Earning Her Stripes (Worm AU Fanfic)

I know this isn't going to be a Ranma cross, but damn, Ranma would love sparring with this Emma.

Also, Sophia may have done a little too well on changing Emma's mindset, because it looks like Emma's starting to see her as a liability.
Not yet. She just sees the power plays as being a little tiresome right now.

As for Ranma ... well, her reflexes are basically wired up to 'max human athlete response' ... all the time. Any move will be met with the ideal counter before it's even properly begun. If he likes fighting someone who can make Armsmaster's combat prediction algorithm look like a cheap clock, then yeah, he'd enjoy it :p
Emma waved the pistol. "Because ranged weapons would be a good idea? I'm currently limited to what I can punch and what I can throw."

"Huh." Madison seemed to think about that. "Can you throw stuff that can bounce back to you? If I made it so it wouldn't break?"

"Sure." Emma tossed up the pistol and caught it again. "Why?"

Madison's grin gleamed in the dying glow of molten metal. "Let me get back to you on that."

Oh dammit Emma is going to be Evil Bitch Captain America isn't she
Not yet. She just sees the power plays as being a little tiresome right now.

As for Ranma ... well, her reflexes are basically wired up to 'max human athlete response' ... all the time. Any move will be met with the ideal counter before it's even properly begun. If he likes fighting someone who can make Armsmaster's combat prediction algorithm look like a cheap clock, then yeah, he'd enjoy it :p
Ranma might actually marry a girl who can give him a fight that good every day.
Given that Emma can do 300 pushups with Madison on her back and only quit because it's getting boring, I'd find it interesting to see what she could do with some armor.
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Given that Emma can do 300 pushups with Madison on her back and only quit because it's getting boring, I'd find it interesting to see what she could do with some armor.

Considering that Emma rejected a helmet from Madison on the grounds that 20 pounds is too heavy, I'm not sure this would work as well as you're thinking it would. Either that or she's not great at self-assessing how much weight she can reasonably carry yet, which is possible.
Considering that Emma rejected a helmet from Madison on the grounds that 20 pounds is too heavy, I'm not sure this would work as well as you're thinking it would. Either that or she's not great at self-assessing how much weight she can reasonably carry yet, which is possible.
Her muscular development is such that Madison is not a great burden for her. Her endurance is such that she can do 300 pushups with Madison on her back without a real hassle. However, a 20 pound helmet is going to be putting a constant strain on her neck. Yes, her neck muscles are strong, But not that much stronger than before.
Honestly when the Trio's plan goes sideways and ripped apart by invincible hands, I'm hoping at least Madison survives, comparisons to her and Hero non withstanding.

Because I'm actually enjoying reading Tinker!Mads, she also probably has the highest chance of surviving, now I know this may sound weird since if we were told the Triumvirate were facing the Siberian, we'd probably assume Hero survives. But Mads seems like the type to have her escape jetback on a hair trigger, with no real reason to stay like Hero did in canon.

Anyway, my point is, I expect either non of them to die, but they get injured, or I expect Emma or Sophia to die.

Probably Sophia actually, no reason to make these cool powers only to throw em into the bin immediately. Sophia probably dies trying to take command prove she's Strong.
One other hilarious image I had from the title would be more like a Miss Militia type of powerset instead of the Siberian, given the nature of pinging off of these three.
This Emma vs Taskmaster would be an interesting brawl

Photogenic Reflex's vs Combat prediction, absolute madness...or they just sit and stare at each other because no one makes a first move
This Emma vs Taskmaster would be an interesting brawl

Photogenic Reflex's vs Combat prediction, absolute madness...or they just sit and stare at each other because no one makes a first move

I'd expect a lot of twitching: one tries to move, the other moves to respond, the first goes back to rest because they know it won't work. Repeat until something else happens or they get bored.
Oh dammit Emma is going to be Evil Bitch Captain America isn't she
And Madison will be evil Iron (Wo)Man. She's even building her first suit with nothing but a warehouse of scrap. Which means Shadow Stalker is Hawkeye - the character who would be cool in any setting where they didn't look weak in comparison to nearly the entire rest of the team.
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Which means Sophia....isn't far off from Ghost goddammit how did I not see that!?

Edit: @TSBasilisk I totally missed your Evil Avengers equivalent for Sophia, because I couldn't comprehend Sophia being anywhere close to having a counterpart outside from an actual villain. That and her power is more similar to MCU's Ghost (at least the phaseshifting bit)
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Emma's only peak human though, while Ranma's more than that. Remember that this is the guy who regularly fights people who cause mass property damage and WINS. He might even take offence to her simply being given the skill he's worked his ass off for. Even if she did win once or twice eventually he'd come back after a training trip and beat her ass
Emma's only peak human though, while Ranma's more than that. Remember that this is the guy who regularly fights people who cause mass property damage and WINS. He might even take offence to her simply being given the skill he's worked his ass off for. Even if she did win once or twice eventually he'd come back after a training trip and beat her ass
Not sure she'd even win once; as pointed out, even early Ranma has her edged physically, plus he's spent a decade being trained in a martial art that focuses on unpredictability and midair combat, by a man who believed there was such a thing as too low a blow.
I know this isn't going to be a Ranma cross, but damn, Ranma would love sparring with this Emma.

Also, Sophia may have done a little too well on changing Emma's mindset, because it looks like Emma's starting to see her as a liability.
Ranma is basically Spider-man, sometimes more so. Does this Emma seem like she's on that league?

Emma's only peak human though, while Ranma's more than that. Remember that this is the guy who regularly fights people who cause mass property damage and WINS. He might even take offence to her simply being given the skill he's worked his ass off for. Even if she did win once or twice eventually he'd come back after a training trip and beat her ass
Yeah. Ranma is a bit... of a bitch when he perceives that others get it easy like that. Funny thing is that he's not really above that kind of thing if he thinks he can get away with it.
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This Emma vs Taskmaster would be an interesting brawl

Photogenic Reflex's vs Combat prediction, absolute madness...or they just sit and stare at each other because no one makes a first move
Emma wins.
She starts to fight. He emulates her style. She changes her style mid-move to something that no-sells the first style. He tries to emulate that. She changes again ... and again.
Emma's only peak human though, while Ranma's more than that. Remember that this is the guy who regularly fights people who cause mass property damage and WINS. He might even take offence to her simply being given the skill he's worked his ass off for. Even if she did win once or twice eventually he'd come back after a training trip and beat her ass
Unless his actual speed is greater than human, she would win. Her reflexes are peak human all the time, even at rest. Whatever moves he tries, she's not limited to a particular style to counter it.
Not sure she'd even win once; as pointed out, even early Ranma has her edged physically, plus he's spent a decade being trained in a martial art that focuses on unpredictability and midair combat, by a man who believed there was such a thing as too low a blow.
Versus a super-power that lets her predict the unpredictable. Unless he can hide his pre-move muscle twitches or hit her from ambush.

One on one, no special circumstances, face to face, she wins.
No, she doesn't. She can match him, but is not faster, stronger or, and this is the important one, she's not better trained. On a completely equal field skill wins.

Not that it matters, as Ranma has far exceeded Human peak in speed, strength and endurance many times. He's more up there with Captain American in the physique.

Plus, he has the whole "Ranma doesn't lose" thing, which is a damn superpower of its own./j
What if the three girls pinning and force feeding the vial forces Taylor to trigger as in canon but the addition of the vial escalates QA into Khepri levels of control, without the botched lobotomy by Panacea.
What if the three girls pinning and force feeding the vial forces Taylor to trigger as in canon but the addition of the vial escalates QA into Khepri levels of control, without the botched lobotomy by Panacea.
WOG says no QA. That's not to say there's no other shard, but it's not QA.

Possibility: The Deus vial hooks up with canon Lung's Escalation Engine, giving Taylor a healing factor and a body that becomes more and more invulnerable as the fight goes on, culminating in full Siberian unstoppability
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No, she doesn't. She can match him, but is not faster, stronger or, and this is the important one, she's not better trained. On a completely equal field skill wins.

Not that it matters, as Ranma has far exceeded Human peak in speed, strength and endurance many times. He's more up there with Captain American in the physique.

Plus, he has the whole "Ranma doesn't lose" thing, which is a damn superpower of its own./j
She is better trained. Or rather, she's not relying on training or muscle memory. It's literally her power. This is what I've been trying to say. If there's someone, anyone, who can beat Ranma, if there's a move that can defeat him, she's got that move. If Contessa can beat him, Emma can beat him.

Going against someone like Cap strength-wise, she wouldn't match strength for strength; she'd go for 'soft' techniques. Nerve points, joint locks, etc.

If it's physically possible for him to be beaten, she would be able to beat him.

Of course, she may decide not to beat him for her own reasons.

I've just looked up his capabilities. He's not Cap-level. He's Justice League level. He's not even remotely near human limits anymore.

No, Emma couldn't beat him, unless her power could draw from the same techniques he uses. But probably not.

WOG says no QA. That's not to say there's no other shard, but it's not QA.

Possibility: The Deus vial hooks up with canon Lung's Escalation Engine, giving Taylor a healing factor and a body that becomes more and more invulnerable as the fight goes on, culminating in full Siberian unstoppability
Ack said (in SB) there's no shard, period.
This is true.
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