Still it would had been more useful for us if we had married Cahokia, would had helped us with internal stability if i knew that we wouldn't had alliance with France i wouldn't even vote for that marriage .
Okay, look at it like this: nothing would have changed with Mexico whether we'd married France or not except our relationship with the nation. Right now people are freaking out over nothing, but if our relationship with the Big Blue Blob was neutral, then I'd be seriously concerned.
Okay, look at it like this: nothing would have changed with Mexico whether we'd married France or not except our relationship with the nation. Right now people are freaking out over nothing, but if our relationship with the Big Blue Blob was neutral, then I'd be seriously concerned.

We would had better stability and our relationship isn't even that good.
They would still support Mexico over us so as you say nothing would had changed wich is proof that this marriage is useless.
We would had better stability and our relationship isn't even that good.
They would still support Mexico over us so as you say nothing would had changed wich is proof that this marriage is useless.
"Oh, France would honor the promise they made to a revolting enemy colony, thus our royal marriage is useless!"

You people all have no chill, Christ Almighty.
"Oh, France would honor the promise they made to a revolting enemy colony, thus our royal marriage is useless!"

You people all have no chill, Christ Almighty.

What kind of promise, that colony didn't have any relationship with their war with Castile, it was under native occupation and they blocked us there.
We could had do better if we married Cahokia. It would be better for our stability . Face it marriage with France brought nothing to a table, even England is better than them.
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I mean if we get an alliance with France then they are between a rock and a hard spot. Would they choose us or Mexico? I am greatly curious.
Can we attack Ottawa and co-belligerent Cahokia?
If we can and win the war we would massively expand all our borders west! Plus a small war against Passamaquoddy, they are small and in our territory anyway.
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Okay here's the deal with Mexico. We can play it two ways.
1) We get them to be our vassal. They are small, weak and we are much closer than France so they could go from alliance to vassal.
2) Straight invasion. France cant really do much right now. They still have to sail across the sea to get here and our navy does not suck.
Interesting map, and set of alliances.
I assume jumping one of Cahokia's allies will trigger a more general war with their alliance. And we probably want to bulk up properly for that particular conflict. Field test some of our new military changes.
Can we attack Ottawa and co-belligerent Cahokia?
If we can and win the war we would massively expand all our borders west! Plus a small war against Passamaquoddy, they are small and in our territory anyway.
We probably take a hard look at eating Mexico next actually.
Secure the rest of the coast, and it has no nearby allies to reinforce. Just establish a suitable casus belli.
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Can we attack Ottawa and co-belligerent Cahokia?
If we can and win the war we would massively expand all our borders west! Plus a small war against Passamaquoddy, they are small and in our territory anyway.
We actually dont want to massively expand our borders, so that would be bad for us. Our lands are already pretty underpopulated and underdevelopped and even in victory, the Cahokian territories would probably break away from us due to us simply lacking the means to hold them as we are right now.
Yea we need to deal with Mexico next turn as we don't need European ally in the backyard. And with them under our control we will finally block Europe from the North America.
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So all we did was give the French a potential claim to the throme, then? I knew we should have gone with cahokia
In terms of game mechanics, having a marriage improves your relationship with the married country. It also takes up a relationship slot, which means that you can ally without taking up a new relations slot (meaning you never have to worry about the "too many relationships" malus when trying to get the alliance).

This quest doesn't run strictly on game mechanics, but both of those are logical and easy to translate so I expect it has the same impact.

In other words, marriage is not an alliance but it makes alliance much easier.

We should 100% ally Mexico. Their development is tiny compared to ours. Diplo-vassaling them should be straightforward. In non-game terms we could use the influx of people from a high-tech culture.
We should 100% ally Mexico. Their development is tiny compared to ours. Diplo-vassaling them should be straightforward. In non-game terms we could use the influx of people from a high-tech culture.

Once again problem is religion, large influx of people means a good chance of religious tensions rising (massacre of the Latins comes in mind).
In case like with Barboi rebellion there are great chances of such thing happening in game and then we will have bad relationship with entire Europe.
Once again problem is religion, large influx of people means a good chance of religious tensions rising (massacre of the Latins comes in mind).
In case like with Barboi rebellion there are great chances of such thing happening in game and then we will have bad relationship with entire Europe.
Remember that those provinces don't hold nearly as many people as you might think from map size alone. I think it's enough to be of some value but not enough to be very disruptive.

Religious tensions could be an issue, but with so much syncretism going on with IRL Catholicism and in-game Orthodoxy I don't think it's insurmountable. The Byzantines hated the shit out of Venice in particular but I don't think Elysia in its situation is going to be hugely anti-Catholic.
Remember that those provinces don't hold nearly as many people as you might think from map size alone. I think it's enough to be of some value but not enough to be very disruptive.

Religious tensions could be an issue, but with so much syncretism going on with IRL Catholicism and in-game Orthodoxy I don't think it's insurmountable. The Byzantines hated the shit out of Venice in particular but I don't think Elysia in its situation is going to be hugely anti-Catholic.

We weren't anty Barboi in game, we even gave them rights yet people massacred each other.
And here we have two sides that have a history of massacring each others.
just wondering how the hell england and the ottomans are allied in any g-dammed way?
fear of france? maybe ?

there like at least what 3 to 4 country`s france has to get trought to even get any where close to the ottomans.
also bohemia got big hope it stays that way for a while

uhm only plus side i seen so far is france not looking our way for now to expand there interests so that is ... nice of them.