Echoes of Eternity: A Warhammer 40k Necron Lord Quest

Good job to everyone and a passive aggresive ""nice going,kid" to Beta who seems to be going through a late term puberty and acting like a volatile teenage brat
The Nurglite kingdom on the south-east of the Protectorate is on the offensive, and the Sector Lord has his hands full trying to stem the tide of corruption
Think we should help deal with the Nurglite kingdom offensive, could go and attack there worlds as most of there armies and navy should attacking the Protectorate, and this will force them to pull back
Xorathis' Trait changes!
The Path of Mercy -> The Crime of Mercy: The Chaos Gods hated you for what your potential was. Now they hate you more. Increased hostility from Chaos. This Trait will evolve depending on your choices.
Oh no, the faction that we are the natural counter for hates us I am so scared/s
Korissah Level Up! (Not. Broken Mind trait prevents.)
Korissah learns a new Trait!
Flayer Contamination?: Korissah has been touched by the Flayer Curse but not infected. A few infected code remains in her processors.
This is HUGE, getting a vaccine for the Flayer virus is not only a massive asset for aour own faction, but also extremely useful to negotiate with other Necron Dinasties...
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The Cult of the Heavenly Guardians' values shift! -> Value of flesh, metal and soul, Choice, Thought, Discipline, Fealty.
Cult's current action
- Build religious hierarchy and rites (Faith, Work, Prayer, Scourging the Flesh, Necrodermis-Innests) (Will produce an Agent)
I'm assuming that scourging the flesh and Innest where replaced by the matching colored traits, but what happens to faith, work and prayer? Were they also replaced by the other 4 traits or do they still keep them?
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If we're going to be invading the Nurglites we need to do that "understanding Null tech" action and start mass producing Gloom Prisms. Monoliths with theirs Nightshroud fields are pretty good, but they're very limited in number. Maybe we can ask the Forgelord for a mobile Null Field Matrix to really fuck them over.
Sitting in her laboratory alone, Xorathis smiled.
A job well done I would say. suble sterring of her cult the right way and all the spiritual work.
She had been through a lot, nice to see her smile.

Xorathis unlocks a new Empyrean Armament!
- The Crushing Grasp
... That is both classic and retro. It fits perfectly.

Korissah learns a new Trait!
Flayer Contamination?: Korissah has been touched by the Flayer Curse but not infected. A few infected code remains in her processors.
oh oh. This needs adressing. If I recall correcly the Flayer virus was a curse made by a dieing C'Tan so it would make sense, Xor is one of few that can do something meaningfull about it.

Beta's Faction grows! It now holds a majority among the Modernists!"
Haha! wow, she works fast! That's like 30% of the planet under her. Impressive as hell. Makes it actually hard to thing of best use for her...

Um @boredblues ? I'm fairy sure I know the answere, and it will be depresing , but...
What are the odds of any of Beta immidiate bio family - parents and siblings - still alive? I admit I'm not that verse with Mechanicus recruitment drive and longevity of average citizens but what did was mentioned did paint a grim picture...
One can hope they at least died of old age as menilas or something less painfull.

Name: The Acolyte
Personality Traits: Focused, On Search for a New Path, Thoughtful, Questioning, Shepherd
I think we call this one 'Ryder'.
Chief Ryder has better ring to it than 'chief priest Shepard' at least.
Wish the dude luck. He will have his hands full soon.

You unlock the Lament of the Aeldari questline!
[Deep inhale] This will result in many ice creams filled nights.
Our Lady paving the way for peace talks... for hersell and Mictlan. Cause Silent King still has to apologize to her first.

You contacted Um-Ra, the Planet Engine! You unlocked The Quarry questline!
You allied yourself with the Forgemaster! You unlocked Request the Forgemaster!
Friends! Man, sure is weird those are 'beings' closest to us. At least we can take things slow with them. Or weirh fols club.

Habitability: Abysmal
... I mean. That's way above average for Tombword. Plus 'Warm-hall-01' Is straght up comfy... and a work in progress.
Migrants will be fun.

AC - Huff, that was some chunky bout of news and adds. Do tell me if I forgot anything. I'll be jotting down some more Informational now. Expect a new questline and research system coming from the next turn.
That it was and we are thankfull for it. Nothing jumps at me for the forget part, Mayby loot pile could be added but that's a detail.
A Quest sheet sure sounds usefull and intesting. Will have to keep tabs on 'complited' and 'abandoned' in future...
Research sounds fun. Got things to figure out.

This is HUGE, getting a vaccine for the Flayer virus is not only a massive asset for aour own faction, but also extremely useful to negotiate with other Necron Dinasties...
Bit optimistic but I'm here for it. atm I would like to give her full check up to make sure its nothing problematic or at least dormant enough to not make us more problems.
WE better not lose our Assasin before we even teach her how to enjoy things again.

If we're going to be invading the Nurglites we need to do that "understanding Null tech" action and start mass producing Gloom Prisms.
I mean, Protectorate held strong so far, They can tank few turns. Its beter to act with a plan after all. Would certanly not mind a custom base anty-nurgle, or even general anty-chaos weaponery.
Plus, If I'm rearing sector map correcly, they do have their Capital system right to the border of Dead Archipelago. A painfull stab does not seem difficult. Difficult part is to make it hurt.

Am I looking forward to planing phase. So much had happened. We need more people. We got our planet up and running. Time to move on our system. Then the deserted space, mayby. We'll see. hehe
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huh. Do wonder what would Beta think about The Acolyte? He was her subordinate.
Also how is she percived by those that stayed behind? Do they consider her The Chosen One?
Things do grow nicely.

I'm assuming that scourging the flesh and Innest where replaced by the matching colored traits,
Personally I like how it ended up. This is following the spirit of the comand and not its letter.
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Beta learns a new Trait!
Adopted Daughter: Something like family is developing. Beta's actions shift to be more favorable toward Xorathis. Chance for her to gain Loyalty at each turn.
How did I miss it the first time?! This is huge! Both mechanically and narrativly. SHE CARES! That alone is worth so much. We will still continue to invest into her, sure. but it feels like a insurance of sorts, not to mention the mentality benefits. They loyalty issue is nigh self fixin with that.
The immortal found a family that accepted such a situation.

The Silent King really didn't want us escaping if he put two Titans in our prison.
Whelp, ours now Tyrant boy!
Welp. We certanly are not complaining. Esspecially if we figure out how to make more. I would not expect many of our foes having Titans at hand, so it sure be wise to pack one of those on our flagship 'just in case'.
"Do not interupt your enemy when they make a mistake".
'm assuming that scourging the flesh and Innest where replaced by the matching colored traits, but what happens to faith, work and prayer? Were they also replaced by the other 4 traits or do they still keep them?

You're right. Re-adding them now.

What are the odds of any of Beta immidiate bio family - parents and siblings - still alive?

What are the odds of any of Beta immidiate bio family - parents and siblings - still alive? I admit I'm not that verse with Mechanicus recruitment drive and longevity of average citizens but what did was mentioned did paint a grim picture...
One can hope they at least died of old age as menilas or something less painfull.

Mechanicus Forge-World general policies are to consider the average "layperson" as a defective annoyance at worst and an expendable resource (like a bullet) at best. All inhabitants of a Forge-World receive electoos (sub-dermal tattoos) that allow high-ranking Magos to flood their minds with impulses at will, usually bursts of faith. They are generally worked to death. Skitarii have it a bit better, but only because their psycho-conditioning makes them faithful and happy to do their work. Many of them use rad-weapons that break down their bodies. And yes, a lot of people in a Forge-World are cloned in vats. Only Tech-Adepts receive some measure of respect, with Archmagi, the top-dogs, being venerated as living saints. They consider laypeople to be unholy infidels at best and they don't allow them anywhere close to their consecrated shrined.

Your average Magos will fret over a disconcerted, dismayed and overused Machine Spirit, demanding it be allowed to rest and be respected, even threatening and confronting military personnel for its sake. Meanwhile, he won't glance at a layperson dying in the streets.

depends on the world on mars pretty sure they use vact clones to make new tech priests

A widely used practice in most Forge-Worlds to make Skitarii en-masse.

The Silent King really didn't want us escaping if he put two Titans in our prison.

Seraptek are standard to protect Master Program. That said, one is standard. Two is a lot.
Were they also replaced by the other 4 traits or do they still keep them?
Fealy = faith and prayer. work = choise and discipline.
Spirit over word my dude.
You're right. Re-adding them now.
I mean. Not that far off...
What would 3 or more be then you die now
We'll get there eventually. We have yet to assemble the Titan Legion of our own.
The better question would be: What will we deploy to take down Seraptecs of hostile necrons?
Gee, I'm sorry we committed the fucking sin of empathy.
Can you imagine the mindfuck people will get when they realize the Hell Dimension hates this Xeno Criminal for choosing Mercy? Imagine: Here's a Mallus Inquisitor in constant life-or-death struggle against cultists, bu the cultist are being told, By t their GOD, to ignore him because the ancient Alien Tech-Priest needs to die.