Elysium Abyss (Worm/Dresden files)

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Post Gold Morning, Contessa shoots Kephri, but through the miracle of Bonesaw and Panacea, restores Taylor back to health for a purpose. She sends her to the Dresdenverse, a punishment and yet a chance for redemption. Will she become the hope for humanity? Or a monster once again?
1.0 The Carpenters
I slowly woke up, sleep sloughing off my mind like molasses. I fluttered my eyes weakly. My mouth was dry and my limbs wouldn't respond to me. The room was simple peach color and there was a man with brown hair looking at me with concern.

"God be good, you're awake." The muscular handsome man said. He handed me a cup of ice chips, that I gratefully took in my mouth. The ice was refreshing and melted in my mouth soon enough that I could swallow it.

"Who ... are you?" I asked, surprising myself with speech. It was more of a wheeze than anything but I could speak English now. I also marveled at the feeling of fingers on both arms. Contessa had been generous enough to give my arm back.

"I'm Michael Carpenter," he said, kindly. "We found you on the side of the road. You've been through a lot, haven't you?"

"I ..." There was no way for him to understand. I wasn't sure if I even understood what happened to me. The memories were coming back but not all of it was complete or coherent. I remember so little ... I just simply nodded in the end. There was something about this man that I knew I could trust him.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Taylor," I said. That I did remember. Taylor Anne Hebert.

"Any family?"

I hesitated. "Probably not."

"Probably not?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"It's a long story," I said, trying to raise myself to a sitting position. I wanted to be able to look Michael Carpenter in the eye at least. It wasn't as hard as I was expecting, but there was some definite weakness in my limbs. "I don't think I have any legal identification either."

"Hmmm, well, let me talk to my wife to figure out some arrangements for you," he said, standing up. He left the room for a few minutes, leaving me to try standing and walking. I idly walk around slowly, trying to pace myself. I hear a raised voice that's vaguely female before Michael comes back in.

"So you have a few options," He began.

[ ] Stay with the Carpenters. (Opens the Carpenter home, Charity: Dislike, Carpenter Kids: Approval.)

[ ] Stay with Father Forthill. (Opens the Church Alliance, Leads to 'Exorcism' Storyline.)

[ ] Stay with Harry Dresden while working at Michael's construction company. (Opens the White Council alliance, Dresden: Wary)

[ ] Write In.
A bit short, but interesting nonetheless.

[X] Stay with Father Forthill. (Opens the Church Alliance, Leads to 'Exorcism' Storyline.)

Hmm, Dresden's route has been done to death and I don't like inflicting Taylor on the Carpenters.

The Church it is then. I've never seen a Dresden fic focused on the Church before so let's give this a try.
Honestly, I'm open to either church or Carpenters. Dresden hasn't exactly been 'done to death', but it's definitely the obvious choice and therefore something to shy away from. "Exorcism" raises some alarm bells since this is almost certainly QA-related, but I could also see it being interesting.

The Carpenters are cool, though. So I'm voting for the Carpenters if it's not between Church and Dresden. '^'

[X] Stay with the Carpenters. (Opens the Carpenter home, Charity: Dislike, Carpenter Kids: Approval.)
[X] Stay with the Carpenters. (Opens the Carpenter home, Charity: Dislike, Carpenter Kids: Approval.)
[X] Stay with Father Forthill. (Opens the Church Alliance, Leads to 'Exorcism' Storyline.)
[X] Stay with the Carpenters. (Opens the Carpenter home, Charity: Dislike, Carpenter Kids: Approval.)

I mean, on the one hand, I like Father Forthill, the storyline sounds interesting.

On the other hand, the other option involves Michael. No brainer, for me.

Quite apart from him being my favorite character in the books, I certainly think he'd do Taylor some good.
[X] Stay with the Carpenters. (Opens the Carpenter home, Charity: Dislike, Carpenter Kids: Approval.)

Hmm, I don't know anything about Father Forthill. I remember enough about the Carpenters to remember I liked Michael and Molly a lot. I would go with Dresden just for the chance of Taylor getting magic but honestly? She deserves to relax a bit. As well as maybe, and I'm probably really overthinking this, having a chance at getting a sword.
[X] Stay with Father Forthill.

The Carpenters are good folk, but Forthill is more able to support and shelter a damaged charity case long term. He is also Michael's known primary contact within the city and most likely who he would go to to help with such things as legal documents. Forthill is also good folk from what is shown, even with a more active background that was hinted at. Dresden just doesn't go to the Church much unless he has to so we don't see much of him outside of 3-4 of the books. He may not be the near saint we see Michael portrayed as, but he is good folk and does try to help.
1.1 Beginnings
[X] Stay with Father Forthill. (Opens the Church Alliance, Leads to 'Exorcism' Storyline.)

"Father Forthill, this is Taylor," Michael said to a man with bright blue eyes and graying hair. I wasn't entirely comfortable with the idea of staying with a church, but Michael assured me that Father Forthill would be able to get me my legal documents and that he was 'good people'. I shook his hand and looked him in the eye, feeling a strange faint pull. But it went away when I looked down at his clothes.

"So I'm not going to have to do sermons am I?" I asked bluntly. Forthill chuckled while Michael smiled.

"No, none of that. I understand if you're not of the faith. But you'll have to clean, help cook, and help distribute the food during the afternoon. Basically earn your keep as long as you are here," Forthill explained.

"Sounds good," I said, looking forward to doing some honest, good work.

"You're in good hands Taylor," Michael said, patting my shoulder before leaving. "I'll see you later."

"Let me show you to your room Taylor," Forthill said, guiding me by the shoulder to a basement that was fairly large and full of odds and ends. There were several clean beds there as well. I chose a bed in the corner and sat down, feeling awkward as I tested out the springs. Surprisingly enough, it was a nice mattress.

"Thank you, Mr. Forthill," I said.


My days were spent cleaning, cooking, and distributing food to the needy and homeless sure enough. In two weeks, I had gotten my 'legal documents', but despite the newfound freedom, I didn't feel like leaving. It was January, and I had free food and a roof over my head, but all those reasons paled to the real one.

I was lost.

One day, I was ladling a meat broth to Mrs. Georgia and her two kids when I heard raised voices from the front of the soup kitchen. I frowned and handed the ladle to Nell, a tall slip of a dark skinned girl who raised her eyebrows at me.

"You're going to break it up?" She called out after me as I was walking off.

"Someone has to," I replied.

I encounter a young woman arguing with Ralph, a homeless teen boy who came by often to the soup kitchen. He was a bit of a brat, but I had dealt with worse.

"Ralph, what's going on?" I asked sharply. He cowered for a second before resuming his composure.

"She's not allowed in here," Ralph snapped, glaring at the angry woman.

"Why?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Forthill allows anyone to eat here. Regardless of your gender, sexuality, race, etc. you are welcome. You know the rules Ralph."

"Exactly," she said triumphantly.

"Ugggh, she's fae!" Ralph cried out.


"Half fae," she said, glaring at Ralph.

I turned my head from Ralph to her. What.

"I can smell Summer all over you," he hissed. "You don't belong here."

"Okay, okay, regardless of this weird roleplay thing you guys are doing," I said, stepping in between them. "Miss ... "

"Lorelei," she said.

"Miss Lorelei has a right to eat here, so knock it off Ralph," I said. Ralph scowled ugly and muttered something about 'ignorant', but scampered back to his food, staring at Miss Lorelei.

He didn't stop staring until she left.

She never stopped staring at me.


"Taylor, I'd like you to accompany me to an exorcism." Forthill asked, out of the blue one day. I blinked.

"Mr. Forthill, with all due respect, exorcisms are fake and can hurt the person you're supposedly exorcising," I said, worried. Forthill seemed like a sensible guy, was this the other shoe dropping?

"He's being restrained at a hospital by medical staff and I promise I will not do anything to hurt the boy," he said, with as much earnest sincerity he could. "I think this is something you need to learn about."

I mulled it over. It sounded crazy, but Forthill promised not to hurt the kid, whoever he was. At worst, a schizophrenic kid would get water splashed on him.

"Alright, but if you do anything over the line, I'm going to stop you," I said, feeling like a hypocrite.

"I wouldn't expect anything less from you," he said, nodding. We drove in a van that he used to carpool for the older church members to the hospital. A couple met us at the front of the hospital, in tears. Father Forthill was carrying a large duffel bag of something and nodded as the dad and mom panicked at him.

"Father! Thank god you're here! He's terrible, he's screaming and trying to hurt people and his eyes, oh god!"

"What about his eyes?" I asked, perturbed.

"They've turned pure red!"

They talked like that for a while, as Father Forthill walked briskly to the room. It was easy to tell which one from the screaming. It was ... unearthly. It almost reminded me of Triumph's screams, but his had never had this quality of malevolence to it. We walked into the room, leaving the worried parents outside. The boy stopped screaming and smiled malevolently at Father Forthill. He had brown hair and looked around fourteen, while being restrained down on a patient bed.

"Ah, hello Father," he greeted, in a deep bass voice. "Come a little closer so I can bite your throat out."

While that didn't really convince me as voices could be manipulated in brilliant ways, the bright red of his eyeballs did. That was completely impossible to do.

"What the fuck?" I murmured.

"Language Taylor," Forthill said, before pulling out a gallon of water.

"What? No foreplay today Father?" he asked, frowning. Forthill poured it over his stomach and the boy started screaming and emitting a dark black steam like vapour from his body.

"What're you doing?!" I yelled grabbing his wrist.

"It's normal water that's just been blessed. Touch it," he said, offering the jug to me. I dipped my finger in and nothing happened. Huh. I turned to stare at the boy who was taking deep breaths as he locked eyes with me suddenly.

"I see your potential. Release me and I'll-" Forthill began pouring more water on his belly. He screamed and I put my hands over my ears, but his unearthly sound seemed to pierce right through. When Forthill was done, the boy's eyes were brown and he slumped down in his restraints.

"Forthill, what the fuck was that?"

"That was a malevolent djinn, Taylor," He said, sighing.


"So magic and the supernatural are real, and most things eat humans. Great. Fucking thanks Contessa," I muttered. I was in the car, hearing Forthill's spiel about the supernatural and magic.

"And you are a practitioner as well, Taylor. Well minor in talent, but that may prove to be a boon," He said, driving back to the church.

"I'd rather not stop a car in the middle of the highway thanks," I said, grimacing.

"If you want to be trained, I know another minor talent in the city who could help, her name is Natalie Moon," he explained. "There is also Harry Dresden, but I don't know him very well and I'd rather you not get wrapped up in the White Council."

"Isn't he the Official Wizard guy?" I asked.

Forthill chuckled.

What do you want to do?

[ ] Go to Natalie Moon. She sounds like she can help and less politics.

[ ] Go to Harry Dresden. He sounds like he can help a lot more than Natalie.
[X] Go to Harry Dresden. He sounds like he can help a lot more than Natalie.

Ugh, fine. I'll go with Dresden. Better than a complete unknown at least.
[X] Go to Natalie Moon. She sounds like she can help and less politics.

I want to explore the setting outside of Dresden.