End Game: A Grand Strategy Roleplay at the End of History

Original Post
Tampa, FL

End Game: A Grand Strategy Roleplay at the End of History
  1. Don't be a dick
  2. After major war results are posted, you wait 24 hours before appealing to me. This allows you to calm down and build up an argument should it be necessary.
  3. We will be using the 3 claims system.
  4. If your nation isn't mentioned or a particular facet of your nation isn't mentioned, then it's up to you.
  5. Feel free to use OTL and fictional politicians and leadership as you please, just make sure it makes sense. I don't really mind either way and I'll be using both.

Nation Name In Native Language - 1991
National Flag

Nation Name in English
Head of State: Name
Head of Government: Name
Type of Government: Self-explanatory
Population: Use populstat for a basic idea; if you have questions, PM me
Capital: Capital


Internal Events:

-Any internal events to talk about...

Economic Status:
-Great (Example)
-Economic information goes here....

-All military information not dealing with the numbers themselves goes here...

  • Number of Men in total currently in the active military
  • Number of Reserves (State whether or not they are demobilized here, in parentheses)
  • Number of Tanks
  • Type of ships...
  • Type of ships...
  • Type of ships...
Air Force:
  • Type of planes...
  • Type of planes...
  • Type of planes...
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:


Espionage Format:
the name of your nation
TARGET: who your espionage is aimed at
MISSION: what you want to do
METHOD: how you plan to do it
MOTIVE: why you want to do this
OTHER: anything else relevant to the mission, ex: a trading company in the same city that could supply your spies with weapons

Warplan Format:
the name of your nation
ALLIES: any allies
COMBINED FORCES: the total number of men you are sending and however many men your allies are contributing
OPPOSING NATION(S): who you are fighting
THEATRE(S): where you are fighting
MILITARY DOCTRINE: the style of war your military is orientated towards, about a paragraph
MILITARY GOALS: what you are fighting for
STRATEGY: how you will fight on a strategic level – don't bother listing battlefield tactics, this should just be about where your men go and what they try to capture
Opinion Polls: War in the Middle East
Opinion Polls Show Broad Support for Military Intervention - British Broadcasting Corporation

Parliament meets to discuss the ongoing crisis in the Middle East, with most MPs in both the Liberal and Conservative parties supporting intervention following Mesopotamia's invasion of Kuwait
Following Mesopotamia's invasion of the former Commonwealth realm of Kuwait, British Parliament has met in an emergency session just in time for a flash poll conducted by the BBC of the British public, conducted in order to gauge the mood for war. Surprisingly, the support for military intervention and "boots on the ground" are resoundingly high, after being inoculated from anti-war views by years of successful British unilateral and multilateral interventions in global hotspots and regional crises. While there are detractors, particularly left-wing university students, who are planning for "mass demonstrations" against what they view as an imperialist foreign policy carried on by both the major parties that control Parliament, the majority of the country seems to be backing what they hope will be a quick military operation to depose of a tyrant who kills his own people and invades his neighbors. For the first time in a while, there is a general consensus in Parliament, one that avoids the shouts, and the jeers and the insults that seem to characterize Britain's parliamentary culture, and a genuine discussion on how to proceed. Conservatives seem to be the most zealous, arguing for a complete occupation of Mesopotamia in order to defend British interests and promote permanent security, while Liberals prefer an "in and out" strategy to simply stop the bleeding.

Still, the clock is ticking, and a decision must be made.​
República Argentina - 1991

Argentine Republic
Head of State: President Carlos Menem
Head of Government: Vice-President Eduardo Duhalde
Type of Government: Presdiential Republic
Population: 32,615,500
Capital: Buenos Aires


Internal Events:

-The leftward shift in Argentine politics has continued unabated in recent years. With the right having temporarily gone into the political wilderness due to their obsession with the Falklands a humanitarian, interventionist liberal movement has take the fore in Argentine politics.

Economic Status:
-While the tensions in the Middle-East and in the Caribbean are causing international trade to decay, the ripples from this have not overly burdened Argentina as of yet.

-The Argentine military has short-range nuclear capabilities. It prays it will never need to use them.

  • 70,000 Active personnel
  • 30,000 Reservists
  • 400 Tanks
  • 1 Carrier
  • 1 Cruiser
  • 6 Destroyers
  • 9 Corvettes
  • 3 Diesel Submarines
Air Force:
  • 30 Fighters
  • 18 Carrier-Based Fighters
  • 60 Fixed-Wing Attack Aircraft
  • 100 Transport Aircraft
  • 100 Helicopters
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:

From the US Dept. of State
Kapfhammer Administration

To: Commonwealth of Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Southron Social Republic, Republic of Texas @bookwyrm @comradepitrovsky
From: United States

The US would like to invite representatives from all of the Confederacy's successor states to a conference in New York. It is in all the interests of all involved, despite political and historical differences, to halt the destructive conflicts that have so often plagued the legacy nations of George Washington.

To: United Kingdom @Comrade Jeff
From: United States

The US and the UK have quite a bit to talk about given recent developments. ((PM))

To: Southron Social Republic @bookwyrm
From: USA

We have much to discuss. ((PM))

To: Central American Rebels @The Lone Taco
From: US Directorate of Foreign Intelligence

We take it you'd like assistance? We can offer it in a number of forms.

To: General Statement
CC: Confederacy of Southron America, Former Confederate States
@CommandoHowizter @bookwyrm @comradepitrovsky
From: The United States

The CSA's actions endanger the continued stability and the preservation of human rights in Florida, Cuba, Louisiana. and Central America. As such, the US calls upon the rogue government in Florida to cease its occupation of these territories for the sake of peace throughout the world.
Al-Mamlakah Al-ʾĀrabīyah Al-Hāshimīyah - 1991

Name: Kingdom of Hashemite Arabia
Head of State: Hussein ibn Talal, King of Hashemite Arabia and Sharif of Mecca
Head of Government: Prime Minister Prince Zeid ibn Shaker
Type of Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Population: 20 Million
Capital: Jeddah


The history of the Hashemites is long and venerable. Claiming ancestry from the great-grandfather of the Prophet Muhammad, Hashim ibn 'Abd Manaf, the family has by tradition served as Sharif and Emir of Mecca, the protector of Islam's holiest place. Its modern history begins with Hussein ibn Ali, who assumed the Sharifate in 1908. Appointed from among the Hashemites by the Ottoman Sultan, Hussein gained a valuable concession from the Sultan in establishing the title as hereditary by principle of agnatic primogeniture, securing it for his immediate family. In 1924 the title passed to his eldest son, Ali ibn Hussein, and then in 1936 to Ali's eldest son, Abd al-Ilah ibn Ali. As rulers of Mecca and the surrounding region of Hedjaz (Western Arabia), all three Emirs fought conflicts with the expansionist Saudis of Nejd (Central Arabia), successfully fending off their assaults. Feeling neglected by the distant Sublime Porte, the Hashemites chaffed under the yoke of the decaying Ottoman Empire.

Their opportunity would finally come with the Straits War. Britain approached Abd al-Ilah with an offer to become King of an Arab state formed out of Ottoman lands, an offer the Emir readily accepted. His insurrection soon expanded into the Arab Revolt, a widespread insurrection against Ottoman rule which greatly assisted British forces. Outraged at what they perceived to be Hashemite capitulation to infidels, the Saudis allied with their Ottoman foes to crush the Revolt, but would be quickly decimated by Anglo-Arab firepower, with their capital at Riyadh captured and the Saudis forced to flee abroad. By the conclusion of the war, the Hashemites, albeit largely on the British back, were triumphant.

Abd al-Ilah, first King of Hashemite Arabia

With the Treaty of Athens, the Kingdom of Hashemite Arabia would be born. The vast Ottoman territories ceded to Britain, dubbed 'Arabia', would be divided in the Anglo-Arab Agreement between 'British Arabia' (subsequently organised into the colonies of Mesopotamia, Syria and Palestine) and 'Hashemite Arabia', a territory stretching from the River Jordan to the Persian Gulf. While considerable, this realm was not entirely what the Hashemites, or their Arab Nationalists, had anticipated. More radical nationalists denounced the Agreement as a betrayal, but Abd al-Ilah, will few alternatives, accepted it. Shortly thereafter he proclaimed himself King of Hashemite Arabia, burning with a passion to found a modern, developed nation. To this end he moved his court and capital to Jeddah, a port on the Red Sea coast that was the traditional port-of-call for those on pilgrimage to Mecca, on the basis that the Holy City was an insufficient and inappropriate host for this modern vision.

As a gesture of good-will to the young Kingdom, the Anglo-Arab Agreement would shortly be followed by a bilateral treaty founding the Anglo-Arabian Oil Company. The Company received monopoly within the Kingdom in exchange for a generous share of the profits for the Hashemite Monarchy. Soon enough AngloArabCo struck black gold, and as it turned out, an awful lot of it. King Abd al-Ilah poured this wealth into the consolidation of his power, eliminating remaining rivals and pacifying the turbulent Nejd, while also funding a construction boom that begun to turn the medieval towns and villages of the Hedjaz into glittering modern metropolises. The Hashemite Star would rise even further with events to the north, as the British colonial authorities turned to the Hashemites to help install stability and legitimacy in British Arabia. Thusly Abd al-Ilah's cousin Ghazi became King of Mesopotamia, and his uncles Abdullah and Zeid became Kings of Syria and Palestine, respectively. Hashemite Arabia itself would expand when it assumed the British protectorate over Bahrain, Qatar and the Trucial States in the same period.

Hashemite oil fields are concentrated in the country's Eastern territories and autonomous states.

As it rapidly turned out, an endless supply of Petropounds is not the solution to every problem. The Hashemite Monarchies of British Arabia turned out to be woefully unpopular, widely perceived (quite rightfully) as British puppets. The first domino to fall would be Iraq, where violent protesters stormed the Royal Palace in Baghdad and murdered King Ghazi and his immediate family. Shortly thereafter King Abdullah of Syria was assassinated, with his heir, Talal, rapidly fleeing to Jeddah. It was feared the National Revolutions would spread across the region like a Spring, but King Abd al-Ilah took swift action to defeat internal conspirators sympathetic with the radical Arab nationalism, with extensive British support. Hoping to recover some support, Abd al-Ilah issued the Kingdom's first constitution, establishing a constitutional monarchy in resemblance to the form, if not the democratic practice, of Britain. By this constitution the protectorates of the Persian Gulf would also be formally incorporated as autonomous states of the Kingdom, albeit with the local Emirs and Sheikhs retaining their positions.

By the carrot and the stick, King Abd al-Ilah was able to rescue his nascent Kingdom. The ceaseless discovery of new oilfields furthered the Kingdom's wealth moving into the 70s, and since then Hashemite Arabia has enjoined a period of fantastic growth, albeit marred by the equally fantastic corruption of the Hashemites and the external concerns of Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Iran. King Abd-al-Ilah would finally pass away in 1987 after a lengthy and extraordinary reign. Rather remarkably for an Arabian prince, he had no children of his own as a result of a series of failed marriages. With no established law of succession for the Kingdom, a council of the senior members of the Hashemite family convened and eventually selected Hussein ibn Talal, son of the former Crown Prince of Syria. Although already an elderly man, Hussein has had much experience in the Kingdom's administration and armed forces, having served for many years in the Royal Arab Air Force. He was thus judged to be a sufficiently experienced and competent figure, in addition to his position as Abd al-Ilah's closest heir by agnatic primogeniture. With the threat of Mesopotamia rapidly looming, it remains to be seen whether King Hussein will be able to protect Hashemite Arabia from its newest danger.

Hussein, second King of Hashemite Arabia

Economic Status:
- Booming
As the holder of the world's largest oil reserves, the Hashemite economy is unsurprisingly very strong, and very quickly developing - if, not terribly diversified.

-Founded from the nucleus of the Arab Revolt's Arab Legion, Hashemite Arabia possessed a powerful yet also flawed military. The Kingdom, owing to its fantastic oil wealth and numerous internal and external threats, is one of the biggest spenders in the world on military equipment. Nevertheless, the KHA Military is living proof that you can't buy dedication, morale or proper training. Largely supplied and influenced by Britain, it is often said English is more commonly spoken in the Officers' Clubs than Arabic.

Arab Legion:
  • 500,000 Standing Personnel
  • 1,000,000 Reservists
  • 400 Challenger I Battle Tanks
  • 100 FV101 Scorpion Light Tank/Reconnaissance vehicle
  • 800 VAB APCs
  • Numerous support vehicles
Royal Arab Navy:

Divided evenly into the Red Sea and Persian Gulf fleets
  • 20,000 Royal Arab Marines
  • 6 Light Aircraft Carriers
  • 10 Submarines
  • 20 Destroyers
  • 12 Frigates
  • Numerous assorted smaller craft
Royal Arab Air Force:
  • 200 Multi-Role Fighters (Hawker Siddeley Tornado's)
  • 100 Attack Aircraft (BAC Jaguars)
  • 200 Attack Helicopters (AugustaWestland Sepoys)
  • 30 Long range strategic bombers
  • Numerous support/auxiliary/repair craft
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
  • World Congress
  • Close Ties with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

From: Kingdom of Hashemite Arabia
To: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland @Comrade Jeff

We stand with you against the aggression of the Mesopotamian regime. The Middle East must be rid of this errant dictator once and for all.


If an intervention is planned, we will gladly offer access to our bases in the Gulf. We would love to participate in the intervention itself, although if this it to happen, we ask that further armaments and training is provided to our armed forces.

From: Kingdom of Hashemite Arabia
General Statement

We seek arms. We have cash. Quite a lot of it, actually.
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Commonwealth of Virginia
Head of State: President Edward Custis-Lee
Head of Government: Vice-President Thomas Alfreds
Type of Government: Constitutional Republic
Population: 18.27 Million
Capital: Richmond


Internal Events:

-Representatives from across the Commonwealth, barring the far western reaches of Virginia, who are represented with proxy-delegates from the Tidewater region, gather in Richmond to craft a new Constitution for the fledgling state.
-People are spending a lot of time changing Confederate stationary.

Economic Status:


-Virginia has a few short-range nuclear weapons.



Air Force:

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
Virginia has already applied for World Congress membership.

To: Commonwealth of Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Southron Social Republic, Republic of Texas @bookwyrm @comradepitrovsky
From: United States
The US would like to invite representatives from all of the Confederacy's successor states to a conference in New York. It is in all the interests of all involved, despite political and historical differences, to halt the destructive conflicts that have so often plagued the legacy nations of George Washington.
A Virginian representative will attend, though I fear you have little the Commonwealth will listen too.

To: Kentucky and Tennessee @The Lone Taco
Given the myriad threats to our mutual national security, the Commonwealth would like to offer a close trilateral agreement, to ensure cooperation on military, economic, and cultural fronts, one that could be a prelude to a closer understanding between our states.
The Republic of Somalia
A Brief History

Cabdullaahi Ibroow

Like many a former colony in Africa, the history of the Republic of Somalia has far from been a pleasant one. First falling under British influence in the early 1830s with the establishment of the Mogadishu Territory, which was purchased from the Geledi Sultanate in order to serve as a fueling station for ships heading round the Horn of Africa, the Republic of Somalia has long laboured under foreign domination. From the Afgooye Document to the Somaliland Campaign, which lasted over twenty years before Somaliland fell under British control, Somalia's time in the modern era has been best marked with the spilling of blood and the chafing of chains that were both self-imposed and thrust upon it. It is a history that has engendered not only bitterness but also a determination to throw off the shackles imposed by others and, bit by bit, build up Somalia as a nation every bit the equal of the ones that had once thought to tread it underfoot and subjugate it to their will and their cause.

Such determination would be reflected in the actions of many a Somali throughout the Twentieth Century as they availed themselves of the so called hospitality of their rulers, attending universities, fighting in their wars, and gradually worming their way into their bureaucracy in the hopes of finding something better for themselves. It would not be until the 1950s, however, that that something better would come with the Young Somalis, a pro-independence movement primarily comprised of young lawyers, officers, and bureaucrats, launching the first of many blows against colonial rule. Simply dubbed the National Awakening, the Young Somalis and other groups like them would lead countless acts of civil disobedience against the British Empire in the hopes of achieving independence, staging protests, non-compliance, and more in the face of repression. Eventually, as other parts of the British Empire mounted uprisings of their own, such as those that occurred in Kenya, promises would be extracted and negotiations had that would see the British consent to grant the Somalis their independence on their own terms.

Though terms would be attached to the deal, including basing rights at Boosaaso which remained a vital port on the Horn of Africa, it would be considered a victory for the Somalis as the then leader of the Young Somalis, Cabdullaahi Ibroow, announced the declaration of the Republic of Somalia in 1959 on the steps of the Governor's Residence in Mogadishu. With the British making their withdrawal and their future in their hands, the Somalis would then begin to plow ahead and determine their own future though the idealistic hopes of the early 1950s would be put on hold early on into the Republic's history as ambition and fear took it's place. Although his initial election had been a legitimate one, with over fifty percent of the vote in his favour, Cabdullaahi Ibroow would prove to be more tyrant than liberator with Somalia's first President placing what he deemed to be the nation's best interests over the democratic process. From 1960 onward, President Ibroow would rule the Republic of Somalia alone, overseeing it's entrance into the modern era, the peer of many a free nation, due to his own belief that a modern Somalia could not be achieved if left to the whim of the masses and to the politicians.

While there is little doubting that Ibroow would prove to be a popular figure, and still remains as such with many a Somali, there is also no doubting that his methods left much to be desired. After assuming the Presidency, Cabdullaahi Ibroow would embark on a program of crash course modernisation, forcibly doing away with traditional elements in favour of the modern which was imposed at gunpoint on more than a few occasions. Arabic would be replaced with Somali, State Somali as it is better known as it would be a standardisation of several dialects, women would be forced to go about with their heads uncovered, and the law, Common Law to be precise, made to replace the Xeer. Combined with the various deals made with foreign companies, typically those that dealt with the extraction of mineral resources that would become a significant part of the Somalian economy, President Ibroow would strive to drag his nation into the Twentieth Century bit by bit no matter whether it screamed or kicked or bit. That by the time he died in 1978 at the hands of an assassin, a farmer who had lost his property after a road had been built through it, Somalia had been transformed into what might arguably be called a modern nation ever remains a testament to his sheer force of will if nothing else.


Zakiya Cabaade

Though it would be Cabdullaahi Ibroow that would drag Somalia out of the Colonial Era and into modernity, it would be his wife, Zakiya Cabaade, that would guide it through to the current day and begin easing it back towards the democratic ideals that had been abandoned early into her husband's presidency. Having met Cabdullaahi Ibroow while studying law at Oxford in the 1920s and married him in the 1930s after her return to Mogadishu, Zakiya Cabaade would become one of the future President's closest confidantes and one of the most powerful figures in Somalia during his time as President. Considered to be quick witted and charming to those in her good graces and downright vicious to those who were not, as well as cruel as one British diplomat and poor swimmer learned after being forced to conduct a meeting in a pool with the President with floaties and all, Zakiya Cabaade would by virtue of her place in the government and extensive ties with the movers and shakers of the Republic. With eighty percent of the vote, largely a result of several other candidates "opting" not to run out of respect for Cabdullaahi Ibroow's widow, Zakiya Cabaade would consequently be confirmed as the Republic of Somalia's second President, a position which she has held to the current day.

Unlike her husband whose focus was primarily upon the modernisation of the nation, Zakiya would fast make clear that she desired unity in Somalia and more importantly friendship with foreign nations more than she did forcing women to uncover their heads and nomads to settle down. Relaxing a number of Ibroow's more contentious laws, such as the ban on speaking Arabic in public, President Cabaade would establish herself as a woman of moderation, someone who sought nothing more than to achieve harmony and earn the goodwill of her peers. Though there would be many who would find such claims to be hollow, a result of the fact that Cabaade would make heavy use of her own secret police throughout her decades of rule, for the outside world it would be a promising picture, particular within the United Kingdom. With troubles in Somalia reduced to ethnic tensions, as well as a number of inter-clan disputes, Zakiya would embark on a charm offensive abroad, visiting London, New York, and Beijing at varying points seeking foreign investment and trade to Somalia's benefit.

Unlike her husband, however, it would eventually become clear that Zakiya Cabaade could not hold onto power forever, or at least until she died, without risking a confrontation with an increasingly disgruntled population. As the 1970s gave way to the 1980s and the 1980s crept towards the 1990s, it would become more and more apparent to Zakiya Cabaade and her advisers that the public's tolerance for the authoritarian politics exemplified by Ibroow and Cabaade had lessened by a significant degree. Demonstrations in Mogadishu, much like the ones once headed by Cabduullahi Ibroow himself, and Boosaaso would make such a revelation more than apparent as the public called on it's President to relax her grip on power and return the nation to it's democratic ideals. Keenly aware of the danger posed by Ethiopia and Kenya and the likelihood that the two nations might well take advantage of any internal unrest displayed by Somalia, President Cabaade would begin the process of heeding such demands in 1988, relaxing the restrictions of political gatherings and lifting the bans on over a dozen political parties outlawed in the 1960s and 70s. Such moves have since given way to a greater democratisation of the nation, a move that has earned Cabaade acclaim abroad and at home, though it is clear that there is still a long way to go before Somalia can truly claim to be a democratic nation unburdened by the tyranny of yesteryear.


Mogadishu in 1990

Reino de Portugal - 1991

Kingdom of Portugal
Head of State: His Royal Majesty Afonso VIII, by the Grace of God, King of Portugal, the Algarves, Amazonas, Angola, Mozambique, Lord of Guinea and Conquest, Navigation and Commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia and India, etc.
Head of Government: The Honorable Sir Filipe de Riba-Nova, Marquis of Abrantes (Partido Conservador - Conservatives)
Type of Government: Bicameral Parliamentary Constituional Monarchy
  • Metropolitan Portugal - 10,120,437 people
  • Guinea - 984,000 people
  • Cape Verde - 381,000 people
  • Angola - 9,524,000 people
  • Mozambique - 14,451,900 people
  • Portuguese India - 1,350,000 people
  • Timor - 750,000 people
  • Macao - 455,700 people
Capital: Lisboa
Other Major Cities: Porto, Coimbra, Braga, Gaia, Amadora, Funchal, Setúbal, Aveiro, Guimarães, Faro, Évora, Funchal, Ponta Delgada, Luanda, Benguela, Nova Lisboa, Cabinda, Sá da Bandeira, Malange, Carmona, Lourenço Marques, Matola, Beira, Bissau, Praia, Goa, Macao
Currency: Portuguese Real (1£ = 5 Portuguese Reais)


His Royal Majesty Dom Afonso VIII of the House of Braganza

The Prime-Minister Riba Nova

The little Iberian state that could, Portugal has maintained global relevance by way of its colonial empire. Much as French did with Algeria, Portugal has integrated Angola and Mozambique into its metropole, even allowing its residents to vote in national elections as of 1986 and officially granting them Portuguese citizenship. Tremendous efforts have been made to integrate and intermix with those in Angola and Mozambique, which have finally paid off after years of controversy and setbacks. Many in Angola feel as if they are part of Portugal, and while Mozambique certainly has a much larger "independence" streak, it is often in the structures of the Portuguese state and rarely goes past demands for greater political and economic autonomy instead of outright revolt. Borrowing heavily from the United Kingdom, the liberal constitutional monarchy has done an excellent job in uniting its citizens and providing a stable political frame for a liberal democracy to emerge and maintain itself since the turn of the century. With a booming economy thanks to its ties to the United Kingdom and raw materials from Angola, Mozambique and its dominion in the Amazons (the State of the Amazonas), Portugal is one of Europe's richest states, boasting a high GDP, near total literacy (in Angola and Mozambique as well) and a fairly stable political system that has high confidence amongst its sprawling population. Its heavy ties with its formal colonial empire in South America further allow it to spread its influence and develop its economy with access to cheap manufactured goods and raw materials. Great Britain's oldest ally on the European continent, Portugal is no stranger to tagging along on the United Kingdom's "international police actions", like Sierra Leone in 1989 to overthrow the collapsing pro-Russian government which had seized power through a military coup, and has been rewarded heavily in terms of British investment and arms deals, it boasts a powerful, if small, military force geared towards homeland defense and humanitarian missions abroad.

Internal Events:
- The past year brought much celebration amongst the Portuguese public as they saw the end of the Russian Regime. A regime that was frowned upon by many in the Portuguese Government. However once the celbrations died down, the Riba-Nova Government, which had just recently come to power, replacing the former Liberal Government lead by Paulo Tavares, immediatly set to work on other questions. Namely what to do with the Congo Mess.

The Congo Crisis

For now the biggest priority, by the Riba-Nova Government is to stop the Humanitarian Crisis, that is griping Portugal's sister Kingdom Angola. The population in both Angola and Continental Portugal are staunchly in favour of the current intervention and to firmly stabilize the Kongo. Portugal is chafing at the head of a multi-national Peacekeeping operation. Together with its allies in Versailles and Westminister, the King in Ajuda and the Prime-Minister in São Bento as well as the Angolan Minister in Luanda hope to put an end to this conflict as soon.

Speaking of Angola, the Minister there one Francisco dos Santos, the current Angolan Minister and actually former Prime-Minister of Portugal (the position rotates since 1986 between a representative from Portugal, Angola and Mozambique), has given order for any Congolese and White European to be allowed to settle in the country. Most have settled in the border provinces of Lunda Norte, Malange and Zaire. Cabinda while receiving some at first is such a small piece of land, the Government has closed most access to it.

Francisco dos Santos, Current Minister of the Angolans and also held the distinction of being the First Prime-Minister of Portugal to be born in the Ultramar and also the first Black Prime-Minister between 1980 and 1984. It was mostly thanks to him, Angola was granted Kingship status and finally full franchise vote.

However as the Congo Crisis unfolds, another potential warzone breaks as Portugal's long time ally the United Kingdom gears up for intervention in Mesopotamia. The Middle Eastern State while not directly much concern for the Portuguese, is nonetheless condemned by Lisbon as it's invasion of Kuwait, a nation Portugal holds good relations with, is seen as an issue. While Portugal will likely not send boots to Mesopotamia quite yet, if Britain does, the possibility is there to provide at most support. The HMS Vasco da Gama, anchored in the port of Goa, has already been put into alert, along it's smaller escort fleet.

In Cape Verde, there is much to discuss this year. The Regional Elections are scheduled for the beginning of the year. The Conservatives nominated incumbent Minister Alfredo Bangura while the Liberals nominated Monteiro de Ribeira Barca.

Bangura who has been Cape Verde Minister since 1975, is considered by many to be a Oligarchic. His Ministry of the Archipelago has been very sucessful, however he is getting there in age. In fact Bangura himself stated, this would be the final time he would stand for office there. Ribeira Barca, 21 years younger, is very energetic and is very knowledgble about Laws, having studied abroad in the Prestigious University of Leuven.

Alfredo Bangura, Minister of Cape Verde
Polls give young Ribeira Barca the advantage. The elections held later in the year should be interesting to follow.

Economic Status:
- The Portuguese Economy is riding very high. Raw Materials from the Ultramar fuel a very strong and buregoening industry. Slowly Portugal has begun to transition to a more services based economy as the Industry moves more to Africa. Angola and Mozambique in particular are riding high with new factories opening every day.

- The Portuguese Armed Forces while small compared to other nations is well advanced and suited for Humanitarian and Peacekeeping operations. Mostly using British and German equipment, nevertheless there is a small home made Armaments Industry which focus mostly on small arms, APC's and small ship building.

  • Number of Men - 20,000 men personnel, currently 12,000 are in service in Congo.
  • Number of Reserves - To be Determind (demobilized)
  • Number of Tanks
    • 40 Leopard? Tanks (Built mostly in North Germany)
    • 57 Chellanger Tanks
    • 120 Chaimite II APC's
    • 89 Chaimite I APC's
  • Decent size Artillery
  • 2 Light/Helicopter Carriers (HMS Vasco da Game and HMS Pedro Alvares Cabral)
  • 7 Frigates (Corte-Real Class)
  • 23 Patrol Boats mostly used for River and Coastal Patrolling
  • Various Support Ships
  • 6 Albacora Submarines
Air Force:
  • 30 Fighters Planes
  • 18 Carrier Based
  • 54 Fixed Wing Attack Aircraft
  • 120 Transport Copters
  • 150 Helicopters
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:

Member of the Concordat
Member of Red Cross
Member of the IOC (Or whatever it's equivalent is called)


Seperate Post

#Turn 1991​
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To: General Statement
CC: Confederacy of Southron America, Former Confederate States
@CommandoHowizter @bookwyrm @comradepitrovsky
From: The United States
The CSA's actions endanger the continued stability and the preservation of human rights in Florida, Cuba, Louisiana. and Central America. As such, the US calls upon the rogue government in Florida to cease its occupation of these territories for the sake of peace throughout the world.

From: Kingdom of Portugal
To: General Statement
CC: United States of America @inquisition

The Portuguese Government is concerned about said Human Rights abuse perpetuated by the Confederate regime's remnants. There abuse and exploitation of our Latino brothers in Central America and Cuba is a scorn upon the world. We hope such matter can be resolved swiftly and in a gracious manner.

From: Kingdom of Hashemite Arabia
General Statement

We seek arms. We have cash. Quite a lot of it, actually.

From: Kingdom of Portugal
To: Kingdom of Hashemite Arabia @Watercress

You need arms heh? Interested in some APC's?

From: Kingdom of Portugal
To: General Statement regarding the Congo Crisis @The Lone Taco (OOC: Anyone that did send peacekeepers is free to answer this)

We wish to thank all the nations supporting us in safeguarding the peace and making sure the Congo Crisis is contained. With your help we are sure we can stabilize this regime.

From: Kingdom of Portugal
To: Congo Administration in Kinshasa @The Lone Taco

So what is the situation this year friends and what can we do to help you?


Should you need some more weaponry and for us to crack down on some more opponents of your regime we are ready for that.

From: Kingdom of Portugal
To: National Republic of Katanga @The Lone Taco

I am sure the situation in the Kongo concerns your nation as much as it concern us. Can we help you in any way?


We will be sure Kinshasa won't think about reannexing you. They would be fools to think that. Katangan independence is a big priority of our position in Africa. On that note with the whole Congo Crisis and unrest we are sure you would like a way to connect with the outside world for trade. We offer the Katangan Government if they wish permission to hold quarters in our ports in either Angola or Mozambique, your preference. In return perhaps improving the connections between Luanda and Lubumbashi would be beneficial to us. What do you say?

From: Kingdom of Portugal
To: Republic of Zambia; Republic of Malawi @The Lone Taco

We would like to know if your nations would be akin to partake in a potential Public Works Project. We seek to upgrade the infrastructure in both Angola and Mozambique which is a bit outdated. We would like to purpose a railroad to connect Luanda to Lusaka and from there towards Malawi's capital and Lourenço Marques. We think the benefits would be very beneficial to both our countries. We also offer you *Same offer that we did to Katanga about the ports.*

From: Kingdom of Portugal
To: Dominion of the Amazonas @The Lone Taco

Any concerns this year from the Manaus Government? We are so thankful for your continued support and rest assured Portugal will always have Amazonia's back while you have ours.

To: Ethiopia @The Lone Taco
From: Egypt


We believe that our two countries have much in common and that we can, and should, be partners instead of adversaries. We believe that we each share the same goal: the enrichment of the free peoples of Africa, and the end of the British imperial or puppet rule, which holds far more of those peoples in servitude. We are led to believe that you are in communication with the Kenyans, and we believe that they would be a valuable partner in this.

Would you be interested in entering into a regional economic and security framework, encompassing (for now) Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, and Kenya, provided the Kenyans agree?

To: States of the Former Russian Empire
@The Lone Taco
From: Egypt

(OOC: I think only Russia is actually played, figured I'd just address them as a group)

Greetings, and congratulations on your independence. We understand that your proud nation is facing budgetary difficulties, which is such a shame. We also understand that you have quite a lot of ex-Imperial equipment which you may not be able to fully maintain or use. Egypt would be very interested in purchasing some of this modern equipment, as our previous British-supplied equipment is aging rapidly. In particular, we are interested in the varied components of armored, mechanized, and airmobile brigades, SAM and intermediate range ballistic missile systems, and fighter and attack aircraft.

We would also be sure that your leaders and other important military personnel are personally thanked by Egypt for your troubles
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From: Kingdom of Hashemite Arabia
To: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland @Comrade Jeff

We stand with you against the aggression of the Mesopotamian regime. The Middle East must be rid of this errant dictator once and for all.


If an intervention is planned, we will gladly offer access to our bases in the Gulf. We would love to participate in the intervention itself, although if this it to happen, we ask that further armaments and training is provided to our armed forces.
From: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

We thank our Hashemite allies for standing in solidarity with us against an oppressive regime. It is time we all decided to act against against a government founded on destruction and evil.


Again we thank you. In regards to your request, you shall receive all that has been asked for.

To: Imperial State of Iran @The Lone Taco
From: The United Kingdom


We understand that relations between our nations have not always been the warmest, but the situation in Mesopotamia provides an opportunity to build a new relationship in the name of peace in the Middle East. We know what you want from Mesopotamia, and if you provide us military access in the event of our planned intervention, we will allow you the lands originally stolen from you.
To: Commonwealth of Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Southron Social Republic, Republic of Texas @bookwyrm @comradepitrovsky
From: United States
The US would like to invite representatives from all of the Confederacy's successor states to a conference in New York. It is in all the interests of all involved, despite political and historical differences, to halt the destructive conflicts that have so often plagued the legacy nations of George Washington.

The governments of Texas, Kentucky and Tennessee are not interested in attending this conference. For years, the United States has pushed for irredentist and illegitimate claims upon our states. Your recent subversion of the state governments of Kansas, Missouri and Sequoya are only further proof of Yankee bad faith and militarism.

To: Central American Rebels @The Lone Taco
From: US Directorate of Foreign Intelligence

We take it you'd like assistance? We can offer it in a number of forms.

From: Honduran and Guatemalan rebels


We will take anything you're willing to give.

From Intelligence Director, Secretary of State, Head of Anti-Narcotics Agency
To: Office of the President


We would not recommend giving funds or material aid to the MS-13 and affiliate organizations in El Salvador. They're essentially drug cartels masquerading as a state, if even. El Salvador is in a state of chaos and perhaps it would be best to let it fester for the Confederates and see what can be made from the ashes.

Of course, you make the final decision.

To: Kentucky and Tennessee @The Lone Taco
Given the myriad threats to our mutual national security, the Commonwealth would like to offer a close trilateral agreement, to ensure cooperation on military, economic, and cultural fronts, one that could be a prelude to a closer understanding between our states.

For the time being, Kentucky and Tennessee will agree. However, we value our independence, and we see how you've treated the West Virginians all these years. Until we see major improvements and reforms within your state, towards its constituent regions, this is where we put our foot down and draw the line.

From: Kingdom of Portugal
To: Congo Administration in Kinshasa @The Lone Taco

So what is the situation this year friends and what can we do to help you?


Should you need some more weaponry and for us to crack down on some more opponents of your regime we are ready for that.

The same as last year. We control the cities and major road ways, and much of the rural and remote regions of the country are beyond our grasp and teeming with warlords.

We've seen a significant uptick in refugees fleeing conflict zones to the cities, and it has really strained what little social services exist in the Administration Zone. Hospitals are overrun with sick and injured, and that's not including the local garrison soldiers, so really what we need are tents, medical supplies and medical professionals, for the time being anyway.

From: Kingdom of Portugal
To: National Republic of Katanga @The Lone Taco

I am sure the situation in the Kongo concerns your nation as much as it concern us. Can we help you in any way?


We will be sure Kinshasa won't think about reannexing you. They would be fools to think that. Katangan independence is a big priority of our position in Africa. On that note with the whole Congo Crisis and unrest we are sure you would like a way to connect with the outside world for trade. We offer the Katangan Government if they wish permission to hold quarters in our ports in either Angola or Mozambique, your preference. In return perhaps improving the connections between Luanda and Lubumbashi would be beneficial to us. What do you say?

We are fine so long as the violence stays out of our borders.


We would be amendable to an agreement there and hope this leads to further prosperity between our states.

From: Kingdom of Portugal
To: Republic of Zambia; Republic of Malawi @The Lone Taco

We would like to know if your nations would be akin to partake in a potential Public Works Project. We seek to upgrade the infrastructure in both Angola and Mozambique which is a bit outdated. We would like to purpose a railroad to connect Luanda to Lusaka and from there towards Malawi's capital and Lourenço Marques. We think the benefits would be very beneficial to both our countries. We also offer you *Same offer that we did to Katanga about the ports.*

That sounds excellent, we are happy to begin working on such a project, so long as the manual labor is provided by our people and at decent wages.

From: Kingdom of Portugal
To: Dominion of the Amazonas @The Lone Taco

Any concerns this year from the Manaus Government? We are so thankful for your continued support and rest assured Portugal will always have Amazonia's back while you have ours.

None at all.


To: Ethiopia @The Lone Taco
From: Egypt


We believe that our two countries have much in common and that we can, and should, be partners instead of adversaries. We believe that we each share the same goal: the enrichment of the free peoples of Africa, and the end of the British imperial or puppet rule, which holds far more of those peoples in servitude. We are led to believe that you are in communication with the Kenyans, and we believe that they would be a valuable partner in this.

Would you be interested in entering into a regional economic and security framework, encompassing (for now) Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, and Kenya, provided the Kenyans agree?


This sounds nice, but you must understand we've been rivals for some time, especially between ourselves and the Sudanese, who we have our fair share of territorial grievances with and have the issue that every time their regime decides to clamp down on its population, we have to deal with the fallout of refugees fleeing the violence... and the occasional Sudanese army unit blatantly disregarding our sovereign territorial rights by following them over and attacking some towns on the border.

Before any agreement can be made, we must address this.

To: States of the Former Russian Empire
@The Lone Taco
From: Egypt

(OOC: I think only Russia is actually played, figured I'd just address them as a group)

Greetings, and congratulations on your independence. We understand that your proud nation is facing budgetary difficulties, which is such a shame. We also understand that you have quite a lot of ex-Imperial equipment which you may not be able to fully maintain or use. Egypt would be very interested in purchasing some of this modern equipment, as our previous British-supplied equipment is aging rapidly. In particular, we are interested in the varied components of armored, mechanized, and airmobile brigades, SAM and intermediate range ballistic missile systems, and fighter and attack aircraft.

We would also be sure that your leaders and other important military personnel are personally thanked by Egypt for your troubles

From: Ukrainian State

We're not that desperate and Russia scares us, we can sell you some surplus, but don't expect a lot.

From: Belyorussia, Baltic States

Of course. We thank you for business.

To: Imperial State of Iran @The Lone Taco
From: The United Kingdom


We understand that relations between our nations have not always been the warmest, but the situation in Mesopotamia provides an opportunity to build a new relationship in the name of peace in the Middle East. We know what you want from Mesopotamia, and if you provide us military access in the event of our planned intervention, we will allow you the lands originally stolen from you.


Now you're talking.

It's clear that the regime in Baghdad will bring nothing but suffering. We must cut them down to size.
The Republic of the Socialist States of America (RSSA)- 1991

Name: The Republic of the Socialist States of America
Other Names: the Southron Socialist Republic, the New South

Type of Government: One-Party People's Republic (de jure), Revolutionary Junta (de facto)
Legislature: The General Committee of the Party Congress, with the Congress of the People forming a biennial convention and consensus measure
Executive: The Executive Committee of the Party Congress

Head of State: President of the Executive Committee James "Jimmy" E. Carter, Jr.
Head of Government (de jure): President of the General Committee George C. Wallace, Jr
Head of Government (de facto): Secretary of the Executive Committee John J. Grisham, Jr.
Other Leading Figures: General of the People's Army James E. Orange, former leader of the NBLP cadres and hero of the Third Uprising. Angela Y. Davis, Secretary of the Committee on Education. Colonel Johhny L. Clary unofficial leader of the "Bushwacker" cadres.

Population: 21 to 22.5 million
Capital (de jure): Montgomery, Socialist Sate of Alabama
Capital (de facto): Atlanta, Socialist State of Georgia

Economy: Haha. No. The backbone of the old Confederacy has been ripped out by the treachery of Virginia and Texas, compounded by the continued defiance of Florida, New Orleans, and Cuba, and the revanchism of the Third Republic in Missouri, Sequoyah, and Kansas. If one thing could be said for the Socialist States of America it is that the crippling lack of capital and rampant drug abuse leave it firmly in rock bottom, with it largely unlikely to get any worse.

Military: TBD
From: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

We thank our Hashemite allies for standing in solidarity with us against an oppressive regime. It is time we all decided to act against against a government founded on destruction and evil.


Again we thank you. In regards to your request, you shall receive all that has been asked for.

From: Kingdom of Hashemite Arabia
To: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland @Comrade Jeff


Excellent, we shall inform the General Staff and instruct them to co-ordinate with you in forming a multilateral intervention plan. We also recommend supplying aid to the Mesopotamian and Kuwaiti resistance movements - we believe the Kuwaiti-government-in-exile, sheltered in our country, may be able to assist us in these endeavours.

From: Kingdom of Hashemite Arabia
To: Sheikh Jaber al-Ahmad al-Sabah, Emir of Kuwait


We hope His Highness is enjoying his stay is Ta'if, as much as he can in these unfortunate circumstances. We wish to work together in aiding and fostering the resistance movement in Kuwait, and offering what support we can.

From: Kingdom of Hashemite Arabia
To: Mesopotamian Opposition Groups


Are any of you interested in receiving aid from us?
To: Chile and Cisplatina @The Lone Taco
Despite the fall of Russia it seems the world is still a dangerous place and it makes sense for us to stand together. Let's deepen our relations with a joint free-trade agreement.
From: Honduran and Guatemalan rebels


We will take anything you're willing to give.

To: Honduran/Guatemalan rebels
From: US

Weapons, food, the usual stuff. You shall have them.

From Intelligence Director, Secretary of State, Head of Anti-Narcotics Agency
To: Office of the President


We would not recommend giving funds or material aid to the MS-13 and affiliate organizations in El Salvador. They're essentially drug cartels masquerading as a state, if even. El Salvador is in a state of chaos and perhaps it would be best to let it fester for the Confederates and see what can be made from the ashes.

Of course, you make the final decision.
Noted. Given thought, the President agrees with your assertion; however, we would like to inquire whether it would be feasible to insert operatives into MS-13 anyway for the purposes of intelligence-gathering.
Imperio Mexicano - 1991
National Flag

Mexican Empire
Head of State: Alphonso de Iturbide (Cadet branch of House Hapbsurg)
Head of Government: Alphonso de Iturbide
Type of Government: Empire (Limited Constitutional Democracy)
Population: WIP
Capital: Ciudad de Mexico (Mexico City)


Internal Events:

-The Progressive Party continues the slow implementation of the liberal agenda. Establishing secular reforms at a slow pace, to not antagonize the opposition.
- Emperor Alphonso de Iturbide prepares to leave for a diplomatic meeting with the United States, after sending a message with hopes of friendship and cooperation with the Third Republic of the United States of America.

Economic Status:
-The economic situation of Mexico would seem average for a country of its size. The country had have no major involvement in large wars that would have hampered its economic development. Mexico had rich abundant resrouces, from silver mines in Zacatecas, to the Industrial center of the North in Monterrey Mexico. Mexico City itself is the soul and the financial center of the Nation, while the Yucatan peninsula holds rich and plentiful amounts of oil, making it at least the 7th greatest producer of it. That is without taking into account the State of Upper California. California has ample and extensive agricultural industry, as well as having gold and silver that kickstarted the historic California gold rush. California is also the home of the famous Mexican Cinema, great actors like Pedro Infante, Cantinflas, and Chespirito had historical houses in Los Angeles.


  • WIP
  • WIP
Air Force:
  • WIP
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:

  • WIP


To: The United States
From: Alphonso de Iturbide

I thanks you for the warm regards my message to the United States received. I'll be delighted to accept your invitation. May this mark the beginnings of peace and prosperity between our two countries.
The same as last year. We control the cities and major road ways, and much of the rural and remote regions of the country are beyond our grasp and teeming with warlords.

We've seen a significant uptick in refugees fleeing conflict zones to the cities, and it has really strained what little social services exist in the Administration Zone. Hospitals are overrun with sick and injured, and that's not including the local garrison soldiers, so really what we need are tents, medical supplies and medical professionals, for the time being anyway.

We are fine so long as the violence stays out of our borders.


We would be amendable to an agreement there and hope this leads to further prosperity between our states.

That sounds excellent, we are happy to begin working on such a project, so long as the manual labor is provided by our people and at decent wages.

None at all.

From: Kingdom of Portugal
To: Congo Administrative Zone @The Lone Taco

Very well. Do inform us of any movements and your next plans.

We can supply you with some tents and medical supplies and professionals. I am sure other neighbouring states like the Central African Federation will be glad to assist you as well.

From: Kingdom of Portugal
To: National Republic of Katanga @The Lone Taco

Very well.


Excellent. I assume thus you would want the port facilities in Luanda.

From: Kingdom of Portugal
To: Republic of Zambia; Republic of Malawi @The Lone Taco

That would be the plan in regards to your own sections. Of course we will carry the economic cost of the deal. We have no issue with that.
Royaume français - 1991

Name: French Kingdom
Head of State: His Majesty Henry VI, King of the French, Lord and Protector of the Peoples of West Africa and Central Africa
Head of Government: His Excellency Jacques René Chirac, Comte du Paris (Orléanists - Liberal Monarchists)
Type of Government: Liberal Bicameral Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
Population: 77,019,000
Capital: Paris
Other Major Cities: Marseille, Lyon, Algiers, Oran, Toulouse, Constantine, Nice, Nantes, Strasbourg, Montpellier, Bordeaux, Lille, Sétif

Major Francophone Cities in Africa: Dakar, Gorée, Saint-Louis, and Rufisque, Brazzaville, Libreville, Pointe-Noire


His Majesty Henri VI during the televised 1991 Royal Address. He is the glue that holds the Kingdom together, having served the French people as their sovereign for over half a century

Prince Royal Henri, heir to the crown and the official face of the royal family in the political sphere

His Excellency Jacques Chirac, Comte du Paris and current Prime Minister of France, holding together a crumbling system

Following the overthrow of Charles X and the House of Bourbon in the Three Glorious Days, the House of Orleans has led the liberal constitutional monarchy since 1830. Perhaps one of the most stable governments France has had in its history, the "juste millue" of Louis-Phillippe, which led to a middle of the road approach in avoiding the extremes of the Bourbon conservatives and radical left, allowed the Kingdom of France to avoid yet another destabilizing revolution or chaotic seizure of government by the unruly mob. However, in avoiding the worst of the 1846 Revolutions, France has a stratified class system that rivals that of Britain's, as the bourgeoisie continue to hold a strong grip on France's democratic system. The King has been relegated to little more than a figure head (in the Westminster tradition) as the Prime Minister holds all the power domestically, and almost all the power in foreign affairs (where the King still symbolically holds the right to declare war and is considered the Commander-in-Chief of the military). The House of Orleans mostly attends social functions, commits to acts of charity and work as super ambassadors for the state. Without a great, cataclysmic event such as a generation killing world war, France remains a fairly robust, populated state, but it remains behind their greatest rival, the Prussian-dominated North German Federation, economically and militarily. Perhaps one of its greatest advantages is its vast overseas empire, or at least it has been historically. The Confederation of West Africa and Central African Federation are the "independent" states born out of the end of direct colonial rule in French West Africa. Uniting its large and disparate colonial territories in West Africa, the CWA and CAF recognize the French monarch as their head of state while having control over their domestic politics. Significant French resources have gone into improving and developing the regions since their establishment in 1976 and 1980, respectively, however cracks in the order are beginning to show. Frenchmen and women at home are unhappy about the large amounts of West African migrants, and many on the right and anti-imperialist left believe its time to let go, the immigrants are unhappy at being shoved in ghettos, and people across West Africa see their governments as little more than extension of French colonial domination. Time will tell if the current arrangement can last. For the time being, the Orleanist monarchy remains deeply unpopular with the lower classes and many on the right long for the "days of old" when a Bonaparte enforced order across the French nation, olden days that the current, popular Bonaparte pretender has every intention of bringing back.
Internal Events:
The Collapse of the Russian Empire was a divisive event for those within the Kingdom of the French. While all permitted political parties are Anglophile in some form or another, Russia existed as an existential and eternal other. It's absence has completely shifted the public's directed emotional ventilation to a new source: the West African immigrant.

The country itself currently exists in a state of contention, on the precipice of political transition, as many despise the influx of immigrants from West Africa. While the Algerians are seen as a relatively normative presence, mostly due to their utterly complete Gallicization, the West Africans are essentially seen as "the other", and are very much unwelcome by virtually all economic levels of French Metropole society. Seemingly, the instinctual level of racism from the Algerians towards the Sub-Saharan Africans was easily adopted, and is now a consistent presence within France. The fact that these immigrants play an integral part in the economy of Metropolitan France, serving as a source of incredibly cheap, and very expendable labor, is completely disregarded by the general public opinion towards them, and tensions continue to rise.

West African immigrants working menial labor in the rural fields of Southern France​

One of the main issues currently is the general direction of the French government. It is essentially a unilateral economic policy among virtually all of the main parties to continue economic investment into the development of the Confederation of West Africa and the Central African Federation, at the complete expense of the French Citizen. Three fringe parties are rising within the political spectrum of France that seek to completely upheave this dynamic. The largest of the three are the Ultraroyalistes(Bourbonist - Obstinate Conservative) led by the Duc de Bourbon, who seek a mighty, right-wing establishment centered on a powerful sovereign, along with (obviously) and Bourbon restoration. The next largest are the Bonapartiste(Bonapartist - Authoritarian Populist) currently headed by Philippe de Gaulle and his brother-in-law Alain de Boissieu, whose goals are for a Bonapartist restoration and the establishment of an authoritarian centralized state, with a strongman charismatic leader based on anti-elitist rhetoric, army support, and conservatism. Finally, the smaller of the two by a large margin and isolated to the solid support of the youth and the higher educated union laborers, are the SFIO(Section Française de l'Internationale Ouvrière - Socialist*), which have the potential to create the stirrings of a popular uprising for the people and by the people, however they currently suffer from the tragic and common symptom of the Left: ideological division. They are currently divided between the Blanquists*, the Possibilists*, the Lafarguists*, and the Vaillantists*.

Another subsequent issue of France is the current Crise Congolaise, as it is depicted across news media outlets from Paris to Brazzaville. It is in the interests of the current French government to maintain stability within the region, so that their investments, and the investments of the bourgeois elite may be secured. One example of these economic interests is a monetary fund, known as the CFA bank, which currently exists as an official policy of the CWA and CAF which pays almost 60% of their revenue into a fund of recompensation to Metropole France for their colonial investments both past and present into their respective polities. This fund and the specifics of its connected policies, are relatively unknown to the greater populations of all three polities, but for the most part, the African peoples are grateful for the amenities, luxuries, and securities that are provided by Metropole France directly from these monetary contributions.

La Crise Congolaise​

Economic Status:
- Influx of funds from the CFA bank provides massive remuneration in the form of dividends for the investments of the French Government and the Bourgeois Elite.
- Raw materials sold to the industry of France provides a bustling home industrial economy, while a consistent rural economy exists, it does solely on the backs of immigrants as many have shifted to the cities and the gradual urbanization policies of the Orleanist government.

Military: Forces armées françaises
- The French Army is a powerful one indeed, and serves as the hand of the Concordat on the mainland. Due to the collapse of Russia, the military forces of France are continuing and increasing their gradual shift to a humanitarian and peacekeeping force in Africa, where much of the economic interests of the elite lie.

  • Number of Men
    • Armée de terre - 100,000 personnel, with approximately 30,000 across the CWA and the CAF
    • Légion Étrangère - 15,000 personnel across the world
    • Gendarmerie nationale - 100,000 personnel
    • Gendarmerie d'Afrique - 25,000 personnel
  • Number of Reserves (Demobilized)
  • Number of Tanks
Navy: La Royale
Air Force: Armée de l'air
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:

Member of the Concordat
Member of Red Cross
Member of the IOC
Member of the CFA Bank
(Coloniale Française d'Afrique)
Member of the OIF (Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie)


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From the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

To: United Kingdom @Comrade Jeff
We would like to formally extend our hand in gratitude towards the British people, and look forward to the future in which we continue to work together for the greater good and the best interests of all parties.

We should discuss the issue in the Congo. We also officially support you in Mesopotamia

To: Portugal @Alex Costa
The French Foreign Legion is being mobilized to the Congo, and the French Army in the CAF is on standby. We are referring to Portuguese leadership, but we should discuss specifics on logistics and long-term strategy.

To: USA @inquisition
France considers the relationship between itself and the United States to be one enshrined in time. We offer our hand gratitude towards the American people.

The South is in chaos, and instability is bad for business. What, pray tell, are your plans, and is there any way we can bring about stability to trans-atlantic trade and the situation there?

To: Mexico @EliudFS1
France considers the relationship between itself and the Mexican Empire to be one enshrined in time. We offer our hand gratitude towards the Mexican people. We would like to discuss closer economic ties, as both of our nations can only benefit from such a closer relationship.

To: Kingdom of Arabia @Watercress

Whatever you need, we will provide.

@The Lone Taco


We need to stabilize immigration from West Africa to Metropole France. We are already increasing development investment into your regions, but the flow is too much of a burden at the moment, and is causing issues between the French West Africans and the Metropolitan French. We do not wish this to turn violent, but we fear that if nothing is done, it may just. We must work together on this.


We are going to be taking a direct hand in humanitarian and peacekeeping operations within the Congo during the Crisis. We require your undivided support and attention on the matter.

To: Bold elements of the Government of the Kingdom of Naples

How can we assist you in ending the iron grip of the Mafia? Our Monarchs are cousins, and are of different cadet branches to the same Ancient legacy. We should work together for the benefit of us both.

To: Kingdom of Spain

The instability within your borders is not good for trade. We are willing to assist you, as long as the Catalonians and Basques are treated fairly.

To: Federation of Benelux

We have been strong allies, both politically and diplomatically for over a century. We wish to push for closer economic ties so that the influence of Germany is not strengthened across Europe, as well as so that we may benefit individually. We wish to pursue routes towards economic policy along these lines.

Diplomatic Backchatter

To: The RSSA @bookwyrm
From: Unofficial SFIO Elements

The workers of the world must unite, and break our chains together, lest we remain slaves to the bourgeoisie forever. How can we assist one another.

To: Egypt @bigseb31213
From: "A Loyalist of the True France"

How can we assist one another against the petty rule of the British?​
República de Colombia- 1991
Republic of Colombia
Head of State: President Samuel Rojas
Head of Government: Juan Sebastian Morena
Type of Government: Presidential Republic
Population: 32,861,000
Capital: Bogotá


Internal Events:

The most recent election has brought with it a massive shift in government. The far-right Moral Society Party (Sociedad Moral) has won majority seats in both the Senate and the House of Representatives, leaving the center-right Conservative Party and the social-democratic Liberal Party with a combined 45 seats out of 102 in the Senate and 70 out of 166 in the House. The presidency too, has been snatched from the hands of the incumbent Liberal president, Felipe Diez, at 45% to the Conservatives' 22% and the Liberals' 33%. Of Colombia's 50 departments, only 21 have been secured by the Moral Society. Of those, the majority are in Venezuela and Colombia proper, which may cause issues with the promises made to fight government corruption. Minority groups, particularly in Ecuador, have expressed alarm at the 'Right Way' agenda the new president has laid out. Their concern stems from the nationalist views expressed by Mr. Roja and his party, particularly when it comes to local government.

"The old divisions of race and class shall no longer divide Colombia. As we stand at the precipice of the new millennium, the people must ask themselves, who will look out for Colombia if not Colombians?"
Other groups have expressed solidarity, seeing no threat in Mr. Roja's claims that Colombia must not be divided as the world enters a new era.

Former president Felipe Diez reacting to the news of his loss.

1st, November 1991

- Bogotá, Colombia.
Mass arrests have led to chaos in the streets of Monteria, Quibdo, and Santa Marta as shootouts between various street gangs and the police flooded the streets early this morning. Mr. Roja's new orders have brought with them both criticism and praise. Church groups have expressed alarm at the eruption of violence, though it has been reported that order was restored within several hours and hundreds of gang members shipped off to prisons. The liberal governors of Risaralda and Magdalena have declared this use of executive power a "gross overstep" to quote Risaralda governor Jorge Martin.
These arrests came just hours before a massive purge of Colombia's central bureaucracy. Any officials of any standing that have had a history of corrupt behavior have been removed from their positions according to the official press release. This includes many long standing clerks and aids, who Mr. Roja says will personally replace. Time will tell if this action smooths the processes of the government or creates more bureaucratic red tape.
- Mitu, Vaupes Department

The new Moral Society governor began his term with surprise inspections of foreign owned plantations and logging camps. According to the office of Governor Amelia Gonzales, no less than twenty-one federal standards for workers.

"It is a priority of my party to ensure that Colombians are not being taken advantage of."

Economic Status:
-Heavy industry graces the departments near Panama. Work regulations are minimal, but still adds to the Colombian coffers.
-As a Massive exporter of cheap goods, including clothing, coal, nickel, and tropical fruits across the western world, Colombia is economically dependant on trade.
-The oil fields of Venezuela provide a strong backbone to the national economy, though most income flows into the pockets of the Caracan elite.


445,000 in the active military
-62,000 in Reserves (Demobilized)
-1,345 AFVs

4 Frigates
-1 Corvette
-11 Diesel Submarines
-70 Coastal Defense Craft
Air Force:
-19 Fighters
-56 Attack Aircraft
-304 Transport Aircraft
-241 Helicopters

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
-Member of the World Congress

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The Palestinian Issue

PNA roadblock

Ever since the Islamic conquest of the region of Palestine it has been dominated by Muslims as a consequence of the immigration of Arabs and conversion of much of the local population. Even with the preeminence of Islam in the region other religions of the Book were not persecuted and attacked. Rather than face heavy discrimination from the early Caliphate the local Christians and Jews were only forced to pay a jizya tax. Under these circumstances a harmonious community of Muslims, Christians, and Jews developed in Palestine and would continue to exist for more than a millennium.

In the 19th century the harmony of Palestine slowly found itself threatened. Throughout history the Jewish people were often attacked by other people of different cultures or creeds. These attacks against Judaism came in forms such as the Spanish Inquisition and the Khmelnytsky massacre but by the 19th century they had appeared to lessen. Indeed the early 19th century saw huge successes for Jewish bankers and politicians. However the latter half of the century was not so kind. Across Europe, especially Eastern Europe, the siege against the Jewish people renewed. This renewal was soon met by another one, the renewal of the Jewish national identity. In the final decades the 1800s Jews revived their weakened language of Hebrew and also revitalized their culture. By the end of the century this reawakening of the Jewish people ultimately led to the birth of Zionism, the gravest threat Palestine has yet faced.

Zionism called not only for the Jewish people to remember their lost customs and seclude themselves from opposing cultures but more importantly for the Jewish people to return to their homeland, the Land of Israel, and establish their very own nation state. In the midst of the Great Game neither Great Britain nor the Russian Empire gave the concept of Zionism much attention. Great Britain had far too many Muslim subjects in their colonies and Muslim heads of state among their allies to dare endorse Zionism; the Russian Empire, on other hand, hated Jews and was one of the main reasons behind the Jewish desire to return to Israel. In this situation Zionism never picked up the necessary political support to be effectively enacted. Nevertheless, hundreds of thousands of Jewish people, many illegally, migrated to Palestine over the course of the 20th century, some while Palestine was Ottoman, others when it was British, and finally the most recent when it was Palestinian.

Initially few expected the immigration of Jews to develop into the issue it has now become. At first the trickle of Jewish immigrants did little to upset the balance in Palestine and in fact carried some economical benefits. Yet this good felling did not last as that trickle turned into a flood. The massive amount of Jewish immigrants has caused many problems as these foreigners unlike their native coreligionists fail to respect the local customs and worse yet think of Palestine as their land not that of the Arab man. Thus ill-will was soon breed among the foreign Jews and poor native Arabs. In contrast the well educated and wealthy Jews and Palestinians got on decently well enough, obviously however among their ranks were many extremists.

The British perhaps recognizing the potential quagmire that Palestine could become exited the region and left it to the Hashemites to govern. The Hashemites, like the upper class Palestinians, did not have many grievances with the Jews so they did little about their mass immigration. Many scholars blame this lack of action for the Hashemite collapse as it alienated the poor Arabs. Eventually this led to a series of demonstrations and protests in the 1980s. At first the Hashemites tried to compromise and offer token concessions but by 1986 the Hashemites were forced to leave Palestine after losing a democratic referendum.

The new Republic of Palestine quickly imposed restrictions on Jewish immigration, particularly poor immigrants. As to the Jews already in Palestine, the Republic strengthened its army in case any of the Jews got uppity and tried to usurp the Republic in an attempt to establish a Zionist state. Yet for many the slight reforms in regards to Jews were not enough and resentment against the republican government steadily grew. This resentment would culminate in the historic 1991 election.

After 5 years Palestine held its second election in 1991. At first many pundits expected the incumbent party, the Palestinian Democratic Coalition, to retain its majority due to the fact that it had led the peaceful struggle for Palestinian independence. Those pundits were proven quite wrong when the PDC was massacred in the election and the Palestinian Liberation League won a landslide election. The PLL won on a massive turnout from poor, angry, rural Palestinians who were sick and tired of the out of touch Palestinian upper class' rule (the PLL was basically run by the richest Palestinian families) who had governed Palestine since the time of the Ottoman Empire. The fact that the PLL's chair and candidate for prime minister were among the most powerful militia leaders in Palestine also played a huge role in their victory.

The victory of the Palestinian Liberation League is grave news for many. The Jews and Zionists in Palestine are finally met with a government that not only opposes them but hates them with a passion. Meanwhile Britain and Arabia are gearing up for their intervention in Mesopotamia discover that another hot spot is boiling in the Middle East. Finally the rich and enlightened of Palestine fear their nation may collapse in an ensuing civil war. For now it seems a storm is brewing as Palestinian National Army tanks stroll down the streets and roadblocks establish themselves at many major waypoints, while Zionist militias quietly gather their strength.


  • Once Palestine had harmony
  • Zionism ended that harmony and tensions have been rising since
  • British left Palestine in light of difficulties caused by Zionism
  • Hashemites failed to appropriately deal with Zionism
  • First government of the Republic issues some reforms regarding Zionism
  • 1991 election results in major victory for PLL (which is led by militia leaders and has huge support base among poor)
  • Tensions are boiling
Georgian Troops Enter South Ossetia

What appears to be Georgian paramilitaries and tanks on the road to Tshkinvali
BBC Tbilisi: Georgia's recently elected President, Zviad Gamsakhurdia, has announced that his government is unilaterally revoking the autonomy of South Ossetia. Scattered reports are also emerging from that Georgian paramilitary forces have crossed the border into the region, and that Ossetian militia have fired upon the advancing Georgians.

President Gamsakhurdia rode a wave of nationalist fervor to victory in Georgia's first free elections, but since has come under criticism for his intense Georgian nationalist ideas, especially unpopular in the regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, autonomous provinces of Georgia populated by ethnic minorities. The recent announcement by the President comes amid reports from local media that his increasingly authoritarian rule and inability to mitigate the economic collapse is proving increasingly unpopular among factions of the Georgian government and nascent military forces

This situation is developing rapidly, and we will bring you updates as soon as they are avaliable
From: Kingdom of Portugal
To: Kingdom of Hashemite Arabia @Watercress

You need arms heh? Interested in some APC's?

From: Kingdom of Hashemite Arabia
To:Kingdom of Portugal

We thank you for the offer, but we are unsure whether your APCs will be suitable to the desert terrain for which we require them.

To: Kingdom of Arabia @Watercress

Whatever you need, we will provide.

From: Kingdom of Hashemite Arabia
To: Kingdom of France


We are particularly interested in purchasing some Mirage 2000s and Rafales for the RAAF.

From: Kingdom of Hashemite Arabia
To: Republic of Palestine

We must express our concerns as to the policy intentions of the newly-elected Palestinian government. A review of our close relations may be required if the new government intends on pursuing policies hostile to such a significant proportion of its own people.

*Quietly hides the Shia of Al-Hasra*

From: A Well-Dressed Gentleman
To: Corruptible Members of the PLL Government and Administration

Come now, we are sure all this radicalism, populism and anti-Semitism can all be smoothed over and ignored...for the right price.
To: The USA
Given the withdrawal of other American states from the conference, Virginia must all withdraw as well.

For the time being, Kentucky and Tennessee will agree. However, we value our independence, and we see how you've treated the West Virginians all these years. Until we see major improvements and reforms within your state, towards its constituent regions, this is where we put our foot down and draw the line.
I trust you will be reassured by our coming constitution, and that our close bonds will be only reinforced by time.