The Arkosians. Just thinking of them was enough to send a primal shudder down the spine. An insect race, they were four-armed and cloaked in armoured chitin. Taller than the average man by half again, and with razor sharp mandibles in place of teeth. Glinting compound eyes to catch even the faintest light, and each of their four arms was tipped with inch-long claws set to tear and sever. There was one word for what they were, and that word was ''predator''. Added to this, a natural power level to rival that of the average Saiyan, and it was no wonder that they had attracted Frieza's attention. The tyrant had made a bid to bring them to heel with bribes and offers of advancement, but they'd refused. Never one to give up on an idea, Frieza had conquered them, and made slaves of them instead.
Vegeta had been there on the day their world had fallen. Nappa hadn't, off on some scouting mission or something. But Vegeta had, and he still remembered it as one of the few times he'd actually been pressed. The Arkosians were like bees in a hive. As soon as their cities came under fire, they'd swarmed out in their hundreds and thousands. Vegeta had fought like a madman, one by one, the lesser, weaker soldiers had succumbed to their frenzied attacks. Until only he had remained.
He remembered the cuts of their blades across his skin, their chittering laughter. He remembered that no matter how many of them he'd sent burning to the ground, not a single one had shown fear or loss. Or even rage, come to that. They'd just kept fighting. Kept throwing themselves at him until he burned through almost all of his power. Coated in their dark ichor-like blood. The bodies of hundreds of them at his feet, Vegeta had almost begun to doubt that he would survive himself. They came on, numberless and endless.
He'd found in the strength to fight. Dragging it from the depths of his pride, forcing his battered body to stand again, even when he feared he'd shredded muscles. He'd roared, and gathered his power, called on the pride of the Saiyans. Fought with everything that he'd had.
Still, it was only barely enough. Cold and methodical, heedless of their own losses, the Arkosians had come for him again and again. He'd fought hard. Harder than he ever had in his life, and still, he'd felt himself being driven back.
It was only at the end, he'd dug. Deeper than he had before, and felt the swelling of power within his chest, like a burning fire from which he could draw strength. This, the right of the Saiyans. Vegeta had used it, wielding it, and forcing his complaining body on. He'd crushed the king of the city with his own two hands, and routed his subjects in the end. But it had been so close, and at the end, he could barely walk, let alone fly.
He'd been in the healing tanks for weeks after that. When he eventually did wake up, he quickly learned that things had gone bad on the planet Arkos. Frieza had been furious, so angry that eventually he'd ended it himself. Obliterating their four major cities in a single stroke, and threatening to end the world next if they didn't bend the knee. They did, and Frieza incorporated them into his little empire.
Since then, he'd had a group of them travelling with them on the ship. Jokingly, he called them his elites. A title he had once saved for the Saiyans. Vegeta had often wondered if their eventual fate would be the same, and now he had learned that it would. Those who threatened Frieza didn't tend to live very long afterwards. Even if the threat was so pathetic as to be impossible. Frieza, die at the hands of enemy ships? It would never happen. Sure, the ship itself could be crippled, or even destroyed. But Frieza was strong enough to destroy warships on his own. There was nothing they could do that would kill him.
Was it desperation making them last out like this? Or had they just decided to die? Vegeta felt no sympathy either way. If his own people were merely tools to be used and thrown away, what did that make those who weren't even of Saiyan blood? Simple animals. Not even worthy of consideration. He'd kill them all, as Frieza had ordered, and take joy in their deaths as well. When he'd last clashed with their kind, it had been a pitched battle. One of the few he felt he might have lost, had things gone just slightly differently. Now, he wanted to test himself. To see how far he had grown.
The doors of the elevator slid open, revealing the same sleek metal corridors that could be found all over the ship. The plate on the hall entrance notified the world that this was the Arkosian section of the ship, so you should get out while you could.
Vegeta started to build his power. Walking forwards, stalking like a predator. The Saiyan love for battle rising through his soul. His hands twitched, waiting for the warm embrace of blood and flesh, the splintering of bone, and the breaking of chitin. He tapped his scouter, switching it on again after his meeting with Frieza.
One lifeform in the room dead ahead. He frowned. Only one…? That wasn't right, there were at least twenty of them in the ship. Maybe the others were on missions? But that didn't make sense either, he doubted that Frieza would have sent him to kill them if they weren't actually here.
Wary now, he was still moving towards the door. It could be a trap, but if it was, what was the correct course of action? He could be subtle, play things out slowly. Beat them at their own game. Or else, he could spring the trap, and trust that he was simply good enough to win regardless.
Put it like that, how was it even a question?
His left hand gestured to the door, and a flash of Ki traversed the intervening space. In the space of a second, the door was blown in, a molten hole torn into the metal surface. Smoke bellowed around his entrance, and Vegeta pushed through it, leaping into the room.
His scouter clicked, and beeped a warning, he ducked low just as a taloned hand swept over his head. The Arkosian he'd detected before had struck fast, one of its arms striking for him while the others moved for where it thought he would be. It was a massive creature, nearly twice his height. Four armed, and ugly, it leered down at him.
"You've come to the wrong place, little alien." It chortled. "I'll eat you up!"
"I doubt that very much!" Vegeta back-stepped quickly, swooping and lunging as the claws cut a path past and around him. His image blurred as he moved. He was giving ground, but he hadn't taken a single blow. Just testing the thing's speed.
"You're so slow." Vegeta mocked it. "Is this really the best that you can do? I'd hoped for more than this from a survivor of Arkos."
The creature lunged at him suddenly, putting on another burst of speed. Vegeta ducked forward, rolling under a scything strike, and came up in time to launch his own barrage of punches. The Arkosian met them with a series of parries and blocks, four arms working to defeat a faster set of two.
The Arkosian broke to the side, and Vegeta twisted. He felt something sharp rack against his armoured chest, clawing away at the protection offered by his battle suit. His hand shot up, catching the second arm as it swung for his face. With a savage grin, he leapt back and pulled.
The Arkosian's arm came off with a spray of ichor, and it howled. A sound matched only by Vegeta's laughter at the injury he had inflicted.
"Four arms down to three!" He mocked. "Your advantage is becoming lesser!"
The Arkosian hissed a curse in return, and two of its three hands filled with swirling power. It cast forwards, and a double-blast screamed into beaming, scarring he area where Vegeta had been while alarms blurred in the distance. The explosion followed in his wake as Vegeta threw himself forwards. Confident that he was faster, he only had to worry about the creature out thinking him. It switched, firing the blast instead where it thought he would be, but Vegeta had anticipated this already. His left hand lashed out, and a blast of his own Ki caught the creature's arm, blowing it to shreds in another display of blood and flying limbs.
"Now down to two." Vegeta chuckled.
Desperately, it came at him again. This time, it fought without the air of menace that it had had before, it was fighting for its life now, against a foe who wasn't even winded. With four arms, it had forced him back. But two was barely enough to challenge him. Vegeta stepped forward, under its guard, and brought a fist crashing against its exoskeleton. It shattered, the creature staggered back, rivulets of blood running from the shattered tears that projected from his point of impact.
"There. Are you all done?" Vegeta said. "I am hoping that the others are more powerful than you. After all, if that's what everyone is capable of, I will barely even be challenged."
"Oh, they are stronger, Prince of the Saiyans." The insect said, its voice chocked with the pain of its wounds, but also something more. Something deeper. Vegeta frowned, for there was none of the fear or desperation it had shown only a moment ago. This wasn't right, it was almost as if…
"I am the very least of us all." The Arkosian gurgled. "If you were to meet my fellows, you would be over-matched for sure. Sadly for you, that is not a fight that will ever take place."
"Oh really?" Vegeta said. "And who is going to stop me, you? I think I've already proven how ahead of you I am."
"Yes. I will be the one stop you." The insect said, and again, the voice was off. The fear it had shown before vanished as though it had never existed at all. "You see, we knew that Frieza would send someone to stop us once we heard of our plan."
"You knew that Frieza had discovered it?" Vegeta said. "Is that why your allies have fled? If that's the case, it was foolish not to do so yourself."
"We knew. How could we not when we leaked it ourselves? And as for how I intend to stop you… why, with a bomb of course. We had hoped Frieza would come himself, but the plan accounts for that. it's sad that your tale ends here wh-"
He was cut off when Vegeta surged forwards, ripping one fist into his body, and closing his fingers around something squishy that he guessed was important.
"Where is it?" Vegeta snarled. "Where is the bomb?"
"Well Vegeta..." The alien still showed no pain. No fear, no sign that it was about to die. "That's very simple. You're holding it."
"Long live Arkos."
The explosion was big enough to shake the ship. It tore out the passenger decks, ripping a way all the way to the void of space itself. The giant saucer trembled, fifteen lives were lost before internal shields kicked into action, sealing away the void. By that point, the entire Arkosian sector was a blaze of fire and molten metal, with those rooms closest to the fight totally missing. Minutes later, secondary explosions began to erupt across the ship. The other Arkosians taking that as a sign that the plan had begun.
By then, of course, Vegeta had been sucked into space. Chocking and coughing on the void between the stars.
The ship rocked, lights flashing off for a moment before emergency power kicked in. Raditz stumbled to the side, his body still bruised from the last training session with Nappa. His hand shot out, catching the wall of the steel corridor, and supporting his weight until things had balanced again.
What the hell was that?
Now, Raditz had not long been directly in Frieza's service, but he was a Saiyan, and a powerful one at that. Or at least, he would once have been considered powerful for the common classes. Even if the elimination of the same had left him the weakest Saiyan by default. He'd still been on plenty of missions, and fought enough pitched battles to recognise a creeping familiar sensation.
That was an explosion. Why would there be an explosion on the ship? It can't be engine trouble, I'm too far away from that sector, it has to be something closer. An attack?
He grinned, a savage smirk appearing on his wild features. The thought of an attack by alien forces was enough to get his blood pumping, he knew that someone would have to be absolutely insane to attack here, but that didn't mean that no one was going to try and do it anyway. If that was the case, it would be the perfect chance to run off some steam. He raised a hand to the scouter secured around his eye, and tapped one of the buttons at the base. A soft crackling filled his ears, and he frowned.
The channel's out? That can't be a good sign. Looking more and more like a deliberate attack. Let's see if we can find the secondary…
Another button press, another moment of growling static.
That as well? He was starting to feel cold. This wasn't what he had expected. Taking out both channels implied a level of information that most attackers wouldn't have. Damn, this could be pretty bloody before the end. But then, maybe he was overreacting? After all, it was still possible that there was no attack at all.
Yeah. And maybe his father would appear out of nowhere to tell him that Raditz was the son he'd always wanted. About the same chance of happening.
Definitely an attack, but who by? He shook his head suddenly, banishing such thoughts with a savage force of will, and a rising blood lust that threatened to take over. That doesn't matter right now. My job is to find my way to the Prince. If he's in danger…
Raditz paused then, the grin faltering as he remembered his beating at Vegeta's hands, the insults he had endured. Vegeta's words, spoken with such belief to them that even now they were impossible to shake.
''A fool like you wants to be called a Saiyan?''
Even if he made it to Vegeta's side, would he be welcomed there? The cold answer was that he knew he wouldn't. Vegeta might lash out at him, or even order him to go. Was Raditz really willing to risk his life for someone like that?
What am I thinking? He's the Prince! Whether he trusts me or not, my duty is to go to him! But if I do… what will be the result?
Raditz didn't know Vegeta as well as Nappa did, but even so, he figured there were even odds that the Prince would simply kill him for the crime of believing that Vegeta was in enough danger to need his help. He flexed one of his hands uncertainly. It had seemed so much simpler when he thought it out in his own head. Coming here and joining the Prince. It had seemed so certain, so fixed. As though it was all that could possibly be. Destiny was a word he might have entertained.
He'd forgotten how his own species worked. Too long alone. Vegeta didn't want him. Vegeta didn't need him. What was he but a fool? And not even a strong enough one to tolerate. Merely a weakness. That was how the Prince saw it.
What would father do in this situation? Well, besides come up with some bullshit means to beat the invaders all by himself. Huh. Didn't realise how bitter I was about that. Maybe I have some father issues? Serves the bastard right, I suppose.
He shook his head.
Focus, Raditz. You're trying to avoid thinking about your options. Vegeta won't welcome you. You know that. You also know your duty is to go to him regardless, it's what father would do. But do I care enough to do the same? If I do, I may die…
But if I don't, am I really a Saiyan? I came here knowing that I would probably die. That I was weak by the standards of the Prince and his elites. Hell, I welcomed that thought! I wanted to die! I wanted it to end! So long cast adrift and alone, I wanted any sort of closure! To die at the hands of the Saiyan Prince would be the perfect end, or so I thought. Why am I changing my mind now?
The answer was obvious, flashing into his head even as he thought the question. Nappa. Even though the big Saiyan had beaten him ruthlessly, he'd worked hard to help him improve as well. Raditz was no stranger to painful means of gaining strength, but Nappa had pushed it to the extreme. Harder even than his father had done, before he gave up in disgust.
Nappa had spent time on him when even Raditz was convinced that he was worthless, that he was here simply to die. Nappa had taught him, made him stronger. Vegeta was his prince, but Nappa… Nappa was the first fellow Saiyan he felt like he had any connection with at all since the loss of homeworld.
I'm such a fool. I came here seeking to die, and in the end, I can't bring myself to willingly go to my death. If I go to Vegeta alone, he'll kill me for sure. But I won't do nothing. I'll find Nappa. He'll know what to do after that.
Course confirmed, the long-haired Saiyan pressed another button on his scouter, a map of the ship overlaid the green glass, showing him his current location. He zoomed out, noting that the scouter still had a connection to the main computer bank, which meant it was still being updated in real-time. He tried the communication channels again, but there was still nothing there. Since the main computer was still on, he was forced to assume that it was being blocked.
Right. First thing he would have to do would be to find a way to locate Nappa. Since the channel was being jammed, he doubted he'd be able to locate anyone using the scouter either, but according to the map, there was a secondary command bridge near his current location. Heading there would give him direct access, allowing him to track both Vegeta and Nappa.
Hey. He thought. Maybe I'm not too bad at all this thinking type stuff.
The route to the secondary command deck led down through the next corridor, and then down an elevator shaft to the lower levels. Raditz began the journey, wondering where everyone was. But this question was soon to be answered, for as he stepped beyond the sealing door of the next corridor opening, his scouter picked up a signal. He pressed the receive button.
"Repeat! All forces to form up on me! It's the Arkosians, they've raided the Saibamen storage facility and let the little bastards loose everywhere! And they've brought some tougher ones of their own! They're currently advancing through sector seven, all forces to form up on me."
"Sector Seven, eh?" Raditz checked his map, and chuckled. "Seems like I'm well out of it then. Good luck, hope you draw enough fire that I can get through easily. Though, it would be a shame to not get to fight at all, so maybe not too much fire."
In the next corridor, he found where the bomb had went off. The sealed door refused to open for him, citing exposure to the void. So Raditz tore it from the wall, and hurled it aside. There was a moment of pressure, as the air behind him was sucked forwards, but the Saiyan braced himself and expanded his aura. It was an old trick, used by Saiyans when fighting at high atmosphere. Grab enough air in your aura and hold it tight. If you were could, it could keep you going for hours, if you didn't mind being marginally more explosive. Raditz snatched up as much as he could in the glowing field of light, and then held it close to his body. Breathing deeply as the rest dissipated, and he was able to move safely again.
This part of the ship had been an important crossroad between two major sectors, and was usually full of people. That was why the Arkosians had targeted it, he guessed. A high yield bomb, strong enough to blow through the armour plating and expose the corridor to the void. He could see the molten metal, now cold and hard. How the force had twisted the roof and walls, ripping into the bodies of the ones who had been unfortunate enough not to be incinerated outright. At least a dozen had been caught, and now lay in various forms of dismemberment. Frost coated their bodies, formed when the heat had plummeted form exposure to space. Raditz felt his own body temp begin to fall as soon as he stepped into the twisted remnants of a room, but burned a little of his Ki to keep him warm. Saiyans could fight in high atmosphere, or even the void of space for limited periods of time. He was trained for this.
The long-haired Saiyan did not feel much for Frieza's minions, moving from one body to the next with an almost bored air. They weren't Saiyans. They didn't matter. But there was one or two things that managed to catch his eye. Most of the bodies were badly burned, having been caught in the first blast. But at least a few weren't. Those ones were instead wearing almost untouched armour, their faces covered by rebreathers. Raditz guessed that these were the ones that had arrived after the explosion. The containment team.
Each one of them was squarely dead, killed by a single shot, high energy. Looked like some sort of combat drone. Raditz paused over one of the bodies, what had the message said? The Arkosians were behind this… Raditz hadn't been there for their conquering, but he knew them by reputation. Fierce and predatory, with a natural inclination towards ambush. This definitely had the smell of something they'd do. Something they'd set up for a long time.
The Saibamen storage facility was locked up tight, you couldn't just walk in and get some people-plants. It wasn't that easy, you needed authorization, codes, you needed paperwork. Yet, the Arkosians had managed to release enough that a defensive force was needed to hold them back. That told Raditz that it had taken quite some planning. If that was the case, why not other things as well? The wounds on those corpses looked like focused laser shots. The kind of thing deployed by high-grade combat drones. Those things didn't have to be big, they could be stealthily brought in one at a time…
At least one had passed this way before, and could still be hanging around. Raditz readied himself for battle, and pushed on. From that point, every small sound took on the semblance of the enemy to him, every moment he felt he might fall under attack. For a Saiyan like him, the sensation was exhilarating. His blood running, his heart pumping. Feeling more alive than he ever did outside of combat. At the same time, he knew that one of those could kill him. The combat drones were meant to ward off invaders, just like the Saiyans. Sure, Vegeta or Nappa could drop any number of them with ease.
He wasn't Vegeta or Nappa. If the drone got the first shot, he'd go down. Just like the other soldiers. His life was balanced on the edge of a blade here, one wrong move and it could all be over.
He grinned, and kept moving.
At the end of the corridor, the elevator was blown out, of course. The bomb had melted and exploded the doors, twisting them into place, and locking the elevator in place, even if it were in a fit state to move under its own power, which it wasn't.
A flash of Ki, and the floor was gone, the explosion travelling down the shaft in an explosion of light and colour. Raditz eyed the void where the floor had been, noting the long dark abyss that seemed to wait him below. The shaft ran the entire length of the ship, and was one of several that were used to transverse it quickly. Though, as a Saiyan, he wasn't really one to be scared of heights, he took a moment to time his descent before stepping out over the edge.
Space whipped past him as gravity caught him in its grip. Cold air whipped across his face from the lower levels, and his stomach flipped from the motion of his travel. Still, he went. Letting himself descend by simple means of stepping into gravity's embrace.
A door went past, and he caught himself with a surge of power. Breaking the fall, and floating up to the sealed entrance. He laid a hand on the metal, and then yanked it away just as quickly with a cry of shock. It was hot! A fire? Or a fight…
Well, in either case, he knew just what to do. Raditz cupped his hands for a moment, and began to draw on his reserves again, felt the energy flowing across his body to gather between his palms. It was a crude but powerful blast, and more than enough for his purposes. When he was ready, he thrust his hands forwards, and the Ki took off. It flew feely for a moment, before encountering the metal door, which was promptly blown in two. The energy travelled after this into the corridor, twisting and howling as it went, ripping through the fire which had taken a foothold on the other side. Said fire was quickly extinguished, wiped away by his power. Raditz held the beam for another moment, until he felt his reserves begin to weaken, then shut it off.
Stepping into the corridor now, he felt the rising heat. Something had set the whole place ablaze, and his beam had only served to delay the destruction. Already, he could see embers catching, and new flames rising to replace the old. Smoke and ashes swirled around him, and he put a hand over his mouth to prevent himself breathing in something he'd rather not.
There were bodies here too. Twisted and charred by the flame. More soldiers. Looked like there had been a real fight here.
Again. Raditz felt something was off about this picture. He didn't know quite what it was, but it didn't feel right. The Arkosians had a rep for being good at this sort of thing, but what could they hope to achieve here? They'd never be able to kill Frieza in thousand years, so weren't they throwing their lives away for nothing? The Arkosians were supposed to be ruthless but practical. If they were doing something, there was a reason, they didn't just throw their lives away for nothing, and added to this, there were the Saibamen, and the combat drones… both things that required a lot of prior planning. They had to have spent time on this, so what was their goal? What could they possibly want that would be worth the risk that they were undertaking here? If they failed, their planet was doomed. Frieza would never show mercy to them after this. They had to know it. Which meant that this action was judged worth that risk, but what could be worth running that hideous danger?
It would have been nice to say that he had an idea of where they were coming from, or maybe of what they hoped to get out of it, but honestly he didn't have a clue, and it didn't matter to much either, he figured. What was done was done, and he'd already set out on his course.
There was a burst of motion to his right, almost hidden by one of the flickering tongues of flame. Acting on instinct, he threw himself to the side, and a searing beam of light swept across the space in which he'd stood. Raditz caught himself, rolling back to his feet in time to launch himself at the unexpected attacker.
Well, maybe not so unexpected.
It was a combat drone; a tiny disc-shaped droid that hovered in the air on a field of projected anti-gravity. Nearly all of its body mass was given over to the lethal looking laser which protruded from its primary body, and the rest went to the complicated set of sensors embedded behind the single glass eye.
Raditz noted with a flash of arrogance that the drone wasn't calibrated to catch a Saiyan, it was far too slow! He weaved around another shot, hearing it smash into the wall behind him, and thrust forwards. His hand shot out, aiming to dash the single glass eye, but the drone kicked away, moving as fast as its projector could carry it, the weapon glittered and spat again. Cutting a path over Raditz shoulder. He winced, feeling the intense heat under his armour, but refused to show it any sign of weakness. His hands filled with energy, and he went on the attack, launching a dozen blasts to help pin down the tiny machine, it darted. So fast for such a tiny thing, mocking his previous assumption as it dancing in the space between his attacks. Its metal body flashed with the reflected light of his blasts, mocking his inability to bring it down so easily.
It moved forwards, skimming quickly between two blasts, and fired a volley of lasers which he deflected with a backhand; even through the shield of his aura, he felt the pain of the impact, but before it could recover, he pushed himself forwards once more.
Drones like this were powerful. Stronger than they looked for sure, though, most of their power tended to come from numbers. Alone, one of them wouldn't be enough to hold him off for long. As though to prove his point, this time, the thing was too slow, and he felt his fingers close around its metal frame. The shimmering shield it projected no match for the strength of a Saiyan. He closed his fist, and felt the body crack and strain under the pressure, electricity surged through his hand, but he held on until he was absolutely sure that it was just a ball of useless scrap before he let it drop to the ground.
Flames were starting to climb higher again, and he frowned. That annoying insect took longer than I thought it would. Strange that it decided to stand and fight though. They usually run if they don't have a numbers advantage.
Raditz stalked to the end of the corridor, where the door refused to open for him having detected the fire. Annoyed, he ripped into it with his fist, punching a hole clean through the metal, and peeling it back until he could step through.
The new corridor was fresh – though, fresh was a subjective term, seeing as how there were yet more bodies littering the floor. And the killers were waiting for him even as he stepped through the ruined husk of a sealed entrance. A hovering combat drone swivelled to face him. At first, he felt confidence. Another wouldn't be that hard.
Then a second came into view, skimming through the empty doors to the quarters which lined the walls.
A third one appeared, having wedged itself into an ambush position hovering just under the roof of the hall.
A fourth was poised between two dead bodies, deadly and silent.
Number five was waiting for him by the door, already moving to attack as soon as he stepped through.
And lucky six was coming from behind, he twisted as he heard the tell-tale sounds of the hovering system they used to move. It had just descended down the elevator shaft that he had used to gain entrance himself.
Six drones, coming at him all together. His last thought before the chaos began was a simple one.
So that's why it didn't run. It was waiting for friends.