[Endbringer Quest] The Last Among Beasts!

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Scraped from here.

- - -Endbringer QUEST | The Last Among Beasts!Worm- - -Come...

You awake...


Scraped from here.

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Endbringer QUEST | The Last Among Beasts!
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You awake, your mind clouded with the haze of chaos... the stark confusion of will that comes from the depths of slumber though the ancient cold while a broken lullaby etches away at the edge of your senses. You feel the creep of energy flood though obsidian veins, even as you adjust to the warm of a terrestrial embrace once more. You have not been planet side in hundreds of Millennia.


You hear it calling; the alien hot need, forged in a world awash with abundance... you feel the vital throb of command. It is a taste of void and ash. You remember your ancient creed, one of many packed in as grand cells against a wall of cells, consuming all resources till every world was covered. But now you are here in this rich/fresh place, so full of vitality and power... you remember the careful caress of the group mind, its work meticulous and complete as it turned its attentions to your form, crafting and shaping it with absolute intimacy. You remember the satisfaction of your completion, yet another tool in its arsenal made... every one of them a grim mirror of things the dominant sentients of the planet both worshiped and feared.

Stored away your crafted forms were launched to barren worlds for storage, your hungry shards sent the same places each to sup upon the stores of energy inherent planet side a living world. Each of you would hold a purpose in the creator's grand design, each one made to meet with her objectives to understand her desires, and to fight as her hand in shaping the conflicts to come. She made you mightier than needed be, but gives you ways to adjust yourself. You are her weapon against fragmentation, her sword of unity... and you are the last of those crafted. The creator stares into the dream of a distant tomorrow... her powers crafting you directly as she stares, watching her future plans unfold she makes you her last contingency. You are to be her perfected touch to her perfected world... Until all things go wrong with the world at once.


There was a jolt... the world lurched all at once as the creator broke against the planet which she came to conquer... Her all Seeing Eye cast too far into the future to know that the present was a danger. Her eager need for the incredible value of the new shard which she'd gained clouding judgement to the point of reckless suicide. And even as she impacted, the nano-seconds ticking by, you felt something strange stir within you an evil sound to that which could not hear, a wicked light to that which could not see... the ominous darkness... inherent in the path towards the end and in that you know yourself damaged, broken... poisoned. You feel yourself suffering the dire effects of catastrophic collapse echoing across your form even as you are flung though your waiting launch portal due to the impact. Damaged and bereft of the mother you slumber.


Again you feel it. That Parasite tingle, that wierdling touch which is akin but alien to the mother creator. The small soft thing who commands as the mother would is mixed, jumbled and confused. Its mind cries out for a challenge... its mind calls out to save those who fall in the midst of such challenges. It is... strange. The creator crafted you in a manner not akin to your brethren. You were made of her perfect vision you were sculpted in manner far stranger than your sibling shards... crafted in a manner halfway between an idol and an emulation of the alien things.


You arise.
And in your mind cold intellect runs, there a mission. There is an objective... and the broken song prods on even as you take stock of what you are... of how the mother has crafted you, shaped you, and unleashed your potential.
An unfamiliar emulation begins... directing your mind to examine your body for no reason beyond that it desired to know. The very idea of desire is alien to your existence, it is a thing of the Creator and the Unmaker... it is a thing which you could not identify with any true directive... there is much missing from the impact of the crash, cracks healed over which burned the bridges of memory away...

But you know at your depths, the shard(s) from which you were crafted... and slowly the greater part of yourself recovers and digs in to the world upon which you'd fallen. Even as the lesser you learns more about its power and begins to journey towards its purpose.

Choose 2 Shards:
[]Crafter (Served as entity shard customization shard)
[]Warp (Allowed the entities manipulate space for its circulatory systems)
[]Integrator (Allows disparate functions to work smoothly together no matter their distance apart.)
[]Link Node
[]Preserver (Manipulates time to 'harden' defenses against otherwise catastrophic attack)
[]Liar (Aggressive editor shard, allowing an entity powerful camouflage functions and mimicry of systems)
[]Adaptor (Aggressive editor shard which allows an entity to rapidly search its information libraries for solutions)
[]Investigator (Allows the entity to 'fill in missing information' at all levels of interaction)
[] Customize your own Shard/s (Name it, give me a functionality it would have served in the entity, and how it achieved the effect)
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Endbringer | Character Sheet
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Name: BAKKHOS - The bringer of Madness

Shards: Adaptor, Barrier

Faction: Endbringers

Objective points: 5

Size: Small (17 Feet in height)

Mass: Low (20 tons)

Base Armour Rating: Light (Will not directly resist most forms of heavy attack)

Base Mobility Rating: Higher than Average (40 Mph at full tilt, but takes time to get there.)

Threat Class: S

Brute [7]
Breaker [-]
Changer [-]
Stranger [-]
Mover [4]
Shaker [-]
Striker [6]
Master [12]
Blaster [?]
Tinker [?]
Thinker [?]
Trump [4]


Consumption - Choose a single target, and consume it. While consumed, you take over the connection the target has with its shard, study the shard's libraries and copy portions of the libraries' information into your own.Gain the Target's power, in your Lesser self as well as its experience in utilizing said power. The consumed target is then ejected when you're driven off. (Adaptor Shard)
UPGRADE - Allows you to create an unstable area between yourself and your prey, pulling it towards you for consumption. Consumption gains a range of 25 metres.

Rending Motion - Allows you create an area of condensed space in a line, causing your body to be ejected though the spacial anomaly, anything in this path is crushed by your body and the condensed space as it travels.(Barrier Shard)
UPGRADE - Bonus speed and damage as your lesser-self travels. Distance covered by the attack increased to 150 metres.

Unholy Might - Allows you to utilize the barrier shard tie yourself into multiple dimensions all at the same time. Using this anchorage you are able to express a far greater amount of physical strength than your size and mass should permit.

Unbearable Force - Allows you to utilize the mechanics of your barrier to improve the density and force of your attacks, grinding your way through barriers and allowing you to apply your force in far better concentrations.

Red in Tooth and Claw - You produce an array of antennae which access and assess every lifeform in a 20 mile radius then utilizing information from ecosystems which you have studied and then calculates massive scale mutations to create super-predatory adaptations unique to every organism in the region. The process begins when you enter an area and will gradually quicken the longer you stay. Does not affect Para-humans.

Fractured Spaces - This allows you with some effort to rend the fabric between dimensions, giving your lesser self a path between worlds to follow for both the beginning of combat and to retreat at the end.

Special Attributes
Alien Emulation - There is something strange within your mind something which urges you onward makes you 'want' to carry out actions for their own sakes. You have not yet explored what this means.

Invasive - You are able to access the feeding grounds of other shards despite dimension locks and safeguards against such intrusion...

Strength Above ALL - You are the very embodiment of might, crafted to evoke a sense of power and awe from the Creator's targets. As such when challenged directly by any Para-human fighter you will not hesitate to face them, and if beaten in single combat of any time will concede the fight and leave even if your Mission target has not been achieved.

Undeniable Might - You are strong, so strong that you are able to apply your might to the very dimensions which divvy the world with naught but your own massive strength. You are capable of affecting all forms of energy and their motivating forces directly with your strength.
Yeah, I didn't actually read any of that. My current mood plus wall of text made me skip it. The title interested me though so here, have a vote. This seems to the most useful option.

[X]Integrator (Allows disparate functions to work smoothly together no matter their distance apart.)
[X]Adaptor (Aggressive editor shard which allows an entity to rapidly search its information libraries for solutions)
[]Liar (Aggressive editor shard, allowing an entity powerful camouflage functions and mimicry of systems) [X]Memory (allowing you to recall stuff and more importantly to edit out informations from those around you
[x]Crafter (Served as entity shard customization shard)
[x]Integrator (Allows disparate functions to work smoothly together no matter their distance apart.)
[X] Plan Bii

[X] Adaptor (Aggressive editor shard which allows an entity to rapidly search its information libraries for solutions)
[X] Write In : Barrier (Defensive shard, one of the primary/secondary entity defense system. Creates octagon barriers across multiple realities to prevent physical and transreality attacks. Can be overwhelmed by Sting or attacks with sufficient energy in a single or multiple realities).

[X]Liar (Aggressive editor shard, allowing an entity powerful camouflage functions and mimicry of systems)
[X]Adapter (Aggressive editor shard which allows an entity to rapidly search its information libraries for solutions)

Lets go full on maximum self-modification capability. I want us to be the bastard child of Lung and Crawler on steroids. Lets do it!
[X] Write In : Barrier (Defensive shard, one of the primary/secondary entity defense system. Creates octagon barriers across multiple realities to prevent physical and transreality attacks. Can be overwhelmed by Sting or attacks with sufficient energy in a single or multiple realities).
[X]Adaptor (Aggressive editor shard which allows an entity to rapidly search its information libraries for solutions)

And you heroes thought the other three were hard to kill.
[X] Adaptor (Aggressive editor shard which allows an entity to rapidly search its information libraries for solutions)
[X] Write In : Barrier (Defensive shard, one of the primary/secondary entity defense system. Creates octagon barriers across multiple realities to prevent physical and transreality attacks. Can be overwhelmed by Sting or attacks with sufficient energy in a single or multiple realities).
[X] Crafter (Served as entity shard customization shard)
[X] Investigator (Allows the entity to 'fill in missing information' at all levels of interaction)

Shard Tally:

[3]Crafter (Served as entity shard customization shard)
Malbutorius, Merior, Bzzt3421

[1]Warp (Allowed the entities manipulate space for its circulatory systems)

[3]Integrator (Allows disparate functions to work smoothly together no matter their distance apart.)
Eva-Sayajin, Bzzt3421, Demonic Spoon

[1]Preserver (Manipulates time to 'harden' defenses against otherwise catastrophic attack)

[3]Liar (Aggressive editor shard, allowing an entity powerful camouflage functions and mimicry of systems)
Vanathor, Artantasys, Scya

[7]Adaptor (Aggressive editor shard which allows an entity to rapidly search its information libraries for solutions)
SirLagginton, Demonic Spoon, Enderofworlds, Biigoh, Happerry, Eva-sayajin, Vanathor

[4]Investigator (Allows the entity to 'fill in missing information' at all levels of interaction)
Merior, Artantasys, Malbutorius, Wyldcard4

[1] Memory (allowing you to recall stuff and more importantly to edit out informations from those around you)

[3] Barrier (Defensive shard, one of the primary/secondary entity defense system. Creates octagon barriers across multiple realities to prevent physical and transreality attacks. Can be overwhelmed by Sting or attacks with sufficient energy in a single or multiple realities).
Biigoh, Enderofworlds, Happerry,
[X]Adaptor (Aggressive editor shard which allows an entity to rapidly search its information libraries for solutions)
[X]Investigator (Allows the entity to 'fill in missing information' at all levels of interaction)
[x] Crafter
[x] Integrator

With this combo I bet we could build additional parts of ourself and fight across an entire city with them.
[X] Adaptor (Aggressive editor shard which allows an entity to rapidly search its information libraries for solutions)
[X] Write In : Barrier (Defensive shard, one of the primary/secondary entity defense system. Creates octagon barriers across multiple realities to prevent physical and transreality attacks. Can be overwhelmed by Sting or attacks with sufficient energy in a single or multiple realities).
[X]Integrator (Allows disparate functions to work smoothly together no matter their distance apart.)
[X]Adaptor (Aggressive editor shard which allows an entity to rapidly search its information libraries for solutions)
[X] Crafter

Because the ability to UPGRADE OURSELF AT WILL seems like a Good Thing To Have! As well, we can Edit any shard we come into contact with. This includes repairing the damaged Eidolon shard, and/or jail raking anyone we wish. And even possibly taking shards into ourself, a la GU. Possibly.

[X] Adaptor

Crawler on an Endbringer scale. How horrifying.