Earning Her Stripes (Worm AU Fanfic)

Part Nineteen: Hostage Situation
Earning Her Stripes

Part Nineteen: Hostage Situation

[A/N: This chapter commissioned by @Fizzfaldt and beta-read by Lady Columbine of Mystal.]


I knew the bad news as soon as the expression on Emma's face changed. "Shadow Stalker," she snarled. "Leave my parents out of this. This is between you and me."

There was a pause as Sophia answered; I could just about hear her voice, but not what she was saying.

Emma shook her head. "No. We told the police and PRT nothing. All they know is that Shadow Stalker tried to kill Danny Hebert, and we don't know why." There was a brief pause. "Nothing about this is fine. Surrender, and we'll get you the therapy you need. My parents don't need to be any part of this."

It was a good try, but even I knew it wasn't going to work. Sophia Hess? Surrender? In what universe? Emma had to know it too, but she gave it her best try anyway.

It wasn't good enough.

"Got it," she said curtly. She drew breath to say something else, but Sophia must have ended the call because she didn't speak. The hand holding her phone dropped to her side, her expression bleak. "She wants us to meet her at Winslow. We're supposed to bring you and your dad, or Mom and Dad die."

"I'm pretty sure that's my cue to ask, 'what does she want me there for?' quipped Dad, "then for someone else to say, 'nothing good'."

I shook my head. "This is no time for jokes, Dad."

"Wasn't joking. Can you think of even one good reason for her wanting me at this meeting?" He shook his head. "Because I can't."

"I can't either," Emma confessed. "She can't want extra witnesses. And she's already got my parents as hostages."

"She won't want him as a hostage." I was certain of that. "She's tried to kill him once already. Whatever else she has in mind, I don't trust her not to try to pull that shit again."

"I hate to say you're right, but ... you're right." Emma looked at me with pained eyes. "So, what do we do? If Madison and me don't bring you and your dad along, she will kill one of my parents."

Snapping at her that all this was her fault really wouldn't have helped anything. Instead, I tried to think of a solution. Preferably, one that didn't end in anyone I cared for getting hurt.

"The way I see it," Dad said, "we've got three choices. First, we do exactly what she says, and try our best to sidestep any bad endings."

I didn't like that idea at all, but he wasn't finished.

"Second, we bring the PRT in on this and hope they don't fumble the ball so badly that Alan or Zoe die."

Emma looked extremely dubious at that, and I didn't blame her. How were the PRT supposed to contain someone who could walk through walls, much less prevent her from coming back for a second try?

"Third, we pretend to co-operate, and spring a trap of our own." He rubbed his forefinger across his lips. "Now, I'm going to assume Sophia is familiar with your capabilities, and Madison's as well."

"Yeah." Emma nodded. "She's been doing her best to outshine us any way she can, but we've been pushing back. I can kick her ass in any kind of straight fight, and I'm pretty sure she can't phase through good steel. So, whatever happens, she'll be trying to plan around that."

The conclusion was obvious, at least to me. "She'll order you to disarm and lose the armour, for starters."

"That's for starters," Dad acknowledged. "But what's her endgame? And what's the point of trying to kill me? I've never even met her before."

"It's not about you." Madison stepped in through the back door and closed it behind her. "It's about Taylor. Now that Emma and I have come to our senses, she's the only one left riding the Taylor hate train, and she's determined to stay on until the last stop."

"I think you've got it," Emma agreed, then turned to me. "She wants to keep you as the designated villain for the Real Thing, but there are problems with that. The major one being, the original plan to paint you as a villain kind of fell through."

"And that's why she was using the carving knife instead of an arrow!" It all became clear to me. "Murder Dad, frame me with the knife. Either I submit to arrest or go on the run, looking for the real killer. Meanwhile, as the real killer, she's also part of the superhero team that's hunting me down. I'd almost be impressed if I didn't want to kick her face in so badly."

Madison frowned. "I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be hard to clear you, but I'm also certain Sophia doesn't spend much time reading up on police procedures and forensic investigation."

"Let's not test it out, shall we?" Dad shuddered theatrically. "How about we just take it as given that she's got yet another flawed yet grandiose self-serving plan cooked up that involves me dying, Taylor being forced into the life of a villain and her coercing the two of you back into being her meek little pseudo-superheroic minions? I happen to be violently opposed to the very first step in said plan, so I suggest we work on a way of cutting it off at the pass."

I remembered the way that my powers seemed able to selectively ignore the laws of physics as needed, and I smiled. "I think I have an idea. But I'm going to need you two to protect Dad until I can take Sophia down for good."

Madison's head came up at that. "You figure you can take Sophia down? I'm the one with good steel, remember?"

"See this?" Again, I formed the black and white glove covering my hand. "I don't think anything can get through it. Anything. And with it, I'm as strong and fast as I need to be."

"Really." Madison reached down into her boot and pulled out a foot-long blade made of the same shimmery-gray metal that the Blockade suit was composed of. "This is the smallest weapon I'm able to make out of good steel, but you could run over it with an Abrams tank and not even scratch the finish." Flipping it into the air, she caught it by the tip of the blade and offered it in my direction.

"Well, okay then." It seemed to be the time to put my money where my mouth was. Reaching out, I accepted the knife and looked it over. It was sleek and deadly, and the edge looked sharp as fuck. "Um, what if I break it?"

She smiled confidently. "You won't break it. Even if you did, I can make more. But you won't. I had a long and involved argument with Armsmaster over that very topic."

I had a momentary shiver of doubt—she seemed very sure that her 'good steel' could beat anything I could throw at it—but then I quashed it. Winslow was a heap of rubble, and Dad was alive, because of my powers. If I didn't have faith in myself, what could I have faith in?

Putting the point against one palm and the pommel against the other, I began to press my hands together. Emma clenched her teeth, sucking air inward as she watched, apparently certain that I was about to impale my hand. That wasn't going to happen; the instant I felt pain, I would stop. But I had to do this. I had to prove that I was strong enough to stand up to anything Sophia or the others could throw at me.

At first, nothing happened, and Madison's shoulders relaxed slightly. I applied more force, seriously impressed at the tensile strength this stuff was showing. "Wow," I said. "If this thing was normal steel, it would be crumpled in a ball by now."

"I'm impressed with that white covering," Emma confessed. "Good steel doesn't play. It should've gone straight through by now."

"It is kinda tough, yeah, but—" Madison began, then stopped as the knife … creaked.

I was applying more force with my power than I had ever used before, magnitudes more than I'd needed to rip Winslow off its foundations. This was actually an effort. While I could do it, I couldn't guarantee that I was able to rip through any thickness of good steel like I could with ordinary steel, concrete or anything else I'd tried it with. Where normal matter crumbled or shredded with barely any resistance, this stuff pushed back.

Slowly, as Madison's jaw dropped from sheer disbelief, I pushed my hands together, the knife blade bending until it formed a half-circle. And then, with a kpang, it snapped; the pointy end rocketed straight down so fast I was pretty sure it broke the sound barrier. It hit my left foot and stopped dead when it hit the protective covering that formed in front of it, then fell over onto the floor with a clatter.

Still holding the pommel end of the knife, I bent over and picked up the pointy end. It was bent over right at the tip and the rest of the blade had a more gentle curve, as did the remainder of the blade on the other half of the knife. "Here," I said, handing both halves back to Madison. "That stuff's tough as hell. I can see why you thought I wouldn't be able to break it. I nearly couldn't."

"Jesus Christ," whispered Emma. "I wouldn't have thought that was possible."

"It shouldn't be." Madison stared at the broken ends of her knife with the expression of someone whose entire worldview has just been tossed down an elevator shaft. "Nothing breaks good steel. Nothing."

"If it's any consolation, I'm pretty sure my power just says, 'More force? Yes,' when it's trying to do something like that." I raised my eyebrows. "Anyway, are you satisfied that I'm stronger than I look?"

"Uh, yeah," Emma said, then elbowed Madison in the ribs. "Mads?"

Madison blinked and then looked at me. Where before she'd been contrite, now she was showing active respect. "Yeah, I am. So, what's your plan?"

I drew a deep breath. "So, we need to make Sophia think we're doing exactly what she wants us to …"


Alan Barnes

"Okay, pull over here." Leaning forward between the car seats, Sophia gestured with the pistol she'd grabbed from the centre console where Alan had dropped it. While it didn't make her any more lethal than she already was—he'd seen her in action—it made for a handier weapon than the crossbow in close quarters.

He obediently stopped the car where he'd been told, then applied the park brake and turned off the engine. "What now?"

"Pass the keys back here." His heart sank; with the keys out of the ignition, using the car as a means of getting away from the clearly unbalanced cape was no longer on the cards.

He was smart enough not to try to toss them in her face; her mask would take the impact, then she'd probably shoot him somewhere painful, just to make a point. As he was passing them back, he caught sight of his wife's terrified face. "Listen, you can let Zoe go. She doesn't know anything damaging about you. If I told her not to say anything to anyone, she'd stay quiet."

"How very fucking noble of you," Sophia snarled. "You don't get out of it this easily. She gets to share in the consequences of the mistakes you've made, and this way, if you make a break for it? I shoot her. Is that clear?"

"I get it, I get it." Alan wished she'd stop reiterating the threat about shooting either one of them. It honestly sounded like she was working herself up to doing just that, and she just might pick Zoe to make an example out of. "But remind me again; what mistakes have I made that she's paying for?"

"Emma." Sophia sounded like she wanted to punch something. "You totally failed to teach her to never betray her friends. She's stabbed me in the back, and I am going to make sure she understand how big a fucking mistake that was."

"I apologise for her actions," he said at once. "What did she actually do to harm you?"

"She stopped me from doing something that needed to be done, to set things right." That sounded alarmingly vague, but he wasn't sure if he wanted her to clarify it. The less she talked about her crimes, the less danger Zoe was in. "Which means that it's her job to get it done, this time around. That way, nobody needs to say a fucking word about anything that's not their goddamn business. Understood?"

"Totally." He spoke with his warm reassuring courtroom voice, the one he used to convince sceptical judges that his clients were as pure as the driven snow, your honour. "And then Zoe and I get to go home, right?" It was a long shot, but if he could plant that idea in her head as early as possible, she might even go through with it.

"Yeah, probably. If you behave." That wasn't totally reassuring, but he had to hope she'd keep her word, or that Emma would somehow be able to pull off a miraculous rescue. "Okay, out of the car. And Barnes, remember: if you run, I shoot wifey."

"I won't run." He climbed out of the car and waited as Sophia zip-tied Zoe to the passenger-side door, passing the tie through the open window. Off to the side, dimly illuminated by the distant city glow, the heap of rubble that had once been Winslow lay like a slain giant. Not for the first time, he wondered who had blown it up, and why.

Just as Sophia was fastening his wrists to the driver's side door, he heard a distant thunder in the night sky, steadily getting louder. She tilted her head and he heard the triumph in her voice as she spoke.

"Here they come. Now pay careful damn attention. I want you to remember everything you see."

Leaning into the car, she fumbled with the keys before managing to turn on the ignition. Then she flicked the headlights on, illuminating an area of ground in front of the vehicle. With a self-satisfied hmh, she stepped aside, awaiting whatever that was making that noise.

It gradually got louder and louder, then cut out briefly. When it resumed, it was much louder and he was able to pick out an orange flare in the sky, apparently travelling straight towards them. Jesus Christ. He'd heard a rumour that Blockade's power armour had jump jets, but this was ridiculous.

At the angle it was travelling, it didn't seem to be going very fast, but then he noticed that the flare was getting bigger.

A lot bigger.

And louder.

He wasn't totally sure if this was due to it getting closer, or increasing thrust, but the analytical part of his mind kept insisting that 'both, definitely both' was the correct answer. It was a fascinating sight; he just wished he wasn't sitting in the front-row seats for the show, so to speak.

Dust and gravel and pieces of dead grass blew up around him as the Blockade armour came in for a landing. His ears were numb from the roar of the thrusters, and he had to use his free hand to shield his face from the flying debris, but it was still a magnificent sight.

The jets, or rockets, or whatever the suit used to propel itself, cut out just as it settled on to the impromptu landing pad. In the ensuing silence, his ears rang almost as loudly, as if they were trying to make up for the difference. Brightly illuminated by the headlights, it was even more impressive than when he'd seen it in the news, especially after that dramatic entrance.

Shadowed figures slid off the back of the suit, and Sophia stepped forward into the light. Alan guessed her intent was to be menacingly silhouetted. "You bring Hebert?" she called out challengingly. "You better have." With one hand, she straight-armed the pistol back toward Alan's face.

"I'm here," Danny Hebert said, stepping out from behind the Blockade armour. "You don't need to hurt anyone. Just let them go." There was a new dressing on his neck, which Alan connected with Emma's mention of a murder attempt.

Emma was at Danny's side; or rather, Firebird. He had to admit to himself that he never would've recognised her in costume if she hadn't outed herself to him. The metal accoutrements to her costume, especially the throwing discs on her forearms, gleamed with moving, dancing flames as she stepped forward.

"Like the man says." Her tone was hard and flat. "Nobody else has to get hurt, tonight."

Sophia brought up the crossbow she had in her left hand, aiming it at Danny Hebert's face. "Shut up. You don't get to tell me what to do." She tilted her head, apparently trying to look past them. "Where is she? Where's Hebert? I told you to bring her!"

Emma smiled. "Oh, she'll be here in a second."

"Don't try to play games with me!" shouted Sophia. "I told you what would hap—"

And then Taylor arrived.


About Thirty Seconds Before


It was crowded on the back of the Blockade armour, but I didn't care. While Dad clung to the hand-grip with both hands, his eyes tight shut, I maintained a hold with just one and looked around with interest. I wasn't quite sure how high up we were, but the lit-up cityscape below was fascinating.

Madison's voice suddenly crackled in the borrowed earpiece I was wearing. "Turnover in ten."

Cheating a little, I formed a shell around my face to cut the noise of the thrusters—and the slipstream—so I could reply without shouting. "Gotcha." Then I reached across and tapped Emma on the shoulder.

Emma got the message immediately and gave me a thumb's up, then swapped handgrips so she'd be closer to Dad. I waited a few more seconds, bringing my legs up under me to save time. At the same time, I pulled up the protective covering all over my body and changed the tinting to dead black.

The thrusters cut out, and the suit began to turn over. Emma grabbed Dad to make sure he stayed on board, and I ... jumped. I used all the physics trickery I'd learned my powers could pull not to drive Madison and her passengers straight down into the ground, while vaulting far higher than my legs would've been able to send me with all the training in the world. Spreading my arms and legs, I glided, virtually weightless (according to my power, anyway) while watching the Blockade armour falling away below me.

It was easy to see where we were supposed to go. There was an elongated pool of light, made by a set of car headlights near the rubble of Winslow. But I couldn't see Sophia, and I couldn't see Emma's parents. I kept gliding, assisted by tiny fins and airfoils that popped out of my arms and legs.

Madison landed the suit in the middle of the lit-up area. Even from my altitude, I could tell she'd touched down as lightly as a four-ton butterfly. Emma and Dad got off the back of the suit; the plan at that point was for Emma to tell me where Sophia was, but it got better than that. Sophia actually stepped into the light, casting a huge shadow, but with one arm pointed back into the darkness.

I'd been about to land right in front of her, but it was possible for her to still kill one of her hostages even if I punched her out on the spot, so I changed my aimpoint. Emma, at least, I trusted not to let her shoot Dad. Angling over slightly, I made my final adjustments, then told my powers that it was okay to let gravity take over for a bit now.

And I dropped, a whole lot faster than any rock. Afterward, I realised that deciding to fall was not the same as turning off the 'ignoring gravity' aspect. I needed to be on the ground, so my powers moved me to the ground very quickly indeed.

For the next half-second or so, I couldn't see a thing, then my vision cleared. I was standing next to Mr Barnes' car, and in fact next to Mr Barnes, still wearing my all-black colouration. More or less by instinct, I grabbed his shoulder and exerted my protection over him.

At the same time, I heard Sophia's voice. "—what would happ—what the fuck?"

She fired off a shot not from her crossbow (which I was kind of expecting) but from a pistol. It wasn't clear whether she was aiming at me and was just a terrible shot, or she was actively trying to pull a fuck-you on Emma, but either way the bullet hit Mr Barnes in the forehead … and flattened against the bone underneath.

Okay, I wasn't having any more of that. Surging forward, I grabbed the pistol before she could fire again, and squeezed. Unlike the good-steel blade, it squished like modelling clay between my fingers; Sophia let go just in time before her fingers would've been trapped, and stared at me.

"Who the hell are you?" she demanded, bringing the crossbow around to point at me. Not that she was waiting for an answer; as soon as it was in line with my chest, she pulled the trigger.

The arrow bounced, of course, and I caught it. Then I shifted my outer covering to the pattern I'd come up with at the bank. It looked pretty cool, I figured, even heroic.

"Your worst fucking enemy," I retorted, unable to help myself. And to be honest, as corny as the line was, it was accurate. I doubted anyone hated Sophia more than I did right then, as much for the murder attempt on Dad as for the months of torment. And whatever she did, I could counter. I was literally the worst person in the world for her to have as an enemy.

She looked down at the empty crossbow, then up at me. I dropped the destroyed pistol on the ground and reached out to grab her arm, but she'd already decided that discretion was the better part of whatever twisted value system she ascribed to. By the time I completed the action, she'd bolted for it.

"Shit," said Madison. "If she gets to the houses, we'll never catch her."

Fuck that. Free, with time to plan and room to move, she'd be an ongoing threat to Dad, Emma, Madison, and their respective parents. Emma was already prepping one of her throwing discs, but I had a weapon of mine all ready to go. Holding the arrow like a dart, I threw it as hard as I dared at the flitting shadow; as when I'd dropped out of the sky, my vision blanked for an instant. The krak of the arrow breaking the sound barrier echoed back from the distant houses … and did nothing.

I'd either missed or she'd gone to shadow at just the right moment. Okay, fine. Make me chase you.

Glancing around at Emma, I snapped, "Shield!"

She acted on instinct, bracing herself with one of the throwing discs held in front of her. I leaped up and kicked off the shield in the same way that I'd launched myself off Madison's suit. Arrowing across the open ground, I caught up with Sophia in just a few seconds. She looked over her shoulder and went to shadow again, but deep down I knew it wouldn't matter.

For a split second, I was tempted to punch her head clean off, but at the last instant I changed my aimpoint, swinging my fist low and connecting with her hip. Even though she was in shadow, I felt something break. Transitioning back to solid, she let out a shriek and fell headlong. At the same time, I let myself stop, landing lightly on my feet.

"Wow, damn," I said, looking down at the way her leg was twisted. "That looks painful."

She glared at me, then went back to shadow; I reached down and picked her up by the scruff of her ghostly neck. She struggled feebly, but I wasn't playing that game. With her alternating between shadow and solid, and not liking it either way, I hauled her back to the others.

When I got there, I saw that Mr and Mrs Barnes had been freed, and were rubbing their wrists. They stared at Sophia as I tossed her into the pool of illumination thrown by the headlights. She was flickering between shadow and solid, but she stopped anyway when Madison put out her powersuit's foot.

"Okay, you caught her," said Dad. "What happens now?"

"I don't know," I confessed. "Alive, imprisoned, she might escape and come back for revenge. Or, you know, we could put an end to her here and now."

"Do you really want to do that?" asked Mr Barnes, putting his hand on my arm and ignoring the growing bruise the bullet had left on his forehead. "It makes for a terrible precedent." He paused. "You do want to be a hero, right?"

I turned away from him. He made sense. Too much sense. I didn't want someone talking me out of erasing Sophia Hess. Everyone here had been targeted by her; they should've been talking me into it.

Sophia was fully solid now, but she wasn't snarking at us so I figured she'd passed out. It looked like she was still breathing, so there was that. Emma knelt next to her, examining the damage, then glanced up at me. "I'm not gonna tell you what to do, but I'm asking this. You want to take over leadership of the Real Thing? Mads and me wouldn't argue."

"I'm hardly a hero," I confessed. "I damaged stuff. I broke things." Like Winslow. "Right now, if Sophia gave me half an excuse to finish her off once and for all, I'd take it."

"And she'd welcome it." I hadn't noticed Madison climbing out of her suit. "Right now, crippled and unconscious, she's weak. She hates weakness. If she was conscious, trapped here in front of us, she'd do her best to taunt you into killing her. For her, it's preferable to the alternative. Juvey then adult prison, with one hip that'll never work properly again? That would be hell on earth for her. You've won. If you kill her now, you hand the victory straight back to her."

I sighed. "Okay, fine. Call the PRT. We'll hand her in." I turned and pointed at Madison. "But I will totally be taking over the leadership of the Real Thing, and I expect you assholes to do what I say. Got it?"

"Got it." She nodded seriously. "But what do we call you? I mean, I like the stripes, but there's not really a theme there."

"What, like a tiger?" I rolled my eyes. "Get real. But sure, there's a theme. My whole look is black and white."

"So, what do we call you?" asked Emma.

I considered the question. "I was thinking … Monochrome."

End of Part Nineteen
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Well that's a pretty satisfying conclusion to this story arc. Were you intending this to be a self-contained story about "Earning her Stripes" and finishing it here, or did you plan on continuing with the adventures of the new membership of the Real Thing?

Narratively I could see it going either way.

We either have an epilog coming, or a new arc. I'm betting on an epilog, because this is a pretty satisfying conclusion. It wraps up all the issues originally raised (except for some details on the order of "what about..." Winslow, the PRT, her new relationship with Emma and Madison).

But this is a solid ending to the arc and with a little wrap-up could be a fine ending to the story.

Still... I'd love to see another arc. (Siberian-Taylor -vs- endbring? Yeah!)

edit: Ninja'd. Yea! More to come!
With Stupid Stalker out of the way and Monochrome making an appearance, I suspect that the next arc will involve the PRT and the fallout from the Winslowpocalypse. They would absolutely want a good working relationship with someone who could potentially make Leviathan fillet cooked with Behemoth fries, but they will also want to find some way to address the tremendous property damage if they can, and its implications for her mental health.
With Stupid Stalker out of the way and Monochrome making an appearance, I suspect that the next arc will involve the PRT and the fallout from the Winslowpocalypse. They would absolutely want a good working relationship with someone who could potentially make Leviathan fillet cooked with Behemoth fries, but they will also want to find some way to address the tremendous property damage if they can, and its implications for her mental health.
Only if they figure our she's responsible; or for that matter capable of such a feat at all. Last I recall their best suspect was Blockade, not Monochrome.
Well, there's Sophia dealt with! Now there's just the fallout of whatever the PRT gets out of her, and all the villains in town... Plenty more material for the story, in other words. :)

Also, I wonder: Taylor can't fly in the "Up, up, and away!" sense -- but she can negate gravity's effect on her and form aerodynamic surfaces with her power. It seems fairly likely, then, that she actually can fly by basically flapping her arms really hard -- and at the very least, it looks like she can jump pretty well, then glide.
Well, there's Sophia dealt with! Now there's just the fallout of whatever the PRT gets out of her, and all the villains in town... Plenty more material for the story, in other words. :)

Also, I wonder: Taylor can't fly in the "Up, up, and away!" sense -- but she can negate gravity's effect on her and form aerodynamic surfaces with her power. It seems fairly likely, then, that she actually can fly by basically flapping her arms really hard -- and at the very least, it looks like she can jump pretty well, then glide.
I believe the phrase is, "Falling ... with style."
She just needs to acquire a hobby drone, preferably a racing variant. Then she tapes it to her back, holds the controls, makes the whole lot invulnerable while negating her own mass and bam! The birth of the Monocrome Mosquito! She can fly at speed while being unphased by potential crashes!
So glad to see Sophia handled reasonably given the situation.

It struck me as I was reading chapter 17 that even though we're mostly going from Taylor's point of view there, Taylor gives us almost no emotional responses or indicators in her narration.

I think she's repressing pretty hard in order to deal with the emergency at hand, and I'm sort of scared how she'll react after she's had time to sleep on this and can actually process her emotions now that no one's lives are in danger.

If nothing else, I expect that Taylor is going to make Emma admit to her parents what's happened since they started high school, and that's probably going to be a painful situation. Madison's parents too.
Part Twenty: Confessional
Earning Her Stripes

Part Twenty: Confessional

[A/N: This chapter beta-read, and vastly improved, by Lady Columbine of Mystal.]


After Emma put the call through for the PRT, we all stood around awkwardly. Sophia was groaning and moving a little, but with the damage I'd done to her leg she wouldn't be going anywhere in a hurry, even if she went to shadow. Madison climbed back into the Blockade suit and stood over her, ready to grab her if she did something stupid. Emma had already zip-tied her hands behind her back.

"You're fucked." It was Sophia's voice. I could hear the pain as she spoke through gritted teeth. "You know that, don't you? You are so totally fucked beyond all belief."

Emma shook her head. "I'm thinking you've got it all backward there. You're the one who tried to kill Mr Hebert, and Taylor and I are witnesses to that. You also held my parents hostage. You are going to prison. Oh, and I'm officially kicking you off the team."

I wanted to chuckle at that last bit, but I wasn't really in a laughing mood. Besides, Sophia hadn't sounded like she was just trying to make a threat. There'd been something more in her voice.

"Yeah, you go ahead and do that," Sophia gritted, her breath audibly hissing between her teeth. "The moment I'm in gen pop or whatever, I'm telling everyone who you are. Firebird and Blockade will be so totally fucking outed by the time I'm done. I'll even tell the PRT and the cops how you talked me into feeding Hebert that stupid fucking vial to give her powers so you could have your very own supervillain to kick around, because picking on Hebert without powers got too boring."

Mr and Mrs Barnes stared at each other, then at Emma, but Dad got there first. "It's a long story," he told them quietly. "I'll fill you in and you can yell at them later."

"You were the one who stole the vials," Madison said, the suit's voice emulator still making her sound like a guy. "We wanted to back off. You were the one who kept pushing forward."

Sophia chuckled harshly, then bit off a groan. "Yeah, right. Who are they gonna believe? The one who's going to juvey anyway, or the heroes trying to pretend they're as pure as the driven snow? Nope, I'm telling them everything—my way. You're all fucked. I'm gonna make sure of it."

Mr Barnes stepped forward then, and crouched down next to her. "You can do that, if you want. It might even work. But you know something? Emma and Madison have every reason to not want their secret identities out there in the public eye. Yours will be going out there; we can't change that now. But if you expose them, they've got no reason not to expose everything you've done, and give the jury a good solid motive to hang all your actions on. As it is, you broke into Danny Hebert's house and tried to murder him, and you held me and Zoe hostage. But if we can't give them a solid motive for why you did it, and we can't do that without handing everyone's secret identities over to the PRT, then they'll be less likely to throw the book at you."

"Still sending me to juvey," Sophia reminded him. "Get me out of that, and we can talk."

"Sorry, no can do." Mr Barnes shook his head. "You're in too deep. You've done too much. But if your lawyer can spin it as a one-time mental break, you'll probably be out when you turn eighteen. Premeditated attempted murder as revenge on three innocent civilians? That's bad. Exposing the identities of PRT-recognised heroes? That falls under the Vikare Act, especially if either of them gets hurt as a result. You wouldn't have a chance of getting out before you're thirty at a minimum."

She literally growled at him. "You can't tell me what to do. I can fucking say what I want, to who I want."

"No. You can't." He reached down and pulled her mask off. "I'm going to need some cloth here, so I can finally fulfill a long-held fantasy. To be able to physically gag someone who isn't following my advice."

I leaned down and tore a strip of cloth off the hem of Sophia's cloak. The cloth was tough, but that didn't matter. When I handed it over, he fastened it in place, despite her struggles and attempts to bite him.

"Sophia," he said seriously as he stood up. "Keep going the way you are, you'll just dig your hole deeper. You can spill everything you know and put yourself in prison for fifteen or twenty years just to spite Emma and Madison, or you can keep your mouth shut and tough it out for three in juvey. Just think about it."

"PRT's here." Madison pointed at the vehicles that were just rolling on to the property. Mr Barnes backed away from Sophia and went to stand next to his wife.

The PRT vans, two of them, pulled to a halt. One had red cross markings on the side, which made sense in retrospect. Emma had mentioned Sophia's injury during the call.

Half a dozen PRT troopers climbed out of the other van, along with two of Brockton Bay's Protectorate heroes; specifically, Assault and Battery. I'd always thought that was a deeply unfortunate naming theme, given that it was the name of a crime, but they seemed to be okay with it. From the other van, two PRT troopers wearing the red cross pulled one of those rolling wheeled stretchers.

"Hi," said Assault cheerfully. "Seems you folks have had a bit of a problem with Shadow Stalker. Thought she was part of your team?"

Emma glanced at me, asking silently if I wanted her to take the lead. I gave her a nod; the PRT and Protectorate wouldn't know me in my current costume, whereas Firebird was familiar to them.

This was just for convenience; as per Emma's offer and my acceptance, I would be assuming leadership of the team, sooner rather than later. There was no other circumstance in which I would be willing to tolerate their presence for one second longer than necessary, once the current crisis got dealt with. I might have had fewer fucks to give overall since I got my powers, but there was a fucking limit.

The reason why I'd even accepted her offer was equally simple. Their team, while it may have been formed under false pretenses, had actually accomplished some good things. On the downside, they'd also forced me to get powers and had (before we stopped her) nearly allowed Sophia to murder my dad and Emma's parents. It was clear to me that unless The Real Thing was to be disbanded and Emma and Madison tossed to the wolves (and trust me, I was absolutely tempted) they needed an adult (translation: me) watching them, just in case their heel-face turn wasn't as definitive as we thought it was.

The thing that finally convinced me to keep them together was the understanding that debuting as the new leader of a pre-existing team gave me a certain amount of up-front credibility, as opposed to having to start fresh as a solo hero. I'd heard that could suck.

"She was," Emma said. "Until tonight. She's been acting out for a while, you know? But we just assumed it was Stalker being Stalker. Until she broke off in the middle of our raid on the Empire and headed off to who knows where. We didn't know what she wanted in the Hebert house, but I figured it wasn't good. When we stopped her, she took off and grabbed Alan and Zoe Barnes there, and forced them to drive out to Winslow, then taunted us to come save them. Oh, and by the way, she was threatening to out us to all and sundry, so we've gagged her. Just so you know."

"Any idea why she picked those particular targets?" I got the impression Assault wasn't quite buying it. "I mean, three people at random out of everyone in Brockton Bay?"

Emma let out a small huff of breath. "You'll be unmasking and identifying her soon enough, so I can tell you that her name is Sophia Hess. She goes to, or rather, went to Winslow High, along with Taylor Hebert, the daughter of the first victim. During the fight, Taylor figured out who she was. Afterward, she told me they didn't get along. Like, at all. So my wild-ass guess here is that after Winslow got rubbled, Sophia got pissed that she didn't have Taylor to kick around anymore and just up and decided to go after her, but found her dad first?"

"Okay, I get that an obsessive type of personality might go after someone she's been bullying for so long," Battery observed. "But why the Barneses? Where do they come into this?"

Dad cleared his throat. "Alan Barnes and I are old friends. If Shadow Stalker's been … well, stalking Taylor long enough, she'd know that. So, she grabbed them to draw me and Taylor out. But I told Taylor to go stay with friends. I didn't want her in the line of fire."

"Okay, that makes as much sense as anything does with capes these days," allowed Assault. "Kinda explains why she made you drive out here too." He rubbed his chin. "Any idea what made her go off the deep end like that?"

At the same time, Battery took a closer look at Mr Barnes. "What happened to your head? Was that Shadow Stalker? Do you need medical attention?"

"Yes, it was," he said with an easy smile. "She gets a little rough when you don't move fast enough for her, so I've found. But it's just a bruise. Nothing more serious than that. Didn't even break the skin."

Emma frowned in response to Assault's question. "I'm really not sure. She's been doing this a lot longer than Blockade and I have, but maybe that means she feels more entitled to do whatever she wants? I thought I knew her, but I really don't."

There was a burst of what could've been muffled swearing from Sophia as the medical techs got her onto the stretcher, but I wasn't sure whether that was due to the pain from her hip or what Emma and her father were saying about her. I was willing to bet on a fifty-fifty chance, but at least she wasn't carrying out her earlier threats.

Something clanked when Battery kicked it, and she looked down. Bending, she picked up the gun I'd crushed. "Okay, what the heck is this? A Smith? Nine millimetre? How did it get like this?"

"Ah, that would be me," I said, stepping forward. "You can call me Monochrome. I, uh, I caught the action tonight and stepped in to help. They like my style well enough that I'm apparently replacing Shadow Stalker on the team."

Which was the most ironic aspect of all this. As the most experienced of them, Sophia had considered herself the team leader. I was the least experienced, but I would actually be the team leader, where she hadn't been.

Battery nodded and examined the crushed pistol. "Brute, I'm guessing?"

"More or less, yeah." I gestured at the ground. "There's probably a flat bullet somewhere around here. She got a shot off before I grabbed the pistol."

"There's something else you need to know about Shadow Stalker," Emma said to Assault. "She's got family in Brockton Bay; mom and a brother and baby sister. We don't want her identity as Shadow Stalker getting out to the wrong ears."

It only took him a second or so to get it. "Ah, right. Okay, we'll get them into protective custody until we're sure nothing's leaked." As a cape himself, he would definitely know about the value of a secret identity. And while the Empire Eighty-Eight had been going downhill over the last couple of years since the Triumvirate captured Night, Fog and Purity, they still had dangerous members.

"Also, Shadow Stalker knows my secret ID as well as Firebird's," Madison put in. "We'd really rather that didn't get out."

I could understand why she was saying this. As much as I disliked her, she was doing her best to fix the shit she'd helped cause, and I had to give her credit for that. While what Mr Barnes had said might stick, it also might not, so it was a good idea to reinforce it.

Assault was evidently not a stupid man, and I could see the cogs turning over in his head. "I see. I'll institute zero voice contact for all non-cleared personnel. Once she's in our custody, I'll make sure she understands the consequences for sharing that sort of sensitive information."

Emma grimaced. "We've already tried telling her that, but she's promised us that she will be shouting our secret identities from the rooftops just as soon as she gets the chance. So, if and when you do ungag her, be aware that whoever's in the room is going to learn everything she has to say. And she's got a lot to say."

"Understood. I've encountered people like that before. She'll learn, or she won't. We've got contingencies in the Vikare Act for this sort of thing." He hesitated. "However, on the off-chance that this whole thing has more to do with your secret identities than you're saying, holding back crucial information might lead to difficulties in the case against her."

"Difficulties? I don't like the sound of that word." I didn't blame Emma for saying that. Neither did I.

"Well," Assault said. I got the impression he was launching into a spiel he'd used before. "In situations like this, when cape and civilian identities are both involved, getting charges to stick tends to be a lot easier if you're willing to officially share your secret identities with the PRT. It helps us to connect all the dots and put together a coherent picture to show the DA when he's building his case. Otherwise, her lawyer might lean on how she's got minimal officially confirmed connection to the victims, especially since the school that Stalker and Mr Hebert's daughter used to go to has since been demolished, thus making it Ms Hebert's word against Stalker's. They may well even go for the Mastered defence."

"Can they do that?" I asked Mr Barnes in a low tone. "I mean, pretend to have been Mastered to get away with attempted murder?"

"There have been cases," he confirmed, keeping his voice equally quiet. "But usually, as soon as any proof of prior connection or motive shows up, that defence is discredited almost immediately."

Which made sense, but also fed straight into why it was technically a good idea to let the PRT know our secret identities.


I didn't want to give them my secret identity straight away, mainly because I'd only had it for an hour or so. Also because I didn't know exactly what they'd do with it; would it go into a database, locked away from human eyes, or would they look further into it, and discover that I lived just around the block from where Uber and Leet had crashed their damn car into me?

If our identities came out, how long would it take before the PRT found out how the entire founding membership of The Real Thing used to bully me unmercifully? Would it kill the case by throwing doubt on Emma's and Madison's testimony? Would Sophia's lawyer then make a big thing of the fact that I was now leading the team, having kicked Sophia to the curb for having attacked my father? I couldn't help thinking that each new detail we revealed to help nail Sophia to the wall would make it harder to keep a focus on the basic facts of the case.

But the die was cast, and we'd see how things went.


An Hour Later
Barnes Residence


They trooped inside, Madison last of all. She'd left the suit in a nearby park; the last Danny had seen it, it was doing an amazing impression of an electrical junction box. Alan, waiting by the door, pushed it shut and locked it.

"I'm making hot cocoa," Zoe said, heading for the kitchen. "Who wants some?"

"Please." Emma dropped her helmet on the floor and more or less fell into an armchair. "I have a feeling we're all going to need it."

Madison went into the kitchen as well. "I'll help you."

"We're going to need to call your parents as well." Danny lowered himself onto the sofa, while Taylor leaned on the back of Emma's armchair. "They deserve to know what's going on."

"Already done." Madison's voice floated out of the kitchen. "I rang them from the suit. They should be getting here any moment now." Almost perfectly on cue, there was the squeak of brakes from the curb outside.

"And I just sat down," grumbled Alan, levering himself back up out of his chair.

Danny eyed him as he passed by. "You're calmer than I expected, given what you've heard tonight."

Alan just chuckled wearily. "I am all adrenaline'd out, my friend. But trust me. When the time comes to yell, there will be yelling."

He opened the door just ahead of the knock; there stood two people Danny had never met. On the young side, they bore more than a passing resemblance to Madison. Or rather, she did to them.

"Rod, Marcy, come on in." Alan stood aside to allow them entry, then shut the door again. "This is Danny Hebert and his daughter Taylor. Madison's okay, she's in the kitchen, helping Zoe mix up some of her famous cocoa."

Danny got up with a grunt and shook Rod Clements' hand. "Pleased to meet you, but I can tell Madison didn't give you many details about what's going on. Trust me, I've seen that look in the mirror."

"Many details?" Marcy spread her hands in confusion. "She didn't give us any. Much less an explanation for why we had to leave the house, or why she was over at Emma's house at this ungodly hour."

Alan chuckled darkly. "Oh, yeah. I know how that feels."

"Not the only one, believe you me." Danny seated himself again. "Okay, now that everyone's here. The only people who know everything that's been going on are Emma and Madison. Taylor and I know most of it, Alan and Zoe know a little bit, and you two are more or less totally in the dark. So, let's get this started. Taylor?"

Danny watched as she stood straighter, rolling her head on her neck. The anger he'd seen in her didn't seem about to pop like a volcano, but it permeated her being, infusing her with strength. "Okay, back last year when I started at Winslow, I thought it was gonna be a whole new beginning. It was, but not the way I thought. See, these two," she gestured to Emma as well as Madison, who had just emerged from the kitchen, "decided it would be a great idea to join forces with Sophia Hess and make my life hell for exactly zero good reason whatsoever. Now, you can get the full details about that out of them, but long story short, I just basically endured it until they decided to kick the whole thing into high gear at the start of school this year." She looked at Rod and Marcy Clements, gave them a brittle smile, and leaned on the armchair with her elbows again. "Emma?"

"What she said." Nothing like the superhero now, Emma curled her back and lifted her feet off the floor, almost as if she were hiding in a foetal position from those sitting opposite her. "I was everything she said," she admitted, hiding her face in her hands. "In the beginning, I thought we were doing it to toughen her up, but that was a lie. We were bullying her, and I used everything I knew about her against her …" She climbed around and knelt up on the armchair to look at Taylor. "And I swear, if I could take it back, I would. I'd even swap with you if I thought I could."

"Me too," Madison added quietly from the kitchen.

"Keep going," Taylor growled, sounding utterly uninterested in their lamentations. He didn't blame her; as far as he could tell, this day had been a long, long time coming.

Emma bowed her head and turned to sit back on the chair. "She has every right to hate us for what we did. You see, Sophia's Shadow Stalker and…"

"Wait, what?" Rod and Marcy Clements shouted, leaping to their feet. "Emma, you can't just out a hero…"

"She's no hero," Alan snarled with a shake of his head.

"Please, please, let me finish," Emma begged, tears streaming down her face as she stared at the adults in the room. "Before I lose the courage to keep going."

The adults settled. No one was happy, but information was key and it was clear they were all preparing themselves for something worse.

Emma clenched her fists and pressed them into her eyes. "I met Shadow Stalker the night she saved you and me from the ABB. Remember that, Dad?"

Alan nodded, resolutely.

"And when she unmasked to me, I wanted to be like her. I was willing to do anything to make her like me, even turn on my best friend before that."

Emma dared another glance up at Taylor, who was still scowling down at her. "I—I can't…" She bowed her head and wept again. "I'm so sorry."

"I guess that's my cue," Madison said, coming into the living room from the kitchen with Mrs Barnes in tow. She handed out a mug of cocoa to each person, then sat down beside Emma. Emma curled into Madison, and it was Madison who squared her shoulder to support her friend.

"I came in later," she went on. "Where Emma used her knowledge to attack Taylor, I enjoyed it. At the time, it was fun to think up new ways to screw with her, but at that point, that's—" She paused and shook her head. "No, I'm not going to say that's all, because there's nothing 'all' about it. We pulled every conceivable prank on Taylor to try and break her." She looked over her shoulder. "But you just wouldn't break. It floored me that you wouldn't break."

She turned back to the adults. "And this is where it gets really bad. Sophia turned up with three vials … of which Emma and I decided to take one each. I know!" She shot out, when her parents opened their mouths to lecture her on ingesting unknown substances. "We'd figured out that the vials belonged to Cauldron. Have you ever heard of them?"

"I have," Alan said. "Thought they were a myth."

Madison and Emma both shook their heads. "No. They're real, and when we drank the liquid, we got powers and formed a superhero team with Shadow Stalker." Now, it was Madison's turn to falter, and Emma lifted her head. "The plan was that if we forced Taylor to swallow the third vial, she could become our very own villain that we could kick around at will."

Danny rubbed his brow, but the other four parents were not as non-verbal. "You…you WHAT?" they all demanded, at varying degrees of volume.

Danny stood up and went over to Taylor, wrapping her up in a tight embrace. "Baby, I am so, so sorry," he said, pulling away just long enough to kiss her forehead before dragging her in for another hug.

Emma and Madison were now hugging each other as both sets of parents railed on them. Only Mrs Barnes paused long enough to raise her hand to her mouth to cover her gasp as she turned to Taylor. "And they did it," she said, just loud enough to be heard.

Taylor nodded from inside her father's arms. "They did."

Rod and Marcy Clements then caught up. "So, all three of you have powers?"

Madison took point once more. "Yeah," she admitted in a brittle tone of voice. "I'm a Tinker, and Emma is more action packed than Armsmaster wishes he was. Along with Sophia, we became the Real Thing."

"But there was a side effect to the powers," Emma added. "Ever since we got them, we started to question what we were doing. Even when we made Taylor take her vial, Madison wanted to just offer it to her. Give her a chance to be one of us for reals. But Sophia wouldn't let us, and at the time we still followed her lead."

"It took us until recently to realise it was all sorts of wrong, and we started pushing back against Sophia," Madison cut in. "And eventually, Emma said 'enough'."

"I should have said it sooner," Emma admitted. "But when I did, Sophia and I argued over it. It was made even worse when Mads suggested bringing Taylor into the team instead of fighting her. That's when Sophia lost it. Like, psychotically lost it."

Madison chimed in, "Which brings us to tonight."

Danny stepped to one side of the sofa, walking Taylor with him. It was crazy, him thinking that he could protect her now when in actual fact Taylor was far more powerful, but his emotions were sky-high and he didn't care how stupid it looked. "I'll take it from here."

He watched as the two girls melted into the couch, probably in the hopes that no one would notice them. "From what I understand, Emma and Madison were out mopping up some Empire capes—let me finish," he insisted, as once more, the four parents surged at the new information. Inwardly he knew he might have done that deliberately, for it was one thing to know your daughter had powers. It was something altogether different to know that those same girls were sneaking out at night and fighting established villains while you think they're fast asleep in their beds.

"Shadow Stalker then broke away from them after they argued some more and came to my house. She grabbed a carving knife from the kitchen with every intention of murdering me in my sleep. I woke up to Emma busting in through Taylor's bedroom window like a bomb, before she chased Stalker off." He turned to his friend. "Unfortunately, that's when she made her beeline to you."

"Batter up," Alan grumbled, still scowling at his daughter who had the sense to keep her head bowed low. "Emma called me to warn us, but the problem was, Stalker was already hiding in our car. So when we left, we took her with us. We still had no idea what was going on at that point, but for some reason, we were taken to Winslow and held hostage. Her demands were simple. Bring Danny and Taylor to her."

"So, what happened?" Marcy Clements asked, when it seemed no one wanted to pick up the conversation.

Taylor shrugged from inside Danny's arms. "I happened. That vial they shoved down my throat? Gave me powers that let me kick Stalker's ass in very short order." She turned in Danny's arms to face the girls. "You're not my friend anymore, Emma. I doubt you ever will be again. But you've offered me the leadership of the team and fine, I'm gonna take it. You need someone making sure you don't fuck up again. But first, you've gotta survive whatever your parents have in store for you. Good luck with that."

"Indeed," Rod growled.


Alan Barnes

Danny stepped away from what was probably going to be the scene of a double filicide, even if the girls did have powers.

"Well, Taylor and I need to get home so we can have some sleep before the night is over. But before we go, I did want to point out that although your girls have done some pretty egregious stuff, they did save my life, and they also helped Taylor save you. From the sounds of it, they've already figured out the error of their ways, so you might want to use that as a starting point." At Taylor's growl, Danny gave her a tighter hug. "I didn't say to give 'em a free ride, hon."

"Taylor," Marcy called, as Danny and Taylor headed for the door. "I'm sure we'll be saying this plenty of times in the near future, but from the bottom of my heart, I am so sorry this happened to you, and that our daughter caused you this pain."

Taylor looked up from her father's shoulder. Pinching her lips together, she nodded without a word.

"Would you like us to drop you home?" Rod asked, causing them to pause again.

At that, Taylor's lips kicked up a fraction. "That won't be necessary, thank you."

"Alan. Zoe," Danny said, acknowledging each of them. He then looked at Madison's parents and nodded at them.

Out on the porch, Danny's skin and clothes turned shades of grey and Taylor was black and grey from head to toe. They stepped out onto the lawn, where she crouched slightly and then they vanished, shooting upward faster than Alan would've thought possible.

Distantly, he thought he heard his friend whoop.

"So," Zoe said, turning back to the girls who hadn't moved from the couch. "Where do we start?"

"How about in the morning?" Alan suggested with a yawn. "It's been a long night and I'm not in the mood to make it go on any longer."

Rod nodded. "You got it." He turned to his wife and child. "Let's go home."

End of Part Twenty
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Sometime between the tinnitus going away and them being able to sit comfortably again.
Ironically, if they actually get corporal punishment (which may or may not happen) their specific power effects will reduce the impact.

Emma has a significantly higher pain threshold, and any bruises or even soreness will go away within minutes to hours.

And Madison has the physical endurance and toughness that lets her do pours of good steel for an hour at a time, so discomfort like that will have far less effect than it would have before she drank the vial.

The yelling will be far less bearable for them.
We all love a good Sophie-gets-it story, but does anyone know of any stories that look at Sophie's life? As in, how did she get to be the way she is?
We all love a good Sophie-gets-it story, but does anyone know of any stories that look at Sophie's life? As in, how did she get to be the way she is?

That's the same question I want to ask now that I'm all caught up, except that those are very much not the words I'd use.

Mine would be more along the lines of "What the ENTIRE f*&$ is her malfunction‽"
It's been literally years since I last read the source material, and at this point I don't remember much more than the broad strokes, but there is something very, very broken about Sophie, and it has clearly been the case at least as far back as Emma's extremely no good horrible encounter with the ABB thugs. Likely well before, and at least as far whenever her powers first lit off. In fact, I rather expect her powers are what they are at least in part because of exactly how messed up she is.

I can even see how it would be possible to explain her entire relentlessly vicious obsession with hurting people (especially Taylor) could be blamed on some aspect of her powers. It almost read like Sophia was getting worse the more she shifted into her shadow-form in the scene of her travelling between the Empire beat-down and Taylor's house. If it were to be revealed that there was an aspect of (unconscious or even unknown/unintentional) Master abilities to her powers, it could even help explain why Emma and Madison were so consistently and unquestioningly willing to go along with her despite the overall obviously deranged nature of the abuse.

Not saying this will turn out to be the case, or that powers work this way at all in this universe, nor even that I actually have much of an insight into Ack's writing, but it would be a possibility in at least some of the major superhero universes out there, especially the Big Two.

Regardless, I'm eager to read more in this world.
That's the same question I want to ask now that I'm all caught up, except that those are very much not the words I'd use.

Mine would be more along the lines of "What the ENTIRE f*&$ is her malfunction‽"
It's been literally years since I last read the source material, and at this point I don't remember much more than the broad strokes, but there is something very, very broken about Sophie, and it has clearly been the case at least as far back as Emma's extremely no good horrible encounter with the ABB thugs. Likely well before, and at least as far whenever her powers first lit off. In fact, I rather expect her powers are what they are at least in part because of exactly how messed up she is.
As I recall, it's mentioned in canon that she wasn't anywhere near this messed up before she got her powers.

Most capes get just enough conflict drive to keep them putting on that spandex and going out of a night (or day) to find something to test themselves against. Sophia got the whole jug of Kool-Aid.

She's also the only character who survived to the end of Worm with zero character development.

I can even see how it would be possible to explain her entire relentlessly vicious obsession with hurting people (especially Taylor) could be blamed on some aspect of her powers. It almost read like Sophia was getting worse the more she shifted into her shadow-form in the scene of her travelling between the Empire beat-down and Taylor's house. If it were to be revealed that there was an aspect of (unconscious or even unknown/unintentional) Master abilities to her powers, it could even help explain why Emma and Madison were so consistently and unquestioningly willing to go along with her despite the overall obviously deranged nature of the abuse.
There are some stories that actually predicate around Sophia having Master powers. I think it's simpler.

There are things that some people will not do on their own that they will gleefully indulge in once they're with a group that's in agreement.

(Think violent white supremacist rallies, where people get hurt and killed).

Any one of the perps, taken alone, wouldn't have done it. But together, they egged each other on.

Sophia was already going out and hurting people. She didn't need encouragement. Emma would have needed a little, but with the right words, she would've been in. Madison was just a follower.

As for Sophia getting worse as she went along, that was just her talking herself into doing what she wanted to do.

It started back when Emma and Madison started pushing back against her 'leadership'. For the first time ever, she was In Charge of something. She had a hero team she could call the shots with. But Emma and Madison were taking that away. They were denying her. So she pushed harder, trying to hold on to it. However, the more she dug her heels in, the more Emma and Madison pushed back.

When they voted her out of the top spot of the team, that was basically the last straw for her. She couldn't convince them to do what she wanted, and she couldn't force them into it, so she had to figure out another way to WIN.

It was Taylor's fault, of course. She kept refusing to follow Sophia's Plan for her. If she could force Taylor to accept her role as a villain, Emma and Madison would admit they'd been wrong and fall into line again.

So the best way to do that was to frame Taylor for a crime that she couldn't come back from. Thus, murdering Danny.

And if she didn't care about the lives of the assholes she shot with her arrows on a regular basis, why would she care about the useless father of a girl she hated?

So yeah, basically it was Sophia deciding to escalate to get what she wanted, and not caring who got hurt.