and I thought to myself that I could restart some of these by planning them out in different ways to see which one works. I may or may not post them sometime in the future.

Anyways, that's the general plan. Hopefully everything works out and I'll keep ya informed in case anything happens. If you have questions, I'll answer them to the best of my ability.