Empire Rewritten - A Kingdom building/Self insert novel.

Chapter 14: Whispers in Mystras New
Theodore II Palaiologos sat in the dimly lit chamber of his palace in Mystras, the late afternoon sun casting long shadows across the stone floor. His hands rested on the arms of the intricately carved chair, his fingers tapping rhythmically as he stared at the missive before him. The wax seal had already been broken, but the contents gnawed at him still. He had read it several times, but each reading only deepened the knot of resentment in his chest.

It had been just a few weeks since word arrived of the death of his brother Constantine's wife, Theodora. Theodore had felt a fleeting pang of sympathy for his younger brother—such loss was inevitable in these times, though the sting never dulled. But this was not what weighed on him now.

No, what truly unsettled him was the news that followed.

A monk from Glarentza had passed through Mystras, bearing disturbing reports—rumors that Constantine had been seen commissioning Latin Bibles, of all things. Theodore's brow furrowed as the words of the letter burned in his mind: Catholic Bibles, printed with some unnatural device—an orange machine that sounded like some abomination from a foreign land. The idea was almost too absurd to contemplate, but if there was even a shred of truth to it…

His thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of Alexios, one of his most trusted advisors. The aging man entered quietly, bowing deeply before approaching Theodore with the air of one who bore troubling news.

"My lord," Alexios began, his voice steady but grave, "there are fresh reports from Glarentza."

Theodore leaned forward, a flicker of unease crossing his face. "Speak."

Alexios took a measured breath. "The news we received earlier about Despot Constantine's activities appears to be accurate. More details have emerged from the monks. They claim he is producing Catholic Bibles—in Latin—using some strange contraption."

Theodore's fingers drummed impatiently on the armrest. "A contraption?"

"Yes, my lord. They describe it as an ingenious device, akin to a wine press but designed to imprint entire pages swiftly and repeatedly. It's unlike anything they've seen."

Theodore's gaze drifted momentarily to the window, where the fading sunlight cast long shadows across the city. He could almost hear the distant clamor of Glarentza's bustling workshops, the rhythmic thud of machinery disrupting the sacred silence.

Alexios continued, "This machine allows him to produce books in quantities unheard of, bypassing the painstaking work of scribes."

A chill settled over Theodore.. He had already suspected that Constantine was meddling in dangerous affairs, but this went beyond mere rumor. "And the Church?" he asked, his voice a quiet growl. "What of the Church?"

"The monks who witnessed these things have spoken of blasphemy, my lord," Alexios continued, his tone growing darker. "To produce the holy scriptures in Latin, and in such a manner… it undermines our faith, our traditions. This is nothing short of an affront to the Orthodox Church."

Theodore rose from his seat, the aged wooden floor creaking beneath his boots as he paced the length of the chamber. His rich, burgundy robes whispered against the cold stone, echoing the turmoil within. The scent of melting wax and aged parchment filled the air, mingling with the faint aroma of incense lingering from the morning prayers.

Blasphemy. The word pulsated in his mind, each syllable hammering like a drumbeat. The flickering flames of the wall-mounted torches cast dancing shadows, their light playing across tapestries depicting the glorious battles of their ancestors—a stark contrast to the insidious threats he now faced.

Ever since Constantine had embarked on his ventures in Glarentza— entangling himself with smooth-talking foreign traders—Theodore's unease had grown like a dark cloud. But this... producing Catholic Bibles? It was not just a line crossed; it was a dagger thrust into the heart of their traditions.

He paused by a narrow window, the cool evening breeze brushing his face. Below, the city of Mystras sprawled under the twilight, its terracotta roofs glowing softly. The distant bells of a monastery tolled, their melancholic tones weaving through the silence. Yet, even this serene vista offered no comfort.

That crossed a line.

"You know my views on the unification of the churches, Alexios," Theodore said, stopping abruptly. "I have made them clear. I will not tolerate any effort that brings the heretics of Rome into our sacred fold. We are Orthodox, and we remain so. To mix with them is to spit on the sacrifices of our ancestors."

"Indeed, my lord," Alexios agreed, his face betraying no emotion. "But there is more. It appears that your brother is using these Bibles for political leverage. Word from the monks is that Constantine has been distributing these works to foreign traders, Venetian and Genoese, gaining favor in their courts. It is said that the Latin Church has already taken note of his efforts. They see him as… sympathetic to their cause of unification."

Theodore stopped pacing, his fists clenched. "Of course," he spat. "Of course, Constantine would do this. He has always sought to curry favor—especially with our brother, the Emperor."

The mention of John VIII, their elder brother, struck Theodore like a blow to the chest. Memories of his mother, Helena Dragas, flooded his mind—her proud gaze whenever John entered the room, the way her eyes lit up at Constantine's every word. She had always looked upon them as the heirs of greatness, the sons who would shape the future of the empire. And Theodore? He was the shadow that trailed behind them, the dutiful governor expected to support but never to lead.

He recalled a winter evening years ago, standing in the cold corridors of the palace while his mother and brothers warmed themselves by the grand hearth. He had approached them, eager to share news of a successful negotiation with a local governor. But Helena had barely acknowledged him, her attention fixed on John's tales of imperial court intrigues. The sting of that dismissal had never left him.

A knot tightened in his throat. Despite all his efforts, all his sacrifices for the realm, he remained unseen in his mother's eyes—a mere steward of the periphery, not a son of destiny.

But this? This was more than a simple rivalry. If Constantine was positioning himself as a champion of the unification of the churches, it would not only win him favor with John but undermine Theodore's own standing.

Your Grace," Alexios interjected softly, pulling Theodore from his reverie, "there is another matter that requires your attention—your brother's debts."

"Debts?" Theodore's brow arched, a glint of curiosity mingling with disdain.

Alexios nodded solemnly. "Indeed. Constantine has secured substantial loans from the Genoese merchants. He has poured fortunes into his workshops, his sprawling paper mills, and this ambitious publishing endeavor. Whispers suggest his obligations far exceed his means to repay."

For a moment, Theodore was silent. Then, a mirthless smile curved his lips. "So, the illustrious Constantine, finds himself ensnared by his own ambitions. He plays the grand ruler, yet stands on the precipice of ruin."

He walked towards the hearth, the warmth of the fire failing to thaw the chill settling within him. The flames cast a golden hue on his stern features. "I remember when we were children," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. "Constantine would spin tales of conquering distant lands, of forging alliances with exotic kings. Mother would listen with rapt attention, her eyes filled with pride. Meanwhile, she tasked me with tending to the mundane—managing estates, studying law, upholding traditions."

He turned to face Alexios, his eyes reflecting a blend of bitterness and resolve. "Perhaps it is fitting that his lofty dreams now tether him to the very traders who would see our empire carved up for their gain.

"Indeed," Alexios said. "And yet, despite this, he continues to expand his influence. There are whispers that Constantine is using the Catholic Bibles not just to appease foreign traders, but to gain political leverage with our brother. He seeks to use these works to secure John's approval, to present himself as an ally of the Church and a man of modernity, one who is willing to embrace change."

"Modernity," Theodore muttered, the word laced with disdain. "All this talk of innovation, of progress. My brother is a fool. He thinks he can straddle both worlds—the world of Orthodoxy and the world of heresy—and in doing so, he will bring ruin upon us all."

Alexios hesitated before speaking again. "Constantine's actions seem not merely a matter of innovation, my lord. He is positioning himself to weaken your influence. The monks in Glarentza say that he is gaining the support of John, presenting himself as a visionary, while you… well, your opposition to the unification may soon paint you as the one standing in the way of progress."

Theodore turned, his eyes flashing with anger. "Do you take me for a fool, Alexios? I see it all clearly now. This is not just about books or Bibles. This is about power. Constantine is trying to make me irrelevant in the eyes of the Emperor. He knows where our mother's favor lies. He knows how John looks to him for advice. He seeks to paint me as the backward brother, the one clinging to the past."

He stepped toward the window, his gaze hardening as he looked out over the hills of Mystras. "But he will not succeed."

"Theodore—" Alexios began, but the Despot raised a hand, silencing him.

"Enough. I will not let Constantine, nor any other, undermine me. He may think his books and his devices will win the future, but he forgets one thing: the people, the Church, they are not as eager for change as he believes. There is power in tradition, in faith, and I will wield it to stop him."

Alexios bowed his head. "What shall we do, my lord?"

He turned to Alexios, a steely determination settling over his features. "Constantine may bask in Mother's favor," he said quietly, a hint of old wounds surfacing in his tone. "He may dazzle others with his schemes and his grasping at the new. But he forgets—or perhaps chooses to ignore—that true power is not rooted in fleeting innovations. It is forged in the bonds of influence, the steadfastness of loyalty, and the unyielding defense of all we hold sacred."

Theodore's gaze drifted upward to a faded tapestry depicting the triumphs of their forebears, warriors who had safeguarded their heritage with blood and sacrifice. "He seeks to remake the world in his image," he murmured. A shadow crossed his face, a mixture of sorrow and resolve. "But he underestimates the world—and me."

His eyes met Alexios's, filled with a cold fire. "If he insists on walking this perilous path, then he must be prepared to face the consequences. I have stood in the shadows long enough, watching as others gambled with our legacy. No more."
envy and blind pride, the most lethal of combinations.
True! Here some extra info about Theodore:
According to The Immortal Emperor by Donald M. Nicol, Cambridge University Press, Theodore initially aimed to become a monk but later changed his mind. Preferring the quiet life of scholarship over the stress of administration and warfare, Theodore had entered an arranged marriage with Cleope Malatesta from Rimini two years earlier. At first, their union was unhappy, which deepened his desire for a monastic life. During a visit from his brother, John VIII, Theodore confided in him about his wish to leave worldly affairs behind.

When John returned to Constantinople, he assumed Theodore was still committed to becoming a monk. As a result, he recalled Constantine from Mesembria and designated him to succeed Theodore as Despot of the Morea, believing Constantine's loyalty and abilities would make him an excellent governor at Mistra.

However, Theodore had since changed his mind. Encouraged by his scholarly friends like John Eugenikos, who supported his spiritual ambitions, and by others who persuaded him of his importance in worldly matters, Theodore ultimately decided to remain in his position. He also reconciled with his wife, Cleope(She was forced to convert to Orthodoxy).
@sersors have you written this on other forums? I seem to recall a near identical story on AH. The protagonist had just ascended to the Imperial Throne after reclaiming all of Greece and the Balkans and was planning an Anatolian reconquista.
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Chapter 15: The Weight of Survival New
The stench was unbearable, clinging to the thick, damp air like a suffocating cloak. Despite the scented incense burning in the corner and the servants' diligent scrubbing, the odor of human filth lingered, seeping into the very stones of the chamber. Michael sat on the edge of the bed, his hands limp on his knees, staring vacantly at the floor.

His wife's death had left a hollow, aching void inside him. Buried only days ago, her pale face haunted him. The memory of their stillborn child—silent before she ever took a breath—gnawed at him every moment. He had wanted to save them both but had been powerless.

Now the world seemed smaller, darker. The filth, the grime—it repulsed him. He had thought he could adapt, and he was, to this world that wasn't his, but since her death, everything had become unbearable.

A faint creak sliced through his reverie. Michael glanced up as the door inched open. Niketas, a young servant, stepped in, head bowed, cradling the all-too-familiar chamber pot. The sight of it tightened the knot in Michael's stomach. Another day, the same wretched routine.

"Just take it and go," Michael muttered, his voice hoarse. His head pounded with relentless grief and exhaustion.

Niketas moved quickly, but in his haste, his foot caught the edge of the rug. The chamber pot slipped from his hands, crashing to the floor. The contents spilled out, soaking into the cracks between the stones, the pungent odor intensifying despite the sweet incense.

For a moment, the world froze.

Michael stared at the mess, the smell wrapping around him, squeezing his chest. His heart hammered. The image of his wife's final moments surged forward—her labored breaths, the life fading from her eyes. The helplessness engulfed him anew.

"Goddamn it!" he roared, jumping to his feet. Niketas flinched, scrambling back, his face pale.

"My lord, I—I'm sorry, please—"

"Shut up!" Michael spat, stepping toward him. His voice trembled with grief and boiling disgust. The stench filled his nostrils, making him feel as though the world was rotting around him.

Niketas dropped to his knees, fingers trembling as he tried to gather the mess with his bare hands. The sight of him, groveling in the filth, twisted something deep within Michael—a mix of revulsion and a haunting reflection of his own helplessness.

Michael's hand shot out before he could stop himself. He struck Niketas across the face, the blow echoing in the stone chamber. The boy gasped, collapsing to the floor, clutching his cheek.

A wave of guilt crashed over him. This boy wasn't to blame. The filth, the relentless stench—it wasn't his doing. But the chasm left by his wife's death consumed everything. It was too much.

"You filthy little..." he muttered bitterly. Niketas lay on the floor, shaking with fear.

Silence filled the room. Michael stared at him, his palm stinging from the blow. What am I doing?

He hadn't meant to lash out. The grief, the loss—it was consuming him.

Michael's hand fell to his side. "Get up," he muttered, his voice thick with exhaustion. He turned away, gazing out the window at the rolling hills of the Morea under a canopy of storm-laden clouds. "Clean it up. And get out."

Niketas scrambled to his feet, quickly gathering the soiled pot and mopping up the mess. The rustling of cloth and clatter of pottery intensified the ache within Michael.

The stench lingered—a sharp reminder of the filth consuming his life. But it wasn't the smell that haunted him now.

It was the cold realization that he was changing. The grief, the relentless loss, the unyielding squalor—this world— they were molding him into someone else.

Someone darker.

Someone crueler.

Clermont, February 1430

Michael stood at the window, his breath fogging the glass as he stared out over the snow-dusted hills of the Morea. The winter had been long and bitter, not only in weather but in his soul. The pain of losing Theodora still gnawed at him, a hollow ache that refused to fade, like a wound that would not heal. He missed her, but he also missed the life he had left behind—New York, his sons, the easy comfort of modernity.

His only solace came from the work. In the months since Theodora's death, Michael had thrown himself into his projects with relentless energy—the printing press and the arsenal. They were his distractions, his anchor in a world that often felt alien. The first printing press was no longer just a marvel; it had become the cornerstone of his plans to change the course of history. The arsenal was growing too, with a new bigger furnace recently completed and a fresh batch of cannon—Drakos models—standing ready. Yet, there was always more to be done, and the pressures of ruling weighed heavily on his shoulders.

A knock sounded at the door, pulling him from his thoughts.

"Enter," Michael called, his voice hoarse.

George Sphrantzes stepped into the room, his presence as steady and reliable as ever. "Despot," he began, his tone soft but firm, "the council meeting is later this morning. I thought I might find you here before we convene."

Michael gave a weary nod but remained by the window, his back to George. "I know. I'll be there."

George moved closer, standing beside him. For a moment, the two men looked out at the snowy landscape in silence. Then George spoke again, carefully choosing his words. "I understand how hard these past months have been for you. Theodora's death has left a void in all of us, but none feel it more deeply than you."

Michael clenched his fists, feeling the tightness in his chest that always accompanied thoughts of Theodora. "It's not just her, George," he said quietly. "It's everything. I thought I could change things—make the empire stronger, more resilient. But every step forward feels like we're barely keeping our heads above water."

George nodded, his expression thoughtful. "But lots have been done my Despot. The arsenal is growing, and so is your printing press. The new furnace is complete, and the larger space you've asked for is already under construction. The men work tirelessly. Your vision is taking shape, even if it feels slow."

"Slow..." Michael's voice trailed off

George cleared his throat and added, "And there is one more issue, Despot. We've received word from Ioannina. Carlo II succeeded his uncle Carlo I, but his position is being challenged by his illegitimate cousins, led by Memnone. They've appealed to Sultan Murad II for help, and the Ottomans have sent a force under Sinan to support their claim."

Michael's jaw tightened at the news. "And Theodora's death... "

Michael then stared at the flickering flames, the enormity of their situation weighing on him. "For now, we focus on what we can control. Secure the traders, sell what we must. We'll deal with the Ottomans when we have to, but right now, our survival depends on our trade."

Just then, a servant entered the room, carrying a small bundle of letters. "Despot, these arrived from Constantinople."

Michael took the letters, recognizing the familiar seals. The first was from his mother, Helena Dragas, now residing in a monastery in the capital. He broke the seal and unfolded the letter, her comforting words filling the room as he read.

"My son, I grieve with you for Theodora. No words can ease your pain, but know that I pray for her soul and for you. Grief is a burden we must all carry in this life, but in time, the weight will lessen. I am proud of all you have accomplished, and I know Theodora is watching over you from Heaven. Be strong, my son. The Empire needs you now more than ever. With love, your mother."

Michael's hands trembled slightly as he folded the letter back. Though Helena Dragas was not really his mother, her words carried a warmth and comfort that he hadn't realized he needed.

The next letter bore the imperial seal of his brother, Emperor John VIII. Michael opened it cautiously, unsure of what to expect.

"Brother, I am deeply saddened by the news of Theodora's passing. I know this loss weighs heavily upon you, and I share in your sorrow. I wanted to thank you personally for the Latin Bible you sent. It is a truly remarkable creation, and I believe it will aid in the unification of the churches, as we have long hoped. I plan to visit you in Glarentza when I can, to see this miraculous printing press you've built. You have my gratitude, and my support, always."

Michael set the letter down, mixed emotions swirling within him. His brother's words, while kind, were a reminder of the political weight that still rested on his shoulders. The unification of the churches—an ambitious plan, but one fraught with danger. Not everyone supported the idea, and he knew his efforts with the Latin Bible had stirred resentment among traditionalists like his brother Theodore.

"Good news?" George asked.

Michael sighed. "John is pleased with the Latin Bible. He thinks it will help with the unification. He's even talking about visiting Glarentza to see the press for himself."

George raised an eyebrow. "That could be...interesting."

"Yes," Michael muttered. "Interesting is one way to put it."

The Council Meeting

Later that morning, Michael sat at the head of the large table in the council chamber. The room was sparsely lit, the fire casting long shadows across the stone walls. A large blackboard stood against one wall, a new addition to the meetings—a simple yet effective tool for demonstrating the state of their logistics, their stockpiles, and their debts. White chalk lines crisscrossed the board, showing figures for resources, projections, and supply chains. It was a modern idea for a medieval world, but one that had quickly proven its worth.

Around the table sat George Sphrantzes, Theophilus Dragas, Petros—the newly appointed steward—and two senior officials. Their expressions reflected a mix of anticipation and concern as they prepared to address the pressing issues of the day.

Petros, a young man in his mid-twenties, held a bundle of ledgers in his hands, his sharp eyes scanning the data before he spoke. "Despot, the heavy winter has dealt a severe blow to our cotton fields. Much of the crop has been damaged, and our paper production can't keep pace with the demand from the printing presses—especially now that we have four new presses in operation. If we can't secure more raw materials soon, we'll be forced to halt production."

Theophilus added, "Moreover, the Venetians are expecting their paper order too. With much of our stockpiled paper used for printing Bibles, we're at risk of failing both their demands and our own goals."

Michael leaned forward, fingers drumming lightly on the table. "How many Bibles do we have ready, and what's our projected stock when the traders arrive in spring?"

Theophilus replied, "We currently have 400 Bibles and expect to reach around 600 by spring. Selling them to the Venetians and Genoese could generate enough gold to cover our debts and stabilize the treasury for several months."

Petros rose from his seat and moved to the blackboard, quickly sketching out the figures. "Even if we price each Bible conservatively at twenty gold ducats, the revenue from the sale would more than cover our current debts. However," he paused, tapping the board with the chalk, "without addressing the paper shortage caused by the damaged cotton fields, this success will be short-lived."

Michael's gaze swept over the figures on the board, weighing their options. "Our immediate priority is clear. We need to sell the Bibles to clear our debts and ensure the treasury can support us through the coming months. But we cannot overlook the paper shortage. Securing more cotton is vital for sustaining production, or the presses will grind to a halt."

George exchanged a glance with Theophilus. "We have twelve cannons so far, but our bronze supplies are dwindling. Without more, the foundry's output will slow. Our gunpowder situation is even more critical. We've nearly exhausted our supply, and without the means to produce it locally, our cannons will be useless."

Michael's expression hardened. "Becoming self-sufficient is crucial. After securing funds from the Bible sales, we'll focus on obtaining more cotton, bronze, and establishing local gunpowder production. We cannot allow the presses or the foundry to stop."

As the meeting drew to a close and the council members began to disperse, Michael lingered by the blackboard, his eyes tracing the lines and numbers. He felt a sense of focus returning—a determination to push through the difficulties. They had come this far, and now they had a plan to ensure their efforts weren't wasted.

Michael's thoughts drifted to the new steward, Petros. The young man had risen quickly through the ranks, thanks to his sharp mind and practical approach. Watching him work, Michael couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia. Petros reminded him of his own son—Jason—not in appearance, but in character. Both were driven by an unwavering dedication and a keen sense of responsibility, qualities that had always impressed Michael.
The work never stops.

Usually I'm skeptical when SI/AUs start introducing tech uplift, mostly because a lot tend to go overboard and the MC gets ridiculously wealthy and powerful. This setting really helps curb the worst of those problems because of the big Turk elephant in the room and how much of a rump state Byzantium/ERE is at this point.

I like the choices as well in what tech to introduce, particularly the printing press.

Gunpowder and seed drills aren't a huge stretch at this point. The excerpts about the council really help bring down to earth what it would exactly entail to start a tech uplift in a society. The SI might have the knowledge, but it's up to the people native to the setting to make it work.

The printing press is probably the best advantage Constantine chose to work on. It has so many implications even just beyond more books because of the setting.

Off the top of my head:
  1. It gives Constantine and by extension the rest of Byzantium a very much needed income boost. We're already seeing how his industry is already being pressed by all the expansion. It gives him the money to do all the other improvements he wants.
  2. His choice of printing the bible has given the Empire more connections with Latin Europe. The Latins now have a strategic and religious interest in protecting the book trade. Unless the Venetians and Genoans do something cheeky and steal the method of creating a printing press, losing Byzantium means Latin Europe loses the only source of (relatively) cheap books.
  3. The book trade can possibly attract the immigration of scholars into the Empire, kickstarting the renaissance in Greece instead of Italy. If the SI is going to do more, he's going to need the brightest minds he can find to help him. Once he gets bible production stabilized, he can turn to the mass production of other works.

Of course, those are just the positive benefits. One other consequence of making the Empire richer is that the Ottomans are going to start snooping around, especially when they finish dealing with Epirus.

He can do as much tech uplift as he wants, the real problem is he's going to have a showdown sooner rather than later with the Ottomans at their best. SI doesn't seem to have a military background so this is going to be a challenge for him unless he finds some allies. Actually, it still might be a tall ask.
The work never stops.

Usually I'm skeptical when SI/AUs start introducing tech uplift, mostly because a lot tend to go overboard and the MC gets ridiculously wealthy and powerful. This setting really helps curb the worst of those problems because of the big Turk elephant in the room and how much of a rump state Byzantium/ERE is at this point.

I like the choices as well in what tech to introduce, particularly the printing press.

Gunpowder and seed drills aren't a huge stretch at this point. The excerpts about the council really help bring down to earth what it would exactly entail to start a tech uplift in a society. The SI might have the knowledge, but it's up to the people native to the setting to make it work.

The printing press is probably the best advantage Constantine chose to work on. It has so many implications even just beyond more books because of the setting.

Off the top of my head:
  1. It gives Constantine and by extension the rest of Byzantium a very much needed income boost. We're already seeing how his industry is already being pressed by all the expansion. It gives him the money to do all the other improvements he wants.
  2. His choice of printing the bible has given the Empire more connections with Latin Europe. The Latins now have a strategic and religious interest in protecting the book trade. Unless the Venetians and Genoans do something cheeky and steal the method of creating a printing press, losing Byzantium means Latin Europe loses the only source of (relatively) cheap books.
  3. The book trade can possibly attract the immigration of scholars into the Empire, kickstarting the renaissance in Greece instead of Italy. If the SI is going to do more, he's going to need the brightest minds he can find to help him. Once he gets bible production stabilized, he can turn to the mass production of other works.

Of course, those are just the positive benefits. One other consequence of making the Empire richer is that the Ottomans are going to start snooping around, especially when they finish dealing with Epirus.

He can do as much tech uplift as he wants, the real problem is he's going to have a showdown sooner rather than later with the Ottomans at their best. SI doesn't seem to have a military background so this is going to be a challenge for him unless he finds some allies. Actually, it still might be a tall ask.
Thanks for your thoughtful comment! I'm glad you're enjoying how the tech uplift is being handled. You're absolutely right—the Ottoman threat keeps things in check, and Michael's focus on the printing press is crucial for the story. It has a lot of potential benefits, but also brings its own challenges. The showdown with the Ottomans is definitely looming, Michael will have to get creative. Appreciate your insights, and I hope you keep enjoying the story!
Papermaking at the quality the SI produces is rare as well. At that point in history the Ottomans had the monopoly of the highest quality paper from the Silk Route and internal production. Imposing very extortionate taxes. @sersors If Michael was ignored before, he's now a top priority target for the Sultan before the SI can expand production or lose control of the technology